View Full Version : Roleplaying What's your favorite party so far?

2017-02-23, 09:14 PM
As a player, with what party make up was the most fun RP you ever had?

For me it was:
-Half-Elf Old One Warlock, Pact of the Tome. Lawful Evil. (Me) Running joke about lecturing others were they cross the line of evil, proceeding with providing an exaple. A true believer in genocides, in order to set an example to future rebellions. His word was his bond however, and would never break a promess or betray a friend. Was promised dictatorship over Neverwinter if successful on his mission.

-Elf Wizard Bladesinger. Chaotic Evil. (My Wife) Picky on rising only skeletons, as she finds zobies disgusting, and fanatically kills any undead that still has rotting flesh on it. Was in charge of inside communications and transport mostly when out of battle.

-Half Elf Lore Bard. Chaotic Evil. (Best Friend) Playing a supposed diplomat, who insted of wanting to prevent war, merelly wants to assure it will start "not a moment too soon". His mission was to blame war crimes between cities and give reason for warfare between Luscan, Neverwinter and Waterdeep.

-V-Human Two Weapon Fighter Eldritch Knight. Lawful Evil (An other Friend) He was playing an edgy sellsword, with a "I let my actions speak instead of my mouth" kind of attitude, who we thought was mute till he cast his first spell with verbal components. When questioned about it, he just raised his shoulders as if nothing had happened. We never actually saw his full face, as he was wearing full-plate all the time.

Was starting at lv 11 and we were to gather info as spies for the Red Wizards of Thay in Neverwinter, Luscan and Waterdeep. A typical day would go with us receiving info about local military activities via divination spells, and then sabotage them, making sure to leave enough evidance and witnesses pointing towards one of the other cities.

So, what's your story? :)

The Ship's dog
2017-02-24, 12:43 AM
A Chaotic Neutral Halfling Draconic Sorcerer (me) that specialises in Enchantment magic and who always tries to swindle people out of a deal and goes with the side with the most wealth. I would be constantly using Subtle Suggestion to get my way into places and to get the most out of a deal.

A Chaotic Neutral Gnomish Lore Bard/Thief (friend) who literally built her character to be a giant troll (ironic eh?) and picked all the Illusion magic she could get. She Prestidigitationed glowing lights in front of peoples eyes to make them think they need sleep.

A True Neutral Goliath Dex-based Battlemaster/Long Death Monk (another friend) who trailed after us and was basically our escape vehicle and did whatever we told them to (up to a point of course). He would be the muscle when we needed him and also had a thing about stopping at graveyards, even when the city guard were chasing us.

The Gnome and I would waltz into places, placing illusions everywhere to mess with people's heads and use our massive Charisma scores to convince people that they were sick or just Suggestion people to give us what we wanted. If they didn't then we would come back later under Greater Invisibility and steal almost everything we could lay our grubby little hands on and stuffing it into the Bag of Holding we had. Then if we got caught we would jump into the backpack of the Goliath and get him to speed away (80ft move speed in combat from dashes is fun), often carrying anything we couldn't lift. We also had to check where all of the graveyards were in the city before planning our escape route when thing inevitably went wrong.

Our goal was to pull off the biggest run of bank heists in all of Faerun. Eventually we amassed over 100,000 in gold, gems and misc after making a deal with attackers from Ebberon

2017-02-24, 12:44 AM
So this was a homebrew game of 5e, and the DM was flexible with many rules. If I the group wouldn't have been so colaborative the game could've been a distaster since the begining.

The party was:

A Dragonborn Barbarian who used a homebrew version of the "Buster Sword" From FFVII. Basicly a giant dragon-like silver dude with a stupidly big sword (that he used with disadvantage despite having 20STR at the middle of the campaign) that crushed everything and always accepted a challenge.

The half-elf bard that wasn't a girl or a boy. The party kept shipping my character with it, and it was hilarious sometimes. It litterally had 4 Wisdom. It never was coincious of the surroindings and was childishly afraid night and lightning and so forth. It was super funny and loyal with its friends tho.

