View Full Version : Help with a Tiefling Cavalier|Warlock

2017-02-23, 04:51 PM
I've been scourning the interwebz for a complete build ... strangely to no avail. Even the old WotC 'boards' Crimson Legion build has evaded my search.

In any event, I've cobbled this together based on what I could find (including some advice from MWaO to a poster on reddit or somewhere) but can't help but feel like I've mucked it up a bit.

Input would be appreciated if you would be so kind! Primary objectives: serving as the group's sole defender while still packing some off-striker punch!

EDIT: SPECIFIC QUESTIONS: Would Flail Expertise be better than DPE? What do you make of the two MC Fighter feats? Right now they are space filler as I'm not making use of Avernian Knight, but do you think that would be a better option?

EDIT TO EDIT: Could easily switch to ki focus or go Versatile Expertise. How would one deal with the Avernian Knight's STR based powers? Reserve Maneuver? Seems a waste....

EDIT THE THIRD: Would a Disrupting Alhaluk and Flail Expertise (and, eventually Lashing Flail) be superior to DPE?

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Amnon, level 11
Tiefling, Paladin (Cavalier)/Warlock, Champion of Order
Virtue: Virtue of Valor
Hybrid Paladin (Cavalier) Option: Hybrid Cavalier Fortitude
Eldritch Pact (Hybrid) Option: Star Pact (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlock Option: Hybrid Warlock Will
Hybrid Talent Option: Paladin Armor Proficiency
Eldritch Strike Option: Eldritch Strike Charisma
Tymanther (Tymanther Benefit)
Theme: Elemental Initiate

STR 13, CON 21, DEX 9, INT 11, WIS 13, CHA 21

STR 12, CON 16, DEX 8, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 16

AC: 30 Fort: 25 Ref: 21 Will: 26
HP: 84 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 23

Athletics +9, Bluff +17, Endurance +14, Intimidate +15, Nature +11, Streetwise +15

Acrobatics +0, Arcana +5, Diplomacy +10, Dungeoneering +6, Heal +6, History +5, Insight +6, Perception +6, Religion +5, Stealth +2, Thievery +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Elemental Initiate Attack: Disciplined Counter
Multiple Class Utility: Defender Aura
Paladin Attack: Righteous Radiance
Warlock's Curse Power: Warlock's Curse
Feat Utility: Paladin's Wrath
Warlock Attack 1: Eldritch Strike
Paladin Attack 1: Ardent Strike
Paladin Attack 1: Valorous Smite
Warlock Attack 1: Decree of Khirad
Paladin Utility 2: Call of Challenge
Paladin Utility 2: Virtue
Warlock Attack 3: Delban's Deadly Attention
Paladin Attack 5: Unyielding Faith
Warlock Utility 6: Chaos Armor
Warlock Attack 7: Touch of Command
Paladin Attack 9: Ray of Reprisal
Champion of Order Attack 11: Certain Justice

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Imperious Majesty
Level 4: Devout Protector Expertise
Level 6: Wrath of the Crimson Legion
Level 8: Improved Defenses
Level 10: Wrathful Warrior
Level 11: Battle Awareness

Vigilant Blade Longsword +3 x1
Dwarven Plate Armor +3 x1
Heavy Shield x1
Steadfast Amulet +2 x1
Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier) x1
Magic Holy Symbol +3 x1
====== End ======

2017-02-23, 11:30 PM
I should really go starting 13 16 8 11 13 18 post racial and do Battle Awareness at L10, then go Avernian Knight, shouldn't I? And stick with DPE. Still have the problem of the AK e11, though. Can't have everything?

2017-02-24, 12:14 AM
Why do you want to go Avernian Knight? Is it just for using your melee weapon as a Warlock implement? If you're not using a Flail then taking Blade Initiate (with 13 Int) to MC Swordmage grants you the ability to use Heavy Blades and Light Blades as Implements without sacrificing your paragon path.

I can only give some general build opinions since I don't know what you're aiming for with this build specifically other than being a Defender|Striker hybrid.

