View Full Version : DM Help Sorting the Unearthed Arcana

2017-02-23, 09:39 PM
It seems to me that the ever popular opinion here is that UA is broken, and or in general OP. However I feel that some UA content adds to the game. If you were to compile a list of UA content that you would allow at your table what would it be?

2017-02-23, 09:55 PM
Openly said by the dev staff, UA material have not been build in account of MC.

2017-02-23, 10:17 PM
Openly said by the dev staff, UA material have not been build in account of MC.

I understand this, the point of the thread isn't to bash the developers for not including multiclassing in their design of the UA content. The point of the thread is to see in general what UA content DMs allow at their tables.

2017-02-24, 05:40 AM
For me, it's case-by-case and may depend on the campaign. The only thing I'd always allow is Revised Ranger.

Fflewddur Fflam
2017-02-24, 05:57 AM
Where I play (the Bay Area), there's only AL and none of the UA is legal in the AL so I never see or play any of it. Just as well.

2017-02-24, 08:16 AM
A lot of the UA stuff is really flavorful and have some great potential, but there is some broken stuff out their which we have banned at our table. Lore Master/Paladin of Treachery/Theurge Wizard and we have recently added Undying Light Lock.

2017-02-24, 08:36 AM
I would allow the revised ranger - latest version.

It is a refinement of a class that has, unlike the others, gone through extensive playtesting - and it shows.

For once the content doesn't really step on the toes of other classes, it is appropriately powered and the power is distributed OK through the levels (maybe not so strong at the higher levels - but OK for most games from 1-10). On top of that it is flavourful and somewhat diverse.

The other UA... worth getting excited over in terms of ideas but not for actual, direct use. The recent sorcerer UA was pretty good - a lot of overlap on the fire theme but cool concepts all the same. I would allow all of those other than the stone sorcerer.

A lot of the others are not too powerful, but potentially too powerful in a specific campaign/style. Much like flying as a race feature is pretty balanced if you are always inside but becomes a nightmare if you do an aquatic adventure based on ships on the open water. I would put the bard UA in this category as well - there are a lot of coll abilities and it looks reasonable for a monster heavy campaign but if you are planning to have the major antagonists be humanoid some of their abilities might get a bit much.

2017-02-24, 11:59 AM
Where I play (the Bay Area), there's only AL and none of the UA is legal in the AL so I never see or play any of it. Just as well.

Why is it that "what some guys in a office made" gets one vote over "the same guys in the same office making stuff" is looked at with ridicule?

2017-02-24, 12:04 PM
Why is it that "what some guys in a office made" gets one vote over "the same guys in the same office making stuff" is looked at with ridicule?

Because they are a lot more rigorous with material they print into a book and they still suffer from power creep (looking at you Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide).

2017-02-24, 12:06 PM
Why is it that "what some guys in a office made" gets one vote over "the same guys in the same office making stuff" is looked at with ridicule?

Well I can bake a cake or take a **** in the same house, it doesn't mean both are equally good to eat.

It is the process of testing and reviewing and even thinking more deeply about things that makes it better.

2017-02-24, 05:12 PM
Following the lead of the others, I agree that a case by case basis is the way to go.

The main reason why, is that the UA are play test material, meant to be studied and tested. I think that simple alterations to balance the content is not only acceptable, but encouraged. In addition, I believe that many rules, classes, and races are altered by DM's to fit properly into certain campaigns.

2017-02-24, 06:19 PM
Things I would allow:

all of the "tool feats" from UA: feats
revised ranger
Ancestral barbarian
storm herald barbarian
forge domain
grave domain
protection domain
shepherd circle
arcane archer
way of the kensei
scout rogue
new favored soul
phoenix sorcery
all of the warlock invocations that don't give strictly better divine smite

As an aside, not everything that's not there is absence due to power level, some things aren't there because I feel they're too clunky or too samey. For example, I don't think either of the new warlock patrons are OP- it's more that the first is clunky with a few of its features, and the second is practically "pact of the chain except as your patron", aka samey.

