View Full Version : Player Help Help me build a DMM Quicken Spell Battle-Cleric

2017-03-04, 08:35 AM
TL;DR - Help me build a melee-focused full caster DMM Quicken Spell cleric for a party of 3 melee combatants.

My friend is building a Cleric with DMM Quicken Spell with the goal to be a versatile melee caster.
It'd be great to get some advice on which Feats, Domains and spells to focus on, and particularly which spells are worth quickening in the heat of battle.
The aim of the build is still to be full caster however, so one fighter dip is the max.
The party make up is going to be a Karmic Strike Warblade and Tripping/Stand Still Crusader, so any way to make the cleric compliment this melee focused party will be awesome.

Any general advice about how to play this kind of cleric would be great as well.

Huge thanks in advance for any help!

Edit for additional questions:
Beginning at level 1 or 3, not decided yet.
All books are allowed; But very low tolerance for cheese.
Nightsticks don't stack, and in fact nightstick may even be banned altogether.
Funds are as specified in gold/level table in DMG.

2017-03-04, 08:43 AM
You didn't specify which sourcebooks were available. Online content ok? Dragon magazine?

What level is the cleric, how much funds do you have, and what's the group's tolerance for cheese?

Your DM's opinion on nightstick stacking might also help.

2017-03-04, 08:53 AM
You didn't specify which sourcebooks were available. Online content ok? Dragon magazine?

What level is the cleric, how much funds do you have, and what's the group's tolerance for cheese?

Your DM's opinion on nightstick stacking might also help.

Beginning at level 1 or 3, not decided yet.
All books are allowed; But very low tolerance for cheese.
Nightsticks don't stack, and in fact nightstick may even be banned altogether.
Funds are as specified in gold/level table in DMG.
Dragon magazine not allowed.

2017-03-04, 12:17 PM
Bumpitty bump.

2017-03-04, 01:38 PM
Start with the Rebuke Dragons ACF from Dragon Magic, or an Azurin Cleric with Channel Incarnum. That way you can get Rebuke Undead from Sacred Exorcist at 8th and double the effectiveness of your Extra Turning feats.

You might also consider a level of Crusader so you can go in to Ruby Knight Vindicator.