View Full Version : Your favorite character's Entrance Music, and how would they enter the arena?

2017-03-03, 05:24 PM
Our DM is a hardcore fan of wrestling and he had us decide what would be our characters' entrance music if they were wrestlers. While it's kinda hilarious thought, it's also quite interesting to see what would everyone choose for their favorite characters.

Let's stick to one character per poster. Pick your favorite character, choose the song, and give a brief description of how your character would make his or her entrance?

I'll start:

Oath of the Ancients Paladin, Nordic Tribe Member.

Stage Name: Thunder Wolf (not his character name)
A Nordic brave from the Wolf Clan of the North, "Thunder Wolf" is a protector of the Old Faith and a follower of the storm god Kord.
Black and red tribal tattoo’s depicting wolves adorn his upper torso, arms, and legs.

Entrance Music: Wolf Blood (http://tinyurl.com/br3owe8) by Adrian von Ziegler

When Thunder Wolf is about to enter the stage, the crowd would start chanting the song, and once the howling starts, it's Thunder Wolf himself, to make the crowd go wild and howl back at him!

2017-03-03, 06:06 PM
For my avian themed druid:


The birdie song.

2017-03-03, 06:08 PM
Really depends on the character. I never played a Monk but I always wanted to make one for a gladiatorial style one-shot where I entered to the old Mortal Kombat techno theme.

2017-03-03, 06:15 PM
Stage Name: The Charming Stranger
A savage paladin / bard multiclass that focuses on charm spells.

Entrance Music: Do you really want to hurt me?, by Culture Club (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_You_Really_Want_to_Hurt_Me). The answer tends to be 'no' due to charm affects.

2017-03-03, 06:19 PM
Innominate - Way of the Long Death

ENTRANCE! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWabGQBnzKo)

2017-03-03, 07:00 PM
Any Barbarian: Immigrant Song, Led Zeppelin

Fiend Warlock: Sympathy for the Devil, Rolling Stones

Bard/Warlock multiclass: The Devil went down to Georgia, Charles Daniel Band

2017-03-03, 07:06 PM
Less so 'entrance music' and moreso theme music in general for my fiend patron tomelock:

Gustav Host, The Planets - Uranus


His name is "Olim Tabassum" (inspired from "death smile" in the Uzbek language). I think the grandiose and ominous motifs in the piece suit him because he's a showy half-elf with something oddly off-kilter about him. My primary roleplay inspirations for him are a mix between Franklin Delano Roosevelt with Charles Manson.

Sorry for the weird link... I only have three posts and I need 10 to post a link properly (no joke).

2017-03-03, 07:29 PM
Bard Crowaxe, Hordemaster of Gruumsh

Entrance music: War drum beat at every other step (quarter note beat).

Bard has a Charisma of 9. I play it as him not being very show-offish, and very to the point.

2017-03-03, 08:29 PM
Alaster Truesilver

"Tiefling" Great Old One Pact of Tome Warlock


A man shaped void of blackness walks toward the ring. Once it reaches the center the lights flicker out and when they come back on he is standing there brimstone smoke rising from his skin.

2017-03-03, 08:34 PM
Alaster Truesilver

"Tiefling" Great Old One Pact of Tome Warlock


A man shaped void of blackness walks toward the ring. Once it reaches the center the lights flicker out and when they come back on he is standing there brimstone smoke rising from his skin.

i wish that there was a like button

2017-03-03, 08:42 PM
Balasar Delmirev

Gold Dragonborn Noble Sorcerer of the Gold Dragon Heritage

Entrance music: Crystallion - Burning Bridges (https://youtu.be/MSRvZ-YSlZI)

You feel the atmosphere get warmer, then you see this glowing figure entering the arena, it is as majestic as a golden dragon, as refined as an elven noble, as tough as a dwarven warrior, and as brave as a human paladin. You know this man, he is the heir of the Gold Dragon Clan, and he is as powerful as he is famous, and even though he looks calm, you feel an aura of terror coming from him, and in the same way as you, the crowd freezes for a second, but when they recognize this mighty hero they start praising him and shouting his name, and the bards start singing a song about bravery, battle and fire!

2017-03-03, 08:48 PM
I too have a wolfy character.

Geršr Wolfsbane, halfling champion fighter/ (soon to be totem) barbarian.

Theme (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cIIJi74r0E)

Monsoon: And here comes Geršr Wolfsbane. It's going to be dropkick city here tonight.

Heenan: And who's that with her, huh?

Monsoon: Those are her friends --

Heenan: Friends? Who needs 'em? I heard she killed a whole pack of wolves single-handedly.

Monsoon: She is a vicious little woman, that's for sure, Brain.

