View Full Version : Pathfinder My DM disallowed my plans... and I couldn't change her mind.

2017-03-03, 09:52 AM
Hello again,

with the, greatly appreciated, help of Geddy2112 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?104924-Geddy2112) I created my current character Vargus (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?505737-Lost-lore-(In-Search-for-Sanity)).

I settled for a unMonk(Scaled Fist)//Psychic Searcher of Lore (I like Inspiration).

We reached level 2 some while ago but didn't get around to play since then. My Wife/DM was less than pleased to hear that I planned on getting Augury, Commune and such as either SLA or as an ability and banned those abilities/spells.

As such I would need other feats for my character who currently has the Scaled Fist Feats as well as Noble Scion (War) and Skill Focus (Perception). I already planned on taking Power Attack later on as well as the Dragon Style line further... maybe some Extra Ki. But the feats I now need to exchange (in my plan) are Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) [had the skill focus for it was allowed to switch it since I am not allowed to get a familiar], Improved Familiar and Boon Familiar (or Companion?).

While I could just go for Power Attack and then Extra Ki... I doubt that this is the best way to have a still viable Unarmed Striker.

Any further recommendations? (I am even open to drop Skill Focus if need be).
Thanks in advance, Krazzman

2017-03-03, 10:24 AM
A shame you lose all the prophecy spells-I would try to appeal. Augury is not 100% effective, and not knowing for sure that it is actually true hamstrings the spell a bit. Having divination is also a great way for the DM to steer the players gently instead of ham fisted railroading, or having to improvise as the players constantly go in directions you cannot foresee.
That being said, so long as you are getting another spell as a bonus mystery spell for the ones you cannot take(like augury) then it is not a huge deal.

I do understanding banning a familiar, as you basically have 2 characters at higher levels and it is very strong.

You are right to take power attack anyways-even without full BAB it is a good feat to scale your damage up. I would avoid extra ki though, you should not be burning through that much and you have spells so I doubt you will find yourself in a situation without either to help.

For other feats, improved initiative is never bad, and for a full caster such as your character this is very good. Snapping off blessings of fervor or some other major party buff at the start of combat can turn an encounter into an almost assured success. You might also be casting in combat and needing to cast defensively-the warrior priest feat gives you more initiative and a bonus to casting defensively or while grappled, very handy. You can also take combat casting, and between that and warrior priest you will probably get your spells off should you need to defensively cast.

Skill focus is from being a half elf, so you would only be able to trade it out for some other race trait, or move it to another skill, correct? Arcana is a useful skill so having skill focus in it is not the worst thing, particularly if you are the only one in the party that does the arcana checks. If you move it, another big 4 knowledge(nature, planar, religion) perception, or use magic device are your best choices. If you can retrain skill focus into any feat, do that in a heartbeat!

You could go into an intimidate build(works well with the dragon style) and pick up feats like antagonize and cornagun smash(since you are going power attack). Furious focus is also good for power attack builds(particularly if you find yourself charging a lot). At higher levels you probably want extend spell metamagic feat, which turns your buffs into all day spells for only +1 spell level, very good. There are some other decent metamagics, I am just partial to extend spell.

I am sure I went over something I already said in the previous thread, and I apologize for that.

2017-03-03, 12:48 PM
A shame you lose all the prophecy spells-I would try to appeal. Augury is not 100% effective, and not knowing for sure that it is actually true hamstrings the spell a bit. Having divination is also a great way for the DM to steer the players gently instead of ham fisted railroading, or having to improvise as the players constantly go in directions you cannot foresee.
That being said, so long as you are getting another spell as a bonus mystery spell for the ones you cannot take(like augury) then it is not a huge deal.

She banned all the, in her word, "Annoy the DM spells that let you see the future." She dislikes that they basically force her to set her answers in stone most of the time and well... in her opinion those spells lead to more railroading than not. I tried to sway her more in my way but instead of Augury I get the regular spell (Tongues or Comprehend Languages, I am unsure which one right now).

I do understanding banning a familiar, as you basically have 2 characters at higher levels and it is very strong.

Yep, no qualms about it.

You are right to take power attack anyways-even without full BAB it is a good feat to scale your damage up. I would avoid extra ki though, you should not be burning through that much and you have spells so I doubt you will find yourself in a situation without either to help.

I don't know, would depend on my selection of Ki Powers I assume that the spells make many things easier in that selection.

For other feats, improved initiative is never bad, and for a full caster such as your character this is very good. Snapping off blessings of fervor or some other major party buff at the start of combat can turn an encounter into an almost assured success. You might also be casting in combat and needing to cast defensively-the warrior priest feat gives you more initiative and a bonus to casting defensively or while grappled, very handy. You can also take combat casting, and between that and warrior priest you will probably get your spells off should you need to defensively cast.