The vodoo-witch-doctor Goblin that for some reason was like a cute green kid (Despite being cruel as f) and needed to stab/shoot us with his darts in order to heal us. "THROW THE GOBLIN TO THE OTHER SIDE/TO THE ENEMY/TO THE DRAGON/TO THE FIRE!!" was something common to hear within sessions...

The drunk pirate rogue who wanted to bang anything that walked... or moved. Neat little character who fighted throwing licour to the enemy so they where also drunk. Firebolt+this was OP sometimes xD

The High Elf Kid transmutation Wizard with 4 Charisma who would only talk to his pixie familiar with trust and fail on any social interaction with the rest of the world. This was my character, and I loved the heck out of it. The reason to have 4 CHA was that the Bard rolled that for one of its stats and I told the player "If you keep that 4 and put it on wisdom, i'll set my CHA to 4 also."
I had high INT tho, so I was all about using spells to alter the battlefield and give the party the upperhand on battles.

Polymorphing myself and the party was something common to do for me. At one point we where fighting a dragon and (Suprise suprise!) the dragon was winning, because we where a useless lot of weirdos fighting this big, ugly, powerful being without appropiate preparation. So I had the really cool idea of polymorph the Barbarian into a Young Silver Dragon but when I was reading the spell I remembered that dragons aren't beasts, but the DM thought it was an amazing idea and allowed that. So there we where, about to die on the dragon fight and suddenly we where that useless lot of weirdos but with a dragon. Our dragon grappled the other and we started climbing up to it to finnally kill him. Many spell slots, saving throws and bardic inspiration uses after that we won the fight, it was the coolest fight ever at the moment. The barbarian loved me to the death after that, because his character's dream was "become a TRUE dragon" as he said.

We didn't ended that campaign tho, but it was a blast...

2017-02-25, 11:00 AM
My favorite party for which I was DM was the one where every single original member died and was replaced over the course of the entire game. The party of Theseus...

My actual favorite party was the following:

The Golden Dragons, treasure hunters extraordinaire! Dashing heroes who delve into forgotten ruins, always on the lookout for their hated rivals, the Gilded Drakes, whom they hate primarily for (allegedly) stealing their idea for a party name. Each player came up with a personal rival in the enemy guild. As the game progressed, it became abundantly clear that the Gilded Drakes were far more heroic and noble than us, and that our reasons for hating them were mostly petty and stupid. The party was as follows:

Simon Corin, Human Fighter: The self-declared fearless leader of the merry band, to whom nobody really listens. His rival is the Half-Orc Wizard Vanessa, whom he claims stole the name idea while they were at school together.

Clarence Corin, Human Monk: Simon's younger brother, master of hitting things with sticks. Sober and rational, but also profoundly lazy; their mother demanded that Simon take him adventuring in order to get him out of the basement. His "rival" is the beautiful Half-Elven Sorceress Thomasina Gladstone, who turned out to be a vampire.

Oscar Wildberry, Human Lore Bard: Your classic wandering troubadour, full of ancient proverbs and anecdotes that are occasionally correct! He seeks revenge on his brother, Roscoe, the Knowledge Cleric, for supposedly murdering their parents. (It turns out it was sort of an accident.)

Sordin Moss, Wood Elf Cleric of Throm: A fanatical itinerant preacher, seeking to spread the glorious word of his god, Throm, which would be easier if he had any clear picture of what Throm is, does, or stands for. Eventually succeeded in making a single convert, entirely by accident. His rival is the bloodthirsty, but surprisingly posh Minotaur Barbarian, Cramshaw.

Dixie Florence, High Elf Ranger: A simple, honest forester, and brave seeker of danger. Her rival is Ellen Snickett, a charming gentlewoman thief... who stole Dixie's heart long ago.

Torstein, the Tiefling Barbarian: A warrior who has made it his mission in life to FIGHT EVERYBODY. His rival is the one person who refused to fight him, a Forest Gnome Ranger named Colarra.

Eventually, after many scrapes, we were forced to team up with the Gilded Drakes to destroy the evil ancient artifact that menaced the land. After the dust settled, we found that the Gilded Drakes had made off with most of the treasure, leaving us to chase after them into the night. AND THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES...

