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View Full Version : Pathfinder [Wizard Archetype] Child Necromancer

2017-03-06, 11:01 PM
Not sure how balanced this is, so any/all help on that front would be appreciated!

Child Necromancer


Child Necromancer

Your fascination with Necromancy and undeath started at a very early age. As a result the negative energies that you played with as a small child have warped you at a fundamental level, leaving you forever trapped in a child's body regardless of your age. Your size is small, if it is not already. Additionally, you gain a -4 size penalty to strength and a -2 size penalty to constitution, but also a +2 size bonus to dexterity. Additionally, you no longer show the physical signs of ageing and retain your youthful looks into venerable age. (You still gain the bonuses and penalties for ageing, and otherwise age as normal for a member of your race.) Also, due to your time spent in a body too small and weak for your age, you have learned how to wield your necrotic magics with agility rather than force; you gain the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat for all melee touch attacks you make for Necromancy spells and Necromancy school specialization features.

Obsession with Undeath

Your obsession with necromancy is so all-consuming that it leads you to hyper-specalize, focusing on the black arts above all other forms of magic. When you choose your school specialization at 1st level you must choose the Necromancy school. Additionally, when you gain your school specialization you must choose one additional opposition school. However, due to your utter obsession with necromancy you gain access to necromantic magics at a faster rate than other wizards, and also learn the typically divine art of desecrating areas to empower undead. For you, the spells Lesser Animate Dead and Animate Dead are moved down one spell level on the Wizard spell list. (So, for example, Lesser Animate Dead would be a 2nd level spell for you, while Animate Dead would be a 3rd level one.) Additionally, you add the spell Desecrate to the Wizard spell list as a 2nd level Necromancy spell. (So instead of being an evocation [evil] spell, for you it is a necromancy [evil] spell.)

This feature alters the Wizard's School Specialization feature and spellcasting.

Unchained Channeling

Due to the early start you had studying negative energies you can weild them in more ways than a standard necromancer. You no longer have any restrictions on the Channel Negative Energy feature you gain from your Power Over Undead feature. Thus, you can use your channel negative energy to heal undead or harm living creatures as an evil cleric of your wizard level could. You can take any channeling feat, even those normally not allowed under the rules of your power over undead feature, as long as those feats do not have worshiping a deity as a requirement. However, due to your channeling coming from your scholarly understanding of negative energies and not s direct line to a deity, you cannot alter your channel energy with variant channeling effects. Additionally, you reduce the number of times you can channel negative energy each day to 1+ your Intelligence modifier.

This feature replaces the Grave Touch feature of the necromancy arcane school and alters the Power Over Undead feature of the necromancy Arcane school.

Undead Companion (Su)

Whether through an occult ritual or some other long-forgotten arte, you animated your first undead early in life. That undead now follows you as a loyal companion and serves you till the day it is destroyed. Your undead companion is typically a wolf skeleton or a zombie troglodyte. With your GM's permission you can gain the services of a different skeleton or zombie creature with a total, post- template CR of 1 or lower.

Your Undead companion gains new abilities as you gain levels. An Undead Companion's abilities depend on your total level in the wizard class. This Undead Companion is a creature you animated when you where very young. It obeys your commands without fail, and even takes suicidal actions. If destroyed, you can animate a new undead companion via the same ritual (No gold or other components required), though it takes 24 hours to fully rise as an undead creature. You can also choose to dismiss this companion to raise a new one. In this case, you still conduct the ritual and wait 24 hours for it to rise as an undead.

You can choose to gain the services of a more powerful Undead Companion at higher levels. Subtract the level modifier listed for companion from your wizard level to determine the abilities and bonuses it gains. For example, as an 11th-level wizard with a ghast companion, that companion would gain its benefits as if you where a 2nd-level wizard.

This feature replaces the Arcane Bond feature of the Wizard class.

Undead Companions

A Child Necromancer's undead companion is superior to a normal undead creature of its kind and has special powers, as described below.

Wizard LevelBonus HDStr/Dex BonusSpecial

1-4+0+0Turn Resistance +4

5-8+2+2Vile Might

9-12+4+4Sacrificial Corpse

13-16+6+6Vile Link

17-20+8+8Relentless Minion

Undead Companion Basics: Use the base statistics for a creature of the companion's kind, as given in the appropriate bestiary, but make the following changes.

Bonus Hit Dice: The undead companion gains the listed bonus hit dice. Advance its saving throws, base attack bonus, and so forth as per the Monster Manual It does not increase in size due to these bonus HD.

