View Full Version : Want some feedback on a game I have been running, thanks in advance!

The Fallen Hero
2017-03-05, 03:49 AM
Hello everyone, this is my first time posting here but I've been a long time viewer of the forums and I wanted to ask Gitp's opinion and for some feedback on a current game I have been running for the past 3 years.

So some background, this game is actually a sequel to a previous game I ran about 3 years ago, I let the players know ahead of time this game would be taking place in the same game world 300 years later, and in the southern part of the continent. The world has changed drastically in the last 300 years, Neas the old campaign setting has been destroyed and overrun with Undead due to the awakening of the Traitor King, a powerful Lich who plans to convert the entire world in a land of disease, plague, and death. Correlian Latherian has been restored to life, previously he had been killed by Gruumsh which set up the pact primordial to keep the remaining Gods from slaughtering one and other, and the mercenary company the players use to lead fled south into the desert and built up a solid force to protect the southern half of the continent from being overrun.

With that immediate information out of the way I will welcome you to Galderia, Galderia has a few nations in it which includes the player founded nation.

The Quadari Sultanate(Cosmopolitan led by Grand Sultan Quadar)
Ursgakhad the land of the Khurjee Horde(Cosmopolitan heavily leaning on the monster races led by Grand Khan Moham, and his son Khan Rukt)
The Yongheng Empire(Xenophobic Elves led by Emperor Yongheng the XXV)
The Kingdom of Thelm(Traditional Elves led by King Fallbreeze)
Lightmarch(Halfling established Nation reformed after the Players killed Feerus the Firelord no defined leader)
Helena(Dwarven Kingdom led by two great houses, Steelshadow and Gemheart, players stopped the civil war the two houses waged on each other)
Kingdom of Cornelia(Human established kingdom, Led by High King Cornelia)
Kingdom of Astoria(Player Kingdom)
Kingdom of Tythorne(Human established kingdom, leader just left now led by military high command)
and finally Kingdom of Galderia(Swamp like kingdom led by humans but have no real power over the natives)

Loads and loads of nations! Feel free to ask any questions about them!

Now long ago the Yongheng Empire encompassed all of Galderia and even theorized to cover the entire world. The Elves were told by the dragon gods that they were the protectors of all life and had to watch over the younger races, the Yongheng created eight powerful beings to be used as the defenders of mortals these beings eventually destroyed the Yongheng Empire down to basically what it is now after they created the locate city bomb(essentially fantasy manhattan project). Since then the Yongheng have a strict hierarchy Dragons > Half-Dragons > Dragonborn > Elves > Races that live a long time but not as long as Elves > Everything else, Mages are also prized above all else, Humans for example as mages can at least sorta be accepted but still looked down upon for being filthy humans.

This is really all that needs to be said about that nations relative to important plot background.

So the players have done a ton and by a ton like, they've ended a Civil War, Stopped the Khurjee invasion twice, Liberated the Halfling lands from the Firelord, formed the Alliance(Cornelia, Lightmarch, Helena, Thelm, Tythorne, and Astoria), made their own kingdom, and were also teleported halfway across the world and flew a mythical airship back.

Where things stand now the players are dealing with a ton of threats since they just got back.

One the Khurjee are at the doorstep again and are smashing the hell out of the Alliance's forces on the frontlines in the Kingdom of Tythorne.
Thelm is being thrashed by the Yongheng which is trying to retake them and Cornelian reinforcements were obliterated by High General of the Yongheng.
Cornelia is thinking of abandoning the Elves due to the loss of so many forces.
Elves thinking of backing out of the Alliance.
Helena is being invaded by a strange horde from Galderia.
Local Orc tribes in Cornelia are thrashing the reserve military forming another small horde.
Astoria's army is severally weakened by local attacks and the army being deployed to the frontlines.
The Bad Guy is making his move(will get to that in a sec).
And the Yongheng's ancient defenders have awakened to try and defend the mortals.

So I have to now discuss the Yongheng's ancient defenders beings that will protect the mortals from the end of the world, or wipe them out so they don't kill themselves.

These beings are known as WEAPON(yes from FF7 but differentish concept).

The Eight Weapons are:

Matu'a, WEAPON of Energy
Uoke, WEAPON of Nothingness
Vinapu, WEAPON of Life
Tangata, WEAPON of Death
Tongariki, WEAPON of Strength
Vakai, WEAPON of Defence
Tuko, WEAPON of Preservation
Ohm, WEAPON of Destruction

Feel free to ask questions about them!

