View Full Version : Novices of the White Tower IC - Part 1

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2017-03-07, 02:01 PM
The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Mountains of Mist. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.

The year is 980 NE, and the nations of the westlands are just recovering from the bitter war they fought a few years ago against the Aiel. Tensions between neighbours rise once again and the alliances of the Great Coalition begin to fail.

In Tar Valon, Sierin Vayu is the Amyrlin Seat, once a sister of the Grey Ajah, now she wears the seven coloured stole. Hers has been a harsh rule, but a fair one, though some whisper at the number of Reds she has surrounded herself with. In her most recent decree she has even banned male servants from the Tower, such is her fervour.

Yet these are not concerns for Novices, nor others training in the Tower, who are more concerned with the gaiety that has come to the White Tower: it is nearly Springfest! The city itself is decked out in colour and the cityfolk are preparing for the festivities. The novices are outside watching the preparations having been freed from their lessons early. The trainees too are enjoying some hard earned time off, perhaps because their masters know they will get little out of them with their minds on the festivities to come.

It is in such times that a lone Aes Sedai returns to the tower. She sits astride a beautiful white mare and has the ageless face that marks her as a servant of all. Dismounting leisurely and spying the novices she signals for the group of girls to come over. She also beckons to a pair of trainees who are separate from the rest.

"Girls, my belongings are being kept at the Blue Cat in the city. I'm told that for some reason there are no porters to collect them so I must ask you to please fetch them and see them brought to my rooms. Trainees, please make yourselves useful and help these novices, I believe they'd appreciate it."

"I am Elinar Sedai, and you'll find my rooms in the Red Ajah quarters."

An Amy
2017-03-07, 03:41 PM

It's a rather exciting time with all the festivities. Being let out of the tower is also great. At least being allowed to leave without being questioned on where she was going and to what task she was put and by whom she was put to task. The sisters loved playing ten questions. Except instead of play they just questioned. And instead of loving it, they seemed to be annoyed by the answers regardless of them. Oh, she loves the browns and the way they seem to marvel at things and just have generally good attitudes. Plenty of other sisters seem so important. But they truly are important. They are Aes Sedai, after all. And she aims to wear one of those colored shawls one day. If she can... ever get over this thing they call a block. Why is everyone so up at her about it? And why is it... shameful? She can out channel half the novices, when she can that is, and yet she's made to be felt somehow inferior in everything.

Her elbows are still sore from cleaning that oven.

"Yes, Elinar Sedai," she says reflexively with a curtsy after being called over and given rather brief commands. She's never met Elinar Sedai before. Where did she come from? But a red. Too bad that. Lil' already has a well-developed uneasiness from reds.

She waits for the Aes Sedai to be on her way before looking around and just then noticing with whom she's been set to task.

2017-03-07, 04:45 PM

"Yes, Elinar Sedai", a dark-skinned novice so thin that, if not for a dress, she would easily be mistaken for an undernourished boy replies, looking downward - both to indicate respect and to hide a frown. Nesta, too, doesn't like Reds much - even though she can hardly say which Ajah she prefers (Yellow, maybe? At least it seems she does have some talent with healing...). But, of course, that's not a reason to argue - even if, as a novice, she could ever argue the full Sister in the first place.

Then again, at least there's one reason for her to like the assignment - at least, it's something for her to do. For, unlike most, she isn't that enthusiastic about the Springfest. Regular days in the Tower might be hard, but they are at least familiar - or, at least, unfamiliar in a familiar way. And, at the very least, too busy to really think about it. Holidays, however, just make her miss home all the more...

But enough thinking about it; surely Elinar Sedai won't be pleased if they take too long fulfilling her task...

2017-03-07, 06:03 PM
Ah, springtime! Nicaene gratefully took in a deep breath of fresh air. Much as she enjoyed training, it was nice to let her hair down sometimes. It also gave her a chance to get away from her fellow trainees. She did her best to ignore their unwelcome stares as she walked. Given the choice, she'd much rather hang around the novices. The aspiring Warder stared wistfully over at the girls in their pure white dresses. Perhaps some day, one of them would claim her bond. If only she had a legitimate reason to stay beside them.

Just as that wish crossed her mind, the Wheel granted it. An Aes Sedai was beckoning to her! Nicaene smiled as she rushed towards the woman: A smile that diminished slightly when she saw Taryn Locke coming along too. That boy had been sour to her since the day they'd met. Ah well. There were plenty of sisters around to keep him in his place.

The newly arrived Nicaene bowed respectfully to Elinar Sedai. She was most grateful for the opportunity to be useful.

"At once, Elinar Sedai. I'll carry any luggage that the novices can't handle."

Judging by past experience, that'd be most of it. Aes Sedai weren't exactly known for their titanic strength.

2017-03-07, 08:27 PM
Once, when he was younger, Taryn might have been overjoyed to be free from studies. Now, he found it more a disappointment than a blessing. True, it left him plenty of attention to spare for the beautiful weather, but the fact was, there wasn't much to do at the Tower besides train. Taryn tried to relax and enjoy his freedom as he walked the grounds, but every time he let his mind wander, it went right back to the grip of his sword, making his hand twitch as he went over forms in his imagination. Standing in the Tower's shadow always had that effect on him. Even after so many months, it was hard not to feel energized by being there, in the presence of the great Aes Sedai--hard not to want to work harder, to contribute, to prove he deserved his place.

When the sister beckoned, he practically leapt to answer, grateful enough to hardly be bothered by the red shawl that might otherwise have set him on edge. What soured his mood more was seeing Nicaene approaching as well. Perfect. Another chance for her to make me look foolish.

He kept his annoyance off his face as he inclined his head respectfully, echoing the chorus of "yes, Elinar Sedai." It hardly sounded like the most exciting of tasks, but it was something to take up his time, at least.

An Amy
2017-03-07, 11:00 PM

She easily spots Nicaene and makes her way over to her trainee friend. An odd thing, she originally thought, a female warder. There was nothing against it. She even asked several browns about it and even a gray or two regarding tower law forbidding female warders. They knew who she had been speaking off as well. There is nothing in tower law that prevents it. Just that... well... men are better at it? Hah... tell that to Taryn. Lilleah spots him there a well and gets that smile that crosses her features in a slightly mischievous way.

"Hello, Nesta," she says to the Atha'an mierei girl with a pleasant smile and a wave. She really wishes she could have more to talk about with her. She's curious about sea folk culture and ways. And the rumors that woman are just naked. Like all the time. Such... and no one looks at them! So weird. So weird. But, she tries not to seem too eager just to sate her own curiosity. Something natural needs to come up between them. This might be a good opportunity as well...

"I see you brought your boyfriend, Nicaene," Lilleah teases in her very mild, observant tone as she comes to a stop very near her friend as to keep her words as private as the next couple feet. Her lips are struggling to keep the smile from splitting her from ear to ear, she chances a glance over her shoulder at Taryn. And his efforts to keep his beard shaven. There wasn't much cute about him except his demeanor. And the whole beard-shaving thing.

2017-03-07, 11:22 PM
Nicaene rolled her eyes at Lilleah's insinuation. She was used to such taunts by now. Their relationship had evolved a lot over time. Being befriended by a channeler had been a bit overwhelming. At first, Nicaene had tried her best to behave like Lilleah's respectful servant. That hadn't lasted long. It soon became clear that this girl didn't want a mere subordinate. And besides, she wasn't an Aes Sedai yet. Gradually, Nicaene had stopped seeing Lilleah as some awe-inspiring figure: And come to know her as a fellow pupil. These days, she'd even started to do some teasing of her own. Once Elinar Sedai had turned away, Nicaene leaned forward, and whispered in her friend's ear.

"Say what you like. You're just jealous that I get to be around men all the time."

The grass is always greener on the other side. So many hormonal novices would love to be amongst the Warder trainees. And yet, the one woman allowed to do so just wanted to get away from them.

2017-03-08, 04:04 AM
"Hi, Lilleah", Nesta returns the greeting with, for once, a genuine smile - the other girl is having a rather hard life in the Tower herself, and that makes Nesta want to support her...
"Hi, Nicaene..." she adds, trying to conceal a sigh. It's always hard, seeing a female Warder trainee around... not because Nesta sees something wrong in the idea, no, it's just she's... jealous. Nicaene is what Nesta herself wanted to be, what she trained to be, until declared unfit... of course, she never told anyone her feelings about it. It was too embarrasing.
"I wonder how many stuff does Elinar Sedai have that she needs five people to carry it..." she whispers, once safely out of the woman's earshot.

2017-03-08, 04:40 AM

Ella smiled, almost jumped at the possibility to get off Tower grounds and intertwine herself in the streets of Tar Valon.
As much as she has learned this past year, the appeal of the street never let her.
She even dreamed of the people, of the buildings, of the lives she met. And she had nightmares... Nightmares of all the malice people were capable of. Nightmares about dark places, where once upon a time her, or a different her to be more precise, had to live.

But now she was on a path she never dreamed of.

"Of course Aes Sedai." She says and gives a small bow "It will be my pleasure".

Let's give it a Diplomacy roll to improve atitude

After the Aes Sedai leaves, she shrugs her shoulders and says to the others "At least we can see other people."

An Amy
2017-03-08, 08:22 AM

"Jealous?" she questions with a raised brow. "Sure. Not for any reason other than they're not a bunch of girls. Are the boys as petty when in large groups, cramped together?"

Knowing that her rhetorical question would probably be answered, she quietly works at her right wrist a little with her fingers. Kneading into her flesh around the bone where she's sore from scrubbing down that bloody oven. She wonders if getting a paddling is worse than getting put to the kitchens.

"And you get sent to Laras to transmute a cast iron kettle into gold by scrubbing it for a day?" She keeps that rather hush. She's not really complaining... much, but she did find it unfair that Isla Sedai picks on her. Lilleah has a block... everyone knows that. By the stones, everyone knows...

2017-03-08, 11:12 AM
Nicaene's mocking expression became a sympathetic one. Teasing didn't come naturally to her. It was pretty easy to break that mask. She cast a significant glance back at the boy behind her.

"Yes. Yes, they most certainly are that petty. And the punishments can be harsh. But I'm sure the path to that shawl is harsher than the one I walk."

From what she'd heard, becoming a Warder was a casual stroll compared to becoming an Aes Sedai. As Nicaine herself strolled along the road to the Blue Cat, she made sure to stay alongside her friend.

"Just remember that I'm here for you. If you ever need to talk, or rant, or relieve some pressure, you can always reach out. That's what people like me are for: Helping people like you."

2017-03-08, 02:28 PM
Elinar smiles back at Ella's apparent eagerness: "I'll put in a good word with Amira when I see her," she replies pleasantly and saunters off in search of someone to take her horse.

Now that the group is assembled they need to decide what to do next: do any of them even know where the Blue Cat is?

]The Blue Cat is a notable inn in the city that is actually in the shape of a cat, surely it can't be hard to find.

]The Blue Cat can be reached by leaving the Sunset gate at the South West of the Tower and heading towards the bridge that leads to Alindaer. It is Ogier made and very distinctive.

An Amy
2017-03-08, 02:33 PM

Despite her usual teases as actual gestures of friendship, it is often relieving that Nicaene didn't subscribe to that. Keeping up with it sometimes for the sake of continuity could be tiring. Even when it was fun.

"Thanks, Nicaene. Yeah... I would say that novice life is more difficult. They do it on purpose. The beds. The small rooms. Anyway... let's find this inn. Do you know where it is?"

She glances to some of the others. "Nesta? Ella? Oh, Ella! Hi. Either of you happen to know where the Blue Cat is?"


2017-03-08, 02:50 PM
"Oh, it's that funny building near the Great Fish Market, isn't it?" Nesta replies, "One that looks like a sleeping cat? I heard it was built by Ogier - never was there myself, though..." now, the girl actually shows some excitement. "Let's go, I think we can shorten our way through that alley!"

Kn. Local: [roll0]

An Amy
2017-03-08, 03:35 PM

"A sleeping cat-shaped building?" Lilleah muses curiously. "Just about everything here is Ogier-made. But a cat? I wonder why Elinar Sedai even stayed at an inn in the first place... when she has a room at the tower."

2017-03-08, 03:41 PM
"Maybe her room in the tower is as uncomfortable as yours. Novices might not be the only who ones who have to suffer that sort of thing."

2017-03-08, 03:58 PM
"Probably for meetings that she didn't want others to know about." Ella answers. What she didn't say but Implied was that others included other Aes Sedai.

An Amy
2017-03-08, 04:18 PM

"Secret meetings that she didn't want other Aes Sedai knowing about," she began to reason it out, "but probably included other Aes Sedai... but she then sends three novices and two warder trainees to fetch her belongings. Oh, by the Stone..."

Lilleah stops for a moment considering then quickly resumes following Nesta's lead through the pristine streets. "Should we get a cart or something? Five people to get one Aes Sedai's carrywiths? Anyway, getting novices to do something is not the way to keep something secretive."

2017-03-08, 04:32 PM
Nicaene tactfully ignored the talk of conspiracy. Such baseless speculation wasn't really her style. She preferred to stick to the known facts. The talk of luggage, on the other hand, was familiar territory for her. Trainees often served as impromptu porters.

"If a cart were needed, Elinar Sedai would probably have mentioned it. Fear not, little novice. You've got two big strong trainees to help you carry all those heavy things."

She rolled back a sleeve and flexed her arm muscles. Nicaene enjoyed getting to use her physical strength for a good cause. It reassured her that, even in this place full of wondrous channelers, there was still a use for normal people like her.

An Amy
2017-03-08, 04:42 PM

She continues to walk in rather contemplative silence unless directly asked a question or if something jumps out and is too interesting to ignore. Otherwise she ponders. Nicaene does not have the physique Lilleah was brought up to want for herself. Or even to define as feminine. In fact, it wasn't really. Nicaene had what... a lumberjack and a carpenter as parents. And Lilleah wasn't sure who was the mother or father with regards to those occupations. Still, lacking in the refinement her own mother tried to instill in her, Lilleah found Nicaene a marvel. A beauty in her own right... not of courtly virtues or noble delicacies, but of something more... more... pure and powerful. She would make a fine warder for someone indeed. If only she'd be around and unclaimed by the time Lilleah gained the shawl. Warder trainees graduated into their respective fields faster than novices did. Some novices spent decades before earning the right to wear the shawl and claim an Ajah. Being a female, however, might not. Some still probably expected the girl to leave the tower and return. She wondered what would the reactions be when Nicaene refused and remained to become a warder. Well... she could only become a warder once she was bonded.

Would a red bond her? They didn't take warders because they were men. That was just pure prejudice on their part. But a female warder? Oh, Lilleah wondered what the opinions were regarding this. She had to find that out...

2017-03-08, 06:11 PM
Nesta showed surprising forthrightness, and led the group south, through the Sunset gate and towards the fish market. Despite her shortcut it still took the group nearly an hour to reach the inn, as they had to bypass various groups setting up for the festivities, not to mention merry makers who had started early.

The Sea Folk novice eventually led the group to the Blue Cat. And it truly deserved the name: built of the same pure stone that made up much of the city, the inn itself was three stories high, but each curve and story somehow gave the impression of a giant creature's limb, and the whole impression did seem to be feline, though not blue. That must have been artistic license.

The sun was just nearing the horizon as the group entered, and found a well upholstered common room, though with few clientele at this time, and a man and woman clearing plates and glasses behind the bar.

There are sounds of breaking and a faint commotion coming from a door at the far end of the common room.

One man sitting alone is not being very surreptitious about watching your group as you enter. He has barely touched his drink.

2017-03-08, 06:50 PM
Nicaene was relieved to see the inn finally appear. The journey had been fairly pleasant; But if they took too long to fetch the luggage, Elinar Sedai might be displeased. Nicaene hurried inside. The sooner they loaded up, the sooner they could start heading back.

"All right, everyone. Let's get s-what was that?!"

Behind one of the common room doors, she could hear objects being smashed. Was someone fighting? Ignoring the stare of a patron who'd taken an interest in their little group, Nicaene rushed towards that door. Something might be wrong!

An Amy
2017-03-08, 07:27 PM

"And it's still the same..." Lilleah is explaining to... well, whoever had been listening the first time when she answered a question regarding her block. "But... huh? Nicaene..."

Lilleah too hears the commotion, but she doesn't think too much of it. It's a common room. Perhaps there is a mistress of kitchens here in the inn as well. And maybe some novice kitchen hand is receiving a justly-delivered talking to. Even if a bit stern. But, is anyone else alarmed? Any maids clutching trays or hands to their chest gasping in worry? Anyone taking to their feet in anticipation of either running or intervening?

"It may be nothing... Nicaene..." she calls after her friend. Pursuing just steps behind her. Hands holding her skirts up from the floor of the inn. No telling how clean it was. "Let's just get... Stone of Tear, I've forgotten her name. Let's just..."

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2017-03-08, 08:03 PM
Taryn kept quiet as the group headed for the inn, feeling rather out of place around the girls and not wanting to intrude--after all, they were supposed to be his superiors, and might prefer he keep his mouth shut. However, the talk of secret meetings between Aes Sedai unsettled him. People talked about such things plenty, of course, but he didn't find it a pleasant notion, and tried his best not to listen. If it were true, though, he had a strong suspicion that involving novices and trainees wouldn't be nearly as compromising as the others seemed to think, for even if they spoke up about it, who of any consequence would believe them?

He tried to put it out of his mind. Luckily, the sight of the inn made that easy. Wishing for another moment outside to examine it, he nonetheless followed Nicaene and Lilleah through the doors. As he surveyed the common room, something else to distract him from Aes Sedai secrets caught his eye: a man alone at a table, hands nowhere near his drink, making little effort to be subtle about watching them. Before he could warn the others, Nicaene was off after some noise he hadn't heard. "What is it?" he said. "I didn't hear anything..." His hand strayed to the hilt of his sword; perhaps he was being paranoid, but this whole errand was beginning to unsettle him.

2017-03-08, 11:39 PM
Nesta didn't hear anything either - nothing out of ordinary, that is; there were of course plenty of things to hear on the common room. She did, however, notice the man keeping an eye on them; quickly checking her dress to make sure there's nothing wrong with it, she just stood there motionless, waiting for things to start making sense... Surely it'll turn out the noises others heard were nothing special, right?

2017-03-09, 03:13 AM
The door swings open again behind the group, and another young woman in novice white peers inside. Seeing Taryn and Nesta, she steps in and closes the door carefully behind herself - although a hint of dismay shadows her otherwise impassive face at the sight of the other Sea Folk novice. As usual, Cirelyn's novice dress is immaculately clean and neat, although it does not particularly flatter her tall spare frame. Her black hair is cropped short, not a wisp out of place.

"Hello, Nesta. And Taryn, isn't it? I assume Elinar Sedai sent you as well?" she says after a moment, rather awkwardly. "Apologies if I'm late - finding this place was a little more challenging than I'd expected -"

She breaks off, and frowns down the length of the common room. "What is... hmm." She glances at the pair cleaning behind the bar, apparently unperturbed, and then looks down to Taryn's hand on his sword hilt. "Is something happening that I should know about?"

2017-03-09, 05:28 AM
Ella enters the room. It was a magnificent room compared to some she'd seem before.
Seeing some of the other girls getting tense she whispers so everyone hears "Just a small comotion in the other room and we're being watched. Calm down. Show some composure girls. It's a tavern. And in a Tavern, even in Tar Valon, things tend to get interesting.". She couldn't hide the smile that crossed her face. A bit of a crooked ironic smile, but a happy smile nonetheless.

She then goes to the man that was watching the group and simply states "Hello sir, sorry to disturb your time of peace. But do we know each other? I seem to record your face from somehwere but I can't recall from where exactly. Can I ask your name?"

Bluff to appear truthfull
Diplomacy to improve atitude
Sense motive on his answer

2017-03-09, 03:06 PM
Nicaene pushes through the common room intent on finding out what the commotion was about. Lilleah padded along behind her friend, not certain what to expect.

The warder trainee opens the door to find a courtyard elegantly set out with a few plant beds that are just starting to revive with the spring. A large carriage sits in the courtyard and a group of men appear to be ransacking it! You can make out five of them at least, and they look like unsavoury sorts, sporting an array of daggers and shortswords.

