View Full Version : Rise of the Commonfolk (IC)

2017-03-04, 05:29 PM
Sunrise finds Dalewood already busy, bustling if you will. Farmers and field hands are busy finishing up morning chores before heading to the fields to begin harvesting the spring wheat crop. The late summer days are getting shorter, but not short enough to really notice yet. There are carpenters and the lot building grain silos to be near the recently constructed mill which is already operational. Ranchers and sheperds are out grazing their herds. Honestly, nearly everyone is busy.

Willow has a very small pile of neatly folded clothes that she finished repairing and cleaning last night. Her family is already up and at it and her mother tries to nag her about finding a suitor. All of the clothes need to be returned to their owner, Flogrim Goldstone, the exceptionally rotund dwarf who runs Goldstone's General Store. He is one of your best customers, what with his ever expanding girth. There is always a new rip to be fixed, or finding a way to lengthen the waist line. Willow remembers hearing there were several new arrivals in town the past few days and knows most are staying at Granny's Tap.

The morning finds Cog, Jaq, Sigrun, and Elton no worse for the wear save for a few bug bites. Granny Estes, who runs Granny's Tap, the local tavern, inn, and general meeting place in town let's people sleep under an adjoined shed for free. It is open air, but it keeps you all from getting wet at night. While the shed is far from private, it worked in a pinch. Granny Estes has rooms, food, drink, and a few goods, but those all cost coin.

Asher wakes to find his father sitting down for a cup of coffee as his mother is cooking a light breakfast. The small farmhouse is rather quiet, but outside, the sounds of the other families on the communal farm can be heard as they begin their daily chores.

Yanis finds that the small herd he is charged with watching was fine through the night. They are grazing on the outskirts of town, just a few hundred yeards away from a communal farm where three families (Asher's) share a plot.

2017-03-05, 01:22 AM
Skipping her mother's lecture with habitual ease, Willow putters about the kitchen, helping with cooking while Lanika sets the table. Once they've eaten, and the sun is high enough for master Goldstone to open his shop, she'll head out to make the delivery and then maybe visit the market and the inn to see what news have reached Dalewood in the past couple days.

2017-03-05, 12:44 PM
Having slept a little later than he should have, Ash is surprised to see his parents starting as late as he is, but decides it's best not to question it. "Mornin'" he mumbles as he joins them for breakfast, mind far from the eggs on his plate. I need to talk to Elly, he decides as he leaves the table, heading out to feed the pigs. She'd been acting stranger than ever last night, hardly even looking him in the eye.

He hums along to the work song the others are singing in the field as he fills the feed trough, wondering whether there really is gold in the river, and whether he might be able to sneak away somehow to find some, and what he'd buy with it if he did.

Mr. E
2017-03-05, 01:32 PM
Sigrun gets up slowly, and takes the time to stretch her sore muscles before rolling up her bedroll and blanket. No use damaging anything for no purpose, she thinks. Walking to the edge of the balcony, Sigrun takes a moment to watch the rising sun and recite her morning prayers. The demands of faith now satisfied, she pauses for a moment, then goes to find her rations and satisfy the demands of her stomach.

A few minutes later, she bundles up her belongings and goes to head down to the temple. It maybe that if I can find this horace, I'll get him to put in a good word 'bout me to some prospective employer. But if I can't get a lead on him by lunchtime, I'll just go looking for work the normal way.

2017-03-05, 02:33 PM
Willow knows that Flogrim will just be opening as the sun comes up in an effort to maximize his profits. That being said, he has already been down at Granny's for a least an hour before hand eating rather large portions of her famous breakfast. Granted most just get a few eggs or her porridge as the price for both are rather cheap. But not Flogrim, he has large quantities of ham, bacon, eggs, and soft biscuits. As Willow walks past Granny's on the way to Flogrim's, she notices a few new arrivals sleeping under her shed. Most still appear to be asleep, but a well built female with a a light blue hue can be seen walking around the building onto the main street. Unless she stops to speak with the new arrival, she arrives Goldstone General Store and finds the portly Flogrim sweating profusely as he is stocking his wares.

Sigrun wakes to find her other companions still sleeping. She sets out towards the temple which is a short distance away in hopes of finding Horace. As she does she notices a tall young woman with fair complexion carrying a small pile of clothes down the street. Unless she stops to speak with the woman, she is able to find the temples without problem. As she enters there is a small office to the left with two lecterns and a faint glow of a few small candles. An elderly human wearing simple robes and a smock indicating his service to Erastil looks up from his work and ask simply, "May I help you?"

Asher says his pleasantries to his parents who do the same. Asher gets the slop to feed the pigs and makes quick work of his first chore. As he exits the pig sty, he sees Elly collecting eggs from the chicken coop. He also sees Zach and Davis over at the tool shed sharpening implements for the wheat harvest. Zach must have told one of his bawdy jokes because Davis is doubled over laughing as he tries not to cut himself on the sickle he is sharpening.

2017-03-05, 03:15 PM
Willow knows that Flogrim will just be opening as the sun comes up in an effort to maximize his profits. That being said, he has already been down at Granny's for a least an hour before hand eating rather large portions of her famous breakfast. Granted most just get a few eggs or her porridge as the price for both are rather cheap. But not Flogrim, he has large quantities of ham, bacon, eggs, and soft biscuits. As Willow walks past Granny's on the way to Flogrim's, she notices a few new arrivals sleeping under her shed. Most still appear to be asleep, but a well built female with a a light blue hue can be seen walking around the building onto the main street. Unless she stops to speak with the new arrival, she arrives Goldstone General Store and finds the portly Flogrim sweating profusely as he is stocking his wares.

Willow eyes the new arrival curiously, but decideds to finish the delivery first.

"Good morning, master Goldstone," Willow greets the dwarf amicably. "I've brought your order... but perhaps now is not the best time? I can wait if something else demands your attention."

