View Full Version : DM Help Spring festival games

2017-02-24, 10:43 AM
Hi all, I'm planning to let my players take part in a spring festival where some competitions will be held.
The prize would be some gold and a bearskin, I've made a norse mythos inspired campaign so a bearskin is a social status symbol. Also the winner has a chance to gain a title.
But for them to win games they'll need to have games to play. I was thinking about letting them compete in a game of strength, skill, and wit
- I was thinking of a fight against the resident champion for qualifications. (fight a capable npc)
- A horse race, this will be an initiative roll and 2 animal handling or riding checks. I'll make it exiting by narration.
- Then for wit I was thinking having a riddle competition with the last remaining competitor and the rune master of the village, in which they'll do a Gollum vs Bilbo type thing.

I need especially help with the last part, because I've never done something like that. And I think my players will have trouble with it. I have it easy and can easily prepare 15 riddles and call it a day they'll have to thing off a few on the spot. I will let them help the last competitor for this reason (out of game).
A other way I thought of was just let them answer 3 riddles and then they have won. Or maybe let them ask just 1 riddle.

Sariel Vailo
2017-02-24, 10:46 AM
the riddles should be difficult yet simple but the dmg has some ideas for this. i just let them rp or roll it depends on the mental fortitude of the player whether i let them roll or rp