Inside the inn Cirelyn approaches Nesta and Taryn uncertain what all the commotion is about.

Meanwhile Ella wastes no time approaching their watcher. "Eh w-what?" the man stammers back, clearly surprised at being addressed. His eyes dart from side to side and Ella is certain he is panicking. "Sorry las, dun think so." He attempted to get to his feet and head towards the back door, but seeing it blocked by Nicaene and Lilleah instead turned back to head towards the front.


Elinar's carriage is much nicer than the one in the image, but that was the only icon I could find. Two of the men are to the east of the carriage, the other three are to the west.

2017-03-09, 03:49 PM
Cirelyn's eyes narrow as she watches Ella's conversation with the man - especially as the far door swings open, and the sounds of breaking she'd heard faintly through the wood suddenly become abruptly louder. When the watcher makes for the front door, she steps into his path, holding up a hand. "Why such a hurry, sir? You haven't finished your drink." Her voice is soft, calm, reasonable - but she also does not seem inclined to get out of the way. "Please don't feel you need to make room for us - we're just here to pick up some luggage."

Novices are not permitted to channel except under the supervision of an Aes Sedai. And Cirelyn has always tried to obey the Tower's rules, even if that means pushing herself to exhaustion in classes, knowing she won't be practicing surreptitiously in her room later on. No one will ever again be able to say she failed because she didn't try hard enough, because she was disrespectful, because she caused trouble.

And this situation likely doesn't call for use of the Power, even if the worst scenarios currently leaping to mind turn out to be the case. There are two Warder trainees present, after all. And most likely this is just a matter of petty theft or festival-time brawling.

But still, there is no rule against being prepared. So as she speaks she calls up a memory, one that races with the same frisson of danger as the present circumstances. But back then the danger was a thrill and a delight, as she stood at the wheel of the Gull with her grandfather's hands laid lightly over hers, and they steered toward a horizon where black clouds merged into black sea with lightning in between. Back when she had no doubt of her place in the world, or her ability to sail those storm-wracked seas.

Possibly to the surprise of the man facing her, she finds herself smiling.

I would like to take a full-round action to attempt the DC 15 Composure check to put Cirelyn in the appropriate mood for channeling for the next half-hour, just in case. If I can, I'll take 10; if not, here is the roll:

EDIT: Heh. Cirelyn's clearly having a bit of trouble getting into the right mood. She'll try again at the next opportunity. Yay, blocks.

An Amy
2017-03-09, 04:00 PM

"Oh, that's not good for business," Lilleah mutters as she sees the five... counting again, yep five men currently making familiar the parts and pieces of Ellina's? oh Whoever Sedai, her belongings. Maybe. She didn't know if that really was her belongings, but she's got a suspicion that is the case. And those men are obviously not just unloading it. "I wonder..."

Curious about what the contents of the carriage and belongings are given that five armed men want to get at it, Lilleah pushes herself to find a way to be more curious than nervous. There were five armed men just on the other side of the door. Luckily Nicaena and her impressive arms were between her and the men. And a door and walls. And Taryn behind her somewhere. Plus the others. Together they outnumbered them. Nicaene counting for probably two. Taryn the same despite his feelings of himself compared to the female warder trainee. Yeah... they were probably safe. Besides... they were obviously novices.

Oh, novices! They shouldn't channel... well, a visit to Amira would be worth keeping Elina's things safe. Thank the river, that's her name. Alright... well... at least let's not hurt anyone.


She stands a little out of the way knowing that Taryn will need and want to get by. Oh, she wonders who will fare better in the upcoming... tussle: Nicaene or Taryn. This might be a way to settle their differences. Oh, it would be great to see them be better off. She liked both of them.

Standing with her heels together, she gazes through the door at the men. Her short curls bob a little as she tilts her head and purses her lips. Left hand over her right clasped before her... the fills herself with the power. A lot of it. Maybe another Aes Sedai nearby will sense it and try and find out what's going on. With that... she embraces as much as she can in such a short notice. She wonders who might show up... and how much she can embrace. It was exciting! Oh it was probably stupid to think of it being so, but anything else and she might as well try and hold candle smoke in her hand.

Composure to get into the mood. DC 10 being kinda there. [roll0]

2017-03-09, 04:57 PM

As she sees the obvious theft going on, Nesta reaches for the knife she carries even with her dress - but then stops herself. It's not that she thinks it's a bad idea, just... judging from the distance to the men, she'll have time to draw a dnife later. On the other hand... she closes her eyes momentarily, remembering that day she felt the One Power for the first time. She was sitting in the rigging of the Windrunner, waiting for the wind to come - and then she looked down on the deck, and saw Windseeker calling for said wind... as she did more than often - but this time, the girl noticed the woman... glowing. Not with a literal light, but rather something... she didn't have words for that back in the day. She didn't really have them now, honestly speaking. But she knew what to do, and that was more important.

As power started feeling through her, she noticed her fellow Novices starting glowing with the same not-light. Well, at least she won't be punished alone...

Full-round action to Embrace

2017-03-09, 04:58 PM
Taryn had the same view of the proceedings in the courtyard as the others, hovering behind Lilleah and watching over her shoulder. His grip reflexively tightened on his sword; the sound of Ella adressing their admirer behind him broke his focus not a moment too soon. Damn her, he caught himself thinking, regretting it right away, but not dismissing the sentiment--now wasn't the moment to split their focus. Still, though, the robbery seemed the most pressing concern.

"I doubt they'll put up a fight if we get in their way," he half-whispered. "Probably didn't expect to be caught." He cast an expectant look at the back of Lilleah's head. "How do you want to handle this?"

2017-03-09, 05:41 PM
Thieves! Fury boiled through Nicaene. These worthless opportunists had the nerve to steal from an Aes Sedai? Unforgivable! She wanted to charge straight out and deck the lot of them; But she didn't. That wasn't her place. She needed to wait for an actual order from those she served. Nicaene gave Lilleah a pleading look.

"May I?"

An Amy
2017-03-10, 03:04 AM

Considering that she is still trying to fully embrace the One Power and let the True Source flow through her, the every cliched yet aptly described sweetness and abundance of life, Lilleah keeps her focus forward as best as she can.

"Demand surrender," she began calmly. "If they flee empty-handed, let them but try to apprehend one. If they fight... defend yourselves. Hopefully a handful of embracing novices will get someone's attention before... before we have to step in."

And with that she began to let the flow into her and attempts to complete her embracing of the power.

2017-03-10, 03:31 AM
"Understood. How's this for a demand?


Nicaene's voice thundered across the courtyard. The interlopers would see a 6-foot tall, muscular young woman advancing towards them. In her hands was a very large, and very sharp, axe. Nicaene wished she were wearing her armour too. That'd really complete the effect. It'd also help to keep her nicely unstabbed, should these people attack. Hopefully her little act would scare off at least a few of them.

Nicaene draws her weapon, walks a few feet forward, and attempts to scare the thieves.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2017-03-10, 07:23 AM
"Fun as I had said..." Ella's face remains calm but her emotions start revolving. The mix of anxiety, fun and self imposed calm.

But then it was no more, the source was there saidar. Calling, the sweetness, the joy, the addiction...
She saw the river, and imersed in it, deeply, she surrendered to the flow, and when she did, she was in control.

"Ellina Sedai will want all her belongings. Don't let any of them escape."

Full round to embrace the source

2017-03-10, 10:30 AM
Taryn suppressed a groan as Nicaene went blundering in with axe already in hand. Ever hear of subtlety? Well, he supposed she would be an imposing sight that way. Shaking his head, he drew his sword and advanced beside her, saying nothing, but adding his own presence to her threat.

I'd roll to assist with Intimidate, but with a roll like that, I don't think it matters :smalltongue: Instead, I'll do initiative: 1d20+1

2017-03-12, 05:27 AM
Nesta steps up to the door and embraces the source, the incredible power of Saidar flowing into her. She stands beside Lilleah who is herself just attempting to focus enough to touch the Power.

Taryn bursts out into the courtyard alongside Nicaene and draws his weapon ready for battle should it come to that. The two trainees now stand between the novices and danger.

Nicaene's shout draws their enemies attention, and one drops what he is carrying (a wooden box) in surprise.
One of the two individuals nearest to the group is shaken. I rolled even worse!

The rest of the ruffians spring into action, but their mercenary nature gets the better of them. Two of the men on the west side grab armloads of valuables from the carriage, dump them into sacks and then run for gate at the far end of the courtyard. The other man on the far side of the carriage daringly jumps forward to join his non-shaken comrade in facing you. They both draw steel, but don't attack yet. For his part, the man that dropped the box reaches for a sword and takes up a position behind his friends.

Within the common room, Nicaene's shout draws the attention of the other patrons and the man that Ella and Cirelyn have cornered looks around in panic. Knowing that he is out of options he charges forward and attempts to shoulder Cirelyn out of the way.

The enemy is attempting to push Cirelyn out of the way and escape towards the door: [roll0] opposed by a strength check.

Perhaps just because she had been pushed back, Cirelyn struggled to get into the right frame of mind to touch the Source, but Ella was quickly filled with the Power.

* * End of the Round * *

2017-03-12, 11:04 AM
Seeing her fellow Sea Folk Initiate being treated so harshly breaks Nesta's composure entirely; she might not have made a warrior, but the instinct to protect her crew is still as hot within her as ever. Cursing silently the long flowing her of her dress making running so hard, Nesta rushes forward, pulling her knife out and thrusting it forward, the idea that being the first to draw blood probably won't make her look good isn't even appearing in her mind.

Attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

An Amy
2017-03-12, 11:16 AM

Continuing as before, Lilleah fully embraces the source and lets the power flow into her. Even like a siv, surrendering to the true source still fills and overflows around her. Seeing that two thugs already running, she narrows her gaze but keeps her composure. There is nothing else she can do just yet. But the numbers were not in the two trainee's favors... well, just by pure numbers. Hopefully one of the other girls can help with the odds or do something before Lilleah. Or maybe even an Aes Sedai might sense the power being embraced...

Not paying attention to Nesta or the others behind her, Lilleah keeps her eyes forward, thinking of what she can do with those two getting away. Not that she necessarily cares about them getting away. Just with what they are getting away.

Finishes embracing the source.

2017-03-12, 03:33 PM
Nicaene had followed the right procedure. She'd given each of these men a fair chance to surrender. Anything that happened to them now was their own fault. Nicaene closed in on the enemy before her. The quicker that she and Taryn disposed of them, the quicker they could chase after the ones who'd fled.

Nicaene moves into melee. If both thieves are still standing when her initiative comes round, she uses 'Steel Wind Strike' to attack them.

Attack 1: [roll0]; Crit confirm: [roll1]; Damage: [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3]; Crit confirm: [roll4]; Damage: [roll5]

If only one thief remains, she'll activate Stance of Clarity (boosting her AC to 15); And attack with a max Power Attack 'Steely Strike'.

Alternate Attack: [roll6]; Crit confirm: [roll7]; Damage: [roll8]

2017-03-12, 03:36 PM
Apologies. I accidentally rolled the alternate attack's damage with a d20 instead of a d12.

Correct damage: [roll0]

2017-03-13, 08:32 PM
As things started happening all at once, Taryn quickly scanned the developing battlefield. Two getting away with the cargo, two with weapons...dangerous ones first.

Tunnel vision closed in around the nearest armed thief. His sword came up as he closed the gap, falling into Rain in High Wind. Let's see how out of your depth you are. Fresh air filled his lungs as his heart started to race, powering his cry. "Forward! The White Tower!" He spun his weapon into Striking the Spark, bringing it down toward the thief's waiting guard.

Moving into melee with the nearest of the armed thieves.

Activating Martial Spirit stance as a swift action.

Attacking with Leading the Attack: [roll0], [roll1] On a hit, everyone gets +4 morale to attack him for 1 round.

2017-03-14, 02:53 AM
Within the common room, Cirelyn sends the lookout (F) stumbling backwards, nimbly redirecting his charge. Though only just. Before he can recover, the other sea folk is at his back, slashing with her knife. The blow is deft but not deep, and only causes the man to falter for a second.

Taryn's charge near incapcitates one of the men facing them whose jacket blossoms with a ruby blood (A). Nicaene is not much slower to the fight, her sword whipping between her foes, and though she missed one (A), her second target fell to the floor, bleeding profusely (B).

Seeing the sudden battle, their enemies rallied and attempted to land blows against their aggressors.

A - Attacking Taryn, [roll0] damage [roll1]
C - Attacking Nicaene [roll2] [roll3]
F - Drawing a sword and attacking nesta: [roll4] [roll5]

These rogues battle with surprising skill and each strike finds its target [7 damage to Taryn, 3 to Nesta, 4 to Nicaene]. The enemies that fled with Elinar's belongings turn the corner and disappear onto the street.

2017-03-14, 06:05 AM
Nicaene winced as a blade grazed her. Such was the price of fighting without armour. Thankfully, the weapon never got a chance to strike again: Because it suddenly became suspended in mid-air. Nicaene smiled. She could guess which novice was responsible for that. Taryn wasted no time in dispatching the other foe. Now that she no longer had to worry about side attacks, Nicaene switched to her favourite duelling style. She could finally fight at full strength!

If only one enemy remains, Nicaene will shift into Stance of Clarity; And use Steely Strike.

Attack: [roll0]; Crit confirm: [roll1]; Damage: [roll2]

If both are still standing, she'll instead refresh her manoeuvres with a normal attack against the most wounded one.

Attack: [roll3]; Crit confirm: [roll4]; Damage: [roll5]

2017-03-14, 07:50 AM
Ella is calm. Everything rolls next to her but she is calm.
The man tries to pass and she extends her hand and using the same weave she uses for healing, although with different gestures and sequence of threads she hurts the men, striking at the flesh and bones, trying to stop him before he hurts any of her friends.

Then she repositions herself so she can see those outside.

Concentration if needed


2017-03-14, 02:18 PM
Cursing silently as the sword cuts her hand, Nesta throws a quick glance at the others; they look like they could use help... but help isn't something she can give, not until the enemy in front of her is down.

Quickly reaching a decision, she suddenly leaps onto the nearby table - and jumps off it at the other side, landing besides the lookout again - but now, the man finds himself between two Atha'an Miere, and hopefully won't be able to watch both at the same time.

Tumble to move without AoO: [roll0]
Moving into position to flank the lookout with Cirelin
Attack [roll1], damage [roll2]

An Amy
2017-03-14, 03:21 PM

Left hand over her right, she pulls her lips to the side and tilts her head as she forms the weave for trapping. Well, since coming to the tower, the weaves have names that she never used in her own head. Trapping is this one. It's a rather simple weave of air, though she's been able to add some complexity to it making it larger and stronger, but otherwise is just traps something. She's since learned that she can actually place an object inside the trap. Normally, she just used it to cover a window or a hold a door shut.

Simply put, the weave is placed over the sword of the attacker that successfully struck her friend Nicaene.

*She moves down the side of the area on the left making sure to keep clear of those with weapons drawn while keeping her eye on the weapon she has held. Those other two can't be allowed to get far! What in the wastes was Ellina Sedai in possession of that would warrant such a brazen theft? Oh, she just had to know!

Harden Air, targeting the weapon of opponent C. Using 1st level slot, weave at 2nd level, Ref DC 14 (unless the effective level also increases the DC, in that case DC 15).
If successful, she will move 30 feet down the "south" side of the back alley.

2017-03-14, 06:45 PM
Cirelyn's reaction when the man came at her had been almost unconscious, trained by long years of sailing on a ship not really large enough for the seas they braved; she bent her knees to absorb the sudden jolt and then sprung back up to her original position, shoving her assailant back toward the middle of the common room.

Where Nesta has pulled out a knife, and - as Cirelyn watches in alarm - puts a neat slash through the back of the man's coat; and then he draws a sword and turns on the smaller Atha'an Miere novice, with a blow that aims to kill.

Ella and Nesta are both shining from within with the Power, and frustration floods Cirelyn, that she can't help them - novices may not be supposed to channel, but they're also not meant to find themselves in fights to the death! There's guilt there as well, that Nesta drew her dagger to protect Cirelyn - and a little warmth, that she would do such a thing.

She tries to focus on that warmth. She's learned, here in Tar Valon, why she could never channel during her apprenticeship, why the shame of failure and the sting of punishment never helped spur her to success. Guilt isn't useful. Frustration isn't useful. But... it is still hard not to feel them.

Nesta moves to flank their target with her, determination in her dark eyes. Cirelyn drops her hand to the hilt of her belt knife, and glares at the man, keeping her feet firmly wedged against the inn door.

"You should surrender," she says coldly. "Even if you did make it past us - you threatened and then attacked an initiate of the White Tower. The Aes Sedai would hunt you down wherever you went. If you surrender and tell what you know, though, nobody needs to die."

Then Ella weaves the Power, and Cirelyn's gaze snaps across to the other novice, tracing the delicate, deadly threads of three Powers woven together, Air and Water and Spirit in a healing weave, but turned to harm. Never to use the One Power as a weapon...

But in these circumstances, she can understand. She memorizes the weave, tucks its pattern away in her mind, even as those threads snake around the swordsman; she watches him with calm dark eyes, trying not to let any emotion show, to keep her face schooled to Aes Sedai serenity. "Last warning."

I think Cirelyn (round 2) acts before Ella (round 3), so she's continuing to block the door, and just talking as a free action while she tries - and probably fails - to get in the mood for channeling again.

2017-03-15, 02:30 PM
Ella weaves a complex web, an inversion of everything that is neat about the weave of Healing, this one tears the flesh and undoes nature's intent. The lookout stumbles and coughs, falling to the floor.

Lilleah weaves snake out and surround their assailant's blade and suddenly the man feels it twist and fall from his grasp as a sphere of air grabs it from his grasp.

The trainees waste no time, with Taryn taking out his adversary and Nicaene shifting stances dispatch the last of them.

Nesta finds no foe to greet her blade, and the sounds from outside have no faded. But there are two thieves still at large!

Combat is done for now: so you can either regroup and examine the carriage or give chase after the thieves. Don't worry about stabilising those you've defeated, but if you want them to regain consciousness then you'll need to heal them in some way.

An Amy
2017-03-15, 02:45 PM

Wasting no time with the fallen foes, she looks behind her briefly at the other girls to make sure they are alright. Seeing them standing, and concluding that they are at least safe for the time being, she gives chase after the other two miscreants that made off with Ellina Sedai's belongings. The want to know what it was they were after burning in her. She wants to stay and question these three, but she can't let the other two escape if she has a chance to stop them.

"Someone bind those three," she calls out to whomever is listening as she releases the weave. The blade clattering to the ground. "We can't let the others get away with Ellina Sedai's things!"

Though, they may not have a choice. It happened so quickly. The trainees dispatching those before them. A scuffle behind them also ending so fast. She'd barely had time to embrace the One Power. Barely had time to marvel at her use of the trap weave that locked the thieve's blade in mid air as if caught in resin. Still, even with such a short time, it feels those other two have had a very long head start. She rushes to the end of the back alley and looks in the direction they fled. A weave ready to... to what? To tell one of them to drop what they're holding. If possible... maybe. Or trap some air right in front of them? She'd knocked a man from his horse like that. As if he'd run into an invisible branch. Oh, what if they are gone?

Trying to spot the fleeing thieves.[roll0] If the streets are crowded, she's also going to call after them. And if she can see them... harden air in a flat plane right in front of one of the running thieves.

2017-03-15, 07:20 PM
Nicaene didn't get a chance to catch her breath. No sooner had she felled the final foe, when she saw a white blur rush past her. Lilleah! No doubt she was chasing after those two thugs. Well, she wouldn't be alone. With barely a glance behind her, the young trainee ran after her friend.

"Taryn! Stay and guard the other novices!"

Running was much easier without armour. At times like this, Nicaene was glad she wore breeches. The ability to move easily was worth all the disapproving stares in the world. She quickly caught up with her favourite novice.

"Lilleah, you're not supposed to go into danger ahead of me! I'm meant to be your shield!"