2017-03-05, 05:50 PM
Jaq groans as he wakes up with a massive headache and dry mouth, the harsh sun shining bright overhead.

"Ugh, where am I? What is this place?" Jaq looks around as he mumbles out loud to himself, his memory slowly coming back to him. "I must have had a lot to drink last night...caravan's probably long gone by now. Well, I wanted to leave home, so here I am. What's this town called? Dareland? Davewight? Right, Dalewood!" Jaq looks proud at himself for a moment, before the headaches hit again.

As he gets up slowly, he spots a couple other people sleeping nearby. One of them looks vaguely familiar, but Jaq can't place it through his headaches. He checks his possessions: knife, dagger, bag...which seems a bit lighter than usual. Looking inside, he sees only five silver pieces - must have spent the rest of it on ale the night before.

"Oh well, guess I have to actually go make money now instead of using the caravan's 'general fund'. At least this seems like a nice enough place. I wonder if that blacksmith here'll take me on. It's been a while since I've done hard labor."

Jaq leaves the shed, stumbling a bit on the way out, as he makes his way back towards the tavern.

I was reluctant to post IC without ironing out character relationships, but this way there's plausible deniability! :smallbiggrin:

The Bandicoot
2017-03-06, 02:46 AM
Elton yawns and stretches as he wakes up, groggily going through his morning habit of checking his few possessions and rolling them up. With a slight grunt he hefts the over-sized bedroll onto his shoulder, walking into the tavern. Good morning Estes my beautiful spring flower. Elton says, winking and blowing a kiss to Granny Estes. I think I'll have a double order of eggs this morning.....with a big hunk of ham. Need a full belly today I've got a lead on a decent job. he sets his bedroll down and climbs to the top of a chair, smiling at Estes.

2017-03-06, 08:23 AM

Yanis wakes and checks the goats. Finding all is well he heads to the village to get some breakfast as he is so close.

Mr. E
2017-03-06, 01:43 PM
Sigrun is in a hurry to keep moving, so merely says "Morning," to the other woman before keeping on towards the temple. In front of the structure, Sigrun pauses, rehearses what she is going to say, than bounds rapidly up the steps and in through the door.

In response to the priests question, Sigrun takes a copper piece from her pouch and drops it in the offering bowl. Then, she turns to face the priest and says, "My, ahm, benefactor back in the village, here she stops to gesture in the direction of her hometown, "knew a man named Horace who was a priest of Erastil round here. Do you know whether he was ever in this town? If he was, do you know where I could find him? And finally, if those aren't a question and a half too much, do you know whether any of your flock be looking to hire some farm work or lumberjacks?

2017-03-07, 10:06 AM
Cog awakes with the others in the shed, and rubs the sleep from his eyes. He runs a rough hand across the stubble on his head, "What I wouldn't give for a good knife right now". He sighs, and begins collecting his few belongings. As he packs, he counts his coin, and straps his sleep kit to his bag. Satisfied, he pulls his pack on, and relieves him self at the edge of the yard. His stomach rumbles, but that would have to wait until he could earn some coin today. The best he could hope for was a mug of water to wash his mouth with, and tamp down his thirst.

With some mumbled good mornings to the others, Cog heads out into the day to grab a drink, and then to the new construction in town. He'd been working there for a bit, having only barely convinced the others that yes, they do need math to build a house. Otherwise, the damn thing will fall down again. It helped that he was relatively giant, having built most of the houses he designed.

2017-03-07, 05:19 PM
Flogrim looks lecherously at Willow as he continues to sweat and pant heavily from the minimal exertion. "My sweet little flower, once as beautiful as you always demands my attention." The oversized dwarf pulls a kerchief from his pocket and dabs at the sweat dripping from his face. "Care to join me for brunch and a bit of conversation? My treat." he says as he holds a leather coin purse above in front of his face. Willow can hear the expectation that such a meal would require more than simple conversation.

Jaq makes his way to Granny Ester's with a pounding head and an empty belly. Inside the bar he see's a short, grandmotherly looking woman, with short gray hair, a flower pattern dress and a light pink apron over the top. She is vigorously cleaning glasses behind the bar with a smile on her face. A young man pipes up, "Granny can I get another ale?" The old lady looks up, smile still on her face and responds, "Sure thing sweetie, so long as you promise to pay your debts this time your worthless sack of snot!". This gets a hoot from the other patrons and an, "Of course Granny!" from the man.

Elton hears the same exchange and is brave enough to order his breakfast. "Aww, thanks honey. Sure thing, but remember, just because your are half sized, does mean you get it it half priced." This also gets a laugh from the patrons. It seems most of the people who come to Granny's do so for the witty banner almost as much for the food. That, and she is the place in town to serve decent food and drink.

Yanis is also at Granny's for breakfast and makes his order. "Your goats didn't cook you breakfast this morning Yanis? What, were you a Baaaaaaaaaaaaad boy last night?!" Most of the patrons double over laughing, with one nearly falling off his bar stool. Yanis remembers this is not the first time Granny has made this joke, or the first time the others have heard it. Still, it always seems to be popular. The first time she told it, she did come by afterwards and make sure that you knew she was only kidding. That also got a big laugh... get it, because she was kidding.

The old priest smiles warmly to Sigrun. "I am Horace. What was your friends name child, and what is yours? I am sure I can help you find a bit of work until you find something better."

Cog is present for the entire scene at Granny's. When he asks for a drink she says, "Sure, what'll it be? Aside from a double... I can tell a man of your size certainly needs more than one."

Mr. E
2017-03-07, 06:30 PM
Sigrun smiles back at the elderly man. "His name was Hienrich. He cared for me when the village would not, and named me Sigrun." Sigrun stops for a moment to remember. "He wrote letters to you from time to time, if I remember correctly. Something about having met you at the seminary? In any case, I'd be appreciate it a lot if you found me some work, no-matter what kind it is."

