View Full Version : combos for lighting lure

Joe dirt
2017-02-28, 10:36 PM
Lightning Lure

Level: Cantrip

You create a lash of lightning energy that strikes at one creature of your choice that you can see within range.
The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 10 feet in a straight line toward you and then take 1d8 lightning damage if it is within 5 feet of you.

seems like a cantrip u can break with the right combo... say grease then lightning lure ur opponents into said grease spot... any thoughts

2017-02-28, 11:18 PM
Well, for this to be effectively a combo, you need an Eldritch Knight or a Sorcerer, because they can make many stuff happen on the same round. But a few ideas:

- Spike Growth: drag them through the damage, and then damage them again.
- Spirit Guardians: if they try to escape the area, make sure they get back and be ready for the opportunity attack.
- Booming Blade: if you have Warcaster, bring them close, then if they try to leave smack them around like mad. Solid tanking.
- Arcane Archer's Eldritch Strike: Fire an arrow at them, then get within 15 feet and cast it. Drop the bow and draw a melee weapon. Now they're close to you, and your friend can escape their reach.

2017-03-01, 01:49 AM
say grease then lightning lure ur opponents into said grease spot... any thoughts

This combo could be systematic.
Why it could be greased lightning.

2017-03-01, 02:49 AM
Why it could be greased lightning.

how do I unfriend in GiTP? (jk)

Anyways, any area damage over time effect, basically. The Create Bonfire cantrip from EEPC is a fine substitute if you have nothing better to try it with, and lightning lure's PHB red-headed-step-cousin, thorn whip, is accessible in tandem with it for AL characters with either a druid dip or magic initiate choosing those two and any druid 1st level spell.

Other things that come to mind are cloud of daggers, Hunger of Hadar, spirit guardians, wall of fire, storm sphere, cloudkill, insect plague, and on and on...

By the way, all of those work great if you have a grappler in your party as well.

2017-03-01, 02:50 AM
Lightning Lure with the Spell Sniper Feat for extra range, in combination with the Witch Bolt Spell, would result in Witch Bolt no longer being totally useless.

And now you really want the Elemental Adept feat for Lightning damage....

2017-03-01, 04:50 AM
combos for lighting lure

@Arcangel4774: I was thinking more along the lines of...

Super Trouper lights are gonna find me
Shining like the sun
Smiling, having fun
Feeling like a number one

2017-03-01, 09:49 AM
Lightning Lure with the Spell Sniper Feat for extra range, in combination with the Witch Bolt Spell, would result in Witch Bolt no longer being totally useless.

And now you really want the Elemental Adept feat for Lightning damage....

Just... no. If anything, this would make the investment worse, not better. This is throwing good money after bad.

You've now spent a whopping two feats, extra actions, and a cantrip slot on... still doing less output than just about anything else you could have been doing.

First thing, Elemental Adept. Elemental Adept only very, very slightly increases average damage, especially for d12s (which are the most unlikely damage dice to roll 1s, and therefore gain the least benefit). It adds only ~0.08 average damage to a successful Witch Bolt. That's it. So pretty much all you're doing is bypassing resistance... but you could have done that by just casting a different, less useless spell anyways.

Second thing, Spell Sniper. Lightning Lure does not work with Spell Sniper, because it does not use an attack roll. Additionally, making it slightly harder to escape the range of Witch Bolt wouldn't even matter, because of the fourth thing.

Third thing, action economy. It takes an action to repeat the damage from witch bolt (and Witch Bolt ends if you do anything else with your Action), and it takes an action to use lightning lure... unless you're quickening it, which burns sorcery points really fast. In return, you do unreliable, cantrip-like damage, while spending spell slots, two feats, a slew of sorcery points, and all your actions.

Fourth thing, Witch Bolt's damage is utterly abysmal, and doesn't scale with upcasting properly. Even if you cast it as a 9th level spell, the second action still only does 1d12 damage. Even after factoring in the fact that Witch Bolt hits automatically, using a cantrip is more beneficial than using your action to repeat the damage of Witch Bolt at level 5+. This means that making it harder to escape the Witch Bolt's range doesn't even matter.

Sir cryosin
2017-03-01, 09:49 AM
Lightning Lure with the Spell Sniper Feat for extra range, in combination with the Witch Bolt Spell, would result in Witch Bolt no longer being totally useless.

And now you really want the Elemental Adept feat for Lightning damage....

Lightning lure doesn't work with spellsniper because it a saving thrown not a attack roll.

2017-03-01, 09:59 AM
Yep, sorry boys, Witch Bolt will never be decent.

2017-03-01, 10:20 AM
Yep, sorry boys, Witch Bolt will never be decent.

Exception: For doing impressions of the Emperor, including the complete inability to kill the target and giving any potential allies (or, you know, the target itself if it's not a whingey wuss like Luke is) the time to stop you.

It's also good as a somewhat wasteful method of getting someone to talk if you already have them restrained somehow and some time to burn.

...so yeah, it's never good, just potentially entertaining in a "monologue prone bad guy" sort of way.

