View Full Version : Optimization 4 "Driving Attack" Builds (incl. minor Berserk Manga *re-fluff*)

2017-03-03, 05:09 PM
After my last thread about Driving-Attack-(feat)-challanges-Awesome-Blow-(feat) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?516360-Driving-Attack-(feat)-challanges-Awesome-Blow-(feat)&p=21740750#post21740750) I was exited to see if I can make a useful pure melee build around it. While looking for useful stuff for the build, I ended with some incompatible pieces which lead to 4 slightly similar but noticeable different builds. All builds are 32 point buy-out and come out without flaws (but there is an option for that). As last note, all builds profit when they can fly and make dive (x2) attacks. So giving them a magic item for that is highly recommend for all builds.

"Beware of some minor Berserk Manga (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berserk_(manga)) (re-)fluff info I am adding in italic letters!"


1: Cavalry Champion of Corellon Larethian
(Leader of the Band of the Hawk: "Griffith" )

2: Whirl - O - Matic

3: Berserking Meatshield
( The Black Swordsman "Guts" & his Pixie Spirit sidekick "Puck" )

4: 100-man Slayer
( Raid Commander "Guts", the 100-man slayer )


If you use a full-round action to make a single melee attack with any piercing weapon and succeed in hitting, you can initiate a special bull rush attempt against the target. This bull rush uses your total bonus on damage rolls in place of your Strength modifier. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity with this bull rush, and you cannot move forward with your opponent. If you succeed in pushing an opponent back 10 feet or more, you can reduce the distance you push him by 10 feet. In return, your foe falls prone in the square where he ends his movement. Note that by reducing the distance you push your opponent, you can have him fall prone in his current space.

Driving Attacks free Bullrush:
Bull Rush from DA exchanges your Str mod with your total damage bonus. Imho it's the damage bonus before charge multiplier, because they are multiplier and not bonuses. While Power Attack on the other hand counts (incl its own multiplier: 2h & related feats) as bonus damage. If someone should have a more accurate "definition" of "total bonus on damage rolls", pls share it and correct me. (I already asked in the other thread, but that's how far we got there..^^).


All builds are designed around: Pounce + Whirlwind Attack + Driving Attack

- pounce let's you make a full-attack at end of your charge
- Whirlwind is a "single attack" made as full-attack against all enemies in range.
- Driving Attack procs (keyword "If" is used in the ruletext) when you do a "single attack" with a "piercing weapon" as a full-round-action, which you did with pounce + whirlwind & a piercing weapon

While this is feat intensive and class limiting (fighter due to bonus feats), it's an alternative to "Goliath Powerful Build" and other "Large Race" builds with "Awesome Blow"/"Knockback". Due to Driving Attacks +14 BAB requirement, the combo kicks in late compared to the other alternatives. But as mentioned in the other thread, it is not always possible/desired to play a Goliath/Large Race and these builds gives "others" at least the option to play something similar.


Flaws & Dungeon Crasher variants:
The builds don't use flaws so far, but you could add 2 flaws and would be able to get the Dungeon Crasher variant (Fighter ACF) with some minor feat rearrangement. This gives your Bull-Rush an additional 8d6 points + ( 3x Strength bonus ). While this is great, it isn't necessary due to already high dmg output. But you could say: "Enough is not Enough!" and go for it.^^
Maybe you can convince your DM to handle 2 enemies flying into each other as "solid object" for some extra fun/cheese, but most of the time it will be 2 corpses bumping into each other so maybe there's no point to debate this further about^^



Cavalry Champion of Corellon Larethian

The first build relies on mounted combat and high AC (before Shock Trooper usage. mainly for being ambushed). Further he can add Dex to damage as notable highlight.
"Sir Griffith, Leader of the Band of the Hawk ended up as wood-elf and on a "flying" mount. IMHO elf fits his almost feminine appearance. Note that I intentionally didn't pick up the Leadership feat. I think that the behelit gives him access to that and boosts his social skills as long as it fits into its (the behelit) prophecies plan. Therefor I focused on his mounted combat, agile swordsmanship and tactical skills"

Stat: Base - Lvl1 - Lvl20
Str: 14 - 16 - 21 (+5 Str Tome +6 Item) = 32
Dex: 14 - 16 - 16 (+6 Item) = 22
Con: 14 - 12
Int: 15 - 13
Wis: 10
Cha: 14 - 12

