View Full Version : You are a Dread Wraith Beguiler, help me cripple a Kingdom

2017-03-04, 10:29 AM

So picture the following...

You are a Dread Wraith (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/wraith.htm#dreadWraith) with somewhere in the region of 10-12 levels in Beguiler.

You are working for a God of Necromantic-Shadow-Evil who is sending you, and others of your ilk, to corrupt various leaders of kingdoms on the Material Plane, to push them to war with one another. More war = more death = more souls to be harvested by your Evil Necromantic-Shadow buddies.

There are five Dwarven Cities under the mountain, each with its own local King. You've been assigned to corrupt the most powerful and central of these kings (who wields a degree of power over the other Kings/Lords) into becoming paranoid that the other kings seek to usurp his rule and take his position. You seek to push him into pre-emptively writing laws to further centralise his (and thus, your) power and military, put trade restrictions on, or commit outright acts of terror or war upon the other Dwarf kingdoms.

Keeping in mind that after a week or two of you beginning to interfere with affairs, remaining hidden and pulling strings from behind the curtains, a pesky adventuring party (Levels 10-11, all high power who have steamrolled through previous CR-appropriate encounters - Druid, Shifter/Master of Many Forms, Warlock, Sorcerer) turn up at the city, enquiring as to why trade-lines to the smaller dwarven city they just visited have been cut off and why there are rumours of the great King taking a hostile change of attitude - in other words, PCs sniff that something is out of place and are potentially onto you. They have fought some of your Necromantic-Shadow buddies in the past and are suspect immediately that events are being manipulated by someone of your ilk.

So - How do you go around corrupting the King (Dwarf Aristocrat 7/Crusader 7)? Remaining hidden and out of sight? Finding ways to despatch anybody who comes sniffing around? How do you achieve your end goal of war between the Dwarven cities, and remain undetected?

Please, get evil and get creative, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

PS. This is revelent to a session I'm hosting tomorrow. I've got a couple of thoughts already but I'm all ears for now.

Thanks :smallamused:

2017-03-04, 10:55 AM
Okay, so first we have a level 26+ Undead with access to level ~6 Beguiler spells right? In an underground environment where the sunlight weakness is pretty much negated and they have tons of wall to hide in right?

First: I wouldn't go after the king per say, more so some of the nobility. Make them (with both Mass Suggestion and Dominate Person) seem both opposed to the current king AND seem in support of some other major lord. While this is going on, go find some peasants that no on will noticed going missing. Begin Wright apocalypse wraith style on a smaller level. You only have so many spells in a day so you can probably afford to make a few minions. Find/Convince peasants that will "support" the nobles you are setting up to be usurps. Have them "go missing" or "mysteriously die" after acting out against the nobles that oppose the king. Have the wraiths you make spend most of their time hiding in solid walls, occasionally coming out to cause more "mysterious deaths". This will make it look like a giant conspiracy against the king.

Now after you have it set, nobles calling for the king to step down, people who oppose said nobles dying he is probably VERY worried. Then you (with at least 3 different disguises both mundane and magic) come out to "assist him with the conspiracy". You tell the king that there is someone out to get him, and that you can help make all the bad things go away.

This works hilariously well as it is 100% not a lie. Just subtly (suggestion works well here) convince him of steps he needs to make to "fix the problem". Try to stay as close to the truth here so not to get caught in any bluffs. You could also throw in some red herrings by making up some fake ringleaders, which of course you take down yourself. Worst case scenario if totally busted: Use that army you have hiding in ALL THE WALLS to being the true end of the town about while you go flock off to another king and try the process again.

2017-03-04, 11:15 AM
Okay, so first we have a level 26+ Undead with access to level ~6 Beguiler spells right? In an underground environment where the sunlight weakness is pretty much negated and they have tons of wall to hide in right?

Pretty much - I might knock it down from 16 to 12HD before adding on the class levels. Or I might run it gestalt Dread Wraith//Beguiler at 12-16HD, but otherwise yes. I don't think even at 26HD the party would have too many troubles despatching of it

Brilliant suggestion, by the way - I find your ideas very amusing, it is a great problem-reaction-solution that will throw even the players off for a while, I'm sure.