Suddenly realising that Horace may not know of Hienrich's passing, she wonders how to phrase her next sentence. "When was the last time that you heard from his village?"

2017-03-07, 06:34 PM

Yanis carries on eating, not amused by the joke, but realizing that to say anything would only give people more fuel.

2017-03-07, 06:42 PM
Slowing down as he catches sight of his friends, Ash looks wistfully over at Zach and Davis, sorry to have missed the joke and wanting to join them...but he turns instead toward the coop. No telling when he'll get another moment to talk to Elly in relative privacy.

"Oi," he says by way of greeting as he leans against the door, voice low enough not to carry far. "What're you up to?" A stupid question, but it feels wrong to jump straight into something that, for all he knows, could be serious.

2017-03-07, 06:46 PM
"No, Granny. Today I'll just get some water. Thank you for the use of your shed. Let me know if you need any help after the dark. I could use a few coppers, and I'm sure I could encourage people to make less trouble when they get to drinkin'.", Cog quietly says at the bar. He blushes slightly, embarrassed, and then turns to leave. One day he would have his own stead, and not have to rely on the kindness of strangers. He could even see it, strong stone walls, wooden buttress. A small courtyard with a well dug. He had even drawn it on his more idle days.

If Granny says nothing further, he heads out and to the work site.

2017-03-08, 01:04 AM
"I'm rather full at the moment, master Goldstone, but it will be my pleasure to keep you company nonetheless. I'm sure it will be more than worth the time," Willow replies with a charming smile, hinting, however, that her interest may depend on the dwarf's willingness to actually reach into that purse.

"Oh, and where would you like me to put these?" she indicates the clothing she came to deliver.

2017-03-08, 04:28 PM
Jaq grabs a seat at the bar and quietly calls over to Granny, trying (and probably failing) to avoid attention: "I musta had too much to drink last night. How much is it for an egg or two?"

2017-03-09, 01:19 AM
Horace gives a very faint smile before nodding to Sigrun. "You are kind to be concerned about the feelings of an old man, but I am aware of his passing, rest his soul. I will do what I can to make sure you find work. I have a few tasks that need to be done that I can pay you for upon completion. I need a rather large quantity of honey and buying it from Seven Oaks is much more expensive than paying someone to retrieve a hive for me. I can pay you 2 gold pieces if you retrieve a large portion of honey from the hive over in the old hickory tree by the river. Otherwise, I can put in word to the local woodcutters and have him hire you on. Pay is probably 4-5 silver per day, but it would keep you fed. Eh, knowing Ken, he will probably start you at 3 silver until he knows you will work hard. He's tough, but fair. Its up to you."

Yanis decides, rightly so, that if he wants Granny and the listeners to ignore him, it is best not to feed the trolls so to speak.

Elly looks at Asher and rolls her eyes as she turns back to the coop and gives a long sigh. "Gathering eggs... what does it look like." Its obvious by her tone that she is still in one of the moods that she has been in here lately. Over by the barn Zach says something that you Asher can only assume is a joke before Davis booms with laughter again, this time taken almost to a knee.

Granny gives a wink and a smile to Cog and quietly says, "It's no problem hun." She then bellows out at the others, "And thanks for the offer, but this lot is perfectly harmless. They are all WAAAAAAY to stupid to be anything but." Most of the crowd feigns insult before laughing again. Cog is able to make it to the building site just as the others do. There gnome foreman, Dintun, begins directing the men to their tasks. Your affinity for numbers has you cutting the boards and beams to the proper length. Give me and engineering check or the like if you will.

Flogrim gives Willow that lecherous smile and sets 1 silver on the table. "That's for the clothes." He then pulls out 4 more silvers, letting each clank into his sausage like fingers. "This would be for your... company." He then walks to the front door looks it before waddling towards the back room. "Back here, if you haven't lost your nerve." Willow can either let herself out, taking her 1 silver with her, or accompany Flogrim to the back room for a total of 5 silver. (We all know what would happen if you go back there. Let's not RP it any further than that if that is what you decide to do.)

Granny chuckles loudly to Jaq, "That's certainly one way to put it. Look, you spent enough here last night, I'll only charge you 1 copper for the two eggs and milk... but just this once."

2017-03-09, 01:51 AM
"Just how much did I...never mind, I don't want to know." Jaq smiles ashamedly at Granny as he hands over a silver and gets some change back. The people here seem nice enough, but if he's going to stay, he'll need some more supplies - it's not just his head that's aching after that last night. He addresses Granny again: "Is there a general store or something similar around here? I've got a few things I need other than food too."

Hopefully Willow will be long gone, either way, by the time Jaq gets there...:smalltongue:

edit: I'm sure that said silver before............

2017-03-09, 05:00 AM
"It would be a shame not to service my most loyal customer to the best of my ability," Willows returns playfully. She won't enjoy this, that much is certain, but neither is the task prohibitively repulsive, and the pay is more than sufficient.

Once she's put down her delivery and stashed away the coin, Willow unlaces her dress and pushes it off her shoulders, letting it pool on the ground with a rustle of cloth and revealing lack of any kind of undergarments. "Please let me take care of you, master Goldstone."

Yeah, I'm all for skipping from here till emerging from the backroom afterwards.

2017-03-09, 11:03 AM
"Er...yeah," Taryn says, deflating a little. Maybe this is a bad time... No--he's already made himself look like an idiot. No sense stopping now.

"Look, Elly," he says carefully, "is...is everything alright? You've been acting all out of sorts lately..." He trails off, hoping he hasn't just upset her further.

Making a Diplomacy attempt to improve her attitude: [roll0]

Mr. E
2017-03-09, 02:49 PM
Sigrun breathes out slowly, pleased that she does not have any bad news to break, then looks out the window.