AC: 36 : Mithril Full-plate Armor +5, Mithril Heavy Shield +5
BaB: +20

1) Fighter - Exotic Weapon Profiency (elven thinblade), Mounted Combat*
2) Fighter - Dodge*
3) Fighter - Weapon Focus (Longsword)
4) Fighter - Combat Expertise*
5) Fighter
6) Fighter - Weapon Spezialization (Longsword), Power Attack*
7) Barbarian - ACF Pounce
8) Champion of Corellon Larethian - Ride-by-Attack**
9) CoCL - Melee Weapon Mastery (piercing)
10) CoCL
11) CoCL - Spirited Charge**
12) CoCL - Improved Bull Rush
13) CoCL
14) CoCL - Mobility**
15) CoCL - Shock Trooper
16) CoCL
17) CoCL - Spring Attack**
18) Fighter - Driving Attack
19) Fighter - Whirlwind Attack*
20) Warblade - (Stance: Leading the Charge 1st) (Maneuvers: Battle Leader’s Charge 2nd, White Raven Tactics 3rd, Wall of Blades 2nd)
* Fighter bonus feats
** CoCL bonus feats

Required/Recommend Items:
Mithril Full-plate Armor +5
Mithril Heavy Shield +5, animated
Elven Thinblade +5 valorous, collusion
Warhorse with "Horseshoes of the Flame"

- Wall of Blades: Change your AC after Shock Trooper for a single attack (if you should get attacked^^)
- White Raven Tactics: Change your teammates initiative to "yours -1". Can be abused for some powerful teamplay.
- Attack with flying mount
Leading the Headless, Spirited, Diving, Battle Leader's Pounce Whirlwind - Driving Attack
translates to:
= ( 1d8 + 10 (LtC) + 40 (PA) + 35 (BLC) + 16 (1.5 Str) + 6 (Dex) + 5 (magic Weap.) + 5 (Collusion) +4 (weapon specialization & mastery) ) x 4 ( Diving Charge, Spirited Charge, Valorous)
= (1d8 + 121) x4
= 4d8 + 484 damage

Driving Attacks free Bullrush modifier: +127 (incl. +2 charge & +4 Imp. Bull Rush bonuses)


Whirl - O - Matic

A Warforged build which focuses on 2h spiked shield and armorspikes as weapon. Hard to play as PC due to the healing immunity, if you don't have an optimized team setup. But on the other hand he would make a strong BBEG or his bodyguard/right hand.
Who needs a weapon when you can just smash your enemies flying across the battlefield with your amazing shield skills?^^
"Apostle?^^ Well this is an odd build. But I guess the immortal nature of the apostles and their supernatural abilities would fit this one. Sry, couldn't find anything more fitting in the Berserk universe. After all, it wasn't the purpose in the beginning, just coincidence that the other builds did fit so well into the Berserk universe"

Stat: Base - Lvl1 - Lvl20
Str: 18 - 18 - 23 (+5 Str Tome +6 Item) = 34
Dex: 10
Con: 12 - 14
Int: 14
Wis: 12 - 10
Cha: 8 - 6

1) Fighter - Adamandine Body, Power Attack*
2) Fighter - Improved Bull Rush*
3) Fighter - Weapon Focus (Spiked Shield)
4) Fighter - Weapon Specialization* (Spiked Shield)
5) Fighter
6) Fighter - Shock Trooper, Weapon Focus (Armor Spikes)*
7) Fighter
8) Fighter - Melee Weapon Spezialization (piercing)*
9) Fighter - Blood-Spiked Charger
10) Fighter - Dodge*
11) Barbarian - ACF Pounce
12) Fighter - Combat Expertise
13) Fighter - Mobility
14) Fighter
15) Fighter - Driving Attack, Spring Attack*
16) Warforged Juggernaut
17) Warforged Juggernaut
18) Warforged Juggernaut - Whirlwind Attack
19) Warforged Juggernaut
20) Warforged Juggernaut
* = Fighter Bonus Feats

Required/Recommend Items:
- Spiked Shield: +5/+5 (spikes enchanted as weapon) bashing, valorous, collusion
- Armor Spikes: +5 collusion

Warforged Juggernaut Immunities against: mind-affecting spells/effects, nonlethal damage, extra damage from critical hits, death & necromancy effects, ability damage & ability drain. and finally the healing subschool ^^

This build makes full use of all 3 maneuvers from the Blood-Spiked Charger feat and the Juggernaut prc.
The Warforged is standing like a statue, looking like he is guarding something. He is in a "fighting defensively" (& maybe Combat Expertise on top) posture waiting for the first attack to proc Spiked Rebuke.
On his turn he can use Spiked Slam + PA + Driving Attack + Expert & Superior Bull Rush:

