View Full Version : Rules Q&A Shield Master shove and Mounted Combat and Find Steed

2017-03-06, 01:13 PM
So how does Shield Master's shove bonus action work while mounted? I imagine the character shove with the shield, turn the mount and attack with weapon. Does it make sense to get advantage against a prone opponent when trying to hit the opponent with a longsword from horseback? I think it would work, what do you think?

Also, how does movement work with Find Steed mount? It says it's an intelligent mount, so according to the mounted combat rules it has it's own will and thus it's own initiative and it's own attack. Find Steed also says the mount and rider works as a seamless unit. Does this mean the seamless unit has 30ft move during the PC's turn and 60ft during the mount's turn? Assuming the mount is a warhorse.