"I'll get you that honey, if you have a container to put it in and something I can use to light a torch. From tomorrow I might work at the timber yards. I like the woods, and that is the work I understand. Thank you for all the help you have given me already. Now, it was a hickory tree by the river, you said?"

Sigrun leans against a wall, trying to remember how the bee-keepers at home did this kind of thing.

2017-03-10, 06:41 AM
Granny gives Jaq his 9 coppers back and points in the direction of the general store. "Flogrim's sells most anything you could need 'round these parts. 'Cept food... he eats all that himself." Jaq heads on down to Flogrims and finds the door locked, at least initially. About the time he gets ready to leave, a profusely sweating and dangerously out of breath dwarf opens the door. "What... sigh... can... sigh... I do... for you?"

The deed is over rather quickly. Just in time apparently, as there is a knock at the door. "Here... sigh... is your... coin... now go... out the... back..." 5 silver richer and being pushed out the back door, Willow barely has time to get her dress on before the door is unceremoniously slammed in her face.

Elly glares at Asher for several seconds and seems as if she is going to answer before turning just a bit red. She quickly grabs the last few eggs and says, "I think I hear Zach calling." as she quickly darts out of the coop. The understatement of the year might be to say that you have more questions than you had before this little conversation.

Horace shuffles over to a cabinent, his plain robes draggin against the wood floor as she does so. "I have this nice large pot and lid you can use. As for a lighter, I could give you a candle and let you light it off another candle here if that would help." He hands both the pot and candle to Sigrun. "Yes my dear, the large hickory tree near the river on the outskirts of town." (Try to roll how you plan on tackling this along with any needed rolls all at once.

2017-03-10, 01:12 PM
Jaq looks at the dwarf with a bit of confusion. What could possibly make a shopkeeper so overworked? Moving around heavy crates of goods, maybe? Jaq knows how hard that can be even for a young, in-shape person. Whatever it was, he seemed like he was in the middle of it, if the door was locked. Best to let him finish first, then return when he is free. With that in mind, Jaq replies, "Hrmmm. You seem busy; maybe I should come back later. I've got other people I need to see as well."

Jaq turns around and heads towards the blacksmith. Luckily, he still remembers where that is from when the caravan came in, and he seems to also recall someone saying something about his apprentice skipping town. As he walks, he wonders why - was it something in town that made him leave? or maybe the pay was better elsewhere? Either way, it seems like the stars have been aligning for Jaq in a way that's never happened before.

2017-03-10, 01:43 PM
Cog works carefully through the morning. The work is more or less tedious, with no real challenge to it. Still, it was gratifying to see the structure slowly be put together. As he works, Cog slipps into daydreaming. He dreams of having land, building, employing field hands, and breaking out of this cycle of poverty. Soon though, the dream fades and reality sets in. Cog heaves a sigh, and moves to the next board.

Taking ten on my check. For knowledge Engineering that would be a 15. For Profession Architecture, that would be a 13. Whichever is more relevant.

Mr. E
2017-03-10, 05:47 PM
"Okay, I'll be back pretty shortly" Sigrun takes the pot and candle before heading down to the river. Stopping a safe distance away from the hickory tree, she pauses and finds some dry wood and tinder, taking care to find a mix of very dry and slightly green material. If she can, Sigrun crouches under the hive (OOC: I am imagining that it hangs from a branch of the tree, please correct me if I am wrong), taking care not to upset her candle, and creates a small fire.

When everything is ready, Sigrun lights the fire, hopefully creating a column of smoke that rises into the hive. When this has been burning for about fifteen minutes, Sigrun pulls the sleeves of her shirt up as close to her hands as possible, takes a small flat piece of stone, and carefully uses it and her fingers to break off as much of the hive as can be fitted into the pot.

Right, so I assume a Survival check for lighting the fire (I will take twenty on it to avoid unfortunate consequences, therefore a 22. I presume a Sleight of Hand Check would be the most relevant for removing the comb without rousing the sedated bees. Therefore, [roll0]

The Bandicoot
2017-03-10, 10:15 PM
Elton nods Of course my dear. But despite my size I expect a full human-sized order! After all, a man has to get his strength up somehow. he cracks his knuckles. I'm gonna head over to the Widower Beatrice. I hear she's looking for a little carpentry work done on the cheap. It'll definitely be good money seeing as most of the locals won't take me on.

2017-03-12, 09:44 AM
Could've just said I was doing the measurements, Willows huffs to herlself as she makes sure her hair and clothing are in order.

Earlier she was planning to visit the inn and see if anything could be learned about the upcoming visitors, but in light of the unexpected diversion at the trader's she could really use a bath. Swinging by her home to pick up washing supplies and today's laundry, the girl heads down to the creek.

Finding an unoccupied spot a bit further upstream, Willow strips down and wades into the waters, taking time to enjoy herself as she sets about her task.

2017-03-12, 06:35 PM
Jaq makes his way over to the blacksmith. He can hear the distinct and rhythmic ping-ping... ping-ping... of hammer on anvil. As he gets close he finds that the blacksmith shop is little more than a very small house, with an even smaller workshop attached, followed by a large outdoor attached awning that houses the forge, smelter, and other familiar equipment. A large stooped half-orc with a few whisps of white hair and dark green, almost grey wrinkled skin is there wielding the hammer. He wears leather trousers and a bare chest save for a heavy leather apron and leather gloves. He is quite old, but far from frail, his body honed from probably 50 or more years of putting hammer to iron. He sets his hammer down and uses long tongs to submerged a horseshoe into a barrel of water as steam radiates from it. He puts the horseshoe with three others before looking up at you. A gravely and gruff voice meets you, "What can I do ya for?"

