View Full Version : What's the best one word acting you've seen?

2017-02-28, 09:18 PM
Any media, though film or tv is probably the best to pick from.
For me personally, I have to go with Wolverine in Days of Future Past. When Charles asks him the last thing he remembers and his only response is "Drowning"; as someone who almost died from drowning as a kid, he just seems to capture that feeling of hopeless dread and pain with his delivery and facial expression. To be forced to remember something like that would be devastating.

I'm interested to hear your thoughts Playgrounders!

2017-02-28, 11:16 PM
A classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEOHFbhWiG0

2017-03-01, 06:46 AM
Acting! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGGEymAXD7s)yup

2017-03-02, 05:33 PM
Acting! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGGEymAXD7s)yup

This. How can some people not love that man?

More seriously, I can't name an example. Because I don't enjoy good acting as much as entertaining acting, I guess.

The Glyphstone
2017-03-02, 06:08 PM
Does it count if it's just one word repeated?

Cause there's always KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRnSnfiUI54&t=0m17s)

Aotrs Commander
2017-03-02, 06:27 PM

No, no, I'm actually (uncharacteristically) being serious.

Ikue Ohtani manages to do a pretty damn amazing job for saying what little vocabulary she has to work with.

2017-03-02, 07:11 PM
Seriously? We get a Trek entry but no one thinks to mention Kirk's reaction to Spock's death? You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Admiral Squish
2017-03-02, 07:21 PM
Maybe not the most dramatic, serious answer, but: Narp? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir1sVy9JLyo)

2017-03-02, 07:33 PM
He is the one... word actor:
Wow! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ5iFQv1KaE)

2017-03-02, 07:39 PM

No, no, I'm actually (uncharacteristically) being serious.

Ikue Ohtani manages to do a pretty damn amazing job for saying what little vocabulary she has to work with.

Thats very true, pikachu has given entire speeches with that one word, and they were very inspiring indeed.

*EDIT* Also, MUUUUUSIC! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY9gKpFmy64)

2017-03-02, 08:23 PM
Some of you might laugh at this, but the original japanese dub of Dragon Ball Super, when Goku uses the Kaioken against Hit.

Masako Nozawa is in her 80s and has been voicing Goku for decades. The power up sequence followed by the Single Shout of Kaioken! (https://youtu.be/CND87JyaIOs?t=1m24s), at least by my reading seems to encapsulate her entire experience with the character.

The fact that it segues into an awesome fight sequence is just gravy.

At least, that's my opinion.

An Enemy Spy
2017-03-04, 01:55 AM
There's a part I love right near the end of Halo 4 where Cortana has been snatched away just as the Chief is about to pull her from the enemy ship's system and he shouts her name, sounding genuinely afraid for the first time in the whole series. Steve Downes brings a lot of understated emotion to a character I think gets unfairly lumped in with a lot of other voiceless personality-less video game characters.

2017-03-04, 02:17 AM
Okay. (https://youtu.be/ISYBxJOyWC8?t=4m46s)

Okay. (https://youtu.be/wsZSZ_vcCvA?t=56s)

2017-03-05, 05:04 PM

No, no, I'm actually (uncharacteristically) being serious.

Ikue Ohtani manages to do a pretty damn amazing job for saying what little vocabulary she has to work with.

Now I'm curious. In the English Pokemon dub, are the Pokemon voices (besides Meowth of course) re-dubbed?

2017-03-05, 05:16 PM
Now I'm curious. In the English Pokemon dub, are the Pokemon voices (besides Meowth of course) re-dubbed?

Considering many of the names are different I'm going with yes.
At least that's how the german version does it.

2017-03-06, 02:16 AM
This one really teared me up.

"Daddy!" Laura as she grasps at Logan's hand after he dies.

2017-03-06, 04:12 PM

Probably the most often-quoted single word in my last local gaming group, it seems to say a lot about any ridiculous situation witnessed. :smallbiggrin:

2017-03-06, 11:30 PM
Best one word acting I've ever seen in the Wire. But the scene is very NSFW.

2017-03-07, 02:17 AM
This one, it also expresses my feeling when i didn't see it yet here. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdEQmpVIE4A)

2017-03-07, 04:20 AM
One of my favorites is in John Wick.


John Wick also has a good example of 0 word acting in another phone call, when John says "enough" over the phone. Come to think of it, Viggo saying "Enough." is a fairly good example for the thread topic.

2017-03-07, 05:34 PM
Does it count if it's just one word repeated?

Cause there's always KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRnSnfiUI54&t=0m17s)

I was wondering how long it would take for this one to come up. 5 posts is honestly longer than I expected. :smallbiggrin:

2017-03-07, 05:52 PM
I was wondering how long it would take for this one to come up. 5 posts is honestly longer than I expected. :smallbiggrin:

The best part is that little pop-up blurb on the lower screen when it switches to Khan. :3

Some Android
2017-03-07, 06:27 PM
Can I cheat a little and go with two words? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnPWJOJYVKc)

2017-03-10, 08:03 AM
May not be the best "acting" but it always tears me up.


2017-03-10, 11:46 AM
This one really teared me up.

If you're going to put in an actual real spoiler, at least say what the spoiler is for :smallmad:
^ That's a spoiler for Logan, though fat lot of good it'll do you if you only see that now.

This one, it also expresses my feeling when i didn't see it yet here. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdEQmpVIE4A)
Oh, is that where my dad gets that from?

My favourite is the only spoken word (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwea0LZQe9k)in Mel Brooks' Silent Movie.

Can we have worst one word acting, as well? Because that definitely goes to the newly minted Darth Vader's Big No (http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/).

2017-03-10, 03:48 PM
Angelica: ALEXANDER!!!1~
Hamilton: ...hi.

Scarlet Knight
2017-03-11, 02:13 PM
"Donuts..." - Homer Simpson

2017-03-28, 04:08 PM
But I can't remember the name of the movie :smallconfused:

2017-03-28, 05:32 PM
Has to go with Vigo's "Oh" from john wick


At first, he looks petrified. then just scared. then the disappointed, all in about 3 seconds. and that "oh" is just so.. dispappointed.


Rogar Demonblud
2017-03-28, 09:31 PM
I don't have a link handy, but the renewal of Samurai Jack has reminded me of a favorite.

In the episode with Demongo, at the end he's at Aku's lair, begging for another try. The response is just that one word.


Mako sells that so well, given it's just his voice.

Scarlet Knight
2017-03-28, 10:18 PM

2017-03-28, 10:22 PM
John Wick (the original).

The 1 word comes at the end. 'Oh'.
