View Full Version : [d20 Dune] Voice from the Outer World

2017-03-01, 06:02 PM
Caladan: year 10,191, just a week or so before House Atreides is scheduled to take over Arrakis.

Each of you has received a communiqué from your immediate superior in Cala City after dinner. The message is short, explaining only that your superior has recommended you to Thufir Hawat for a select mission. You are to report to the Duke‘s Command Center, at the heart of Castle Caladan.

Castle Caladan is a short distance from Cala City. The weather is overcast, promising rain, as the sun nears the horizon. Upon receiving your summons, you depart for the Command Center at the heart of Castle Caladan.

The entire Castle bustles with activity as soldiers, technicians and servants prepare for the journey to Arrakis. The low rumble of nearby thunder echoes through the long, dark hallways. No natural light penetrates this deep into the complex, but your way is lit by Glowglobes. At more than one point, guards stop you to check your security clearance.

Journeying ever deeper in to the ancient keep, you come at last to the Command Center. Knots of high ranking strategists purposefully move about, exchanging information. Your identity is checked one final time, and you are led to a waiting room. Inside the next room is, presumably, Thufir Hawat, the Duke‘s Mentat and Master of Assassins. You each see a few others there, apparently also waiting to see Thufir about this mission.

One of them is a Bene Gesserit, who is dressed in the typical black robe of the sisterhood, with her hood pulled back. She carries no visible equipment, though it would be fairly easy to conceal things within her robe. She has deep blue eyes, platinum blond hair tied up in an elaborate bun at the back of her head. Her face is smooth and pleasantly attractive, but she is not overly beautiful. The loose robe prevents any assessment of her body, but it is well known that all Bene Gesserit witches are well conditioned and tone, at least in their youth. She appears to be in her early 20s.

As each of you enters you notice that a serene look graces her visage, her eyes closed, as if in a trance. After a moment she opens her eyes to look at you, that freakishly penetrating gaze seeming to see right through to the deepest part of your being. She stares at you for a moment, a slight smile curling the edge of her lips before she closes her eyes again.

As the last person enters her eyes remain open as she stands and bows slightly in respect. In a soothing, smooth, very feminine tone she says, “Greetings, my name is Juladia. Apparently I am to accompany you on this mission. Very well do I know the reputation the sisterhood has in the minds of many Imperial citizens. I can only hope that we can overcome any negative connotations this may hold for any of you. If not, well, I understand. I am sure we are all professionals, and mature enough to work through any personal feelings about each other. I will state up front that my loyalties lie completely with House Atreides, the Duke Leto and the Lady Jessica. I would not be here if Thufir Hawat had not approved.”

Roll Sense Motive if you wish.

2017-03-01, 10:09 PM
Freya read her notice, which told her to report to the command center. This must be big she things as she quickly gets herself together. She then heads to the command center with was much haste as was practicable. However in the end she was slowed down by constant checks to verify her identity. It didn't help that she was young. Many were adults, she was a teen, and not particularly old for a teen either, based on appearance. She looked every bit of 16 and no older. That said she wasn't likely to reveal her true age.

No one need wonder why the security was so high. Moving to arrakis was a trap, and a readily visible one. But as far as she had deduced, no one had a choice in the matter. She figured the only reason she was of any significance here was that, despite her young age,appearance based at least, she was on we way to becoming a full mentat. She's been trained practically from birth, not that she'd known it until a year ago. That was how it went, potential mentat were not supposed to know until they were ready. She'd even been trained by her "witch" mother, to a small degree at least.

When finally she had pased enough security clearences, she came to a room. She tried to be as quick and arrive as soon as she could. But there was already at least one person in the room, a girl whose robes made it clear what she was. She seemed to be gazing at her with a strange intensity, analizing her no doubt. While she had only the tiniest fragment of been gesseret training, she was a mentat, and had one of them as her mother, so she was somewhat used to piercing looks.

Freya sat in a corner, or as close to one as she could get, and gazed at her in a similar way for quite a while. It might even become a mild contest of who could haze most piercingly. Depending on the "witch"s experience, she might easily win. "Nice to meet you. You may no who I am, or not.. But it's only polite to introduce myself right? I'm Singer, Freya... Theircs an interesting story behind that surname... But now's not the time." People were always suspicious of "witches" but mentat were not better off. When you have unusual mental talents like that... It could creep people out. So Freya tried to be friendly, to ease any such tension. That said the logical mentat mindset said people talked more with friendly people, and more talk was more data. When people came in she'd be as friendly as she could. But she's quickly go silent when the woman spoke.

So I believe you about her, but she's a mentat, this is just her being a mentat. XD So to forfill my characters roll...

Sense motive check! [roll0]

+8 (ranks in the skill) +3 (Wis) +4 (Int) The Truthsayer feat let's me add my int now to this skill.

2017-03-01, 11:30 PM
Waiting Room of Thufir's Office

As their eyes lock in a moment of mutual recognition of some shared skill, Juladia smiles knowingly at Freya. She nods once and says, "Indeed, I do know a bit about you, mentat. I am very pleased to finally meet you, Freya Singer. Yes, I believe we will have time to discuss such personal things later, if you wish it. I think I would find that particular conversation fascinating and illuminating."

Knowing that she was dealing with a mentat, Juladia needed to use no other skills to understand that Freya spoke the truth. Deception only served to muddle their data, and clarity of input was vital to their very existence. She also knew very well that all mentats constantly sought data, and that anything they experience could likely be easily recalled at any time for further computation.

"So tell us if you will, mentat, have you sufficiently calculated a viable reason for our presence here yet? Certainly you have accumulated some points of data already. But is it sufficient for such a projection?" As she finished speaking the hint of a sarcastic smile crossed her face momentarily. Obviously this human was very well trained at projecting exactly what she wanted others to know, and absolutely nothing else.

Clearly, just from her words and the way she spoke them, Juladia knew a good deal about mentats and how their mind works. As far as Freya could tell, nothing spoken by the Bene Gesserit had even the slightest hint of deception. Given their prana-bindu training, there was no body language to add more data points to that conclusion beyond her facial expressions. Indeed, while different in many ways, the Bene Gesserit and Mentats shared quite a bit, being two of the schools who trained their students to be advanced humans.

It occurred to Freya to wonder if Juladia had also trained as a mentat. It was well known that some in the sisterhood underwent such training. But few of them ever left the school on Wallach IX, Could she be one of those few? Time and exposure to her, along with careful observation, would certainly bring a clear answer to that.

Remember that this all happens after everyone arrives. So I will pause there and wait to see if any other players post anything before continuing. Unless, of course, Freya does, says or asks something that Juladia would respond to immediately. Others may find it interesting to simply observe this exchange, or be completely oblivious to and uncaring about it.

2017-03-02, 12:47 AM
Freya listened carefully, no doubt her mentat mind prosessing things. She spoke and Freya listened, not listening with a blank face and a piercing glare, but like a normal person. She disliked her attitude though, mostly the second part. "No. I don't know, and I'd be a fool to declare my ideas without more information. But... Why the sarcasm? Is it aimed at me nor rather the mental training itself? I know I was, as you obviously know, trying to get a read on you. But you were me as well. I doubt your angry because I tried to get a feel for you and your motivations, because if that was rude you wouldn't have done it yourself. My guess then is simply I'll feelings regarding all this training and observing and analysing. Understandable. You should know though that I don't suspect you because of what you are. I have no hatred or dislike of them." By them it was clearly meant to be the so called "witches". "Despite the training, we are both still people. Besides, biase obscures the thirty, and muddied the data." She spoke the last bit in a detached, clam, almost robotic tone, and smiled. The joys of self depreciating humor.

Sorry I meant to wait but I couldn't get my mind if my response and need to sleep. Again running a sense motive check to see if I can get a grip on the sarcasm and it's meaning. I'm also (I meant to do this last post and forgot) entering mentat focus. I'll also roll constitution in case you seem something very distracting in while we are here.

Sense Motive (4 ranks, 3 wks, 4 int.)

Autohypnosis (4 ranks, 4 int)

Concentration (4 ranks 4 int)

To specify in case it was necessary, she's just inwardly focusing on her motivations and whatnot of her sarcasm and the like. Thanks for being understanding with a newbie!

2017-03-02, 08:57 AM
The door behind them swings open, and Daniel Fabris walks through, straightening the hem of his tunic."Thufir, ah...Reverend Mother, I apologise for being late," he says, offering the two of them a bow. "Your summons caught me at a bad time, and I wasn't able to extricate myself from my duties as quickly as I thought I would."

The Atreides armsman stands to attention besides the mentat, towering nearly a full head over her. "So, should I assume we are here to be introduced to each other and then briefed?"

2017-03-02, 10:22 AM
Waiting Room of Thufir's Office

With a blank expression, and in a tone devoid of any emotion, Juladia replies to the mentat, "The sarcasm was only projected in the smile as a test of sorts, to learn the depth and efficiency of your training and your skills at observation. But you have mistakenly concluded that there is any anger involved. I have utmost respect for mentat training, but not all mentats use that training wisely. Indeed, I think the same of the sisterhood, perhaps more so."

With a slight bow of her head to the armsman she adds, "It is a pleasure to meet you. Your assumption seems valid to me. Introduction is in order, I believe. We two have already introduced ourselves. Would you be so kind as to share your name with us? I am certain Thufir will admit us soon and brief us all about our mission."

2017-03-02, 11:29 AM
Thufir's Office

You may each post once more before the following occurs. You can also just include that in one post, your reaction to Juladia's last post and your reaction, if any, to this one.
Only a few minutes of waiting after the last person arrives, an older, grizzled man with medium-length white hair and a garish, inkvine scar running down his right cheek emerges from Thufir‘s office. You all recognize him as Gurney Halleck. He leaves the door open and, before leaving the waiting room, he says jauntily to the characters, “Well, go on inside. Mustn‘t keep the old man waiting!”

You all enter Thufir‘s office, where he sits at a large desk working. It‘s a spartan place with no decorations. A glowglobe hangs over his left shoulder and three chairdogs are arranged in front of his desk. They are in the room for several seconds before Thufir finishes his work, and examines them for the first time. If they haven’t already he says, “Close the door.”

Thufir reviews his new recruits a moment, “I personally handpicked each of you for this very special mission,” he says, “at the recommendation of your superiors. I have reviewed your performance individually, studied your backgrounds, and watched you at your jobs. I have observed your initial interaction and I project that you will work well together.

Juladia, your skills of observation and ability to determine the truth are shared to an extent with Freya. These will prove very useful in this mission. Also, your stealth will serve you well in Arrakeen.

Freya, being a young mentat has obvious advantages, though I admit to some bias in this view. However, in cold calculations I foresee your skills being invaluable to this mission and those with whom you share it.

Daniel, your martial skills and devotion will doubles be indispensable when dealing with Harkonnen treachery. While these other two can certainly handle themselves in a fight, your training and efficiency at martial skills surpasses them, and will likely only get better as you gain experience using them.”

After a brief pause he begins to explain their mission, “House Atreides has been granted the CHOAM contract to mine spice, and the governorship of Arrakis that goes with it. Planning for the crossing began weeks ago. Our rivals - House Harkonnen - ruled Arrakis for 80 years. They will use this opportunity to attack House Atreides with traps and sleeper agents left behind from the Harkonnen Regime.

The Duke has declared Kanly against the Baron. I suspect it may escalate into a War of Assassins soon after we arrive, if not before. Enemies wait around every corner, hidden in every secret place on Arrakis. I am sending you, as one of many, advance teams to Arrakis to prepare for the Duke‘s arrival. The first of these troops arrived just two days ago.

You are being dispatched as a special team at the request of the Coordinator, Aidan Bosque. He is a Mentat-Strategist who made Count Hasamir Fenring‘s former palace at Arrakeen his base. I believe Arrakeen is the most defensible city on the planet, and the plan is to base all of House Atreides‘ operations there initially.

Initially you will be working for Bosque, clearing out the Imperial Palace. You will have many duties, and will eventually be dispatched into the city surrounding the palace to search for Harkonnen spies, agents, and sympathizers. Bosque will give you all the support you need, but you will be operating independently most of the time. Bosque already has all the soldiers he needs. He needs Agents. Special operatives who can move about unseen and quickly respond to any emergency. The Harkonnens are devilishly clever, not to be underestimated.”

In a gruff voice, with a clearly dismissive tone, he says, “Now, go report to Dr. Yueh. He has more information for you, and will be able to provide you anything else you need.”

2017-03-02, 11:35 AM
"Of course." Daniel dips his head to the witch, and says, "My name is Daniel Fabris, an Armsman of the House. Presumably here to watch your backs while you accomplish the important tasks that need to be done."

2017-03-02, 12:30 PM
Freya has already introduced herself, but she payed special attention to names, commuting them to memory. Freya said nothing to her response, though through body language showed that she understood and agreed. She just wasn't sure what to verbally say at this point. Freya considered for a moment. "My apologies then, for missunderstanding your meaning. Though I can wholeheartedly agree with that statement. And it's nice to meet you as well." The second sentence she said to Daniel.

Freya would sit relatively silently for a moment, before some emerged. Gurney, of course he would be in contact with Hawat. Gurney was, as Freya understood it, one of the good duke's most trusted men. She smiled softly and gave a slight now towards Gurney, nothing great but a show of respect. She would move to close the door after anyone was in, and, unless Hawat made any indication that she should stand. If he by gesture or words indicated they should sit, she would, but would turn the chair sideways so she could turn her head for easy viewing of the door. If he didn't gesture to sit, she would stand similarly.

She was a still not an experienced mentat yet, but with her training, it went against her instincts to sit or stand with her back to a door. She doubted that He sat, as the most experienced mentat She's ever seen, would have any problems with her standing or turning a chair sideways before sitting.

Freya focused, concentrating mentally to absorb all of his words and commit them to memory, her face mostly blank, with a mild, friendly smile and a look of concentration. She had surmised much of this, to a degree, but not the details. She hasn't been expecting this job though. She had expected any look at her profile to dismiss her due to her age. She tried to avoid divulging that but He sat definitely knew. You can't hide such things from such a skilled and experienced mentat, so she didn't even try. Focus.... Commit it to memory this is a lot of valuable information.

When Hawat finished she would do as ordered and Head to Dr. Yueh. Perhaps he wanted to imunize them against the planet's more common viruses as well? That wouldn't be surprising. It made sense that the doctor was to see them before they headed out.

Autohypnosis to help with the mentat trance

She'll remark or respond if He sat does or says anything in response her behavior or something next post, of course. I had to make note of things instead of just assuming she'd walk in, listen, and leave. XD

Please.. Not another nat 1...

2017-03-02, 01:01 PM
Thufir's Office
There's a little more time to talk as you walk to the doctor's offices. So feel free to continue if you wish.

Thufir acknowledges the wise precaution taken by Freya by not sitting with her back to the door with an ever so slight smile and nod at her. It was one of his pet peeves, actually, though he said nothing about it.

Yueh's Office
After leaving Thufir, you journey through the Command Center to the Duke‘s surgical theater and Dr. Yueh‘s offices. As with the rest of the Command Center, the theater is bustling with activity. There are few injuries to treat, but much research to do. Lots of plants are being tested, along with drugs and substances to prolong life in the desert. Dr. Yueh‘s office is guarded, and you must be announced. After identifying yourselves to the guard, and having your identity checked again, an escort leads you inside.

Yueh is a slight man, nowhere near as imposing as Thufir. The telltale diamond tattoo on his forehead symbolizes the Suk conditioning, meaning he is entirely trustworthy. His black and oversized uniform emphasizes his small frame. His long black hair is tied back and looped through a silver ring, another symbol of the Suk.

Yueh is soft-spoken, commanding respect through his station and the wealth of his knowledge. He greets you by name and says, “I am the Duke‘s expert on planetary ecology for Arrakis. I have studied the filmbooks extensively and briefed all the commanders who already left.”

Using a solido projector to project a 3-D image of Arrakis, he explains, “Rain never falls on the planet. All the water is locked into the rocks and the extremely small polar regions. So there is a great need for water rationing. We know what the Harkonnen ration limits were, but I suspects these were too tough. The first wave will be testing my new numbers, and your inspection of the House Water Facilities will be key in my understanding of the needs of the troops in this barren place.”

Yueh adds, “There is a Suk doctor named Loikan serving with Aidan Bosque on Arrakis now. Seek him out if you have any medical needs.”

As he gives each of you an inoculation, he says, “This will protect you against any pathogens or viruses you might encounter on the ship or on Arrakis. It will also lessen the harsh effects of the hot and dry environment on your body for a short period. Thufir tells me you‘re to leave immediately. There‘s a lighter leaving this evening. Pack your things and be on it. Aboard you will find a filmbook with more information about Arrakis and melange. It also includes what little we know of the sandworms and the Fremen. Any questions? Do you have everything you need?”

Juladia shrugs, "Any drugs or poisons you have that could help us on our mission would be much appreciated. A few vials of acid, a bullseye lantern, and maybe a poison sniffer? Also a paracompass, oil-lens binoculars, some rope, a grappling hook and a few sets of manacles would serve us well."

Yueh raised an eyebrow at this list and considered for a moment before he replies, "Aidan Bosque can supply you with some of that equipment once you arrive. I will provide you with a poison sniffer and a vial of acid for each of you. Though I suspect you will not need it, I will also give you one dose of truth serum." He turns to his supply cabinets and drawers to collect those things and hands them over, "Anything else?"

Juladia shrugs ever so slightly as she takes her vial of acid. Taking a small box from her robe she adds it to the small collection of vials securely stored within and replaces the box in her robe. She makes sure the armsman has the poison sniffer and truth serum as she says, "This will suffice. Thank you, Doctor Yueh."

She moves toward the door but waits for the others if they have other questions or requests.

2017-03-02, 01:51 PM
Freya walks along to Dr. they rather quitely. Not so much still, formal silence as a simple lack of words being spoken from her. Her head filtering through things the Rules mentat and master of assassin's had said. So it was kanly... War of assassin's... The need for such strenuous security was obvious. And they were just meeting with the duke's mentat and doctor. If they had to meet the duke himself the security checks would no doubt be 10 fold worse. Kanly... Vendetta. What a time for this, to go be forced into such a hostile planet. She needed more information. "Clearing out the palace" clearly didn't mean they would be decorating and dusting. More like looking for traps and making sure no harkonnen was his i 92nd in the palace. This could be dangerous. But she'd rather die than be responsible for missing something and some trap killing the duke of his family. But wait... No... That didn't make sense. They wouldn't leave a job so vital purely in their hands. This might be a test. Aidan Bosque would be their commander while they were there. Hawat had mentioned he was a mentat as well... Could this then be a test? No doubt Hawat or some superior would searched after them as well. Kanly...

Freya would procede with them to the doctor, still sorting through information, still trying to file every little scrap of information for future recall.

Freya listened and watched, without responding much. She had already surmised rain wasn't a thing there for the most part, but never? He continued. "Your inspection" that was some useful intell. They would be doing that then? Fair enough. Meeting the water needs of the duke's forces would be key. If they were too dehydrated they would be unable to work effectively.

She listened as Jules is requests provisions. Acid? Why acid? It would do you no good unless you had a good grip of chemistry and chemicals. Still... She wouldn't refuse it. The poison snooker made perfect sense. No one wanted to risk poison, and considering kanly had been declared, they should expect poison. "Yes doctor, do you, or anyone else happen to have information on the native people's? Any additional information on theirs customs, traditions, standard diet, typical values, and any religious or moral beliefs common among the people would be invaluable. No doubt your information on the fremen will be incredibly useful. However there could be hsrkonen agents hidden among the city folk. If we had a good grip of the city film's culture, beliefs, and any religions common for them, it could help us identify any Harkonnen who don't know such things."

Autohypnosis, 4 ranks+not Now sure if you want me to roll this every turn to mainly the effect but in till I am sure I'll ere on the side of caution.

Dr Yueh (4+3+4, ranks+wis+int)


Again, I trust what you said about her, but acid sounds like enough of an abnormal request to make Freya curious. She'd not staring her down or something, just mulling it over. As for doctor Yueh... Just because she's a mentat and analysis is her job.

Edited to specify IC what she meant. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

2017-03-02, 02:08 PM
Yueh's Office

I know the mentat would not miss the bit about "what little we know about the sandworms and the Fremen", but you seemed to. Yueh mentioned there being a filmbook aboard the ship, which includes this. He wrote it, so would know nothing else.

2017-03-02, 02:22 PM
I know the mentat would not miss the bit about "what little we know about the sandworms and the Fremen", but you seemed to. Yueh mentioned there being a filmbook aboard the ship, which includes this. He wrote it, so would know nothing else.

I didn't. I meant specifically non few men locals as well. He seemed to specify Freeman only when saying that. Thier culture could differ dramatically for all she knows, and if they want agents that can blend and, she needs cultural information on the non freemen natives as well. Sorry I should have clarified in the OoC section. Thanks though, for catching that. It's inevitable that mistakes will be made. In addition the non few men natives have been living under the Harkonnen as well, and may have strong views about them. In addition there may be Harkonnen agents hidden am o by them and a good grip on their culture and ideology could help expose someone who was not aware of such things.

2017-03-02, 02:37 PM
Yueh's Office

After a moment's thought, Freya realizes that acid could be used as a subtle and delicate tool for metal and other materials, such as opening locks and such. It could also be used as a crude weapon, burning into flesh ruthlessly. The fact that Juladia had asked for it, and that Doctor Yueh had provided it without question also hinted at how useful it could be. There may well be other reasons for this, but the Bene Gesserit was very adept at hiding her motives, all but impervious even to the powers of a mentat.

The education of a mentat was wide and varied, including knowledge about a great many things. While it was well known to her as a mentat that the sisterhood also taught their initiates many things, chemistry was not typically one of them. (Freya knows they are taught about behavioral sciences, civics, history, theology & philosophy.) Of course, Juladia could know a bit about it, or be an expert in it due to personal interest. Or maybe she was simply applying general knowledge about the usefulness of acid in many situations.

Of course, she could always just ask Jualdia; maybe she would get a satisfactory answer.

Yueh is being open and honest, and is providing as much help as he could.

Juladia, once again, was hard to read. Freya strongly suspected that she always would be. But her simple deduction concluded that Juladia's motives and intent seemed focused on making sure the group she was part of succeeded. As to why she requested acid, that remains inconclusive.

I presume she's using it for the mentat trance thing. This is something you could maintain while taking no actions beyond moving and other simple physical tasks, but you would need a concentration check to maintain it during other activity, including talking and gathering new data. So you can end it, talk and such, then start again, or you can maintain it with a concentration check. For a mentat that should be fairly easy, so DC 10 for maintaining it while talking or otherwise gathering data, DC 15 if you're running or climbing or such, DC 20 during combat, and some extreme circumstances might require DC 25. For this, DC 10.

2017-03-02, 03:01 PM
Yueh's Office

She listened as Jules is requests provisions. Acid? Why acid? It would do you no good unless you had a good grip of chemistry and chemicals. Still... She wouldn't refuse it. The poison snooker made perfect sense. No one wanted to risk poison, and considering kanly had been declared, they should expect poison. "Yes doctor, do you, or anyone else happen to have information on the native people's? Any additional information on theirs customs, traditions, standard diet, typical values, and any religious or moral beliefs common among the people would be invaluable. No doubt your information on the fremen will be incredibly useful. However there could be Harkonnen agents hidden among the city folk. If we had a good grip of the city folk's culture, beliefs, and any religions common for them, it could help us identify any Harkonnen who don't know such things."

Doctor Yueh thinks for a moment, then replies, "The only true natives there are Fremen. All the others are a collection of people from across the Imperium. While I suspect they do have some Fremen customs in Arrakeen, since some few Fremen are reported to live in the city, the other locals likely have only a loose collection of customs unique to each group. I think this would also apply to traditions, religions, diets, values and moral beliefs. Sorry I can't be more help in this, but so little is known about Arrakis. I have little doubt that the locals have some very deeply held resentments toward the previous rulers, as do most who deal with that vile House."

Juladia says, "We will simply have to rely on our wits, skills, powers of observation, and Freya's ability to come to logical conclusions to glean such information ourselves. Perhaps Aidan Bosque will have more useful information for us concerning these things."

2017-03-02, 06:18 PM
"Yes, I actually have one other question," Duncan chimes in. "What sort of environmental hazards are we expecting to face? Obviously, it is a desert planet, so we'll presumably be needing hot weather gear, but is there any specialized equipment we will need? Or anything that is going to be rendered non-functional by the environment there?"

2017-03-02, 07:09 PM
Freya acknowledged the doctor with a nod and a quick thank you. She had hoped more detailed information was known. Sure immigrants brought thiet own culture... But when you live in a place for decades, your culture and view start to chance from one generation to the next. This is how many stable cultures began. That said 80 years wasn't much, and no doubt the Harkonena weren't into building the people up.

Freya isn't quite sure how to respond to that last bit. Responding would just make it... Awkward. So she doesn't speak. It felt like saying much here could come across badly so she tried to pay attention to Daniel. He had asked a good solid question she was ashamed she hasn't asked. Freya would listen to the doctors every word on the subject. It could impact what kind of equipment she would bring herself, there might be some useful information for the taking.

[roll0] Concentration

2017-03-03, 12:19 PM
Yueh's Office

Doctor Yueh nods once at Daniel (not Duncan), "Heat is one of the biggest concerns there. Without some protection it taxes the body of a normal person quickly, draining their vitality. Also, armor and other restrictive clothing exacerbate this effect. Loose robes or cloaks with hoods can lessen the effects of the heat (All temperature cloak, cost 150 solaris). The inoculation I gave you will grant you some protection, but only for about a week. Doctor Loikan will be able to renew this as needed.

The heat should not have much of an affect on your equipment. Though leaving certain materials out in the direct sunlight for extended periods will certain degrade some things. The dust and sand, blown by the winds, can foul mechanical items such as projectile weapons. Breathing mask (cost 200 solaris) filters (25 solaris each) must be changed often, if worn. With water being such a valued commodity means that bathing is all but forbidden, so sand and grit can be irritating at least, and over time could cause other health issues.

As he talks of these items he pulls them from his locker and offers them to each of you. You get up to 5 mask filters each. Juladia accepts a mask and filters, but she already has a robe that includes the same protection.

And of course, the melange is found everywhere on Arrakis, including microscopic particles suspended in the air. Over time this will likely cause exposure sufficient to saturate the blood with it, and possibly cause addiction to it. That should not be a concern, from all the data we have collected, for many months in the city. Properly maintained breathing masks will extend this period significantly. I would presume this would be accelerated in the desert, being the source and having much less protection from the elements.

Reports indicate that out in the desert the worst of the sandstorms can flay the flesh from a person very quickly. This should not be a concern for you, at least initially. If, for some reason, you find yourself there, you should certainly be well equipped for that.

So stay covered, avoid daylight exposure as much as possible, wear a breathing mask and change the filters often, and above all stay hydrated. Anything else?"

There are rules for the heat exposure, which we will get into if/when appropriate. Suffice it to say it is a fort save, the all temperature cloak grants +2 to this, and the hotter it is the harder the DC will be. Failure would mean some vitality point damage, and the check would be each hour, which gets harder for each failure you have.

2017-03-03, 04:54 PM
Freya took some time to think. She took the items he offered. "Thank you, I would be only to happy to pay... I'd rather you not be out money. Or is this kind of thing something to duke of Hawat wanted kfor the forces and it doesn't cost you?" Freya takes out a wallet to offer to repay him. "What expense was this on you or the the Atredies?"

"You mentioned equipment trouble, how do shields fare? Could they help stop the brunt of any such winds, or are the sand and dust likely to somehow get inside the mechanism? I have thought of buying one but now that you mention equipment troubles I thought I should ask." Freya would smile somewhat and listen. If no one asked any questions to provoke his response after this, Freya is ready to leave.

I know shields cause issues and don't work so well OoC, but was heavily debating buying one anyway because Freya didn't know that. XD but... Now that Daniel steered the conversation into these waters and Yueh mentioned equipment issues, I have the excuse to ask IC. I'd he doesn't know anything I'm probably buy one just for the sake of that's what Freya would do.

2017-03-03, 05:08 PM
Yueh's Office

Doctor Yueh smiles at Freya, "All this is provided by the Duke for his loyal subjects free of charge. As to the shield, it is yet unknown to what extent they work or have trouble in that environment. I'd suggest taking it, you can always deactivate it."

Juladia shrugs ever so slightly, "I am certainly taking mine, Freya."

This is one of the pieces of equipment that would be considered standard issue to all members of the Atreides many troops and support staff. So you would have a standard model without cost. If you want to upgrade it you would have to pay the difference in cost.

2017-03-04, 11:56 AM
Yueh's Office

Once again doctor Yueh asks, "Anything else I can help with before you depart?"

Juladia had been waiting patiently by the door, "Nothing else for me."

2017-03-04, 10:02 PM
Freya smiles and thanks the doctor again before taking his place next to Juladia by the door. It was time to set off, and get this started, and she didn't want to delay such a mission any further. Everyone knew how important preparing the new hope for the final family was. They had to act fast.

2017-03-05, 09:35 AM
Yueh's Office

Doctor Yueh smiles at the group as they leave, “While I’m confident that you know this already, I was instructed to make it explicitly clear that given the nature of your mission you should not tell any of your companions, friends or family why you are going to Arrakis early. Good luck to you!”

The Star Searcher

Each of you go to your respective quarters to gather the rest of your belongings, with an agreement to meet at the restaurant in a hotel called The Star Searcher near the spaceport in an hour. By the time you all gather there the cold rain has started to fall. The Star Searcher is a large building that contains a bar, a restaurant, and floors above filled with rooms to rent to visitors to Caladan. It is somewhat upper class, but not exotic or overly expensive.

Inside the restaurant you find Juladia sitting at a table in the back corner with a man. Her back is against the wall and he is sitting so that he can see the main door and the kitchen door. She has the hood of her robe pulled back, half a drink on the table before her. Those piercing eyes of hers dart from alertly scanning the room and those within to lock onto you as you enter. She subtly raises a hand to make sure you see her, then returns to observing her surroundings.

When you join them, Juladia continues her visual observations of the room, her hands held in front of her in what you have observed is her habit of lightly touching the fingertips of each hand together, with the fingers slightly spread. She speaks in a volume intended for only those at the table to hear, “The lighter is scheduled to leave in less than an hour. A groundcar is waiting outside for us, and it will take only a few minutes to get to the ship, so we have a little time to talk. This is Rafa, for those of you might not know him. Rafa, this is Freya and Daniel. Rafa will be joining us, and I have been informed that Thufir Hawat approved his inclusion in our mission. I leave it to him to explain why he was not at the meetings.”

She raises her voice a little and adds, “I advise you both to eat something. While the food on the Lighter is likely to be good, this might be the last exquisite meal we get in some time. Rafa and I have already eaten; the grouper is outstanding tonight, and comes with fresh bread, spiced baked potato wedges and green beans. Just show your identity card and there will be no charge; the Duke takes such good care of the people in his service.”

After a sip of her drink, which seems to be iced tea, she looks casually at each of you and speaks in a jovial tone, “I intend to form a bond of trust and friendship between us, so I will be as forthcoming as possible.”

She pauses to sip her tea, then continues in an emotionless tone, “I will start by telling you that I have served Lady Jessica for a few years now. At first I was primarily a House servant, a maid, until she learned to trust my loyalty to her and motivations beyond what they drill into us in the sisterhood. In recent years I have served her exclusively, and she has often utilized the talents I honed while training with the sisterhood on Wallach IX for security and other purposes for House Atreides. She now trusts me implicitly, and has divulged more than a few closely held bits of information about the family and the House to me in confidence. Out of loyalty to her, I cannot share those with anyone.”

She smiles broadly, a genuinely friendly gesture, as she concludes in that jovial tone, “But I will answer any other questions you might have about me, my particular talents and skills, my past, or my time here on Caladan.”

2017-03-05, 12:30 PM
Daniel slides into the table opposite Juladia, notably not in his uniform and instead clad in a long leather jacket. "If Thurfir Hawat trusts him, that's good enough for me," Daniel says. "Good to have you along, Rafa."

He flags down a passing waiter, muttering an order to her before settling down in his chair. "You know, if this actually is 'exquisite', I think it'll be my first meal paid for by the Duke that is. And while I have no doubt, Reverend Mother, that a mutual trust in each other's abilities will be very neccessary to surviving our mission, I'm afraid the reputation of your order does...somewhat precede you."

"As for myself, I'm a soldier of the Duke, with all the training that entails, though I am fairly new to the job. But if Gurney and Duncan have enough trust in my capabilities to recommend me for a mission like this, I must have been doing something right."

2017-03-05, 01:43 PM
The Star Searcher

Juladia replies, "I am not a Reverend Mother, Daniel, merely a Bene Gesserit Adept. I possess all the training that the school always provides. I am trained in martial arts, which is enhanced by what is known as the Prana Bindu conditioning of the sisterhood. I also posses a maula pistol and a dagger, both of which I know how to use proficiently. I am also somewhat adept at stealth."

With a slight shrug she adds, "As to the reputation of the sisterhood, I wholeheartedly agree. I will reiterate that my loyalties lie completely with the Atreides. My view of the sisterhood is that they practice a form of slavery, especially with their breeding program, which I abhor vehemently. However, I am aware that this is not an attitude easily acceptable to those who are aware of the sisterhood's history. I can only ask that you try to view me as an individual with her own motivations and goals in life, not an indoctrinated and enslaved sister in servitude to the Bene Gesserit."

She smiles at Daniel and says softly, "I am confident that your military training will lend itself to brave actions against any Harkonnens or their agents. I see that you carry a sword, so presumably you are a trained swordsman. Are you also trained in the use of explosives?"

2017-03-05, 08:12 PM
Freya heads in and notices Juladia, who no doubt came noticeably early considering Freya had intended to be slightly early and still arrived later than her. She headed over and took a seat in as similar a fashion as possible, trying not to again, leave her back to a door. She listened and nodded politely to Rafar, with a simple word of welcome as well. Freya closed her eyes for the briefest moment and concentrated, tipping herself into a sort of trance used by the mentat.

She listened to Juladia and Daniel mostly silently, trying to absorb all this information. However 91st the bit about her view of the sisters, Freya smiled. ”My mother would like you.” she said, her voice low enough to avoid carrying to other tables. ”She was a sister too… but she left when she found out about that but… the idea of being unknowingly bred with a relative wicked her. Needless to say she never wanted me to join the sisters. But my dad… being loyal to the duke, wanted me trained as a mentat. Supposedly because of career opportunities I would guess.” Freya smiled at the half joke.

Freya was currently struggling with herself. You see she had some non mentat abilities due to a small degree of training from her mother. But did she reveal those? If the “witches” didn’t know she didn’t want to risk letting them know. She had no desire to be used by the group her mother abandoned.



The first is for Juladia, the second for Rafar. I am also going to use an action point to invoke the secondary ability of Freya's Weirding ability.

”Truthsaying [Weirding]
You have been trained to notice the minute signs of deception, and
recognize the truth when you hear it.
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Weirding Way.
Benefit: You may add your Intelligence modifier in addition to your
Wisdom modifier to any Sense Motive checks to determine the
veracity of a statement.
Additionally, after a successful Sense Motive check, you may
immediately spend an action point to determine if the character is lying
outright, telling a half-truth, or if the target truly believes what they are
Normal: You add your Wisdom modifier to all Sense Motive checks.”

Assuming my sense motive check is successful, I spend said action point to use the above ability, as underlined. Not for any out of character reason, but because Freya feels she has to be absolutely sure that Juladia is being truthful and isn’t reporting to the sisters.

If Juladia isn’t lying or telling half truth, Freya will do the following. If she is, she won’t.

Freya smiles awkwardly and considers for another moment, before trying to meet eyes with Juladia, then lower her gaze towards her hands, off to her side. Freya motions somewhat with her hands, in what wouldn’t be incomprehensible to most, but which she knows to be benne gesseret sign language. She doesn’t give any elaborate message, but the fact that she is even a losing Juladia to know that enough trust has been established for Freya to feel somewhat secure enough to alert her to her ability to use their sign language. She would explain more openly, but having just met radar and not having any grip on his personally… Freya elected to only clue Juladia in, because none of the others would understand, and explaining verbally in front of Radar?.... Not a good idea.

Again, she will only do the above if she gets no sense that Juladia is lying or telling half truths. Sorry for not posting earlier.

2017-03-05, 09:29 PM
The Star Searcher

From what Freya can tell, Juladia is being completely honest and open. Of course, ooc she could've just rolled a high bluff vs the sense motive. But with the action point, the mentat is 99.999% sure of the veracity. It all fits into her personality, story (which is verifiable), and everything she has said and done so far.

Juladia returns the smile, then signals for the waitress. In doing so she flicks a finger subtly to simply acknowledge understanding to Freya. She orders more tea and honey, this time with cinnamon, as she returns her hands to their finger tent on the table.

2017-03-07, 03:55 AM
"I hope you will forgive my mistake. I was under the impression everyone the sisterhood let off of their planet was a Reverend Mother," Daniel replies. "As for my training, yes, I can serve as demolitions if the need arises, as well as a medic, a pilot, and a guide in most areas of the wild. However, I am not primarily any of those things, and am first and foremost just a soldier."

2017-03-07, 04:42 AM
The Star Searcher

“My correction of your misunderstanding is my forgiveness, Daniel," Juladia shrugs once and continues, “Usually I would not bother, allowing someone to believe that erred conclusion. But since I desire your trust and friendship, I think it best to be truthful at every opportunity.”

Pausing to acknowledge the waitress who brought her fresh tea, the witch adds, “You see, the sisterhood purposely fosters such beliefs among the general population of the Imperium. Indeed, most of those who offer their services to leaders of noble houses and other influential political and business leaders are Reverend Mothers. But in truth, most sisters who venture forth from Wallach IX are loyal Adepts.”

Lowering her voice a bit she sighs softly and admits, “In my case, I will very likely never have the opportunity to attempt the transformation into a Reverend Mother. I abandoned the sisterhood and left without permission, so the Mother Superior of the order officially banished me in the public record so I could not sully their reputation. Typically, I do not bother to explain, since I find it much simpler to allow people to believe their mistaken assumptions. Lady Jessica has always advised me to continue doing so, but the Duke and his trusted inner circle have always known the truth.”

After a sip of her tea, she says cheerfully, “So you possess a well-rounded skill set. That is excellent Daniel. I suspect that we will all come to rely on you heavily in this mission. Indeed, the skills we each possess will doubtless be important to our overall success, as projected by Thufir.”

2017-03-07, 07:07 PM
Freya smiles and listens as they speak again. "I agree. I don't know the fight thing about piloting... Anything really. My training has been relatively focused so far on things I needed to learn most by my tutor and mother. Things like creating chemicals and poisons, concentration skills, awareness, behavioral sciences, and the ability to sense others motives. And I guess... Since no one here has been dishonest as far as I can tell... Truthsaying. It's uh... Juladia might be the only one to really know what that is... I don't have much training in Weirding abilities from my mother, but I've developed the ability to detect lies, half truths, and the like. I'm more a mental skills than physical skills type of person to be honest." Freya smiled. It had taken her a while... But she had finally felt sure enough that her team would function better if they were more aware of her skills and weaknesses.

Freya went back to eating her meal, and finished it for the most part after a few minutes. She listened and nibbled on potato wedges as she absorbed the conversation)


Concentration check to maintain it. If I recall you said that's all I needed to maintain the mentat trance. I'll double check when I post. But just to be sure, I'll roll and Auto hypnosis too. Sorry for the delay!


2017-03-08, 06:37 AM
The Star Searcher

Meals and drinks are enjoyed and friendly conversation continues as the time to depart approaches. Some excitement builds among them, along with some trepidation, as they reach the point when they must leave. Though it will still be some time before they actually begin their mission, this first step of leaving Caladan was a new experience for most of the group.

Atreides Lighter

The spaceport on Caladan, like all major spaceports, is a miniature city unto itself. You are driven from the The Star Searcher to the spaceport via groundcar by a guard. Dozens of groundcars speed around you, and Ornithopters beat their wings on the air above. As you approach the coast, you see large ships plying the waters, some approaching the spaceport. Above all of this, the Lighter squats on one of the pads.

The Atreides Lighter, while small in comparison to a Highliner, is fairly large. A single Lighter is capable of storing thousands of men, equipment and supplies. This is not the first time you have seen one, but it‘s the first opportunity for you to be aboard one. You note the Atreides Hawk symbol emblazoned across it.

The driver/guard mentions that a really big ship, a Frigate, is due to land in the next several days in preparation for the final wave. It‘ll take weeks to load everything onto the Frigate, and it will dominate the landscape.

Upon arrival at the landing pad, you must check through the boarding terminal, a large complex in its own right. You must check your luggage, if you brought any, and present your identification to the security personnel. The terminal is large and spacious, with huge windows providing a view to the sea and sky beyond.

You easily check through the terminal and make your way onto the Lighter. There are many entrances into the ship, and you can see cargo being loaded onto some of the other bays, as well as formations of troops marching on board. You enter through a normal walkway and door.

Inside the Lighter you are surrounded by opulence. The walls and floors appear to be mahogany or some similar alien wood, covered with carpets and tapestries. As usual, there are guards stationed at every juncture. After walking for several minutes in the maze inside the Lighter, a guard leads you to your stateroom. He says, “For security‘s sake, please do not leave your stateroom unescorted. The CommNet transmitter inside can summon a guard. The ship is due to arrive at Arrakis in 24 hours. Meals will be brought to you when requested.”

The stateroom consists of a large living room with a library, solido projector, comfortable couches and chairdogs, all illuminated by glowglobes. Three private rooms adjoin the central living space, each with its own bathroom and sleeping area.

Juladia inspects the area then says, “I will be entering a Dao Trance for the journey. The announcement of our arrival will trigger the end of the trance. Enjoy your space journey.” She goes into her room and closes the door.

So again there's plenty of time to talk if you want. But I suspect most of you just want to get on with it at this point.

2017-03-08, 07:02 AM

A day after your arrival on the Lighter, the CommuniNet transmitter signals your arrival on Arrakis. The transmitter announces that the local time in Arrakeen is 0800 hours, temperature 36 degrees Celsius (97 degrees Fahrenheit).

Moments later Juladia emerges from her room. The voluminous hood of her robe is pulled up over her head. The breathing mask dangles from a strap around her neck, ready to be placed over her mouth.

A blast of superheated air and blinding white light greets you upon stepping through the Lighter‘s door onto the departure ramp. Juladia pulls her breathing mask over her mouth. Blue sky stretches out above while white sandstone roads and walkways reflect the morning‘s light. Buildings scatter across the landscape, placed more and more densely as your gaze moves to the Imperial Palace, nestled against the Shield Wall. The Imperial Palace dominates the western side of the city, overshadowed only by the deep brown rock of the Shield Wall. It‘s a large compound consisting of many buildings.

Knowledge history DC 12 = know that the Imperial Palace is formerly The Count Hasimir and Lady Margot Fenring‘s home. DC 15+ = know who they are and their relationship to the Emperor.

Knowledge History (1d20+4)[20]

So if nobody else makes this she will explain, albeit slightly muffled by the mask.
In the heat of the day there is very little shadow. Palm and date trees line the largest roads, reminding the peasants of the wealth of the former Harkonnen Regime. People mingle everywhere; rich merchants sit, eating with each other in the temporary shade provided by poorly dressed people holding up canopies. Atreides guards patrol the streets while watersellers advertise their product. Groundcars stop and go as traffic allows, many laden with food, supplies, or people. And always heat. While the sun shines, it bakes everything on the surface of the planet.

At the foot of the Lighter‘s ramp, a groundcar with an Atreides guard awaits you. As you approach, the guard greets you by name and introduces himself, “I’m Devon Vernius. I've been dispatched by Aidan Bosque to collect you.” He‘s not especially friendly. The soldiers on Arrakis are all Caladan natives uprooted from their homes.

Juladia stares at him intently for a moment (Sense Motive 20), then relaxes and gives an nod to the others as she enters the car. Once inside, she removes her breathing mask.

It‘s not long before you begin to get thirsty. Devon has water for you, in bottles in the car. As he takes the players to the Palace he explains, “The commoners presume things will be just as bad under the Atreides as they were under the Harkonnens. We're beginning to try to change that.” He slows the car down, pointing out members of the Atreides Propaganda Corp putting up posters of the Duke with the text; Love The Good Duke Atreides!

From now on please include a listen and spot check in your first post after each of mine. Include your bonus in the roll (ex: 1d20+5). You can roll in the dice thread and paste the results, as I did in this post for Juladia. Not all of them will yield results, but when they do I will include what you notice.

Listen (1d20+9)[15]
Spot (1d20+9)[28]

2017-03-08, 11:50 AM
The meal ends soon afterwards, without much reply from Juladia. They left for the spaceport. Things were starting to ramp up a bit more as things were bustling there. Freya could only assume they were given instructions from the duke’s forces to allow them on the ship with their fear. For while they did scan and take all such procedures, Freya got onboard with her own equipment intact, including her two vials of belladonna extract poison. Then again, no doubt Hawat had been over them scrutinously. He probably had a say on that because this was the Atreides ship.

Once aboard the ship they were led to a storeroom. So far Freya had had a more difficult time keeping up her mentat concentration and focus. So she excused herself with an apology to her room with several books. She pours over the books but has problems maintaining herself. Perhaps it’s the stress of the mission, and the anxiety of what’s to come, but she can’t seem to call here mentat focusing ability to herself at the moment. Freya sighs, and behinds to read. Mentat Trance or no, it’s not like she’s suddenly stupid without it. In the end she does her best to read and memorize. Thankfully books on the planet and femen, and the worms extraordinarily so, are fascinating enough to keep her interest in their own merit. After several hours she will emerge and return the books. ”Sorry about that. I’m… not faring as well as normal just now. Perhaps it’s just stress. How are you faring?” Freya says to Daniel, knowing that Juladia is not available, and wanting to speak more with him anyways. However other than scattered conversation such as this, Freya ends up spending most of the time asleep or trying to meditate and calm herself.

Finally the call to disembark comes and they are told the time. So it was 800 huh? What a convenient time. She would have her breathing mask ready but wouldn’t use it at the moment. City Roll got around without one. She’d wear it only if wind was blowing dust or sand around. Otherwise, she felt the drive to save her filters for storms and the like. (Sense motive: 20) Freya relaxed as well when Juladia does. When they get near enough to the palace she will explain it’s recent history should anyone ask. (K, History: 24) Freya accepts the drink of water, and takes a sip. It saddens her to know that a simple bottle of water probably fetched an absurd price should the City dwellers try to buy a simple bottle of water. Why did people choose to live here? Why didn’t they create it themselves? She thought. Water is merely hydrogen-dioxide. Surely they had sources of hydrogen and oxygen they could bind into sources of water. She could only imagine the tension in the city now. No doubt there had been riots over the additional burden of water the duke's forces would require. That's probably why the propaganda corps were working overtime. But she doubted billboards would work. She expected these people would be lean and, just now free from harkonnens, would expect action from the duke before accepting him fully. But that was merely her expectations. All in all, with these as her thoughts, it was a depressing ride for her.

Listen check is 25, spot is 10. I rolled a nat 1 on my concentration check hence the above, but I can edit my post if you wish a more major failure, as my rolls this time are recording in the dice topic.

Edit: (yay this is a thing I can do now that I don't need to worry about making sure my dice rolls are confirmed.) Nat 20 on the history check!

Wait... Dear God what are the odds I'd roll a nat 20 and a nat 1 in the same round? I'm still the only one to have rolled either of those right?

2017-03-10, 08:12 AM
”Sorry about that. I’m… not faring as well as normal just now. Perhaps it’s just stress. How are you faring?” Freya says to Daniel, knowing that Juladia is not available, and wanting to speak more with him anyways.

"Well enough," Daniel replies, setting down the filmbook he had been studying. "I've been doing my best to read up on current troop deployments and Fremen population centres, but Yueh and Thurfir didn't seem to think that military intelligence was going to be as important to us as information about the ecology and environment."

ArrakisAt the foot of the Lighter‘s ramp, a groundcar with an Atreides guard awaits you. As you approach, the guard greets you by name and introduces himself, “I’m Devon Vernius. I've been dispatched by Aidan Bosque to collect you.” He‘s not especially friendly. The soldiers on Arrakis are all Caladan natives uprooted from their homes.

Juladia stares at him intently for a moment, then relaxes and gives an nod to the others as she enters the car. Once inside, she removes her breathing mask.

It‘s not long before you begin to get thirsty. Devon has water for you, in bottles in the car. As he takes the players to the Palace he explains, “The commoners presume things will be just as bad under the Atreides as they were under the Harkonnens. We're beginning to try to change that.” He slows the car down, pointing out members of the Atreides Propaganda Corp putting up posters of the Duke with the text; Love The Good Duke Atreides!

Daniel offers the guard a salute, and enters the car behind Juladia. "Have the forces of the Duke taken any other steps to secure the loyalty of the populace?" he asks, glancing out at the propaganda. "The intel we were provided made it sound like the people of Arrakis are rather fiercely independent."
Knowledge (History): [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2017-03-13, 06:48 PM
JB chuckled from the passenger's seat up front when Daniel asked his question. Unable to restrain his tongue any longer despite Devon's presence behind the wheel, he said, "'Fiercely independent' is an understatement. Not even the Harkonnens had any idea what they were up against. Expect any of the true natives you meet here in Arrakeen to be spies. They're in it entirely for themselves. And the local off-worlders are little better. Everybody here is working for somebody: CHOAM, the Guild, the Sisterhood, the smugglers, the Harkonnens... take your pick."

The lanky 'man' appeared to be little more than a boy, but he cradled a large enough hand gun in his lap, where the pedestrians could see it. His accent was pure Caladan, but he didn't look the part. The hair showing from under his hood was sandy, not the black of most Caladan natives, and the nose was completely wrong. Not broken, but rounder and broader than would be expected.