Cog finds the rhythmic measure twice, cut once philosophy to be soothing, bordering on boring. However, the diminutive Dintun seems more than happy with Cog's efforts. "Keep it up, by not messing up, you save me material costs. That means you might get a raise... in the future."

Sigrun finds the hive with no problem. The only hiccup seems to be that it is much higher in the tree than anticipated. In fact, it is almost 20 feet up on a rather large limb. There are not any limbs that can support you underneath it. This certainly explains why the priest is baying so much for the precious commodity. (Gonna have to say the taking 10 or 20 is a no go. In the description it reads, "Distractions or threats (such as combat) make it impossible for a character to take 10". Bees stinging you are certainly a distraction and a threat, if not combat. Gonna need a roll for climb and survival at a minimum. Anything else you want to roll works as well.)

Elton enjoys his meal and makes it to the Widower Beatrice's place in short time. He finds her milking an old cow that looks about as old as she is. Beatrice slowly stands from her small stool and greets Elton warmly. "Well hello there sonny. To what do I owe such a pleasant surprise?"

Willow makes gets her laundry and makes for her usually bathing spot in the creek. She wades into the water and is enjoying the cool and refreshing water when she hears a small twig snap (I rolled a perception for you). You see nothing and hear nothing else.

2017-03-13, 12:28 AM
Willow starts and looks around, wondering if the village boys are trying to peek on her again. Admittedly, she doesn't feel anywhere near as alarmed as she should - the idea of being watched like this is strangely exciting. Last time she didn't even chase them away, pretending not to notice.

Feeling mischievous, Willow decides to show off a bit, 'accidentally' standing in such a way as to give anyone on the bank a good look at her assets and taking some innocious, but rather sensual poses. While at that, she surreptitiously checks out the undergrowth, trying to locate the observer.

Should else nothing of note happen, she'll finish here, drop off the laundry and head to Granny's Tap for latest gossip and, possibly, more work.

[roll0] for Perception if she gets an opportunity for another check.

Mr. E
2017-03-13, 02:30 PM
"Huh. Now I see why he couldn't get it himself." Sigrun says aloud. Then she closes her eyes, taking extra care to get a clear concept of the wind direction, before getting to work on her fire. Poking around in the shrubs and the bushes, Sigrun looks to find a good mix of green and dry wood. The riverbank provides a good source of dry rushes, so she works her away along the side of it for a time. Once she has gathered enough, Sigrun heads back to the tree, and starts to set her small but smoky fire.

Survival: [roll0]

2017-03-13, 02:32 PM
"Aye, that would be welcome.", Cog acknowledges, "Extra coin is always nice."

While Cog works, he strikes up a conversation with some of the other workers. He's not terribly good at small talk, so it isn't long before he asks about any other jobs, or interesting tales that the other workers might have.

Gonna roll a quick diplomacy check.

2017-03-13, 06:28 PM
Jaq politely nods to the blacksmith, then starts speaking his mind.

"I'm new in town - just arrived yesterday - and I heard that your last apprentice moved away recently. Would you be willing to take me on? I've got a little experience alreadly - made this little knife here myself, see?" Jaq proudly pulls out his dagger, making sure not to make any threatening moves. "I can do a little wood and leather work too, but nothing too fancy."

Feel free to make any applicable rolls for me.

2017-03-13, 08:15 PM
Ash finds himself left in the dust, standing there looking confused. Well that accomplished nothing. Turning around, he checks to see whether Elly has actually gone to join Zach and Davis. Perhaps, if he can talk to them without her, they might know more than he does...

2017-03-14, 04:24 PM
Willow realizes it is probably Farmer Smith's sons again and puts on a little show for them. She can't see them, but has a pretty good idea that it is them... again. She makes her way back to Granny's when she sees several horseman riding into town.

Sigrun is able to make an exceptionally smokey fire and get it going just right to be able to dull the bee's sense and slow them down. Now its just a matter of climbing up and retrieving the honey. Sigrun also sees the horsemen.

Cog's coworkers mostly talk about getting drunk Granny's or how much a chance of they have with various ladies in the town. Nothing much of interest until they see several horseman coming into town.

Denton looks at Jaq and shrugs without looking at the knife. "I'll give you a dry place to sleep, food, and occasionally some spare coin. I'll teach you what I know... but you better be willing to work or the deals off." As the blacksmith finishes speaking, several horsemen ride into town.
Elly did not in fact go to speak with Zach or Davis. Instead, she seems to have gone back to her house. As you approach Zach and Davis the two have tears streaming down their eyes and are doubled over, oblivious to the fact that Ash is there. A cloud of dust is rising from the road near town, as if a large group just rode in.

2017-03-14, 04:36 PM
"Working hard?" Ash taunts as he joins his friends. "Either of you know what's been up with Elly? She won't tell me."

Mr. E
2017-03-14, 06:33 PM
Sigrun circles the tree a couple of times and takes a minute to plan her route up. Then, she removes the strap she has been using to sling her axe on her back, and loops it around the pot so she can sling it, leaving in dangling from her chest for easy access. Having done so, she walks up to the tree and is about to start climbing when she spots a convoy of horsemen entering the town.

Seems like a lot to be coming down this way, she thinks, peering at them to see whether she can spot any uniforms or heraldry to identify them. Eh, not my problem for the mo'. I'll ask Hienrich what if knows anything when I get back. Then, turning to the tree, she begins to slowly and carefully climb.

Climb for climbing [roll1]

Whoops, now I've broken something. I forgot you can't edit messages with dice rolls in them. Not that my die roll looks like one you'd try and fake...

The Bandicoot
2017-03-14, 09:26 PM
Elton smiles widely Hello Beatrice, my name is Elton Daftwood of the Daftwood family of carpenters and boatmakers. I understand you might need some carpentry work done? I promise I'm the best and cheapest carpenter currently unemployed.

