View Full Version : Optimization Single Classed Hexblade

2017-02-24, 12:23 PM
So. My husband is running a game and will be allowing a modified version of the Hexblade.

Specifically, he's made a "Cursebringer" invocation that allows a longsword and does not allow you to burn spell slots at 2d8 per slot smiting damage. Instead, a specific smite spell will be tied to the invocation that can be used on a hit with the blade itself maintaining concentration on the continuing effect. As a Hexblade warlock the smiting invocation I'll be using is Branding Smite.

He's also CONSIDERING a 9th level invocation to allow for a War Magic type invocation that may or may not be limited to melee-cantrips (Booming Blade, Green Flame Blade) or a single bolt of Eldritch Blast as a bonus action when you take the attack action (Two main attacks, 'off-hand' ranged attack)

All that laid out: We used 5d6k3 for stat rolling and I came out with, after half-elf racial mods) at level 3
Str: 11
Dex: 14
Con: 16
Int: 14
Wis: 15
Cha: 20

I currently plan to grab Warcaster at level 4. Her background is Criminal (Thief) and I'm more built toward Rogue/Bard skills. And I'm currently using Misty Step and Shatter for 2nd level spells, Hellish Rebuke and Hex for 1st level spells, and Eldritch Blast and Green Flame Blade for Cantrips.

After reading a lot of discussion on the need for Hex, and the options the DM is looking at for Invocations, I'm thinking of dropping Hex both to free up my bonus action and my concentration for other effects. I'm thinking Armor of Agathys might be the best option, there, as an extra 20hp, but shield is a powerful "Nope" button on demand. Though with AoA I can have the temp HP damage the target, then hit them with a Hellish Rebuke for their impudence in hitting me.

I plan to stay Warlock my entire career. No dipping or serious multiclassing. What do you all suggest I do?

2017-02-24, 01:03 PM
Oh! Invocations:

Agonizing Blast (For when Range is needed or appropriate)
Eldritch Sight (I'm the only arcanist in the group so someone has to have Detect Magic)

2017-02-24, 01:06 PM
For a pure hexblade, shield might be nice to have access to as a panic button early on, but your vanishingly few spell slots, and shields lack of scaling with spell level, means that it wont stay relevant to you for very long, While AoA stays good/gets better as long as your slot level keeps increasing. I'm a bit confused by the smite thing. Your DM is letting your sword supply the concentration for the paladin list smiting spells? That's an interesting mechanical alternative to just straight up smiting for damage, but while it's something a paladin might love, I'm not sure it will be as relevant to you, because, again, spell slots. The blade pact smites are huge in damage, possibly too huge when multiclasses get access to them, but for a pure warlock that much damage is pretty necessary for it to be worth considering burning your limited spell slots for it, and the smite spells are kind of underwhelming, even you you do get a free pass on their egregious concentration requirements.

2017-02-24, 01:14 PM
They are a bit egregious in damage, yeah. Which is why he's letting me use a longsword for the Cursebringer invocation (+5 damage, no Str MADness, Shield for AC) and looking at giving me the option to have some more at-will damage in the form of the bonus action bolt or War Magic. There's no choice in whether I can use the 2d8/level greatsword or not. It's this version or nothing.

I agree on AoA and I'll swap over to that, unless there's a compelling argument against it.

Though I should probably grab my "Cursebringer" invocation immediately, huh? Probably instead of Agonizing Blast. Or do you think I should skip out on it, entirely?

2017-02-24, 01:47 PM
Ok. You're obviously doing a little bit of Homebrew. I'm going to propose something that changes the Warlock considerably, but allows for much more versatility:

Abandon the short rest spell slots, and adopt the spell point system (from the DMG), using it for short rests.

For example: At level 3, you have two short rest slots, each is a lv2 spell slot. A level 2 spell is worth 3 spell points, so every short rest, you get 6 points.

Why do this?

Because it allows you to still be short rest dependent, and give you the ability to cast low level spells when you want to. The Shield spell is a 1st level spell, and you can cast it at its actual cost (2 spell points, for a 1st level spell).

My second suggestion, somewhat separate from the first: Hex isn't worth it. You're a Hexblade, you're likely in melee most of the time. That means you're getting hit more often, meaning more Concentration checks. So your Concentration is spent on the Hex spell, and you likely won't be able to keep it going long enough to actually get the necessary mileage out of it to make it worthwhile. At higher levels, you'll have to give up a 3rd, or 4th level spell slot for Hex. That's rarely worth it.

Though that changes a bit if you can cast Hex using the short rest spell points. Because then it can always be cast at lv1 and doesn't take up half your spell slots like it would for any other Warlock.

2017-02-24, 03:44 PM
Yeah, I'd avoid concentration, or stick to concentration spells with defensive and offensive applications such that they can help cover for themselves on the con save front. Things like darkness. Or bless, if you had access to it, which you don't. Normally, I'd say save those slots for cursbringer damage, but that's not really an option for you.

Armor of agathys should do you fine for the most part, though.