2017-03-15, 09:59 PM
Taryn barely had time to sheathe his blade and catch his breath before Nicaene bowled past him. "Hey, wai--" His protest died on his lips; he grit his teeth to keep silent. Much as he resented her telling him to stay put while she went and did the important work...she was right. Someone did need to make sure the others were safe.

"Everyone alright?" he called back through the doorway. "We should stay together." He knelt beside the man he'd just felled, checking his wounds--if he was still alive, he'd need to be restrained.

2017-03-16, 12:57 AM
"-ing." Cirelyn gets the word out just as the man topples over, felled by Ella's weave. Ah. Well, feeling a little silly is the least of her problems right now.

"I'm fine," she replies to Taryn. "Nesta's hurt, I think -"

The tall Sea Folk novice looks across the room at the couple who had been cleaning plates behind the bar. "Excuse me - could one of you go for the Tower Guard? These men were armed and evidently willing to kill."

She turns back to Nesta. "It was brave of you, to go after him with just a knife to his sword. Are you all right? I can try to bandage that for you, if you like."

She's aware of the sound of running footsteps beyond the door, and they're losing time - but she'll have a much better chance of finding the others, and being useful if she catches up with them, if she can only manage to embrace the Source. As she deliberately slows her breathing, she once more tries to place herself in the right frame of mind to touch the Power. She is safe, she is unharmed, she is surrounded by those who wish her well.

Cirelyn's plan is to get past her darn block and then pursue, using her Trace weave if necessary to figure out which way Lilleah and Nicaene went, and hoping they've kept the thieves in sight. Although honestly asking bystanders "which way did the running men pursued by a novice go" is probably just as efficient, on a festival day.

She might be persuaded to help interrogate the bandits if someone else wakes them up, but she has no skill at Healing (except for Rend, which she just learned), just a +5 bonus on mundane Heal checks.

Blockity block block: [roll0]
EDIT: Oh for heaven's sake. Can I just assume she passes it since we're out of rounds for now, or should I keep rolling?

2017-03-16, 01:26 AM
At first, seeing the familiar weave of healing, Nesta assumed Ella wanted to close her wound, and almost cried out for the girl to not bother... but the weave was wrong. And not wrong as if the other novice just made a mistake, no, it was intended to be like that... and when the man she was just fighting dropped to the floor with a cry of pain, Nesta finally understood. "That's... just wrong..." she whispered, "but... you probably saved my life. Thanks, Ella... I need to remember that weave... even if I hope I won't have to use it."

Turning around, Nesta noticed Tarin... and he looked hurt even worse. Well, of course, he took the enemies' main force upfront... "Taryn", she called, "Hold still for several seconds, please..." as she started calling on the Power. It was forbidden, of course, but both Ella and Lilleah did already channel; that way, Sisters will have to either punish them all, or let them all free. In Nesta's eyes, it was only fair.

Casting Heal as 0th level weave on myself: 1 HP converted to nonlethal
Casting Heal as 1st level weave on Taryn: [rol]1d8+1[/roll] HP converted to nonlethal

2017-03-16, 01:54 AM
"... oh, of course, you can Heal," Cirelyn mutters under her breath, her hand falling from her belt knife. Well, no need to vandalize the hem of her white dress for makeshift bandages, then. If novices aren't meant to channel, they really aren't meant to Heal without supervision - but Nesta seems to know what she's doing.

She's never thought she had any talent for Healing, but when Nesta goes to heal Taryn's injuries, she watches. The weave is intricate, but the strands are all familiar Powers - Spirit, Water, and Air, in delicate patterns not so different from Ella's weave, if wholly different in purpose. Well, even if you haven't done anything except hold the door, at least you're learning something...

"I can stay here and watch them," she offers, "if you want to follow the others, now you're Healed." Her tone is carefully calm, hiding the moroseness - the inadequacy - that she's feeling. Yes, stay here and make sure nobody makes off with three unconscious bodies, Cirelyn, that seems like a task well-suited to your abilities. Still, the other novices have probably realized that she's the only one among them who's not shining with the Power.

2017-03-16, 02:55 AM
"I, don't think we'll find them now..." Nesta shakes her head, "they probably know Tar Valon much better than us... And I can't even search for them, like you can... Heh, I can't do anything but heal - a fine Windfinder I'd make, not even able to sense the wind..." the last words she says in a whisper, obviously, so only the fellow Atha'an Miere would hear; Windfinder were supposed to be a secret, after all...

2017-03-16, 08:30 AM
"Don't mention it, next time you save mine." Ella replies to Nesta "Glad the weave worked though , never really had tried it before."

She turns to the man she had downed, and quickly binds his arms behind his back and his legs, so he can't move. Then She unravels what she had done. Using the first weave she ever learned and successfully cast, almost a year ago now - healing, she binds some of the tissues back together, so the man doesn't die. And as a bonus, she had someone for questioning.

Ella searchs the room for the innkeeeper, asking him some rope. Or tries to find rope somewhere near. If she doesn't find she'll bind the thug with pieces of cloth, even from his clothes.

Then she will use a 0 level slot to cast healing on the fallen crook to stabilize/cure him.

2017-03-16, 11:18 AM
Taryn stopped on the point of regaining his feet as Nesta approached. "What are you doing?" he started to protest. "I'm fi--" He was cut off by an eruption of pain from his side; fighting back a cry, he glanced down to see the side of his shirt slashed, the area stained with blood. "Ngh...blood and ashes, when did that happen?" he grunted.

As Nesta reached out, he felt the pain ebb as quickly as it had started, though its passing left him feeling even more drained than before. So this is the Power's healing... Breathing slowly, he cautiously felt the wounded spot, his fingers meeting whole flesh under the remaining blood. He got to his feet carefully, determined not to fall over, and gave Nesta an appreciative bow. "Thanks."

He glared down at what was left of the thieves. "Stealing from the Aes Sedai...who would be that stupid?"

2017-03-16, 12:12 PM
Turning to Taryn Ella adds "You should go easy on that. It's healed, but most of the toll of it will come out of your body. The power just does so much."

2017-03-17, 02:08 AM
Lilleah and Nicaene

The novice runs off in hot pursuit and follows them right on to the street. For a moment she pauses unable to see where they have gone, but it is only momentary as Nicaene bursts past and yells "This way!" before darting into the crowd.

They can make out the two thieves ahead of them disappearing onto another main road in the city, but the pair are quite far ahead.

If you want to continue chasing them then:
Constitution rolls to outlast them
Dexterity rolls to run fast than them
Or Knowledge local rolls to find a short cut.

If you can think of another way to catch up then go for it.

Cirelyn, Nesta, Ella and Taryn

The man behind the bar nods and shouts for one of the regulars to go fetch them. The barman himself grabs a heavy wooden stave from behind the bar and grips it firmly: he clearly doesn't like what's gone on here. The woman beside him, his wife perhaps, is ashen faced and keeps glancing outside.

Within a few moments Cirelyn feels relaxed enough to embrace the Source and power floods into her: does she still attempt to pursue?

2017-03-17, 02:34 AM
Seeing her older compatriot finally glowing with the light of Saidar, adds, embarrassed to admit it, "And... I can't Heal myself... no one can. So, if you could..."

2017-03-17, 05:17 AM
Ella turns to the innkeeper, trying to distract and keep him talking, she asks "Did you knew any of these man? Have you seen them before?"


An Amy
2017-03-17, 10:42 AM
"I'm not running into danger," she briefly protests. "They're running from the both of us. Should they stop and turn... I'll..."

She hopes the others will be fine. And half hoping they are following along. The idea of her facing down two thieves should they think to turn and confront her isn't something she's thought out entirely. She will be prepared for such a thing regardless. And Nicaene is with her. They should be enough. But what if they aren't? No... stop it. Keep a hold of the source. Don't let it go. With worry comes fear and panic.

The novice continues to follow her friend and the two that got away. "Oh, just hurry! I can't imagine telling Ellina Sedai we lost some of her belongings. What could they have wanted? They must surely have known something about what she was carrying. Oh, burn me..."

Con check to keep running [roll0]
Dex to catch up [roll1]
No, knowledge local, but a check anyway for Int and her 2 years in the tower and frequent enough visits to her friend in the city [roll2]

2017-03-17, 11:09 AM
Nicaene's brow creased in worry. She could picture a dozen ways for this stunt to go very, very wrong. As far as she was concerned, Ellina's possessions were a distant second to the true priority: Keeping Lilleah safe. She was prepared to literally carry her reckless friend away from danger if necessary. But for now, the chase continued. Nicaene certainly wanted to put those thieves in their place. She just wasn't willing to pay a high price for that pleasure.

Con check: [roll0]

2017-03-17, 11:12 AM
Finally, finally Cirelyn manages to cast her mind into the correct patterns - and then Nesta's question nearly makes her lose her grip on the Source again. "Heal? Me?" She pauses, then chuckles softly, and a little nervously. "Well, I've never tried it before, but if you don't mind being my first test case... let me know if you see anything wrong with the weave, and I'll try again."

She carefully weaves the threads of Power together, trying to follow the precise pattern that Nesta used on Taryn. The weave forms with surprising ease, but she doesn't release it to sink into Nesta's arm until she's studied it carefully, checking it against her memory.

She watches in a little awe as it works, the cut closing neatly. "Thank you for teaching me," she adds to Nesta. She pauses, and then says slowly, "Ella, Nesta, when I didn't channel earlier, to help - I'm sorry. I have a, a block. But I think I have it under control now."

"Let me show you the weave I've been taught to find people? We can see if Lilleah and that trainee are still within range - if so, one or more of us could go after them. Or Ella, if you saw the men who fled, you might even be able to search for them directly."

Without further ado, she weaves strands of pure Spirit into the air about her, sending them out into the street and courtyard to sense the traces of Lilleah's recent passage.

Casting Heal at L1, from a L0 slot, as Cirelyn has all the necessary Affinities for Heal. [roll0] healing.

Casting Trace from a L1 slot, so at L2 effectively; this should point the direction to Lilleah if she's still within 1500 ft, or within 3000 ft if she's experiencing strong emotions.

I don't know if someone who'd seen the men could use Trace to find them; it only works on people "known to you", but I don't know how much that requires. DM ruling?

2017-03-17, 11:27 AM
Ella looks at the weave being spunned and replies "I just saw them in a quick look. Don't know if I'll could recognize them. But at least we know Lilleah and Nicaene well, so we can follow them".


2017-03-17, 12:17 PM
For a moment, Nesta listens to herself, "Tired. That's how I feel, tired. But I think it's how I'm supposed to feel, after the Heal, so..." she gives a wide smile, "I'd say you did great for the first time. Now just do the same with that seeking weave of yours - how did you even do it, I only saw Spirit, and I'm usually good with Spirit, but I can't tell what you just did at all, and stop worrying about little blocks or anything! Besides, even without Weaves, the way you shoved that man aside - that was great!"

For some reason, she never interacted with the older Atha'an Miere that often before; can it change, though? There are so many things they could talk about...

2017-03-17, 01:00 PM
"If the ones here are taken care of, I think we should go after the others if we can," Taryn suggested as he rejoined the group. "We're safest together. And I wouldn't like the idea of them taking those other thieves two-on-two, if it came to that." He bit his tongue a moment too late, cursing himself for assuming that kind of authority with the novices--but then again, they didn't seem especially eager to order him around. He let the suggestion stand.

2017-03-18, 03:53 AM
Cirelyn hesitantly returns Nesta's smile. It feels a little strange - have I really become so unfamiliar with smiling? Certainly she rarely smiles like that, wide and unrestrained. "Thanks. You were pretty impressive with that knife yourself." She hadn't sought out the younger Atha'an Miere woman when Nesta arrived at the Tower, not wanting to assume a familiarity that might be unwanted; somehow she'd never expected her to be friendly. Both exiles, yes, but...

... well. But what? A Windfinder apprentice who couldn't manage Air probably stood barely higher than a scandal-born orphan who could only channel sporadically, in the hierarchy of the seas. Manifestly, since Nesta had been sent to Tar Valon as well.

"I'd be happy to show you the weave again, whenever you like," she adds, turning to politely include Ella as well as Nesta. "It is just Spirit, but I was probably weaving too fast." Her smile turns a little wry. "I don't have much practice teaching, either."

"But right now..." She twines her fingers together. "Taryn, I agree, but it might be worth questioning these men, if we could do it quickly, to see if they'd reveal where their companions were planning to go. Better to cut them off, if we could, rather than chase them through the streets. Ella, you Healed that one - could you tell, will he be conscious soon?"

Just wanted to reply to Nesta, but I guess I'll wait to say more until I know if (a) Ella's Healing woke up the bandit, (b) how the innkeeper responds to Ella, and (c) if Nicaene and Lilleah are still in range of Trace.

If we're doing interrogation, Cirelyn has Plans for a Persuade-weave-enhanced Diplomacy check - too many options, not enough time!

2017-03-19, 06:38 AM
Sorry, I think I totally missed that Ella woke the lookout up. :smallredface:

And regarding Trace. We'll probably do it case by case if that's alright. Seeing someone once is not enough, but interacting with them for 5 minutes should do it. As general guidelines.

Ella's weave quickly sets about repairing the damage done to the lookout, and as he wakes he glances around groggily. "Wha-what happened?" he mumbles.

The innkeeper is clearly already on edge, and doesn't take kindly to Ella's overtures, but still he recognises the authority of Tar Valon and answers quickly "No mistress, no. Well that one there is a good for nothing lay about. Sam, Sem... something like that. Seen him a couple of times, but I didn't know what his friends were up to. Elinar Sedai will have ma' skin!"

Cirelyn's weave spins out, hovering above the novices for a second before beginning to resonate. Cirelyn feels a tug pulling against her net of Spirit: beyond the courtyard and further into the city. Along with this tugging, Cirelyn begins to feel a sense of eagerness and curiosity that is not her own, tinged with apprehension. Both sensations last briefly, but Cirelyn now knows where to go!

Cirelyn senses that Lilleah is about 500 feet away to the South west.

For their part, Lilleah and Nicaene's pursuit is not going to plan. Having leaped into the fray with such zeal earlier, Nicaene is now beginning to flag: the pair of thieves are getting further and further away! Even Lilleah's spirited effort isn't enough; clearly a life in the Tower has not prepared her for chasing through the streets. Luckily though, her trips to the city have helped and Lilleah leads her friend down an alley to the side. Thgough Nicaene is confused Lilleah knows that it is much quicker to head through a few of these streets than the main thoroughfare of the Alindaer Road, which will be packed in such a season.

The pair scurry along and rejoin the main road further down, and as hoped the girls are now in front of the thieves! The roguish men dart down a side street and the girls shadow them, running parallel before finally cutting across into a junction.

They've found themselves in an old part of Tar Valon (well, it's all ancient, but this part looks it and looks like it hasn't seen a caring hand in quite a while). The two men drop their belongings, fear evident on their faces, but they draw their swords anyway. And soon it becomes evident why, the four are not alone in the street as two women in similar rough attire enter down a side street. The older of the two shouts to Nicaene and Lilleah in a coarse voice: "Pretty sure two lovely girls like you shouldn't be here all alone." There's arrogance to the woman's words and she hefts what looks like a pretty weighty cudgel. The girl with her is tall and lanky and lets two knives run through her hands whilst the other woman talks.

If it comes to combat then you're both going before any of your opponents, so feel free to post your actions.

And here's a map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X9J27FqA5UlZh4gEv8N2fIOSjIgCys69mP1TOaKhZ4c/edit?usp=sharing) of much lesser quality, but it shows where everyone is standing so hopefully that's alright.

Edit: The thieves are R1 and R2, the older woman with the cudgel is W1 and woman with knives is W2

2017-03-19, 09:16 AM
Success could sometimes be worse than failure. In this case, Nicaene and Lilleah had successfully found a few too many thieves. Now they were outnumbered 2 to 1. This was scenario #3 in Nicaene's '12 possible ways that this chase could go wrong'. Her eyes flickered between the four enemies. She keenly felt the absence of her usual armour. These thugs were probably less skilled than her; But even ants could kill a scorpion if they ganged up on it. While her enemies were busy taunting, the young trainee whispered to the novice beside her.

"Here's the plan: we take down the two men, grab Elinar Sedai's things, and run. There's no need to fight those women too. If something goes wrong, I'll hold them off while you escape."

That was all that Nicaene had time to say. The enemy wouldn't stand around waiting for them to think up the perfect plan. Best to seize the initiative while she had the chance. Without warning, Nicaene charged straight at the two male thieves. Her trusty axe sliced at both of them in a wide arc.

Nicaene moves in front of R1; And attacks him and R2 with Steel Wind Strike.

R1: [roll0]; Crit confirm: [roll1]; Damage: [roll2]
R2: [roll3]; Crit confirm: [roll4]; Damage: [roll5]

An Amy
2017-03-19, 09:28 AM
The run through the streets was tougher than she expected. By the time they catch up to the two men, she's feeling fairly out of breath. It was only seemingly by chance and her obscure visits to the city that allowed them to gain such ground. Now facing the two, she feels confident that they can frighten them further at the least. Overconfidence perhaps swelling within her. After seeing Nicaene and Taryn decidedly handling the three from before, now there are only two.

The two women present a good bit of concern. Outnumbered? No... perhaps not. Perhaps its two against two against two. The men seem fearful... she wonders how much so.

"This is Tar Valon," Lilleah responds to the two women. She tries to read their postures and expressions. Looking for signs of their own confidence as well as their... targets. Was it the men or the two girls? "And we're both with the White Tower. We're hardly alone. We're only here for what these men have taken from us. If they wish to flee... we'll allow them to leave the city."

Some sense motive

And maybe diplomacy [roll1]

EDIT: Darn. Took too long and Anyr ninjad her post in. Plus gee... these rolls are horrible.

2017-03-19, 12:43 PM
Lilleah and Nicaene

"Bold words girl," the woman with the cudgel replied, "but we don't see many of the Aes Sedai round here. And if my friends have taken something of yours, I'm sure you can go back and get another. What are a couple of bags to the great White Tower?" The woman is clearly mocking you at this point, but both seem ready for a fight.

Which is probably sensible, as Nicaene blurs into motion, closing the gap with their enemies and immediately dealing one of the rogues a deep blow. She knocks him to the ground and it's clear he's not going to be getting up anytime soon.

The remaining rogue barely dodges her blow and tries to strike back.

R1 v Nicaene: [roll0] Damage [roll1]

With cries of surprise and dismay the two women charge into the action, the tough looking woman with the cudgel charging in behind Nicaene, whilst the other goes for Lilleah, twin knives flashing.

W1 v Nicaene (including flanking): [roll2] damage [roll3]
W2 v Lilleah: [roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

2017-03-19, 01:12 PM
Nicaene's fears once again became reality. Gashes were carved in her flesh from both in front and behind. In a few short seconds, she was brought to the brink of collapse. Was this where it all ended? No long career, no glory. Just being stabbed to death in some random alleyway? Behind her, she could hear Lilleah trying to negotiate with the thieves, instead of fighting by her side. Even Nicaene's closest friend had completely ignored her battle plans. Maybe she didn't deserve to be a Warder. If she couldn't grasp victory or respect here, what hope did she have of doing so in the years to come? That is, if there were any years to come.

Well, so be it. This wasn't at all the fate she'd hoped for; But she'd face it nonetheless. Nicaene managed to choke out a few more words as she sliced desperately at her foes. Though she already knew that (just like the last time) they'd almost certainly be ignored.

"Run, Lilleah! Just run!"

Nicaene recovers her maneouvres with an attack against the woman. She fights defensively: Taking -2 to attack, and gaining +2 to AC.

Attack: [roll0]; Crit confirm: [roll1]; Damage: [roll2]

Edit: Apologies. That attack roll should be 2 points lower. Fighting defensively actually gives a -4 penalty.

An Amy
2017-03-19, 01:21 PM

One of the woman's two blades strikes her, and Lilleah hisses with the wound forming across her arm as she tried to get out of the weapon's path. Blood forms a red patch just beneath. Barely, but it's a cut nonetheless. Nicaene seems far worse off.