If you have Wrath of the Crimson Legion already, Eldritch Strike is sort of redundant unless you want to trigger Warlock's Curse on an OA (which won't happen very often). You could pick up Hellish Rebuke instead for the good old Catch-22 vs. creatures you've marked with Sanction. Throw in White Lotus Riposte for some more shenanigans. If you're worried about provoking OAs, you can Hellish Rebuke from afar and switch to Ardent Strike when in melee range.
Here (https://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?533681-4e-Critique-my-Paladin-Warlock) is an old thread about a Paladin|Warlock hybrid. One advice was to abuse Ethereal Stride to re-position in melee and Evermeet Warlock to leave your enemies confused. They can't see you and therefore suffer a huge penalty to attack you, so they either miss or go after your allies, at which point you get to Eldritch Strike them or punish them with your Defender's Aura.
If you don't mind a lower Con score (since that only gives you hp and surges), you could pump Int to get some sweet Warlock riders on their powers. You can also take the Long Night Scion paragon path if the campaign is slated to go to level 16 and above. Throw in Wintertouched + Lasting Frost for the good old frostcheese combo using a Frost weapon (also opens up Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold to pump all your damage).

2017-02-24, 08:57 AM
Thanks for the feedback!

Why do you want to go Avernian Knight? Is it just for using your melee weapon as a Warlock implement? If you're not using a Flail then taking Blade Initiate (with 13 Int) to MC Swordmage grants you the ability to use Heavy Blades and Light Blades as Implements without sacrificing your paragon path.

Avernian Knight would be for the bonus fire damage and the f16, which is additional mark punishment. Unless I'm mistaken, I don't need the PP for using a melee weapon as a Warlock implement, so long as I use a weapon enchant that allows the weapon to function as an implement (like a Disrupting weapon (in this case, Disrupting alhulak, I guess, for the +3 proficiency bonus).

Basically, I've been playing with the idea of a 3 person party lately and want to see if I can put together an interesting Defender that also brings some Striker heat, and so I thought AK works well in that it helps add damage via already existing character elements. I'm open to other suggestions, though.

If you have Wrath of the Crimson Legion already, Eldritch Strike is sort of redundant unless you want to trigger Warlock's Curse on an OA (which won't happen very often). You could pick up Hellish Rebuke instead for the good old Catch-22 vs. creatures you've marked with Sanction. Throw in White Lotus Riposte for some more shenanigans. If you're worried about provoking OAs, you can Hellish Rebuke from afar and switch to Ardent Strike when in melee range.

Yeah, this was kind of a bonehead call on my part. In fact, I wouldn't even be able to qualify for Avernian Knight and get Hellish Rebuke unless I swap out ES for HR and take Virtuous Strike for the MBA.

I don't see an easy way of avoiding the OA with a feasible set up, however (the usual routes, Staff Expertise, Shadowdance/Shimmering armor, Mighty Crusader Expertise, don't work with this set up).

One advice was to abuse Ethereal Stride to re-position in melee and Evermeet Warlock to leave your enemies confused. They can't see you and therefore suffer a huge penalty to attack you, so they either miss or go after your allies, at which point you get to Eldritch Strike them or punish them with your Defender's Aura.

An interesting possibility. I'll need to look it over more closely.

If you don't mind a lower Con score (since that only gives you hp and surges), you could pump Int to get some sweet Warlock riders on their powers. You can also take the Long Night Scion paragon path if the campaign is slated to go to level 16 and above. Throw in Wintertouched + Lasting Frost for the good old frostcheese combo using a Frost weapon (also opens up Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold to pump all your damage).

I'm definitely going to rearrange the ability scores as per post 2 and lose Wrathful Warrior. I'm not sure there's much I could/should do with regard to Warlock INT riders, though. Correct me if you see something I don't!

Thanks again.

2017-02-24, 11:03 AM
Champion of Order is kind of a lousy paragon path for a Con/Cha Cavalier|Warlock as opposed to a Str/Cha Paladin|Warlock You both don't have a str score for the E11 and don't have Divine Challenge for the F11. Con is more for if you're going Avernian Knight or want a lot of implement Warlock options.