Spiked Slam damage part:
= 2d6 + 18 (1.5x Str) + 24 (2x Str) + 40 (PA) + 1d6 + 4 (weapon mastery & specialization) +5 (magic weap.) +5 (collusion)
= 2d6 + 96 + 1d6 = 3d6 +96

Driving Attacks free Bullrush modifier: +105 ( incl. Imp. Bull Rush, Expert Bull Rush)

Driving Attacks free Expert Superior Bull Rush damage part:
= 1d8 + 12 (Str)

The Warforged version of Charging Shild Bash: Greater Powerful Pounce + PA + Spiked Avalanche + Whirlwind + Driving Attack Greater Powerful Superior Expert Bull Rush

= 2d6 + 2d6 + 18 (1.5x Str) + 40 (PA) + 24 (2xStr) + 5 (magic weap.) +5 (collusion) +4 (weapon mastery & specialization) x2 (valorous, if you can fly via magic item and make a dive attack x3)
= 2d6 +(2d6 + 96)x2 damage (x3 if you fly/dive)
= 6d6 + 192 (8d6 + 288 when flying)

Pounce Driving Attacks free Superior Expert Bullrush modifier: +109 (incl. +4 charge, +4 imp. Bull Rush, +5 Expert Bull Rush)

Greater Powerful Superior Expert Bull Rush damage:
= 2d6 + 1d8 + 12


Berserking Meatshield

Imho this build is what you would call an "offtank" (offensive tank). While slightly behind the other builds, the damage output is still high due to Shook Trooper, which has very nice synergy with Karmic Strike (due to <0 AC) and Iron Guard's Glare (to suggest the enemies to attack you and not to attack your teammates). Play dirty mind games with your DM.
Further the "Keep up the Pressure" maneuver (Faith Unswerving feat) gives you incredible movement stunts to pull out.
"Guts ended as Half-Elf in this build, cause otherwise Puck wouldn't want to join him.. But other than that it really fits the fluff. Puck fits the description of the Blade Guide very well. Pucks healing skills are represented by the "Eternal Training" ability, where you just choose Revitalizing/Rallying Strike to heal (single/AoE).
As Bonus for the build, I added info for acquiring his mechanical arm. It's optional and game wise not really needed (and recommend on most tables/by most DM), but for the sake of a perfect adaption of the Black Swordsman you 'll want this (Half-Golem template) for sure. Downside of the build is the weapon choice. The only 2h Sword that can pierce (for Driving Attack, and Guts uses his Sword for piercing too sometimes..^^) would be Elven Courtblade which would require a feat & a flaw to compensate. For Sake of a flawless build I did choose a Halberd but you may do otherwise"

Stat: Base - Lvl1 - Lvl20
Str: 18 - 18 - 23 (+5 Tome +6 Item) = 34
Dex: 14 - 14 - 14 (+6 item) = 20
Con: 10
Int: 14
Wis: 10
Cha: 8

1) Fighter - Weapon Focus, Power Attack*
2) Fighter - Dodge*
3) Fighter - Improved Bull Rush
4) Fighter - Weapon Specialization*
5) Fighter
6) Fighter - Shock Trooper, Mobility*
7) Barbarian - ACF Pounce
8) Fighter
9) Fighter - Spring Attack, Melee Weapon Specialization (piercing)*
10) Fighter
11) Fighter - Combat Expertise*
12) Fighter - Whirlwind Attack
13) Fighter - Karmic Strike*
14) Fighter
!5) Fighter - Driving Attack, Leap Attack*
16) Half-Elf Paragon - Devoted Bulwark**
17) Crusader IL:9 5/5(2) (Stance: Iron Guard’s Glare) (Douse of Flame 1st, Shield Block 2nd, Defensive Rebuke 3rd, Tides of Chaos 5th, Radiant Charge 5th)
18) Eternal Blade - Faith Unswerving (Wall of Blades 2nd)
19) Eternal Blade
20) Eternal Blade (Iron Hearth Surge 3rd)
* = Fighter Bonus Feats
** = Half-Elf Paragon Bonus Feat

Required/Recommend Items:
- Halberd +5 valorous, collusion
- Serpent Armor, Leather (free Combat Reflexes)


- Iron Guard's Glare stance (-4 to hit your teammates next to you) and your negativ AC (Shock Trooper) invites the enemies to attack you. But if they do, they pay for it immediately due to Karmic Strike (+ Combat Reflexes). Shield Block can give for a single attack an teammate another +4AC to annoy your enemies/DM. Defensive Rebuke (+ Whirlwind) even lets all affected enemies provoke AoO (from you) each time they attack anyone but you for the next round.