2017-02-25, 02:21 PM
I've already posted multiple horror/comedy situations about my group but here they are again

Geoff, CG Dwarven Paladin of Lathander: very faithful, trying to redeem Sym, never gets off his horse. The GM may need to change his alignment to LG.

Aron, Drow cleric of Smolth; exiled from the underdark after blinding a bunch of Drow kids. Worships a goddess called "Smolth" (actually just Lolth in a bad disguise). He has a collection of junk that he tries to sell at every opportunity. He is super paranoid and only draws the line when he witnessed something gruesome. He can't optimize but he can still win any battle by himself.

Pipen: a halfling rogue: very greedy, has a lot of cash. He accidently became a demon worshippers after Sym pranked him. Likes to cast the few spells he knows. He will do anything to get money but won't do anything dangerous as he will go down after one hit.

Sym, Tiefling warlock (me), lies about his past and pretends to have an edgy backstory on how he damned his soul to save his family. He actually beat Graz'zt at beer pong while at Mage U and later left with his band. The band fell apart and Sym started traveling as a con man trying to get money. Sym's evilness directly corresponds to the about of things trying to kill him. So far Sym has been cursed 3 times and realizes that chaotic stupid was a bad idea in hindsight.

2017-02-25, 02:28 PM
- High Elf Eldritch Knight
- Feral Tiefling Wolfbarian/Fighter 1
- Rock Gnome Diviner

We've been so close and needed for nothing.

2017-02-26, 05:34 AM
- Drow Battlemaster Fighter
- Half-Orc Vengeance Paladin (following Sif)
- Halfling Wild Sorcerer

Also, I enjoy any party with Paladin, Druid and Bard as they are (IMO) team "We win D&D".

2017-02-28, 01:57 PM
I'll give you my four current games because they are all really good:

Acacius Vash - Tiefling Fiendlock
Ash Tundra - Fire Genasi Draconic Sorcerer
Whale - Human Open Hand Monk
Max Valentine - VHuman Arcane Trcikster (me)
Dora Ghostfire: Wood Elf Beastmaster
Slutty McWench Wench: Human Lorebard

This is my IRL Game. I have known all these guys for a long time and some of them are D&D veterans (since 3.5).
Anyway some of the interesting dynamics. The Tiefling is Lawful Good and will always stick up for the little guy which allows me the loveable Rogue to tease him for it. We also try to act as the concience for the Sorcerer as he takes everything literally and is a Pyro, Vash tries to stop him, I occasionally Encourage him.

Slutty plays as a fould mouthed prostitute who thinks everyone is useless. Whale is a bit of a quit one but when he does talk he normally misquotes bible passages.

Dora is the quietest so far but that matches her player.

Rydor Oreknuckle: Mountain Dwarf Battlemaster
Thodak Falconsflight: Half Orc Bear Totem Barbarian
Mihrren: Wood Elf Druid
Kileal (Son of Darial): Human Monk

This is one of my R20 groups.
Rydor is the grumpy old man, imagine a mix between polite gentry and sweary ruffian who enjoys telling war stories.....that's Rydor.
Thodak is.......he's a tad simple but loves his beer and his friends.
Mhirren is a new join so is still getting used to us but she has found a dragon egg which has just hatched....btw it is called Ducky. She wants Rydoer to be uncle to Ducky. Rydor wanted to eat the egg as an omlette.
Kileal is the son of Darial who was our bard who had a habit of taken peoples faces to try and use them for disguises.

Semphys Visail: Human Gladiator
Tamra Half-foot: Human Cleric
Gurty Gladstone: Gnome Wizard
Fentoris Vrixidor (Me): Wood Elf Ranger

This group is a bit more sporadic, only 3 games under our belt. Fentoris is a musket wielding gruff ranger who doesn't quite get social cues but has a soft spot for gurty (Who is terrified of everything [Side note.....Played by the same player as Thodak in the above story])
Semphys is supposedly a famed gladiator but is very choosey in his fights and we think he may be a bit of a coward.
Tamra is a cleric of selune who in game one caught Lycanthropy.