You're mainly picking up Con as a second source of Warlock options, not because you actually have to do that.

Also, in particular, Avernian Knight should be very much about this catch-22:
Curse your target
Mark your target(being a Cavalier, moving adjacent works reasonably well and makes sure you curse the right target)
Hellish Rebuke them(no provoking if using a melee weapon due to F11)
When they try to shift away(to avoid the OA from ranged attacks), make an MBA with slide attached for Battle Awareness
Use Flail Expertise to prone them

Now they either can attack you and take the rebuke or attack someone else and take another MBA.

2017-02-24, 01:25 PM
Thanks, Mommy! My brain has been less than half functional as I've been mired in a cold or allergy attack or whatever assails my sinuses and throat at the moment.

In any event, it's allowed me the (relatively) guilt-free indulgence to play around with builds for a few days in lieu of other pressing responsibilities. I've tinkered around some more, and here's the latest iteration:

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Amnon, level 11
Tiefling, Paladin (Cavalier)/Warlock, Avernian Knight
Virtue: Virtue of Valor
Hybrid Paladin (Cavalier) Option: Hybrid Cavalier Fortitude
Eldritch Pact (Hybrid) Option: Infernal Pact (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlock Option: Hybrid Warlock Will
Hybrid Talent Option: Paladin Armor Proficiency
Tarmalune (Tarmalune Benefit)
Theme: Infernal Prince

STR 15, CON 19, DEX 9, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 21

STR 14, CON 14, DEX 8, INT 10, WIS 13, CHA 16

AC: 30 Fort: 24 Ref: 21 Will: 25
HP: 82 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 22

Bluff +19, Endurance +13, Intimidate +15, Streetwise +15

Acrobatics +0, Arcana +5, Athletics +3, Diplomacy +14, Dungeoneering +7, Heal +7, History +5, Insight +7, Nature +7, Perception +7, Religion +5, Stealth +2, Thievery +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Infernal Prince Attack: Hellfire Heart
Multiple Class Utility: Defender Aura
Paladin Attack: Righteous Radiance
Warlock's Curse Power: Warlock's Curse
Feat Utility: Paladin's Wrath
Warlock Attack 1: Hellish Rebuke
Paladin Attack 1: Valorous Smite
Warlock Attack 1: Decree of Khirad
Paladin Attack 1: Majestic Halo [L5 choice for Daily]
Paladin Attack 1: Ardent Strike [retrained from Virtuous Strike at L6]
Paladin Utility 2: Call of Challenge
Paladin Utility 2: Virtue [taken at L10]
Warlock Attack 3: Delban's Deadly Attention
Warlock Utility 6: Life Siphon
Warlock Attack 7: Touch of Command
Paladin Attack 9: Ray of Reprisal
Avernian Knight Attack 11: Curse Strike

Flail Expertise [retrained from Devout Protector Expertise at L11]
Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Imperious Majesty
Level 6: Wrath of the Crimson Legion
Level 8: Improved Defenses
Level 10: Battle Awareness
Level 11: Lashing Flail

Dwarven Plate Armor +3 x1
Heavy Shield x1
Steadfast Amulet +2 x1
Disrupting Alhulak +3 x1
====== End ======

2017-02-24, 05:18 PM
I think I might go Human actually. Something like this:
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Cavalier|Warlock, level 11
Human, Warlock/Paladin (Cavalier), Avernian Knight
Virtue: Virtue of Valor
Twofold Pact Option: Infernal Pact
Eldritch Pact (Hybrid) Option: Sorcerer-King Pact (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlock Option: Hybrid Warlock Will
Hybrid Paladin (Cavalier) Option: Hybrid Cavalier Fortitude
Hybrid Talent Option: Paladin Armor Proficiency
Human Power Selection Option: Heroic Effort
Proficiency: Implement Proficiency (Orb)
Chessenta (Chessenta Benefit)
Theme: Elemental Initiate