How? Tar Valon is of the White Tower. Who would attempt to attack any of the White Tower here in Tar Valon? These two women seemed not to mind any claim for the White Tower. They jumped into combat as quickly as Nicaene did. She has to keep her head. She has to continue to hold onto saidar. It is going to take every bit of concentration and crafty use of all her faculties for them to even make it out of here with... She had no idea what the women even wanted. Any hope at diplomacy went out to door early on.

"Run, Lilleah..." Her friend calls to her. She appears very poorly off.

Lilleah couldn't just leave her friend. It is a warder's duty to die for their aes sedai. And Nicaene, though only a trainee, is willing to embrace this duty even if just for a novice. But not just that, she does so for a friend. Lilleah couldn't just... could she? Well, maybe... just maybe one thing can be done. Having done this once before, she wonders if it would work again... She takes a step away from the woman with the two blades. Then she takesa gamble that both this will work again and that it will help Nicaene. Her friend is by far more outnumbered. And if she is to live, then it will be only by help.

"You too, Nice!"

A novice and a trainee. If they are to both survive, she can already hear the lecture they will be given. Her visits to the Mistress of Novices will be welcome and deserved.

Is there a save/check that needs to be made to maintain a hold of the source after taking damage? Going to harden air on the cudgel. DC 15 Ref. Sorry for using that so quickly again...

Lilleah HP 7 (8)

And again! I type my posts too slowly...

2017-03-19, 03:13 PM
Cirelyn bites her lip. "Lilleah's about five hundred feet away, almost directly southwest." She points in the direction she senses the tugging. "She feels nervous, but not anything worse, not yet... Taryn, do you want to start heading that way? Ella, Nesta, maybe one of you should go with him?" She fumbles in her belt pouch, pulls out a small coin and hands it to Taryn. "I can catch up - I'll be able to find you, with this."

"As for you..." She turns to the man on the floor, and forces her voice to remain calm, almost sympathetic. "What happened? Well, you can probably tell us better than the reverse. You were standing lookout for those men, right? Did they not tell you in advance what they were going to do? If they were going to steal from an Aes Sedai, and didn't warn you what you were getting into..." She shakes her head, sadly.

And she weaves, fast and deft, looping coils of Air and Spirit shot through with fragile strands of Fire. Fire has always come less naturally to her than the other elements, but this weave can't be done without it; it needs that hint of warmth. Listen to me. Heed me, forget about them. I'm trying to help you.

The Power streams into her like a rising wave, and she lets it come, cresting the wave rather than trying to fight it. It's a little frightening, as it always is when the seas are high, but the exhilaration of it is worth the fear. And this is still, potentially, a life-or-death situation; she can't hold back.

All right, let's give this a try.

Cirelyn is attempting to overchannel to weave Persuasion as a L2 weave (per our discussion in OOC, I'm going to have her try to overchannel a fair bit). This requires a DC 20 Concentration check, which I will roll below (assuming I can't take 10).

If it works, L2 Persuasion can be negated with a DC 15 Will save. If the Will save fails, the weave will improve Sem/Sam's attitude by one band, and then Cirelyn will probably be attempting Diplomacy, to get him to tell us anything he knows about his erstwhile friends and where they might be going. Her approach is basically going to be to suggest that he needs to save his own skin now, since they ran off without him and clearly don't care about his welfare. If Persuasion works, her Diplomacy bonus will be +11; she'll probably just take 10 for a result of 21 (assists would be welcome!)

Concentration: [roll0]

2017-03-19, 03:49 PM

And she was worrying about being unable to channel... Nesta shakes her head in amazement as she tries to make any sense of the tangled Spirit, Air... and... is that Fire? "I will", she quickly nods. Thinking of an older Sea Folk woman's suggestion as an orde just comes so naturally... "Let's go, Taryn - southwest... which streets are that way..."

Know: local [roll0]

2017-03-19, 03:57 PM
Taryn almost protested--splitting up even further sounded like a way to cause even more problems--but once again, there was no other option. Someone had to stay to make sure the thieves weren't set free. And every second spent debating was another Lilleah and Nicaene could be in danger. Cirelyn and Ella would be fine here.

He nodded at Nesta, immediately heading for the door. "We'll figure it out." Ella hadn't exaggerated about the drain from the healing; he felt like he'd been fighting for an hour rather than a few seconds. Nothing he couldn't handle, though. "Stick close to me."

2017-03-20, 11:01 AM
"We'll follow you suit. If lost search for this. Lilleah' strong..." says Ella pointing to the flow of saidar into her. Turning her attention to the weave being cast "you should listen to us. We're the only ones that can help you now."

Try to learn

Help Diplomacy

2017-03-20, 06:55 PM
Lilleah and Nicaene

Nicaene lashes out in anger and deals the club-wielding woman a deep blow, forcing her back. Perhaps it was sudden clash, or the woman's own deft movements, but as Lilleah tries to disarm the woman with her same weave of Air, she snatches her club back and out of the enfolding net. The remaining rogue also joins in, trying to skewer the trainee. Seeing his blow strike home, the woman cracks her club down.

W1: [roll0] [roll1]

Lilleah finds that even though her weave didn't disarm the woman, she has left herself open to multiple strikes from the knife wielding woman in front of her.

AoO vs Lilleah from W2: [roll2] [roll3]

Attacks vs Lilleah: [roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

Taryn and Nesta

The pair barrel out of the door in pursuit, and luckily Nesta knows the streets of Tar Valon as well as a native. Perhaps wanting to spend as little time as possible with the Aes Sedai had come in handy, for Nesta was able to guide the trainee into a side street that ran parallel to the main thoroughfare. Soon they heard the sounds of fighting and rushed towards it.

Turning into the street they found themselves at a junction where both Nicaene and Lilleah were embattled! They saw Nicaene fall, grievously wounded, but Lilleah seemed to be holding her own. Someone needed to get to Nicaene now, before it was too late!

Everyone else has acted, so you will both go before the remaining enemies act.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X9J27FqA5UlZh4gEv8N2fIOSjIgCys69mP1TOaKhZ4c/edit?usp=sharing)

Cirelyn and Ella

Cirelyn's weave was already one of the more complex ones she knew, but this time she pushed herself harder than she ever had to use this weave. The sweetness of Saidar burned just briefly and the threads of Air, Fire and Spirit glowed just a bit brighter before fanning into the man, without him even seeming to notice.

The lookout, who identifies himself as Sam, seems to relax and nod along at the two novices' words. "Mac, just saw an opportunity you know. He said he'd heard there was a merchants carriage waiting with no one to collect it. He thought we could grab a few things, make off without being caught you know? I was just there to tip them off."

There's a pause as he squirms, then shakes his head: "Alright, so we knew it was an Aes Sedai alright. Look, she wouldn't even have noticed what we'd taken. That's why I panicked when I saw you. But Mac, he did say no one would be coming back. And I just wanted to get out of here!"

"Look, if they are anywhere, they'll be near the factories. The old ones, south of here. Lots of them aren't used now you know. That's where they'll go. It's southwest of here."

2017-03-20, 11:05 PM
Cirelyn nods, feigning sympathy. "I see. Do you know, was Mac hired by someone else, or was he just doing this for himself? Were you meant to meet others at the old factories? And do you know if Mac was after anything specific?"

Saidar burns in her veins, a fiery sweetness at the edge of pain. She can see every hair on Sam's head, smell the faint aroma of the beer still in his mug on the table. It takes discipline to keep her voice calm, and her mind on the task to hand - but despite the distracting glory of the Power, she keeps weaving, keeps speaking in that soft persuasive tone.

"I'll try to help you - I believe you just wanted to get away, you weren't trying to hurt people - but you need to be up-front with us, and tell us what you know."

Cirelyn is continuing to concentrate on Persuasion, and being diplomatic.

2017-03-21, 12:50 AM

Seeing the scene of the fight makes Nesta scream silently; but the horror of the fisrt moment quickly gives way to anger. [i]Do not use One Power as a weapon, except to save yourself, your Warder, or another Aes Sedai from death... well. Technically speaking, Nicaene isn't a Warder yet, and nor Lilleah Aes Sedai. But then, Nesta hasn't sworn the Oaths yet, either... hurrying towards Nicaene, she starts weaving the Weave she just learned earlier today... the onle she hoped she won't have to use, aiming the twisted, perverted verson of healing power at the last of the thieves. It has nothing to do with being unwilling to harm women, it's just the rogue would be harder for Taryn's sword to reach.

Move to K8, L1 Rend on R2 for [roll0]

2017-03-21, 05:44 AM
Turning to the innkeeper, but keeping an eye on the crook, an his answers she says "Sorry about earlier sir, and any damage we might have brought to your establishment. My name is Ella, and if you ever need anything that I can help please say so." taking a deep breath she continues "Did you ever heard about this Mac?"

Sense motive on the answer

2017-03-21, 06:10 AM
Nicaene had the satisfaction of feeling her axe inflict one last wound: Before her own wounds overcame her. She fell to the ground, bleeding profusely. Her mind practically screamed that she couldn't drop yet. Lilleah was still in danger! But her body refused to listen. Try as she might to hang on, Nicaene lost consciousness.

An Amy
2017-03-21, 09:13 AM

The novice watches helplessly as her friend is stabbed and beaten into an unconscious heap on the floor of the broad alley. This can't be happening! They're with the White Tower. They're in Tar Valon. This should not be happening. But it was. And the two blades from the woman before her seem to miss but only by a stroke of luck, Lilleah's sure. All seems for nothing at this point. And how foolish is she to have run after two thieves. A novice! Even an Aes Sedai would exercise caution even with the One Power. But its sweet embrace is so powerful. Filling her with confidence more than she knows. She realizes it now. The lure and how deadly it can actually be. Oh, Nicaene! She pleads the maker.

But just then she spots Taryn and Nesta making it into the alley from where the women first appeared. And Nest uses a weave she's never seen before... but her mind is too focused on maintaining her own grasp of saidar at this point that she dare not pay anything else attention. She fears too much losing her grasp and falling completely useless. As if she is of any to begin with. This is her fault after all...

The only thing she can do is what she's already done thus far... Moving out of the range of the woman with the who knives, she weaves air once more around where the other woman's cudgel is. This time, she weaves it tighter. Pulling the weaves like strings around in a knot. Hoping, wondering if it'll make it more effective.

5-foot step back out of the reach of W2. DC 15 Ref to harden air over the cudgel once more. She's tying it off. This will leave the 5-ft sphere of air near or in W1's space.

2017-03-22, 11:24 AM
Time seemed to slow for Taryn as Nicaene fell--it was like watching her sink into quicksand. In that suspended moment, his head felt strangely clear. He found himself remembering their time together as trainees. The first time they'd fought; the humiliation that had burned him at losing. The hours he'd poured into training, gripping his weapon until his hands bled, imagining his opponent was her every time, taunting and laughing.

He felt nauseous, bile rising in his throat. In a flash, he was barreling toward the woman with the cudgel, sword in his hand and rising into Folding the Air before he could even think about it. A wordless cry tore free of his throat as he brought it down in Kingfisher Takes a Silverback. "You think you get to die now?" he snarled. "Get up, burn you!"

Moving into melee with W1, opposite Nicaene.
Activating Iron Guard's Glare as a swift action. W1 takes a -4 attack penalty against Nicaene and Lilleah.
Attacking with Crusader's Strike: [roll0], [roll1], Nicaene regains [roll2] hit points.

2017-03-22, 02:26 PM
The battle!

Lilleah once more weaves Air, but again, the woman caught in the fray avoids the ball of Air and steps out of the place where it now hangs immobile. Nesta and Taryn arrive just in time, but though Nesta uses the weave that Ella showed them earlier, it doesn't seem to slow the man. Taryn too seems unable to land a blow on the woman with the club, who parries his blow easily.

Yet with the arrival of reinforcements, it becomes clear to the surviving enemies that they need to get out of there. Stepping back neatly, the older woman turns and runs, her thuggish friend quickly joining her heading north. The woman with the daggers also takes heed and turns to flee south.

The bags containing Elinar's belongings lie forgotten on the cobblestones: you have been victorious. But at what price? Will you pursue her, or stay and save your friend.

The map shows the directions the group ran, but they are a bit beyond those spaces by now.

The interrogation

Sam shakes his head, this time all traces of deceit gone: "Honestly mistress, I don't think so. I think he just heard it was there. I'm not sure who told him. He seemed to think there'd be plenty of expensive stuff and that."

The barman shakes his head: "There aren't many like them in Tar Valon: it's a safe city. But all cities still have crime: there's always some. I've not heard of a Mac, but that don't mean there ain't one."

An Amy
2017-03-22, 02:34 PM

Seeing the women and the one man flee, Lilleah turns immediately to where Nicaene lay on the stones. She almost falls as she goes to kneel by her friend. A frantic look on her face with a bitten determination not to let it fray her too much. She has to hold onto the one power.

"I'm so sorry," she mutters again and again as she nervously clasps her hands before her and weaves spirit into a pattern that allows her to see how badly wounded her friend is. Or where she is wounded. It also helps her as she begins to look over Nicaene for a way to stop bleeding, prevent further pain or just... keep her alive. "Nesta! D- Do you know healing weaves?"

2017-03-22, 02:47 PM
The moment robbers start to flee, Nesta runs towards the Warder trainee and falls to her knees. At first, she curses herself for wasting power on the thief, power that she now might lack to save Nicaene... but then she remembers Healing isn;t only limited by the amount of power one can channel, but also the amount of power one's body can receive. It should be enough... I have to make it enough. Please, let it be enough! She touches Nicaene's hand and starts pouring Saidar into the Warder trainee.

[roll0], and I'm out of L1 slots. Now, to make sure I understand what happens here - any amount of Healing should at least stabilize Nica automatiucally, right? But, since Healing is converted into non-lethal, total of Nica's HP lost and non-lethat received would still be above her Max HP, so she'll be unconscious either way?

2017-03-22, 02:49 PM
As the woman withdraws, Taryn almost leapt to give chase, but managed to stop himself. The rush of battle faded as quickly as it had come, burning embarrassment filling the space it left. I couldn't stop her...every woman I face, better than me...

He grit his teeth as he flicked the blood of his sword, sheathing it with The Lotus Closes It's Petals. "Come on, Nicaene," he growled, glancing around for further danger as he went to collect Elinar Sedai's left belongings. "Don't you quit on us..."

2017-03-22, 03:37 PM
Ella convinced of the fortuitous status of the attack, says to the barman "Thanks sir. What's your name? I'll put a good word about you in the tower. Be sure to call the guards, we might need to ask him more questions later."

Returning to her friend she asks "Shall we find the others or do you think we should guard the remaining objects?"

2017-03-22, 05:01 PM
"Is Mac one of the unconscious men here, or did he get away?" Cirelyn asks Sam. "If he got away, can you describe him to us? How do you know him?"

She turns to Ella, and shrugs diffidently. "I'm not sure what would be best. On one hand, they might be in danger. On the other hand, if Mac's gang can provide a serious threat to two Warder trainees and two novices, it might be better for everyone if we wait for the Guard to get here, so we can bring them reinforcements. But what do you think?"

Standing up, she walks over to the door to the courtyard, to inspect the carriage and boxes. "As for guarding what's here... did you see how much they got away with?"

Cirelyn would like to take a look at the carriage and try to see how much, if any, of Elinar Sedai's possessions are still there.

2017-03-23, 01:17 PM
Taryn, Nicaene, Lilleah & Nesta

Nesta's weave repairs some of the damage done to Nicaene, though she knows that for each wound healed, greater exhaustion will lie on the Warder trainee. Nicaene is still unconscious for the moment.

Ella and Cirelyn

"Abel, mistress, that's my name. Though I'd prefer if my name wasn't mentioned with this business if you see what I mean. It doesn't look great, the Aes Sedai being robbed in my inn. But you can promise Mistress Elinar that I'll make it up to her, that I will!"

To Cirelyn's question, the lookout takes a glance out of the common room and shakes his head. "No, Mac's a tough, ugly blighter. Burn me, you'd no him. Scar across his face and pock-marked as well."

The two novices make their way over to the carriage. It is neatly upholstered, and looks to have been masterfully crafted. It has smart upholstery, and one of the seats appears to have been split in the thieves haste, and the thatch is tumbling out.

However, the thieves main attention appears to have been on the Aes Sedai's belongings: a chest near the driver's seat it flung open with items scattered about, and a number of smaller cases in the inside have been broken open. Despite the mess, it doesn't seem like large amounts have been taken from either.

As the novices are inspecting the carriage, they hear the sound of the town guard arriving. The men quickly apprehend the remaining thieves and their young captain, a handsome blond man with a well turned-out uniform approaches the novice, looking perplexed.

"Greetings", he began awkwardly. "I am informed that you had a part to play in apprehending these individuals. Could I, er, could I get your side of the story. I'm afraid my superiors will want to know about anyone stealing from an Aes Sedai. And er, the Power being used." At this point, you can both detect a sense of unease. The Power is after all, something no man who walks in the Light would want to have anything to do with.

An Amy
2017-03-23, 01:50 PM
Lilleah, in the alley/street

Not seeing Nicaene move after the healing is surprising. It shouldn't be, but it is. Lilleah's not thinking completely clearly. Healing weaves don't bring people back up to peak condition. It just... closes the wounds. Nicaene would remain unconscious not matter how strong the weave was. But there was another weave that could help. And Lilleah knew it too... but she'd lost the source somehow in the last breath and... there was too much worry for her friend. Guilt that it is her fault. It is her fault! She ran after the thieves. The woman had been right. What could Ellina Sedai have that the Tower couldn't replace? They were in Tar Valon. Even if the items are precious to Ellina Sedai, a full sister could get them back. But a novice running after the thieves? Getting a trainee almost killed protecting her? It was all her fault!

"Nicaene, oh please..." she pleads her unconscious friend. Words falling from her lips in a similar carelessness as her chasing the men to begin with. "Nesta, she's going to be alright? Oh, Taryn, Nesta... it's all my fault. Nicaene was just following me and- She wouldn't be- Thank the creator you both got here when you did."

The Aes Sedai's belongings out of her mind. Even the thief that remains behind on the ground near Nicaene is out of her mind. Just concern for her friend who, by all judgments she could make, is the reason she's still alive.

2017-03-23, 05:43 PM
"Of course, sir," Cirelyn replies, with a quick glance at Ella. Reluctantly, she releases the Power, with a last quick twist to the weave on Sam before she lets it go: cooperate with the guardsmen, you. Of course, the guards won't be able to tell that she's holding the Power, but if word has gotten out that novices were involved, an Aes Sedai or Accepted might not be too far behind them.

She gathers her thoughts, and then speaks calmly and deliberately, meeting the guard captain's eyes. She folds her hands, trying to mimic an Aes Sedai's serenity.

"We were sent here by Elinar Sedai to collect her belongings and bring them back to the Tower - the two of us, two other initiates of the Tower, and two warriors in training with the Warders. When we arrived, we found her carriage being rifled by a gang of thieves - these here, and two who fled, with some of the Aes Sedai's possessions. That man there -" She nods to Sam, "- did not participate in the theft, but was keeping a lookout for them."

"The Warder trainees did most of the work of subduing them -" She shrugs, and her tone turns a little embarrassed. "Honestly, what you've heard about use of the One Power was likely exaggerated, although we did try to help as we could. Our friends and the two trainees pursued the men who fled; we stayed here to guard Elinar Sedai's belongings and to see if we could learn anything from the thieves." She nods again at Sam. "He was quite cooperative, so I'd ask you to try to see that's taken into account in his punishment - he told us that the gang was led by a man named Mac, gave us a description, and said they'd likely be heading to the old factories to the southwest. Mac is apparently one of those who escaped; he carries a scar and pock-marks."

"Might I ask you to send some of your troops to the old factories, to search for our friends? If there are more of these thieves, even Warder-trained warriors might appreciate reinforcements. They went almost due south-west."

If Diplomacy-ing is needed, taking 10 for 16.

