View Full Version : Player Help Need Help Getting Back at NPC in Without Serious Damage

2017-02-28, 11:56 PM
CoS spoilers ahead
In our Curse of Strahd campaign, we had found the Assassin Mirror, an item that summons a horrifying ghost assassin who will attempt for one round to kill any enemy. It's served our party well, allowing us to kill Lady Fiona (important NPC) temporarily while we looted her house, and almost bagging us Kiril (also important NPC villain) several times. (We kind of created a power vacuum by killing the mayor that let Fiona take over, which didn't end well.) The party warlock and I have been using it on and off to try to remotely murder Kiril. The last time he used the Assassin Mirror, our warlock was cursed to become Neutral Evil. He then decided to gouge the eyes out of a revenant with a spoon because he forgot they could regenerate body parts (long story, he was acting in alignment, not telling this part again). Kazamier, and NPC who has been an invaluable resource to the party, was horrified by this. He basically told us to break the mirror, an action our paladin supported, or he would leave. He then proceeded to break the mirror, releasing the spirit and leaving us with only shards and memories. My character was, as you can tell, a bit perturbed at this action.
That brings me to the problem, I'm trying to figure out how to get revenge on this NPC without being so vicious that he stops adventuring with us. So far I've thought of compounding constant crude jokes at the expense of his dying race of Dusk Elves with some other form of punishment, but I can't think of anything else. I thought of just slapping him repeatedly in his sleep and running back to bed every night for a week so that he would miss out on the effects of a long rest, but that might come back to bite us. Slowly draining his sanity might also do it, but he's already missing quite a bit. Any ideas for a good revenge scheme?

(I don't really know if this applies here, but I'm putting the usual request not to submit OOC solutions or place blame on any involved parties, including the paladin, warlock, or the DM. Let's keep this thread about revenge, not player relations)

Edit (What I have at my disposal): Level 7 Light cleric, chaotic neutral. I basically have up to level 4 on the cleric spell list along with a bunch of light and fire magic. I also have some incense, a tinderbox, and other assorted items including a bead from a necklace of fireballs. Mostly magic is what's useful. If necessary, I have a potential ally in the scheme, the neutral evil Feindish Pact warlock. Good with Suggestion spell, but is cursed so that he can't lie. Also can cast Invisibility on multiple people, which may come in handy.

2017-03-01, 12:03 AM
Who are you? What's your characters personality; what tools and abilities are at your disposal?

2017-03-01, 12:06 AM
Who are you? What's your characters personality; what tools and abilities are at your disposal?
I went back and added this info to the original post, sorry about that.

2017-03-01, 01:09 AM
I went back and added this info to the original post, sorry about that.

Personality is important to, not merely alignment. If you grandoise or full of yourself belittling his unwillingness and weakness in not being able to do what's necessary would help. Extend it to making a show of not following his lead in plans as his ideas are to have low risk low reward. Hell blame the dying of his race on his weakness in doing whats necessary to insure their survival.

You could go as far as to destroy/steal something of his. Avoid somethinf of actual value but instead something more sentimental.

2017-03-01, 01:15 AM
I ran most of CoS and Kasimir joined up with the party so I'm trying to give advice without being too meta with what you might not know about the NPC.
Is he your destined ally according to the Tarokka reading, or is he just someone you picked up along the way? How much do you know about his motivations and his sister?

I think if I were you I'd be worried about pushing things too far, you said he's been a useful ally and there's obviously a lot of tension now, is outright antagonizing him really the best idea. Mean jokes about his dusk elf race are a good option. Maybe hang onto that and other minor things, and let that build up until you eventually see an opportunity to really backstab him at some point later.

2017-03-01, 03:23 AM
I'm confused why you need a 'scheme' or revenge. Just roleplay being angry/annoyed at him?

2017-03-01, 07:49 AM
I ran most of CoS and Kasimir joined up with the party so I'm trying to give advice without being too meta with what you might not know about the NPC.
Is he your destined ally according to the Tarokka reading, or is he just someone you picked up along the way? How much do you know about his motivations and his sister?

I think if I were you I'd be worried about pushing things too far, you said he's been a useful ally and there's obviously a lot of tension now, is outright antagonizing him really the best idea. Mean jokes about his dusk elf race are a good option. Maybe hang onto that and other minor things, and let that build up until you eventually see an opportunity to really backstab him at some point later.
He's just someone we picked up along the way, we know he's trying to get revenge on Rohadan for him killing all the female dusk elves, we don't know why he wants to go to the Amber Temple. So no, not complete motivations, just the pretty basic stuff. I'm not opposed to antagonizing for now and waiting for an ideal opportunity to strike.

2017-03-01, 08:26 AM
Why do you want to hurt the guy?