STR 14, CON 21, DEX 11, INT 9, WIS 14, CHA 18

STR 13, CON 16, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 13, CHA 15

AC: 28 Fort: 27 Ref: 21 Will: 27
HP: 84 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 23

Bluff +14, Diplomacy +14, Endurance +13, Insight +12, Intimidate +14, Nature +12

Acrobatics +3, Arcana +4, Athletics +5, Dungeoneering +7, Heal +7, History +4, Perception +7, Religion +4, Stealth +3, Streetwise +9, Thievery +3

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Elemental Initiate Attack: Disciplined Counter
Human Racial Power: Heroic Effort
Warlock's Curse Power: Warlock's Curse
Multiple Class Utility: Defender Aura
Paladin Attack: Righteous Radiance
Paladin Attack 1: Ardent Strike
Warlock Attack 1: Hellish Rebuke
Warlock Attack 1: Arms of Hadar
Warlock Attack 1: Decree of Khirad
Paladin Attack 1: Valorous Smite
Paladin Attack 1: Majestic Halo
Warlock Attack 1: Eldritch Strike
Warlock Pact Boon 1: Dark One's Blessing
Paladin Utility 2: Call of Challenge
Warlock Utility 6: Mirror Darkly
Warlock Attack 7: Elder Constellation
Warlock Attack 9: Vestige of the Onyx Queen
Diplomacy Utility 10: Cry for Mercy
Avernian Knight Attack 11: Curse Strike

Level 1: White Lotus Dueling Expertise
Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Mindbite Scorn
Level 4: Battle Awareness
Level 6: Improved Defenses
Level 10: Flail Expertise
Level 11: Twofold Pact
Level 11: Arcane Familiar

Magic Gith Plate Armor +3 x1
Magic Alhulak +3 x1
Magic Cloak +3 x1
Symbol of Victory +2 x1
Rain of Hammers Ki Focus +1
Orb of Nimble Thoughts +1 x1
====== End ======

There's some weird retraining in there - at 1st level, you have Hellish Rebuke and at 10th level precisely, you retrain it to be Eldritch Strike. At 11th, you retrain a feat to be Twofold Pact - which gets you Hellish Rebuke back and qualifies you for your Paragon Path. And I probably missed something, but it saves a feat and works faster at lower levels...

2017-02-25, 11:09 AM
Yes, that does get there more quickly and is probably the overall "better" build. Nevertheless, sticking with tiefling (and infernal prince) for the concept, which is central to this exercise, and taking some of your choices into account I tweaked my build to what follows. Also, sometimes I forget just how awesome Cry for Justice is. I wonder if you have any inclination to make an addendum to your Poachable Powers guide that identifies such amazing skill powers that should often be worthy of consideration. To my knowledge, indicators to such skill powers are spread out across a few guides only, if they exist at all.

A question for you on your build: Why Mirror Darkly on this build specifically, beyond just the general utility of the power? I mean, I guess it allows Hellish Rebuke without provoking at L6-10.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Amnon, level 11
Tiefling, Paladin (Cavalier)/Warlock, Avernian Knight
Virtue: Virtue of Valor
Hybrid Paladin (Cavalier) Option: Hybrid Cavalier Fortitude
Eldritch Pact (Hybrid) Option: Infernal Pact (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlock Option: Hybrid Warlock Will
Hybrid Talent Option: Paladin Armor Proficiency
Tarmalune (Tarmalune Benefit)
Theme: Infernal Prince

STR 15, CON 19, DEX 9, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 21

STR 14, CON 14, DEX 8, INT 10, WIS 13, CHA 16

AC: 30 Fort: 26 Ref: 20 Will: 27
HP: 82 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 22