The King's personal chamber will have a protection against evil which would dispel/subdue any magical domination of the King.. Thankfully, the King has become so paranoid he now sleeps in his private study room which is NOT warded. And it is here the Dread Wraith shall continue to 'assist' the King in dealing with his newfound problem.

Now, should the players find out that the king now spends all his alone time in his personal study, and visit said study... what traps, tricks and combat strategies could a Dread Wraith Beguiler have ready...!

2017-03-04, 11:31 AM
Now, should the players find out that the king now spends all his alone time in his personal study, and visit said study... what traps, tricks and combat strategies could a Dread Wraith Beguiler have ready...!

He could have some magic traps with mind affecting goodies, and alot of minions never hurt anyone.

2017-03-04, 12:24 PM
Remember, Wraiths have no need to actually open themselves up to PCs. I do recommend the one level in Mindbender [Complete Arcane] for it: Dread Wraith Beguiler 11/Mindbender 1 with Mindsight [Lords of Madness]can see creatures through walls making it tremendously useful for an incorporeal creature acting from within walls. It can also direct the other Wraiths with its Telepathy enabling them to attack without having to see their targets. Incorporeal creatures in general are best off inside walls/floors/roofs or with some means of spotting their targets. Also remember the casting. The best thing about Mindbender 1 is that it pushes the Advanced Learning-features up a level allowing the Beguiler to pick their highest level spells from the Advanced Learning - 4th level spell on class level 7 (casting level 8) and 6th level spell on class level 11 (casting level 12).

I'd definitely make sure to pick either Permanent Image or Programmed Image from level 6 this way. Those are amazing for setting up locales for the any would-be sniffers to get extremely confused by and the Wraith has all the time in the world to use its ~4-5 daily castings (depending on its Int) to build an intricate web of Illusions (they're either Permanent or Permanent Until Triggered - depending on if you'd rather have animate illusions or ones that last after begin triggered too). Illusionary walls, extra creatures to misdirect people, people that aren't there, fake papers hiding real ones, illusionary darkness (something people who know it's illusionary can see through), etc. - the possibilities are endless. They can even be used as a means of communication - programmed images can deliver orders after being left behind without the Wraith's presence. Note that Arcane Sight is also a Beguiler-spell and enables detecting buffs and magic items through walls. The 7th level Advanced Learning could easily be Shadow Conjuration to create e.g. Sepia's Snake Sigils without a cost (Will-save to disbelieve, of course, but still a useful effect). Shadow Conjuration can also replicate any number of useful battlefield control effects, such as Glitterdust, Web and Grease, and any Summons and such.

Of course, on this level PCs will begin to have access to True Seeing, but it's a top level spell, Beguiler knows Greater Dispel Magic (and can buff its Dispel-check with Practiced Spellcaster if so desired) and not everyone is like to have access to it. Plus it's blocked by mundane obstacles such as Fogs (Beguiler gets Solid Fog, one of the best level 4 spells) and the like.

Spells off Beguiler-list that are tremendously useful to the preparatory end (also note that sleeping creatures are unable to make Will-saves, something a creature like Dread Wraith can easily take full advantage of):
- Mass Suggestion
- Dominate Person
- Veil (1 hours/level; you can make a Wraith horde seem like Dwarves to anyone but people with True Seeing for instance)
- Mind Fog (if you want to do more mental alteration than just one spell)
- Charm Person/Monster
- Greater Invisibility

2017-03-04, 12:29 PM
The Wraith minions are practically good-and-all, and having them hiding in walls to commit murders and further confuse the populace is great, the only issue is that their public appearance would strongly implicate Evil-Shadow-Necromantic God in the ploy which would play out badly for them. So the more discrete, the better. Perhaps in the event of crapola hitting the fan, the Dread Wraith will use 'Incite Riot', 'Dominate' and magic traps to help incite in-fighting, using Dwarves to attack the PCs, rather than an obvious Wraith attack.