Already getting Cha to Initiative (+5) but Warrior Priest seems to fit the fluff the character follows and gives a nice bonus.

Skill focus is from being a half elf, so you would only be able to trade it out for some other race trait, or move it to another skill, correct? Arcana is a useful skill so having skill focus in it is not the worst thing, particularly if you are the only one in the party that does the arcana checks. If you move it, another big 4 knowledge(nature, planar, religion) perception, or use magic device are your best choices. If you can retrain skill focus into any feat, do that in a heartbeat!

Other skill (switched it from Arcana to Perception atm but can change that real quick) or RaceTrait(or is it Racial Trait?).

You could go into an intimidate build(works well with the dragon style) and pick up feats like antagonize and cornagun smash(since you are going power attack). Furious focus is also good for power attack builds(particularly if you find yourself charging a lot). At higher levels you probably want extend spell metamagic feat, which turns your buffs into all day spells for only +1 spell level, very good. There are some other decent metamagics, I am just partial to extend spell.

I am sure I went over something I already said in the previous thread, and I apologize for that.

Never really did an Intimidate build and he currently has no ranks in it... which can be redone (have to cover the basics since Monks for some reason only have 4 skill points :smallannoyed:
About Furious Focus... I believe most of my movement will come from Flying Side Kick (loved the 3.5 feat, love that style strike). But Extend was on my radar but I am always unsure about metamagic as I am still kinda new to playing spellcasters (despite playing 3.5 and pathfinder for a combined decade now... :smallannoyed:).

2017-03-03, 01:36 PM
Eh, I see the argument against divinations in that sense. Divination and illusion are very DM dependent schools of magic.

I forget uMonk uses ki powers a bit more than regular monk. A ki mat won't help you as much because it is a wisdom based check and you are using charisma for monk juice. A ring of ki mastery is basically extra ki feat and then some. I just personally think a feat to get 2 ki points is a waste.

In my opinion, you can never have too much initiative-going first, particularly as a caster, makes the world of difference.

You can move your skill focus into intimidate to gain a pretty solid boon(a +8 before any ranks, and +12 with one rank) otherwise put it into perception or use magic device. If you want to swap it, the only alt racial trait worth it is dual mind. +2 to will saves is the same as the iron will feat, and will saves are a very bad thing to fail.

As an oracle, you only want extend if you know buff spells measured in 10min/level or hr/level. At higher levels, these become all day or at least all dungeon buffs. Magic vestment is one that comes to mind. Unless you have 2/3 good candidate spells, then you can pass or wait till you get these spells at later levels.

2017-03-04, 07:39 PM
Thanks for that Extend Spell benchmark. I am still hopelessly lost with spells, luckily we play with Spell points... which makes everything easier.

I will consider that ring though... and now I am torn between intimidate stuff or better will saves which is my weakness or at least my weakest save.

2017-03-04, 10:45 PM
Hmm, and I thought sleeping with the DM usually let you get your way :P

2017-03-05, 04:28 PM
Hmm, and I thought sleeping with the DM usually let you get your way :P

Not always... but sometimes you get screwed either way :P

Jokes aside: I can still play the character how I want to and can quite liberally take things (we actually discussed my AC since I get it instead of Dex (would be +0, have a 11) and from Monk which afaik comes into the stats to ac twice FAQ territory) and it was a "minor" part of the char that would've been cool and useful but now I just can take more offensive ones... our Inquisitor//BoltAce currently has a +9 to initiative (+5 dex, +4 Wis).

2017-03-05, 08:24 PM
If she's set against the Divination spells, then there's not too much you can do.

You could try saying that the Divination gives the best possible answer, based on the direction the party is currently heading, but a change in the present will change the future and the more drastic of a change the more the future is not what was originally projected to be.
Plus, there is the failure chance on most Divination spells, with the role being secret if the group is not mature enough to keep character and player knowledge separate.

So a Divination gives her the ability to steer you towards the plot line envisioned, without railroading you. And it doesn't always have to end up as prophesied, as changes alter the future and divinations are not 100% effective anyway.

2017-03-07, 03:58 AM
With the scaled fist dip, you might want to ask if you can retrain your oracle mystery from Lore to Ascetic (Villain Codex). Ascetic would advance and complement the monk abilities nicely.

2017-03-07, 08:39 AM
With the scaled fist dip, you might want to ask if you can retrain your oracle mystery from Lore to Ascetic (Villain Codex). Ascetic would advance and complement the monk abilities nicely.

Why would I want to do that? Currently as a Scaled Fist2//Psychic Searcher2 I get my Cha to AC twice (ignoring the FAQ) and I don't plan on taking Paladin or any other class instead of Unchained Monk.

Since Ascetic is not available on the pfsrd and we don't have the book I can't even check if it would fit nicely.