View Full Version : Left Your Item At A Place But Got It Back

2017-03-07, 09:28 AM
Hey you ever left an item at a place but got it back? For example this morning, I went to get the deli store to get two bananas and a coffee. I took out two different wallets. One wallet was red that got all my important cards in it such as Metrocard, Npn-Driver ID card, Social Security Card, Medicaid card and other cards. And the second wallet was black which got all my money in it. I paid the two bananas and coffee. I thought that I got my two wallets unaware that I got one black wallet and I leave the deli store to go to work. Suddenly one of the employee told me that I left something over at the store. So I went back to the store and the cashier give me my red wallet. I didn't know that I left my red wallet over there. I was so happy got my red wallet and left the store. :smile:

2017-03-12, 01:19 PM
Just moved to a new state, was trying to make some purchases at a supermarket and realized I lost my wallet. Had all my ID in it, which was pretty important since I needed ID to apply all the stuff you usually have to apply for when moving to a new state. I knew I had it in the car before I came into the supermarket, so it could be... anywhere in the place (i had wandered everywhere) or somewhere in the vast parking lot.

Cashier happened to be a store manager - he called over two or three other employees and they started immediately helping me backtrack and look for the damn thing. Took 20 minutes but we finally found it in the parking lot.

Thanks Fred Meyer Grocery, thanks Portland, OR!

2017-03-14, 03:09 AM
Left your wallets hah!, that's nothing compared the the earth shattering crisis I had a number of years ago when I thought I had lost something by far more valuable that a mere wallet no matter how many or what type of cards and or other bits and bobs it contains.

My then group were going to be playing Vampire the Masquerade after work, so very much looking forward to it as at that time this game had not yet started to spiral out of control... never mind long story short, on the bus to work I had put a shopping bag with my special Ankh dice in a coffin (D10's just what Vampire needs) and all my other dice boxes, between myself and my laptop bag so they would not accidentally fall on the floor along one of the bends in the road or in a roundabout.

Anyway at the IBM stop naturally I just got up and got off the bus and then 20 meters or so later and the bus way down the road, I realized to my mounting horror that I'm missing something, why is my hands only grasping empty air?.... my god have you ever had that sinking feeling, that feeling of utter dread that makes you go cold as liquid nitrogen all over, when you realize your favorite dice may just be gone for ever? What if someone nick's them or if the bus driver god forbid were to throw them away....

Heart racing I made it into the office and onto the bus company's page, there better be a lost and found or something... thank goodness there's a lost property form, type type, fill-in, add details... wait, wait, wait, too much waiting, agony oh utter agony waiting.

What's this a reply... my dice has been located and will be on the next bus coming by, run out to the bus stop ah there's the bus, same driver good, oh thank you thank you thank you, my dice are finally back where they belong, I solemnly promise I shall never leave you ever again.

Thank you McGills for returning my precious to me.

2017-03-14, 08:59 PM
Once I dropped a 20 dollar bill on the street, went back for it a few hours later and it was still there

Prince Zahn
2017-03-15, 01:05 AM
In my youth, I was infamous in my family for losing things - keys, money, toys, even the coat on my back.

Usually what I'd lost I wouldn't find again, but in my hometown I'd still be able to find some of these things.

It sometimes would happen in my hometown that I would drop my wallet without noticing it, and someone followed me for up to 3 blocks (!!) to give it back to me.

Nowadays I'm a lot more careful than I used to be, as I don't want to have depend on the kindness in people forever.

2017-03-15, 01:31 PM
I remember when me and my family were on vacation I think I was around 10 or 8 maybe? I had a Gameboy advanced SP and I think a Nintendo DSI. I had a huge pack of games probably 200$ worth. We went to a restaurant and I left my games at said restaurant, we were on the inner state and we drove back but the decided "Hey lets put these games in the safe!" and when we got back the manager was gone and we couldn't sit around for the next day for the manager to comeback sadly...

I know you said to mention stories about when you got the item back but I wanted to share my story, if you want I can delete this.

2017-03-15, 02:36 PM
I remember when me and my family were on vacation I think I was around 10 or 8 maybe? I had a Gameboy advanced SP and I think a Nintendo DSI. I had a huge pack of games probably 200$ worth. We went to a restaurant and I left my games at said restaurant, we were on the inner state and we drove back but the decided "Hey lets put these games in the safe!" and when we got back the manager was gone and we couldn't sit around for the next day for the manager to comeback sadly...

I know you said to mention stories about when you got the item back but I wanted to share my story, if you want I can delete this.

No don't deleted it. I'm glad that I'm not alone on this topic. :smile:

2017-03-16, 08:48 AM
No don't deleted it. I'm glad that I'm not alone on this topic. :smile:

I do remember I have almost left my phone and a wallet with 100$ in it one time at a restaurant and a waitress chased us down in the parking lot to give me my items back. Love when people do this instead of just throwing it into lost and found.

2017-03-16, 11:15 AM
I think it's happened a couple of times but the one that sticks with me is my wallet when I was about 18. I went with some friends to see a play and when I got home I realised I didn't have my wallet with me. I called the theatre and asked them if anything had been handed in; they said no. I gave them my seat number and they said they'd check, came back a few minutes later and said there was nothing there.

I was about ready at that point to write the wallet off, which would have been even more of a problem than usual since my provisional driving licence was in there and I was due to take my test within a couple of weeks, so I had no chance of getting a new licence issued in time. I did make enquiries with the DVLA and they said they could issue an "emergency licence" but that was going to cost.

But as it happened, I had tickets for the same theatre to see a different play the next evening*. So I thought there was still a very slender chance that all was not lost. During the interval, I went down to my seat from the previous night and, more out of hope than anything, checked down the side. My wallet was jammed in between the seats, everything still there.

I'm not entirely sure how the staff missed it when they "checked" the previous evening, but I was just relieved to have it back.

*The plays in question were Henry IV parts 1 and 2, performed on consecutive nights.

2017-03-16, 12:40 PM
Left a cell phone charger in a hotel room while traveling for work. Came back to that hotel three weeks later for the same job (dumb luck, only repeat hotel all year) and it was still there. Good luck.