- "Keep Up The Pressure" maneuver (Faith Unswerving feat) gives you some nice movement stunts.
a) Pounce + Leap Attack & tumble behind the enemy frontline > Whirlwind + Driving Attack > send one of the enemy frontline back to your teammates, the others you pile on the BBEG > follow the single one with "swift action" Keep Up The Pressure > end your turn guarding your teammates again.
b) Pounce + Leap Attack > Whirlwind + Driving Attack > pile everything on the BBEG > follow with "swift action" Keep up the Pressure and wait for the BBEG to crawl out of the big pile of corpses over him (AoO) ^^.

- Radiant Charge (DR 10/- for 1 Round) & Tides of Chaos (Concealment for 1 Round) helps in situations where you expect to take a bunch of attacks (with your 0 AC) in the following round.

- Wall of Blades exchanges your negative AC for a single attack, in moments when you need it.

- Iron Hearth Surge is a really powerful negative condition breaker. A really out of jail ability. Almighty Pucks holy pixie powder/dust will serve you always in times of need ;)

- Eternal Training 2x/day is the most flexible Ability you get and is very handy. Skip the flat bonus choice. Getting immediately access to a maneuver for the entire encounter is much better. There are many possibilities to choose from. E.g. Revitalizing Strike as AoE heal if you(r teammates) are in a pinch. Or redirect the attack of the summoned monster to hit his master with Manticore Parry. White Raven Tactics is another powerful maneuver that is accessible by Eternal Training.

- Radiant Charge/Pounce + Leap Attack + Whirlwind Attack + Driving Attack

= 6d6 + (( 1d10 + 76 (LA) +5 (magic weap.) +5 (collusion) +4 (weapon mastery + specialization) ))x2
= 6d6 + ( 1d10 + 90 )x2
= 6d6 + 2d10 + 180 damage (if flying 6d6 + 3d10 + 270)

Driving Attacks free Bullrush modifier: +90 (incl. +2 Charge +4 imp. Bull Rush)

- Guts' mechanical arm: optional (not included in the calculations therefor)

His mechanical arm is crafted by a high lvl effigy master. This gives Guts the Half Golem template. The template has no LA (only CR) but is acquired via money/resources and therefor should be legal for PC imho. Fluff aside, from a rule implementing POV I think a Flesh-Half Golem fits best. Not to strong and gives access to "Berserk" which would fit Guts personality. If you choose to use other base golems than flesh, keep in mind that you need to update the DR for Stone and Iron (half-)golems (see base golem) and that clay (half-) golems aren't immune to slashing&piercing anymore (as of 3.5).

+6 Str, -2 Dex, +4 Con, -6 Int & Cha, DR 5/silver, +5 NA,
Berserk (Ex: +4 Str & Con, -2 AC, until end of fight)
Due to the high Int penalty I would recommend it to take it as late as possible, cause you need your Jump & Tumble skills (to fit the storyline of Berserk would need to take it at lvl 17, just before you meet Puck ;)

Hidden Hand Cannon: (!!! homebrew !!!)
This is a Exotic weapon in which Guts isn't trained (-4 to hit). It does 3d6 and crits for x3. It can be used while grappled/pinned by a creature of at least 2 size categories bigger than you and surprise the enemy to automatically crit. + 5000g

Integrated Hand Crossbow:(!!!homebrew!!!)
Just like a regular hand crossbow with the exception that it holds 4 ammunition per clip . Again Guts lacks the needed feat and takes a -4 penality. +500g


100-man Slayer

"If I slay 100 or 1000 man, it has no purpose .."

