View Full Version : DM Help Application to help DM's (Ideas for it)

2017-03-06, 01:23 PM
Hi folks I recently made a little tool that when run opens up a GUI that has three buttons, one of these buttons is Crit chart and when clicked rolls a random number from the list of Possibilities in a text document and displays it. I am very new to DM'ing and I was wondering what other kinds of functions could be automated and that you would find useful in an application.

2017-03-06, 01:33 PM
The big one is initiative. I made an macro Excel sheet that tracks initiative around 6 months ago and it has improved the speed of combat a fair bit. It also automates the rolling of initiative. I've also made a macro that rolls for random encounters w/ starting attitude based on terrain. Random weather based on terrain/climate would be good too. Rolling for treasure might be neat, based on encounter CR, but I don't know how many DMs do that often.

2017-03-06, 01:50 PM
I think XP by CR and PCs levels will be good.
some random effects (for example a miss with a splash weapon will make you roll 1d8 in order to know where did it hit).