Also using the L2 function of Persuasion to implant a Suggestion in Sam - i.e. to cooperate with the investigation - before releasing the weave. If his attitude is still less than Helpful, he gets another Will save to resist it (with a bonus if his attitude is still Indifferent or worse); in any case the effects of Persuasion will last for half again the time that Cirelyn held the weave on the target. If the Suggestion works,
it will last for two hours.

2017-03-23, 05:55 PM
Ella looks appraisingly at the guard captain. The posture is good, nice features, beautiful eyes... He would make a fine warder. Or maybe just a lover. She lightly blushes before dropping the source. The sudden miss of the true power makes her emotions calm, and a candor demeanor return. At least a semblance of it.

"Hello sir. If by part you mean saved the belongings of Elina sedai, than it is a yes. But first we should present ourselves. I am Ella. We have a few questions ourselves, specially about a crook named Mac, the author of this attack. "

She smiles, her best smile, and continues now slightly looking at the stuff in the carriage for something different or suspect "They knew the carriage was here and left unguarded."

Diplomacy at the guard captain [roll0]
Search the carriage [roll1]

2017-03-27, 02:17 PM
Lilleah, Nicaene, Taryn and Nesta

Taryn and Nesta find Lilleah's outburst quite awkward, each for their own reasons, but they've done all they can for the other trainee. Staying here will only get the group into more trouble with the locals.

Taryn hefts Nicaene's body in his arms and sets off back to the tavern to meet with the group. Nesta gathers up the Aes Sedai's belongings and with one arm around Lilleah, follows afterwards.

Cirelyn and Ella

Cirelyn has prepared herself to explain their actions thoroughly, but suddenly Ella blurts out her part, blushing with embarrassment. The captain looks taken aback by her outburst, but this time at least his unease is for rather mundane reasons! Luckily his distraction by Ella makes him forget his unease about the Power and Cirelyn's measured response soon reassures him.

"Of course mistresses, I'm certain the reports were exaggerated. We shall take this man with us and see that The Aes Sedai's belongings are returned and the men brought to justice. We know of a few groups that are from those less than savoury parts: we shall make sure they do not trouble you further. I'm sure the innkeeper will lend you horses to return the carriage to the tower."

Having said his part he nods to the girls, then pauses and adds: "I am Captain Garwyn, a pleasure mistresses."


As Cirelyn and Ella are finishing off their dealings with the guard, the others make their return. Taryn is carrying an unconscious Nicaene (who seems to be stirring into wakefulness), Nesta comes next carrying two bags and finally Lilleah, clearly distressed.

2017-03-27, 03:58 PM
"Cirelyn din Raithe. A pleasure to meet you as well, Captain Garwyn," Cirelyn replies formally (and rather stiffly).

Then her careful composure cracks, as the others step back into the inn; her expression wavers between relief at their return and alarm at the sight of the unconscious Nicaene. "You caught them! Is Nicaene all right? Are any of the rest of you hurt?" She looks at Nesta for the last two questions; the other woman's Talent is for Healing, after all...

An Amy
2017-03-28, 09:21 AM

"We caught up to them," Lilleah says trying to regain her composure but only just managing not to sound distraught. Looking distraught though. "Two others showed up and... Nicaene she- she almost. If Taryn and Nesta hadn't... when they did... Oh, what was I thinking? Running off like that. By the stone, it was stupid. Bloody foolish."

Lilleah grips her forearm where some dried blood is gathered. It's a small scratch, and one she's nursed all the way back. She pulls at the white sleeve to keep it off her small wound while looking around the room and assessing what happened there.

2017-03-28, 09:36 AM
A low groan came from the girl being carried. Consciousness returned slowly to Nicaene. The first sensation she could process was the feeling of movement. Someone was...carrying her? But why? Oh yes, that's right. She'd been knocked out. She'd been fighting those thugs along wit-


Her eyes snapped open. They frantically scanned the area for one specific person. Wherewherewherewherewherethere! There she was! A smile of pure relief appeared on Nicaene's face.

"You're safe! Thank goodness."

2017-03-28, 10:34 AM
Ella blushes again at the idea of the captain as her warder "It's a pleasure.... Thanks for the help here."

Trying to take her mind out of the issue, she looks at the gear again, now more thoroughly .

As the others arrive, she looks at her friends worryingly "we should have gone with you"

Taking 20 (if possible) on search to see if there is something off, strange or missing in the bags

2017-03-28, 10:46 AM
Taryn shook his head at Ella. "It's alright. We got Elinar Sedai's things back, and we're all alive. No sense worrying about what more we could've done."

He glanced down at Nicaene in his arms, conflicting emotions twisting in his gut. "Can you stand?"

2017-03-28, 11:05 AM
"Nicaene..." Nesta shkes her head, "I did close her wounds, but the amount of strength it took from her was more than she had. She will recover... but she needs rest."

Just as the girl finishes speaking, Nica opens her eyes, and Nesta turns towards her, "Everyone's safe, except you if you don't get rest. Lots of rest, and soon. And it seems Elinar Sedai's possessions are safe as well... I have no idea why she decided she needs so many people to carry her things, but I'm glad she did. otherwise..."

2017-03-28, 11:18 AM
Nicaene belatedly realised just who was carrying her. Taryn? Oh great. He was probably loving this. No, wait. He actually looked quite worried. Good to know that his competitive streak had its limits. Prompted by his question, she tentatively tried moving her limbs. Ow! No walking for her, then.

"Probably not. My legs feel so heavy. Looks like you've got an extra bit of luggage to carry back.

...The other trainees are never going to forget this, are they? I can just hear them now: 'Serves her right for doing a man's job'; 'We always knew she didn't belong here'. I bet you'll be mocking along with them, once this burst of sympathy fades."

An Amy
2017-03-28, 11:51 AM

"Thanks entirely to you," she replies to her friend. "And I know I won't be forgetting this, but I better not hear even the hint of mockery from anyone. Well... about you, that is, Nicaene. I was the one that... well, I've established that plenty enough. But no mocking!"

A finger of hers looks to Taryn almost instinctively. She lowers it quickly enough. The only other trainee there to make such a demand to, Taryn had done more than enough to earn her respect. But as the only representative of the other trainees...

"She did exactly as she was supposed to, exactly as she is training to do. We're novices and you're trainees and no one here has had... a lot of experience. I know I haven't. And you did admirably as well, Taryn. We all did, but it could easily be spun another direction. That today is a horrid mess. Novices running off. Trainees charging recklessly toward armed foes. Weaves left and right. So nothing negative. Especially when the Aes Sedai find out about this..." Lilleah knows that goes for her too. In fact, she is trying to convince herself more to be congratulatory and grateful of the outcome than worrisome over what could have been. Oh, but she also wants to jump for joy over having channeled weaves like that. Holding a weapon in place. Even if she'd proven ultimately ineffective. She hopes the other girls with her felt at least as excited.

2017-03-28, 01:58 PM
The group's reunion is fraught with anxiety, but soon it becomes clear that Nicaene can just about stand with help and that thanks to Nesta's healing, she is in no danger (as long as she rests!). The only thing left to fear is how the Aes Sedai will react, but already the guard are clearing out and Garwyn promises you he will see the gang brought to justice.

The innkeeper is more than eager to help you on your way and even helps his stable boy harness a horse in front of the carriage and prepare it for travel. He assures you that his stable boy knows how to drive the carriage and will bring the horses back afterwards, don't you worry.

Nicaene is helped up onto the front seat beside the stable boy and Taryn joins her, whilst the novices begin to file inside the cabin, having fixed all the boxes and crates in place.

It is then that they notice Ella stood to one side, examining the Aes Sedai's belongings.

Ella finds the sacks filled with belongings. It's a mess of shawls and shoes, all expensive though not ostentatious; these thieves may have robbed the wrong Aes Sedai!

But one thing makes Ella stop: at the bottom of one bag she spots a pair of earrings. Perhaps the least expensive of any of the objects in the bags, they contain a familiar design of a silver fish leaping over a river. Familiar because these earrings are a perfect match for Ella's own.


You had been training alone in the Tower when a wetlander in warrior garb had come running and shouting into the courtyard. He seemed panicked already, but upon seeing an Aiel he yelled and drew his sword. So you knocked him on his back. Not hard exactly, but you didn't want him to hurt himself obviously.

Anyway, when it all got sorted out, the Aes Sedai weren't too impressed with either of you, expecially as he turned out to be a guardsman from Tar Valon who had an important message about some Novices having been in danger.

Two Aes Sedai, the mistress of Novices and a newcomer led you and the guardsman (still eyeing you fearfully) towards the gates to await the return of the others.


After Ella joins them, the group hastens back to the Tower, braced for their reception. As they approach the gates they find themselves faced by the two faces they probably wanted to see the least: Ellinar Sedai, and inevitably, Amira Sedai the mistress of Novices. Yet where they perhaps had expected to be chastised, Ellinar said something they might never have expected from an Aes Sedai: "My apologies girls, and most of all to you young trainee. I had not anticipated that any such issues might have befallen you. I thank you deeply for recovering my belongings, though none of them were worth the cost you nearly paid."

It is after these words that the group realises that there are two individuals with the Aes Sedai: a guardsman who is quickly dismissed and the strange Aiel woman you have all seen around the Tower.

"A cost that was nearly too high indeed," Amira added. "All of you clearly need to learn restraint at times. Hala, perhaps working with these trainees will teach you that."

End of day one! I'll give you some time to chat and post which can include going to your rooms etc And then I'll post up the start of the next segment tomorrow or the day after.

An Amy
2017-03-28, 03:31 PM

She remains somber and rather thoughtful on the way back to the tower after thanking the innkeeper for the assistance and telling the city guard where they could find one more ruffian out in the streets. She brings up little in way of conversation but is quite curious about how the events in the inn went especially when it came to the use of the power.

"Healing is not a weave I even know," she admits to the others. "I would greatly like to learn. I never thought I'd need to worry about such things for a while. Today has proven that... well, you can never be too prepared."

Once back at the White Tower and standing before Ellina and Amira Sedai, she bows her head deeply, curtsies with the epitome of humility and deference and remains otherwise quiet. And she is also completely ashamed of herself and her failed memory for having forgotten Ellinar Sedai's name. Expecting more than what was said, she is surprised. Lilleah was prepared to accept at least the blame for Nicaene's state having been the one to run off into the streets following armed thieves with nothing more than a novice's grasp of the One Power. She is hoping to protect her friend from any critical words. Fortunately, that isn't necessary. Just yet, that is.

When the Aes Sedai speak their words and journey off, Lilleah allows herself to gaze upon the other girl with them. Not a novice, she was too curious. Maybe an initiate so new to the tower as to not have been given white even? Oh, her skin and hair... and her height. Could she be the Aeil that came to the tower? Yes, she must! Lilleah has been looking for an opportunity to run into the tall woman. There is no fear in her over the woman being an Aiel. They are in Tar Valon. In the White Tower. Though, that sense of security is now greatly tarnished...

"Do you need help to your room?" she asks her friend, Nicaene, while casting a glance toward the Aiel from time to time.

2017-03-28, 03:59 PM
Nicaene barely talked on the ride back. She just took the opportunity to rest. The welcome waiting at the Tower turned out to be a lot nicer than expected. Instead of punishment, they got an apology; Oh, and an Aiel. Nicaene had crossed paths with Hala quite a lot. The foreigner seemed strangely interested in her. But most of their meetings tended to end badly. Nicaene had never been able to figure out Hala's intentions. And right now, she was in far too much pain to try.

As expected, Lilleah offered to help Nicaene walk. The poor girl was absolutely wracked with guilt. And much as Nicaene wanted to make that guilt vanish, she couldn't: Because Lilleah had been responsible. Feeling bad about it would help her learn and improve. Nicaene too felt the shame of falling to those alley thugs. She'd use those emotions to good effect in her future training. Together, trainee and novice would work to become better people. And if either of them stumbled...

"Yes, I think I do. Thank you."

...The other would be there with a shoulder to lean on.

2017-03-29, 02:37 PM
As she looks at the earrings Ella mutters "Blood and bloody ashes..."

She follows the others a bit quieter than normal, and when she sees Elinar sedai she nears and asks privately "Ellinar sedai thank you for your concern for us. We did our best." pausing a bit she adds "If possible I would like to request a meeting with you. I hope you can help me with some personal problems."

taking 10 on stealth to talk low, and appear a casual talk

2017-03-30, 11:24 AM
Taryn couldn't find anything to say on the way back to the Tower. It was hard enough to look at any of the others. True, they'd done as they'd been bid, and everyone had been safe in the end, but...he couldn't help but feel that he'd failed. The face of that woman with the cudgel seemed to taunt him. I should've been able to get past her guard...I need to do better. He wondered, if someone had told him a week ago that Nicaene would be so handily defeated the first time they went out on Tower business, would he have been happy? Laughed? Now, he just felt ill.

He did his best not to let it show when they faced Elinar and Amira Sedai. Come on, man, it's not so bad. You pulled it off. Elinar's words came as no small comfort, and he managed a smile as he bowed respectfully. He couldn't help but keep an eye on the Aielwoman as he tuned out Amira's admonition--it certainly wouldn't be the last time she or someone else told him he needed to learn restraint. Hala was more intriguing.

As the group was dismissed, he thought of going to the field to practice for a while, wanting distraction, but a wave of exhaustion stopped him. He'd forgotten about Nesta's healing, and all that running after Lilleah and Nicaene had been tiring besides. Sleep was what he needed. Returning to his bunk, he shed his sword belt and jacket, stumbled to the bed, and was out before his head even hit the pillow.

An Amy
2017-03-30, 01:19 PM

"I'll join you all in the novice quarters later," she tells the other white-clad girls as she moves to her friend's side. She knows she doesn't have to help Nicaene walk necessarily, but she offers her shoulder nonetheless. Then, careful not to get in Nicaene's way, she helps her friend back toward the female guard barracks where her friend has been quartered for the time being.

2017-04-01, 02:36 AM
Cirelyn is quiet and thoughtful on the ride back to the White Tower. It seems strange to her that a common footpad would attempt to steal from an Aes Sedai; the shorebound all seem so fearful of the One Power, especially men. Perhaps this Mac has lived long enough in Tar Valon to lose some of that nervousness - but it's not as if fear of the Tower is baseless. Or perhaps he's a newcomer from a land where the Aes Sedai are not held in either respect or fear - but such lands would have to be distant and strange, and if Mac were a foreigner from the barren Waste or the distant silk-traders' lands, surely Sam would have mentioned that before his scars.

Someone told him, though. Maybe it wasn't that he was foolhardy; maybe someone paid him enough to make the risk worthwhile... but if so, what did they hope to gain?

At Ellinar Sedai's apology and words of thanks, she doesn't speak, but ducks her head in acknowledgement. Amira Sedai's admonishment gets a murmured "Yes, Amira Sedai". She nods agreement to Lilleah as she leaves, supporting Nicaene, and turns away politely to give Ella time for her conversation - which leaves Cirelyn, Nesta and Hala standing at the Tower gates.

She wants to talk to Nesta, but there should be opportunities for that in the novice quarters later, and it seems rude to simply ignore the Aiel woman. Cirelyn has seen the strange foreign warrior around the Tower once or twice, but there's never really been an opening for a conversation, before now.

Not that there is a particularly natural opening now, but -

"Hello," she says neutrally. "Your name is Hala? I am called Cirelyn."

2017-04-02, 04:31 AM
You all seek your beds after an unexpectedly exhausting day. Ellinar scrutinises Ella, then replies: "Perhaps, come to my rooms an hour before the dinner bell tomorrow and we can discuss what bothers you."

The Next Day...


Despite your adventures, you are still novices of the White Tower, and you all know to rise early and ready yourselves for the day ahead. There is still one more day until Springfest when you will be released from lessons, but today you've no such luck. Breakfast is eaten hastily and then you are collected by Accepted Shayla, a short woman with an inscrutable face.

She takes the 10 most advanced girls to one of the larger classrooms where they find Ryla Sedai, a sister of the Yellow Ajah seated calmly on a stool, with three men stood to one side. The men don't wear fancloth capes, but it's still clear that these men are warders from the way their eyes patrol the woman, constantly wary. The Novices take their place standing before her, eager for this lesson: they have few with Yellow sisters as Healing is not something taught to Novices.

"Welcome girls," Ryla says slowly, "Today we will examine one of the most commonly used Healing weaves, but one which is invaluable to all sisters. Can anyone tell me the side effect of using the Power to heal a wound?"

(Feel free for someone to post an answer)

"And therefore we need a weave to lighten this exhaustion and allow individuals to carry on when exhaustion should halt them. But what you all must remember is this: the subjects tiredness is not cured, simply suspended. It will return and often times in greater amounts, therefore you must be as careful with this weave as any other Healing weave."

With her warnings made, Ryla embraced Saidar and began to glow with its power. She held her hand before her, turned her palm down and fine threads of Air, Water and Spirit sprang up around her before forming a pattern together. The weave hovered for a few seconds before vanishing with no target.

Ryla then nodded to Accepted Shayla and the two walked between the Novices repeating the weave so that the Novices could attempt to learn it.

"Now I want each of you to try, but do not use this on each other. Just practice forming the weave!"

You may each take 5 weavesight checks to learn Renew. Hopefully even your rolls won't stop you learning this!

Taryn, Nicaene and Hala

The life of a trainee in the Tower does not allow for lie ins, whether you're a Novice or not. Springfest is a day away, and that means that you can barely move for men and women bustling past you preparing the festivities.

As usual the trainees report to Caster Gaidin or one of the other senior Warders in charge of training, and now that means that Hala has come too: the Aes Sedai did tell them to stick together after all.

The trio arrive at the same time and Caster frowns at the two women: "Two girls now? And I've got the Aiel. Light help me. I've heard the report from yesterday trainees: I'm not impressed, but that doesn't matter right now. I've got a job that needs doing, it's not nice work but someone needs to do it. Solve it and I might forget about yesterday's mess." Something has clearly irritated Caster, he might be irascible at times, but this seems out of character even for him.

"There are some fools down in the city talking about the end of times, Tarmon Gaidon, Light save us all. They're messing with people's heads and we really don't need that at a time like this. Trouble is, they're getting popular and the guard won't shut them down. So we need someone to go there and shut them down: the Tower has the authority for this sort of business."

"I don't care how you do it, just find out who is in charge and make sure they know to keep their prophesies to themselves."

An Amy
2017-04-02, 09:59 AM

She stays with her friend for a short time, chatting only a little on the days events and stating, once more, that she feels bad for how things turned out. And how grateful she is for Nicaene.

"You will make very fine warder for a deserving Aes Sedai."

Afterwards she returns to the novice quarters and resumes her daily activities. The evening meal comes and goes. Her companions of the day are a welcome sight in the halls of the White Tower, but she feels undeserving. While most kept their calm, she ran off in the heat of battle. Why? It still bothered her. She was never like that before. Never reckless like that before. Night comes and she manages to find Saidar just long enough to weave her sleep guard. A weave she's used for a long time and never goes without. So far, no one in the tower has noticed... even if Novices are not allowed to channel without permission. As a wilder, some habits are hard to break. Blocks aside.

Later, when taken to a rather small class with the Yellow, Ryla Sedai, Lilleah feels excited once more and forgets the previous guilt trip she'd been putting herself through. At least for the moment. Remaining silent through the question, wondering if the answer she was going to give was overly complicated anyway: healing uses the energy of the healed and can leave the healed feeling fatigued if done too much. But she wonders if someone could be healed to the point of unconsciousness.

When the weave is demonstrated, Lilleah sees one that she already knows. She pulls her lips to the side as she tries to overcome her block, but with nothing new to learn she's just not curious enough. This is a Yellow though. A rare opportunity to show someone else that a block can actually be something easily overcome. Especially from an Ajah that sees a block as something to be "healed".

She tries... but does not succeed in overcoming her lack of wonder.

2017-04-02, 12:35 PM

For Nesta, this lesson is largely a formality (even though she mentally chastices herself for forgetting that weave yesterday - though, admittedly, she didn't exactly had time to spare when they were chasing the thieves, and afterwards, she had no strength left to relieve Nicaene from fatigue anyway). Still, she looks around, watching whether any of the Novices struggle with the task, and if they do... "Ryla Sedai", she raises her arm, attracting attention, "please look - I want to make sure I'm doing it correctly..."

The second meaning should be obvious - Everyone who didn't get it, look again!

2017-04-02, 01:10 PM

When nobody else immediately speaks in answer to Ryla Sedai's question, Cirelyn raises her hand and answers tentatively, "Fatigue, Ryla Sedai." Her thoughts flash back to Nicaene, Healed but still barely able to walk. Healing is not a Talent with her, and she's never even contemplated the Yellow Ajah; before yesterday, she'd known virtually nothing of Healing weaves, despite her years as a novice. But Nesta and the others with that Talent aren't speaking up - perhaps they're trying to offer a chance for others to contribute, in a class that is evidently going to be quite focused on Healing.

She watches closely while the Aes Sedai weaves - just Air and Spirit and Water, all familiar tools, but the pattern they make is complex in a way that's hard to describe... Cirelyn blinks, hard, and by the time she looks back at the weave, it is gone. She wouldn't know where to begin to reproduce it.

She glances around the room. Lilleah looks... a little bored, frankly. She's turning to try to follow what the Accepted is doing when Nesta raises her hand and begins to weave.

Oh, that makes sense!

For whatever reason, it's much easier to understand the pattern when Nesta weaves it - perhaps that's their shared early Windfinder training, perhaps just that Nesta is weaving more slowly and carefully. Cirelyn catches Nesta's eye and gives her a grateful smile, mouthing thanks.

She takes a deep breath, and attempts to call up the frame of mind she needs for channeling. Nesta... last night they were both too exhausted to say much beyond "Goodnight" and "Sleep well", but perhaps Nesta could be a real friend here, the first she's made in the White Tower. The first in... much longer than that, to be honest; for most of her childhood, the Gull didn't have other young children on board, and her apprenticeship left little time or energy for socializing.

She lets the thought of friends buoy her up, into the warm bright light of the Source that waits just beyond her perceptions. It comes with surprising ease, almost as it used to on the Gull.

Slowly, cautiously, she begins to weave the threads of the Power.

Roll to overcome block: [roll0] Composure.

2017-04-02, 05:30 PM
Nicaene managed to stay awake long enough to enjoy her talk with Lilleah. But as soon as she was alone again, the injured trainee fell asleep. Despite some rather unpleasant dreams, Nicaene awoke the next day feeling much better. She got up, washed, dressed, and readied herself for the usual volley of unfairness.

She gave Taryn and Hala an awkward greeting when they met. After yesterday, it was difficult to know what to say. They weren't exactly on great terms anyway. As usual, Caster was displeased with Nicaene; But this time he actually had a good reason. She really did need to redeem herself. The mission he gave out sounded more interesting than the usual fare. Rabble-rousers predicting Tarmon Gaidon, hmm? Nicaene rolled her eyes at that. As if some random street prophet could outdo the Aes Sedai. If Tarmon Gaidon were really on the way, the Tower would have predicted it. Nicaene gave Caster an eager salute.

"Yes sir! We'll go down there and put a stop to it immediately."

Well, immediately after she donned her armour. Any thieves trying to stab her today would have a much harder time of it.

2017-04-03, 12:24 PM
Ella doesn't feel normal anymore. She isn't her anymore. Her mind wanders to the meeting she'll have later, but returns as the weave is starting to be spunned.

If not all things Aes Sedai were good to her personality, this - weaves - were. They were like puzzles waiting to be learned. Knowing was a kind of power. The strongest one...

She looks at the weave and tries to form it. Healing was one of the things she was good at.


Edit: yesss

2017-04-03, 12:54 PM
The Novices

Ryla seems impressed especially given how hard Healing weaves are to grasp, even for those with a Talent for it. She examines Nesta's weave and finds no flaw with it; "Perhaps this is not the first time you've seen it woven. Your weave is excellent, child."

As she comes to the other Atha'an Miere she watches intently as the weave comes together, then shares supportive words: "A good start girl. A very good start. Weave it with confidence, but care. You must know exactly where the weaves must go, and you must tell the body to listen!"

She seems cheered by the first successes, and a few of the other novices appear to be keeping up as well; Emmea appears to be matching Cirelyn's first attempt and Eveswana's not too far behind. But when Ryla reaches Lilleah and sees the girl isn't even surrounded by the light of Saidar she pauses: "Child, is something amiss?Are you able to channel now for me? Would you like me to repeat the weave?"

Meanwhile Shayla, the Accepted, bustles up to Ella and breaks her from her reverie: "Enough watching, are you ready to try it now?"

An Amy
2017-04-03, 01:06 PM

Hoping that perhaps she would be just moved over, Lilleah bows her head. "I can- I will try, Ryla Sedai. It is a weave I know, but- I- I will try." She stops and nods her head.

Oh, blood and ashes... now she's nervous. And she can feel Eveswana's delighted smile from across the room. Even as she begins to try and get herself into the mood the channel and reach out to find the source, the itching feeling of others' eyes on her make her ever more nervous. And there's an Aes Sedai right in front of her. Oh the attention feels unbearable. Well... she pushes anyway. Reaching out for whatever bit of the flow she can find. Any scrap of the One Power.

Composure to overcome block [roll0]

And pushing through the negativity and nerves, Lilleah finds that the new setting and a new Aes Sedai that has yet to see her overcome her block is something she'd like to prove. Yes, the weave is familiar but not so the immediate company. Following her efforts to encourage herself toward embracing the power, she then does so. Filling herself with the aptly described sweetness. The way the world suddenly comes to life around her.

A pull of her lips to the side a little and places a hand on the other, tilts her head to the right a touch and begins to demonstrate for Ryla Sedai the weave requested, though... without the holding out of a hand. Just forming the weave before her.

2017-04-06, 03:45 PM
Ella having in Shayla a good role model, someone that braved the initiate route but was never mean or vindictive to those. Maybe one day Ella would be like her.

Kind and helpful.

"Of course." She smiles in a thank you. Her reverie could cost her a chagrined look from the Aes Sedai.

Putting all her troubles behind, she pulls strands and lines of saidar to emulate the puzzle she had seen before. Tapestry with power, painting with colors of magical waters. Beauty in raw form. Art.

2017-04-07, 01:38 PM
In other circumstances, Hala might have protested this assignment. Restraint? The fool guardsman had come at her with a sword, what was she supposed to do about it? Run away? Stand there meekly and let him stab her? No, thank you. She'd been plenty restrained, the man was barely even bruised. But one Does Not Argue with Aes Sedai, so instead Hala had swallowed her complaints and nodded, and here she is. It's not an arduous punishment, anyway - wouldn't be a punishment at all if they'd phrased it some other way. It's something to fill her hours, and being told to work with the Warder trainees does away with the awkwardness of asking them to let her for her own sake.

She finds herself a little less than enthused about the task Caster Gaidin is giving them, though. They want her to play at being a Red Shield? A foreigner, and Aiel to boot? Oh yes, that seems likely to end well. It sounds like the best thing she can do here is keep her mouth shut and let the other two handle it. Some lesson in restraint that is.

... actually, when she puts it like that it makes perfect sense. She just doesn't like it. At least the company promises to be decent, Nicaene is herself and the other one (Tarin?) has never done worse than give her a dirty look.

"Yes, Gaidin," she says, managing a passable imitation of respect. If she'd worn the cadin'sor she'd be off to her quarters to change too, but luckily she'd elected to wear a wetlander shirt and trousers trousers today, to blend in with the trainees and make herself stand out less. Out in the city, that'll be even more important, a matter of safety rather than just convenience and more one of safety; yesterday's guard is not the only one whose reaction to an Aiel would involve drawn steel.

2017-04-10, 04:51 AM
The Novices

Lilleah manages to scrape together the curiosity needed to weave in front of the Yellow sister and suddenly she can feel the Power of Saidar rushing through her again.

Ryla nods impressed, by the weave, though she still has a few pointers about Lilleah's weaves of Water, and a raised eyebrow for Lilleah's stance whilst weaving.

Ella jumps to attention and quickly brings the lines of Air, Water and Spirit together. Though it is the first time she was woven this particular weave, it seems to come naturally to her and the Accepted praises her briefly before passing on.

The lesson continues like this for a time, with Ryla and Shayla making sure that each of the Novices has been able to conjure this weave to an acceptable standard. once satisfied, Ryla takes her place at the front of the class again.

"Well done girls, I hope you found that instructive. Now, I am told that in a previous class you studied the effects of exhaustion and what prolonged exhaustion can do to the body. Therefore sometimes,
we need not suspend this tiredness, but we must convince the body to rest. This is particularly useful when the individual does not have the required strength for healing."

Ryla then weaves the same strands of Air, Water and Spirit, but this time somehow reversed. Instead of enlivening, this weave is a net that suppresses energy, making the body feel exhausted.

"Now, I do not expect all of you to be able to weave this, as it requires more power to suppress energy in this way, but I would like you to at least learn the way the weaves are formed."

Ryla performs Sand Casting from utdb, a level 2 Healing Weave using Air Spirit and Water. Some of you may need to overchannel to do this, in which case the DC is 25 :smalleek:

Hala and Nicaene

Nicaene gatehrs her armour whilst Hala makes certain that her wetlander disguise is presentable, then they prepare to head down into town. Taryn promises to find out what more the Warders know and then find them in town.

Whilst Nicaene and Hala are in the barracks, Tasha, a young officer who has always been nice to Nicaene tells her that the group has been proselytising in the North West district of Tar Valon, and that they often come out at market days or feast days in order to get as much attention as possible. Tasha indicated that the local guards would probably know more about the group's leaders as well. As the pair are about to leave, Tasha adds that she had heard the group had some links to crime, and some members could be found frequenting the less savoury establishments of the Northern district, most notably the Laughing Vixen.

2017-04-10, 06:08 AM
Now this weave, Nesta not only isn't familiar with; the girl never even heard about it, and looks at Ryla Sedai's demonstration intently, struggling to remember every quirk and point... and it is complex, probably more complex than any weave she learned before... still, twice Nesta thinks that she managed to grasp the idea - only for the next twist of the thread to throw her assumptions aside... but, ultimately, she's pretty sure she got it right.

Of course, getting it right isn't the same as doing it herself; not that she's unwilling to try, but if any of the Novices looks more confident? Nesta's more than willing to give them a first go at it.

2017-04-10, 06:50 AM
Nicaene made sure to thank Tasha for the information. Every ally in the Tower was welcome. Since being quartered with the guardswomen, she'd gotten to know a fair few of them. Not all of them approved of her presence here; But the ratio was definitely better than with her fellow trainees. Nicaene set off to make use of the leads she'd been given.

Taryn soon left to chase leads of his own. Probably for the best. They'd work better if they didn't have to put up with one another. That left only...Hala. Nicaene gave the Aiel woman an awkward glance. She never knew how to handle their meetings. And now they had to work together unsupervised? Great. From the sounds of it, Hala was doing this as a punishment. Did that make Nicaene her boss? She didn't like that idea very much. But the alternative was letting Hala push her around instead. So reluctantly, Nicaene did her best to project an aura of authority. She spoke to her new partner in what she hoped was a commanding tone.

"All right then. Let's head over to the North West district first. I want to hear this rabble rousing first-hand."

An Amy
2017-04-10, 07:27 AM

The young novice watches as Ryla Sedai forms the weaves of the three energies, spirit, air and water, once more. The weave is different than what Lilleah knows and is more powerful perhaps in even its most basic form. While other weaves can be created with more intricate patterns, they are still simple in design. This weave is complex even just looking at it. Of course that doesn't mean it's the simplest form, though Lilleah doubts in a teaching environment that anything but the simplest form would be used. She focuses on how the weave is done and commits that to memory. Silently narrating herself through the formation of the weaves. How strands air and water are interwoven with a nest of spirit.

She knows the weave now... it is time to see if she can channel enough power... But she waits. Wondering what everyone else will be doing. She looks to Eve briefly, then to the others and back finally to Ryla Sedai. She feels she can channel this weave, but it would be difficult. And perhaps dangerous for her. Oh, light, but she wants to try. Just to see if she can. But is she expected to?

"Ryla Sedai, do you wish for us to try forming the weave ourselves?" Lilleah asks.

2017-04-10, 07:42 PM
Now, focusing on the lesson, as the weaves become more intricate, the puzzle was harder - so much more fun. She thinks briefly on the days her puzzles were locks, and ways to deal with them.

But today it was something she could use to save others instead of in the past, where she tried to save herself from the poverty, and the men that looked at her as a piece of meat.

At Lilleah's question she stops and looks at the Aes Sedai. Ella was about to do it even without permission.

2017-04-10, 11:49 PM
Cirelyn had been working on the renewing weave, creating it and then letting it dissipate again and again, with increasing confidence - and so she almost misses the new weave. She sits up sharply, studying the intricate threads of the Powers.

Ryla Sedai had said this would be more difficult, but it's still only Air, Water and Spirit. The threads are thicker, perhaps, braided like cord, but she saw heavier and more intricate workings of Air and Water as a Windfinder's apprentice, once she finally learned to train her eyes to see the flows. She may not be a natural healer like Nesta and Ella, but this... this, perhaps, she can do.

Carefully, delicately, she channels threads of the Power into the weave's pattern, working from memory. Part of her wants to draw in more of the Power, until the sweetness becomes touched with pain, and see what happens then - and the Aes Sedai had asked her to weave with more confidence...

Get the weave right first, she scolds herself, and looks up. She's been so focused on the pattern that she's been ignoring the other novices... who, hmm, haven't started weaving yet... and Lilleah had just asked a question, hadn't she...?

As her mind finally catches up with her ears, Cirelyn flushes, and stares down at her desk. She hadn't meant to begin while the others were still waiting for permission. But she doesn't release the weave.

Cirelyn doesn't need to overchannel for this one, as she has all the relevant Affinities.

2017-04-11, 02:43 PM
The Novices

Though the others are staring intently at Ryla's demonstration, Cirelyn is of a more practical bent and has already begun her weave before Lilleah has asked her question. Ryla, for her part, seems focused on Cirelyn's weave and nods to Lilleah's question, "Though do it safely girls, if you feel it is beyond you then do not push yourselves, the strength to weave this will come in time."

Ryla examines Cirelyn's weave and praises her: "Well done child, yes you're already more confident, this is a remarkable first attempt. This weave would slow a person, make them feel exhausted, but for a severely injured individual we would use more of the Power, like this, to force them to rest. Even a man in agony could be made to slumber peacefully with this weave."

Hala and Nicaene

The pair make their way into town, Hala noting both Nicaene's determination and maybe also her relief at not being escorted by the man, Taryn. Once in the north-west quarter you head towards the Great Fish Market on the road to Jualde, but find nothing amiss. Still, the people of the market are keen to have their voices heard and they soon direct you further north, up to one of the northern most squares, nearly to North Harbour itself. Soon you can let your eyes guide you, as a powerful voice drifts through the streets.

Finding your way to the square, the pair come across a small crowd of about 50 people listening to a red faced, slightly pudgy man in simple clothing, yet he holds the people with his words: "Hear me and know the darkest hours are here. You have seen how spring is not yet past, when it should be long away: In the heart of winter shall winter’s heart be born. In these last few years have we not been assailed by ill after ill? Remember: amid the wailings of lamentation and the gnashing of teeth, for winter’s heart shall ride a black horse, and the name of it is Death. We must prepare ourselves for the end of days. Find sanctuary where you can for your children, and all those men and women who stand in the light must take up arms, for Tarmon Gai'don comes and the Dark One and his terrible servants will walk the earth again!" Though his words are dire, no one in the crowd looks away, they all appear hooked.

"Remember my words good citizens, remember these dark days. I have warned you before of the treachery of dark friends, of the right hand that falters and the left hand that strays, of mankind's Crossroads of Twilight. Watch your neighbours, and know those who tarry in their preparations are those who serve the Father of Lies. Know that those who wish these words silenced serve his goal. Pass the message and let all men gird themselves. Soon, brothers and sisters, soon we will all need to stand strong togther!"

His final words are met with a smattering of applause and shouts, though most of the audience is only now extracting itself from rapt attention. The red faced man steps down from his makeshift stage, but is soon greeted by a small crowd of ten or so people, keen to learn more. Nicaene spots at least three men and women who appear to be with the orator, and who are now trying to fend off his fans.

2017-04-12, 03:29 AM

"I see", Nesta nods, trying to concentrate. Honestly speaking, she's not sure at all she can handle a weave that complicated - if it was Spirit, sure, but weaving three Powers at once like this will be seriously pushing her limit... but she's not the one to step back from a challenge just because it looks hard.

Except in this case, she probably should have; the Weave's not even close to completion when her concentration slips and the Powers wrestle out of control, Nesta feeling a splitting headache, dropping to her knees and covering her forehead with her hands.

"I'm sorry, Ryla Sedai", she says after several seconds, breating heavily, "I thnk I can still continue the lesson..."

An Amy
2017-04-12, 07:21 AM

She hesitates as she tries to gauge her own measure of success. She knows she's going to have to push a little... or, rather, a lot. And, dragon's fang on a privy, it's something she's never done before. But it's also something she's never tried before... and she's too curious if she can. Then, seeing Nesta attempt and... get hurt somewhat, it both frightens her but tips her forward. She takes up her typical posture, knit brows, slightly tilted head, lips pursed in determination and, with as much a delicate touch as she can do, she begins to form the intricate weave that Cirelyn seemed to do without trouble at all but with what the other seafolk channeler had problems. Yet as she tries she can feel the strain it puts on her. Keeping both the weave intact and the effort to keep her head from splitting sideways is... just... too much.

Lilleah lets out a sigh as her weave unravels before coming together. The threads of the One Power fading. She still feels... fine, though. No headache. She managed to keep that at bay, and, in a way, blames her effort for doing so for why she failed. Perhaps it leaves her with a false sense of security. It wasn't so bad...

"I'm going to try again," she states rather softly. Though she hesitates once more wondering if the majority of the other novices will try. What will their success be? What does Eve do? Oh, if that too-good for her own dress...

2017-04-12, 12:29 PM
Ella starts the weave. She knew it, the puzzle was stamped in her brain. But weaving, sometimes was like a magic trick. She knew it, but hadn't the ability (yet) to pull it off...

This was one of those times. And at the end, as the third air strand intertwines with spirit, and the knot unfolds and all disappears.

Disappointment makes her face flush, reddening it. A bright red.

"Someday casting something as this will be easy." She says to herself.

2017-04-12, 12:44 PM
The more of the speech that Nicaene heard, the darker her expression grew. This man's true aim was so transparent. He urged people to 'stand strong together', beneath a banner of his choosing. Anyone who dared to disagree got branded a traitor. People like him were the enemies of true unity. Nicaene dearly wanted to march up and give him a piece of her mind. But doing that would just play into his hands. He'd use her as an example of the dark forces trying to silence him. No, best to wait until he had no audience. Perhaps she should follow him? Or rather, perhaps someone less obvious should follow him. Making sure nobody else was within earshot, Nicaene whispered to Hala.

"Can you shadow these people when they leave? It would help to know what corner of this city they call home."

2017-04-12, 07:57 PM
A small smile escapes Cirelyn at the Aes Sedai's praise, but she grimaces in sympathy upon seeing the trouble the other novices seem to be having with the weave, and reaches out to put a hand on Nesta's shoulder in concern when the other woman collapses.

"The threads of Water need to be thick enough to support the rest of the structure," she says diffidently, once Nesta seems to have recovered from the worst of it, with a glance at Lilleah - the other woman had said she wanted to try again. She speaks loudly enough to be heard by those close to her, but not addressing herself to anyone in particular. "Ryla Sedai, when you say you can use more of the Power to reinforce the weave... like this?"

She draws more deeply on the Source, delighting in the sweetness of the Power, the sharpening of all her senses. When she weaves again, braiding her flows into thick ropes of Water and Air and Spirit, she works slowly and methodically to let the others see the pattern more clearly, as Nesta did for her with the earlier weave.

Overchanneling attempt, to weave it at +1 level to get the stronger effect.

