View Full Version : Pathfinder Ongoing Campaign help

2017-03-02, 07:57 PM
If you are in my Emerald Empires campaign, bugger off.

With that out of the way, im putting this up to help me with various ideas to help keep my campaign going. Right off the bat im looking for puzzles, just nice generic Legend of Zelda style puzzles. Which i am terrible at designing. Oh and tips on running social encounters, cuz im pretty much a combat guy and our Roleplay usually means stabbing stuff for fluff reasons instead of XP and Loot reasons. Ok i may have undersold us a bit, but we do like 95% combat, and id like to branch that out a bit more.

Thanks in advance.

2017-03-02, 09:32 PM
Are these puzzles you expect your players to solve or puzzles you expect your characters to solve? Because those are two different things.

The problem with incorporating puzzles for your players to solve is that this is a roleplaying game, which means that people may be playing characters unlike themselves. So if you get a player who isn't very good at solving puzzles but is roleplaying a wizard with 26 INT (and should therefore be able to solve pretty much any puzzle) then you have a problem. You can also have the reverse problem, where a player who is very clever plays a BSF, and despite possibly knowing the answer, probably shouldn't be the one to offer it which can be very frustrating for the player in question.

Puzzles for your characters to solve should be handled by the skill system, or a series of saving throws, skill checks, spells and other non-combat rolls. So unless your description game is on point, this isn't that different from a combat scenario in terms of what the dice are doing.

2017-03-02, 09:59 PM
Are these puzzles you expect your players to solve or puzzles you expect your characters to solve? Because those are two different things.

Mostly the characters, with a bit of players. I mean, if its Legend of Zelda style, they are fairly straightforward puzzles. Move block A to slot 2 and flood the room so you can swim to the door or what have you.

I mean, i guess its mostly skill challenges id be looking for.

2017-03-03, 11:04 AM
Ok, i need a hand with some more concrete things, namely builds based on these two characters: Hageromo Gitsune (from Nurarihyon no Mago) and Duan (from Jounrey to the West: Conquering the Demons)

We'll start with the first one. Hegeromo Gitsune is a Nine Tailed Fox Demon (yes we will be using a Kistune for her) who uses her tails to brutally murdilate her enemies, she also wields weapons with her tails (a Spear, a Fan and a Sword if you're curious, i've got no problem making up 6 more weapons for her to use), she focuses on speed while fighting, though she doesnt actually move all that much herself (her tails on the other hand are all over the place). Im figuring a PoW character here.

Duan does mostly unarmed combat and she has this neat relic that creates infinite magic rings which she throws at people, or makes two big piles and machine guns them at people. Im thinking she'd be a throwing focused monk, simply because of how many rings she throws.

2017-03-03, 12:03 PM
Phantom sun stance out of PoW for infinite rings. Use chakrams.