Juladia at least could also detect a degree of control in his voice that indicated Sisterhood training of some kind. Perhaps only the basics, but certainly more than any fisherman from Caladan would have. But it only made sense, of course. Who exactly would be sent to Arrakis in the first waves?

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2017-03-13, 09:05 PM
Arrakeen Street

Though several people sit at tables outside a restaurant to the left of the street, Juladia and Johnny notice one man (D at K11) staring intently at the waterseller storefront across the street, just ahead on the right. He then glances at his watch and suspiciously ducks under the table out of sight.

Juladia points this out and tells the driver to stop. Putting on her breathing mask she exits the vehicle (H7) and looks around, focusing on the restaurant.

The Mentat may make a Sense Motive – discern strategy check as a full round action.

Everyone roll listen, spot and post whatever action(s) you want to do. Also roll initiative, though this won’t matter until next round.

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Initiative [roll2]


2017-03-14, 01:28 AM
Freya turns when Juladia and Rafar turned to look at something. They get out as instructed and Freya takes everything she can in. What was the meaning of all of this? It was indeed her suspicious. Freya puts her breathing mask in as well as soon as Juladia starts,mostly out of caution, the people didn’t seem to be wearing them. Freya gets out as well and surveys the area and the man. What was his game? At any rate she can’t stop, she needs to think. Freya immediately begins trying to sort out the motive and what is going on here. She began probing, recalling facts about the population. The water seller was of great importance she is sure,not just because of where the person was sitting, giving clear view of it, but also for other factors, not least among them the great importance of water. On Caladin it fell from the sky, here you had to buy, steal, or beg to survive from the way things sounded, at least for the city folk. The femen must have… different ways. Freya spent her time observing and sorting the facts, why duck under a table? It wasn’t exactly a good hiding spot. Then protection? From what? What could there be that a table would offer protection from? Not melee combat, hiding there would only make it harder to fight back or run. Flying debris? Wait… a bomb? They checked the time, that would line up.

Freya took a deep breath and sorted facts, attempting to come up with the most probable scenario. What was the motive? And what was the strategy, for clearly something was going on. Sort, analyze, file, predict. Don’t worry,be calm. This is like math. Find the answer to the variables, solve the equation.

I REALLY wish I’d just rolled here. That was a fiasco.
Initiative: 22
Autohypnosis: 23
Sense Motive: 13
Listen: 12
Spot: 17

Yeah I know my fault I accidently put in \ instead of / and I’m a bit grumpy about it, sorry. I was just really hoping my mentat could come through here because she’s been a failure of a mentat these last few rolls as far as sense motive and autohpnosis is concerned. Oh well. XD I am still excited, this will be fun.

2017-03-14, 03:50 AM
JB spotted the bomber about the same time Juladia did. While she told him to stop, JB said, "Vernius, bomb right... back it up! I'll get the Sister!" Strapping his mask on and holstering his huge pistol, he rolled out of the vehicle and into the street, slamming the door behind him so it wouldn't clip him when the car backed up.

One hand on his holstered weapon, he drew even with Juladia (H8) and said, "Sister, we need to go... Something's about to blow..."

With his other hand, he reached out for Juladia, looking at the water seller, since she seemed to have the restaurant covered.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]
Command (to get Devon to move the car out of the blast radius): [roll3]
Acrobatics (to get around the car if Devon doesn't move it out of the way fast enough): [roll4]
Knowledge (Tactics) (to figure out the best response to the bomb): [roll5]

2017-03-14, 09:43 AM
So Freya is getting out? Because the sense motive application requires a full round she can only take a 2m step. So she could be in H5, H6, F5, F6, F7, F8; please pick one.

2017-03-14, 10:36 AM
So Freya is getting out? Because the sense motive application requires a full round she can only take a 2m step. So she could be in H5, H6, F5, F6, F7, F8; please pick one.H6. :) I am looking forward to seeing what is going on.

2017-03-14, 03:37 PM
H6. :) I am looking forward to seeing what is going on.

Cool, we just need a post for Daniel.

2017-03-14, 06:06 PM
Daniel steps out in front of the other three, putting a hand on the hilt of his sword and keeping his head on a swivel. When Johnny speaks up, he swears under his breath, and says, "I don't see him. Which direction?"

Move to I7.

And I guess Knowledge (Tactics) as well. [roll]1d20+3[roll]

2017-03-14, 06:51 PM
"Restaurant, under the table... I think the bomb is in the waterseller's across the street," JB said quickly, still trying to get Juladia to safety. He couldn't really explain it, but he had a soft spot for the Sisterhood. The Sisters who ran the orphanage where he'd been raised made boot camp seem like a picnic, but he loved them just the same.

The Missionaria Protectiva strikes again! :smallbiggrin:

2017-03-14, 09:10 PM
Arrakeen Street Rd 1

Freya struggles to interpret the data so quickly and is unable to formulate the strategy involved. She steps out of the car and glances around.

Johnny commands the driver to back the car up and moves out to stand by Juladia protectively.

Daniel steps into the street to place himself between the restaurant and the others in his group. He exchanges a few words with Johnny.

Juladia spots the suspicious man hiding under the table. Despite the concern of others for her safety she stays in place.

Everyone but the driver exits the car. Vernius moves the car back, but stays fairly close to the gathered group in case someone wants to get back inside quickly.

OK, so this is just the summary of rd 1. Going forward is tricky without giving everything away too soon, but after Freya something happens on rd 2. Actually a few things happen, in order of initiative. So once we get the post from Freya I’ll post the event and the rest of you can react in order. If you want to Mai, you can hold your turn for Freya until after the first event, which will move your initiative to after that.

I changed the D of the man hiding under the table on the map to avoid confusion with Daniel's D.

Freya 22
Johnny 16
Daniel 14
Juladia 13
Vernius 12


2017-03-15, 09:09 AM
Rd 2

A barely perceptible movement occurs on the roof of the restaurant above the main door. Juladia is the only one who notices, but before she can notify anyone a tube extends in front of what appears to be a person hiding behind the cover provided by the lip of the roof and aims at the water seller store front. A rocket shoots out, streaks across the street and explodes as it strikes the door of the building.

The blast kills a dozen people in the store and the area, wounds several others in the street, and blows a big hole in the store. The corner of the building prevents the shrapnel from harming the four Atreides retainers. Chaos erupts as the screams of panic and pain fill the hot air of morning, with civilians crawling away for cover or running from the area. The man hiding under the table also avoids any harm, looking around as if ready to run. The sniper on the roof ducks down behind the cover, all but disappearing from sight.

So the sniper is hidden behind 3/4 cover, Hide was 20, so a spot check of 20+ is needed to target him specifically with ranged weapons.

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

After Freya and Johnny, and before Daniel, something else happens. But you can all post (remember to include a listen and spot check), I'll work with the actions you post or allow Daniel to alter his action(s) after the next event if he wants.

Freya 19
Johnny 16
Daniel 14
Juladia 13
Vernius 12


2017-03-15, 04:31 PM
Freya moves to [L5] to look for any form of ladder up to the roof. Freya, at this point, was torn between 2 things. The why. The why seemed so obvious, water was vital... But could it be a diversion? Best calm the populace though. "Everyone stay calm, hide under tables or better yet lay them down and form a bariccade and everyone get there. The rocket came from the roof, so don't run out. Of they are willing to fire a rocket and risk the deaths of people, as seen outside, they won't care about taking more lives. Stay inside, divide up and form barricades. As long as you stay ou5 of their way there is a lower chance of injury or death. I repeat, do not run into the streets."

Freya avoided saying who they were for now, and spoke with as much authority as she could. She had done a bit of telling to make sure she was heard. Right now she needed to think, to figure out her next move. But standing in the street was stupid at the moment. Besides, she knew the food duke would be angry if no effort was put forward to save the civilians. Freya braced herself against a wall, fliped her shield on, and pulled out a punching dagger.

I need a full round to figure out their strategy as said, but I also needed cover. And Freya isn't the type to let civilians get hurt, and so many were already. So this made sense to me. In effect, she moved 5 squares, activated her shield, and readied a weapon, but took no other standard action. (Because she had nothing to do with it, and because while speaking is a free action still if I recall, that was a fair bit of speaking.

Concentration: 10
Spot and Listen:19

2017-03-15, 08:42 PM
JB drew his weapon, looking for a target while he said, "Sister, please! Get back in the car! I'll cover you..."

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
To Hit (if Spot is good enough, using Precision): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]+2 Wounds

2017-03-15, 08:50 PM
JB drew his weapon, looking for a target while he said, "Sister, please! Get back in the car! I'll cover you..."

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
To Hit (if Spot is good enough, using Precision): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]+2 Wounds

OOC: Since he has no targets Johnny can hold his attack and release the shot when he sees someone. Right after his turn the man who was hiding makes a run for it. While he is obscured by the smoke, JB hears him. With the roll you posted you would hit. I’m not sure 2d8 is the proper damage though.

EDIT: +0 BaB, +3 Dex, +2 MW, +1 Weapon Focus (Personal Firearms) = +6 normally. With Precision to attack that would be +9!

2017-03-15, 09:01 PM
OOC: Yes, Johnny would fire at him. I thought 2d8 was what you said for slug throwers... I'm off to the OOC thread to try to find the post...

2017-03-15, 09:04 PM
OOC: Yes, Johnny would fire at him. I thought 2d8 was what you said for slug throwers... I'm off to the OOC thread to try to find the post...

Ahh, slug thrower, gotcha. All the info I decide will also be in the first ooc post for convenience. And yes, 2d8 is correct.

2017-03-15, 09:13 PM
OOC: Ah, thanks! I got distracted by an e-mail and hadn't gone to look yet...

EDIT: Oh, I missed the Weapon Focus for the feat there, thanks again!

2017-03-15, 09:39 PM
Rd 2 Continued...

Freya turns on her shield and moves to the door (L9) of the restaurant as she calls out commands to the civilians. Most of them seem to ignore her and scatter, but some obey and seek cover inside or under tables outside. She sees no sign of a ladder or any other easy means of ascending to the roof of the restaurant.

Johnny draws his pistol and looks around for a target. Finding none at the moment, he prepares to fire once he sees a likely target. Meanwhile, he once again tries to convince the Bene Gesserit to seek safety.

The man who was hiding under the table moves south through the smoke and confusion toward the next building. He’s obviously trying to hide his movement, but is also scurrying to quickly get out of the vicinity.

As he moves he all but knocks over the table, sending dishes clattering as he blends into the obscuring smoke. Johnny fires his weapon at the noise, then hears a muffled yelp of pain and a dull thud.



I added to the map so the coordinates have changed slightly. I also added in smoky areas, and a symbol to indicate north, to make it easier to determine directions.


2017-03-16, 03:22 AM
"Sister, PLEASE return to the ground car!" JB called, trying to cover her but get himself out of the smoke so he could see.

Johnny would like to take a five foot step into the square Daniel is in (I11), assuming he's moving. If Juladia moves, he'll try to stay with her instead.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
To Hit (if a target presents itself): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + 2 Wounds

2017-03-16, 08:41 AM
Daniel bounds forwards towards table that Johnny had pointed out, drawing his sword as he goes. Though the figure is now shrouded by smoke, enough of their silhouette is visible that Daniel can take a swing at the prone figure's head.

Move: I11 to J15


2017-03-16, 09:48 AM
Rd 2 Conclusion

Daniel draws his sword as he moves next to the table where the man was hiding. He finds the man unconscious and laying on the ground. Swinging his sword, he easily kills the man.

Juladia seems quite calm among the panicked citizens and mayhem. She tries to get a glimpse of the rocket wielding sniper on the roof, but he remains well hidden from her view. She then looks to see where the man who hid under the table went, but he too has apparently vanished from sight in the smoke and dust.

Hearing the shot from Johnny and the dull thump, then seeing Daniel move over there, she activates her personal shield in deference to the concern for her safety that the knave continues to vocalize with increasing insistence. She moves into the heavy smoke near the entrance to the water seller building (F14) to see if she can assist any wounded civilians there.

Through the smoke Daniel catches a glimpse of a trio of men dressed in robes (H4-6) who all rush from the alley south of the restaurant and spread out onto the street. Each carries a sword and a maula pistol.

One of them (H5) fires his pistol at Daniel, hitting him in the left shoulder (6 WP).

Another one (H4) attacks Daniel with his sword, which swings wide as he dodges aside and parries.

The third (H6) fires his pistols at a nearby wounded civilian, who is crawling slowly away and trying to escape. The shot misses, and the civilian struggles to her feet and runs away to the south.

Another pair of robed and armed men (H2-3) rush into the smoke obscured mayhem and join the others in the brutal slaughter of fleeing, wounded civilians with their pistols.

Vernius backs the car north and west around the corner of the pharmacy to get out of sight and line of fire. He transmits a message to report the incident, but remains in the car to make sure it’s ready to speed off if needed.

Sniper 19
Freya 19 (Shield)
Johnny 15
Daniel 14
Juladia 13 (Shield)
H(1-6) 13
Vernius 12

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 6


2017-03-16, 10:05 AM
Rd 3

The sniper fires a shot from a maula pistol at Johnny but misses. He vanishes behind the cover on the roof, ostensibly to retreat or gain another position.

So now Freya, JB, Daniel and Juladia all go before the troopers on the street.

You can post in any order, I'll sort it out

2017-03-16, 01:37 PM
Freya sighed softly to herself.thankfully people were heeding her words.but now she faced a dilemma. Should she stay and protect the people of head off and take down the assailants. She looked out the door She was next to. No one in view, well, no threats in view. Smoke was everywhere. Now, should she tell them to grab knives from the kitchen? This would allow the more able bodied to protect the others. However what if they had men in here? It was too big a risk, and if the men outside got work people were armed in here it could provoke them. She couldn’t risk it. She noticed a comrade not far and by gesture tried to convey that everyone inside was safe. [JB] These daggers we're no good in the smoke.best protect what lives she could.

Freya tried to ease herself back into her mentat functions. What was the motive and strategy? She’d been close enough regarding worries of a bomb. And that guy who hid under the table could well be in here with the civilians. What was the motive, and what was the plan. The fog obscured much but she could hear a degree of the chaos. What would such people gain? They blew open the water sellers, but had they gone in yet? It was impossible to tell. Freya tried to strain her ears to hear better. Think, what was the end goal, what would they do next?

Autohypnosis (mentat trance)
Concentration, there is a battle going on.
Sense motive, full round discern strategy/etc.

Summary: not much to summarize, she gestured out the door, and is trying to… Sense motive them since no one is near enough to attack.

2017-03-16, 01:58 PM
I hate to do it but this feels like a worthy event. I spend another action point, It's only level 1, so it won't be too long till they refill I guess.

My sense motive check was 15, now I add 1d6


2017-03-16, 05:59 PM
Cursing into his filter mask, Johnny plunged after Juladia (G14). It seemed THIS Sister had absolutely no common sense. He kept his pistol at the high ready, hearing gunfire down the street. Unable to see, he racked his brain for what the enemy was up to.

Johnny is hopefully going to shoot one of them before they shoot him. I'm going to hold off on rolling, though, unless you want to give me that last roll for this round... :smallbiggrin:
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Knowledge (Tactics): [roll2]

2017-03-17, 08:02 AM
Johnny is hopefully going to shoot one of them before they shoot him. I'm going to hold off on rolling, though, unless you want to give me that last roll for this round... :smallbiggrin:
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Knowledge (Tactics): [roll2]

Yes, I'm using your last set of attack/damage rolls.
To Hit (if a target presents itself): (1d20+9)[29]
Damage: (2d8)[14] + 2 Wounds

You need to roll to confirm that critical! They're all in smoke so they do have some concealment. So include a 1d100 for miss chance (I usually go with 1-10 for 10%, etc).

Which one are you shooting? Remember that firing into melee is -4 without precise shot. Right now that would apply if you shoot at H4.

2017-03-17, 08:26 AM
Daniel bats away the sword of the first attacker, but takes a bullet to the arm for his troubles. Gritting his teeth in pain, he slaps the shield module at his waist, bringing it humming to life, and then returns the blow from his assailant in kind.

Move action to activate shield, then attacking H4.


2017-03-17, 08:35 AM
Daniel bats away the sword of the first attacker, but takes a bullet to the arm for his troubles. Gritting his teeth in pain, he slaps the shield module at his waist, bringing it humming to life, and then returns the blow from his assailant in kind.

Move action to activate shield, then attacking H4.


His damage should be 2d6+6, you get 1.5 str bonus to damage using two handed sword.

2017-03-17, 09:37 AM
Rd 3

The sniper fires a shot from a maula pistol at Johnny but misses. He vanishes behind the cover on the roof, ostensibly to retreat or gain another position.

Within seconds the mentat assesses the situation inside and decides that things are well in hand for now, based on what information she currently has. Freya then gestures with a hand signal to Johnny, indicating her conclusion. Still concentrating in her mentat trance, she finally manages to conclude the most likely strategy and tactics of these attackers.

Johnny follows Juladia into the smoke (to G14), cursing what he believes are her foolish actions. He fires his pistol again, the old style slug thrower sending out a loud sound along with the projectile. The shot strikes one of the robed men in the chest (12 VP, 4 WP), sending him reeling back a step as he looks down at his bleeding body, then crumples to the ground.

Daniel activates his shield and strikes out at the man fighting him. His attack skirts along the robe as the man barely manages to twist aside to avoid the large, sharp blade.

Seeing nobody in the area that she could assist, Juladia ignores Johnny’s concern for her safety again as she quickly draws a dagger from under her robe. She moves deftly through the smoke and steps carefully over the rough terrain of stone rubble (to G16) to engage one of the robed attackers (H2). She stabs at him with a well-practiced attack, the dagger slicing into his left side along the ribs (2 VP).

H2 slashes out at Juladia with his sword, striking the shield. Bright energy absorbs the blow, the fast attack doing no damage to her.

H3 (or whichever one Johnny shot) falls in the smoke and lays unconscious, his weapons clattering top the ground nearby.

H4 attacks Daniel, his sword failing to connect with the elusive and well trained armsman, now also protected by his own energy shield.

H5 steps up (to H15) and attacks Johnny with his sword, but the agile knave sidesteps the seemingly clumsy swing.

H6 joins his companion (to I16) to fight Daniel, but also fails to connect with his blade.

Vernius remains in the vehicle and continues his report over the radio.

Freya 19 (Shield)
Johnny 15
Daniel 14 (Shield)
Juladia 13 (Shield)
H(1-6) 13
Vernius 12

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 6
H2 2
H3 12 (4 WP, knocked out)

EDIT: Oops, H3 should be unconscious and in J18. I'll fix it on the next map.

Also I forgot to take off H1, who is out of sight in the alley. So just pretend you never saw that.


2017-03-17, 04:01 PM
Freya’s mind was working overtime… What was the point to all this? Why now of all times? It would rile everyone up… Harkonnens. It was Kanly, a vendetta. Then no one was safe. The more civilians killed the more the others would be ruled up. They were stirring up drama knowing the duke was about to move in. Which meant that he would have to deal with the angry populace angry at him. This changes things. Others were out there fighting, no one was within range for her to attack, so it fell on her to protect as many civilians as possible. This also changed things. Before she didn’t want to reveal who they were, but now since they don’t know the harkonnens might try to feed off this. In order for them to not blame the duke, she would need them to know who was doing this. And it would possibly make them more loyal to the duke knowing their relationship. These kinds of events can bring out the worst in people, it wouldn’t be hard for someone to blame this on the new Duke.

Freya quickly began moving. Okay… it was time… Freya speaks, but doesn't tell. Only loud enough to be heard inside the building, and hopefully not loud enough for the men outside to hear.”Okay I didn’t want to do this but… who am i my you knows who ducked under the table outside? Some of you must have been outside and ran in or seen through a door or window. It’s incredibly likely that person has a connection to the attacks. Anyone who saw the person describe them to me, slowly and calmly, one at a time. If the person is in here with us, hold them down. possible it harm them unless they struggle, and do not let them die.“ Freya speaks as she walks. [N12] to inform them or not. To arm them or not? The Harkonnens benefit from as many dead people as possible. That changes things. If it was just an attack on the water sellers that was one thing, they gained no benefit for killing those who aren’t in their way, it just means they are there longer and thus have more time to be apprehended. And the more dead the greater the vengeance against them. But Harkonnens benefited from a high death rate. The baton didn’t care if his forces here today died, only about the chaos they caused. That meant they could come out of their way to kill those in here.

”The Harkonnens are out there slaughtering people to cause anarchy before duke Atreides even moves in. That means the more deaths they cause the greater the panic. Baron Harkonnen benefits from this greatly. So again, stay low, get defensible. My comrades were sent by the new duke, duke Leto Atreides. It was a good thing we happened to pass through this place on the way to our destination. ” Freya thought long and hard. ”Is anyone here somewhat skilled with a blade? One person per barricaded group go to the kitchen and grab a knife. This is a restaurant right? They must have something sharp right? It’s a risk, but with upended tables and the like to duck behind for some protection from ranged attacks and at least a makeshift weapon, you are more threatening to the Harkonnen agents here. They will probably try to flee when my comrades outside gain the upper hand. Considering that, taking on a fortified group with at least a few armed people and me would take a good deal of bravery, and since when have Harkonnens been brave?” Freya isn’t sure she believes that, but the jap will hopefully bolster their moral and help them combat panic. They are mostly civilians, if not entirely civilians, they aren’t trained. They need whatever confidence boosts they can get.

”Does anyone know a way into the roof? The sniper alone blew up the building and killed our severely wounded roughly a dozen people if not more when considering the wounded. We can’t let that murderer escape, hence the question.” Freya doubted it, but better ask and not get a good answer than never ask. And even if there wasn’t… That just made it harder for him to get away… if there wasn’t a way…. Why do it… Because he didn’t know we would be passing by this road, or that we existed at all.

Sense motive (specifically the sniper if, as expected, the civilians didn't know a way up. What is his last ditch plan should he be surrounded and unable to get down fast enough?)
Concentration (if needed)
Diplomacy (if needed)

Better roll somethin I may or may not need then find out I needed and slow things down.

2017-03-17, 05:27 PM
I'm good with dropping H3... I just hope I'm as lucky with H5...

Johnny was about to follow Juladia again, then realized a Harkonnen was right on top of him! He couldn't defend the Sister if he was killed himself, so he took a step back (F14) and fired again. He was hoping Vernius would be able to get the QRF on scene quickly.

Johnny takes a one square step back and shoots H5, taking an cover possible from the sniper on the roof.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
To Hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] +2 WP (maybe)

2017-03-17, 06:31 PM
Nice shot Johnny Boy! But he's in heavy smoke so 30% miss chance from concealment. You can roll or I will.

2017-03-17, 06:38 PM
Though his sword fails to find its mark, Daniel is able to step forward with the attack and carry himself out of reach of what has become his two assailants. He brings himself up back into guard, and as the crack of Johnny's slug-thrower sounds again, he brings the greatsword down in a slow arc.

Nowhere to really move, so I'm just attacking H4 again.

[roll1]+2 WP

2017-03-17, 06:40 PM
OOC: I rolled in the OOC thread when I realized my error, and got a 74, so I think I hit, right? I believe you said low is a miss...

2017-03-17, 08:32 PM
Rd 4

Freya moves deeper into the restaurant as she speaks with the patrons and workers. While few seem to react to her bits about the new Duke, the mention of the Harkonnens brings a few snarls, hard looks, muttered curses and some cooperation. While they had no real reason to trust her, one waiter steps forward and tells her that there are no entrances to the roof, inside or outside. He informs her that there is a back door, usually closed and locked, and offers to show her the way.

Johnny steps back from melee and fires his slug thrower at the man who moved up to attack. The bullet streaks out with a loud bang and slams into the right shoulder of the man (6 WP to H5).

Daniel brings his sword down with perfect timing to slice deeply the man he’s fighting (H4). The long, sharp blade slashes him from right shoulder to left hip, opening his torso (12 VP, 2 WP). Though his guts are loosened by the blow and he’s bleeding profusely, he remains on his feet.

Juladia smiles sadistically at her foe as she flicks her left hand up. A tiny click releases the tiny dart from a concealed needle gun on her wrist, disguised as a bracelet under the sleeve of her robe. The miniscule projectile strikes the man (H2) in the throat (Surprise Attack so no AoO, 10 VP, 7 WP), and he gargles horribly as the poison takes effect. He drops his weapons and grasps his small wound, then collapses to the ground unconscious.

She steps back into the rubble (to F16) for some cover, then turns to wink and grin viciously at Johnny.

Another robed man peaks around the corner (H1, from E19) and fires a stunner pistol at Juladia. The shot barely missed as she dodges aside at the last second. He barks a command in a strange battle language (the Atreides retainers recognize it as Harkonnen, but don’t understand it), then flees back around the corner, west into the alley.

The others (H4-6) withdraw from combat, avoiding any opportune attacks, and flee to the south, leaving their comrades laying in the street along with more than a dozen dead civilians. The severely wounded man looks around in panic and also withdraws, albeit slower, but is clearly done with fighting.

Post battle

Daniel could easily move to the fatigued one and attack, and Johnny can always fire again.

Juladia walks over to look down at the man she shot, nudging him with the toe of one sharkskin boot, “This one will die shortly anyway, but I want my needle back.”