2017-02-24, 11:25 PM
Things I would allow:

all of the "tool feats" from UA: feats
revised ranger
Ancestral barbarian
storm herald barbarian
forge domain
grave domain
protection domain
shepherd circle
arcane archer
way of the kensei
scout rogue
new favored soul
phoenix sorcery
all of the warlock invocations that don't give strictly better divine smite

From this list I would be cautious with the Changeling, at will alter self is fairly broken in the hands of a smart player. Imagine him openly committing crimes and changing his appearance so there is nothing you can do about it. Likewise he could hide his actions from the party as well.

Also, the scout rogue, 40d6 consistent damage every round gets stupid but only IF you're playing a high level campaign. If you know your campaign probably won't make it to 17+ then scout rogue is perfectly fine.

Way of the Kensei monk gains the stupid ability to use dex with 2h weapons, making it very easy to get great saves and armor class with great damage. If they're playing a straight Kensei monk I'd allow it, but if they're dipping 3 levels to use Dex polearms as say a paladin, I would not allow it.

Some that I would also include

Circle of Dreams Druid
College of Satire Bard
Scout Martial Archetype Fighter
Cavalier Martial Archetype Fighter
Seeker Patron Warlock
Abyssal Tiefling

Some of these I consider to be a bit weak but if someone was inspired to play one I wouldn't refuse them.

2017-02-24, 11:34 PM
I would allow any of the UA, nothing is overly strong in my eyes.

2017-02-24, 11:39 PM
Well I can bake a cake or take a **** in the same house, it doesn't mean both are equally good to eat.

That analogy is quite possibly the worst possible defence to that argument I've ever heard. It doesn't even make sense, and no it's not provocative, nor does it get the people going. It's not because of it being tasteless, but just inane gibberish.

2017-02-25, 02:11 AM
From this list I would be cautious with the Changeling, at will alter self is fairly broken in the hands of a smart player. Imagine him openly committing crimes and changing his appearance so there is nothing you can do about it. Likewise he could hide his actions from the party as well.

Also, the scout rogue, 40d6 consistent damage every round gets stupid but only IF you're playing a high level campaign. If you know your campaign probably won't make it to 17+ then scout rogue is perfectly fine.

Way of the Kensei monk gains the stupid ability to use dex with 2h weapons, making it very easy to get great saves and armor class with great damage. If they're playing a straight Kensei monk I'd allow it, but if they're dipping 3 levels to use Dex polearms as say a paladin, I would not allow it.

To the first I say encourage such creativity... at least in my group; not all of them are that great in the "role play" department, and focus a little too much on the "roll play" aspect.

To the second, I know that 20d6 can be a bit much, but it's split damage and thus more manageable; I don't know how you would possibly get consistently 40... Please explain...

To the third, that's in part my own bias. I honestly hate that monks are literally the only martial class that don't get any access to any power attack that works with their kit... Yes, you technically can use sharpshooter, but at that point you're not really being a monk, you're closer to a re-flavored ranger. As far as great AC+damage+saves goes, base paladin already does that better, friend.

2017-02-25, 10:00 AM
Where I play (the Bay Area), there's only AL and none of the UA is legal in the AL so I never see or play any of it. Just as well.

I haven't seen any AL that ever plays by the rules in STL. Been to a fee before and while pleasant enough I don't think any of them actually ran AL sessions.

One time the DM didn't show and I ran a one shot to teach players how to play 5e. The DM gave us XP for that...

2017-02-25, 10:06 AM
That analogy is quite possibly the worst possible defence to that argument I've ever heard. It doesn't even make sense, and no it's not provocative, nor does it get the people going. It's not because of it being tasteless, but just inane gibberish.

If someone is foolish enough to think that the place where something happens is the sole determinant of the quality of the output then I am hardly going to take a more intellectual tone.