Nadar Clanless: Half Elf Hunter
Nor Corrin: Human GOOLock
Aideen Bloodsalt: Changeling Lore Bard
Innominate: Wood Elf Way of the Long Death Monk

I'd say this is our heaviest RP group. Well Nadar and Innominate are, we really play up to the characters and there is very little OOC chatter. The other two are not as talkative so remain quieter.
Innominate is a Monk who studued in a monastry dedicated to Kelemvor so he is always talking about funeral rites and how they are interesting, his hate of the undead is zealous and he has to inter as many of the enemies he kills [He even held a funeral for the Nothic]

2017-02-28, 09:44 PM
Vyth Scalewarder: a Lizardfolk Moon Druid (me) that wears shorts and a wolf pelt that snacks on fingers and attempts to fit it by laughing at the most inopportune moments.

Dolphus: Human Monk, Vyth's best friend and essentially Rock Balboa in D&D.

Ghesh: Silver Dragonborn Revised Ranger, who was best friends with my first character before Vyth, a Half-Elf Bard and he died first session and had a chance to come back but decided he preferred the afterlife and since then Ghesh suffers from abandonment issues and gets morose when new party members join in.

Athera: Aasimar Paladin who was a noble and has to put up with Vyth and his complete lack of social grace.

and finally Arcadius the Aasimar Cleric of Torm, who was buddy with Athera but sadly hasn't been able to show for a few sessions.

One particular moment in the campaign that was best RP we had was Vyth was told to go find a table at an inn, but had sat down to a table with two rowdy dwarves who proceed to insult him and after botching an intimidate check, gets thrown up on. One of the part members says "Vyth you just dont get people." to which he responded, downtrodden, "That cause no one understands Vyth." :smallbiggrin:

2017-02-28, 10:38 PM
Our DM wanted to do a one shot, letting us bring lvl 3 characters to the table.

There was 5 of us.

Each one of us rolled a bard...weirdly enough, without knowing what the others would play.

Through careful consideration after we learned this fun fact, we all had singing competitions along our journey....and the worst song...(WE ACTUALLY HAD TO SING / MAKE UP SONGS) kinda like Scanlan from Crit role....we all used Vicious Mockery against that player. You sing badly, you get mocked viciously

We then realized that we could also all use Vicious Mockery against any monster....the first killing blow came from someone yelling "I AM BETTER AT WALKING ON TWO LEGS YOU BIPEDAL REJECT" ....this was said to a Wererat we enountered.

The rest of the adventure was just....basically yelling insults at things we found causing enough emotional harm to eventually kill them.

2017-03-01, 01:33 PM
A game I just started a month or so ago is one of the better RP games I've been in so far. The whole party is 2nd level right now, and we ran a Zero Level Prologue story arc with these characters as well.

Lycan (http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SyZ7NKgsSg) Rogue (Me): Basically he wants to prove to the world that his race is not a monster, but he's woefully ignorant of almost all social customs. It's kinda hilarious.

Human Undying Light Warlock: Nothing out of the ordinary here, except that he's absolutely terrified of the dark. So he's pretty much always got a light source running, which makes my character a little peeved.

Goblin Monk: need I say more?

Elven Wizard: total bookworm. Smart, but not very wise, and always trying to read the books she finds.

Human Ranged Fighter: Very much lawful good. Borderline lawful stupid, though he plays it really well, which makes it a lot of fun.

You might notice we don't have a proper tank OR healer. Which has in itself led to some really fun and interesting moments.

2017-03-02, 03:45 PM
In D&D at least:

The party of 5:

1. A NE Barbarian Bear Totem Dwarf who was the illegitimate son of the king, the king thus got rid of him and just to get back at the dwarves he joined the Drow out of spite. He worshiped the God of the drow, shaved his beard daily and HATED other dwarves. However, he found out that it was all the God of the Dwarves plan to make him tougher so he could be King one day. To that he eventually punched out the king in his thrown room, and backhanded the God of dwarves. Ended up being forced to be king by the God of Dwarves by a Geas spell.