As she kneels next to him, she slashes her dagger across his throat, slicing it open deeply. She then uses the dagger point to dig around the bloody flesh for the tiny projectile as she nods toward the other unconscious man, “But we can take the other one prisoner. I am certain that Aidan Bosque will have some pointed questions for him. Someone kindly stop him from bleeding out and take him back to the car.”

After another moment she wipes the blood from the dagger blade and the tiny needle onto the man’s robe, then stands up and looks around to see if there are any wounded civilians in the area. Seeing none, she shrugs and starts walking back to the car as she asks, "Anyone see where our mentat went?"

As the wind from the northeast continues to clear the smoke, they all see that only dead bodies remain in the area. All others have fled or hid inside a building. The water seller building is on fire inside, the flames spreading and threatening to consume everything within.

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 6
H3 12 (5 WP, knocked out)
H4 12 (2 WP, fatigued)
H5 6


2017-03-17, 09:40 PM
Daniel drops his sword as he runs after the fleeing Harkonnen, drawing his stunner from its holster. He sees the one he had injured turn the corner into an alleyway, and so he skids to a halt at its mouth, takes careful aim, and fires a shot at the fleeing man's leg.

2017-03-17, 10:26 PM
Arrakeen Streets

Daniel chases the wounded man to the corner, then stops and aims carefully for the leg. He fires and hits (3 WP, knocked out), bringing the man down in heap of pain induced grunting and moaning. The weapons he carry go scattering across the alley as he writhes in agony. By the time Daniel moves up to the man he is passed out and bleeding.

The Atreides soldier tries to treat the injuries with first aid using his medkit. Whether that worked or the man stabilized on his own will forever remain a mystery. Either way, he stops bleeding out, though blood still trickles from his wounds.

The other two run down the street and around the corner of the next street, heading east. The sound of a truck starting and speeding off is heard.

Juladia walks over to look for Freya. She sticks her head into the restaurant and says, “We need to go now.” She picks up Daniel’s dropped sword and moves over to the alley where he went.

The unconscious man (H3) made his fort save to stabilize, so Johnny can simply carry him off to the car.

So, everyone can gather back at the car with two captives, both wounded and inconscious. The car has seats for six, including the driver, and there are seven of you now. So Juladia will sit on Johnny's lap, straight backed and hands held in their customary position. The car speeds off toward the palace.

Once everyone is back in the car, Juladia turns off her shield and looks at Johnny with a serious expression. She speaks in a friendly but firm tone, “While I appreciate the chivalrous sentiment of trying to protect me, I assure you that there is no need. Please, from now on, just focus primarily on yourself and taking out any enemy forces we might face. I will certainly call out if I need help.”

She also addresses Daniel, continuing in the friendly tone and smiling to take the sting out of some of her words, “It is not my place to tell a soldier his business, but I think we really should have captured that man who hid under the table to interrogate instead of killing him. I doubt he was a Harkonnen, but he was likely a local agent or contact of theirs. Nothing for it now, and I mean no offense, but next time just try to use your brain as well as you use your weapons, Daniel.”

She smiles and adds, "But very well done on the captives, gentlemen. Nicely done with the civilians, Freya."

On the trip to the palace she removes her little box from her robe. She cautiously dips the tip of the needle dart into one small bottle, then carefully reloads it into her wrist mounted needle gun. After pulling her sleeve back over the concealed weapon, she replaces the box into a robe pocket, then grins and shrugs. Though her eyes pass over them all, she looks at Johnny more than the others as she says in an even tone, “Though we are all trained in the Weirding Way of combat, we Bene Gesserit always seek to have an edge in battle. This is but one such advantage, as some of you may have seen in that fight. I have others as well, which you will doubtless discover over time as we continue our mission.”

She takes a medkit from her pack, extracts a small hypodermic needle and injects Daniel (Cure 1 VP).

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 5
H3 12 (6 WP, knocked out)
H4 12 (6 WP, knocked out)

2017-03-18, 02:59 AM
Freya sighs when it is finished. "It's fine. The battle is over, thanks for trusting me, to a degree at least, and working to keep safe. You don't have to believe me about any of what I said, I am just glad everyone in here is completely okay."[\color] Freya is disappointed that that no one could identify the suspect under the table. He probably fled in the chaos. Freya goes out and rejoins Juladia and the others.

[Color=blue]"Sorry I wasn't much use, no one headed my way and I figured the duke would be furious if even more civilians died. While trying to keep them safe I had time to analyse things. Here is the result, though parts you probably already know, if not most of it. But first, really great job taking some alive. Anyway, here are my conclusions. Freya genuinely does mean it, she is impressed, though as she says, wished she could have been a bit more helpful in the fight itself. Not out of desiring combat and blood of course.

"I doubt the man who hid was a harkonnen himself, but was probably used by the Harkonnen. I'd guess he varies of grudge or such again the water sellers. The timing is too much a coincidence. They didn't know we were coming through here, and by being here we probably shaved the deaths down substancialy. The more dead the more panic and chaos, the more chaos, the more the good duke needs to spend time and resources he could otherwise devote to planning. The result, more men Hawat needs to interrogate, more time calming things down, and less time finding traps, and doing other such vital things. And it is a solid idea. This kind of attack will drive the citizens into a panic, no one will be able to trust the duke. And... As a good, for the baron, side effect of us twarting it, the duke will now need to up security in the city, thinning down his men still more, which benefits the baron despite the initial attack failing. Plans within plans..."

Freya sighs softly. Despite not having been in the battle she was weary of it. "We should advise the duke's men to have some sort of event. We need to show compassion and sorrow and show we mourn with them. Something that honors the dead and wounded and bolsters trust in house Atreides while simultaneously not coming across as a propaganda display. These people will know that for what it is if it is done without the utmost care. We must express genuine remorse, and let that endear them to us, for sharing true sorrow can help build trust. No doubt the duke can manage it." Again, Freya seems depressed. Yes a dozen or more died or were seriously wounded, and clearly that takes it's toll, but despite being a mentat she doesn't like manipulating people, despite finding the most effective tactics being literally her job and requiring her to do just that. But, when the car ride ends she will compose herself. Her comrades could see this, no one else.

"I'd advise that if we head into the city soon we not try to hide any pain over this, as I believe, as said earlier, that in pretending we feel nothing or genuinely feeling nothing and expressing that, could negitavely impact the relations. We represent house Atreides to them, and shouldn't seem happy so soon after such an event. It could imply the duke and his forces care nothing for the death of their friends and family. Yes we stopped at it, but only so many know it, and after living under harkonnens rule, who could blame them for doubting us?"


2017-03-18, 05:37 AM
Piling into the car, Johnny said to Vernius, "Where's the QRF? There's a sniper on the roof of the restaurant, and a 'thopter would do just the trick. The rest legged it for the other side of the block, and I heard a truck start up. There are wounded civilians all over the street... are emergency services inbound?"

His report given, he swapped his partially depleted magazine for a fresh one in case there was any other excitement on the way back to the palace. He had to holster it quickly as Juladia moved to sit in his lap.

When Juladia gave her instructions, Johnny sat rigidly at attention, his expression absolutely neutral, as he'd been trained. When she was finished, he nodded once and said simply, "Yes, Sister." She wasn't particularly heavy, but having a Sister in his lap wasn't the sort of thing he'd ever expected, and it took quite a bit of his concentration to remain perfectly still while paying attention to the passing streets outside.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Concentration (taking 10): 16 (enough to beat "very rough vehicle ride" at DC15)

2017-03-18, 01:17 PM
Daniel sits in stolid silence through the Bene Gesserit's lecture and healing, nodding in thanks as she removes the needle from his arm. "For what it's worth, I think you made the right choice, Freya. And we absolutely need to inform the rest of the Duke's men of this as quickly as possible. They were killing civilians, and may have gone beyond the bounds of kanly."

Spot and listen.


2017-03-18, 06:11 PM
Aidan Bosque - Command Center

Devon reassures the group that assistance is on the way to the scene. Unfortunately, some of the attackers get away, including the sniper. While this is disturbing, the more important concern is the relation with the locals, as the mentat emphasizes.

Juladia agrees with what Freya suggest and urges her to tell this to Aiden Bosque in their meeting.

After the incident on the way to the Palace, the remainder of the journey is otherwise uneventful. Devon leaves the car at the foot of the palace, where it is taken away by other guards, and he leads them up the long steps into the Count and Lady Fenring‘s former home. Other guards come out to carry the unconscious men into another part of the palace.

As with Castle Caladan, the Imperial Palace at Arrakeen is spacious and opulent. A showcase for the wealth of those who rule here. At the same time, it‘s a hotbed of military activity. Two guards cover every exit and troops march throughout the sandstone corridors. Devon leads the group down a few levels, into the heart of the Palace, and Coordinator Bosque‘s temporary Command Center. Mentats, Agents, and strategists bustle about. Litters of bloodied, wasted men are carried to the surgery. Violence has happened here recently and the faint smell of cordite lingers in the air.

In the center of this stands the Mentat, Aidan Bosque. He hovers over a stone table with three other men, engineers, as they poor over blueprints of one section of the Palace. As the group stands before him, he nods to the engineers, rolls up the blueprints and, looking at the group, says, “I‘ll get my men on it right away.”

Bosque was at one time the mentor of Freya, and he greets her with a faint smile of fondness. He greets each of you by name, a firm handshake and a grateful smile. He’s clearly concerned about a great many things, and now four more just entered his realm. But in a genial tone he says, “At my request you were pulled into this nest of terrorism and death early. How was the crossing? Are you all fit for duty?”

Noticing that Daniel is wounded he motions to a guard, who goes to bring in a Suk doctor.

Juladia bows her head slightly, her finger held in the tent she typically forms them into as she replies, “The crossing was uneventful, which cannot be said for our journey through the streets of Arrakeen. I’ll let other describe what happened and give their suggested actions going forward. Surely you have been briefed on the initial report sent via radio by Devon. As to fitness, I can only speak for myself and say that I am absolutely fit, ready, willing and able to assist as you deem necessary. Long live Duke Leto Atreides and Lady Jessica.”

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 5

2017-03-18, 08:21 PM
Freya smiles modestly back at Aiden, though she seems anxious. What happened here, a battle or a trap? She shakes her head and doesn't ask yet. She smiled as Juladia spoke, but again, no real happiness lie under it. At Juladia's cue she began. "As we passed through Arakeen there was an attack. One man hid under a table and shortly thereafter a sniper with a rocket launcher of some sort blew open the water seller's building across the street. More than a dozen were killed or severely wounded in the blast.

The car stopedn Juladia and the other members with us excepting the driver got out and we're engaged in combat. I entered the restaurant on the opposite side of the road from the water seller's building, and did my best to help secure the civilians there. While doing so I had time to deduce the strategy. My projections were 3 fold in general. Firstly that this was an attack executed by the Harkonnen. They killed a fair few of those too wounded from the blast to flee. The reasoning, according to my projections and such are as follows: the Harkonnen agents killed as many as possible to stir up the populace, make them paniced and cause chaos. This would result in vastly increased distrust and fear, meaning the duke would have a much harder time winning the people over. But it's not just that. While the duke did that, He has less resources he could devote to important tasks, such as figuring out the traps laid for him here. In addition, even though it was stopped and the plan failed, if you can call their killing possibly 2 dozenish people a failure, who knows how many people could have died had we not by pure chance happened along that road in our way. However this is still good for baron Harkonnen, because the duke must now make sure the city is secure, which thins his forces down as he will have to improve security in Arakeen. Once I came to this conclusion I worked to let civilians know who we were and who the murderers were. It was a risk, but my thinking was we needed to ensure as little of this was turned against the duke as possible.

The sniper likewise escaped as unfortunately I could find no way to get to the roof of the restaurant in time. However, 2 of the attackers were brought here with us, taken alive thanks to my comrades.

My suggestion now is that some sort of service should be arranged to mourn the deaths and wounded. This terrible and heighnous act could be turned to somewhat of an aid to the duke in terms of turning the population over to his side. However this must be anearnest effort. I think these people have love song enough under Harkonnen rule to bank on this being insincere. However the duke, I have no doubt, could easily arrange a ceremony in the dead's honor, perhaps even set up a fund for aid for the wounded and dead. Though I dislike manipulating people, if done with the utmost care, this could help the people see that House Atreides actually cares about the lives of civilians. It could be a critical step to winning them over. I would also suggest your men be informed. The people see all of us as the duke's ambassadors of a sort. If the troops and guards and such walk around the city seeming uncaring, this could negatively impact relations with the citizens. These people have long been under Harkonnen rule, how could we blame them for suspecting us. Such an event could help differentiate ourselves."

Freya's mouth was a thin line for a moment before relaxing somewhat. As she had explained, she made no effort to hide her sadness. "I hope things improve here, though I feel foolish for hoping so."



Diplomacy if needed, I doubt it but might as well just in case right?

2017-03-18, 11:28 PM
Johnny looked first at Bosque, then Freya, then back to Bosque before speaking. Mentats were so hard to read.

Clearing his throat, he said in a clear Caladan accent, "Now that we have a moment that we're not being shot at or debriefed, I'm John. Nice to meet you all!"

Pausing to look back at Bosque one more time, he turned to Freya and continued, "That's an interesting projection, but if I may, there's a bit more data you might want to factor into it: everybody hates the water sellers, including all the other water sellers. It's a captive market, and there are very few sources of water here, leading to all kinds of wild accusations about where they get it. And of course the prices are extortionate. While the civilian death toll was regrettable, I very strongly doubt anyone who actually worked at the water seller's will be missed. The populace is likely to chalk the violence up to simple opportunism and score settling among the very lowest of the low now that the boot is off their throats."

2017-03-21, 09:31 AM
Command Center

After hearing the responses from members of the group, Aidan tells them, “Yes, I've read the report, Juladia. We're investigating further, and will interrogate the prisoners you brought in as well. I have some information pertaining to this incident. Though not much of it has been confirmed yet, since you'll eventually be going into town I think it best to inform you of what we have learned here, mostly thanks to Johnny.”

After pausing a moment to organize the information, the mentat said evenly, “In addition to what Johnny told you, there are non-fremen spice smuggler contacts in Arrakeen. The name Tuek comes up on occasion connected with this. Many citizens suspect that at least some of these smugglers are somehow connected with the richest water merchant, Lingar Bewt. This man became the richest and most influential water merchant during the last few years of Harkonnen rule. Lingar has had a fierce hatred for most of the non-fremen still suit manufacturers in Arrakeen and Carthag. City fremen, and more so those who visit from the desert, despise all water merchants. As Johnny said, few hold any respect for the water sellers. They also hold deeply held disdain for non-fremen still suit manufacturers.”

Aidan took a deep slow breath, then continues, “Now, ponder all that and see how it fits in with what you may learn. For now, you'll be helping to secure the Palace.” As he says this, a loud booming explosion is heard and felt as the stone beneath their feet lurches.

Bosque is immediately alert and the CommuniNet transmitter at his left breast comes alive. A report comes in, “Another explosive device not defused properly, two dead, three injured. More work for the Suks.”

Bosque pounds his fist into the table and takes a deep breath.

Devon comments, “It‘s a marvel the place is still standing.”

A young Suk doctor enters and treats Daniel with some bandages and another shot (cure 3 VP), then leaves quickly.

Bosque sighs and responds to Devon, “They‘d do nothing wasteful like destroying the Palace; they hope to make this their home once we‘re gone.” He chuckles and adds with confidence, “We’ll see about that.”

Turning back to the group he seems to be wrapping up the meeting by saying, “The Palace is riddled with explosives, traps, and sleeper agents.” He extends the blueprints and adds, “You can keep that copy, just be certain it remains secured. You can begin right away by securing the House Shield Generator. Every time we‘ve tried to bring the blasted thing online, something‘s exploded. Until the house shield is up, we‘re wide open to attack by ornithopter or rocket. Check out the control room, the conduits, the power source and the generators themselves. Be quick and come back here when you‘re done. I have more work for you after that. I'll also have your monthly stipend by then. Just so you know, you can only stop by the water station once a day to refill your supplies, so be fragile with it. Questions?”

Juladia shrugs slightly as she moves toward the door.

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2


2017-03-21, 03:39 PM
"No, sir," Daniel replies, giving Bosque a salute. "Only, could myself and Freya have a few minutes to pick each other's brains about the best way to approach this?"

2017-03-21, 04:41 PM
Command Center

"No, sir," Daniel replies, giving Bosque a salute. "Only, could myself and Freya have a few minutes to pick each other's brains about the best way to approach this?"

Aidan shrugs, "You'll have a few minutes before getting to the area, so you can discuss it on the way. I presume you can both walk and talk at the same time." He grins slightly at the last bit.

"But take a moment to familiarize yourself with the blueprints before leaving, if you want." knowing Aidan, Freya knows this is meant to test her and see if she could memorize it quickly or not.

Autohypnosis check Freya, DC 10

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2

2017-03-21, 10:16 PM
Freya lists attentively, her posture straight and alert. This might be down to her then. Did anyone else have any knowledge on how to disassemble or dissable traps? Even if not they'd all need to keep an eye out and search, last someone miss something. The explosives weren't meant to bring the place down, they probably were not meant to be powerdull enough to damage the building over much. The emperor or the counts who used to live here might have some serious threats to the Harkonnen if they blew the place up. But weaker explosives could kill men. This was probably to thin out the duke's forces still more. That meant they needed to be careful, Freya didn't fancy the survival rate if they failed.

This was a test to, she was sure if it. And Freya wasn't sure she'd passed it at all. But at least she had one saving grace. She was still in training. This would have been more embarrassing if she was further along. The best way forward then was to come back alive, which would also be a test in and of itself, a test of Harkonnen design no doubt.

As soon as they are out of the room Freya sighs and speaks. "Be careful. He gave us a blueprint then tests me to see if I can quickly memorize it. But why would I need to if we had one? That makes me wonder if this blueprint he gave us is fully legit. However giving us a false map could kill us given the traps. This doesn't make sense. Why would he do this? At any rate, I suggest we go through this as a group. Even the meanest of eyes sometimes fails, and I'd rather we have more than 1 or 2 sets of eyes everywhere we go, lest we trip a trap. The more of us searching each area the less the likehood of a death, and the greater the likihood of us all surviving. Doesn't anyone but me have experience with disabling such devices?"

14 -.- and an action point wasted. I am so iritated right now. Looking back more than half my bad rolls are in one skill. What the heck? Feels like my mentat is a failure so far.

For the reasons stated above, I rolled sense motive on Brusque, I rolled a 24. He's probably doing a bluff roll too XD I hope 24 is good enough.

Sorry... I'm just more frustrated mostly because I have had a very bad week or two... Whole month really, and I'm on edge more, forgive me.

He extends the blueprints and adds, “You can keep that copy, just be certain it remains secured.

I am really confused about the test. OwO

2017-03-22, 03:19 AM
Grinning at Freya, Johnny patted a side pocket of his flight suit and said, "Absolutely! I think it's one of the reasons Gurney had me pulled out of AIT early. The old codger gave me a nice set of tools, too. I'm less good at spotting them, though..."

Hmmm... I just noticed that Search isn't a Knave class skill. Weird. It's like they split up rogue across several classes. Johnny will need help to do this job.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Autohypnosis (taking 10, assuming Johnny has seen the plans before and had more time to study them): 10+6 = 16
Disable Device (taking 20, includes the bonus for the Exemplary Masterwork tools; Aid Another will get it to 35): 20+13

2017-03-22, 05:28 AM
"Yes. Sir. And actually, if we are being deployed to deal with explosives, can we requisition a demolitions kit?"

As the group makes their way from the command centre to the control room, Daniel turns to Freya and says, "I am as well. But have you given much thought about what the most advantageous places the Harkonnen could've put the explosives in? I had a few ideas, but I wanted to bounce them off of you before we actually try to search in them to see if they were any good."

Knowledge (Tactics) to see if Daniel actually does know the most likely places that they would've put the bombs in, since I have no idea IRL.


2017-03-22, 09:41 AM
Command Center

Aidan shrugs at Daniel, "Certainly, it seems a reasonable request." He calls out, "Captain, guide them to the shield generator by route of supply and make sure they have whatever they think is needed for this job."

An officer standing just outside pokes his head around and nods, "Yes sir."

Daniel determines there are some obvious places where bombs could do the most damage, but those have likely been searched and exposed already. After all, these are not amateurs sent in the first wave. But it's entirely possible that whoever has searched the area missed something, so it's worth being cautious and thorough once you get there.

Aidan explains, “The House Shield protects the Palace and its surrounding buildings from attack by air. Or rather, it would, if it were operational. Every time the technicians try bringing the Shield online, something‘s shorted out. So far, it‘s all been due to faulty equipment. Tevas Onn, the technician manager, is working on the House Shields. He believes that the faulty parts have all been replaced, the final adjustments made, and wants to try to bring the shield online again as soon as possible. But I want you to check out the area first. Go lend your aid, and remember you have authority over the technicians and soldiers by my orders.”

After reviewing the DC of tasks I lowered the DC of memorizing that fairly simple map to 10; average, not tough. So Freya made it without the action point.

Interesting that Freya would do Sense Motive on her former mentor and the one the Duke and Thufir assigned to be in charge of this. But I can see her reasoning. No deception on his part that she can discern, so she would likely conclude that he was simply testing her mentat abilities, not trying to deceive her in any way.

I'll assume you hang back a bit from the Captain and talk quietly amongst yourselves so that he doesn't overhear this conversation.

You can continue your conversation on the way if you want to say more.

The House Shield Generator

They are escorted by a Captain and a pair of guards, first to the supply room, then to the section of the palace where the house shield generators are located. Access to this section of the palace is highly restricted, but the group gains access after a few security checks. The Captain and his men return to their duties as the group enters the restricted area.

There is a squad of six men and an officer at the entry door. There is a guard on duty at each door inside at all times. An officer and four guards are on patrol throughout the halls. Another officer, the Captain of this group and six more guards are in the control room.

Once inside the area they are directed by guards to the control room. Captain Borvis and the technician Tevas Onn greet the group at the open door to the control room. As Tevas gives them a tour of the three room he informs them, “The House Shield Generator has three basic components: the generator, which include the power source and controls; the conduits; and the nodes that project the shield around the palace. The power source for the generator is totally insulated from the rest of the Palace‘s power conduits. This ensures that, should the power for the rest of the Palace go down, the House Shield will remain up. My men and I have already ensured that the power source is working and free of traps. But feel free to inspect whatever you desire.

The display panels and controls for the shield are arranged around the control room. There‘s a master switch here, and a master control panel in Bosque‘s Command Center that alerts him when the shield is down, and allows him to raise or lower it. During normal operation, only two technicians and three guards are here in the control room.

From the conduit room, power cables run through large tunnels set underneath the palace. There‘s an access panel in the floor of the control room that leads down to the junction room under the conduit room, from which all the power cables radiate out to the Palace wall.

The Palace wall surrounds the entire compound. Set into the wall are the projection nodes that actually project the shield. There are two nodes in the center of each small room, projecting one section of the shield. The nodes project and reinforce the shield in a circuit. If one node fails in a room, the other takes over. If both nodes in a room fail, the entire shield comes down. Power conduits run from the conduit room to each of the twenty rooms, a separate one for each of the forty nodes.”

Returning to the control room, Tevas Onn says, “I am ready to try the shield again, but I was commanded by Aidan to wait for your inspection. My men and I have checked all the equipment for traps, and found none. Though we haven‘t gone out and checked each individual node yet, there‘s no indication that the nodes were tampered with. I’m aware they mayhave been tampered with, but I don‘t see any harm in trying the shields again. So far all the failed components were discovered through the method of trying the shields, seeing what blows up, replacing it, and trying them again. I presume that when things stop blowing up and the shields are online, my job is done. All of the technicians have a heavy workload, and I’m anxious to move on to the many other projects that demand my attention.”

Once they return to the control room Juladia begins searching the main control panel for anything suspicious.

Oooh, a big 5 for her search check.

By the way, anybody can search, its just that some are better at it than others. You need to be specific about where you're searching.

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2

2017-03-22, 12:17 PM
Freya listens carefully. So everything has been searched? Well no harm to making sure. Juladia started with the main control panel. "I think I will head down the access panel and search it. The junction room from which said power cables head to the other rooms of the building seems like an ideal place for one to put some degree of explosives. A single small bomb there could damage the power cables that run to the other rooms. If I was going to try and cripple the shield I'd consider striking there. Granted I am Sure Brusque has already had it checked, but it doesn't hurt to be sure. And it would only take a subtle thing. If you could wire something so that it sent too much power through the cables or shorted them out whenever the shield was turned on, it sounds like you could effectively keep the shield down. If your clever you could probably disguise such a device such that your average person search shouldn't know it for a trap. I don't claim that I'd find such a thing, but again, might as well try." And with that, Freya will make her way to the acess panel and search the entrance to the junction room.

Yeah, I agree it might seem odd but then again it's a mentat job to see though plans and create them. In a very real way this whole kanly is being executed heavily by hawat and piter. I'd say to a degree this whole thing is a contest between the duke's mentat and the barons mentat. It seems reasonable then that Widen could have planted some deception there to test her abilities in more than just memorization. XD

Search, 4 ranks, 4 int

Or you mentioned it was possible to take 20? If so I guess I'll do that? (Never done that before.)

