View Full Version : What is your favorite spell?

2017-03-05, 12:08 PM
Mine would be suggestion just becuase it's so versatile with the right wording.

Blink is also pretty fun just because of the randomness.

2017-03-05, 12:31 PM
Spirit Guardians, mostly because it is a spell that really lets you sell a HUGE variety of character concepts based on what you decide the summoned spirits look like. For example, my War Cleric has a greatsword that has been passed down his family line for a thousand years, and he summons the spirits of his greatest ancestors who wielded that blade.

Before 5e came out and I started playing my War Cleric, Dimension Door was easily my favorite. It's not quite as amazing in 5e as it was before since you can only take one creature with you, but once you can cast it twice, you can do crazy infiltration stuff that would be totally impossible otherwise.

It's funny, watching Jessica Jones has sort of lessened how much I like Suggestion. On the other hand, Suggestion means that you might not have to torture people which is nice.("Answer all of our questions as honestly and completely as you can.")

2017-03-05, 12:47 PM
I have so many... Fireball has to be one, because the best CC is getting rid of the C, and Counterspell just to annoy the DM; Disintegrate and Meteor Swarm for pure awesomeness, Forcecage and Reverse Gravity for brokenness, Prismatic Spray for fun, a Gate to the Plane of Fire to literally rain fire for a minute...

Honestly though, and there is no real contender, Wish. Obviously.

2017-03-05, 12:57 PM
I have several favorite spells, so l I'll try to keep this brief:

1) Green-flame blade: I play gishes a lot and so to get a spell that blends weapons and magic was awesome. Wait, I can cast it at-will from 1st level? Hoo, boy that's even better!
2) I'll second spirit guardians its got great fluff and crunch and whenever i cast it, it feels like I'm channeling the power of a god. Like, dude, I can summon ANGELS to my side (or at least echoes of them).
3) Let's talk about hellish rebuke for a second, cuz that's some Ghost Rider style sh!t, right there. Like wow, it's a fun spell to cast :smallbiggrin:
4) Spiritual weapon okay, like I said, I play lots of gishes, this is a good gish spell! :smallsmile:

2017-03-05, 01:08 PM
Well it depends, if it is for effect and not how powerful it is in the rules, Timestop, because it is so fun the power of stopping time and also "ZA WARUDO!"
For the mechanical bonus, Counterspell for low level and Wish once you get 9th lvl slots because they are so good.

2017-03-05, 01:16 PM
I think I might be the only one but, Mold Earth. I love being able to just dig trenches if I want to, or pits, or make the ground flat. The options are endless really, as long as you remain within the parameters of the spell. And that is just the movement part, it can also make colors and difficult terrain. If you have enough time you could not only make a battle trench but difficult terrain to prevent movement past the trench even more so.

2017-03-05, 02:23 PM
This has no effect on combat, but I like Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion. I just like the idea of, after a hard day of whacking beholders and umber hulks, I get to have a grand meal, take a hot bath, and sleep in a warm bed with silk sheets. Not to mention that I have 100 servants that look like whatever I want... so I generally pick scantily clothed elven maidens. No matter what hellish hole we may be in, I still take the comforts of home with me. My character does save his 7th level slot just for this spell.

2017-03-05, 02:29 PM
Hmmm. I think that I'd like bigby's hand better than what I am going to name, but I've never used it, so I'll go with what I have used instead.

I really love wall of stone. It can be used as a utility for building houses, or as a fortification to thwart enemies.

Edit: I completely forgot prestidigitation! It's my favorite spell for sure!

2017-03-05, 02:34 PM
Hmmm. I think that I'd like bigby's hand better than what I am going to name, but I've never used it, so I'll go with what I have used instead.

I really love wall of stone. It can be used as a utility for building houses, or as a fortification to thwart enemies.

Bigby's Hand is great, so versatile. I really want to see someone use the "push" mode on themselves to scoot around the battlefield at ridiculous speeds.

2017-03-05, 02:46 PM
For pure utility, Wall of Force. A 10-ft radius sphere will trap a huge creature, no save. Cast is in round 1, announce "I got mine," then make yourself scarce. It's not very heroic, but you have a Charisma of 8.

2017-03-05, 08:37 PM
Telekinesis. Especially if I'm a sorcerer and can quicken other spells while moving stuff around with it. Oh, is that staff your Arcane focus? Let's have a strength contest, then! Oh, I hope you have good verbal only spells.

Close second: Blindness/deafness, especially when casting at higher spell slots. Use a fifth level spot and blind four guys. Sure, some will save and the effect will wear off for others, but since it's not concentration, you can move on and hit 'me all with another spell. It turns tough battles into laughers.

For combination of flavour and effectiveness: Tasha's hideous laughter. When it works, it is amazing. And funny.

2017-03-05, 08:53 PM
Rope Trick.