Diplomacy +19, Endurance +13, Intimidate +15, Streetwise +15

Acrobatics +0, Arcana +5, Athletics +3, Bluff +14, Dungeoneering +7, Heal +7, History +5, Insight +7, Nature +7, Perception +7, Religion +5, Stealth +2, Thievery +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Infernal Prince Attack: Hellfire Heart
Multiple Class Utility: Defender Aura
Paladin Attack: Righteous Radiance
Warlock's Curse Power: Warlock's Curse
Feat Utility: Paladin's Wrath
Warlock Attack 1: Hellish Rebuke
Paladin Attack 1: Valorous Smite
Warlock Attack 1: Decree of Khirad
Paladin Attack 1: Majestic Halo
Paladin Attack 1: Ardent Strike
Paladin Utility 2: Call of Challenge
Warlock Attack 3: Delban's Deadly Attention
Warlock Attack 3: Lure of Loyalty
Warlock Utility 6: Life Siphon
Warlock Attack 9: Vestige of the Onyx Queen
Diplomacy Utility 10: Cry for Mercy
Avernian Knight Attack 11: Curse Strike

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Imperious Majesty
Level 4: Devout Protector Expertise
Level 6: Wrath of the Crimson Legion
Level 10: Battle Awareness
Level 11: Superior Will
Level 11: Superior Fortitude

Dwarven Plate Armor +3 x1
Heavy Shield x1
Disrupting Alhulak +3 x1
Amulet of Protection +3 x1
====== End ======

2017-02-25, 05:47 PM
Yes, that does get there more quickly and is probably the overall "better" build. Nevertheless, sticking with tiefling (and infernal prince) for the concept, which is central to this exercise, and taking some of your choices into account I tweaked my build to what follows. Also, sometimes I forget just how awesome Cry for Justice is. I wonder if you have any inclination to make an addendum to your Poachable Powers guide that identifies such amazing skill powers that should often be worthy of consideration. To my knowledge, indicators to such skill powers are spread out across a few guides only, if they exist at all.

A question for you on your build: Why Mirror Darkly on this build specifically, beyond just the general utility of the power? I mean, I guess it allows Hellish Rebuke without provoking at L6-10.

Probably at some point with skill powers/poachable. There's not quite the feedback mechanism that there was at CharOp, so that makes it harder.

Mirror Darkly is awesome on a Defender - they don't attack the shade, you as Defender have Insubstantial. In order to destroy it, they have to attack it. Which isn't you. Meaning it triggers Divine Sanction, because they're making an attack which doesn't include you.

Even if the DM doesn't agree with that - it is an attack that's not targeting you and has your defenses. At worst, you forced someone to waste an attack.

2017-03-01, 01:02 PM
Here's a version wherein I give up on the Avernian Knight PP as too expensive and instead aim for Questing Knight. I hate to give up the MC Fighter (that OA and trained Streetwise on a CHA primary character), but this has less problems overall, I think.

EDIT NOTE: Virtous Strike should likely be swapped out for something better after L8 when I pick up a CHA based MBA.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Amnon, level 11
Tiefling, Paladin (Cavalier)/Warlock, Questing Knight
Virtue: Virtue of Valor
Hybrid Paladin (Cavalier) Option: Hybrid Cavalier Fortitude
Eldritch Pact (Hybrid) Option: Sorcerer-King Pact (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlock Option: Hybrid Warlock Will
Hybrid Talent Option: Paladin Armor Proficiency
Twofold Pact Option: Infernal Pact
Tarmalune (Tarmalune Benefit)
Theme: Infernal Prince

STR 13, CON 21, DEX 9, INT 11, WIS 13, CHA 21

STR 12, CON 16, DEX 8, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 16

AC: 30 Fort: 26 Ref: 22 Will: 26
HP: 84 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 23

