View Full Version : Player Help Ostrich stats

2017-03-02, 12:46 AM
I'm wanting to try making a mounted combatant, a gnome eldritch knight, or maybe pally (opinions here are welcomed as well) but in any case I'm really liking the idea of a battle ostrich, does anyone know or have stats for such a thing?

2017-03-02, 01:06 AM
Not exactly an ostrich, but not much of a difference: http://www.5esrd.com/gamemastering/monsters-foes/monsters-alphabetical/monsters-a/animals/animal-axe-beak/. MM, 317

2017-03-02, 04:42 AM
Yeah, the Axe Beak (CR 1/4) is your best bet. They're size Large, though, if that matters to you.

2017-03-02, 04:57 AM
If you can get your hands on it, Kobold Press' Tome Of Beasts has stats for a CR 1/2 War Ostrich (large) on p. 307.

2017-03-02, 06:54 AM
Don't forget to allow it to cast Invisibility on itself by burying its head in the ground

2017-03-02, 11:15 PM
I was unaware of the axe beak, thanks. :smallsmile: