View Full Version : DM Help What's the correct check for remembering something?

2017-03-05, 03:06 AM
It's probably going to happen in an upcoming session, and it'll be good to know for future reference. If something has happened in a session not too long ago but the player doesn't remember and didn't write it down, what's a good check to take? I'm thinking history, but then again that sounds to me more like textbook history, not memory recall...your thoughts?

2017-03-05, 03:18 AM
Intelligence has recall listed as one of it's things. I would probably go with investigation though, as the character probably remembers some of the info and needs to piece together the rest. Although, if it was something that's only being forgotten due to the difference in play time versus real time, I'd just tell them.

2017-03-05, 03:50 AM
If it's something that a character probably wouldn't forget but the player did, I'd just tell the player using my notes and remind the player to take better notes in the future.

2017-03-05, 03:54 AM
If something has happened in a session not too long ago but the player doesn't remember and didn't write it down, what's a good check to take?

INT is the ability related to memory.

However, if the group could be trusted to stay true to their character's motivations I'd tell the player regardless and have them roll an INT check to see if their character would have acted faithfully to the information they received (that is, if dramatic irony would add to story/character development and not outright ruin the session)

2017-03-05, 04:28 AM
I'd go raw Intelligence, if there's a chance the character could have forgotten. If not, I'd just tell them (though since I mostly do play-by-post, players forgetting things is less of an issue).

2017-03-05, 06:58 AM
Recalling things is Intelligence (arcana), (nature), (religion) or (history) if it's lore from one of those categories. Intelligence otherwise.

Although as others have said, IMO if there's no chance the characters should have problems remembering it, it should be an automatic success. Ie follow the usual DMG guidelines for automatic success/failure or setting the DC based on chance of success from the characters perspective, if that's likely to be different from the players.