View Full Version : Pathfinder [PF] Help with a magical hit man

2017-03-03, 12:44 PM
I am working on a magical assassin. So far the build is a Samsaran Wizard5/Sleepless Detective1/Arcane Trickster10/X4. The main reason for going Samsaran is to use Mystic Past Life to pilfer Deafening Sound Burst from the Bard list. Any other spell suggestions are welcome.

At level 5, I will retrain a feat to Accomplished Sneak Attacker so I will only lose 1 Caster Level in the build.

I am running into a bit of an issue with getting the damage up on Deafening Sound Burst. At the end of the day 9d10+7d6=72 dmg avg. Even Maximize +Empower is only 135+24.5=159.5. Hardly assassination levels of damage. Even if I were to Quicken a normal one and then go Max+Emp it would be about 231.5 average damage. The usual tricks don't really work either. A Sorcerer dip for Orc would only be 9 extra damage (no Dragon boosts sonic), a Furious Spell Metamagic would only add 10 damage, and that is about all I have found to boost the damage.

My other problem is figuring out what to do with the last 4 levels. More Wizard levels seem a bit bland, but not many PRCs seem to really add much to the build. Soul Eater(Drinker on SRD), and Collegiate Arcanist seem about the only ones decent enough to wrap it up. So, again, suggestions are welcome on how to finish this up.

2017-03-10, 09:10 PM
Sorry to double post, but after a week of no responses, and personal thought, I have a bit more concrete of an idea for the build. Just need some help improving/fine tuning it.

Okay, so Human Void specialist (earth opposition) Wizard4/Crossblooded (Orc/Red Dragon) Sorcerer1/Souleater2/Diabolist 2/Sleepless Detective1/Arcane Trickster 10.

Void Specialist give Reveal Weakness which is a standard action penalty to AC/Saves equal to 1/2CL. One of the few abilities that actually scales regardless of Wizard levels.

Crossblooded gives +2 damage/die of spells. Fun but of RAW using Elemental Spell to change the damage doesn't change the descriptors. So Fireball dealing electric damage still gets the +2/die.

Soul Eater will turn the character into a walking Pearl of Power for itself.

Diabolist gives Cha mod/day Hellfire Damage which can help with blasting certain types of enemies.

Sleepless Detective + Accomplished Sneak Attacker will qualify for Arcane Trickster.

The game this is for does use/allow the Guild rules from Inner Sea Magic. This means Eclectic Training(5 fame) and Esoteric Training (35 fame) are things it will aim for. For those who do not have the book, they basically give you 3 effective levels in a spellcasting class (including spells know/spell slots) up to your hit dice. This will make up the three lost levels from Sorcerer, Souleater, and Sleepless Detective. The end will have 20th level Wizard spellcasting.