View Full Version : Rules Q&A Lightning Lure + Curse of the Sea

2017-03-05, 06:27 PM
So, I had an idea about using Lightning Lure with Curse of the Sea's forced movement increase.

Now, usually this would not work very well as pulling a creature that is 15 feet away 25 feet directly toward you would cause it to pass into your space.

I am curious though, if you guys feel, either by RAW or just gut feeling, that the caster could use any of its available movement to move with the target of Lightning Lure while the spell is resolving to get the most out of the forced movement. It would work similarly to pulling the target along as if lead by a leash.

I am going to run the idea by my DM, but I would like to see what the community thinks or if the rules support such a tactic so I can be prepared when discussing with my DM.

2017-03-06, 10:21 AM
Since the section about moving between attacks doesn't mention spells, only "an action that includes more than one weapon attack", I don't think RAW would allow you to move in the middle of a spell's resolution.

The maneuver you're suggesting is cool, and doesn't seem particularly strong, so I'd allow it in my games.