View Full Version : More rituals?

2017-03-01, 11:00 AM
Has anyone ever done any experimenting with adding the Ritual tag to additional spells? Or had characters research new rituals?

I'm trying to decide whether to take Ritual Caster feat for my Bard (wizard list) but have this sneaking suspicion that there just aren't enough rituals available to make it worth the opportunity cost of a different feat or raising CHA.

2017-03-01, 12:02 PM
I'm always a fan of having a familiar so that plus the bunch of situational rituals seems worth it to me, but it depends on play style.
And I havent personally added more rituals or played with it. I'd think that if there are to many good options ritual caster becomes almost mandatory. But I dunno

2017-03-01, 12:11 PM
I've seen tons of use from things like detect magic and identify. Of course my dm likes making some magic item inconspicuous or damaging to the wielder

2017-03-01, 12:14 PM
IMO, there's enough ritual for the feat to be worth it, assuming nobody else can ritualy cast (or you only have cleric/druid). Find Familiar and Identify (sorcerer and bard won't want to waste a spell known) are great. Then there's the utility with comprehend languages, tiny hut, water walk/breath and the locate object/creature.

Though it would be very fun to be in a campaign where you can research new rituals/spells.

2017-03-01, 12:21 PM
It depends on the pace of you game. If it is fast paced action, nobody is going to wait an hour for you to cast your ritual

If the party is a Warlock, Monk, and Druid, they will have no problem with you casting rituals (more short rest)

2017-03-01, 12:35 PM
Yeah, I kinda always want the feat as a PC but usually DM.
As a DM, I'm all for allowing a PC with the feat to make new rituals (or more likely I would made them based on the effect wanted). I'm about to allow a Beast-men/shifter-like race character, already in a ranger subclass that allows for minor shapeshifting, to learn from a witch a gruesome version of alterselfthat he is going to be able to cast as a ritual that involves consuming a body part of a humanoid of the desired race, such as a ear or a finger. We'll see how that turns out, the "role-playing limitation" should be enough for the player not go full-doppleganger on me, but its not something that could not be done already by a changeling char so im ok with it.
I also see no reason why knock should not be a ritual. If you are going to spend 10 minutes in front of a door singing some mumbojumbo to open it, a non proficient char would probably had already picked the lock by than, you could have a wandering encounter or two, monsters on the other side could listen and prepare a trap, etc... If anything, it would add more tension whenever it was used.

I would probably allow character to came up with specific/unique rituals on the fly if they were fun/reasonable. Like figuring out a ritual to create water in a desert with a Int/Wis (Religion/Arcana/Nature) check. Or how to end/repropuse a magical trap with those checks instead of using thieves tools.
Summoning small things with familiar are always fun, you can repeat to ritual to have an appropriate familiar at any time. and they can grant advantage in combat with the help action, and serve as flankbuddy to a rogue (not sure if you can help ranged attacks being away from the target, but if you do, let the familiar on shoulder aiding ranged attacks for easy ranged SA every round)

Before deciding to take the feat, talk to your DM about the options, know if he is ok with the familiar using the help action in combat (and probably being target for it every now and than), if he plans to let other spells be researched or turned into rituals, or roleplay solutions (rituals of last rites that don't let a body come back as specif undead that has been plaguing a city)

2017-03-01, 02:04 PM
It really depends on your DM. I use the rule variant that requires the Identify spell to understand the properties of magical items without taking it back to town. So in my campaigns, it's almost worth it solely for that.

2017-03-01, 03:37 PM
I suppose there is an additional factor in play for me, our party has no wizard at all (I'm a bard) and any spellbooks, etc we come across will only have value as loot, with no one able to benefit from copying any rituals they might contain.

2017-03-01, 04:06 PM
If there isnt any other arcane casters I would definitly say its worth it.

2017-03-01, 04:16 PM
The only other PC with arcane magic is the arcane trickster, so yeah. No wizard. For a while there, I was also the only person with divine magic, until some other PCs multiclassed.