2017-03-04, 12:44 PM
Pure awesome

Thank you, these suggestions will go a long way to making an engaging session.

2017-03-04, 12:51 PM
The Wraith minions are practically good-and-all, and having them hiding in walls to commit murders and further confuse the populace is great, the only issue is that their public appearance would strongly implicate Evil-Shadow-Necromantic God in the ploy which would play out badly for them. So the more discrete, the better. Perhaps in the event of crapola hitting the fan, the Dread Wraith will use 'Incite Riot', 'Dominate' and magic traps to help incite in-fighting, using Dwarves to attack the PCs, rather than an obvious Wraith attack.

Not necessarily. Unless in the setting Wraiths are ALWAYS explicitly following this Evil-Shadow-Necromantic God them going on a rampage isn't going to completely point that way. It is also easier to do as once the Dread Wraith sets up a handful of squads they can slowly build their numbers and them going on a rampage isn't dependant on the Dread Wraith being still alive. It even makes a new puzzle step for the party to solve: They CAN figure out the entire plot, but then they realize they have to deal with the lesser wraith infestation before tipping their hand and taking out the bigger bad, or the entire town is doomed.

2017-03-04, 01:41 PM
Have dominated goons spread the rumor that the king has decided to get rid of some troublesome nobles, and may even have enlisted the aid of evil beings to do so.

Start killing various individuals opposed to the king that aren't too important otherwise. Make sure their deaths become publicly known. Don't be afraid to drop one or two hints to your undead nature, such as letting peasants spot a wraithlike form moving towards the castle.

At the same time, manipulate one of the other kings (preferably a strongly Good one) into speaking out against the current king's 'murderous and cowardly' deeds. This should push king #1 into preparing for conflict even if he wasn't already. Maybe sent a few dominated assassins after either side: they'll have no chance of success, but will at least ramp up paranoia even more.

When the adventurers arrive, they'll find a distrustful and paranoid king gathering his armies while his enemies keep dying mysterious deaths, and one lesser king bravely denouncing him. Add in the rumors that the first king is in league with their recurring villains and you've got yourself a typical D&D plot.

If the PC's show restraint unbecoming of their profession and don't immediately go for king #1's throat, that's fine. Have wraiths (created from the dozens of people you've killed by now) attack them, and use the attack to strongly hint towards said king being behind everything. An in-combat taunt or two may already be enough. Alternatively, have them protect king #2 as he's being attacked by several wraiths.

This combined with another suggestion or two should be enough to push a serious attack on king #1, and once that happens just sit back and watch civil war ensue.

2017-03-04, 04:31 PM
Fantasic contribution, Inevitability.

Between all of these posts, I've gained some ideas with which I, and hopefully the players, are going to have a lot of fun :smallamused:

2017-03-04, 06:00 PM
As the party has access to lots of detect magic and it's not unreasonable to spritz that all over the place of suspicious things I would step lightly around interactions with the king. Accomplishing your persuasion without the direct use of magic on the king will yield a solution that is both better concealed and enduring. The players will have few clues to go off of and you won't be dangling them the ease of dispelling the king to free him. Just be careful with how far you go here if you actually intend this to be solvable.

2017-03-04, 06:31 PM
Pick up Remorseless Charm (CoR) with advanced learning (or Morality Undone, but that will be very hard to get into the Beguiler spell list). It's a great spell for corrupting people.

Versatile Spellcaster is also good, as it can theoretically get you access to a higher level of spells.

With your incorporeal nature and access to Greater Invisibility, Undetectable Alignment, Nondetection etc. (take the Darktalker feat if you want overkill), you should be very hard to detect. Sneak into the leader's bedroom at night, hit him with a combo of Remorseless Charm, Suggestion and/or Dominate Person, and you will be running the kingdom from behind the scenes.

2017-03-04, 07:25 PM
As an epic creature, the wraith has access to some interesting feats, in case it does come to blows.