2017-03-14, 10:09 PM
As he puts his knife back, Jaq says, "Well of course, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't willing to work." Then, as he hears the sounds of hooves approaching, he turns around briefly and looks for the source.

2017-03-15, 03:13 AM
Willow pauses by the inn's entrance, finding an out of the way spot to observe the new arrivals for now. Her craft will give her an excuse to approach them later if needs be - for now it's important to determine if she should do so in the first place.

To clarify, she's not hiding, just standing ways off on the sidelines.

2017-03-15, 02:47 PM
Davis shakes his head as he wipes away tears. "Naawww, I ain't noticed nothing outside the normal with her." Zach smiles to Ash as he tries to regain his composure. "I think its just that stage women go through between the age of 3 and 93 or so... it'll pass." This cause both Davis and Zach to pickup laughing where they left off. Not exceptionally helpful to say the least.

Sigrun has the bees subdued, but the long straight trunk of the tree is giving her fits. Try as she might, she doesn't seem to be able to get up the tree on her first few tries. If only she had a strap or small piece of rope to throw around the trunk of the tree she might be able to shimmy on up. At least the smoke hasn't stopped yet. She still has a few more minutes to figure out how to get up the tree. (You can do another roll, or find something to help you for a circumstance bonus).

The old widow looks down at Elton. "Well, you know... I do need quite a few repairs. I can pay you say... 4 silvers per day and buy the items you need to do the work. I hope that is enough, I just don't have enough funds to pay more."

Denton smiles a nearly toothless smile to Jaq, alright, let's get started then and begins instructing Jaq on what pieces to bring over.

Willow sets up out of the way and just watches the men on horseback.

Eight men ride into town on horseback. Most six are soldiers, with various weapons and leather armor. One wears no armor, and looks to be an attendant of sorts. The one up front is undoubtedly in charge. He rides a magnificent white horse with solid black leather and silver adornments. He is wearing a highly glossed breastplate, a obstinately ornate and oversized sword is at his hip. He has pale skin and dark black hair and wears dark clothing with a long billowing purple cape of fine silk. His nose is held high and his face constantly looks as if something smells pungent... or he is constipated. On a shield attached to his horse's saddle bags is his family sigil which is purple and silver with the symbol of a black bull on it. (Knowledge Nobility anyone?)

The noble gets off of his horse and immediately goes in to Granny's Tap. with all but two of the men who stay behind to watch the horses going inside with him.

Mr. E
2017-03-15, 03:16 PM
Sigrun scrabbles back to the ground, and decides an alternative approach is needed. Picking up her axe, she chops three or four small gashes in the tree at shoulder and waist height, just large enough to give her some more handholds and spots to brace her feet on as she climbs.

Okay, so try again [roll0] + circumstance bonus if any.

2017-03-15, 03:57 PM
Curious, Willow continues her way to the inn as if nothing happened, making to slip in inconspiciously and take a seat at one of the tables - ideally, such that she'll be able to keep track of things - as if to have a snack.

[roll0] for untrained K.Nobility

2017-03-15, 05:54 PM
Cog will put his hands on the small of his back, and push himself upright from hunching over the board he was measuring. He'll turn to look at the plume of dust rise up from the road leading into the village, and raise an eyebrow. "What in the abyss....?"

2017-03-15, 10:01 PM
Ash laughs along with them, though far from convinced. "Yeah, you're probably right." Well, it can't be helped for now. If it's important, he'll find out when he needs to.

The sound of distant hoofbeats draws his attention to the dust cloud approaching the village. "Any idea what that's about?"

2017-03-16, 05:49 AM
Though it took quite a bit of effort, Sigrun is able to shimmy up the tree and get nearly a full jar of honey and honeycomb. She suffers a few minor stings for her trouble, but nothing that won't stop aching by tomorrow. Getting down the tree with a large jar of honey might be a little more tricky though. (Reflex, acrobatics or similar to get down the tree with the jar.)

Willow is certain that the subject is a noble and that means she should be really nice to him or avoid him completely, but she doesn't know much more than that. She is able to get a front row seat to the spectacle taking place inside Granny's Tap. (Sorry, Knowledge Skills in Pathfinder are trained only. I think you can get up to a DC 10 untrained if you roll well enough though so I gave you a small bit of a bone.)

Cog can't tell what's going on exactly, but anything out of the ordinary usually means trouble for the common man.

Ash asks Zach and Davis what all the fuss is about in town. Zach, shrugs and replies, "Dunno, maybe the merchant came back early?"


Inside Granny's Tap, things get a bit volatile. The men come in and the noble points to a several bottles of booze. Rather than ask Granny to serve them, two lackey's walk over and grab several bottles from behind the bar and walk over to a large table in the middle of the tavern. Granny, as one might expect, blows a gasket. "What in all of Sam Hill do you blundering idiots think you are doing behind my damn bar, if you..." the noble looks at her calmly and responds, "Shut your mouth peasant, this is my domain, and everything in it belongs to me... that includes your pathetic bar, your horrible swill, and even your worthless life." The noble is smiling as he says this and something about the look in his eyes is unnerving. Granny begins to walk around the bar, looking as if she is about to make a very poor decision.

OOC: Anyone with any intention of going into Granny's to see what is going on can decide at what point they make it in. Maybe you were a few seconds behind the nobles, maybe you sat down as they grabbed the booze, maybe you just caught the tale end of the conversation or maybe you don't go at all. It us all up to you guys. Willow was present for the entire episode.

Mr. E
2017-03-16, 01:24 PM
Sigrun carefully manuevers down the tree with her precious cradled in one hand. When further climbing becomes impossible, she lowers herself down and lets go to fall the last few feet, firmly gripping her precious cargo in one hand.

