View Full Version : Level 1 V.Human Wizard - Magic initiate?

2017-02-23, 05:10 PM
I am building a character to start Adventurers League. I want to play Chance, a human wizard who will go onto to specialize in Divination. Originally when I built him I gave him the Lucky feat, as that was kind of his theme... He is a charlatan who uses his abilities to gain an edge in games of chance such as cards and dice.

His ultimate goal in adventuring is to find his place in the world. He is an outcast, and is often run out to towns for his underhanded ways. He longs for friendship and purpose deeper than conning people out of gold to meet his daily needs.

Anyway, he is not a combatant of any sort. All of his spells and cantrips are utility. He has no weapons and will probably never make an attack roll due to his general cowardice.

I feel like this might draw some ire from the other AL players as Chance will not participate much in combat, but rather be hiding in an illusion or otherwise staying out of sight unless he can shape an encounter with something like Sleep, Tasha's, or Fog Cloud, or by sending in his familiar to help.

I was considering delaying the lucky feat until level 4 and starting instead with magic initiate - Cleric. This could easily work with his backstory as Chance is an orphan, possibly taken in by a church as a youngster.

I would take the spells/cantrips guidance, spare the dying, and cure wounds. This would give Chance more utility in and out of combat, and the spells could be delivered by his familiar allowing Chance to continue to hide.

I don't really want to sell out his character in order to be more useful, but I also don't want to troll a bunch of new players haha. Lucky is not as effective as I won't be making any attack rolls ever, and hopefully not be getting attacked. It would mainly be for saves.

So what do you guys think? Delay lucky or run with it? Or maybe you have a better idea?

2017-02-23, 05:16 PM
Just so you know, the spell you learn from MI can only be used once a day. Cure Wounds won't be cast with your Wizard spells. I'd take Lucky and a Cleric (Trickery) level.

Honest Tiefling
2017-02-23, 05:20 PM
Consider this: Chance might be a coward, but is he a stupid one? Does he really want to annoy people armed to the teeth by asking for treasure in a combat he didn't help with? Are there spells that can contribute to a fight that don't make him a target? is he really going to just stand there and see people he's known get the snot beaten out of them instead of either booking it or helping?

I would say that you can still RP a coward, but still have some combat utility. Illusions are great, and fit the theme of misdirection. Useful in and out of combat, and great to aid people with. Nothing says 'go hit THAT guy' quite like polymorph! (through that is later level). I'd also pick up Shield, even if it is selfish. Being able to take care of yourself helps, especially with newer players. It's a combat spell, but if I liked my face the way it was, I'd pick it up.

Also, check to see what others are playing. With newer players, maybe they want to shine in combat. Consider running the concept by them and see what their reaction is.

2017-02-23, 05:21 PM
Ritual Caster - Cleric would be my pick. The idea being to gain access to some of their divination magic and become more useful that way.

Honest Tiefling
2017-02-23, 05:22 PM
Ritual Caster - Cleric would be my pick. The idea being to gain access to some of their divination magic and become more useful that way.

Oh, and he could pretend to be a cleric to fleece people, which fits in with the charlatan aspect.

2017-02-23, 05:31 PM
So just reiterating here that this is a level 1 character that I haven't played yet.

I would say that you can still RP a coward, but still have some combat utility. Illusions are great, and fit the theme of misdirection. Useful in and out of combat, and great to aid people with. Nothing says 'go hit THAT guy' quite like polymorph! (through that is later level). I'd also pick up Shield, even if it is selfish. Being able to take care of yourself helps, especially with newer players. It's a combat spell, but if I liked my face the way it was, I'd pick it up.

So his spell list is:

Cantrips: Mage hand, friends, minor illusion

Spells: fog cloud, shield, Tasha's hideous laughter, sleep, find familiar

I figured Tasha's and Sleep might be enough to contribute to a fight, the problem is contributing when He is out of spell slots. He could use minor illusion in combat to be tricky, but that is not terribly reliable because I have never met the AL DM.

Obviously at higher levels, Chance will become more of an asset with better spells, but its the first couple levels that worry me a bit.

Also, check to see what others are playing. With newer players, maybe they want to shine in combat. Consider running the concept by them and see what their reaction is.

So this will be my first AL character. I may bring a few characters and just play whatever seems to fit best.

Just so you know, the spell you learn from MI can only be used once a day. Cure Wounds won't be cast with your Wizard spells. I'd take Lucky and a Cleric (Trickery) level.

Right, but once a day cure wounds can be a game changer, especially if Chance takes damage.

2017-02-23, 05:34 PM
Right, but once a day cure wounds can be a game changer, especially if Chance takes damage.