2017-03-01, 10:23 AM
Mm, Witchbolt is out. But a Blue Dragon Sorc with Elemental Adept, Lightning Lure, Shocking Grasp would put up respectable damage and may even survive by denying reactions and therefore Opportunity Attacks and the like.

Other Good Uses of Lightning Lure:

Use the ready action to force a STR save or have their movement truncated. Possible Opportunity Attack shenanigans here if you have spare reaction attacks.

Pulling people off of, into, and through environmental hazards. As a DM I let my E.K pull an enemy off of a 10 foot wall and knock them prone.

The noble and oft overlooked Bonfire cantrip.

With good positioning and teamwork you can ensure high priority targets are available for your party to attack.

Lightning Lure tug of war with the captured goblin. He'll talk soon enough.

2017-03-01, 10:24 AM
Well, the same effect can be achieved with Thorn Whip and Eldritch Blast w/ one of the new GOO Invocations (Grasp of Hadar from UA)

So it opens up tons of other possibilities. It really depends on what class you are, because that determines what spells you have available. Warlocks have a lot of spells that are zone-based, Druids especially.

Sir cryosin
2017-03-01, 10:29 AM
Well, the same effect can be achieved with Thorn Whip and Eldritch Blast w/ one of the new GOO Invocations (Grasp of Hadar from UA)

So it opens up tons of other possibilities. It really depends on what class you are, because that determines what spells you have available. Warlocks have a lot of spells that are zone-based, Druids especially.

Like I said above lightning lure doesn't work with spellsniper. But Eldritch blast and throrn whip does.

2017-03-01, 10:31 AM
I had an idea for a lightning lure combo. Its a resource sink and its pretty easy for the DM to wise up to and play around but pulling it off can be fun. The most important class is Sorc, but for best effect your gonna want to have at least 1 level of melee class, so most likely a Palladork build. The components,

1. Feat - Mobile - optional but it will stop you from eating an AOO every time

2. Quicken Meta magic

3. Lightning lure

4. Booming Blade

5. Cloud of Daggers

the Strategy - Move into Melee range of an enemy and cast Cloud of daggers on them, then quicken a booming blade. On the enemy turn they take dagger damage and will want to move out of it so they eat booming damage then (and here requires some luck) either run away and eat an AOO from you (this ends here then), or circle you so as to attack and not eat an AOO and still move out of the daggers(this is what you want). On your next turn Booming Blade them and move to the other side of the Daggers (this is where mobile is useful), then quicken lighting lure to pull them back into the daggers. Repeat

You will probably only be able to pull it off once but it can do good damage.

Total Resource cost -

1 - 2nd level spell
4 - Sorcery Points
2 - rounds of combat

Damage (Most likely at least level 5 before you can do this so)-

Weapon + mod + 1d8 (BB) + 4d4 (daggers) + 2D8(BB)


Weapon + mod + 1d8 (BB) + 2d8 (LL) + 4d4 (daggers pulled in)+4d4 (daggers turn start) + 2d8 (BB)

So in total (2x(Weapon + mod)) + 8d8 + 12d4

From there they either run away giving you an AOO or stay and just keep getting pulled back into he daggers for 8d4 a round because it hits the first time they enter the daggers on a turn and when they start there.

Joe dirt
2017-03-01, 10:34 AM
Is it a free action or bonus action to drop marbles... cause u could drop then cast lightning lure

2017-03-01, 10:34 AM
You can fly over a pit/chasm and lightning lure enemies into it.

As a sorcerer a practical application is to use twinned spell with LL on two targets. Position yourself next to the BSF first, then use LL to draw mooks into the BSF's reach. Misty step to get out of there asap.

Additionally if you have already use "create bonfire" you can use lightning lure to drag someone into the bonfire. Or you could twin LL to draw two creatures near to the bonfire and quicken "pyrotechnics" to blind them both.

2017-03-01, 10:54 AM
I've seen LL and Thorn Whip used to actually help party members.

Jeff and Dave are walking across a old stone bridge, with portions of it ready to collapse. Jeff fails his save, and starts falling. Dave uses Thorn Whip to grab on to his wrist and pull him back up.

2017-03-01, 11:11 AM
I feel like Lightning Lure would be really good for E.K. tanks, with their War Magic and Eldritch Strike. Bring them in close, melee attack them, they now have disadvantage on the next LL you use on them if they try to run away. Rinse and repeat

2017-03-01, 01:00 PM
Lightning lure doesn't work with spellsniper because it a saving thrown not a attack roll.

I really dropped the ball on that one!

2017-03-01, 04:13 PM
Is it a free action or bonus action to drop marbles... cause u could drop then cast lightning lure

a thief rogue with fast hands could use a bag of ball bearings as a bonus action, so kind of yes!

2017-03-01, 04:39 PM
I really dropped the ball on that one!

Was it just one ball, or a whole bag? And did it take a full action or just a bonus one? 'Cos, you know...

a thief rogue with fast hands could use a bag of ball bearings as a bonus action

Joe dirt
2017-03-01, 05:57 PM
a thief rogue with fast hands could use a bag of ball bearings as a bonus action, so kind of yes!

What about an arcane trickster with unseen servant living in his backpack? Just have unseen servant drop marbles as a bonus command action and then cast lightning lure