2017-03-22, 07:30 PM
Johnny noted the cursory search the Sister made of the main control panel, and decided it needed it needed to be more thorough, so he took his time at following up behind her, then turned his attention to the rest of the panels in the room.

Yep, taking 20 on searching behind Juladia in the Control Room. It's not just the main control panel either... it needs to be all of them. This is where the people most likely to be able to fix any faults would be, so it's logical to kill them first...

2017-03-23, 06:56 PM
"I'll go on ahead and check the power sources, then. If they are triggering the traps using the juice to set off the traps, it seems to me that the most likely place for the monitoring device would be as close to the source as you could get."

Putting actions to words, Daniels follows Freya into the control room, and as she examines the wires, starts going through the beginnings of the wires with a fine tooth comb.

Since we have that option, I guess I'm going to take 20 as well, giving me a 21.

2017-03-23, 09:05 PM
The House Shield Generator

With some assistance from Tevas, Johnny accesses the inside of the control panel. After a minute or so of detailed and cautious searching e finds that the master switch has been rigged so that when the monitoring panel signals green indicating the shield is up the power running to the indicator light activates a gas trap. Further searching is required to locate the gas module, which is likely hidden deeper in the circuits of the master control panel. Also he sees that an intricate harness of twisted wires lead off in different directions from the switch trap mechanism. Removal of the trap will be a delicate affair indeed.

Juladia does a more thorough search of the other panels while Johnny is crawling around inside the main control station.

I'll just assume you search again, taking 20, to move this along.
Eventually Johnny finds that a small glass module of compressed poison gas is hidden deep within the machine. Not only that, but there is a signaling device wired to it designed to send three pulses to different locations. To find those locations the tiny wires will need to be traced. They all lead under the floor toward the conduit room.

So he can try to disable the trap, but he needs four actions:

Disable the gas trap
Disable the first signal
Disable the second signal
Disable the third signal

If he fails at any of them it will likely set off the others. This is one of those skills that I normally roll in secret because you wouldn’t necessarily know if you succeed or fail. In this case, you’ll know! So go ahead and roll. Make sure you designate which roll matches which action listed above. You can take 10 on any or all of them… if you dare! :smallamused:
Meanwhile, in the next room Freya searches the conduits and access panels while Daniel checks over the power supply. They find nothing amiss here, though they both locate the secret door (s at C37) that opens into the tunnel that leads under the room to the conduit tunnel which splits off ahead at several junctions. The tunnel is only 2 meters square with cables running through it. Each split in the tunnel ahead leads to the node rooms located inside the outer wall, which they estimate its likely 200-300 meters from this central location.

Just so its clear, both groups finish what I posted here at the same time.

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2

C = Captain
G# = Guards
T# = Technicians (T3 = Tevas)


2017-03-23, 10:15 PM
Freya spots the secret door and looks carefully at it. "Secret door here" Freya says, hoping to alert Juladia and the others without being too loud. Freya sighs and looks carefully before resigning herself to open it. She had spent as much mental cunning as she had while searching. If there was a trap here she would have found it... Unless... Best to be cautious. Had their boss already searched here? No he was busy commanding the efforts. She'd memorized the blueprints. This wasn't on it. So then... Brosque was busy and she wouldn't drag him away from his duties to make sure this was safe. That was her and her comrade's job. Warily, Freya opens the door. She'd given her all to the search so far, if she hadn't found a trap while finding the door the trap was beyond her ability to find. If her theory of them purposefully thinning the troops down with traps, she needed to be carefull. She eased the door open slowly, with only the lowest force that could move the door. Not jerking it open or casually opening it. She did it slowly, and as much at arms reach as she could. And then, when it was open barely more than a crack, she'd take a glowglobe and out it next to said crack, and search the other side of the door for traps. [Search check: 28

2017-03-24, 03:27 AM
Johhny's eyes widened a little when the gas cylinder finally yielded to his careful searching. Gingerly backing out of the panel, he calmly walked over to the Guard Captain.

In a low voice, pitched to avoid panic, he said, "Sir, I've found a poison gas trap in the main control panel. I think I can disable it, but it's probably safer to clear the room before I attempt it. There are three other traps, but I believe their lethal mechanisms are elsewhere."

He waited for the guards and technicians to leave, or at least don their filter masks, before putting his own filter mask in place and setting to work on the gas cylinder. He knew better than to tell the Sister her business.

Gas cylinder first, as the other traps might be rigged to set it off in addition to whatever else they do. Johnny is ready to blow Action Points left, right and center on these. And if Juladia can aid another on these rolls, he certainly won't stop her.

Gas Cylinder Trap: [roll0]
First Signal: [roll1]
Second Signal: [roll2]
Third Signal: [roll3]

2017-03-25, 02:09 PM
The House Shield Generator

As Johnny talks to the technicians and guards about the traps he found in the control room, Freya searches the secret door in the other room for traps. Daniel stands in the open doorway between the rooms to watch the mentat and the knave, ready for action if needed.

Juladia moves over next to Johnny, ready to assist if he asks, as she also places her mask on.

Everyone but the guard captain and the lead technician are commanded to leave the room; which they gladly do immediately. Those two affix breathing masks as well. Captain Borvis returns to the entrance door while Tevas remains near the main control panel.

Johnny crawls back under the main control panel, squeezing into the cramped confines. Taking out his master tools he begins the process of disarming the traps. After several tense moments of nerve wracking and delicate work, the knave manages to disable all the connections that would set off the traps. As far as he knows, no signal was sent through any of the wires.

Meanwhile, Freya is convinced that there are no traps on the secret door, or anywhere nearby in the tunnel below.

Once Johnny announces his success, Tevas says, “Excellent! I am now ready to test the shields. Unless there is more you wish to inspect, I will do so now.”

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2

2017-03-25, 02:57 PM
"If there's node access down here, give us a moment to check them out as well," Daniel calls back. "I just want to make sure the endpoints aren't rigged to blow in case all of their other traps are disabled."

He squeezes Freya with a murmured apology, and begins pacing down the tunnel while keeping an eye out for any traps potentially rigged on the floor in front os him.

I feel like taking a 20 probably isn't appropriate considering I'm trying to do this quickly, so I'm just going to roll and hope for the best.

Search: [roll0]

2017-03-25, 03:08 PM
Johnny wiped sweat from his brow while still under the console where nobody could see (though the Sister could probably tell how much stress he was under), then clambered back out into the open and removed his filter mask. He took a deep breath of relatively fresh air and tried to re-center himself, using the techniques he'd learned at the orphanage.

Nodding as Daniel called back down the corridor, he said to the Captain, "It's a good idea to wait until they've checked that out, sir. The sophistication of the traps here tells me there are certainly more in the system if nothing else."

2017-03-26, 07:39 PM
Seeing the sheer number of different nodes splayed out before him, Daniel curses under his breath, and then turns around. "Juladia, Freya," he calls. "There's gotta be at least 30 of the shield nodes down here. Do you think it's worth the time to check them all, or should we just focus on anything that might be connected to what Johnny found?"

2017-03-27, 10:37 AM
Freya sighs softly and begins examining the wiring. With idle curiousity and checking for traps. Where the wires spread out to all the nodes would be a fair place to put a trap, take out many nodes at once upon activation.

Search 28, sorry it's so short but I really can't think of much to say at the moment.

2017-03-27, 11:33 AM
The House Shield Generator

Captain Borvis shrugs and nods to Tevas. The technician sighs heavily in frustration and replies with a dismissive wave of one hand, “Fine, but please be as quick as possible. I understand that this has priority over everything else right now, but as I’ve said, there are many more things that require my personal attention and skills.” He turns back to the control panel and starts doing some adjustments in preparation.

Julaida takes off her mask, showing confidence in the work of Johnny as he says, “Nicely done Johnny,” then turns to the chief technician and adds, “Tevas, it will take hours to check all the nodes, the rooms they are in, and the connections between. I agree with Daniel that you should wait until we have checked them all before starting the shields. If you can, and desire to, go start on those other asks. We will contact you when we finish this.”

Tevas looks at the Bene Gesserit with a bit of shock and dismay, but sighs in resignation as he replies respectfully, “No sister, I’m sorry for my impatience. I’ll stay until you’re finished, I might be of some help in your task. Though I’m responsible for getting these shields up, and as fast as possible, you lot have been put in authority over when that happens. I must therefore defer to your judgment, as frustrating as it might be to me at times.”

Juladia has been using her Truthsaying powers on Tevas as he speaks. She gives Johnny a subtle nod and a flick of a finger to confirm the truth of his words. “Very well Tevas, thank you. Would you trace of the wiring Johnny found under the control panel trap into the conduit room? That would be most helpful. If they are connected to node control wiring, those nodes are the first we should search.”

Tevas nods, “Indeed.” He pulls out a small meter and starts to trace the wires. After a few moments he concludes, “Two of the wires lead to nodes in room #17. The other one seems to lead somewhere not connected to our shield network. That wire should be easy to find in the conduits and follow in the access tunnels, since it is bright red with white spiral stripes.”

Juladia nods once at the technician, “Thank you Tevas.” She turns to the others, “I believe we should all go check out the node room #17 and try to disarm and remove any explosives or other traps found there. Then we should find out where this third wire leads. Also, I think we should now report what we have found so far to Aidan.”

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2

2017-03-27, 05:22 PM
Johnny nodded deferentially to Juladia's plan and said, "Yes Sister, that sounds like an excellent plan. I'll start with Node Room #17, though that other wire sounds like it will lead to something more interesting and dangerous."

2017-03-29, 05:26 PM
Freya nods along. "I agree, that's probably the best course of action. Perhaps,since we know there is at least 1 gass trap, we should advice him to have his Kent where bass masks of possible." Frets sighed softly to herself, and proceeds.

Sorry for the shortness. I just couldn't think of much to say.

2017-03-30, 10:45 AM
The House Shield Generator

Juladia carefully stores the gas ampule in her little safety box.

The group cautiously makes their way to node room #17. Checking for traps along the way slows them down considerably, but the delay is judged worthy. They do find one trip wire, which is easily avoided. Once they reach the room a quick search reveals the explosives set on each node.

You can do a disarm device on the trip wire if you want. Demolitions check is needed to remove the explosives, though at this point they are already disarmed.
Once finished there they have to retrace their steps to the main junction to follow the third wire. This is not easy, but accomplished with occasional pauses to find the correct wire, which stands out from the others in design and color. Eventually they see that it leads underground outside the main wall. But at this point there is no tunnel to follow. However, a careful search (take 20) reveals a secret tunnel. Based on the overall map they have, they deduct that it leads to a water filtration facility just outside the palace.

Juladia says, "So do you think we should go through this way and see where the secret tunnel exits inside the water filtration facility? I think we should go back and let Tevas start the shields now. Then we go to the command center and report to Aidan. He may want us to go check out the water filtration facility, whether through he secret tunnel or around the outside. Or he may have something else more important for us to do right now. Opinions anyone, or any projections mentat? "

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2

2017-03-30, 06:05 PM
"Sister, I think we should tell the Guard Captain and have at least a couple squads of troops backing us when we check out this secret tunnel. My money is on there being a platoon or more of Harkonnens in there," Johnny said firmly.

2017-03-30, 07:29 PM
Feet stops and attempts to d8seem the tripwire. "it's only a matter of time before someone trips over this. Best cut the head off the snake before someone treads on it." [nat1, 10].

so really can't respond much considering I have no clue what will happen and that may change half of what Jules is does and did after it.

2017-03-30, 08:08 PM
"Good idea... let me take a crack at it," Johnny said, pulling out his tool kit.

+13 yields a 23 to safely disarm the tripwire. A successful Aid Another will boost it to 25, and Johnny wouldn't be at all opposed to a helping hand...

2017-03-30, 09:10 PM
The House Shield Generator

The tripwire trap is removed, the nodes are secured, and now the explosives can be removed. Need demolitions check: Daniel and Freya both have has trained in the skill. But you can take 10 and aid another, which more than sufficient to do the job.

Once they are back at the secret door that leads to the water filtration facility, Juladia activates her comlink, tuned to Aidan’s, “Sir, we have disabled several more traps and explosives. I believe it is now safe to activate the shields. We have also found a secret tunnel that leads to a nearby water filtration facility, we are standing at the entrance to that tunnle now. We believe there may be Harkonnen troops or operatives there. What are your orders?”

Aidan is heard to reply, “Tevas, start the shields. If all goes well then you are released to continue your tasks in order. Captain Borvis, you and a few guards are to secure that secret tunnel at the entry door and I will send reinforcements to you. I will also send troops outside, to await the signal from the operatives. The troops will enter from outside while you four enter through the secret door, thus invading that water filtration facility simultaneously. Signal me when you are in position and ready.”

Upon hearing the words directed at him, Tevas switches on the shields. Nothing in the generator room or the monitoring room explodes. A loud, bass hum is heard throughout the entire building complex as energy flows through the cabling to the nodes. Tevas reports, "The house shields are now fully engaged and operating to protect the entire complex."

Juladia acknowledges the orders and turns to her companions, “So, once again we are sent into the most dangerous scenario.” She checks her weapons and shrugs as she turns on her shield, “I am ready.”

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2

2017-03-31, 03:07 AM
Drawing his slug thrower, Johnny nods his readiness to Juladia.

2017-03-31, 03:45 PM
Freta sighs, a bit embarrassed by her failure but let's Johnny have a crack at it. She'd been having some bad luck recently. That said, it was bound to improve. She listened intently and nodded. Of course. "Of course, I am up for it."

2017-03-31, 05:45 PM
Seeing that the device is relatively simple, Daniel breezes through disarming it without too much concern.

When the time comes to clear the secret room, he makes sure to turn on his Holtzman shield and unsling his sword before he gets into combat this time. "I'm ready whenever the rest of you are."

2017-04-01, 10:49 AM
Water Filtration Facility

The group signals Aidan just as they are ready to enter. The characters hear a commotion just as they open the secret door. They see that this is a large building with four large filtration vats in the west end, pumps in the middle, a control panel in the northeast corner, a large storage tank for clean water in the southeast corner, and tubing hanging from the ceiling. There is a small living space set off to the south side of the room. There are twelve men dressed in local garb visible inside.

The front doors blow open and Atreides troops enter just as the characters open the secret door in the back of the building. The Harkonnens are surprised by the characters, only aware of the Atreides troops entering the front. The Atreides troops, all with shields on, move into defensive positions in a phalanx to prevent anyone inside from escaping. With the characters entering unseen through the secret door in the back, the Harkonnens are surrounded with no chance of escape.

Another man (H7) exits the living quarters, armed with a pistol and a sword, turns on his shield, and begins giving commands in Harkonnen battle code. Six of the men seem fearful and run for cover in this living space, one of which is cut down by the Harkonnen commander with his sword. The others (H1-6) seem unaware of the characters, turn on their shields, and all move to engage the Atreides troops.

So you guys get a surprise round before anybody can do much. Also roll initiative.

Everyone who has one is now shielded.

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2


2017-04-01, 02:36 PM
When Daniel opened the door, Johnny ducked left to take up a firing position behind a vat [C4] and started emptying his weapon into the nearest Harkonnen [H7].

First, initiative: [roll0]
Surprise Round To Hit: [roll1]
Surprise Round Damage: [roll2] (plus 2 WP possibly)
Frist Regular Round To Hit: [roll3]
First Regular Round Damage: [roll4] (plus 2 WP possibly)

2017-04-01, 08:26 PM
Freya heads through the door and moves to [E6] and fires her muala pistol at [H7]


Attack roll

(I'm not sure how he has a +9, maybe a bonus from surprise rounds and a good bab? Any2at with my puny to-hit I really can't afford to pay for a range increment. If there are any bonuses or penaties I am unaware of, sorry. I guess they can be added after the roll? O.O)

2017-04-01, 10:52 PM
Daniel kicks open the door and immediately rushes the man with his back to them.

Move to F6 and attack.

2017-04-02, 09:15 AM
Water Filtration Facility
Surprise Rd

Daniel kicks open the door and draws his sword as he moves in (to F6) and attacks the man who seems to be giving orders. His blade penetrates the shield of the surprised leader, but the Holtzman field activates to slow the attack to reduce the potential damage (DR 10 = 4 VP).

Juladia moves in (to C5), nudging the door closed with her foot. While aware that there is virtually no chance of penetrating the shields of the enemy with a missile weapon, and little chance of doing so with a melee weapon, she draws her punching dagger and maula pistol. But she also knows each shield can only defend against so many attacks before running out of energy, so she fires anyway. The projectile slams into the shield, which flashes at he the Holtzman field activates to stop it from causing any harm (DR 15).

Freya moves in behind and a step to the side of Daniel (put you in E5 so you have an angle to fire on the man without Daniel giving him cover, still -4 for firing into melee) and fires her pistol. Though he was unaware of the attack, his armor and shield prevent the shot from hitting.

Johnny steps in and seeks some cover (to C4) then fires his pistol at the Harkonnen commander (-4 for firing into melee, still hits). The projectile slams into the shield, which flashes at he the Holtzman field activates to stop it from causing any harm (DR 15).


2017-04-02, 12:04 PM
Moving around to the other side of the vat [F3] to get a clear shot at his target, Johnny called, "Daniel, back up so I can get a clear shot!"

Since it's now the beginning of the first regular round, Daniel can attack the Harkonnen (H7), then take a five foot step back to not "be in melee". I think that'll be enough to get a hit since all we're trying to do at the moment is deplete his shield and keep him too busy to give sensible orders.
I already rolled for the first regular round in my last post... did you want me roll again, Gryndel?

2017-04-03, 07:52 AM
"There's only one of him," Daniel yells back, slashing at the officer again. "Go help the rest of the troops."

Still, whether or not his attack lands, Daniel does slink back a step to give Johnny a better firing line.

Attack: [roll0]
5-foot step to E6

2017-04-03, 08:03 AM
I already rolled for the first regular round in my last post... did you want me roll again, Gryndel?

We'll use the rolls already posted for this round.

2017-04-03, 10:56 AM
"There's only one of him," Daniel yells back, slashing at the officer again. "Go help the rest of the troops."

Still, whether or not his attack lands, Daniel does slink back a step to give Johnny a better firing line.

Attack: [roll0]
5-foot step to E6

Daniel already went on Rd 1, so you can save this for next round if you want. The Harkonnens go last, so if their actions cause you to change your action you can roll again, otherwise we'll just keep these rolls for rd 2 if you use that type of attack.

We just need Freya to post to finish up rd 1.

2017-04-04, 11:20 AM
Sorry! DX sorry for making you guys wait. Truly.

Moving to G5 and using a punching dagger (because aparently the firing into some o me who're melee-ing is awful.

Attack roll

Damage (1 from masterwork 1 are mod.)

Freya sighs and moves up in an attempt to stab him instead, oh the joys of shields. At the troops seem to be dealing with the bulk of the harkonnens, who hadn't seemed to find them, or were too busy to care.

2017-04-05, 07:40 AM
Rd 1

The Atreides troops, with shields on, move in to engage the closest Harkonnens in melee, who turn to face them in battle. Some of them remain in the doorway to block escape. Now that they know for certain that the Harkonnens are using active shields, one of the Atreides (A9) barks out a command in battle language, “Use slow blade attacks!” Deeply disciplined, the troopers obey instinctively.
They begin to battle their enemies, causing some minor wounds.

Daniel swings his sword at the Harkonnen leader, penetrating the activated shield enough to cause a minor wound (15 dmg = auto, DR 10 = 5 VP). He then backs up a step (to E6) to give Johnny a clear shot.

Juladia moves south and east along the wall (to E9) toward where she saw half a dozen men run in fear. She fires again at he leader, but now aware of her the man dodges aside, causing the shot to miss entirely.

Freya moves forward (to F5, if you move to F6 he gets an AoO for moving thru F5) and attacks with her dagger. Unfortunately, she misses.

Johnny moves (to F3) and fires his pistol at the Harkonnen leader. The slug ricochets off the shield, failing to penetrate it, or even activate the defensive field (miss).

Once they see how many Atreides troops are entering, the Harkonnens are prepared to withdraw and try to escape, only to hear from their commander that there is also a small group entering from the secret door in the back. Now realizing they are trapped, they begin to fight fiercely. The Harkonnen commander bellows an order in their battle language, the result of which is that the enemy troopers also begin using slow blade attacks against anyone using a Holtzman shield. Just one of the Atreides troopers is harmed, and only with a minor wound.

One of the Harkonnens (H1) moves along the wall (to G2) and into a position to engage Johnny. He swings his sword and penetrates the shield, but the Holtzman field slows the blade so much it causes no harm (DR 10 = no dmg).

Another one (H6) moves toward the south (to F9) and engages Juladia, attacking with his sword. But the blade fails to connect with the shielded sister.

The leader steps back from Freya (2m to H5) then fires his stunner pistol at her. Though designed specifically to penetrate the Holtzman shield, his aim is off and he misses his mark.

Freya catches a glimpse from the corner of her eye of a hooded man who emerges, with incredible stealth, from the living quarters (to G9), a milky white curved dagger held in one hand. He creeps up behind the Harkonnen who is fighting Juladia (H6) and slowly reaches through the shield with his other hand to deactivate it. He then suddenly and expertly stabs the blade deeply and up into the back of the neck just below the skull, dropping the hapless soldier to the floor.

Juladia only then sees the man. She catches a glimpse of his blue within blue eyes and dark skin under his hood, indicating that he is a Fremen. He grabs a rag from his pocket and places it over the wound to absorb the blood and staunch the flow. He glances at her and says something softly in an obscure language that Juladia recognizes but doesn’t understand, grins fiercely at her, then begins to drag the body off into the sleeping quarters (his turn’s over so can’t move again, but the intention is clear).

In Atreides battle language Juladia calls out above the din of battle, “We were just aided by a Fremen, who killed one of the Harkonnens and is dragging his corpse into the living quarters. I am going to follow and talk to him. Yell out if any of you need help, as will I.”

Atreides 19
Daniel 16
Juladia 13
Freya 11
Johnny 8
Harkonnens 3

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2 (SH 1)
Johnny (SH 1)
A1 4
H2 (SH 1)
H3 6 (SH 1)
H4 5 (SH 1)
H5 7 WP
H7 9 (SH 4)


2017-04-05, 05:48 PM
Johnny backs up from the Harkonnen (5' step to E2) and fires his pistol.

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-04-05, 08:17 PM
Freya sees the Freeman and has an internal debate as Juladia goes after him. The battle is still going on. If they leave who will guard them from escaping? Yet there were many Atteides forces currently there. Which then, was the best course? Her mentat capabilities only worked with information, and thus information was valuable. But to leave her comrades? Yet the freemen had so easily taken the harkonnen. And that showed skill. Could then, these men make allies? Who could say. She needed more information. And this was a potential source. With great reluctance, she moves to follow them, looking back apologetically.

2017-04-05, 08:34 PM
Once the firing lines are clear, Daniel wades back into melee and hacks away at the officer, trusting more to raw strength than finesse at this point.

Daniel moves from E6 to H6, and then attacks the Harkonnen again. Unfortunately, no Slow Blade feat for me, but I am going to use Power Attack this turn.

[roll1] +2 WP

2017-04-05, 09:23 PM
Rd 2

Atreides troops press their numerical advantage in battle. A pair of the enemy are severely wounded, and while now fatigued they continue to fight.

Daniel moves forward (to G6, if you move to H6 he gets an AoO for moving through G6) and strikes hard with his sword. Though slowed by the shield, the blade slices the man across the chest and does considerable harm to him (confirmed crit, DR 10 = 12 WP + 10 VP), knocking him out from the shock of such a wound.

Juladia moves into the living quarters and speaks with the Fremen.

Freya decides the battle is in their favor to such an extent that she can follow Juladia (to G9) and learn more about the fremen.

As she approaches the location she sees Juladia standing just inside the doorway talking quietly. She gives Freya a few subtle hand signals to tell her, "Stay out of sight and listen. Be ready if he turns violent."

Johnny steps near the wall (2m to E2) and fires his pistol at the Harkonnen soldier (H1). The slug is fired perfectly (confirmed crit, DR 15 = 5 WP + 4 VP, fatigued), penetrating the shield and causing such a severe wound to the enemy that he is left in a state of fatigue.

The Harkonnens are outnumbered and hard pressed in this battle. But with no chance of retreating and their chances of winning dwindling quickly, they fight even more fiercely. Fortune is against them as they fail to do any harm to their enemies.

When he sees Freya leave the area, one of the Harkonnens (H1) decides to try to make a break for it. He moves past Johnny and Daniel, trying desperately to make it to the secret door.

Atreides 19
Daniel 16
Juladia 13
Freya 11
Johnny 8
Harkonnens 3

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2 (SH 1)
Johnny (SH 1)
A1 4
H1 4 (5 WP, fatigued, SH 1)
H2 (8 WP, fatigued, SH 1)
H3 12 (5 WP, fatigued, SH 1)
H4 12 (SH 1)
H5 13 WP
H7 19 (12 WP, knocked out, SH 5)


2017-04-06, 08:19 AM
OOC: Special circumstances here, the target went down before Freya attacks, so you can redo your post. I'll finish the rest of the post after that.