Ever wanted to kill entire armies by yourself? Teamwork is when you kill everything before they can harm your teammates? You are welcome. This build has a very high damage output combined with 15ft. attack reach (10ft on "other" character turns). This means on the ground you can Whirlwind up to 48 targets. If you should be able to fly, you could whirlwind up to 342 targets ( if you should somehow manage to get surrounded that much or teleport inside of an enemy Harpy swarm ).
"This is Guts in his young years as Raid Commander of the Band of Hawk. His self centric and headless fighting style combined with large AoE attacks and devastating damage. Downside again in the fluff is the weapon, which is this time focused on Spiked Chain due to the needed reach for this build and his fighting style. But hey, at least he is a human and not an half-elf again^^"

Stat: Base - Lvl1 - Lvl20
Str: 18 - 18 - 23 (+5 Tome +6 Item) = 34
Dex: 14 - 14 - 14 (+6 item) = 20
Con: 10
Int: 14
Wis: 10
Cha: 8

1) Fighter - Weapon Focus, Power Attack*, Dodge**
2) Fighter - Improved Sunder*
3) Fighter - Improved Bull Rush
4) Fighter - Weapon Specialization*
5) Fighter
6) Fighter - Shock Trooper, Combat Brute*
7) Barbarian - ACF Pounce
8) Fighter
9) Fighter - Leap Attack, Melee Weapon Spezialization (piercing)*
10) Fighter
11) Fighter - Mobility*
12) Fighter - Combat Expertise
13) Fighter - Spring Attack*
14) Warblade (Stance: Leading the Charge 1st) (Wall of Blades 2nd, Iron Hearth Surge 3rd, Battle Leader’s Charge 2nd) -----IL7 max 4th
!5) Warblade - Driving Attack (White Raven Tactics 3rd)
16) Warblade (RAPID COUNTER 5th)
17) Warblade (Stance: Dancing Blade Form 5th)
18) Warblade - Whirlwind Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain)*** (Manticore Parry 6th)
19) Warblade
20) Warblade - (War Leader's Charge 6th)
* = Fighter Bonus Feats
** = Human Bonus Feat
*** = Warblade Bonus Feat

Required/Recommend Items:
- Spiked Chain +5 valorous, collusion
- Serpent Armor, Leather (free Combat Reflexes)


- Wall of Blades exchanges your negative AC for a single attack, in moments when you need to cheat your AC.

- Manticore Parry lets you redirect an attack to someone else. Another method to cheat your low AC when needed.

- Iron Hearth Surge is a really powerful negative condition breaker. A really out of jail ability.

- Dancing Blade Form (Stance) gives 5ft more reach on your turn. This results in 15ft reach for your Spiked Chain when you attack and gives incredible AoE for Whirwind.

- Leading the War Leader's Leap Attack Pounce Whirlwind Driving Attack

a) If combo is used on the first round / no charge + PA in the last round:
= (( 2d6 + 18 (1.5x Str) + 13 (LtC) + 35 (WLC) + 80 (Leap Attack) +5 (magic weap.) + 5 (collusion) +4 (weapon specialization & mastey) ))x2
= ( 2d6 + 160 )x2 (if flying dive, instead x3)
= 4d6 + 320 damage (flying = 6d6 + 480)

b) If you have already charged and used PA in the last round, Combat Brute starts to boost:
= ( 2d6 + 18 + 13 + 35 + 100 + 5 + 5 + 4 )x2
= ( 2d6 +180 )x2 (if flying, instead x3)
= 4d6 + 360 damage (flying = 6d6 + 540)

Driving Attacks free Bullrush modifier: +160 / with Combat Brute +180 (incl. +2 Charge +4 imp. Bull Rush)


Thx to everyone who did read this big post up till here.

As said, I know that Driving Attack kicks in late, but if you want to play a regular (non Goliath / Large) race, than these build can be an alternative imho.

I hope you enjoyed the builds and the Berserk Manga fluff as much as I did while writing this thread.

If you should find any bugs pls let me know (I would be surprised if there aren't any with 4 similar builds and all the damage calculations. I checked several times, but you know..^^).

I would be happy to get some response to the builds and ideas. thx and regards.



edit: corrected damage calculation for build 3 + 4. Had lower Leap Attack Ratio than it should have been (2h= is 1:4 and not 1:3 and with Combat Brute 1:5 and not 1:4). Values should be fine now.

2017-03-03, 05:30 PM
If your stuck being something not large, instead consider begin human and taking Jotunbrud from 'Races of Faerun'.

It's Powerful Build, the feat. Opens up all the good stuff and needs you to be large without you actually being large.

2017-03-03, 05:42 PM
If your stuck being something not large, instead consider begin human and taking Jotunbrud from 'Races of Faerun'.

It's Powerful Build, the feat. Opens up all the good stuff and needs you to be large without you actually being large.

While this would be another option, I did stick to Driving Attack here. Besides from higher prerequisites it has, it gives also a much higher bonus to the Bull Rush roll. Imho Knockback & Awesome Blow have a lower success rate compared to Driving Attack with it's extreme boost.

But as said, these build should be just alternatives to what is already available.