Str/Dex Bonus: The undead companion gains the listed bonus to both its Strength and Dexterity scores.

Special Abilities: As you gain gains levels, your undead companion gains a number of special abilities.

Turn Resistance +4 (Ex): Your undead companion gains this turn resistance in addition to any turn resistance it normally gains.

Vile Might (Su): Once per day as a standard action, you can channel negative energy into your companion to allow it to fight with increased vigor. You must touch the companion and spend 2 use of your channel negative energy to imbue it with this power. The companion gains a +4 bonus to Strength and a +2 bonus on all saves for a number of rounds equal to your Channel Energy die. If the companion is a zombie, it loses the single actions only drawback for the duration of this ability.

Sacrificial Corpse (Ex): You may cannibalize pieces from your companion to fuel the creation of greater horrors. You can destroy your companion as a part of the casting of Animate Dead or a similar spell to reduce the cost of the onyx required to cast that spell by 100 GP per HD of the companion.

Vile Link (Sp): Once per day, your companion can cast Shield Other as a spell-like ability, but may only target you.

Relentless Minion: Your companion gains fast healing 3.

Alternate Undead Companions

As explained earlier in this feature entry, if you are sufficiently high level you can select your undead minion from one of the following lists, applying the indicated adjustment to your level (in parentheses) for purposes of determining the companion's characteristics and special abilities.

4th Level or Higher (Level -3)

Bugbear zombie
Owlbear skeleton

7th Level or Higher (Level -6)

Chimera skeleton
Minotaur zombie
Ogre zombie
Wyvern zombie

10th Level or Higher (Level -9)

Ettin skeleton
Gray render zombie

13th Level or Higher (Level -12)

Cloud giant skeleton

Consume Essence (Su)

At 10th level, your focused study of Necromancy allows you to draw temporary sustenance from undead you control. Once per round as a free action, you can can draw energy from a single undead creature you control within 60ft of you. When you do this, you reduce the undead creature to a pile of dust and gains 2 temporary hit points per Hit Die of the undead creature. These temporary hit points fade after 1 hour. An undead creature with an Intelligence score can make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your wizard level + your charisma modifier) to avoid destruction. If the save succeeds, you gain no temporary hit points, the undead creature survives and it is freed from your control. You may still attempt to re-assert control of it with your Command Undead feat as normal.

This feature replaces the 10th level bonus feat of the Wizard class.

New Feats

In addition to this new wizard archetype, I decided to create several new feats, dedicated to the dark art of Necromancy. I am not sure how balanced these are, so please, if anybody has any comments on their balance, share them!

Augmented Undead

Prerequisites: Spell Focus (Necromancy), ability to cast either Lesser Animate Dead or Animate Dead
Benefit: Undead you raise or create with Necromancy spells (Such as Lesser Animate Dead or Animate Dead.) gain +2 hit points per-hit die they possess and a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength or Dexterity, chosen when you cast the spell and not subject to change afterwards.

Zone of Animation

Prerequisites: Spell Focus (Necromancy), ability to cast Animate Dead.
Benefit: You can animate the corpses of the dead without touching them. When you cast Animate Dead, it’s range increases from touch to a spread with a radius of 25ft + 5ft/2 caster levels you possess. You do not need to touch the corpses in this area of effect for them to be reanimated as undead, but must still place the required black onyx in those corpses/bone piles prior to casting the spell as normal.

Exploding Undead

Prerequisites: Spell Focus (Necromancy), ability to cast Lesser Animate Dead or Animate Dead.
BenefitsEach undead you raise or create with any necromancy spell (Such as Lesser Animate Dead orAnimate Dead.) releases a burst of negative energy upon its destruction, dealing 1d6 points of damage plus an additional 1d6 points per 2 Hit Dice to every creature within a 10-foot spread (Reflex DC 15 half). This damage comes from negative energy, and it therefore heals undead creatures.

If anybody has any balance suggestions for this, or if it looks fine already, please post here and comment!

2017-03-17, 03:38 PM
I'm confused about the Vile Might ability. It seems to run off of the Channel Energy ability, but the Wizard doesn't get a Channel Energy ability. Is this variant supposed to grant it? Is the Vile Might ability the one that grants Channel Energy? And, if so, how do you determine the dice, as that determines the number of rounds the bonus is in effect?

2017-03-19, 08:57 AM
The wizard school of necromancy gets channel energy as a school feature but only to use command undead. Vile might spends a use of that feature. Sorry about the bad grammar/wording oversight I should make that more clear.