2. A chaotic neutral High Elf pyromaniac Evocation Wizard who was obsessed with documenting everything and learning everyone's secrets. He also had really bad ADHD and wanted to be famous for writing books about our adventurers.

3. A rather boring Life Cleric Dwarf who did nothing but stand around and be a heal bot and deal with insults from the Barbarian for being a dwarf.

4. A chaotic neutral, High Elf Vengeance Paladin with a mad hatred for orc, which was pointless because 20 mins into game number we were dimension dropped into a realm with no orcs in it. Past that she was my bodyguard that followed me around and made sure I never went home, not that I planned to anyway.

5. Me. To the party and the outside world I was a CG Half-Elf Bard who played the flute and danced. I was the head talker of the group and handled all the social situations. It tended to get on some people's nerves because I kept a bag with 100's of yellow sashes in it that I would hand out to people we met, or tied around every important place we ever went. I literally kept track of every time I put a yellow sash somewhere.

However, I was actually a LE Half-Elf Rogue Swashbuckler assassin who worshiped The King In Yellow, and left his marks all around as a sign for people who followed us of where we went and how to set up a cult there using Thieves Kant. I simply started the game with a ring of Mind Shielding due to having a great backstory. My ring was cursed and I could never take it off, and it is how the TKIY would contact me, because a fragment of his spirit was the soul trapped in the ring.

It took until level 7 for the party to ever notice I was not a bard, and they never found out I was evil. I even had a huge tattoo on my back of the Yellow Sign that nobody ever found out about.

It got to the point that people were so convinced, the DM tried to give me an Instrument of the Bards 4 times and kept wondering why I sold them.
I just told the group it was not my type of instrument, I played the flute.

2017-03-02, 04:27 PM
My favorite has to be the one I played when we first tried Curse of Strahd

I can't quite remember, but I have a shaky memory of a couple memorable characters.

A panhandling pirate rogue, that would always act overly polite.

And a communist elf ranger who tried to establish communism in Barovia (ended up getting killed by the shambling mound in Death House)

2017-03-02, 04:59 PM
The 'Lock Squad:
Each of us died as part of our backstory and got restored to 'life' by a vestige as the adventure hook. Thus we are all Warlock gestalts and our part of the bargain is to travel time and space looking for fragments of dead gods to feed to our master. In return we have a neat little demiplane of our own and get to keep any magic gear we come across.

Devlin, Silver Dragonborn Fighter//Warlock: My character, ex-mafia enforcer. Got backstabbed by an upstart in the family and aspires to become the new crime lord of all he surveys. Currently in possession of a powerful cursed blade and a belt of giant strength.

Jitilia, human Paladin//Warlock: A severe devilweed addict, was killed by foolishly hiding on the grounds of a noble's manor after getting in trouble with the town guard. Does anything the halfling wants because he has all the 'weed. Wields an animated, arrow-catching shield

Marcus, Halfling Rogue//Warlock: A former merchant murdered by bandits, soon realised that there was an opening in the position for god of trade & commerce and has been keeping a fragment or two for himself in order to take that position. Has an intelligent pair of swords that banter with everyone but refuse to be separated, useful mostly because they can cast spells when they are in the mood.

Alabaster, Gnome Sorcerer//Warlock: Previously a charlatan posing as a priest for a dead god, 'saw the light' when exposed to the vestige. Now masquerades as high priest to the vestige instead, carrying around a superpowered Rod of the Pact keeper as his 'badge of office'

Bardimar, Aasimar Bard//Warlock: A wandering musician petrified by a medusa centuries ago, we de-stoned him and he's been following us around ever since because he has nothing better to do now that the world he knew is long gone. Carries a suspiciously phallic flute that once per day turns one of his inspiration die into a d100.

Grak, Goblin Alchemist//Warlock: The odd one out in that he didn't die because we came across him in our travels and invited him to join us. As soon as we came across a fragment he gobbled it up all for himself and left (read: fled) in order to lead his tribe as the new goblin messiah. We fully expect him to return as a minor villain leading a goblinoid horde.

Good times.