He saved your PCs' souls

2017-03-01, 08:30 AM
Hell blame the dying of his race on his weakness in doing whats necessary to insure their survival.

You could go as far as to destroy/steal something of his. Avoid somethinf of actual value but instead something more sentimental.
These two look like good options. I'm wearing scale mail, so I have disadvantage on stealth checks, but I could enlist the warlock's help.

Why do you want to hurt the guy?

He saved your PCs' souls
Chaotic neutral my man, he wasn't saving much. Like, if my warlock had used it again he would probably have died, but it was my turn to use it next time, so he would have been fine. I'm also fairly certain I could defeat him in a slapfight, being the only cleric who didn't dump STR.

2017-03-01, 08:54 AM
A few things.

GPS, I know you said to keep it in the realm of 'revenge only'. But you have to know that pursuing this could screw over the entire party and mess up the adventure, right? Another players character might get screwed somehow in this. I don't know your table, so just make sure your group can handle that, alright?

Now, on the subject of actually getting revenge:

CoS is filled with magical items that can have debilitating effects, so I'm sure you can come across some sort of magic item to cause him misery.

Aside from that, if he's ever in a dangerous situation, you could sneakily kill him. In a battle, if someone gets to him, spend your turn casting Hold Person. As far as I know, there's no way to actually tell who cast what spell on you. Besides, he'll have a monstrous creature in his face trying to kill him. I doubt he's paying much attention to what his supposed allies are doing. Maybe he dies, maybe he gets horribly maimed and loses an eye. If he does get maimed, say "Geez... That looks bad. I'd show you how bad it looks if I had a... mirror."

If you really don't want him dead, and think he may end up dead with that method, you can cast Banishment in an attempt to send him to that same pocket dimension which held the Ghost Spirit (Assuming that area still exists). Or send him to wherever the heck his Dusk Elf ancestors are, so he can see them all and you can mock him about how they're nearly extinct. "Did you enjoy seeing them? Good. That's the ONLY time you'll ever see them. Each minute that passes is one minute closer to the extinction of your race. Soon, all of you will be there, no longer among the living."

And you can use Stone Shape to trap him in a stone coffin. That's always fun.

Need to cross a body of water as you're being chased? Cast Water Walk and 'forget' about including him.

2017-03-01, 09:19 AM
Chaotic neutral my man, he wasn't saving much. Like, if my warlock had used it again he would probably have died, but it was my turn to use it next time, so he would have been fine. I'm also fairly certain I could defeat him in a slapfight, being the only cleric who didn't dump STR.

He was saving a lot, actually. Have you considered talking to him about what the problem with his action was?

2017-03-01, 10:28 AM
A few things.

GPS, I know you said to keep it in the realm of 'revenge only'. But you have to know that pursuing this could screw over the entire party and mess up the adventure, right? Another players character might get screwed somehow in this. I don't know your table, so just make sure your group can handle that, alright?

Now, on the subject of actually getting revenge:

CoS is filled with magical items that can have debilitating effects, so I'm sure you can come across some sort of magic item to cause him misery.

Aside from that, if he's ever in a dangerous situation, you could sneakily kill him. In a battle, if someone gets to him, spend your turn casting Hold Person. As far as I know, there's no way to actually tell who cast what spell on you. Besides, he'll have a monstrous creature in his face trying to kill him. I doubt he's paying much attention to what his supposed allies are doing. Maybe he dies, maybe he gets horribly maimed and loses an eye. If he does get maimed, say "Geez... That looks bad. I'd show you how bad it looks if I had a... mirror."

If you really don't want him dead, and think he may end up dead with that method, you can cast Banishment in an attempt to send him to that same pocket dimension which held the Ghost Spirit (Assuming that area still exists). Or send him to wherever the heck his Dusk Elf ancestors are, so he can see them all and you can mock him about how they're nearly extinct. "Did you enjoy seeing them? Good. That's the ONLY time you'll ever see them. Each minute that passes is one minute closer to the extinction of your race. Soon, all of you will be there, no longer among the living."
Need to cross a body of water as you're being chased? Cast Water Walk and 'forget' about including him.

Once, when I was out out warlock was given control of my character and used it to try to escape with banishment. He just ended up in the mist, taking some poison damage. A bit too harsh, he'd be poisoned and all the way on the other side of the map (both together are too harsh). Also, no plausible deniability. Walk on water one seems fun, but there's not much water to walk on.

He was saving a lot, actually. Have you considered talking to him about what the problem with his action was?
Yeah, I know the whole thing about how if you're evil and use the mirror, the assassin attacks you. I could talk to him, but I do like a little revenge. (He might save us in another way, there's a lot of stuff I don't know yet)