It is the quality that matters, the process gone through to ensure that something is playable. Who does that or where it is done is not really relevant. It is still an Ad Hominem fallacy to argue that something is good because it is done by someone who also did other things that are good. Likewise to argue that something is good because it was done in the same place where other good things were done.

2017-02-25, 10:44 AM
Ad Hominem fallacy

Circular reasoning. Ad hominem is a personal attack.

"You're stupid!"

"No, you're stupid!"

Ad Hominem.

It's good because it was made by people who make good things.

Circular reasoning.

2017-02-25, 03:45 PM
A quick response not to allow
Rogue swashbuckler can hit and run without opportunity. Always gets sneak attack damage.
Priest grave negate crits make enemy have vulnerability to damage and get bonus necrotic damage
Priest protection impose disadvantage grant magic shield
Warlock undying light the best class cha bonus to radiant abs fire damage plus unlimited light sacred flame cantrip. If you go to -1 you pop up at 2/2 your full hp radiant burst 30 ft 10+cha bonus damage and blind all hostiles until end of turn
Also after short or long rest you gain temp hp lvl+cha mod and 5 friends get 1/2 yr lvl + cha mod
Warlock hexblade grants more damage and at 10 50% chance of not getting hit by person hexed
Wizard arcane tradition int bonus for initiative ,change any spell type to any element and make them save under your choice of stat. Str int wis etc add another spell slot to a spell and gain either more damage range or minus to save Also can switch out a memorized spell from one in book bonus action. Also at 17 can cast any 1 spell from any class Buff

2017-02-25, 04:24 PM
The overall power spread is still pretty narrow even with all the UA. I don't think there's anything I'd just reject out of hand. I would probably make players chose between either multiclassing or having UA available for their character though.

2017-02-25, 10:16 PM
It seems to me that the ever popular opinion here is that UA is broken, and or in general OP. However I feel that some UA content adds to the game. If you were to compile a list of UA content that you would allow at your table what would it be?

If the entire table agreed, I'd allow any UA archetype. Most initial reactions are way overblown.

2017-02-25, 10:37 PM
If the entire table agreed, I'd allow any UA archetype. Most initial reactions are way overblown.

Hear, hear!

2017-02-26, 01:23 AM
The only thing I'd dismiss off the bat would be Theurge. Not because of any argument of power level, but because of it being a blatant copy-paste of Cleric onto the Wizard chassis leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

2017-02-26, 09:32 AM
The only thing I'd dismiss off the bat would be Theurge. Not because of any argument of power level, but because of it being a blatant copy-paste of Cleric onto the Wizard chassis leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

Getting a high level frsture 4 or more levels early is totally fine since its the Wizard benefiting!


2017-02-26, 07:25 PM
At my table we allow all printed official work, plus the officially not printed work, as well as all UA. However most of my table don't even look at the UA so really this benefits only me, and i'll have you know i am very responsible with my characters, with heavy roleplay emphasis. That's right, i have a perfectly reasonable in character reason for being a Dream Druid 10/archfey bladelock 6/swashbuckler 4. Eladrin.
.........its because im playing nightcrawler.


but seriously. I feel like UA only gets out of hand in theory.

2017-02-26, 08:24 PM
Or when Multi-classing.

For example, I think its arguable whether the revised Ranger is OP overall, but its enormously front-loaded. Rangers get at level 1:

- Advantage on Initiative Checks
- Advantage on attacks on opponent who hasn't moved yet
- Choice of a favored enemy (against whom they get +2 damage on weapon attacks and double Survival proficiency to track)
- Ignore difficult terrain
- And a bunch of useful outdoorsy stuff (can't become lost except by magical means, double food from foraging, tracking tells you exactly what passed through, and difficult terrain doesn't slow the party outdoors)

That's a metric-ton of stuff to get for a 1 level dip.