Heenan: Vicious, but effective. Look at that outfit - that's real wolfskin. Her opponent should just run away. It'd probably be safer.

Monsoon: Would you be serious for a minute?

Geršr dropkicks her opponent clean out of the ring

Heenan: Look! She's running away from Wolfsbane! What an act of cowardism!

Monsoon: Would you stop?

2017-03-03, 09:13 PM
i have two tied favorite characters

Stage Name: The Sorrowful Maiden
A samsaran women bound for endless lives by a ill-begotten contract made long ago, The Sorrowful Maiden will make her suffering your own.
She walks in wearing a black and white thin robe-dress and with a white viper coiled around one of her arms and her long white hair billowing around her. As she enters a cold falls upon the crowd and small bits of ice start to form in places on the arena. The wind blows back her cowl revealing a very beautiful but sorrowful face.

Entrance Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkbA5zOdWQ4&t=217s)

Stage Name: Overdrive
An android who lives for nothing more than to be the best! He is a master of martial arts of of the element of fire!
He walks in wearing nothing more than a sleeveless black shirt and some simple black pants. He is a pale white with some dark red circuitry over parts of his body. He stops outside of the arena and jabs forward twice sending out two bursts of flame before tearing off his shirt and throwing it into the air before delivering a 540 kick in the air into the shirt incinerating it. He then jumps into the arena allowing a small heat distoration to form around him for the audience to see.

Entrance Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojL5Y5HvOlE)

2017-03-03, 09:22 PM
Half-orc frenzy barbarian with a maul.

Megadeth's "Crush 'Em" (https://youtu.be/Rnq4iNf2hfE)

Looking for trouble, now you've found it
You're a drum and we're gonna pound it

Last one standing wins the fight
Hear us scream and shout all night

Down on the floor and eat the grit
This is gonna hurt a little bit

Heads I win, tails you lose
Out of my way I'm coming through
Roll the dice don't think twice
And we crush (crush!), Crush 'em (Crush 'em!)

Now we lay you down to rest
You'll never be more than second best
Step inside you're in for a ride
And we crush (crush!), Crush 'em (Crush 'em!)

Sir cryosin
2017-03-04, 09:45 AM
I had a character from a dropped campaign. He was a pistol and shield gunslinger fighter. His name is bullet proof Jimmy. I would use that name as well and my song would be the opening song from Cowboy Bebop.

2017-03-04, 09:58 AM
I had a character from a dropped campaign. He was a pistol and shield gunslinger fighter. His name is bullet proof Jimmy. I would use that name as well and my song would be the opening song from Cowboy Bebop.

Could also work with Five Finger Death Punch's cover of Bad Company.


Sir cryosin
2017-03-04, 10:21 AM
Could also work with Five Finger Death Punch's cover of Bad Company.


That's a nice song to OK he has two songs. Because he's bullets proof Jimmy. Funny thing tho is he's wasn't sword proof lol. He took so many shots but was done in by swords.lol

2017-03-04, 10:29 AM
Ladies and gentlemen~ Pleaaaaase welcome the Hooded Eye, the Rotten Hand, the one and onlyyyy One-Horned Devil!

- Tiefling GOOlock turned Paladin with an oath to the God of Death and Sacrifice to rid said Elder Being.

Might eventually give in to his patron and become a Conduit for it. A keeper and breaker of oaths twice over. He will care not.

- Sabaton's Carolus Rex

"No allegiance,
I will swear no oaths.
Crowned by God and not the church
as my power is Divine."

2017-03-04, 12:41 PM
I had a character from a dropped campaign. He was a pistol and shield gunslinger fighter. His name is bullet proof Jimmy. I would use that name as well and my song would be the opening song from Cowboy Bebop.

Or Trigun!

2017-03-04, 01:00 PM
If you have a Warforged fighter, there can only be one choice! (https://youtu.be/5s7_WbiR79E)

The Glyphstone
2017-03-04, 01:13 PM
If you have a Warforged fighter, there can only be one choice! (https://youtu.be/5s7_WbiR79E)

I was expecting you to link This (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cShYbLkhBc) instead. Though I guess that's more appropriate for a Warforged Bard.

Clopin Silk
2017-03-04, 04:40 PM
I don't actually have a song in mind for mine, so I'll be asking for ideas.
Clopin Silk: Elf rogue.
The music plays, all lights are on the entrance, the tension mounts, and... "Over here!" The music cuts out an the lights rapidly swing around to reveal Clopin hanging from the ceiling by a rope that hangs all the way down to the floor. He's about a quarter of the way down the rope and, after a few seconds, begins to climb up toward the top. He unties the knot and, depending on the exact height of the ceiling, either climbs down a pillar or similar, or, if the ceiling is low enough for his liking, drops down, landing gracefully on his feet. He cracks his neck, and out come the weapons.