Free safe haven/invisibility/short rest? Sign me up!

2017-03-05, 08:55 PM
Fabricate. It is just so much fun to be able to shape whatever I want.

2017-03-05, 10:41 PM
Wall of stone and awaken!

Wall of stone because if he ever get to it, i'm making myself a tower/castle. :smallcool:

Awaken cause i'd abuse it to get cool animal friends and then i'd train them in class levels. "Why yes, it's a lvl 3 fighter dog!"

2017-03-05, 10:51 PM
I absolutely love Bigby's Hand, it's a super versatile spell and it's fun to imagine in general. Suggestion is also wonderful, if it speaks common you can charm it. One spell that I always put on any caster that can use it, though, is Dissonant Whispers. Good damage for a 1st level spell of a rarely-resisted type, and a fantastic rider that your martial buddies will love you for.

2017-03-05, 11:01 PM
Magic Missle & Mage Hand, always kind of a staple of all my casters

2017-03-06, 12:01 AM
Fireball because nothing is ever quite like it. Iconic, classic, just works.

Eldritch blast, not because its strong with AB, i don't even take that on my warlocks. i take repelling blast. The fun i have with blasting things around. Made strahd go out the window once. sure he lived but man it was funny to interrupt the villain i during a monologue by rag-dolling him out the window.

subtle chill touch is fun and creepy.

good ol flesh to stone....

I think my favorite is still Evards black tentacles

Edit: Of all time though.....has got to be Explosive runes. I always prepare explosive runes. i miss them.

2017-03-06, 12:51 AM
Gate is one of my favorites, because of the vast possibilities for what you can call from another plane.

"Say hello to my little friend..."


2017-03-06, 12:53 AM
Magic Missile and Fireball. Though I mostly play D&D-based videogames rather than actual D&D

NVM, didn't see this thread was in the 5e subforum; I haven't actually played any games based on 5e (Though I assume that barring some dramatic advances in videogame scripting and depth evocation would remain just as disproportionately powerful in videogames based on 5e)

Fflewddur Fflam
2017-03-06, 03:57 AM
Suggestion for me. It's the ultimate "bye! see ya!" spell. Even better when it's twinned by a sorcerer. It's fun to tell two Fire Giants to F off.

2017-03-06, 05:45 AM
My favourites have been Gaseous Form and False Life. First for scouting in buildings and second for keeping my warlock up in fights longer than expected.

2017-03-06, 08:00 AM
Prestidigitation! No more laundry! If it was real anyway.

In game shield or misty step are my most commonly used spells. A dead wizard isn't good for much!

2017-03-06, 09:05 AM
Armour of Agathys. Always have enjoyed making "Thorns" style builds in games.

2017-03-06, 09:30 AM
If the DM is good, it's hard to not have a blast with any of the illusion spells.

2017-03-06, 09:41 AM
My favorite? Vicious Mockery! ...Do I really need to say why?

Second favorite? The "I'm a <insert class here>!" cantrips, Prestdigitation, Druidcraft, Thaumaturgy. They're pretty much just for show, but they are just awesome little things that make you feel more like <insert class here>. And best of all, with the way cantrips work these days, you can keep on feeling more like <insert class here>, no preparation or recharging needed!

Let's see... how about a slot spell for third... umm... oh, Knock. I developed a love and fascination of this spell in Neverwinter Nights, and a love of Transmutation magic as well. I always like to keep it on hand, never know when it might be handy, even if it alerts everyone around.

2017-03-06, 10:01 AM
My favorite? Vicious Mockery! ...Do I really need to say why?

Second favorite? The "I'm a <insert class here>!" cantrips, Prestdigitation, Druidcraft, Thaumaturgy. They're pretty much just for show, but they are just awesome little things that make you feel more like <insert class here>. And best of all, with the way cantrips work these days, you can keep on feeling more like <insert class here>, no preparation or recharging needed!

Let's see... how about a slot spell for third... umm... oh, Knock. I developed a love and fascination of this spell in Neverwinter Nights, and a love of Transmutation magic as well. I always like to keep it on hand, never know when it might be handy, even if it alerts everyone around.

Currently playing a life cleric/fey tomelock (fey deity and patron, before anyone asks). Built him for healing and buffing, but more than often find myself viciously mocking our enemies to death (Killcount currently higher than the wizard's, all of that while only trying to give enemies disadvantage). Outside of combat i pretended to be a powerful magic user by making the ground shake, having my eyes glow and my voice boom via thaumaturgy. Good times.

Prince Zahn
2017-03-06, 10:14 AM
Definitely Thaumaturgy. it's an instant Drama button :smallbiggrin:

After that, Telekinesis was always a favorite of mine.

2017-03-06, 12:03 PM
I've had a great time with Command. Non-Concentration to end an enemies turn before it begins and likely stack on an effect like Prone? yes, please!

I even had a great one-time usage of "Report" to force an enemy to tell me about their current objective.

2017-03-06, 12:17 PM
I really like Gaseous Form, myself. It's not, perhaps, the most powerful spell or even the most useful; other spells can do what it does and often do it better (e.g. Fly gives you a much better speed), but it's just so damned cool! Great for infiltrator-types, perfect for escaping a jail cell or inconspicuously gaining entry to open windows in high towers or down chimneys (a flying dude is far more noticeable than a wisp of smoke), hang out in graveyards and give the place that spooky feel, get on-stage disguised as dry-ice, pretend to be a cloud...ah, the possiblities....it's pretty good for just bypassing encounters too; I mean, who, when seeing a load of smoke coming under the door thinks "Quick! Attack the smoke, it must be a dude disguised as...er...smoke"? Gaseous Form yourself and simply drift through the dungeon, unmolested and unimpeded, to the treasure room, dismiss it, grab the loot, GS again and drift out...no mess, no fuss, just a bunch of confused guards/minions, an empty vault and your pockets are full. Yes indeed, Gaseous Form is the chill, cool and groovy way to raid a dungeon, without all that messy killing people and getting your clothes dirty.

2017-03-06, 12:28 PM
My favorite? Vicious Mockery! ...Do I really need to say why?
gotcha loud and clear(ly agreeing)

Second favorite? The "I'm a <insert class here>!" cantrips, Prestdigitation, Druidcraft, Thaumaturgy. They're pretty much just for show, but they are just awesome little things that make you feel more like <insert class here>. And best of all, with the way cantrips work these days, you can keep on feeling more like <insert class here>, no preparation or recharging needed!

Let's see... how about a slot spell for third... umm... oh, Knock. I developed a love and fascination of this spell in Neverwinter Nights, and a love of Transmutation magic as well. I always like to keep it on hand, never know when it might be handy, even if it alerts everyone around.
Well, you know, you spelled Dissonant Whispers and Heat metal Wrong...

...Juuust, picture a Duergar, broiled, roasted and friiiieeed!... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly7PONiKGUs)

2017-03-06, 12:48 PM
Legend Lore. "The DM thinks he can deliver plot exposition in a subtle and gradual fashion? I'll show him!"

Mislead, for the sheer coolness value of reappearing behind someone before skewering him.

Guidance, for the hilarious implication that Clerics and Druids are statistically about 12% better at things than everybody else.

2017-03-06, 03:04 PM
Utility-wise, I'm going to have to go with Shield. I have gotten more use out of that spell than heavy-hitters like Wrathful Smite and Fireball. It is genuinely painful for me to have to use my reaction on Absorb Elements / Warcaster OAs / Song of Defense / Readied Action because I have to fret over being caught with my pants down. The only time I don't feel any regret or worry about using my Reaction for anything other than Shield is with Counterspell.

Flavor-wise, I'm going to have to go with Polymorph. To be honest, I abuse that spell a bit (because your Intelligence hits the pits) but you just get so much out of it. It's a SoD, it's a way to squeeze more utility out of a tagalong, it's an infiltration spell, it's an emergency life-saver for a buddy, it's a way to tag in a melee warrior who's not so great at ranged combat by turning them into a giant ape, oh man. I did not regret spending downtime days to research Giant Ape and T-Rex forms and I'll be adding some more once I build up a decent cushion (don't want to get caught flat-footed for level 10).

I haven't had the chance to play it yet, but I am very heavily looking forward to Simulacrulum. You can use it to make yourself more awesome, but what about just making a copy of the person who isn't doing so well and then ordering them to do everything the original tells them to do? You get just as much use out of the spell without creating jealousy.

2017-03-06, 03:14 PM
Well, you know, you spelled Dissonant Whispers and Heat metal Wrong...

...Juuust, picture a Duergar, broiled, roasted and friiiieeed!... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly7PONiKGUs)

Ooh, Heat Metal is a good one, a really powerful and dangerous spell.

2017-03-06, 03:37 PM
Probably one from either Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Cone of Cold or Flame Strike... there is something about these spells that really screams "Finishing Move".

2017-03-06, 11:22 PM
Spirit Guardians for efficiency and imagery.

My death cleric surrounded by soul sucking banshees.

Or my knowledge cleric having a flock of owls attacking his foes.

This plus Spiritual Weapon is all the DPR the cleric could ask for, so he/she can focus actions on healing, help, dodge or others.

Sariel Vailo
2017-03-07, 10:06 AM
snillocs snowballl swarmoh hey other badguys and i scream snowball fight

2017-03-07, 08:18 PM
Booming Blade is amazing, especially on swashbuckler rogues.

I'm banned from playing this combo at my table now.

2017-03-07, 08:24 PM
Banishment. It's impactful in a way I really value and if you're fighting outsiders it's the last shred of serious rocket tag left in the system.