At level 1-3? Sure. Later on, it will be laughable.

2017-02-23, 05:38 PM
Another thought, Inspiring Leader. Even at low levels if you have a decent charisma you can provide a significant number of protection after each rest.

2017-02-23, 05:38 PM
At level 1-3? Sure. Later on, it will be laughable.

Haha I see your point, though the venue only runs t1 AL afaik. However, Lucky will be an effective choice throughout Chance's career.

2017-02-23, 05:43 PM
There are plenty of cantrips that can be used in combat that don't have attack rolls.

Create Bonfire is a personal favourite.

2017-02-23, 06:02 PM
Right, but once a day cure wounds can be a game changer, especially if Chance takes damage.

For a feat? Healer is better. 1d6+4+target's level HP per short rest > 1d8+wis HP per long rest. Especially as you can use it on multiple creatures. Even though it costs 5 sp per use.

2017-02-23, 06:13 PM
Have you considered viscous mockery?

You could ask your DM if you could cast it without damage. Your teammates will probably love you in combat for it.

Edit: Though you would probably have to re-fluff it to fit a cowardly character.

2017-02-23, 06:16 PM
Have you considered viscous mockery?

You could ask your DM if you could cast it without damage. Your teammates will probably love you in combat for it.

Edit: Though you would probably have to re-fluff it to fit a cowardly character.

Viscous Mockery - The groveling kobold edition?

2017-02-23, 06:23 PM
Viscous Mockery - The groveling kobold edition?

If it's VISCOUS mockery, more like drooling kobold edition.

2017-02-23, 06:23 PM
So this will be my first AL character. I may bring a few characters and just play whatever seems to fit best.

If this is your first character, I would caution against this concept.

You definitely will not shine in combat (though you will have your moments). And out of combat you will probably be disappointed with how little you get to role play, as you will probably be sharing the player spotlight with 6 other people.

I believe a character like this can work, but you may want to save it until you are used to AL.

But hey, if you are dead set on Chance, you always have the opportunity to try him out before level 5.

2017-02-23, 06:25 PM
If it's VISCOUS mockery, more like drooling kobold edition.

Ouch! Yeah, I've been making this mistake for years lol.

2017-02-23, 06:34 PM
If this is your first character, I would caution against this concept.

You definitely will not shine in combat (though you will have your moments). And out of combat you will probably be disappointed with how little you get to role play, as you will probably be sharing the player spotlight with 6 other people.

I believe a character like this can work, but you may want to save it until you are used to AL.

But hey, if you are dead set on Chance, you always have the opportunity to try him out before level 5.

This is far from my first character, but it will be my first session in AL. I am going to bring a monk and rogue as well. If everyone is cool, I will play Chance. If not, I will surely have fun with one of the other PCs.

2017-02-23, 07:10 PM
In most AL modules, the party is hired to provide some function, guard a caravan, hunt meat for a feast, etc. Why would the coward Chance ever hire on to any of those jobs? If he was forced into joining due to circumstances, that would be one thing, but I think all of the AL modules I have played the party is hired to do a job that Chance would never even apply for. CoS season is an exception to that because the party is trapped in Barovia.
I ran with one party where one of the members absolutely hated giants and wanted to kill them all. Well, the adventure was to rescue a captured giant. Why would this character ever hire on for that job?

Chance is a great idea for a character, but not really a fitting one for adventurers league. He would be great in a homebrew

2017-02-23, 07:59 PM
If it's VISCOUS mockery, more like drooling kobold edition.

Me spell bad, so sue me. :smallbiggrin:

2017-02-23, 08:21 PM
Chance is a great idea for a character, but not really a fitting one for adventurers league. He would be great in a homebrew

Ah, I feared as much. Maybe I'll get to play a utility wizard one day. My regular game is pretty hack and slash but maybe I'll mix it up with my next character and play Chance.

2017-02-28, 07:40 AM
Ah, I feared as much. Maybe I'll get to play a utility wizard one day. My regular game is pretty hack and slash but maybe I'll mix it up with my next character and play Chance.

Adventure league can best be described as a doing missions for your secret organization. If you just assume that whatever you're doing is orders, the haphazard nature of the ga,es makes more sense.

Chance would probably work ok as a controller wizard, read treants wizard guide. Attacking is often not the best choice for a wizard!

But you would have to cut back on some of your more esoteric roleplay stuff because it just doesn't work in scripted adventure league modules. And sometimes you do need to step up and firebolt.

Taking healer feat would make you popular though. It's common to end up in groups without healers.

Maybe chance should be a cleric? A cowardly life domain cleric could work just fine.