View Full Version : Player Help Need backstory help for Yuan-Ti pureblood in Curse of Strahd

2017-02-26, 07:38 PM
So basically, I'm planning to go Yuan-ti druid for my Curse of Strahd death build. As Yuan-Ti are sociopaths by nature, I'm having trouble figuring out why Strahd would bring a Yuan-Ti in. They're pretty much uncorruptable, because they're already naturally corrupt. My DM has ok'd the Yuan-Ti, but he's also a fan of interesting characters with backstories and character traits. I already wrote my one "clever" backstory for this campaign (drow light cleric through some heavy finagling), so I'm kind of at a loss for ideas. I come to you, oh GiTP community, looking for advice on how to write a backstory that's a good fit for a Curse of Strahd campaign, but also doesn't disrupt the nature of the Yuan-Ti pureblood as a race (IE, not making them a non-sociopath or special snowflake). So far the only idea I have is as a corrupting influence, and I feel that's a bit weak considering Barovia itself is basically one big corrupting influence. Maybe something that plays off the druid aspect, I don't know. Any ideas?

Disclaimer: I don't know why, but threads by me and other posters on this campaign have have attracted negative comments against the DM, mostly by those who don't fully understand the corruption of good characters aspect of Curse of Strahd. I don't really know if this warning applies here, but please don't do that.

2017-02-26, 08:22 PM
Strahd doesn't need to corrupt your character. He can use your character to skew the moral compass of the group and corrupt others through your presence. Your ruthless efficiency, your cruel cunning, and your willingness to commit evil on their behalf may fool them into believing their hands are clean as they slip further into corruption by working with you.

You're not someone to corrupt. You're Strahd's insidious and unwitting pawn.

Honest Tiefling
2017-02-26, 08:23 PM
I don't know much about either, but here's some ideas:

1) Strahd didn't pull the character in, someone or something else did. This DOES play havoc with some of the lore, but I thought I'd suggest it just in case.

2) Strahd isn't interested in corrupting the Yuan-ti, but they do play a factor in corrupting someone else, or to be used against one of the other players.

3) As for the corruption...Yuan-ti might be cold, but a lot do work for the betterment of their tribe, using cold logic to strengthen it on the whims of their god. Many darklords become darklords because of betrayal and crimes of passion. Your Yuan-ti is losing their cold, logical, pragmatic side. They give in to mindless rage and destructive impulses. Long reaching plans are less and less attractive or viable, giving way to the sheer pleasure of destruction for destruction's sake.

The very nature of the Domains of Dread is forcing your character to not just empathize with others, perhaps just to better torture the Yuan-ti. Everything you know about yourself is being eroded away, replaced with things that didn't exist before. What remains looks like the creature it once was, but it has a completely different mind and personality now. The more this Yuan-ti gives in to corruption, the less of what they once were remains.

2017-02-26, 10:23 PM
3) As for the corruption...Yuan-ti might be cold, but a lot do work for the betterment of their tribe, using cold logic to strengthen it on the whims of their god. Many darklords become darklords because of betrayal and crimes of passion. Your Yuan-ti is losing their cold, logical, pragmatic side. They give in to mindless rage and destructive impulses. Long reaching plans are less and less attractive or viable, giving way to the sheer pleasure of destruction for destruction's sake.

The very nature of the Domains of Dread is forcing your character to not just empathize with others, perhaps just to better torture the Yuan-ti. Everything you know about yourself is being eroded away, replaced with things that didn't exist before. What remains looks like the creature it once was, but it has a completely different mind and personality now. The more this Yuan-ti gives in to corruption, the less of what they once were remains.

I'm drawn to this answer, it seems like a basis for a pretty epic character! I'll probably try this. Thanks guys!