2017-04-07, 10:43 PM
Daniel misses the fleeing Harkonnen. Johnny tries to intimidate the enemy into surrender, but he ignores Johnny and continues to flee. He manages to get to and open the secret door, but no further.

2017-04-08, 10:22 AM
Rd 3

The Atreides commander calls out for the Harkonnens to surrender. The troops pause long enough to see what decisions are made, but they remain ready to attack if the offer is refused.

Daniel intimidates the Harkonnens.

Juladia says, “We have mutual enemies in the Harkonnens. We seek to learn more about your people; your ways, your values, and your beliefs. Please tell me what you can. How is it that you are here? Why did you wait until now to kill a Harkonnen?”

In a gruff voice that only Freya and Juladia can hear, the fremen replies, “I was only one among many enemies here. I was sent here to watch the Harkonnens. The others are simple folk of the city. I saw an opportunity and killed one Harkonnen. I claim his water for our tribe. Do not interfere.”

Freya talks to the Fremen, despite the hand signals from Juladia, trying to be diplomatic.

Johnny assist in the intimidation, focusing on the felling soldier.

Without a leader now, and quite intimidated by the enemy, the Harkonnens decide their fate is likely better if they surrender. They drop their weapons and hold up their hands, submitting to capture. The fatigued one who was trying to escape also complies.

Most of the Atreides troops keep their weapons trained on the Harkonnens, always suspicious of a bluff, as a few others pull out manacles and shackle the prisoners. The Atreides leader signals through his comlink, “Bring the truck around, we have some prisoners.” He hands over supervision of this operation to one of his men and approaches the group, “Well done, excellently timed, and very well fought. Anything else you need us to do before we leave?”

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2 (SH 1)
Johnny (SH 1)
A1 4
H1 4 (5 WP, fatigued, SH 1)
H2 (8 WP, fatigued, SH 1)
H3 12 (5 WP, fatigued, SH 1)
H4 12 (SH 1)
H5 13 WP
H7 19 (12 WP, knocked out, SH 5)


2017-04-10, 06:03 PM
Freya continued to follow if he moves. " I lack the authority to say that for sure, but it was your kill no doubt. Our commander may wish to talk to you. Be would decide about the water, but I doubt he'd oppose your claim." Greta tried to avoid making any solid statement. For all she knew Widen wwould want his water, whatever...that... Meant...? He wants this man's water? Yeah the body is mostly water, this was common knowledge, but how would he get to it? Did these freemen have ways to do that? Just remove a person's water from their body? How would that even work?

Diplomacy, just in case. Hopefully Daniel or JB can get the runaway H, in any case that door isn't exactly a good place to flee given it leads back towards where they were.

2017-04-11, 08:49 PM
Hearing the Atreides commander call for the Harkonnen to surrender, Daniel roars out, "Your commander is already down! Lay down your arms and we'll spare your lives."


2017-04-12, 03:06 AM
Aiming for the fleeing Harkonnen's heart, Johnny said menacingly, "That goes for you, too..."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2017-04-12, 10:38 AM
Water Filtration Facility

Juladia spreads her hands in a gesture of peace, flicking her fingers again to Freya to indicate she is not helping and to be silent as she says, “We can stake no claim on his water. We will not interfere. I only want some information. Who sent you here? How long have you been among them, watching them?”

The fremen glances at Freya with a scowl, then replies to Juladia in short, choppy sentences, “My Naib sent me. I have not been here long, perhaps a week.”

Juladia presses one point, “Who is your Naib?”

The fremen makes a scoffing sound, “We do not tell our names to outworlders so easily. Will you freely let me be on my way now? There is not much time with this one.”

Juladia shrugs slightly, “Certainly. Thank you.”

The fremen presses a panel on the wall to reveal another secret door that leads outside to the alley. As he hefts the body over his shoulder he says in a serious, low tone, “Do not follow me or your water will also be ours.”

He swiftly leaves and closes the door behind him.

Juladia gestures an apology to Freya for being so curt, then motions for her to enter as she turns to the workers huddled defensively in the opposite corner of the room and says, “We serve the Duke Atreides, the current legal ruler of this Imperial fief. Please do not fear us, we are here to help the good citizens of Arrakeen. Are any of you injured?”

All of them are in shock, but shake their heads in response to Juladia's question.

Juladia smiles slightly and turns back to address the Atreides' leader, "I suggest you leave a few of your men here to assist these good people in their work. It would be a sign of cooperation and trust, and they can report if any more Harkonnens show up."

The sergeant nods his agreement and issues the orders. He and four of his men move to help the workers, trying to reassure them that they mean no harm whatsoever and only seek to aid them. He reports to Aidan that the facility is secured.

Juladia then speaks to her companions, "I think we should return through the secret passage. What say you all?"

Damage (VP unless noted)
Daniel 2 (SH 1)
Johnny (SH 1)

2017-04-12, 10:50 AM
Command Center
(After House Shields and City Water Filtration Facility)

Once the group arrives back in the Command Center, Aidan Bosque greets them enthusiastically and says, “Well done! I knew you would make good agents here, as did Thufir. Our projections have proven correct, so far. But much work lies ahead for you. I have your stipend.”

After paying you, Aidan concludes, “Now go to the quarters set aside for you, the Captain will show you the way. Eat, drink, relax a bit, talk amongst yourselves and sleep. You’ve earned it! Report back here early tomorrow morning, I have more vital work for you to do. But nothing that can’t wait for you to be fully rested and alert.”

The guard captain who escorts you to your quarters says, “I strongly encourage you not to leave your quarters. There‘s nowhere to go, no entertainment, and no group activities right now. The Palace is still a deathtrap, although this is noticeably different now, due in large part to your arrival and the work you’ve done so far. Many soldiers and engineers have now been freed to work on other projects while you continue to take care of your duties. Thanks, from us all!”

I haven’t really worked out exactly how much you would get paid. But I’ll think about it and get back to you soon. Just know you do get some money for service, but that most of what you might need for your jobs are supplied by the Duke.

The group has faced some especially deadly opposition, and have gained enough xp to level up! Their quarters are a suite of small but comfortable private rooms set behind a larger common room. Food and water is waiting for them, and any luggage they brought is found here.

You can add whatever you want previous to arriving, but I thought it best to just move things along since it seems to be all wrapped up at this point.

2017-04-12, 06:53 PM
Freya suppressed a sigh. Things were going along well enough she supposed in the battle. Though she was slightly iritated at Juladia. She understood well enough the freemen wasn't happy about what she'd said. But... She doubted he'd have been happy if the truth hadn't been given. It wasn't like he hadn't anticipated that their commander would want to talk to him. Freemen lived in the desert right? You had to be shrewd to live there. A shrewd person didn't come here and do that without expecting the commander to want to search the body.

Oh well. Freya ackowledged Juladia when she gestured. She wouldn't hold a grudge, the freemen hadn't seemed happy about what she had said, though she wasn't sure why he hadn't expected it.

Freya sympathized wholeheartedly with the workers. She says little but visibly approved of the sergeant leaving some men. "There may be men here from now on even, knowing water is valuable it would be wise to protect the workers and this area constantly. I'd be surprised if the higher up's didn't take measures to secure this area. So try not to worry, your in good hands." No doubt Widen or his men will be verifying the water wasn't poisoned as well. If Freya had been a harkonnen that would be tempting. However she didn't say any such thing. Pointing out that this was a vital and important area would just make the men all the more scared. She wouldn't risk paranoia or hysterics by even suggesting the water could be poisoned. Clearly the Harkonnens would be willing to poison water if they were willing to kill men with explosions. Hadn't they already come across poison? Freya gestured her thoughts to Juladia using the secret Benne gesserit sign language. She'd voice her thoughts to Johnny and Daniel but, in front if the workers, that would be a bad move.

When they finish reporting to Aiden Brosque and are about to be escorted to their quarters. She’ll speak up again. I’ll catch up here shortly please, I need a moment.” with a sigh and a slightly nervous look, she’d speak again. ”Sir… I was wondering…” Greta sighed and collected herself, raising herself up fully. ”I realize that this isn’t exactly legal, but as a mentat, even one still learning, I wish to get your permission to purchase a flip dart. Between us… None of this is legal, but those on our path don’t tend to have the capabilities of being entirely legal people, our job demands we do what we must for the duke. If we would be captured, for example, it’s a low likelihood anyone is going to strip their captives nude. A hidden flip dart would be invaluable. However, I’d not so this thing without your consent as my superior, and mentor. I wish you wisdom in this topic. Lord knows manly will result in many laws being broken. But… you’d need to decide if I am loyal enough to use this, for it's a dangerous tool to have on people around the duke and his men.” Freya smiles slightly as a small indication of what they probably both know, she has some poison on her, extract of belladonna to be precise.”I’d be surprised if Juladia wasn’t interested in obtaining one as well.” Again, saying without saying what they both likely know. Freya had seen her case of poisons. She hadn’t recognized them all but she had some.

Freya will have her conversation then head to the rooms as directed.She is pleasantly surprised by their accommodations. Rooms with a common room attached. Sure the private rooms were small, but they were comfortable. What would Freya want with big rooms anyway? Rooms could be like shoes. You don't want the biggest pair, you want the pair that fits. She didn't have the possessions or need for exquisite rooms. What would she possibly do with rooms of the kind the duke and his heir would have? She'd be like a dried pea rattling around in an empty can. There was good and water, though she tried not to drink much. It left her thirsty but on this planet she thought she should probably get used to less water. What if she got stranded in the desert or something? She'd wish then she took such small steps before. She might as well premtively try to get used to less water. Some lessons you learned the hard way, but just the vision of being thirsty in the desert made her want to learn it before she suffered for it.

When it was/is suggested to head out into the city for a bit Freya will request to go along. She needed chemicals to make more poisons. Perhaps even buy some outright. Arrakis wasn’t exactly booming with plants, and she might try to find some more Belladonna. It was a good poison, not too easy to resist.

2017-04-15, 10:50 AM
Over the evening meal, Johnny says to Juladia in a low, respectful voice, "Sister, given what we saw today, I'm going to look into obtaining better shields for us tonight. I have an idea or two on where to look, and can use the standard models we have as trade goods. I could use back up if you're interested in coming along."

Growing up in an orphanage run by Sisters had given him a healthy respect for sneaking around behind their backs. He'd eventually mastered telling them enough of the truth that they stopped asking questions, but that still usually resulted in some level of disciplinary action. Fortunately, less than what he'd really been up to would have warranted. It was a challenging double game to play as an adolescent, and the real trick was staying beneath the Reverend Mother's attention. She gave him the sense she really HAD seen every trick young boys could pull. And her truthsaying ability was particularly hard to evade.

My roll in the OOC comes out to a 23, so if Juladia (or anyone else) cares to throw an Aid Another at it, we can get to a 25 DC. And after that last skill adjustment, I'm even more firmly convinced that there is no such thing as too many skill points.

2017-04-15, 11:35 AM
An ever so subtle, slight raising of one eyebrow and a quirky faint smile give Johnny the impression that Juladia is listening as if to a child who is not telling the whole truth or proposing something that is known will be disapproved. As he finishes she shrugs once, “I too desire to purchase something that is not likely to be sold openly or available through our military. I will depend on and support your discretion, and we can only hope your sense of nefarious dealings will aid us in this.”

She glances over at the others, “I believe it best if we all go. While we were not forbidden to leave our rooms at night, we were warned that it might be more dangerous. Also we were told that the city is especially dangerous at night, so I think we should inform the guards of our nocturnal sojourn. I can very likely convince them to be discreet as well. If they insist on accompanying us, as I suspect will be the case, I can convince them to stay out of sight so as not to spoil our stealth and deception. You three discuss who is to go and I will deal with the guard.”

She goes over to the panel to call for the guard, then steps just outside the door to speak softly with him.

2017-04-15, 01:39 PM
"I'll happily come along," Daniel replies, leaning up from his meal. "I could use a better shield, and there's a few things I wanted to pick up for my stunner anyway."

2017-04-15, 02:04 PM
When they finish reporting to Aiden Brosque and are about to be escorted to their quarters. She’ll speak up again. I’ll catch up here shortly please, I need a moment.” with a sigh and a slightly nervous look, she’d speak again. ”Sir… I was wondering…” Greta sighed and collected herself, raising herself up fully. ”I realize that this isn’t exactly legal, but as a mentat, even one still learning, I wish to get your permission to purchase a flip dart. Between us… None of this is legal, but those on our path don’t tend to have the capabilities of being entirely legal people, our job demands we do what we must for the duke. If we would be captured, for example, it’s a low likelihood anyone is going to strip their captives nude. A hidden flip dart would be invaluable. However, I’d not so this thing without your consent as my superior, and mentor. I wish you wisdom in this topic. Lord knows manly will result in many laws being broken. But… you’d need to decide if I am loyal enough to use this, for it's a dangerous tool to have on people around the duke and his men.” Freya smiles slightly as a small indication of what they probably both know, she has some poison on her, extract of belladonna to be precise.”I’d be surprised if Juladia wasn’t interested in obtaining one as well.” Again, saying without saying what they both likely know. Freya had seen her case of poisons. She hadn’t recognized them all but she had some.

Aidan nods once, "A wise decision, young Freya. Law is a fickle thing; Imperial law is enforced at the whim of the Emperor or his cohorts. We make our own laws in the Houses of the Landsraad, applicable in each fief. The Guild has their laws, but they can only enforce them in their jurisdiction of space. So who is to say what is illegal, strictly, beyond those conventions to which the vast majority of the Imperium adhere, like the great convention and such? I'm certain there are local laws and customs here as well, which we should endeavor to learn."

He pauses a moment to consider something, then slips a rather plain looking steel ring from his pinky finger of his right hand, "You may use this flip dart until you can obtain one of your own. I have another such one in my quarters. It is coated with Curare."

Oddly enough that is another weapon in the description that is not listed on the tables. It does say it is a small needle, so damage is 1d4. It also mentions close proximity, so range will be limited to 2 meters, max 10. Subtle manipulation implies an exotic weapon, but I won't require that proficiency to use one. We'll just call it a simple weapon for now. However, to use it without notice you'll need a sleight of hand. If successful it would be a surprise attack, meaning no dex bonus for the target.

2017-04-15, 02:50 PM
Arrakeen Bazaar, Night 1...

After finishing dinner the entire group decides to make a shopping trip into Arrakeen. Johnny seeks a dueling shield. He has some money and a few standard shields to trade. Juladia seeks a stillsuit, preferably of fremen make. Freya seeks materials for crafting poisons, or some doses of prepared poisons. None of these items are generally for sale; so the only way to find them is through the black market. Daniel expresses a desire to obtain a few things for his stunner pistol but doesn’t elaborate.

The guard proves helpful after some initial reluctance, with Juladia applying all her skill at diplomacy and coercion. It is arranged for the group to have a groundcar and small escort, supervised by the sergeant who was guarding their door.

The bazaar is a pretty big place and there's no room for vehicles. So the soldiers agree to take the group safely through town to the edge of the bazaar and park the car around the corner of a building near the edge of the bazaar so that those getting out would not be associated with it. They will wait there provided the group inform them via comlink if there’s any trouble. It takes about 20 minutes to get out of the palace and to the bazaar.

Johnny is knowledgeable and somewhat adept at seeking out shadowy characters in the underworld from his training. The bazaar is spread out over a very large area in the city center, and includes some areas that are only open during the day. But, perhaps not surprisingly given the oppressive heat, much of it is open late into the night. Here one can buy just about anything that could be expected to find on such a planet, and many things imported from other worlds. Notably absent are any goods made by fremen.

Some things sought might be openly on sale here. Other things must be obtained on the black market. Haggling for the best deal, Juladia purchases a veil made of dark grey silk, embroidered with silvery thread in a local pattern. She seems very interested in a very subtle perfume, but the lowest price she can bargain is too much for her.

Pause to see what, if anything, you want to buy here. Let me know if you're wearing anything different than normal, or anything else that might be different. As usual, Juladia wears her black aba robe, hood up.

2017-04-15, 03:09 PM
Freya is pleased by what Aiden says. The law is good for your average citizen, within reason, but among the houses, with their fights and quarrels, and among the imperial government, law isn't abided. A mentat cannot forfil the law because their duty is to their masters. She accepts the ring but intends to get her own soon enough. She makes special note that Curare is the poison hidden in it. Truly the genius who invented them knew how things were. The thing wouldn't even alert a poison snooker so long as it was deal properly. Ingenius. "Thank you. I'll get my own when I can, If not multiples but that'l probably be a while." she slips the basic steel ringing her own finger with gratitude, and hastens to follow her comrades before they get so far ahead she gets lost.

Freya smiles as the idea is raised. "That sounds like just the thing. And I encourage and thank you for being willing to encourage the guard to be subtle." Freya wonders if Juladia has noticed a ring on her own finger that hasn't been there before. Does she know what it is?, Freya wonders to herself. Probably, and she may well remember Aiden had a similar ring. "It seems I'm not the only one after things your average citizen would not seek to find. I managed to find and purchase a rather nice set of chemistry tools I'd like to get some materials." Greta wouldn't have gone so far as to admit to needing some shady items, but Juladia encouraged it by being so forthright. Juladia at least would probably know what she hadn't said. But the others? Possibly. Freya shrugged slightly and subtly gestured that it was practically a crime for a mentat not to have more poison stocks than she had. That needed remedied. She'd been hesitant to use it knowing she had but 8 doses.

2017-04-15, 03:37 PM
Johnny continued to wear his insignia-less jumpsuit, like so many other visitors to Arrakis. He made sure he had all three standard shields secure on his person, as well as his pay in an inner pocket. With Fremen in the mix, the pickpockets that survived were quite good.

On the ride to the Bazaar, Johnny asked Daniel, "So, did you need a Dueling Shield too? I may be able to trade four for two instead of two for one if they have enough..."

2017-04-15, 05:29 PM
Freya traveled in a new set of clothes. Harkonnens could be in town and she didn't want to cause trouble. Best be careful. She wore clothes befitting the desert the city bordered, and tried to wear her hair slightly different at least as well. Freya spent the trip mostly in silence. She was thinking of poisons, yes, but the desert itself. She'd seen a filmbook as Dr. Yuen promised was on the ship conning here. In any case of emergency she wanted one of those still suits as well. But it has to be the kind of freemen make. Clearly they knew the desert. She'd take no knock off brand. Not on something her life could depend on.

As they arived she would do her best not to attract attention. But, to her vacation, there was no stillsuits, none of freemen make at least. Greta supposed that wasn't surprising. They probably made them a unique way and didn't want the secret out.

Here is what Freya is looking for.

Materials to craft Strychnine:
10(PDC:9 Res:+2)=110§ x8=880(I want to make 2 vials)

I have 6,540§

880§ total for poison mats,
+30§ For weapon upgrades
+300 For 2 antidotes


2017-04-16, 06:21 PM
Daniel decided to keep his vest on in case of the worst, but has his cloak slung over top of it to try and stay inconspicuous. He is, however, absent his greatsword, figuring a sword as tall as a man would attract too much attention.

"Yeah, a dueling shield would be good if we can get another one," Daniel says to Johnny. "Though I also want some poison for my stunner."

2017-04-16, 06:32 PM
"I'll see what I can find... I'll probably need your current shield to make the deal work, though," Johnny said with a winning smile. While his jumpsuit was rated for vacuum, he kept his all-temperature cloak on as well, to blend in to the crowd better.

2017-04-16, 10:33 PM

After about an hour of wandering around the local bazaar, with subtle inquiries about certain illicit goods, they obtain no results in finding most of what they seek. The mentat easily deduces who to avoid when inquiring about the black market. Freya finds the weapon upgrades and antitoxin she seeks, though they are a bit more expensive than she expects. Apparently the costs on Arrakis are higher than elsewhere.

30§ for weapon upgrades, 300§ for 2 antidotes
When Daniel mentions obtaining poisons for his pistol, Juladia says, “What type do you have in mind? I might have enough to share for now, if you have trouble finding it.”

With some aid from Juladia at critical junctures, Johnny locates one shifty, local older woman selling hand held fans who hints at knowing where they can locate things not normally available for public sale. For a small fee (40§) she informs them of a small tavern at the edge of the bazaar that is a notorious hangout for dealers in the black market.

The Dusty Cavern Tavern

The soldiers take them to the specified business and wait outside, again parking around the corner and out of sight from the entrance. It is a small, crowded, smoky place located at the end of a dead end back alley. It's dimly lit by a single glowglobe floating near the ceiling in the middle of the room, leaving the perimeter in deep shadows. There's a bar along the back wall, small tables along each of the other walls, and a large circular table in the middle. There are people sitting at all the tables, some in small groups or pairs, but mostly alone with their back to the wall.

The group stands out like a lake in the open desert, and immediately draws the attention of most patrons and the staff as they enter. Suspicious and dark looks are cast their way, and as they move inside a few patrons leave.

After a few awkward inquiries, Johnny finally greases the correct palms with some coins (20§) to find someone who has what he seeks, and may also know where to find what the others seek. An older man, obviously not from Arrakis but having spent many years here, motions for them to join him at a table near the rear to talk business in a muttered conversation.

Diplomacy check Johnny, add your infamy bonus and illicit barter bonus.

2017-04-17, 03:22 AM
"I like this place," Johnny said in a low voice on entering the tavern.

Sitting down to talk brass tacks, Johnny said, "I hear you might have what I'm looking for..."

Total Modifiers: 4 Ranks + 2 CHA + 3 Infamy + 5 Illicit Barter = +14

2017-04-17, 04:01 PM
The Dusty Cavern Tavern

After several minutes of hard bartering (JB rolls 15, opposed roll is 22) the man eventually agrees to trade two dueling shields for 800§ and the four standard shields offered by Johnny. He points out another individual inside the tavern, a slutty looking, pretty, sexy young woman, who would know where to locate materials needed to make most poisons. He also hints that a fremen stillsuit could be obtained in one of two ways. The first, and more dangerous, being to kill a fremen wearing one without puncturing or otherwise damaging the garment.

As Daniel and Freya go talk to the woman, Juladia scowls at this man and immediately rejects this ploy. They are then told that the other option is to purchase some that have been obtained in this manner from a nefarious individual. A Sumatra addict named Hokam has been advertising just such a deal, but his price is far too high for the likes of these folks.

The Bene Gesserit eagerly agrees (22 to hide her true intent from everyone. Johnny is the only player present when it happens, so he can roll sense motive if desired) to talk with this person and find out if she can bargain for what she seeks. The man directs them to another establishment, a secretive underground den where less than legal substances are sold and consumed, located in the alley across the main street.

Meanwhile, Daniel and Freya talk to the whore, who initially tries to solicit them all for a night of pleasure at a very reasonable price (50§ each). Regardless of the response to her offer, a few more coins (10§) loosens her tongue. She speaks of the same place as the shield merchant, directing them there to inquire about “surreptitious substances” of all kinds.

Leaving separately to allay suspicion, the four meet up at the car. Juladia suggests that she and Johnny enter first, followed shortly by the other two. She and Johnny will play the part of Sumatra dealers, there to sell to a prearranged customer. The other two can separately look for poisons and supplies to make them. Juladia assures Freya that she will ask about a stillsuit for her as well.

The 20§ from the previous post can be split among you all, so 5§ each. This post includes 800§ for the shields, of which I presume Johnny and Daniel will each pay half. Also Daniel and Freya mark off another 5§ each for bribing the whore (and another 50§ each if one or both want her services).

2017-04-17, 05:17 PM
I hate to point it out, but this is yet another one that's not a class skill for Knaves. Untrained: [roll0]

Johnny raised an eyebrow at Juladia's conversation with the shield merchant, but suppressed a shrug.

Before entering the other establishment, Johnny checked his hand cannon to make sure it was visible, easy to draw, and ready to fire. He set his face to his best "hardened criminal" expression, and prepared to back the Sister in whatever she intended to do. It was clear she was going to do most of the talking, so he figured playing the hired muscle was the best bet.

2017-04-17, 06:13 PM
Freya listens avidly while simultaneously trying not to look it. The first option was a no. Freya would not attack a freemen. Secondly, she'd not desire to buy one taken in such a way, which was the next logical stepbased on the first comment. She'd not risk them finding out. The freemen might, and understanably so, feel that such a suit was their tribes by right. That left one option, to purchous a stillsuit of freemen make directly from a freemen.

She approached the lady in a friendly way. Freya's parents hadn't been the norm in totality, clearly, for they had seen her trained as a mentat. Another gem from them is the feeling that books down to "always call a spade a spade, but call a whore a lady, for those lives are hard enough, it never hurts to be polite." in line with this Freya does her best to be friendly.she politely shrugs off the offer. Even if they had whites she would be interested in, she wasn't interested in STDs. Greta will pay the 10§ herself, and in thanks for the tip, offers another 10§. Again, few of any towards toward sex work for fun. She probably had a family depending on her.

Freya thanks Juladia, as she is indeed interested, trusting her to to make a sound judgement.

Sense motive on the man

Another on the lady of the town.