2017-03-08, 04:15 AM
Banishment. It's impactful in a way I really value and if you're fighting outsiders it's the last shred of serious rocket tag left in the system.

I still don't get why Banishment is so highly regarded. It's Concentration, only lasts up to a minute and doesn't actually solve any problems except where fighting one less guy is of use. You still have to fight the target when the spell expires; that or have to deal with him chasing you and/or warning his other buds. Vs. outsiders, you still have to maintain concentration for it to stick, making it a PitA kill-switch and even then if they're halfway powerful (you know, like most targets of Banishment probably are), it's a safe bet they're going to come looking for the guy that moderately inconvenienced them by sending them home.

On top of that (which is something that's often overlooked I think), the material component is "something distasteful to the target"...for a Vampire or Werewolf or other target vulnerable to a widely known object or substance, this isn't too hard to figure out, but what does a Balor find distastful? A Dragon? How about the BBEG's right hand man spellslinger? Sure you could carry around some generically distasteful things, but what guarantees have you got that it's actually going to work and...well...if it's distasteful to a wide range of targets...do you really want to be lugging it around in a belt pouch "just in case"? Yes, you can get around it by using a spellcasting focus, but it's an interesting conundrum for those spellslingers that don't use one.

2017-03-08, 04:24 AM
Hold Person

2017-03-08, 04:34 AM
I still don't get why Banishment is so highly regarded. It's Concentration, only lasts up to a minute and doesn't actually solve any problems except where fighting one less guy is of use. You still have to fight the target when the spell expires; that or have to deal with him chasing you and/or warning his other buds. Vs. outsiders, you still have to maintain concentration for it to stick, making it a PitA kill-switch and even then if they're halfway powerful (you know, like most targets of Banishment probably are), it's a safe bet they're going to come looking for the guy that moderately inconvenienced them by sending them home.

On top of that (which is something that's often overlooked I think), the material component is "something distasteful to the target"...for a Vampire or Werewolf or other target vulnerable to a widely known object or substance, this isn't too hard to figure out, but what does a Balor find distastful? A Dragon? How about the BBEG's right hand man spellslinger? Sure you could carry around some generically distasteful things, but what guarantees have you got that itcs actually going to work and...well...if it's distasteful to a wide range of targets...do you really want to be lugging it around in a belt pouch "just in case"? Yes, you can get around it by using a spellcasting focus, but it's an interesting conundrum for those spellslingers that don't use one.

For Banishment, there are a few reasons that it sticks out. First, it is a Charisma saving throw, which is a great boon since many enemies worth using it on have Wisdom save proficiency since that is the most common. There is no repeat saving throw, so unless someone is breaking the concentration it becomes a hard control. It also either fully banishes an extra-dimensional target, or it leaves them incapacitated and so unable to even Ready an action for when it comes back. Effectively, you can use it to perform a barrage of Readied actions while the target cannot respond. Just have everyone Ready until you bring them back, wait till the target's initiative count is passed, unleash hell when you drop concentration, then everyone gets their regular options on their turns.

As for the material component, either it is unnecessary (focus) or you presumably have a variety of items that are hated by different entities.

Dr. Cliché
2017-03-08, 05:05 AM
On top of that (which is something that's often overlooked I think), the material component is "something distasteful to the target"...for a Vampire or Werewolf or other target vulnerable to a widely known object or substance, this isn't too hard to figure out, but what does a Balor find distastful? A Dragon? How about the BBEG's right hand man spellslinger? Sure you could carry around some generically distasteful things, but what guarantees have you got that it's actually going to work and...well...if it's distasteful to a wide range of targets...do you really want to be lugging it around in a belt pouch "just in case"? Yes, you can get around it by using a spellcasting focus, but it's an interesting conundrum for those spellslingers that don't use one.

Now I have an image of a mage fighting an unusual creature and desperately trying to find something it finds distasteful.

"Rats? They're delicious!"
"Silver? Are you bribing me to lose?"
"I don't even know what that is."
"Hmm, I'd call that mildly objectionable."
"That one's displeasing at best."
"No, disagreeable isn't 'close enough'. Come on, you must have something better in there."
"Is that a baby's head? Hey, did you guys know that your friend here is carrying around the actual severed head of a baby?"

2017-03-08, 05:31 AM
Now I have an image of a mage fighting an unusual creature and desperately trying to find something it finds distasteful.

"Rats? They're delicious!"
"Silver? Are you bribing me to lose?"
"I don't even know what that is."
"Hmm, I'd call that mildly objectionable."
"That one's displeasing at best."
"No, disagreeable isn't 'close enough'. Come on, you must have something better in there."
"Is that a baby's head? Hey, did you guys know that your friend here is carrying around the actual severed head of a baby?"

I guess it pays to do your research first! :smallbiggrin: