View Full Version : DM Help Eberron Encounter: The Shadow

2017-03-07, 04:02 AM
So... I'm running an Eberron game where some players may well run into a figure much like The Shadow pretty soon (based on some things I've heard about a cancelled character from the setting who's modeled after classic Pulp Heroes. "No evil escapes the eyes of... The Beholder!" *Thunderclap* *Canned Scream*). I'm not expecting this to break out into a fight with the players... but The Beholder *is* a wanted criminal and one of the players *is* a Paladin, and even if he's a reasonable Paladin who knows that lawful good doesn't mean attacking everyone wanted by the law on sight I figure it's good to be prepared.

I've got a few ideas (probably Kalashtar, for starters) but was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on what would make a good expy of The Shadow. The ability to Cloud Men's Minds is a must, of course, and psionic powers feel like the way to go. Also, almost more importantly: how would you go about portraying this figure out of combat to make it obviously different? So far my notes include a sort of "My eyes slide right off of her" feeling, possibly with (non-mechanical) sensations of dizziness or headaches if she's directly stared at for too long. The Shadow's network of helpers comes into play every once in a while, so having meeting places where such helpers are about feels... possibly evocative, though I admit my knowledge of The Shadow starts to get hazy shortly after this. A meeting in a carriage with someone the players can't really look at while a jaded coachman just focuses on the route being taken while offering snide comments is my starting point. Might be my ending point, too, but I'm not sure. Thoughts?

2017-03-07, 04:05 AM
Uhm, you are Aware that there is a deity called The Shadow in Eberron?

Maybe choose a different name to avoid confusion.

2017-03-07, 04:07 AM
Uhm, you are Aware that there is a deity called The Shadow in Eberron?

Maybe choose a different name to avoid confusion.

The name I'm going with is The Beholder, not The Shadow. The Shadow is a figure from the era of pulp fiction magazines and radio adventure stories. I'm just using The Shadow as the model for what I want The Beholder to wind up looking and acting like when the players encounter her. Sort of like saying "How should I build a character based on Batman?" except I don't really want Batman, I want Batman's inspiration.

2017-03-07, 12:52 PM
The name I'm going with is The Beholder, not The Shadow. The Shadow is a figure from the era of pulp fiction magazines and radio adventure stories. I'm just using The Shadow as the model for what I want The Beholder to wind up looking and acting like when the players encounter her. Sort of like saying "How should I build a character based on Batman?" except I don't really want Batman, I want Batman's inspiration.

Which is amusing because in his very earliest days, Batman was just a ripoff of the Shadow.

Since it's just an npc, you might look at complete psionic's ebon saint. it does all the stuff you describe. you can turn invisible, cloud minds, and punch people in the face so hard they forget you were there. lamont would be proud

2017-03-07, 01:43 PM
Psychic Rogue (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723b) into Ebon Saint (Complete Psionic p. 22) and/or Shadowmind (Complete Adventurer p. 74) might work.

Here's a handbook for Psychic Rogues: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?234327-3-5-Thinking-on-your-Feet-The-Psychic-Rogue-Handbook

2017-03-07, 01:48 PM
Psychic Rogue (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723b) into Ebon Saint (Complete Psionic p. 22) and/or Shadowmind (Complete Adventurer p. 74) might work.

Here's a handbook for Psychic Rogues: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?234327-3-5-Thinking-on-your-Feet-The-Psychic-Rogue-Handbook

good call on psychic rogue. here's a great ebon saint build (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=20312755&postcount=125) from iron chef last year.

2017-03-08, 03:14 PM
Ah! Yes, psychic rogue might work nicely.

And, yeah, the early days of Batman were kind of a different era. It wasn't until later that his unwillingness to ever use guns started creeping in. I was happy when First Wave sort of brought back the "reckless pulp hero in a bat suit" version of the character.