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View Full Version : Brainstorming, ideas, suggestions for the beginning of my arc.

2017-02-28, 07:53 PM
Community have such an amount of experience and creative ideas.

So I would like to ask for your ideas

Hers the start of my arc.

My players start out in a small village, where they have bonded and created ties to the people, ie families, a house, work, etc in a session 0. The players will be invaded by a small force of undead creatures and they must fight to protect their simple and weak village in terms of combat prowess. Next they will have to seek out the necromancer behind the undead attack in a nearby equally small village, and discover that the necromancer is only a slave to a greater master intent on turning the living. On return to their own village halfway they meet their townsfolk fleeing. The refugees start a new settlement, and the arc to protect the region from undead evil has begun.

Honest Tiefling
2017-02-28, 07:57 PM
My players start out in a small village, where they have bonded and created ties to the people, ie families, a house, work, etc in a session 0.

Has this happened? If not, brainstorm ways to make it happen. PCs are notoriously difficult to form attachment to the NPCs you want them to form attachments to.

The players will be invaded by a small force of undead creatures and they must fight to protect their simple and weak village in terms of combat prowess.

What happens if they enter into a failure state? All of the NPCs they have formed attachments to are dead. Is there a back up plan if players feel bummed out if this happens? What resources and terrain do they have access to?

Next they will have to seek out the necromancer behind the undead attack in a nearby equally small village, and discover that the necromancer is only a slave to a greater master intent on turning the living.

What happens if they instead decide to relocate the village and escort them? Or warn other villages of the danger? Or ask whoever is in charge for help?

On return to their own village halfway they meet their townsfolk fleeing. The refugees start a new settlement, and the arc to protect the region from undead evil has begun.

Again, there is the issue of them instead going to the local lord or whatever and asking for protection. If the nobles are useless, then asking a monastery or another religious organization for aid. Or if they decide to keep going and outrun the undead instead of fighting with a bunch of sick, starving or eldery people.

2017-02-28, 08:08 PM
Could have perhaps mention'd it above.
I'm looking for more content to add to the story, ideas on what more i can add, to what I have and ideas for future arc related things.

I know they will play trought the part above as mention'd. Becuse i will make the first fight so easy they can't fail.
And contingency plans if they where to fail in killing the first necromancer, which is also fairly easy.
I know this is kinda bad DMing not being open for everything, but it's just to start of the arc, from there on out I will not "force" them like this any more.

They will return to there city due to there strong connections there. The strong connections, have not yet been made. But will be, once we play session 0. (The players will form a lot of the village they start in, along with connections to work, family, a house, etc.)
The players has already agreed to play a campaign like this, where there home is important :) Thus without further details.
I will also make sure the townsfolk and there important's will survive, so they may continue to protect them and possible create a new village with them. I know they enjoy creating new stuff a lot, as well as being part of something new.
It will be downtime period play, and in between arc story and side quests management.