Diplomacy +19, Endurance +14, Intimidate +15

Acrobatics +0, Arcana +5, Athletics +2, Bluff +14, Dungeoneering +6, Heal +6, History +5, Insight +8, Nature +6, Perception +6, Religion +5, Stealth +2, Streetwise +10, Thievery +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Infernal Prince Attack: Hellfire Heart
Multiple Class Utility: Defender Aura
Paladin Attack: Righteous Radiance
Warlock's Curse Power: Warlock's Curse
Feat Utility: Paladin's Wrath
Paladin Attack 1: Virtuous Strike
Warlock Attack 1: Echoing Dirge
Paladin Attack 1: Valorous Smite
Warlock Attack 1: Decree of Khirad
Paladin Attack 1: Majestic Halo
Warlock Attack 1: Hellish Rebuke
Warlock Pact Boon 1: Dark One's Blessing
Paladin Utility 2: Call of Challenge
Warlock Attack 3: Delban's Deadly Attention
Warlock Utility 6: Mirror Darkly
Warlock Attack 7: Touch of Command
Warlock Attack 9: Vestige of the Onyx Queen
Diplomacy Utility 10: Cry for Mercy
Questing Knight Attack 11: Strength of Ten

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Mindbite Scorn
Level 4: Imperious Majesty
Level 6: Devout Protector Expertise
Level 8: Wrath of the Crimson Legion
Level 10: Improved Defenses
Level 11: Twofold Pact

Disrupting Alhulak +3 x1
Dwarven Plate Armor +3 x1
Heavy Shield x1
Amulet of Protection +3 x1
Razordark Bracers x1
====== End ======

2017-03-01, 09:57 PM
All right, sadly I'm finding it difficult to achieve the build in the way I envision: a tiefling primary Defender with some Infernal mechanical components that help bring a bit of heat with some Striker edge. I thought the Hellock idea might fit this perfectly, but, for the reasons MwaO demonstrates, it's difficult to pull off.

So this is an attempt to pull off the concept using MC Sorcerer. Yes, I'm fully aware Demonskin Adept is the optimal PP choice, but I want to keep Defender as the class's primary chassis, and DA tilts it too heavily towards Striker. (I'm willing to be talked out of this stance with a good argument.) This build also has a smidge of Leader healing built in, which is always a plus.

Questions: Am I crazy in thinking Hellfire Step synergizes well with Flame Spiral? Is there a more synergistic PP than Questing Knight? Starting 20 CHA too high an investment?

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Memnon, level 11
Tiefling, Paladin, Questing Knight
Tarmalune (Tarmalune Benefit)
Theme: Infernal Slave

STR 11, CON 18, DEX 9, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 23

STR 10, CON 13, DEX 8, INT 10, WIS 13, CHA 18

AC: 29 Fort: 25 Ref: 23 Will: 28
HP: 93 Surges: 14 Surge Value: 23

Arcana +10, Diplomacy +18, Endurance +13, Intimidate +16, Religion +10

Acrobatics +0, Athletics +1, Bluff +13, Dungeoneering +7, Heal +7, History +5, Insight +9, Nature +7, Perception +7, Stealth +2, Streetwise +11, Thievery +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Infernal Slave Attack: Hellfire Touch
Paladin Feature: Divine Mettle
Paladin Feature: Divine Strength
Paladin Feature: Divine Challenge
Paladin Feature: Lay on Hands
Feat Utility: Paladin's Wrath
Paladin Attack 1: Enfeebling Strike
Paladin Attack 1: Valorous Smite
Paladin Attack 1: Majestic Halo
Paladin Attack 1: Ardent Strike [retrained from Virtous Strike at L6]
Paladin Utility 2: Call of Challenge
Sorcerer Attack 3: Flame Spiral
Paladin Attack 5: Name of Might
Infernal Slave Utility 6: Hellfire Step
Paladin Attack 7: Price of Cowardice
Paladin Attack 9: Ray of Reprisal
Diplomacy Utility 10: Cry for Mercy
Questing Knight Attack 11: Strength of Ten

Level 1: Imperious Majesty
Level 2: Arcane Prodigy
Level 4: Novice Power
Level 6: Wrath of the Crimson Legion
Level 8: Devout Protector Expertise
Level 10: Improved Defenses
Level 11: Superior Will

Disrupting Alhulak +3 x1
Dwarven Layered Plate Armor +3 x1
Heavy Shield x1
Amulet of Protection +3 x1
Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier) x1
Boots of the Fencing Master x1
====== End ======