Permanent Emanation is a really nice one: any one spell you can cast that is an emanation centered on you becomes permanent (toggle as free action). Most good emanations aren't available to beguilers, but I would really recommend checking out some of the cooler spells, and using some feats to get them. Cool options include:

(greater) consumptive field (big boost to caster level, kills folks low on hp)
false vision (counters scry-and-die at the "scry" part)
(greater) anticipate teleportation (counters scry-and-die at the "teleport" part)
field of ghouls (humanoids that die near you becomes ghouls)
ghost trap (allows you to become corporeal as a free action, and back, by toggling it on or off)
planar bubble (emulate the plane of shadow, and cast lots of shadow illusions)

Exceptional Deflection allows the deflection of ranged touch spells (dread wraiths only need +1 wisdom and IUS/Deflect Arrows to qualify), while Infinite Deflection allows you to do so any number of times per round, and Reflect Arrows allows you to send them right back at the caster. Funny if you're targeted by an Eldritch Blast, but kind of mean if that's the warlock's main shtick.

As for the plot... the posts above have really covered that, and all I can recommend is to run them all, simultaneously. Whichever one the PCs uncover last is the real deal, the rest is illusory or a false trail.

2017-03-10, 02:13 PM
The party are onto him. After a horrific, terrifying dungeon crawl of the King's Keep laden with maddening hallucinations and illusion, the party, with True Seeing, caught a glimpse of Uxghul (the Dread Wraith Beguiler) for a split second.

They've severed the domination over the King. They all stand injured in the King's room at this moment at time. They've used all their scrolls of True Seeing, and the Druid is running low on spells. And I am going to make them pay.

I've used Advanced Learning to grab Shock and Awe, Shadow Conjuration, and Shadow Evocation.

I might open with Shock and Awe, then whack the party with Coercive Shadow Evocation Darkbolt for stuns and will-save weakness, then go for more of the terrifying illusions, disorient them and move for the kill.

If they do well and I fear for myself, I will simply leave and have the Wraiths embedded in the walls attack..

There are also Wraiths hidden throughout the city, I'm considering putting the players in some kind of difficult dilemna - if they somehow lock down the Dread Wraith and look close to victory, he'll mention that if he dies, hundreds of Wraiths will tear through the city, killing thousands... and see what happens.

Three days until the lesser king arrives at the gates of the capital city with his army. If I can somehow stall them that long - perhaps put them to sleep, then restrain them...

Having the showdown with the Wraith as the two dwarven armies face off would be exciting.

Just rambling, really. Any ideas for session-time welcome!

2017-03-10, 02:48 PM
I like the wraith timebomb scenario. Afraid I don't really have anything else to say, though.

2017-03-10, 03:19 PM
This sort of reminds me of Baldur's Gate (the game, not the town).

Red Fel, Red Fel, Red Fel.

2017-03-11, 03:13 PM
Red Fel, Red Fel, Red Fel.

*Casts Protection from Evil*

Do you know of any better Sleep-inducing spells than Deep Slumber? Something to quickly make a party go-to-sleep...
Also, one of them is a Warforged. How best to neutralise him?

I want to neutralise the PCs pretty quick so they can 'wake up in the dungeon with only a few hours to go'.
Shock & Awe & Vile Darkbolt, followed up by Crushing Despair, and Hissing Sleep should do the trick, hopefully.

2017-03-11, 05:47 PM
Hiss of Sleep (Sor/Wiz 7, SC p.114): no HD limit, 1 creature/level.

There's also Sleep Mote (Sor/Wiz 5, Sandstorm p.121): again, no HD limit, but requires concentration and only affects 1 creature/round max.

2017-03-12, 05:38 AM
Great stuff.

Through a combination of sleep effects and nonlethal damage, Uxghoul is hoping to quickly subdue the adventuring party. Once unconscious, they are helpless and will be kept that way for a further two days. The party should wake on the last day of their timeframe before the Wizard-King arrives to 'liberate' the city. Only problem, aside from being chained, is that they are chained and have had their belongins taken, including the Wand they were given to relay messages back to the Wizard-King...