I like the entrance I came up with, but I still can't think of the right song. Maybe his backstory will give someone an idea they feel like sharing. Okay, short version: he was born into a noble family, and he quickly came to detest them. He hated the politicking, the arrogance, and especially the fact that his own parents only viewed him as a political resource. So he tricked his family's messed-up internal court into disowning and exiling him, took a new name (his birth name having been Cassius Valis), and struck out on his own. He was a thief for a while (only wealthy targets who had it coming), and he was in the circus for rather longer (he was a very acrobatic rogue), before striking out as more of a mercenary (adventuring parties are often just mercenaries with standards, when you stp and think about it). If you can think of a fitting song, let me know.

2017-03-04, 08:59 PM
HAHAHA oh man, okay, so this isn't actually one of my characters, but this is from a very memorable Warlock that I once played with.

So first of all, my friend, the warlock, is very very very Hispanic, and he takes a lot of pride in his heritage but is also quick to joke about stereotypes.

Anyways, his character's name was Carlos Spai-Si-Huiner (SPY-see-WEEnehr) and his one fatal character flaw (with the DM and group's 'okay') was that whenever he entered a room (a part or division of a building enclosed by walls, floor, and ceiling) a dramatic Spanish guitar would play VERY LOUDLY and immediately get the attention of everyone in the room.

Pretty much exactly like this: ARGH! I can't post it because I have under 10 posts :/

just type in youtube . com and paste the above? That's all I got.

It made tavern encounters HILARIOUS and very interesting when the whole bar was immediately staring at the group. One of my favorite memories from D&D.

2017-03-04, 09:59 PM
HAHAHA oh man, okay, so this isn't actually one of my characters, but this is from a very memorable Warlock that I once played with.

So first of all, my friend, the warlock, is very very very Hispanic, and he takes a lot of pride in his heritage but is also quick to joke about stereotypes.

Anyways, his character's name was Carlos Spai-Si-Huiner (SPY-see-WEEnehr) and his one fatal character flaw (with the DM and group's 'okay') was that whenever he entered a room (a part or division of a building enclosed by walls, floor, and ceiling) a dramatic Spanish guitar would play VERY LOUDLY and immediately get the attention of everyone in the room.

Pretty much exactly like this: ARGH! I can't post it because I have under 10 posts :/

just type in youtube . com and paste the above? That's all I got.

It made tavern encounters HILARIOUS and very interesting when the whole bar was immediately staring at the group. One of my favorite memories from D&D.

A Spanish who isn't a Swashbuckler and isn't hunting a Six-Fingered Man for Vengeance? Blasphemy!

2017-03-05, 02:22 AM
Embryo... by Sabbath

2017-03-05, 05:43 AM
A Spanish who isn't a Swashbuckler and isn't hunting a Six-Fingered Man for Vengeance? Blasphemy!

He also has to be ambidextrous too.

2017-03-05, 10:04 AM
A Spanish who isn't a Swashbuckler and isn't hunting a Six-Fingered Man for Vengeance? Blasphemy!

I am now ashamed that my group never even brought up the idea

2017-03-05, 12:43 PM
HAHAHA, awesome posts guys!

What would be your characters' signature moves?

Thunder Wolf's Thunder Strike:

Thundering Smite + Unarmed Strike + possibly Divine Smite as well!

The target would be sent flying out from the ring with a thunderous boom!

And, obviously Thunder Wolf would leave victorious with AC/DC - Thunderstruck playing :P

2017-03-05, 12:48 PM
No finishing move for Geršr. She ends fights in a variety of ways. But the crowd knows what's up and likes to chant "Geršr's gonna kill you!"

And then she does a murder and the crowd goes home happy.

2017-03-05, 01:42 PM

Meet your maker:
A quarterstaff hit or martial arts hit so ahrd it snaps the opponents neck.

However before being delivered he will ask how they want to be buried.

And then will fulfil their burial wish.

Zarquon Illius
2017-04-05, 08:29 AM
The character I'm thinking of is an elementalist wizard. For him, there is no theme song better, or nerdier, than Tom Lehrers elements song.
Theres antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium...

2017-04-05, 02:12 PM
For my upcoming character in a sci-fi campaign:

Wick, Fire Genasi Artificer.

Song: Cherry Bomb

A man with ash skin and molten eyes runs in, he looks around nervously and pulls out a magical jug of mayo from a seemly bottemless bag. He prepare his fire magic and the mayo for combat with a hopeful smile.