View Full Version : DM Help Triple Black Diamond: snowboard chase scene

2017-02-27, 01:12 PM
My players are likely to end up at the top of a slope, with some "shields" stacked nearby. A couple of platoons of kobold ski troops (with submachineguns and grenades), arrive, and we'll cut to a James Bond-ian snowboard chase scene. How would you run the chase? I'd initially thought to put in moguls, rails, trees, etc, with different effects; but I'm now thinking do it as a series of Acrobatics rolls with a Push Your Luck element. The PC can set whatever difficulty she chooses; if she fails, she loses some of her lead ahead of the kobolds, but if the kobolds fail it, one of them drops out of the chase.

Other ideas on how to go about it?

The kobolds have sonic grenades in addition to frags and smoke, so they will accidentally set off an avalanche partway down the slope.

2017-02-27, 02:17 PM
Sounds like you want to use a skill challenge


I would say that the party needs as many successes as their are patrols of kobolds

Any failures result in the kobolds getting an attack on the party member

Here are some skills that they can use ( remember any skill they can make a case for is also fine)

Acrobatics ( as you said)

Athletics (Shove the kobold off his sled)

Sleight of Hand ( Take off a ski from under the kobold sled)

Nature ( Navigate a thick group of tree's)

When the party crashes the last sled, have it crash into a snow bank and explode,( triggering the avalanche)
The group would probably want three success to avoid the avalanche, failures result in taking cold damage from the snow or being buried if enough accumulate)