View Full Version : Waterdeep Henchmen Creation - Help

Barbarian Horde
2017-02-26, 04:43 AM
We are using post spell plague Forgotten Realms. The campaign we are using Xanathar, and elder orb that runs Waterdeep. PCs find themselves in Waterdeep going back and forth to Skullport working for the one known as Xanathar.. The creature older then most who sits upon his throne under skullport to rule them all. What devious plan awaits the people of Waterdeep in this new age as Xanathar decides to make his power plays to reach the top. Where are the Red Sash? Where are the heroes in this urban setting? Basicly a new Elder Orb has decided to rise up and claim back the title of Xanathar. At the moment the players are all level 5 in a mid power campaign. Min/maxing isn't really an issue as players have been subtle with their choices for feats.

I see a competitions on these forums when I'm lurking. I've never participated, but I know there are some obscure things I was not aware of do to my lack of experience. I hope some of those who do enjoy building characters for a world might take an interest in this post. ^.^ I look forward to any help the community can provide.

What I'm here to ask is for those who just enjoy making characters or have plenty pre mades to spare, I'm looking for a wealth of character builds that range from CR 5 all the way to CR 18 for my campaign. I need henchmen, and henchmen for the henchmen. Gangsters, mobsters, and even plumbers. I need redsash heroes, and church clerics to boot. Rebels and rivals, perhaps towns guardsmen too. All ideas are welcomed. Dust off those never used character's and lets have a look.

If you happen to have a background I'd love to read them, perhaps reuse them if possible keeping the character as close to the original as possible.

Whats been created so far. Everything else I've ether just created on the spot when PC insist on fighting something. Having to create a character sheet for enemy x takes a few minutes. Dungeons I pull from the MMs
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Xanathar's fence for stolen goods

Olath is darker than even the darkest drow making his skin almost blue-black. This is made even more stark by his whiter than white hair that he keeps in a mohawk. He is old. His skin shows the weathered appearance of an elder drow. He is covered with scars and tattoos, most prominent among these tattoos is a giant spider that covers his entire face. If you look too long at his tattoos, they appear to move. His skin appears to writhe in a mass of spiders and webs. His voice is smooth and quiet just above a whisper. Every word exudes an intimidating menace that lets you understand that you are already dead in his glowing red eyes.
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2017-02-26, 01:20 PM
Would you mind being a bit more specific about types of creatures, I have a ton of stat blocks laying around that I could use to help, but I'm unsure for example, how much you might want say....an undead nymph vs. some dragon cultists. Do the enemies have any particular them or style you'd like?

Barbarian Horde
2017-02-26, 02:34 PM
Not in particular. Skullport is a lawless place of slave traders, pirates, and demi-humans, where illithids, drow, beholders and other less savory creatures traffic with merchants and buccaneers from the surface.