View Full Version : DM Help Reskinning something for a gnoll avatar

2017-02-24, 03:26 AM
Hi all,

I'm building a fairly elaborate combat situation, where my players will be separated in a big battle, defending a fort. Each has their own little fight scene, with an appropriate level of enemies, and how they fare will affect a larger combat later (eg if the ranger successfully defeats the gnoll scouts, they will have more time to plan defences; if the cleric can fend off witherlings while aiding the wounded, they will have more troops to defend the fort (which means I knock some mooks off from the big battle).

But I've got a nice Yeenoghu-ish mini from Reaper Minis, on a large base, and want to find *something* to reskin it as. Can anyone think of a suitable large enemy, with some magic, that I can reskin? The premise is that the warband has summoned an avatar of Yeenoghu in the body of one of their shamans - the PCs have to defeat the warband's defenders to disrupt the gnoll cultists who're working to summon Yeenoghu. I'll give them, say, 10 rounds to slaughter all the cultists before the summoning occurs (the cultists will be 4e-styled "minions" - one hit to take down, for simplicity/story), but they still have to fight a gnoll pack lord, some gnoll blades, etc.

I estimate it would be an enemy of CR 8-9 at most, and ideally, by the time it might be summoned, they should have defeated several of the warband's members, but I'm just stuck on finding something appropriate to fight. Nothing in the MM or Volo's really syncs up, and the Tome of Beasts has lots of creatures, but I want to find something with that right flair for combat and magic, even if it is just a reskin.

Anyone got any ideas/suggestions/3rd party pieces to recommend?