WEAPON has awakened due to a relatively small event but they have begun their purge and are planning to try and wipe out most life on the planet. This is all thanks to the big bad, and is enigmatic plan a plan I can obviously reveal to you all now.

We now gotta go back again, back to after the WEAPON purge that brought the Yongheng Empire to what it is now. Galderia(the country) wasn't always Galderia it was once called Varcoth the only established land led by the Humans(Cornelia had not been formed at this point and was mostly warring nations), Varcoth was a beautiful and fertile land a shining example of all that was good in the world until the rise of King Varcoth VI. Varcoth VI was a tyrant he brutally oppressed his people and was unmatched in single combat, and he relished in the visceral slaughter of those that opposed him, he wished to conquer the whole land of Galderia, and to maybe one day become a God King that could never be slain. Sadly for him his only son would be the one to end his rein of terror and oppression, Varcoth's son a Paladin of Pelor stood up to his father with righteous holy power he attempted to slay his own blood but his father proved to powerful and he had to flee. He could not leave his people to his father's brutality so he did what he only thought was right and murdered him in his sleep and this action broke all the codes and vows he took and he fell from grace.

As his powers fade from him, the newly christened Varcoth VII fell into despair, then confusion, then rage! Why had he fallen from grace? He saved his people from oppression by his father and would now lead them fairly and justly, so why were his powers taken from him!? This festered in the back of his mind as he dealt with the challenges of leading a nation, and over time this festering grew to hatred at the church, and at ideals, believing them pointless and useless and to eventually the notion of Good itself. These dark thoughts eventually pushed Varcoth down a dark path, a path that turned him into an oppressor, and eventually into what he sacrificed everything he believed in to destroy, his father.

Varcoth's rule was brutal but short, eventually a Legendary Hero came and brought the dark ruler to his knees, but before he gave the final blow he cast a curse upon Varcoth and then finished him off and thus the end of Varcoth VII was over and the people rejoiced, but was his rule over? Varcoth awoke to the Legendary Hero explaining to him that he would be cursed with immortality to atone for his sins and left him to his devices, Varcoth scoffed at this idea of atoning and went back to his kingdom to once again brutally oppress is people for now he could do so for eternity. Varcoth eventually was slain again during a revolution but he once again rose and in time his people began to call him the Dark God King due to his inability to die and for his belief in a potential budding divinity for himself, but for Varcoth tragedy would soon strike.

He in his eternal youth and life, failed to notice the aging of his wife and sons and in time he saw them waste away into nothingness, and this, this is what broke Varcoth his mind snapped in two realizing he could never be with the people he loved. He could never have friends or have a family for he would just continue to live on well they all wasted away and he could never ever, join them in the afterlife and so he retreated to his private sanctum and began to research death. Well his people took this time to try and strike back at him and take back the land for themselves Varcoth had a different plan, and as they ran into his study and they brutally assaulted him he could but smile, for he cast a powerful spell, a spell that blighted the land and killed so much and turned it into a swampy corrupted jungle, but still Varcoth did not die he kept living.

The Nation of Galderia would be founded that day a land that would be a hope in the dark swamps of the former Varcoth nation. Varcoth himself donned a black cloak and left to begin his plan to attain his one desired wish: To Die. Thousands of years would pass as Varcoth slowly began building up resources for his plan, he acquired the eye of Vecna which gave him the ability to hide from all scrying so that none could see what he would do. He found evidence of WEAPON in the journal entries of the Scholar Nebin, he began practicing numerous dark arts and mastering all forms of magic and martial combat abilities, and found a way to suppress WEAPON from awakening until he needed them to.

Varcoth orchestrated the events of the previous game and the events of the current game all for his own death and with WEAPON now awakened, he hopes that the players will put the final piece into motion by destroying WEAPON. For in his thousands of years of planning Varcoth has found one secret the ancient Yongheng kept long hidden, a 9th WEAPON.

Rumah(The name of the Planet) the FINAL WEAPON.

Rumah's purpose was different then the other WEAPON, it was not meant to destroy or protect, it was meant to absorb all life it can find on the planet and then move it all to a barren world where life can begin anew after it's done absorbing everything Rumah then turns everything left on the planet to dust to ensure threats will not follow it. Varcoth knows that if WEAPON cannot properly defeat a threat or is destroyed Rumah will awaken and save all life, and maybe when all life is absorbed and Rumah turns the planet to dust maybe then, Varcoth can finally die.

So what do you guys think? What kinda feedback can you guys give me? Any other questions you guys have about the settings?