(She is not there for do so for Juladia as you say. :3)

I'll add 25§ to my bill by editing it in below. 5 for my share of the 20, then 10 for the lady, then another 10 for good manners. (Paying Daniels share myself.)

I have 6,540§

880§ total for poison mats,
+30§ For weapon upgrades
+300 For 2 antidotes


(Btw that saying comes from "The Name of the Wind")

2017-04-21, 10:00 AM
The Grotto

After successfully bluffing (21 vs 17) their way into this place, using the false premise of selling Semuta to Hokam, and paying the entry fee of 20§ each, Juladia and Johnny enter the Grotto. Moments later Freya and Daniel tell the bouncer they wish to purchase some poison. He lets them in for the entry fee of 20§ each, directing them to the bar for more information.

The place is even darker and seedier than the tavern they just left. It’s filled with pungent smoke, the unmistakable odors of unwashed bodies, and an undercurrent of the cinnamon scent indicative of melange. There’s a bar along the back wall, a typical layout for such places. But instead of tables along the outer walls there are several small alcoves dug out of the wall, providing a little more privacy. Some have screens set up across the entrance while others are open but so filled with smoke and shadows it’s nearly impossible to see into any of them from the common room. In the middle of the place are three long tables with benches, where many people sit in groups enjoying drinks, various drugs, and muttered conversations. Few notice the entrance of each new pair, going about their business or relaxation with little care about others.

Juladia and Johnny go to one end of the bar, followed shortly by Freya and Daniel, who go to the other end of the bar. Each pair spends a few minutes covertly talking to the bartender about what they each seek here. After buying a rather expensive drink of some cheap wine (5§ each), each group is directed to a separate alcove. Juladia takes the wineglass but does not drink from it.

Juladia and Johnny find the person to whom they were directed. Hokam is sitting alone in a screened alcove along the left wall. An older outworlder, clearly a Semuta addict, he’s not easy to understand or deal with. But eventually he’s convinced that these two are serious about obtaining a stillsuit of fremen make. He foolishly brags about having two stillsuits hidden away in his room below. He claims that he and his partner, who is sleeping in the room, are the ones who obtained them by killing fremen. He states firmly that the only price he will accept is to have safe and secret passage for him and his partner off Arrakis in trade.

Hokam bluff [roll0]
Juladia Sense Motive [roll1]
Action Point to know level of lie
Juladia sternly refuses to bargain on these terms, forcefully insisting that there must be another way to make a fair trade. Heedless of any cajoling, bartering, threats or any other form of convincing, he rejects any counteroffers and soon gruffly tells them to leave.

2017-04-22, 12:19 PM
Freya paid her way in, expenses were rapidly mounting. It was somewhat ironic, considering strychnine's previous use as a pesticide that all this was necessary. And just for the mats, not for the poison itself. You could make poisons with common chemicals even. That said, Stryxhnine was a more virulent breed of poison. Not necessarily more deadly perhaps, but not as easy to resist. But, she supposed that was the nature of poisons. She wished she'd had more time to talk to Aiden about good sources. She sighed inward and approached the bartender as instructed by the pouncer. She'd wait for a moment, thinking. How was this to be done? There was a problem here. None could afford to be recognized as the duke's men. It struck her all the more how perilous this errand was. But that was why she had taken basic precautions. She had changed clothes, done her hair up differently, and overall tried not to be recognizable. Just another druggy here for a high.

She approached the barman when she had the best time, and had spent a few minutes mingling, or appearing too. Freya listed off the key substances. No doubt this would be the most expensive bit. Not just 1 solid dose but 8, 2 whole vials. She wonder what thepartender would think. Perhaps that she was a cook of some kind. Someone had to make the drugs they sell after all, and perhaps they'd think the cook wanted some poison to protect their stash? Who knew. She was made to order some cheap wine at a high cost before being directed to an alcove. Freya did not drink, but did thank him. Who knew what could be in that? For all she knew they in drugs in the wine. She didn't risk even the smallest of sips.

Finally, she directed her feet towards the alcove. Who would be in here?

I have 6,540§

880§ total for poison mats,
+30§ For weapon upgrades
+300 For 2 antidotes

-25§ (entry and wine)

2017-04-23, 08:30 AM
The Grotto

Juladia shrugs and stands with her hands raised palm up in a feint that appears to be a gesture of peaceful departure, “So be it.”

She fires a tiny dart at him from the needle gun concealed under the sleeve of her robe. The screen and the shadows of the place conceal the attack from everyone other than Johnny. It is so sudden and stealthy that the man is not even sure what just happened. He gasps his last gurgling breaths as she adds, “You have sealed your fate, and I am the enforcer thereof.”

The man is taken completely by surprise and slumps over the table (4 VP + 14 WP = DEAD). She signals to Johnny with hand gestures to search him for a key as she turns to sneak a look past the screen around the shadowy establishment. She shrugs and returns to Johnny’s side, whispering very softly, “Nobody seems to have noticed, or cared. I suppose we should carry him down to his room, pretending he passed out from our pure dosage. This will give us a ploy to use against his partner, if awake. He was a fool and a liar. Perhaps the Semuta is at least partly responsible for this, but falls far short of excusing his behavior. I am pleased to be done with him, and the universe will be a better place without him.”

As he searches the body, Juladia steps out from behind the screen and says to the bartender, “This man passed out. Apparently he was not accustomed to the purity of our product. We are obligated to take him to his room. Where might we find it?”

The bartender looks somewhat suspicious, but shrugs and replies, “First room on the right, second level below.”

Meanwhile, Daniel and Freya find their contacts in an open alcove set into the right side of the wall. There are three men there smoking a hookah filled with some herbal concoction. They all appear as if they’ve spent some time in the desert. Though clearly not Fremen, they all have the blue within blue eyes indicative of someone who has been exposed to melange for some time. Freya initially concludes that it's very likely these men are smugglers of some kind.

Once the subject of what they seek is broached, one man pulls out a small pouch filled with samples of ingredients to craft sundry poisons, and a few bottles of various poisons. He tells them, "The bottles are for sale at double the normal cost, and we have a greater supply of ingredients stored elsewhere." The other two pay attention, but remain silent, as if this were not their field of expertise.

After learning exactly what kind of poison and ingredients the pair are seeking, the bargaining for prices and quantities begins in earnest.

Rolls can be found in the dice thread.

Diplomacy checks for Freya and Daniel please, the one with the lower total bonus can aid the other (DC 10 aid another). Also, you can add your reputation bonus for this.

2017-04-23, 09:32 AM
Johnny nodded once to the Sister and moved to search the body as she directed, trying to make it look like he was simply preparing to haul the man out of the booth. He was only somewhat surprised she decided to take matters into her own hands so quickly, and in public. Perhaps they'd get away with it...


2017-04-23, 10:07 AM
The Grotto - Johnny & Juladia

Johnny finds a small pouch with 200§ and two keys inside, along with a very nicely made (MW +1) slip-tip hidden in his left boot. Inspecting the blade, even in this dim light, it’s clearly coated with some sinister substance. Juladia indicates with a hand signal that he should keep them all for now.

She and Johnny grab the man under the arms and carry him, feet dragging behind him, downstairs. Nobody seems to pay them the slightest attention. Hearing nothing beyond soft snoring coming from within (passive perception, ha!) the indicated room, they open the door with one of the keys and let the corpse quietly slump to the floor just inside. His partner is indeed passed out, snoring as they enter, obviously very intoxicated and not disturbed by this intrusion. A quick search of the room reveals no stillsuits, but they see a small, locked chest between the beds. The other key unlocks the chest, bypassing the simple trap inside the chest.

While Johnny clears the contents of the chest, which consists of two stillsuits and a small sack filled with 2,200§, Juladia carefully extracts the needle from the dead man’s chest with a dagger. The result makes it look like the death was caused by a dagger wound. She coats it again with a substance from a bottle in her little box, then cautiously reloads the concealed weapon. She takes one of the stillsuits, rolls it up and stores one in her pack, indicating with hand signals that Johnny should do the same with the other one and take the sack. She then indicates that she is ready to leave, and that they should leave the man’s keys where they were found.

There’s a means to lock the door from within, and doing so they quietly close the door behind them. On the way back upstairs she takes his arm and leans against him like a lover as she whispers, “We should return to the alcove for a while, in case Freya and Daniel need our help. We can furtively watch the common room from there, and be close in case Daniel and Freya need our help. I will leave it to you to decide what to do if Hokam’s partner wakes and comes rushing up in response to finding his dead partner and missing treasures.”

2017-04-23, 10:34 AM
Freya guessed smugglers upon seeing their eyes. They didn't remind her of what she is had learned of freemen, and this would be a prime planet for it. CHOAM made much if not most of it's profits from spice, melange. Why? Melange was said to add years to your life, literally. Freya wondered how you paid for such a thing. Surely no drug could do that and not have a cost. What if a noble stopped taking it? Those eyes though spoke of melange use constantly. She supposed it was hard to avoid ingesting the stuff if you lived in or around the desert. This was it's source planet after all. That was one of the boons of this planet for the duke. Literal control over the planet the spice was harvested on was a powerful tool to be sure.

Freya began bargaining for the materials to make it herself. [Diplomacy Roll: 11+2(rep)=13] Meanwhile she was trying to get a good grip on the likely smugglers. [Sense Motive roll: 15] the smugglers could be useful. This planet was a trap after all. She imagined the duke would probably use them somehow, if only for a way off planet. How would the smugglers play into all this? While thinking about it, she also asks about a flip dart as well. They are smugglers after all.

Yeah crummy roll, but not horrible. At the very least it will make it possible to aid Daniel's roll if his is better.

The rolls were made in the dice topic. Speaking of which could the link to the dice topic, character topic, and IC topic be pasted into the first post in the OoC topic? That's really speed up accessing them rather than going to page 8 and half way down page one, etc. Sorry to bug you, just a suggestion, that seems like where you are amassing info anyway. :3

2017-04-23, 11:08 AM
The Grotto – Daniel & Freya

After a little haggling over price, the smuggler agrees to sell the pair what they desire. The cost is somewhat exorbitant (as quoted previously), but they have now established an underworld connection that should prove useful in the future of their furtive endeavors in the city, and possibly beyond.

As the man sends one of his partners to fetch the materials to make strychnine, he says, “The flip dart is also available. I have two forms; one is hidden within a plain ring, the other is concealed in a nicely made bracelet designed as jewelry suitable for a woman. Neither has any poison applied currently. The first I will sell to you for 1,200§, the second for 2,200§.”

You can roll another Diplomacy to haggle for this price as well.

Also, I believe Daniel was seeking some poison for his stunner pistol ammo. I can’t find any reference to what kind or how much, but that is also handled here. I’ll edit in the details once he posts.

Finally, yes I'll post links to the other threads in the 1st ooc post; good idea. I just use the subscriptions and have a folder for each game. I wish the sig would hold more without special request, I have links to some of the game threads there, but there's no room for more.

2017-04-23, 11:21 AM
Johnny drew Juladia in and breathlessly whispered, "Yes, Sister." Then hurried them both back to the booth.

2017-04-23, 01:17 PM
Freya agrees and sighs softly, inwardly not externally. Her money is rapidly disappearing. She had probably more money than most of them, but mostly because her family had been more politically involved than most. It was part of why her parents had wanted the mentat training. That said, family or not, Freya wanted nothing to do with politics. Alas it was her job, and she was a part in her own training after all. She could quit this path if she wanted. Did she want to? It was hard to say. Family ties, expectation, and her town training made things complicated. But, it wasn't as if she wasn't cooperating.

Freya will hold a bit of serious haggling on the flip dart prices, she wasn't going to pay quite that much. But... Not did she want to be a burden on Aiden. Not that he necessarily things that way, we are all more a burden to ourselves than perhaps most burdens we think we but on others. she thought to herself while haggling. [Diplo Roll: 26]

I have 6,540§

880§ total for poison mats,
+30§ For weapon upgrades
+300 For 2 antidotes

-25§ (entry and wine)


Mats price was doubled?
So 880x2=1,760


-50 (tips and entry fees, etc.)

Above the ~ if I missunderstood, below the tilde if I didn't. No buggy either way. :3

2017-04-26, 02:30 AM
After hearing the price, Daniel grimaces and bends down to whisper in Freya's ear. "The cost of a dose is more than I can comfortably pay right now. Just deal with whatever you want to get."

2017-04-26, 07:58 AM
The Grotto – Daniel & Freya

Within minutes the other smuggler returns and hands Freya a small pouch containing the ingredients she desires. He enters during the heated arguing about prices for a flip dart device. Eventually Freya talks him down to where the ring will only her cost 840 and the bracelet only 1,540. He offers to sell her both at 2,400 combined price.

The poison expert ends by saying, “Nice doing business with you. I love a hard bargain, even though I came out at a loss this time! Should you ever need anything else not commonly found in the bazaar, come here and ask for me. My name is Vernon.”


When the pair exit the alcove they see Juladia and Johnny exit from an alcove across the room. A secretive hand signal from Juladia indicates that Daniel and Freya should leave first, to meet at the car around the corner of the street.

Though he seems to be paying close attention, the bartender never notices the passing of secret hand signals.

Juladia returns to the bartender and hands him another 40§ as she mutters, “Thank you for your discretion. We were never here, if anyone asks.”

The bartender nods once and grins at her as takes the coins. She and Johnny turn to leave.

Back in the car, on the way back to the Palace, Juladia informs the other two of every detail of what happened. She then adds, “I think maybe we should split all the money evenly. Though neither Daniel nor Freya had any part in obtaining this booty, I am certain there will be times when one or more of us find things in the future that should be shared equitably between us all. After all, we are a team."

If agreed, that would be 600§ each.

Palace Rooms

Safely back in their suite, Juladia pulls out her stillsuit and inspects it thoroughly as she says, "Freya, Johnny has your stillsuit. I plan to wear mine under my robe. If we ever get to the point of dealing directly with the Fremen, I intend to offer its return in a gesture of good will and explain that I obtained it in pursuit of justice.”

2017-04-27, 12:00 AM
Freya thought it over momentarily. Aiden didn't mind her having his. He had a spare. This was a huge investment. Aiden made more than her, no doubt, but... But... This could be a helpful investment in the team. Surely Juladia had her own ways to deliver poisons. However flip darts had 1 extra thing going for them: poison shoppers couldn't detect a poisoner flip dart, and they were so inconspicuous they were not easily detected. Juladia would want one. She would, Freya was sure, assuming she already had none. Worst come to worst she wastes money and ends up with 2... But...

Freya smiles and gives a good humored, knowing wink, conveying what they both knew. 840+1540=2380, not 2,400. Freya accepts it anyway, giving the extra 20 as a sort of tip, a sign that hopefully she'd shop there again, and maybe if they thought they had a returning customer there would be no need to gouge her so much. And underworld contacts could be useful. "I'll take them, I suppose. It's been nice doing business with you. I'll remember that name, we'll probably have future deals." Well underworld business was rarely fun, and she'd been gouged on the poison, granted that she hadn't expected otherwise, this was a black market. But... Good manners never hurt. Another wink as she handed the extra 2,400 for both flip darts. She tried to subtly indicate that she was not giving her name purely out of caution, nodding slightly to the area as if indicating it wasn't out of rudeness, just caution, perhaps. But she was clearly not lying about seeing him about seeing him again.

"It's okay, I'll give you some of my poison. I've lost 2 thirds of my coin, but... My family has some political leverage, if small. If they had been a bit higher, they'd tried to get me married to a house minor under Atteides." Freya gives a slight shiver, showing a dislike of such things. Her family would have been disappointed, as she'd have probably refused. But given her mother was a (former) Bennie gesseret, and had left partially because she could not stand the breeding, her mother hadn't pushed such a thing. Freya might come from a somewhat political family but she didn't seek noble title. If such a thing came to her that was one thing, but she wanted or desired no inherited lower. "Besides, my plan was to get extra poisons for group members in the first place. Though I'd probably help you with it, I'm not sure how much experience you have with it, hence why I bought some antidotes as well." Freya whispers back as they leave, having received a hand signal from Juladia.

Freya hesitantly accepts the offer. It was more than fair, and if she declined it could imply she didn't intend to share if something happened to her. She was clearly surprised having not expected this development.

Once back in the palace she speaks to Juladia Again. "So as you probably noticed, I stayed back and talked to Aiden for a minute earlier. I wanted to talk about purchousing illegal materials. Suffice to say he had no issues, as a mentat, I suppose we can never be lawful citizens, our service to the duke demands we expect otherwise. He wasn't displeased to hear this conclusion, to say the least. He even lent me his flip dart. However... I saw your poisons... And thought you might like a flip dart.... So when I came across a pair... I got them. It felt wrong h uying a gift to you while I was in debt to Aiden, so I purchased both. Which of them would you like? Also, when I get done mixing up a couple batches of Stryxhnine I'm share a couple doses with Daniel, he did seem to want some, and we must expect poison form our enemies, after all." Freya opens her hands and freely gives Juladia the pick of the flip darts, without offering their costs to her. She'd not want Juladia to refuse just over that or note choose her preference over it. Freya doesn't care too much either way. Neither are stunning, flip darts aren't made to attract attention after all. But still, the choose was of a plain ring and a feminine bracelet. Freya fancied either, the bracelet slightly more so, aestetically, but the ring was perhaps a more more practicall? She wondered what Aiden would say. But, she's be honest with him. It was a shame though. Over 2 grand gone on just these. When she needn't have. Aiden might question that. But it was an investment in her team. If Juladia refused, she'd co sider offering towards Daniel to Johnny, or else have 2. 2 would be very inconvienent. A ring and a bracelet would be handy, but not handy enough to warrant the cost. An investment in her team was though.

"I greatly appreciate that, I'd not want a suit built by someone who didn't live with one. Buying a stillsuit from a city dweller almost feels like buying a boat from a maker who has never seen a sea, river, or large lake. But, if Johnny prefers to keep it that would be more than fair." It's clear she has wanted one, but so could Johnny after all. "I'm glad, we seem to have been thinking similarly. I'd want no suit that could make an enemy of the freemen. Were Johnny to choose not to keep it I'll do likewise. Still... They are amazing huh. The true key to desert survival."


-50 (tips and entry fees, etc.)

God, expensive. But, worth it, a solid investment in the team, if wholly unnessisary given what Aiden did. But, Freya is the type to give gifts. minMAXing seems less fun than doing gestures like this just for role play's sake. :3

I'd offer this to Johnny or Daniel, as it feels weird spending money on an NPC, but while they are simple weapons of I recall? I don't get the feeling. Knaves or srmsman, etc, have anything to do with poisons. (Not that there is a "poison proficiency" if recall.) I guess I just am needlessly worrying someone would rather their character get it... And I guess the answer is, Freya doesn't know either are experienced with poisons. That said if either of you are interested, just ask. Aiden did loan Freya a flip dart, so it's not like she will go without if someone wants one. :3 Freya wouldn't mind (nor would I ^~^), though she'd probably bring it up with Aiden.


Note: Freya will be very excited in the morning. :3

2017-04-27, 05:19 PM
Johnny, hearing Freya speaking to Juladia about the stillsuits, interjected, "Oh no, I have no need for such a thing. My flight suit is vacuum rated, and can recycle water well enough without drawing uncomfortable questions from the Fremen."

2017-04-28, 06:39 PM
Once they're all back in the car, Daniel nods in agreement with Juladia. "They don't pay me enough for me to have qualms about splitting what we find," he says, cracking a grin. "Or for me to care much about where it comes from."

2017-04-30, 07:09 AM
Palace Rooms
(After Shopping Trip on night 1)

After splitting the money that Juladia and Johnny had obtained, the group continues to talk about recent acquisitions. Johnny explains that he has no need of wearing a stillsuit (and presumably giving the one he carries to Freya).

Juladia pulls out her box and hands two bottles to Daniel, “Strychnine, since you expressed an interest in that particular substance to apply to ammunition for your pistol. Consider it a donation for the team effort, with my understanding that it will very likely be used to help us all on our missions.”

Looking at the offered flip darts, Juladia says, “That is very thoughtful of you Freya. Given the typically exorbitant costs of things obtained through the black market, this is also a truly generous offer.”

Pulling back the left sleeve of her robe, she reveals a rather plain looking bracelet, “But I already have such an item, a gift from Lady Jessica, which is a combination of flip dart and needle gun. So your offer would better serve us all if given to one of our other companions. I will apply a dose of poison to the dart for whoever wants it. I have some Sassone Leaf Extract (Injury, DC 17, 2d8 Dmg (save=½, 20 save=none, 1 save=x2, fail=2d4/rd until cured)/1d6 con), Atropine, (Injury, DC 13, 1d6 Dex/1d6 Str), Belladonna (Injury, DC 18, 1d6 Str/2d6 Str), Blue-ringed viper (Injury, DC 15, 1d4 Con/1d4 Con), Curare (Injury, DC 18, 2d4 Dex/2d4 Wis), or Cyanide (Injury, DC 16, 1d6 Con/2d6 Con).”

So after deciding who gets the flip dart, and which one, we can move on to the next morning.

Everybody done leveling up?

2017-04-30, 05:25 PM
"You are...remarkably well equipped, Juladia," Daniel says as he stows the bottles of strychnine. "Lady Jessica must place a truly large amount of trust in your abilities to have given you all of this."

2017-04-30, 08:57 PM
Freya takes the offered stillsuit with more thanks than one would perhaps expect. She will do similarly to Juladia. She hadn't paid for the suit, so she couldn't claim ownership of it, especially stolen as it was."It seems my trip was nearly in vain then. For Aiden lent me his own flip dart, saying he had two. I needn't have pushed to get one. That said, I agree. Oh, speaking of, if ever we capture anyone, be they an enemy of the duke of something, it'd be wise to strip them of jewelry. It's a small thing and no one ever thinks to bother, but flip darts, well maintained, not only make great concealed weapons, but can hide poison. The poison on the dart won't be detected by a poison snooper. That's part of the reason I wanted one. Few if any would think to confiscate jewelry."

Freya thinks a moment, still somewhat surprised. "Wow, you are well supplied indeed. I have belladonna extract, and I bought the mats to make Strychnine. Sadly things like blue ringed venom, curare, sessone leaf, and belladonna would have been more expensive. Poisons from off planet animals and plants always are. Shame though, Sessone leaf is white the poison. I've not used any of my belladonna because I feel the need to conserve it, given I doubt belladonna grows here."

She would hold them out in offering to Johnny and Daniel, as if either could take one of they desired. Aiden would probably not mind her holding onto his, that that she'd assume such. Once Daniel had taken the ring she'd smile happily. She had bought it as a gift, and was only too happy she hadn't wasted her money. "I'm sorry I didn't offer it to you at first Daniel, I should have forseen that Juladia would not need it, but before tonight I had not known you would be interested. That said, worry not over the illegality of it, for our superior has authorized the purchase. That said, I wouldn't draw attention to it, no one should easily recognize it. If you wish I'm sure me and Juladia could fill you in on generally what those poisons do. After all, it would be unfortunate to mean to paralyze your foe only to realize you'd applied a myotoxin instead." Freya seemed quite happy to give away one of them. Juladia hadn't been lying though. She'd happily show how to use it if he asked. Mentats had to know these things.

Freya investigated the stillsuit thoughtfully, checking the various pockets and such, working mentally to figure it out. Like taking apart and putting together a clock to understand how it worked. Except, without taking anything apart, just feeling. "I have to feel for them, they must practically live in this suits. It's incredibly ingenious. Nothing is left unaccounted for. But, I can only imagine how uncomfortable it would be to wear one every time you left your home. I am not sure I'll be able to wear mine, as it might attract attention, mostly because I lack things like robes."

If I had only known Sessone leaf was a thing. But, I'm sure it would have been hugely expensive.

Johnny didn't want it as he said in the OoC topic, but me and Daniel talked about it in pm and he was interested in the ring, hence my post assuming he took it.

I wonder what will happen in the next day. I'm excited.

2017-05-02, 10:07 AM
Palace Rooms
(After Shopping Trip on night 1)

Juladia replies, “Yes, Lady Jessica trusts me enough to have supplied me well, so I am very well equipped indeed. Her trust is the only reason Thufir allowed me to be on this team.”

The group has now seen most of her secrets, but she will show everyone all the items she has now in the interest of building trust. She has the hidden bracelet that is a combination of needle gun and flip dart. She has a hair clasp that includes a secret poisoned needle (also considered a flip dart). She demonstrates the function of the only ring she wears; Light Ring, radius 20’ bright, 40’ dim, beam up to 80’, can adjust brightness.

Freya can work on crafting the poison tonight. Roll a craft check, we’ll count one roll as a batch to include all the ingredients you have now. Success or fail will count for all doses, unless you want to do each dose individually, which will take more time.

2017-05-02, 11:11 AM
Freya is surprised to a degree by Juladia's openness, not too much so, for most was already out in the open after this night. "I am impressed, you are very well equipped indeed. Sadly I lack anything else to show. Other than the bracelet you've already seen and this ring that will be Aiden's again come tomorrow. As for poison i only have belladonna, and hopefully soon strychnine as well. Speaking of, I guess I'll take some time to go over the process for crafting it at least. I'll likely wait, hmm." Freya looks for the time thinking. They had been out and the chemistry for creating this particular poison was long.