Right, so athletics or a reflex save: [roll0]

2017-03-16, 01:28 PM
"Yeah, maybe," Ash replies, frowning thoughtfully at the dust cloud for another moment. Shrugging, he turns away. "Well, I've got stuff to do. Later." There's plenty to be done in the fields, and never enough time before winter. Heading out to join his parents, he sets to it, joining in the work song everyone has going.

2017-03-16, 10:47 PM
Jaq watches as the men on horseback pass, leaving a massive cloud of dust, then turns and follows the old blacksmith.

Jaq really has no reason to care about what's going on with those guys. Good luck. :smalltongue:

2017-03-17, 03:14 AM
Wincing at Granny's actions, Willow does her best not to draw attention. She learned what she needed - namely that this wasn't the sort of person that could be trusted to conduct business fairly - and was planning to get scarce the moment she has an opportunity to.

The Bandicoot
2017-03-18, 10:15 AM
Elton nods Sounds like a decent enough wage. Why don't you show me the first thing you want done? I'll get started right away.

2017-03-19, 10:30 AM
Cog will look for the foreman, and gesture to the inn, indicating that he's going to go see whats going on. He'll come up to the inn, and lean against the outside wall near a window to eavesdrop.

2017-03-19, 09:55 PM
With the grace of a rock, Sigrun drops from the tree branch and hits the ground with a hard thud, right on the flat of her back. It hurts and knocks the breath from her. Worse still, it cracked the pot holding the honey. The pot is still in one piece, but honey slowly begins seeping through the large cracks. (Take 3 points of non-lethal damage from hitting the ground... hard.)

Ash works his but off in the field, though hey enjoys the simplicity and harmony of working with the others. (Feel free to advance time so you aren't stuck without much going on.)

Jaq finds the next bit of time passing by quickly as the old smith shows him where everything is located and how he expects things to be run.

Granny rushes over and appears as if she is about to slap the young noble. Before she can, two of the soldiers jump and each grab her by the arm. The noble sips from the bottle of wine and with a condescending looks tells Granny, "My aren't you lucky that my men kept you from doing something stupid that you would regret for the rest of your miserably short life. In fact, I would say you should tell them thank you." Instead, of saying thank you, Granny spits at the man, hitting him right in the face. Willow expects the worst, but the man surprises her. He grabs a rag and wipes the spit off while smiling and not saying a word. Once he has cleaned himself, he looks to a patron in the bar and says, "Be a loyal citizen and go get the sheriff for me. Now."

There are probably two minutes of awkward silence until the sheriff arrives with the man, both out of breath.

Elton is quickly directed by the widow to her roof. "The old thing leaks something fierce there, there, and there. My cabinets are rotting, and my chimney is clogged from last winter."

Cog makes it to Granny's just in time to see the sheriff and another patron running full sprint into the bar.

Mr. E
2017-03-20, 02:43 PM
"Oof!" Sigrun regrets her choices as she lands hard on the ground. Even worse, her precious honey is leaking. Struggling into a sitting position, she unwraps the leather bindings she keep on her hands and ties them around the cracked pot. Then, moving as quickly as she can in her winded state, she runs back into town with her cargo.

2017-03-22, 08:37 AM
Sigrun makes it back into town and the elderly priest smiles as he sees the honey though he frowns when he sees the condition of Sigrun and the pot. He gives a light chuckle and says, "Bees didn't give you too much of the what for did they? Actually, looks like the ground might have got you better?" He takes the honey and quickly transfers it into a two smaller pots. He then goes and gets a funny smelling green salve and puts it on the obvious stings on your hands. "There, that will take some of the sting out of them as it were. Oh, and this gold should make you feel better too. You know, if you wanted to stay around and do some more work that I am too old to handle, I could give you a place to stay and a little bit of coin here in there."

Inside the tavern the tense moments pass agonizingly slow. The sheriff comes and says, "What's the meaning of this?" The noble responds, "Ah, if it isn't the Paragon of Justice, just the man we need in our time of crisis. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Damon Palance here on behalf of my father, Lord David Palance of Seven Oaks. As I arrived in Dalewood, imagine my surprise when I, a member of the royal family and soon to be Lord of the realm, was assaulted by this traitor. Now my question for you good sheriff is, What do you plan on doing about it?"

The sheriff seems taken aback and not quite sure how to respond. "I, well, you see, I... uh... I 've known Granny my whole life, she practically raised me. That just doesn't seem like something she would do. Surely, there has been some kind of mistake."

"Ohh, I can't tell you how relieved I am to know that your future Lord being assaulted was some kind of mistake. Oh, and here I thought we had some kind of problem. You hear that men. There is no problem. Only, there is a problem." Damon walks towards the sheriff. "Apparently, Dalewood is full of traitors to the crown. Those who don't sent the appropriate taxes to their Lord, and don't meet out the appropriate punishment when a High Crime is committed." Damon snaps his fingers and his men quickly move to grab the sheriff. "Everyone outside... NOW!!!"

Once outside Damon yells, "Everyone who can here me, gather around now." He waits several minutes from people from all over to gather around. Once most of the village has gathered he begins again. "For those of you who do not know, I am Lord Damon Palance, your Lord. There are going to be some changes around here as Dalewood appears to have forgotten who is in charge. We will start with the punishments for the most recent crimes. Sheriff, for your crimes of treason, I hereby sentence you to death, to be carried out immediately." The men put the sheriff down on his knees and hold him in place. Lord Palance pulls his sword from his scabbard and unceremoniously decapitates the sheriff in one fell swoop. The crowd takes a step back and gasps, but the Lord isn't done yet. "My lady, for your crimes against the crown, I hereby sentence you to death to be carried out immediately." Just as before, Granny meets the same end and the sheriff. "Also of note, taxes will begin being collected tomorrow. Not paying taxes is the same as treason, in case anyone was wondering." With that the Lord and his men stroll back into Granny's Tap, leaving the two bodies and heads on the ground in the street.