2017-04-13, 03:57 AM

Seeing Cirelyn handling the difficult weave so easily and confidently, Nesta bites her lip and takes a deep breath. No way she could pull back now, headache be damned. Slowly, carefully, she starts Weaving again...

Concentration [roll0]. I need nat-20 here... time to boost Con on the first opportunity!
Fortitude [roll1]

...and, despite the pain, manages to get closer to completion - though, of course, One Power is one thing where 'almost' doesn't count. If it's any consolation, at least this time she manages to disperse the pattern safely - another such a backlash, and she wouldn't get away with a night of rest...

"I'm sorry, Ryla-sedai", she says, looking down, "it seems I can't do it yet..."

An Amy
2017-04-13, 09:29 AM

Nesta's second attempt saw no better results. But Cirelyn not only does it again but makes the weave stronger. Lilleah sees the thicker braid of water surrounded by a lattice of spirit all threaded together with air like the spokes on a cart wheel. Just dozens of them. It almost looks like a spike. Or a tap. But the way she does it... the focused expression on her face that is both intense and yet absent from everything else. As if she and only she exists in her world at that moment. It is remarkable. Weaving isn't just natural to Cirelyn, as it is to Lilleah, but it's honed or tightened and not so unwieldy. And with that, narrowing down her focus and her flows at the same time, Cirelyn achieves something stronger.

Lilleah has to learn how to do that. Perhaps, with such concentrated effort, her weaves too will be more effective. And less likely to be bested by a brutish woman and her axe when her friends need her.

Following through her statement... she attempts the weave once more. Inspired by Cirelyn's success and Nesta's continued efforts.

Concentration DC 20 [roll0]
Fortitude DC 17 [roll1]
Failure by 9 on the fort, 8 damage (OOC roll) and she won't be able to channel for 24 hours.

The weave begins to come together just as before as she tries to duplicate Cirelyn's stronger weave but with far less complexity given her increased efforts to just keep the flows from vanishing. Yet before she can form the pattern of the weave, a pain pushes through her head.

"Ah..." she whimpers with a hand to her right temple. Pain twisting her expression as she looks through just her left eye as the weave vanishes. But the whole room also starts to... spin around. "That's not good for..."

The novice slumps to the floor. Unconscious.

2017-04-13, 09:50 AM
"Lilleah! Foolish girl...." Ella reacts quickly to Lilleah's fall.Having the source ready for a tentative second try, she changes the weave to the healing she knows sow well.

Healing [roll0]

2017-04-13, 07:49 PM
"Lilleah!" Cirelyn gasps, sounding more than a little guilty. Light, she hadn't meant to push the other woman into trying something beyond her reach... everyone talks about Lilleah's strength, her extraordinary potential. But very few of the shorebound novices have the skill at handling flows of Water that she'd seen among the Windfinders - which is to be expected, she supposes, given that probably none of them have spent much time at sea. She'd only been trying to help...

She leaves her seat to crouch down beside the other girl, checking her pulse - although she doesn't know much first aid, just enough to treat rope-burns and get a drowning victim breathing again. But then again, it's not really needed; Ella is already weaving, and they're in a room with a Yellow sister. Unless Lilleah has harmed herself in a way that can't be Healed...

Going to hold off on more reaction until we see what Ryla does.

2017-04-15, 10:54 AM
The Novices

Ryla did not seem disappointed that the Novices had failed, and seemed about to deliver a lesson on such a point, when all eyes turned to see Cirelyn, blazing with the light of Saidar (or at least compared to the other Novices), holding the weave before her. Not to be outdone, soon a matching light surrounded Lilleah, but where the Sea Folk girl had managed to hold on to the Power, the complex weaves slipped out of Lilleah's control and as the weave collapsed she felt a snapping sensation as the energy form the weave recoiled into her own body.

The Novice collapsed and even before the Aes Sedai could reach her, Ella was by her side, restoring the girl at least for a time.

As Ella looks up, impressed with her handy work she sees the motherly face of the Yellow sister transformed into a stern look of disapproval.

"Stop girls. Release the Power: all of you. That is enough for today." She then delved Lilleah to check that the girl was alright, before weaving the Renew weave to suspend the exhaustion wrought from healing.

Another opportunity to learn Delve and Renew with weavesight if you don't have them already.

Lilleah has [roll0] subdual damage suspended for 8 hours.

Once she was awake, Ryla once more addressed the girls. "Healing is a complex art, one for which not all have the talent. Strength alone in the Power is not enough. And though it seems miraculous at times,
not everything can be healed. Their are some wounds which even Healing cannot erase: remember that."

"You have done well today, though it might not feel like it now. Ella, I would like you to come and visit me this evening, after your lessons but before dinner. The rest of you, do not push yourselves further today: your lessons will not require you to channel further."

With that Ryla makes them return to their seats and explains to them the basic tenets of Healing with the Power, and has them recite what they'd learned in that lesson. Once the noon bell tolled, the Novices were dismissed to lunch, and told to meet with Lornelle Sedai for their history class this afternoon.

Nicaene and Hala

The Aiel woman nods and somehow seems to melt into the dispersing crowd, Nicaene can't even make her out as she follows behind the departing prophet.

Hala trails the prophet and his men south for just a few streets before they enter a run down building in a side alley. The street is old, but there is a warmth to it, a well lived in feeling. The group disappears into a building with a sign hanging outside, that has faded almost to nothing.


For her part, Nicaene soon finds herself standing alone in the square, she is approached by a dark haired woman with a curious expression. Her clothes are clean and of good quality, though not extravagant.


"Quite the show, wasn't it? Or did you only catch the end. This is a small crowd by their standards, from what I've heard."

2017-04-15, 11:11 AM
Nicaene gave the newcomer a polite smile. Here was a chance to gather some extra intelligence. And besides, she had to stay put while waiting for Hala. It'd be nice to have someone to talk with in the meantime. The young trainee kept her first comments carefully neutral. There was no way to know where this woman stood in regards to the troublemakers.

"I only heard the tail of it. They're certainly enthusiastic, aren't they? Listening to them makes it seem as if Tarmon Gai'don is waiting around the next corner."

An Amy
2017-04-15, 01:09 PM

She stirs and opens her eyes in a flutter on the floor in front of a kneeling Ryla Sedai. Headache is still troubling her and twist her expression in pain as she regains a present state of mind. For the second time in two days, she feels utterly ashamed at having let her actions get the better of her. She's supposed to be better than that. Both with how she's been raised and... all this talk and attention she had received about how powerful she was supposed to be. Where is this power about which they keep speaking to her? No, excuses are not good enough. She cannot help but remember Cirelyn's intense focus while channeling. What Lilleah lacks is discipline. Well, experiences too. A novice in more than just the One Power, it seems...

"Thank you, Ryla Sedai," she says in a meek tone as she once again stands. The lack of ability to grasp the power is not something she is aware of at the moment. Both given her block and the fact that no one else is embracing the source. She sits throughout the rest of the lesson humbled by the experience and trying hard to keep the red out of her cheeks.

Once they are dismissed for the noon meal, Lilleah approaches Cirelyn.

"Cirelyn... I know we don't know each other that well. And even though I would love to hear about Atha'an Miere culture for hours, I... Well. The focus you showed today in class. How do you do that?"

2017-04-15, 01:19 PM

"A boogie-man to scare the children, being used to scare the common people. It's happened hundreds of times," the newcomer replies casually. "Yet you don't seem convinced. Which makes me wonder, why did you come here today?" The woman seems keen, and you can almost feel her curiosity. "I'll offer you a trade: you tell me why you came to watch these doom-sayers, and I'll tell you the real reason why no one has taken any action against these rabblerousers yet."

2017-04-15, 02:11 PM
Nicaene hesitated. Spilling her mission to a random stranger seemed unwise. On the other hand, how much did she really have left to conceal? This woman had already sussed Nicaene's scepticism. And one glance at her axe and armour would reveal that she wasn't a civilian. It'd be easy to put two and two together. In the end, Nicaene decided to risk a little openness. Her meagre cover was almost blown anyway.

"...I'm here to take my measure of them. This movement of theirs is playing with fire. I want to put it out before someone gets hurt."

That seemed like the right amount of honesty. No need to mention working for the Tower.

2017-04-15, 02:49 PM

Nicaene can't judge at all how the woman receives the news, but she holds up to her own bargain, or so Nicaene hopes. "Really, extinguish them? Well, it can't be the guard who sent you, and do you want to know why? They have a backer, a powerful one. And if you wanted to know who that was you might want to visit the Kandori Merchant's Guildhall tomorrow night. Just some friendly advice."

2017-04-15, 03:07 PM
Nicaene raised an eyebrow. She couldn't get a read on this woman. Even so, she was pretty sure that this wasn't a trap. Not even Caster Gaidin had known that Nicaene would come here today.

"Thanks for the tip. I'll put it to good use. If you don't mind my asking, why are you telling me this? You seem like more than just a concerned citizen."

2017-04-15, 05:47 PM

"Ah-Ah-Ah!" The woman replied, "You'll have to offer me something new for that, and I don't think you have anything as valuable. But if you do find my tip helpful I'm sure we'll run into each other again." The woman doesn't wait around and strolls off, heading north towards the harbour.

This conversation has taken only minutes and her tip won't help you much until tomorrow night, and you now have no idea where Hala is! You could follow this strange woman, or pursue another lead?

2017-04-15, 06:19 PM
Fair exchange, hmm? Fair enough. This woman was clearly using Nicaene for something; But that was fine. She didn't mind being a pawn, if it got her to the right space on the board. The mysterious informant wandered away: Leaving Nicaene alone once more. She shuffled her feet uncertainly. If she left to investigate something else, then Hala wouldn't know where to find her. Should she just wait for her Aiel teammate's return? Apparently so. At a loss, Nicaene scanned the square. Perhaps there was a street vendor selling something tasty...

2017-04-15, 10:19 PM
Once they are dismissed for the noon meal, Lilleah approaches Cirelyn.

"Cirelyn... I know we don't know each other that well. And even though I would love to hear about Atha'an Miere culture for hours, I... Well. The focus you showed today in class. How do you do that?"

Cirelyn opens her mouth to apologize as Lilleah comes over to her, still feeling guilty for encouraging the other novice on to the point of collapse - and then closes it, the words still unspoken, as Lilleah gets in first.

The Sea Folk woman blinks gray eyes, and pauses for a moment as she takes in the utter lack of blame or anger in Lilleah's voice - and the genuine curiosity. It makes her like the younger woman better; she can understand that wanting to learn. Really, Lilleah isn't much more than a girl - if even that. Slowing makes it hard to tell, but all of a sudden Cirelyn suspects that the Cairhienin novice might actually be as young as she looks. Of course, that bright curiosity could be dangerous if it begins searching after the wrong secrets... but for the moment, Lilleah seems to have found another target on her own.

After a moment she smiles slightly, ruefully. "That's not what I thought you were going to say." She pauses in the corridor, looking back toward the classroom to make sure the other novices emerge - Lilleah's collapse had been the most dramatic, but Nesta had fallen from her chair as well, and she hadn't had the benefit of Healing. "It's nothing special, just a skill you develop with practice. I mean..." She pauses, and thinks again about what she can say. Lilleah already knows she's a wilder. "When I first channelled, it was on a ship. I lived on a ship. And ships find storms, and even when the skies are clear... Lilleah, have you ever sailed?"

She tries to hide the hint of yearning in her voice. That's why it's only a hint. But a perceptive listener could still pick it up.

2017-04-16, 03:41 AM

Hearing Cyrelin's idea, Nesta's eyes alight, "That... might work! I only really learned to channel after coming here, so never did it on the ship... and... I also need to learn to do that. If... if you decide to do that, mind if I also join? I can help with the ship itself, too, I got a sailor training before -"

2017-04-16, 04:52 AM
Following someone down a city street is interestingly different from stalking them through the wilderness. It's not possible to stay hidden from every angle, and with so many people there usually are watchers. The trick, then, is to not only stay hidden from her quarry, but to do it in a manner that doesn't seem suspicious to any onlookers. She keeps half an eye on the passers-by as she goes, both to make sure she hasn't attracted attention and to get a better feel for the dress customs here. Quality of clothing is one of the few wetlander social signals that's intuitive to her.

She makes a note of the doorway and keeps walking, looking to see if she can circle around the building. Maybe if she's very lucky there will be a window she can listen in at.

An Amy
2017-04-16, 05:33 AM

The novice shakes her head and promptly reaches up as the lingering headache remains and pierces her demeanor for a moment. Recovering, she responds, "No... Well, I've been on river boats. Nothing like a seafolk ship. I've never seen the sea."

While speaking, she casts a curious glance at Ella, who spoken softly to Elinar Sedai and now is being asked by Ryla Sedai for private audience. The young girl cannot imagine what it could be but she is determined to ask Ella about it later. What was it? Oh... she tried listening earlier but it didn't work. Now, she kind of has to know.

2017-04-16, 11:35 AM
The Novices

Nothing to add, but I'm looking forward to Cirelyn becoming an instructor and getting all the Novices to channel whilst on a boat!


Hala notices that the quality of clothing here is poor, with clothes showing signs of age, yet they are darned time and again by careful hands: these people have not given up.

She scans the area and notices a small side passage next to the building and she pads down it stealthily. Though this side has no windows she can just see a small extension jutting out behind the building. With practised ease Hala scales it and creeps along looking in at the first floor. From the looks of things, the whole upper floor is given over to a sitting room with a small hearth, where four figures are sat. But before Hala takes any note of them, she sees the walls of the room: walls crammed with books. These must be worth a fortune!

The rest of the building however is not, and the creaky window easily lets out the sound of their conversation:

"We had a good attendance today, but I was hoping for more. If we want our message to be heard we'll have to get the word out further. How's that going Thera?" This the voice of the orator from before.

"Have patience, Jerold, these things take time. I've made some more of those leaflets that we had before, and I've enlisted some of the volunteers to spread the word in the other quarters, but there aren't many takers. They're afraid." A woman's voice, business-like but not without warmth.

"Our's is not a cause that can wait," orator again, Jerold. "The winter is still not gone, and it's nearly Springfest! "We should speak to the Aes Sedai!" This is met with raucous shouting, but the orator soldiered on. "Now I know what you're thinking, but we have to use our heads. The Last Battle comes, and whether you trust them or not, their One Power will be the key. I know we hoped to spread the word amongst the people, but we must try to persuade the Sisters: they have the ear of Kings and power to topple mountains!"

The others mutter about this: it seems even their leader cannot persuade them to go to the Tower. The group does not appear to have come to a conclusion when another man enters the room. Hala can't make him out from where she is watching, but hears him deliver a quick message. "My father would like you to know that the food is ready for tomorrow. You will have plenty of incentives for people to come and hear you then."

The group rises and follows the young man out, leaving Hala alone on her little roof.


Nicaene didn't have to search far to find a man selling small baked loaves of bread, spicily seasoned. She parted with a few coppers for one and sat eating it whilst she considered the woman's words. The baker seems keen to talk though, and soon her reverie is disrupted. "Were you here for the prophets? Expecting trouble?" He asked, eyeing up her weapons and armour.

2017-04-16, 12:38 PM
Nicaene glanced down at her armoured form. She did cut a rather conspicuous figure. That's why she'd left the stealth to Hala. Between mouthfuls of bread, she did her best to put the vendor at ease.

"Just being cautious. I got stabbed by some thieves yesterday. It reminded me of an important lesson: Trouble doesn't care whether you're ready for it. That orator was saying something similar, wasn't he? About being prepared for the worst?"

2017-04-16, 01:57 PM
Better than she could have hoped for - not only is there a spot to listen in, her quarry is actually talking about matters of interest. Careless of them. Then again, she gets the sense that they don't think they need to hide. Hala is no great judge of people, but as far as she can tell these people really believe their message. Not necessarily a good thing; an honest fool is often more troublesome than a simple crook. At least the crook knows when to cut and run. And nobody complains if you end up hitting them.

For a moment she considers breaking in, but decides against. She's found what she came for, and more. Time to go back to... ah. Hala makes a note to remember to set a rendezvous before separating, next time. No harm this time, she'll check the square and then return to the Tower grounds if Nicaene isn't there, but it's a beginner mistake and she ought to know better. (She can almost feel the butt of a spear in her ribs, a common reprimand from the older Maidens if they caught you forgetting the basics.)

She drops noiselessly off the roof, pausing a minute to peer more closely at the faded sign before making her way back to where she last saw Nicaene.

2017-04-16, 02:20 PM

Cirelyn looks taken aback for a moment at Nesta's enthusiasm, but then slowly smiles. "I was just going to use it as an example, but if we could find a boat here... we may be far from the sea, but the Erinin should be swift and changeable enough for practice." Her tone turns a little wistful. "And it would be lovely to go out on the water again. Nesta, do you know where we could get a boat?"

She has to pause for a moment when Lilleah says she's never seen the sea. Oh, it makes perfect sense intellectually, a girl growing up in Tar Valon would say the same, but... still. All through her childhood, the sea was the world - the land only a succession of narrow strips of markets and trading-posts, and even there the scent and sound of the sea was ever-present, despite the ground still and dead beneath her feet. Coming to Tar Valon, seeing the land on all sides, being surrounded by forests and meadows, the winds dry and absent of salt - that had been strange enough. But that most of her fellow novices are shorebound in mind as well as body, with no experience to even hint at how it feels to balance on a soarer's deck and see nothing but bright dancing water and the cloud-streaked dome of the sky above, stretching out to infinity - it shouldn't be any surprise, but somehow it still is.

"Anyway, Lilleah, what I was going to say was that growing up on a ship was good training for channeling in a couple of ways. One is that ships are complicated - when a storm's coming in, or just when the winds are high, there's a long list of things that need to get done, and as a crewhand you have to learn to just do your own job and trust everyone else to do theirs. It doesn't matter if the swell's starting to get high so the deck's sloping up and down under your feet, and the people wrestling the sail down are swearing at each other, and the captain's - well, anyway, the point is you get good at paying just enough attention to duck if the boom's about to swing over your way, but focusing all the rest of your attention on your task."

Cirelyn looks at the shorter Atha'an Miere novice. "Nesta, you must have had the same experiences, no? So for you, it might just be a matter of learning to apply the same skills to channeling. And Lilleah, maybe, er..." She stalls for a moment, trying to think of what analogous situations might apply to a Cairhienin girl. "If, um, at parties or something, you had to concentrate on your current conversation, and tune out everything else? Same idea - it's a general skill, you get better at it by practicing. So to get better at focusing while using the Power, you should practice channeling in the presence of distractions - we could do that on a boat, like Nesta suggested, but other ways should work as well."

Cirelyn stops for a moment, and then adds more slowly, "As well, the Power's always seemed like the sea to me, even though the Aes Sedai tell us to think about sunlight, or streams, or breezes. When you're drawing a lot of it, there are waves and currents and gusts of wind, and the deck can shift under your feet at any time. There's no point fighting those changes; instead you need to ride them, not letting them fluster you or distract you from what you're trying to do. I guess... learning to channel in the presence of external distractions gives you practice for keeping your flows untangled when the distractions come from saidar itself." She shrugs, a little uncomfortably, and demurs, "That's just what I think, though. We could ask one of the Accepted, too."

An Amy
2017-04-16, 03:23 PM

The young novice thinks about Cirelyn's words and the apt description of what it is like to focus on the One Power. She doesn't fully understand the metaphor made with river and the flows despite two years of trying. When she was just by herself, well... with her family, she would focus in on the One Power, as she knows it now, like a conversation. Just as Cirelyn said so. It made sense to her then, and while she's tried very hard to think of it how the accepted and full sisters speak to her about it and try to train her, especially those with her block, she still feels the conversation is something better. It's just now it's a conversation in a ball room. The One Power is someone speaking to her and she has to be focused on that voice alone. And not just that but to feel the words as she used to and to steer the conversation but otherwise just let the speaker continue and to listen to its story and sometimes be swept away by the words.

That's it then. She's struggled all these two years with how the sisters wanted her to do things. She's progressed... somewhat. Okay, she's progressed considerably in that time, but not like how she felt she could have. Not how some people also thought she would have. With their disappointment so subtle it would have been missed by anyone not trained for daes dae'mar. And so it is settled. She will make the effort to do as she once did. Just for a little bit... see how far she could get maybe... on her own. Or with Cirelyn giving example of... being on a boat.