Strychnine does say it takes 4 hours to craft, there is probably to be no time if any sleep is to be gained. But then again I lack any knowledge of the time in game so I'll roll anyway and leave that to your discretion. But generally Freya isn't in a huge rush, and fatigue effects suck.

5 ranks, 4 int bonus, and +6 from a superior masterwork chemistry kit.

Yay I beat the DC by 9. (Craft DC: 23) But depending on time the roll may well not matter.

2017-05-02, 03:33 PM
I'll allow you to craft the poison tonight. It means starting a little later the next day without any fatigue, but that won't change anythng there.

Even though you're in a secured suite of rooms, Juladia would suggest we have night watch anyway. Daniel likely would've too, since the palace isn't 100% secured. So the delay will be acceptable. So 4 watches of 3 hours each. Freya can start crafting before anyone sleeps, then take first watch and include the rest of her crafting time during her watch.

Juladia would like last watch, but will do any of them.

Good habit to get into, especially for later in the game.

2017-05-04, 07:01 PM
Command Center
(Day 2)

The group reports to Aidan Bosque the next morning. He greets them and gets right to the business at hand, “Arrakeen has a complex economic relationship with the Water Seller‘s Union. Traditionally, the Palace at Arrakeen has its own water facilities operating independently of the Union. Unfortunately, the Harkonnens somehow poisoned the Palace‘s water supply, forcing us to use our reserves brought from Caladan. In fact, a large portion of the cargo delivered on the ship that brought you here was water.”

He gives them a set of blueprints for the following sections as he explains, “The Palace gets its water from very expensive windtraps set into the roofs of most of the buildings in the compound. These collectors are artfully disguised to appear as part of the normal architecture of the building. From these collectors the water runs via small conduits into a central filtration room. There it is filtered and purified through a system of vats, then stored in cisterns in the lower levels of the palace. It is pumped up to the three water distribution points in the palace as needed.

Normally only a few technicians supervise these facilities, and a few medical personnel regularly test the water at various points. The only place where guards had previously been stationed were the distribution points. Since discovering that the system was compromised again I stationed more troops at strategic points in the system to guard against further intrusion. The entire system is the purview of the Palace Suk, but Doctor Dunthrane currently has dozens of people wounded and dying in her infirmary.”

He sighs and adds, “Even after my men cleaned and inspected the entire system, the contamination continues to return. Primary projection; the Harkonnens slipped agents in after we cleaned and did something to contaminate the water again. I also project, based on known Harkonnen tactics, previous events, and everything we’ve found here so far, that further traps or explosives are hidden in the system. They are probably set to go off during investigation, and after this problem is truly fixed. So be very careful in your investigation.”

He indicates that they are free to take the blueprints and says, “Report back to me when you find anything or need additional assistance. As before, you are authorized to command the troops and technicians to aid you as required. As you’re aware, water is extremely important here. While we can continue to get water from Caladan, shipping it here is much more expensive than using the system set up here. So this is a vital task to complete, the sooner the better.”

So starting from the beginning of the system:

dozens of collection windtraps on roofs
conduits that use gravity to move the condensed water from there to the filtration vats
twelve filtration vats
pipes that the collected water flows through from one filtration vat to the next
pipes that the filtered water flows through to the cisterns
six storage cisterns underground
pumps and valves used to move and regulate the water from the cisterns up to water distribution outlets
water distribution outlets located at three secured points in the palace

There are guards stationed at 1, 3, 6, and 8. The conduits and pipes can be accessed through small maintenance tunnels. These are sealed off, each end is located at the points of origin and destination, where the guards are stationed.

2017-05-04, 10:38 PM
Freya quickly agrees that keeping a watch Would be the smart thing to do, and dividing the time up makes perfect sense. Freya volunteers for first watch. ”Well I suppose if we’re going to do that I may as well just get to crafting. That’ll take some time and you can rest assured I won’t be tempted to doze off while dealing with dangerous chemicals.” Freya will get started an hour before watch starts. Fortunately she was making only 1 type of poison. She’d no doubt need to go though many more complicated things if she was trying to make multiple types. But While making only one she just needed more containers, the same way making dinner for 2 people doesn’t take twice as long as making the same dinner for 1. You just need a slightly bigger pan.

So after several hours she goes to wake Daniel, thankful for the fact that she had gone first, and so didn’t need to fall asleep twice, due to being woken up part way through. She would offer to go in the middle the next night, it was only fair. Freya curls up in bed and falls asleep rather quickly, if only because maintaining great caution while working with such substances tends to be tiring work.

Freya wakes not long before the end of Juladia’s 3 hour watch, and spends the time in a relaxing meditation in her bed. She focuses on her own state of mind, then her body, feeling the tension and physical need to stretch it out of her muscles. That first long satisfying stretch in the morning. Then she focuses inward on her meditations, then on her own awareness, the black of her vision behind closed lids. Then, a most peculiar sensation happens. Suddenly she is aware of blackness behind her, and light to the sides. Light directly above her head. What was going on?

She got up quickly, curious and confused, seeing what should be impossible. She was seeing behind herself. Not just behind but above, and to the sides, and even down. But her face and head moved not. She faced forwards and should only see the door and walls and such, yet she saw more. Then, slowly, realization came upon her.

She had done it! Finally she had done it! In excitement she got herself hastily dressed and ready, for her internal clock told her it was morning. It was so weird though! She had heard it was possible to extend your awareness outwards and gain full 360° sight, but she hasn’t actually thought she would be able to manage it! How long ago had it been since her mother had told her she had heard of someone gaining that? Years. She was only 14 even now, not that she would admit that openly. (It tended to cause issues given her job.) it had been nearly 3 years since she had heard it was possible. She’d been meditating and trying daily for years. She’d almost given up hope! But now, unexpected and unlooked for, she had done it. She let out a small yell of excitement before stopping herself, hoping she hadn’t woken up too early. You’d normally never guess her age, she had a disciplined, straight posture, and a bit more of a mature air about her than any normal teen, let alone someone only 2 years into their teens. But now in her excitement and triumph, it would have been easy for any to guess her age, had they been in her room. She spends a couple quick minute testing it, counting and observing, then turning so she could see what she’d been looking at in front of her and double checking. Finally!


I’ll leave a cut in here so if anyone wants to interact over the morning before reporting in they can. Obviously she’s incredibly happy and people might want to ask her why and such. This way I don’t hold anyone up but people can role play in the morning before reporting in. I don’t know what people will do, it anything, so I figure cutting to Aiden now leaves some space.

Also i was tempted to wait for others but because I wanted to role play gaining the feat (as it has a notable impact on her.) I felt like I should push a post out more quickly in case you guys saw this and wanted to comment but had already done something contrary. The feat she gained at second level is below.

All-Around Sight [Weirding]
You have honed your senses so that you cannot be taken unawares.
Prerequisite: Weirding Way.
Benefit: Your awareness extends in a 360-degree radius around
you, allowing you to see in all directions at once. You cannot be
flanked and gain a +4 bonus on skill checks to avoid surprise.


Composed once again, even if in a cheerful mood, she goes with the others to report to Aiden. She still experiments quietly with herself. She watches her comrades walk she watches the ceiling directly above her head. She had almost considered walking backwards all the way to Aiden. Usually her parents political schemes and her mentat training meant she always had to act mature. Always the adult, and always mature and upright. In her excitement this morning her control had slipped a bit. Even now, much more composed, her bright smile seemed take a couple years off her. You see seeming adult isn’t all about height or aged facial features. She walked with great posture, as if she was a soldier, she had a sort of disciplined aura almost, and even with a somewhat young face, that disciplined, authoritative aura could add years seemingly.

But that smile was slowly winding down and by the time she had got to Aiden some of the brightness of it had departed, and part way through his report it had vanished completely, replaced once again by a measure of sorrow and anxiety. So many were injured and dying, and how many could the fouled water have hurt? They say the day you worry about the future is the day you leave childhood behind. Aiden had barely but to start his talk before any childhood seemed to drain from her face and her smile became a concentrated frown as she focused on his words.

I’m assuming we’ll report to you about the events of last night once this more important issue is settled. This is a mystery. If this happened after the last time you secured things I’m assuming you’ve already confirmed the filters in the vats were not ruined. Unless I had a subtle poison I’d probably not risk the filter blocking some of the damage by filtering some out. If I were aiming to poison the water then, somewhere between the filters and the holding cisterns would be a solid place to attack. Some piping or tubing, and some poison or other contaminate and you could rig said thing to slowly leak into the transports between filters and cisterns. If I were to do this thing, I’d give serious thoughts to aiming there. After all, outing guards in small maintenance tunnels would be less practical. And while you could seal the ends I could always break into them from somewhere else, had I the resources and knowledge of the palace blueprints. To do so from the cisterns again would require getting a guy in there, but we can’t say none of our workers have been bought off, and perhaps not necessarily with money at that. To aim at the wind traps themselves would be iffy, I'd assume you had guards there, given how critical they are. The outlets, unless I misunderstand, don’t seem a good target. Putting poison up a facet will just end up getting it flushed out faster without contaminating much, but, the piping under and around the outlets could be done. But it’s less ideal than to introduce it before storage so it has time to contaminate more water, and poison from all outlets. So, if I could reliably foul the filters or get a poison too subtle to be filtered I’d attack either before the filters or between them and the cisterns, if I couldn’t reliably accomplish either, just after the filtering vats. Again assuming we have no worker or guard turned against us. I dislike assumptions though. Nothing quite fouls up a plan like an assumption.” Freya finishes her rough analysis, still thinking. All these assumptions bothered her.

Freya will offer Aiden his ring whenever we get to that, I’m assuming we will after the water issues are felt with, they are vitally important. I hope my morning rp wasn’t an issue but I have been looking forward to roleplaying her getting the feat for a while. She’s so excited. :3

2017-05-07, 06:04 PM
Studying the plans Bosque provided, Johnny observed, "We should test the water at the water collection points to see if it's been contaminated at that point. If not, we'll know to look downstream. If so, that narrows the scope of our search significantly..."

2017-05-21, 10:23 AM
Daniel looks at the plans and frowns, furrowing his brows in thought. "I would say we should start out looking somewhere in the middle. Probably the pipes between vats or leading out of the filtration system. If we do that, we can knock half of the system out in one go."

2017-05-21, 05:10 PM
Command Center

Aidan listens closely to everything said, his eyes half closed in that mentat trancelike state indicating he is storing every word for later recall and analysis. Returning to full awareness of the current conversation he says, “The contamination could be introduced at several points, in several stages, each subtle and difficult to detect, and only effective when combined. Each point in the system should be checked thoroughly. While a poison snooper will detect the presence of even minute traces of actual poison, it may miss components that in themselves are not actual poison substances, but only part of a complex whole. I believe this to be the case, since our inspections and detection devices clearly missed something. While this is more subtle than is typical for Harkonnen strategy, it’s not beyond possible for them. After all, they do have the loyal services of a very clever and subtle mentat; Piter De Vries.

The other possibility is having one or more agents hidden somewhere who can avoid detection and introduce new components when the old ones are discovered. Or having slipped one or more new ones in after we cleared the areas. Remember, this palace is not yet secure. So there could be sleeper agents still in place who only act when the timing is right for them, remaining unknown to us until they risk exposing themselves by their actions. Searching for the presence of such agents is among your future assignments, though we’re progressing in our own interviews and background checks even now. I’ll be relying on the truthsaying abilities possessed by more than one of you in that endeavor; one of the many reasons that some of you were chosen for this team.”

Taking a sip of water to soothe his throat, he concludes, “As to last night, the more data I have, the better I can evaluate the whole situation here in Arrakeen. Everything is a data point, and even the smallest detail could be important in the overall assessment. My job doesn’t include judging your actions, it’s only to determine the true nature of the society here and catalogue each aspect of it for further evaluation by Thufir and the Duke. So please include everything you can recall.”

Juladia waits to see what, if anything, the others tell Aidan about their shopping excursion. She will then fill in any information that might have been left out or not known by others.

Aidan seems interested only in the facts of the foray, not the results. He says to Freya, “Though you’ve obtained flip darts of your own, you can keep the one I loaned you as well, perhaps one of your companions would like to use it. Ultimately, it is of little importance to me, as I can obtain others if needed. Besides, it is the poison applied to it that makes such an item particularly dangerous, not the item itself. Unfortunately, such substances are in short supply here at the moment, so I can provide none.”

Juladia shrugs once, “I have brought substantial resources of that kind, and I now trust each member of the team sufficiently to share them. As reported, in our exploration last night we have now obtained a means to procure such substances and the materials needed to craft certain ones. The cost is prohibitive, however, as it typically is when dealing with the black market.”

Aidan nods once, “You may file a petition for compensation dispensation concerning any material procured here that are directly related to performing your duties. The Duke and his administration are very lenient and generous when it comes to supporting his retainers and troops, as you well know by now. I ask only that you use discretion when seeking reimbursement for items that could be considered dual purpose; those that can be for use in service to the Duke as well as for personal use.”

There seems to be two in favor of starting in the middle somewhere and one in favor of starting at the beginning. Juladia voices no opinion on the matter, leaving it to the more tactical members to work that out. Aidan already voiced his view on the matter. So continue the discussion and give me a decision on where to start.

Those with knowledge tactics can roll. If the result is high enough I'll provide the best tactical solution according to the known facts.

2017-05-21, 08:26 PM
Johnny mulled over what Bosque said about the possibility of a multi-component poison being in use.

Knowledge Tactics: [roll0]

2017-05-23, 06:13 AM
If Aidan's projection of the poison being introduced in components that won't be detected by a poison snooper is correct, starting anywhere except at the beginning of the system is very likely to miss one or more of those components. So logic dictates that you start investigating at the windtraps.

If that projection is incorrect, starting where the poison was detected (the six storage cisterns underground) and working backward to find the point of contamination is the best solution.

2017-05-24, 07:16 AM
"With all due respect," Daniel says, "Has no one attempted to analyse the poison to find out if it is a combination or not? And even if it is, if we are able to find and remove any one of the components, surely the reaction that causes them to form a poison won't be able to occur."

2017-05-24, 06:09 PM
Johnny nodded at Daniel's words, but said, "Excellent point, but I'm thinking we should work to find all the injection equipment. That will complicate the Harkonnens' attempts to reconstitute the system. To do that, we should probably start with the wind traps."

2017-05-25, 04:26 PM
Sorry for the delay, I've been rushing a character for another game try I by to meet a deadline.


I don't need to make a concentration check while we are just talking right? For the mentat trance?

The guy I bought the flip darts and poisons supplies from was named Vernon. I'd make an educated guess and say he's a smuggler. He could be useful, worst case, the smugglers could offer our duke a way out should things go badly here... And spice smuggling is no doubt lucrative. It wouldn't be too hard for the duke to make some sort of deal with the smugglers. Perhaps if ever needed, more stable supplies, and cheaper, could be gained from such a relationship, though it would be complex working it out. And perhaps the man Juladia killed could be of use when negotiating with freemen. I don't think we want to cross them, and it might please them to know that the dukes forces took down someone who was selling suits taken from dead freemen. Though of course, that was Juladia's doing."

Freya began thinking again about the poisons. "Testing for that may not be too practical. Many components can be harmless alone and wouldn't be considered concerning, and without knowing the poisons, guessing the components could be tricky. That said, given that the water comes from wind traps, and not some outside source, there should be less contaminates... Getting to the disguised wind traps under constant guard would prove difficult, thought not impossible, but we already know harkonens infiltrated the cisterns.

We could divide up and have one pair start with the wind traps and another work in reverse, but we don't know if there are more harkonnens in the building... If it was a component type poison, putting the components near the wind traps and letting them merge on the way to the cisterns would be doable, but Again you have to wonder what will make it past the filters... And filters can be tricky.

On a side note, perhaps we should invest in charcoal. When invested charcoal absorbs many chemical toxins, hence why it has been used in crude filters and in hospitals. Given that we are dealing with poison bass traps like yesterday, and poisoned water, charcoal tablets might be a helpful thing to have around, just a random idea the doctor probably has that taken care of...

On the whole it's hard to say where to start, but just incasen the pipes leading between the filters and the cisterns should be checked. Assuming all pipes lead to the same filtering vats, checking there as a half way point could confirm wether the poison is above that point or introduced after... What would be the most likely component poisons?"

2017-05-28, 09:52 AM
I don't need to make a concentration check while we are just talking right? For the mentat trance?

I'll say no, unless there's some specific stress or reason for concentration, which I'll note as needed.

2017-05-28, 10:14 AM
Command Center

Aidan says, “Doctor Dunthrane and I have analyzed the poison. We found it to be unlike anything else in our collective experience. We sent a sample to Caladan, and we have a few specialists continuing the analysis here. But we have few useful results yet. We have ruled out that metal is involved, which eliminates some possibilities, but leaves us with no definitive answers. Most of the system is made of ceramics, with very few metal components. Some of the filtration is indeed accomplished with charcoal, and other well-known filtering materials. I agree that removing even one component will prevent the poison from being effective. I also agree that all components need to be found and removed to completely eliminate the problem in the long term.”

A flash of muted sound comes over his comlink, through an earpiece only he can hear. He sighs, “Unfortunately, other important concerns also require my immediate attention. Is there anything else I can help with before your investigation begins?”

Juladia says, “Freya is knowledgeable in the crafting and use of poisons. We should be able to find the problem and eliminate at least part of it in short order.”

2017-06-01, 07:14 PM
Freya listens attentively, then shakes her head. "I'm good thanks, I'm ready. Let's get this place secure." Freya says, partially to herself. She wondered how secure they could really get this place. What traps did the harkonnens possess that they might not find? They had time to prepare all kinds of nasty surprises. Who was to say the poison wasn't a distraction away from something else? Who knew. She'd ask Johnny if she wanted the ring when they were done talking to Aiden, who was clearly busy without need for a delay. "Well you seem equally well versed in poisons." Freya said playfully, and complimentarily. She was glad to have someone on her team like Juladia. She had something she was keen to talk to her about later. Partly it was just childishness, being excited about something she didn't think Johnny or Daniel would understand as much as Juladia would. But wasn't that understandable? She'd been trying to accomplish what she had gained for years, wasn't it perfectly normal to be excited? It was starting to slowly work it's way back into her, though now very muted by the anxiety induced by thier current task. Still, upon for filling her long time goal her excitement was there. What was next? Perhaps Juladia would have some suggestions for her next long term goal.

2017-06-06, 02:59 PM
Palace Water Facilities - Roof

After deciding to start at the origin of the system, the windtraps, the group makes their way to the top of the palace. There are several ways to get there, and one place is as good as another. There are multiple windtraps, so each one will need to be inspected.

After passing through several guarded checkpoints, at which their security badges are checked and the group is cleared to continue. Eventually they come out onto the roof of the palace, into the oppressive heat of the mid-morning sun. Knowing what to look for, it takes only a few minutes to find the first windtrap.

So each of you can roll one or more of the following checks (Investigate & Knowledge are trained only):
Knowledge physical sciences

Perception [roll0]
Search [roll1]

2017-06-06, 03:01 PM
Using an action point...

2017-06-06, 06:55 PM
Johnny was glad of his flight suit and all temperature cloak in the heat, and set about seeing what he could find.

When you say "Perception", you mean "Spot", right?
Spot: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

2017-06-07, 07:35 PM
Freya pro c reds stoically as they make thier way towards the wind traps, starting there didn't bug her, as no matter where they started, they were all viable places for the poison to be. She wrapped herself in the cloak Yueh has given her and put the hood up to obscure her head and shade it. As they start inspecting she searches hard for any sign of tampering. Hopefully her new ability, possessing all around vision, would be useful herein though she was still adjusting. She stumbled slightly on her way there as they were passing the checkpoints, though she tried to hide it. Adjusting to seeing in all directions at once posed it's on hazards. Data overload was one of them. She's allowed herself to get distracted and that had caused a small stumble.

[roll0] Investigate
[roll1] Perception
[roll2] Search

2017-06-08, 10:16 AM
When you say "Perception", you mean "Spot", right?

Not long ago I decided to use the following skills changes:

Hide and Move Silently combine into one skill called Stealth

Listen and Spot combine into one skill called Perception

So you can change those on your sheet, and redistribute the skill points accordingly. We'll use your roll, though the adjustment might be different now.

2017-06-08, 11:02 AM
Daniel, with his cloak wrapped around himself like a poncho and his sword slung over his back, begins a methodical search of the area around the windtraps for anything that appears to be obviously out of place.

Perception: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

2017-06-12, 09:40 PM
Palace Water Facilities - Roof

Each having some protection from the heat, the group begin their extensive search. Johnny, Freya and Juladia discover an oxidized residue on the fins of the windtrap collectors. It is thin and barely detectable, but their investigative expertise reveals this well concealed deposit.

Each of you who have training in it (both are trained only) can make one or both of the following checks to determine the nature of this component:
Knowledge physical sciences
Craft chemical

2017-06-26, 03:43 PM
[roll0] -6 if the chemistry kit wouldn't help identify it. Then again, would she be carrying that? Hmm... Probably, if she was aware they were looking for poisons. Speaking of what is in them? I don't want to slow this further by asking and waiting... So I'm just go with what seems logical. I'm assuming gloves of some kind, and goggles, etc. You don't work with possibly dangerous chemicals unprotected, so I'd assume that's part of the kit. Otherwise, just assume whatever I say below regarding them didn't happen.

Sorry about the wait. I just didn't want to keep skipping Johnny/Daryk so I waited... And then just kinda... Got distracted... I didn't mean to wait this long. Sorry....

Freya does her best to search, and before too long the search yeilds results, some sort of oxidized residue. Freya examines it closely, if she has this, read the OoC. and pulls out her chemistry kit. She puts her gloves on and goggles, and takes a small sample, and starts to try and identify the substance.

2017-06-28, 12:09 PM
Palace Water Facilities - Roof

Even protected as they were from it, the heat of the morning continues to rise and makes them all uncomfortable. The wind has picked up, blowing hot air in from the desert. From this vantage point they can see the occasional dust devil on the edges of the city.

Having discovered the oxidized residue on the fins, they reported this to Aidan, who replies that he’ll send some technicians to clean it up. In agreement with his advice to check all the windtraps, they wait for the technicians to arrive in order to show them the residue, then move on to the next location.

Freya determines from her field testing kit that the poison is indeed from the oxidizing agent on the windtraps that slowly, microscopically, eats away at the ceramic foils of the collectors. The oxidized residue mixes with the incoming water vapor, creating the poison. She's not sure what effect the poison itself might have, though the results are known to the doctor and Aidan. Two things had prevented the filtration system from detecting this contamination: the levels of contamination are so low that it‘s almost impossible to detect, and the contaminant itself is an oxidized ceramic rather than a metal. Now that it is known what the exact cause and effect are, it’s simply a matter of cleaning up and restarting the system.

I won’t make you roll for each one now that you’ve found the problem.
The group spends the morning and part of the afternoon checking all the windtraps, and finds this corrosive residue on all of them. Teams of technicians are dispatched to clean it up while others flush out the system. Following the instructions of Freya, they are informed on the process of testing the fins for contamination after cleanup to ensure complete removal of the residue.

After a quick lunch and a brief rest in the relative coolness of the palace, they return to the command center for their next assignment.

You can reply to any of this if you want, but there's no need. I'll be posting again after this for your return to the command center.

2017-06-28, 12:27 PM
Command Center (Day 2, 3 PM)

You make your way back to the Command Center. As you enter the hallway leading there, it becomes obvious that something‘s going on in Bosque‘s headquarters. A few soldiers run in ahead of you from another hall, and as you get closer stunners can be heard, and the charged-air smell of shields is in the air.

Rd 1

When you reach the command center it becomes obvious that Aidan Bosque and his men are under attack from a group of Harkonnens. Aidan is glad to see you’ve arrived, but he doesn’t have the opportunity to say much.

There are more than a dozen Harkonnens facing off against Bosque and a squad of his men. Aidan is fairly experienced in combat himself, but clearly some of the Harkonnens are more experienced than your average troopers.

Aidan is holding a stunner pistol in one hand and a dueling dagger in the other. Even with his shield is on he is shouting commands to his troops.

Since you heard battle before reaching it I'll allow you to have your shield on before arriving, if desired. Juladia turns hers on.

Initially you can see everyone except H19 & H20
Perception (DC 15) = you can spot H19 & H20

Some also have some concealment and some cover from you due to others in the way.

Initiative please

Aidan 21
Juladia 14
A 5
H 4

Shield Uses
Daniel 1
Johnny 1
Juladia 1


2017-06-28, 07:26 PM
Johnny activated his shield the instant he heard the sounds of combat, and started to jog after the squad that was running ahead of the group. He hesitated at the entrance of the room, then dashed to the corner where he had hard cover from one of the Harkonnen snipers, and at least one Harkonnen between him and the other sniper. He then started trying to secure the Atreides flank.

[Spoiler]Johnny moves to P17, and shoots H18 with his hand cannon.
To Hit (including Point Blank Shot): [roll0]
Damage (+2 WP, and including Point Blank Shot): [roll1]]/Spoiler]