View Full Version : DM Help Altering the factions.

2017-03-07, 12:28 PM
In my game, I have 5 characters, 2 of which chose to align with the Zhents and are at rank 3 in the faction. The rest of the players are not affiliated with any faction, currently, but do show loyalty to the Zhent characters.

My idea is this: Pit the Zhent characters against the Lords' Alliance in such a way that the Zhents are, in fact, the good guys. The Lords' Alliance has grown in power in the North, and has become more focused on preserving and expanding that power, keeping their own positions and privilege, than they are on helping the people under their rule. The Zhents have taken up the mantle of the common man, to help all that ally with them throw off the oppression of the Lord's Alliance. They seek to put citizens in positions and jobs that compliment their natural gifts and talents, in a way that the citizen, the populace as a whole, and the Zhentarim can succeed and grow. When they come into a town, they work to organize the guilds, unite the workers and commoners, in efforts to improve the lives of everyone, not just the nobility. They believe in rank based on merit, not birthright. The Lords' Alliance sees this as a threat to their power structure, which is firmly based in feudalism and rigid social structure.

There doesn't seem to be much need for alteration on the leadership of the Lords' Alliance, other than their alignment. They Leaders of the different towns and states are already behaving in a way consistent with my ideas, so it's easy to paint this picture.

The Zhents however, I haven't been able to find any leadership structure for them. I have a nice list of all the major Lords in the Alliance, but not much since Fzoul, Manshoon, and the Darkhopes. Who are the leaders as of about 1480DR? In 'A Great Upheaval' (Storm King's Thunder) I notice that the Zhentarim spy in the town in named Kella Darkhope, so I am taking that to mean she is descendant of that Darkhope family, working her way into the ranks as a low level spy. Halia Thornton, the Zhent contact in Phandalin (starter set) is the direct patron for the 2 characters in this game, and how they were introduced.

Order of the Gauntlet, Emerald Enclave, and the Harpers will likely not pay much part in my game going forward, though could come in as allies or opponents if the need arises. I'm taking the idea that among humanoids, evil is subjective. Short of abyssal, infernal, or other outside influence, most evil is just selfishness with different point of view. Goblins can be redeemed, Ogres can be reasoned with, and short of actual outsiders or creatures created and/or touched by outsiders (like Gnolls) evil and good are subjective in most cases. This is how this conflict will flourish. Both the people in the Lords' Alliance (and their supporters) and the Zhents feel like they are doing the good and just thing.

Any advice os figuring out the leadership structure for the Zhents, or should it stay a system of slinger cells operating in concert, without core leadership?

2017-03-07, 03:30 PM
and I just found the section on Darkhold in the SCAG that talks about Pereghost and the leadership in Darkhold. I think I can make this work.

2017-03-07, 08:10 PM
I would make it so there is no 'hero' in this choice. The Lord's Alliance wants its power, the Zhentarim wants its own. One through more tyrannical means, another through criminal underworlds and less then legal business otherwise.

It would be up to the players to choose a lesser evil, deciding whether public order is more important then general freedoms, with consequences for those caught in the middle either way.

That in my experience, makes for a better story then illegal rebels vs rich noble p*icks.

That's just my suggestion. Yours sounds fairly engaging for the players. if that's the route you take, I'd try to add some influences from the Order of the Gauntlet and Harpers, who would probably be involved in this situation, the Harpers especially.

2017-03-07, 08:42 PM
Funny tyranny used to be a major part of the Zhents though of course THEIR tyranny.

2017-03-07, 10:01 PM
That's kind of the point. The Zhents were reorganized to begin operating as an open mercenary and trading company. it's in SCAG.

2017-03-07, 10:51 PM
That's kind of the point. The Zhents were reorganized to begin operating as an open mercenary and trading company. it's in SCAG.
That's not what I got out of SCAG about the Zhents. The Faction Agent description sounds like they're still a criminal organization, although the the Darkhold description does make it sound they're also fronting mercenary aspects. Albeit one concerned about its image among the common folk. That certainly doesn't imply they've gone good. Rather, the opposite. Especially with the Faction Agents reference to working in secret, and Deception being the appropriate background skill for a Zhent Faction Agent. And the evasiveness and secretiveness towards the visitor. It reads to me like they're fronting an image of a changed group to the world. Which is very in character for the Zhents. Alternatively, the reference to 'family' gives the impression they may have reorganized along more mob-like lines ... which still might make them an appropriate non-villain group for non-heroic-style PCs to align with.

Not to say you shouldn't do what you like. Your game.

Edit: also Manxam was a powerful Zhentarim Beholder of the old guard who was in Darkhold for some time. Which pretty much goes hand-in-hand with my theory that the New and Improved Zhentarim is still the old Zhentarim, just with a shiny new face.

2017-03-08, 03:19 PM
I can work with that. Nothing twists the good (or at least not evil) characters like finding out they've been working for the bad guys all along. The stories are all about the point of view.