2017-03-22, 09:05 AM
Willow slinks away once the nobleman departs, rushing home to share the account of the events at the inn with her family. Unless she's needed there, she'll continue onwards to her friends, both spreading the news and learning what she can of the lord of Seven Oaks and his family.

[roll0] to gather information.

2017-03-22, 08:56 PM
Cog wretches at the sight of the two decapitations. The fountain of blood that came after was...horrific. "Duewer had always said war was worse than the stories. Guess I'll find out. It's not like I wasn't intended for this." One thing was for certain. The alternative was not an option. "I wonder if there are any other people in this village who would fight...""

Mr. E
2017-03-24, 02:35 AM
"Yeh, the ground really had it in for me." Sigrun replies, looking slightly rueful. I would love to stay and help you out!" Sigrun searches for a compliment to express the gratitude she feels at the priests welcome. I really appreciate the welcome you have given me. I can see why Hienrich liked you.

Sorry about the pot, and thank you for the coin. I can pay for a new one if it was valuable. Shall I go get my stuff and bring it up here?

Sigrun turns away, slightly embarrassed by the sheer amount of money she has received. Then, with an awkward wave to the priest she turns away and heads down to the Granny's Tap. Trying and failing to slip through the edge of the crowd, she catches the words of the baron and sight of the execution of Granny and the sheriff, the sight of which sends her hurtling into the alleyway to join the human in vomiting in the bushes.

2017-03-25, 05:54 AM
It seems that not many people know much about this Lord Damon Palance. Everyone knows that his father is who the sheriff gave the taxes that were collect too, but no one had every seen or heard of any interaction with him, save the now deceased Sheriff. Word gets out quickly about the executions and it is the only thing anyone can talk about.

Willow finds a few people that say they are certain the Lord Palance has a son and are pretty sure his eldest sons name is Damon, but few know much more than that. She spends the rest of the day telling and retelling the story just as she remembers it.

Cog is fairly certain a few people in town will want to fight, but would it be enough to make a difference? Davis, from the farms on the edge of town always seems to be up for a good fight, and Jack Youngblood, the hunter who has been checking on things outside of town for the past few days might be another. But, what chance do you truly stand against at least 8 well armed and equipped fighting men?

Horace shows Sigrun a tiny room to put her items then bids her fair well. Once Horace hears of the deaths, he goes to collect the bodies to clean and prepare for burial.

Right before the close of business, the Lord Palance has sent out runners to everyone in town. All Dalewood residents and passer-throughs are to me outside Granny's at daybreak in the morning. No exceptions.

2017-03-27, 08:15 PM
[So, wouldn't you know I had about 4 paragraphs typed up and went to get food off the grill, and out of habit, closed out of my browser... sigh. So, I had to retype the abridged verson. Oh well.]

As the first rays of sun rise over the trees in the east, most of Dalewood has already been standing outside of Granny's Tap for nearly an hour. There are still traces of the morning fog, not yet burned away by the sun. The mood of the people is somber. The lights from inside the bar turned on around half an hour ago, but so far, no one has made an appearance. As the crowd waits anxiously, no one dares do anything more than whisper in hushed tones. Every person who lives in or around Dalewood is present, even the transients and new arrivals. After a few more seconds the door to Granny's fly's open. The recently arrived Lord Palance walks out of the tavern and onto the front porch, stopping right in front of the steps and looking out upon his people. He is wearing the same armor as yesterday, though it and his clothes have been cleaned and polished. He cuts a regal and impressive, if sinister figure, looking every bit the totalitarian dictator he has so far proven to be. His men fanning out to each side and slightly behind him are also in full, well cleaned armor and seem rather intimidating.

Lord Damon Palance gives a sadistic and amused smile as he speaks to the gathered citizens, "I pray that the morning finds each of you well and in good spirits?" He gives the greeting a moment to sink in before continuing. "I must start by apologizing to each and every one of you, for there has been sad, and certainly unfortunate turn of events that I am directly responsible for. I must say, that I am... I am sincerely sorry." He looks genuinely sincere in his apology. He waits for a moment, pausing for dramatic effect. "No, really, I am. I am so very sorry. I apologize to you, and to you, and to you," he says point at various citizens as he goes, "I apologize that I waited so long to come and put an end to the treachery and conspiracy that has, for far to long, been allowed to brood, seep into, and infect this community. But I am here now, and I will go to great lengths to see that a sense of pride and patriotism and loyalty are returned to Dalewood, whatever the costs." Faint murmurs go throughout the crowd as the Lord speaks.

After a few moments he raises each of his hands up, signaling for silence. "To that end, taxes are to be paid, in full, by the end of the week. There is no great way to demonstrate loyalty and devotion that by paying your tithe. Afterall, none of you would have anything, without the security, prosperity, and guidance of my father. Ten percent of what he blesses you with is very little to ask of everyone. I trust no one will have problems meeting their tax goals, after all, Dalewood has not paid its fair share in many years. Surely everyone intended to pay, and has been saving up to be able to do so. Anything else would be... treasonous. Your tax rate will be determined by your trade. The absolute minimum will be based on an annual income of 75gp per year, so everyone, without exception, will have at least 7 gold and 5 silver ready by the end of the week. If you are a skilled laborer or merchant, I expect double."

There is a dull roar going through the crowd and people are visibly quite shaken. Lord Damon cuts them off, yelling, "Silence! Insolence will not be tolerated. As there is no law enforcement in this town, I will also be acting sheriff until such a time as a qualified and loyal person can be appointed. Now, I hope that after yesterday, everyone understands how serious I am in preserving good order and discipline. I hope that no one else will be found guilty of treason and that any further punishments can be much less severe. Let's work together, in unity, for a better Dalewood for us all. Are there any questions?" He waits on any questions to be asked though many hesitate, having seen or heard of the mans violence first hand.