Opposite them will sit two chained Eladrin, high elves who are the enemy to the Necromantic-Shadow-Buddy. One is obviously having a bad trip, the other sits sad and afraid. The sad/afraid one asks the party who they are, what they were doing.. and once she has collected all of the party's knowledge and plans, she will flash a grin and thank them for the information, before her true identity as the Wraith is revealed for a moment, shrinking back through the wall out of sight.

The other Eladrin(the severely traumatised one) is under the effect of Feeblemind as well as general psychological pain. Party are well equipped to heal that right up. The Eladrin will reveal he was despatched by his superiors to monitor activity of the Shadow-Evil guys on the material plane, and that his investigations led him here... The Eladrin is a Cleric//Swordsage and will help buff the party's will saves and detection abilities.

Assuming the party decide they are going to try and prevent war rather than continue on their merry way with their lives in-tact, I'm planning a final enounter in the King's hall. At the end of the King's hall, is a staircase up leading to a podium facing the outside world (outside the keep) - The King is addressing the crowds gathered before him, readying his people for war. Uxghoul stands next to him, disguised as his uncle, and when he becomes aware (through his Telepathy and Wraiths in the walls) of the party entering, he turns, walks down the staircase closing the door behind him, and, final showdown.

By this point the Level 10 party will also be accompanied by an Eladrin Cleric, and their Ancient Silver Dragon companion (who is still weakened following previous session shenanigans). Vs Dread Wraith & multiple Wraiths.

If Dread Wraith is near defeat, a telepathic message is sent.. a warning... that if he were to be vanquished, the hundreds of wraiths throughout the city will go feral, and that they will quickly slay and multiply... Uxghoul does not want to be vanquished, so if the party put some diplomatic hurt on such as 'Take your Wraiths and leave, or we will kill you now damned be the consequences', he very well may take the deal and leave. Players win. (Until he sends Wraiths to ambush them on the next leg of their journey).

All this as the King awaits, just beyond reach, addressing the crowds of the city outside... as the Wizard-King rolls up to the outskirts of the city with his army of Dwarves, Golems, and Steam-Tanks... as Lord Kagrenac (the Lord all the nobles have been pushing to replace the king) takes courage at the arrival of the Wizard-King and has his men start skirmishing from wishin the city... and as the King's own men grow divided at the idea of actually laying down their lives in service of a King who by all appearances has been assassinating his own population. Heck, even if the Wraith is stopped, tensions may already be too high unless the party can convice the wizard-king of what has happened.

It's going to be chaotic, and now it's time to go host. Thanks for the ideas, everybody, it's been invaluable.:smallamused:

2017-03-12, 06:52 AM
You have both Silent Spell and Still Spell.
You cannot be heard unless you want to, and you don't want to.
You have Hide skill at about 34-36 before magic items or effects.
Cast Crown of Veils and you have 36-38.

Cast Undetectable Alignment every day, now no one can tell there's an evil being.
Cast Nondetection and Misdirection so you're harder to detect by means of divination.
As a safe measure, take False Vision spell with Advanced Learning at level 11.

Take Insidious Magic feat, so it's harder to tell the king has been bewitched.
Take Tenacious Magic feat, so it's harder to dispel your enchantments on the king, or your protection spells in the eventuality that an area dispel is cast where you are.
A 1-level dip in the Shadow Adept prestige class should fit the theme of this Wraith and help with feats.

If you want to be nasty, take Live my Nightmare feat to send a Phantasmal Killer spell to any diviner that investigates on you (DC based on CHA, so it's at least DC 21).

Hide in a wall, possibly behing king's throne or in his bedroom.
Cast your enchantments on the king when in range.

It could be wise to just stop doing this when the party comes to town. They will eventually leave and then you could resume your plan.
If you are aware this party is near you, and is willing to investigate about you, do what you can to hide yourself: either escape while still unnoticed or use your spells to make them give up pursuing you.

Note: You could have grabbed Disguise Undead with Advanced Learning, but unfortunately it doesn't work on incorporeal creatures. It's a pity.