View Full Version : Player Help We have to save my family!

2017-02-24, 02:13 PM
Hi! Gosh I haven't used these forums in ages. I should amend that. But I've a bit of a problem and I could use some suggestions.

In a campaign I've been accepted into, the DM is allowing me to play a kobold, and had me take the Knight with the retainer background to represent my backstory (Dragonwrought, orchestrated the death of my tribe's (Extremely evil) Dragon, ran away with my siblings). All of this has me super excited except now I'm stuck with the worry that I'm going to come back from a dungeon delve to our party's camp, happy to see my siblings, only to see some random adventurers had thought they were doing a service and slaughtered them all. This... worries me. A lot. My current thought is slowly going Max-Carpentry on a wagon to make it a mini mobile fortress they can hide in, but that can only do so much. If you all have any ideas, I'd love to hear them. Think of the kobolds!

And thanks for taking the time to give this a gander!

2017-02-24, 05:35 PM
First, learn more about the setting. Not every world has the same approach towards "monstrous" races. In Eberron, kobolds (well, not as much kobolds as goblinoids, but still) are taxpayers too and indiscriminately killing them makes authorities angry.

2017-02-24, 06:12 PM
I did ask about the setting, and he said kobolds left alone outside of their tribes are easy prey to... a lot of things. It made me a bit defensive about things really. I want to give the dm a chance since I doubt he'd just make my background useless with no warning. But I can't just depends on good graces I suppose either.

2017-02-24, 06:22 PM
Firstly, don't go off trying to fight adventurers yet, just hide out and don't bother anyone. Then lay a carefully thought out trap and weight for some poor saps to get caught, kill them and steal the gear. Then burn the bodies because no one can no. Eventually you'll get lucky and you'll run into a party with a couple magic items, and you and your siblings at least won't die. Also if you are acting generally good, your character can laugh in the celestial planes while some dumb paladin who thought he was being righteous, has to go atone for his sins.

In the campaign world are kobolds generally evil, or are their notable examples of good or neutral kobolds?

2017-02-24, 10:05 PM
As I'm aware, there's a nation that isn't all too racist, but dragon worship is its main basis, so I don't think I'd be all too welcome there. From what I know (The DM has been with holding info on the full seeing to make it genuine/anti metagame) kobolds are primarily tribal and just... survive. Sometimes by raiding farmsteads to caravans, or other minor tribal things. The one I was from was mostly isolationist until the Evil dragon took it over.

2017-02-24, 10:09 PM
You can actually do a lot to blend in with a suitable disguise. Find an outlying farm & murder the family there. Skin them & dress your family in their skin. Pass yourself off as a nice humanoid family fleeing scary murderous kobolds. Piece of cake

Or build a small fake cage. Whenever you must leave your family alone, have them keep an eye out & if they see anyone have them hide in the cage & pretend they were caught by other adventurers, another evil race etc. Be meek & pathetic. They probably wont kill them immediately.

Or bring them with you most of the time, keep hem near he back.

Honest Tiefling
2017-02-24, 10:21 PM
So...Is there a party? If so, get them on board to protect the kobolds. If there is a goodly paladin or priest, I'd consider converting the siblings (good for some RP with another player to boot!) to their religion and dressing them up in holy symbols of that religion. Just explain to the priest you don't want your family hurt, and maybe an adventurer would think twice about murdering a kobold wearing the signs of a good god!

I guess I just find the idea of kobolds in cute little robes just so adorable as well.

2017-02-24, 10:29 PM
I guess I just find the idea of kobolds in cute little robes just so adorable as well.
I think Kobolds are pretty much adorable all the time. Even when they're crazy pyromaniacs.
I actually had a little kobold life cleric who wore simple brown robes over her armor and used a staff and wooden shield (m. initiate for shillelagh). Every other player thought she was adorable, so I guess you're not the only one.

What if that other nation worships good dragons? Then you'd be totally welcome there. Maybe they worship Bahamut.

2017-02-25, 01:17 AM
So far the confirmed party is going to be an Alchemist. The other player hasn't decided yet. Hopefully something beefy.

Anderlith your first suggestion is... Very disturbing.

I like the idea of signing them up to a religion, though Religion might be sour on their tongues since they just escaped having to worship a dragon. The one Nation worships both Bahamut AND Tiamat, my fear is that word may eventually travel about said dead dragon and that I was responsible (Long story short it was my character that led the adventurers who did the actual killing to the dragon. I'm just level 1, haha.) and you know... summary "off with his head!"

Currently working on traps, the cage might be a neat idea later on when I have money. Its too bad glyph cost money, and aren't sorcerer spells... Would make this process a lot easier.

I've always loved kobolds ever since I started DnD, adorable and could get away with anything if they played up their cute factor. Plus the idea of an adventuring kobold is hilarious, I always picture a merchant stall and the merchant seeing a tiny hand pop up over the counter, grab an item, pop back up with coins, and when he leaned over to see wtf happened, the kobold was already gone.

2017-02-25, 10:54 AM
What level are you? You're a knight; is that your class? Are your siblings nomadic and wandering with you, or are they sedentary in a new hiding place? Are there non-kobolds in their new home?

Kobolds' best defense is community; they're terrifying if given a chance to build up a home for themselves. Their stealth and traps are marvelous for staying out of the line of fire and dissuading aggressors determined enough to pursue them. What are your siblings' skills and - if any - class abilities? I think your best bet is to focus on their ability to hide and flee first.

You'll want to build up a trusted relationship with a community that is NOT an "acceptable target," next, and make a home for your family amongst them. Marketable skills will be helpful, there; this could include building traps for hunting and for defense of the community, if your siblings have stereotypical kobold strengths. Having humans, adwares, elves, gnomes, or halflings who'll tell the would-be do-gooding adventurers who want to "do a service" by killing "evil" kobolds to cut it out will be a useful defense.

Do not follow any of the evil advice given in this thread. Acting like monsters won't let you blend in, even if you want it to; it will draw the very adventurers you fear.

Discuss it with your party, as well. Maybe you should do the old-school adventurer thing and hire camp followers to maintain a base camp. Hire your siblings amongst their number, and hire some warriors to protect it while putting your siblings' trap-making skills (if any) to work on helping defend the base camp.

Honest Tiefling
2017-02-25, 11:16 AM
I like the idea of signing them up to a religion, though Religion might be sour on their tongues since they just escaped having to worship a dragon. The one Nation worships both Bahamut AND Tiamat, my fear is that word may eventually travel about said dead dragon and that I was responsible (Long story short it was my character that led the adventurers who did the actual killing to the dragon. I'm just level 1, haha.) and you know... summary "off with his head!"

That's the beauty of it. They don't really need to believe, just to put on the symbols and pretend. If they are REALLY sour about religion, tell them they are tricking people! Who doesn't love doing that.

2017-02-27, 11:21 AM
I'm a knight in name only, haha. Its the background the DM said I should take to reflect my backstory for having taken my family with me. I'm a level 1 Rogue to begin, but I plan to do wild magic to represent the raw magic for being "Dragonwrought". I like these suggestions though, thanks so much! I'll definitely be putting these to use. I'm not sure how I'd feel about leaving them in a town, but that sounds like a good goal to strive for!

2017-02-27, 12:13 PM
In an ideal situation, where do you picture your family living? What lifestyle?