"Distracted from saidar itself," she repeats as if it is a great revelation. "I think that's it. It's like speaking with the One Power and hearing its words and stories and then another voice form the same speaker coming in, muddying up the conversation. You have to make toes and ears out of both voices or three voices while putting together the hidden meaning. I think... well, I'm not sure about a boat. I don't think we'd be allowed. Ha... though we could ask. I don't see it hurting. Maybe there's another way to provide distractions. Running through town trying not to lose the person we're chasing like yesterday when I- well, uh... okay, bad example."

2017-04-17, 09:32 AM
The Novices

The Novices hang on Cirelyn's words and lunch passes quickly as the natter away. Yet even after the lunch hall empties and the Novices should have been collected, still no one has come. The conversation dissipates after a while, as the group takes note. Why has their teacher not sent for them?


"You were stabbed yesterday? And you're not in a sick bed?!" The street vendor seems taken aback by Nicaene's casual words, but after his initial shock decides it must have been a joke: "Oh haha, very droll. Yeah, well those prophets are talking about bad times, but bad times seem to be coming for us, just like you said, whether you're ready or not. Did you hear that all the fish at the Northern market were rotten? Fresh caught that day but everyone single one of them stank like nobodies business."

As Nicaene chats to the vendor, she feels the sensation of being watched, and turns round just in time to see Hala ghosting up to her.


Hala peers at the sign: it's either a book or a portrait, something rectangular, but it's very faded. A library? An inn?

Chastising herself for not planning ahead, she hastens back to the square and spies Nicaene talking with a street vendor.

An Amy
2017-04-17, 11:42 AM

Looking around while speaking about boats and distractions, the others are obviously aware of how alone they are. How no one has come to fetch them. Where was an accepted to take them to Lornelle Sedai? Or another novice? She was having such a pleasant time listening to Cirelyn's examples and trying to match them to something she was both familiar with and something that was obtainable for them in Tar Valon. A ship, while wonderful and familiar with the tow Atha'an Miere novices, is definitely something a novice can't just walk up and ask to borrow for their own training with the One Power. There's also the rule on channeling for novices without explicit direction to do so from an accepted or full sister.

"Should we... go find someone? An accepted or perhaps another sister to ask what they think we should do. I'm not sure where we're supposed to go, else I think we should head there. Does anyone know Lornelle Sedai's Ajah? I say we go find someone. I would hate to have been expected and keep a full sister waiting on us."

2017-04-17, 04:57 PM
Even in Tar Valon, the One Power was still far from a familiar sight. Nicaene felt privileged to be in such close contact with it. An ordinary soldier who'd been stabbed would need much time to recover; Assuming they survived at all. Yet here she was, walking around good as new. Aes Sedai were truly wondrous. Nicaene was about to ask the vendor more about those fish he'd mentioned; When she felt a familiar presence behind her. Not wanting to attract any more attention than she already had, she said her goodbyes to the man. Soon, she and Hala were in a suitably secluded side street.

"Well? Any luck?"

2017-04-18, 01:05 AM
Hala nods. "They did not go far. South until the building that looks like a bird taking flight, then west about three hundred paces, then down a little side alley on the right. There's a sign out front, too old and faded to read. None of the buildings there are Ogier-built, I don't know if that means anything."

"I listened to them for a little while - they left a window cracked open, very sloppy - and got two of their names, Jerold and Thera. Tomorrow they plan to bring food to the square, to draw more people to listen. I think they believe whatever it is that they're preaching. They did not speak as though it was only a tool." She pauses, frowning, before continuing. "One of them wanted to go to the White Tower, to try to persuade the sisters of their cause. The others did not. I... do not think they like Aes Sedai."

She watched Nicaene's reaction carefully. There's something off about the way most wetlanders treat Aes Sedai, something she can't quite put her finger on. At first she'd thought they played the part of Wise Ones among the wetlanders, advising chiefs and crossing clan borders to mediate. But people here seem afraid of them - not just respectful, but actually frightened. They avoided the Tower, and feared to approach sisters in the street. Hala could understand that, she'd been afraid herself when she first arrived. Aes Sedai could hurl lightning, sunder the earth, and bring men back from the brink of death; the Wise Ones were only human. (Not that you'd ever say that to their faces, if you know what's good for you.)

But... she's an outsider. These people are afraid of their own Aes Sedai. That can't be right.

2017-04-18, 08:47 AM
Nicaene raised an eyebrow. This wasn't the news she'd been expecting.

"They're sincere? That's a surprise. I was sure that they were just using Tarmon Gai'don as an excuse. Hmm, that makes our job more complicated. Now we can't just expose their scheme to the masses.

For my part, I got a tip about one of the group's backers. But we can't follow up on it until tomorrow. So in the meantime, maybe we should question the local guards next?"

Hala had done well. She was quite handy to have around. Better still, she'd yet to insult or mock Nicaene once. Maybe that behaviour was reserved for casual outings. Nicaene belatedly realised that she should be giving out some positive reinforcement.

"Good work, by the way. You've been very helpful."

2017-04-18, 02:05 PM

Being the center of attention is a new and rather disquieting experience for Cirelyn, so she tries to turn the focus of the conversation away from herself wherever possible. It's interesting to hear how the other novices perceive the Power. Lilleah thinking of it as a conversation seems very strange and sideways; saidar has never seemed so... personal... to her. When she reaches to embrace it, it's like dipping a hand into the ocean; the Source itself is great enough that the mind can't comprehend it fully, even as the eye cannot encompass the sea.

But these musings are truncated when Lilleah points out the obvious, that they're supposed to be at class and don't have directions. "I'll see if I can find an Accepted," Cirelyn offers. "At least one person should stay here, though, in case whoever's meant to guide us is just late."

Lornelle Sedai, Lornelle Sedai... she tries to remember if she's encountered that sister before, as she moves to the entrance of the dining hall and pushes the door open.

I'm guessing it's a Knowledge(Local) or similar check here? Here is Cirelyn's untrained Int roll: [roll0]

An Amy
2017-04-18, 03:54 PM

The young novice nods in agreement, "I'll move to the corridor at least. Anyone passing may not look into the dining hall just to see... Oh, Laras. She may know as well."

Looking back at the other novices, she asks, "Can someone ask Laras where we might find Lornelle Sedai?" Then she continues to the corridor to hopefully wave over a passing accepted or Aes Sedai, quickly steadying herself for the polite respect she is expected to hold toward those stations.

As both she and Cirelyn proceed out of the dining hall, she cautions the atha'an miere novcie. It's more out of habit than a statement to the older novice's wisdom. "Don't wander too far. If one of us finds the answer before you return, we'll need to get to you in a timely manner... uh, you know, just to... well, you know."

2017-04-18, 05:18 PM
The praise earns Nicaene a raised eyebrow. "Naturally." Hala may be following the other woman's lead here, because she doesn't know the first thing about wetlander crime and how they handle it, but that doesn't put Nicaene above her. Have to find some way to remind her of that.

... but not just now, because they actually do have a job. "If you think it will help. We are doing their jobs for them, will they not resent that?"

2017-04-18, 07:42 PM
"Why would they resent it? We'd be making their lives easier. And besides, they've already had plenty of time to solve this...problem...themselves."

Nicaene stopped. An unpleasant notion had just crossed her mind. The informant had spoke of a powerful backer: Someone with influence over the guard. If that was true, then what guards beyond the Tower could she really trust? Any officers she met could potentially be compromised. Nicaene didn't like casting aspersions on her fellow soldiers like this. The vast majority of them were probably honest, hard-working citizens. But what if she happened to place her trust in one that wasn't honest? That possibility was enough to change Nicaene's mind.

"On second thoughts, let's leave the guard out of this. The troublemakers might have some friends there. Let's rely only on ourselves for now. Follow me."

There was still plenty of time to investigate. Nicaene's next stop would be the Northern market. She wanted to check whether that rumour about the fish was true. Perhaps someone had been spreading false information to rile up the masses. Nicaene led the way with growing confidence. At first, she'd been worried about Hala's attitude. But the Aiel woman seemed perfectly fine with being a subordinate. Maybe their relationship was improving!

2017-04-19, 06:19 AM
Boats Ella shivers, thinking on the men she met at the docks... Not a good place to be.


Ella replies "I'll stay here just in case" while thinking "bloody ashes. If even Aes Sedai get late..."

She looks around the room for someone still around that might know what ajah Lornelle Sedai is.

2017-04-19, 01:25 PM
The Novices

Lilleah steps out into the hall but can't catch sight of anyone passing. Now that lunch is past, there is little reason for anyone to be in this area except the kitchen staff. Then it hits her: how many times had she heard Nicaene complaining about the way Caster had chastised her. Lornelle was bonded to the master at arms of the trainees. And what was it the trainees said, it was unusual that a man like him was bonded to a Brown sister?

The others for their part can't recall this sister. Perhaps she is a recluse?

Hala and Nicaene

Taking charge Nicaene heads slightly south towards the Great Fish Market. You'd been there already today and found nothing amiss, but now that you knew what to look for maybe things would be different. Sure enough, though there are no prophets here, you both detect that maybe the people are not as enthusiastic as they should be. Many stalls are already closing up, and it is not even midday.

You approach one such woman who already had her stall half packed away, who looks haggard and exhausted.

2017-04-19, 02:00 PM
Nicaene acted as if she were just passing through. The place certainly seemed a bit gloomy. Still, a bad market day didn't exactly herald the end of all things. Maybe the rumours had just exaggerated a mundane truth. Nicaene paused beside one particularly beleaguered vendor. She gave the woman a look of genuine sympathy.

"Rough day?"

An Amy
2017-04-19, 02:20 PM

"I just remembered," she says as she re-enters the dining hall and speaks up so the other novices can hear. "Caster, the trainee master at arms, is warder to Lornelle Sedai. The trainees remarked on how odd that is because she's a brown sister. If we head to the... uh, library or the Brown Ajah quarters, we surely will be able to find someone that will know where she is. She's supposed to be a bit of a recluse, so it may not be surprising that no one's come to fetch us."

2017-04-20, 01:10 PM
"So It's better if we go together. If she is not on their quarters, we should search for Caster after.. Maybe he is easier to find..." says Ella moving towards the brown ajahs zone in the tower.

2017-04-21, 01:45 AM

Ella leads the group up to the Brown quarters, and the rest of the girls with them follow along, including Eve, Emmea and Sara. The Novices have now learned the location of each of the quarters, but it's still a rare occurrence that sees them enter.

They reach the entrance without incident and find nobody about, luckily the Brown sisters have gone so far to put names on the doors, and you find Lornelle's without too much trouble.

You sense channeling in the room.

Hala and Nicaene

The woman grimaces in response: "I'm sorry, you've come too late if you wanted to buy anything. There's less to go around these days. You could probably find something at the other stalls, but it's only dregs now."

2017-04-21, 02:31 AM
"Of course, let's go seek for her", Nesta nods, operating on the principle that if you're not sure if either of the options will lead to being punished, it's best to pick the same for everyone.

As the group stands near Lornelle Sedai's door, she notices the power of Saidar coming from within, but pays no mind to that - surely a full Sister has all the right to channel in her own chambers... or whereever else, for that matter. So, she knocks at the door, "Lornelle Sedai? Please excuse me..."

An Amy
2017-04-21, 11:35 AM

The younger novice defers somewhat naturally to those older than her, as is typical of more court-bound social systems. Despite two years in the tower, Lilleah is not used to being looked up to due to being stronger in the power. Sure, she is. And many people have told her time and time again. But she is no more skilled or... experienced. Unlike some of the others, the title child is accurate. She follows Ella as the others do, trying to hold back the temptation to bring up Ella's private meetings with sisters. Now is not the time nor is the company appropriate for such a line of questions.

Entering the Brown Ajah quarters, Lilleah feels feels the elating feeling of knowledge from all around. There's something alluring about all this knowledge and the searching for knowledge. Even if just to know.

She waits patiently behind Nesta as the seafolk novice knocks on the Brown Sister's door.

2017-04-21, 12:29 PM
Nicaene feigned disappointment in the lack of merchandise. It had been ages since she'd actually bought her own food; Besides the odd snack. The Tower provided for all her needs. Seeing this merchant's misery reminded Nicaene of how lucky she was. Nicaene worked every day to repay the Aes Sedai for all they'd given her.

"I'm already too late? That's unexpected. Do you normally close this early?"

2017-04-21, 09:44 PM
Cirelyn stays behind a moment in the dining hall to tell one of the kitchen women where they've gone. She's not particularly surprised to be met with a raised eyebrow and a look that says And you're telling me this... why?, but if Lornelle Sedai's messenger turns up five minutes after they've left, at least she'll be able to say she tried.

Afterward, she picks up her white skirts - cumbersome things, even after four years in the Tower - and runs to catch up with the others. She slows to a more sedate walk as she enters the Brown Ajah quarters, and studies her surroundings with interest. Browns can be terribly inquisitive at times, but if they're not curious about you specifically, she finds them more comfortable to be around than full sisters from some of the other Ajahs. And what they know is fascinating.

She rejoins the others just as Nesta knocks on the door.

Composure to overcome block: [roll0].

EDIT: ... dicebot. That is not the roll for which I wanted you to save up natural 20s.

Cirelyn is in the mood to channel, I guess :smallwink:

2017-04-22, 05:38 AM
Ella focus her senses as she is waitin for the door to open. She hated to wait... But since she was in the tower, she had a lot of practice of that.
Waiting, cleaning, scrubbing, chores... But it was worth it. The one power was worth it all.

Take 20 on listen to try to hear what is happening in the room.
Can she sense the amount of chaneling being made?

2017-04-22, 09:47 AM

Despite your knock, the door remains closed, and no response issues from inside. The channelling continues unabated. But when Ella leans close to listen she hears something quite strange: or to be more precise, she doesn't hear anything at all. There is total silence in the room beyond that door.

For any with Circle of Silence or who can pass a Knowledge (The One Power) DC 10 check you recognise that there must be a ward inside keeping out all noise.

Hala and Nicaene

"Not normally no. But there have been fewer and fewer fish turning up int he nets recently. Ever since that incident a few days back. I've never seen the like of it. Everyone's fish, on all the stands, just rotten. Something in the water I've heard, but this has never happened in my lifetime!" The woman is clearly shaken as she recalls the events.

An Amy
2017-04-22, 03:09 PM

The youngest of the novices tilts her head to the side slightly. There is channeling coming from the room, which also sets to rest the inner fear that somehow she'd been stilled and just didn't know it yet. Good, she can sense channeling. Embracing the one power was still something beyond her at the moment... but it wouldn't always be. She hoped.

Still, she could sense channeling within. And, given that there were no sounds... "It's a hushing," she states. "A weave, a ward against sounds. The Aes Sedai call it a circle of silence. Someone inside doesn't want anyone to hear what's going on..."

Composure to sense channeling [roll0]

2017-04-23, 10:03 AM
So, it was true. The news made even Nicaene feel a bit uneasy. No wonder the doomsayers were so popular. With material like this to work with, even an average orator could stoke the fires of paranoia. She bid the vendor a sympathetic farewell, and walked onwards. She once again found herself with time to spare. What next?

"I wonder whether it's worth investigating the source of that fish blight. It might be part of some larger plan; Or it might just be a coincidence that's being exploited. What do you think?"

2017-04-23, 01:16 PM
"Is that circle works both way?" Nesta asks, "Because I can easily think of reasons a Sister wouldn't want anyone to listen to what happens in her room, but if that measn she can't hear us as well -"

2017-04-23, 05:10 PM
"I know nothing of fish," Hala admits bluntly. "If this is unusual, then perhaps it means something, but I don't know how or where to start looking. Do you?"

An Amy
2017-04-23, 08:17 PM

"It stops all sound," Lilleah replies. "I used to use... well, no need to explain that."

No one needed nor probably wanted to know how she used to handle her weaves when she was but a young girl - younger girl - and a wilder only. Though she learned more of the power on her own than she feels she has since coming to the tower. Sure, she's gotten better with air and understands better wardings, though she had a good grasp of it before. She wonders what more she can learn on her own. In between the classes and other studies, if she tried... well, a thought for another time.

"Knocking won't get anyone attention... if it is truly... should we ask another brown sister?"

2017-04-25, 01:15 PM
"I know nothing of fish," Hala admits bluntly. "If this is unusual, then perhaps it means something, but I don't know how or where to start looking. Do you?"

"...No. This is the kind of thing we usually leave to the Aes Sedai. In fact, I bet at least one merchant or guard has already told the Tower about it. There's probably a Sister or two investigating the mystery. I suppose we could ask about that, when we get back."

That still left their free time unfilled. Nicaene had been sent to fulfil a task. It was her duty to give it her full attention. But the investigation so far had been unexpectedly fast. She'd beheld the troublemakers at work; Had them followed; Eavesdropped on their plotting; Received a promising lead for tomorrow; And took the pulse of local anxiety. What else remained to do? With the guard off limits for now, Nicaene had few avenues left.

Hmm, what about those names that Hala had overheard? 'Jerold and Thera'. Nicaene racked her brain for a trace of recognition. Had she heard either of those names before, even in passing?

Knowledge (Local): [roll0]

2017-04-26, 01:30 AM

"It stops all sound," Lilleah replies. "I used to use... well, no need to explain that."

No one needed nor probably wanted to know how she used to handle her weaves when she was but a young girl - younger girl - and a wilder only. Though she learned more of the power on her own than she feels she has since coming to the tower. Sure, she's gotten better with air and understands better wardings, though she had a good grasp of it before. She wonders what more she can learn on her own. In between the classes and other studies, if she tried... well, a thought for another time.

"Knocking won't get anyone attention... if it is truly... should we ask another brown sister?"

"We might... or we might spend this time trying to learn something on our own?"~

2017-04-26, 10:12 AM
"Well, we can just open the door and apologise later" says Ella putting her hand on the knob.

An Amy
2017-04-26, 10:31 AM

"Then let's go for it," Lilleah says with a nod though with still some apprehension. Barging in on an Aes Sedai? She's seen Amira Sedai more times than she wants already. "I can do it if you'd rather, given how much trouble I'm already getting myself into..."

Though she offers, she doesn't move to displace Ella's hand on the door.

2017-04-26, 10:50 AM
"No need for that. I can brave the pots and the slipper as the next one." says Ella looking at the knob, appearing more brave than she felt.

She takes a deep breath and then turns the knob and pushes.

2017-04-30, 11:43 AM

Ella refuses to be nervous and pushes open the door with perhaps more force than is strictly necessary. She immediately pushes her hand through a shining web that fills the room. A circle of silence.

You may make one weavesight roll to learn Circle of Silence

Briefly distracted by the weave before you, the group then notices the two women within the room. A small woman with a plain appearance sits in a chair holding another woman, one who is weeping! The room itself is plain and overrun with books.

The Aes Sedai providing comfort looks up and you note that she is surrounded by the power. She is evidently maintaining the warding and appears distracted. "What are you doing here girls? I -ah, I am meant to be teaching am I not, it had slipped my mind. Apologies girls, but I cannot right now. Seek out the library and find Garland's Treaties on the Borderlands, cover what you can of the inception of those nations, I will make certain to cover the topic again at another time."

Whilst she is speaking the crying woman raises her head and brushes the tears from her eyes. She too bears the ageless face but none of you recognise her, nor have you ever known an Aes Sedai to cry!


"My apologies for disrupting your class," she managed in a quavering voice, but there was no heart to it.

Only a few of the girls, Ella, Lilleah, Cirelyn and Nesta had been within sight of the room, and the other novices were outside of the warding and so knew nothing of this, but it doesn't take much time for Ella to explain what they were expected to do. And so the group makes their way down to the libraries, for a rather boring afternoon (depending on your perspective) reading about ancient kings and even more ancient treaties. There were enough copies that the group could split up, but still they were glad when the evening bell rang and they could escape.

Ella and Nesta each had their own appointments to keep and so disappeared whilst the other novices went their separate ways. There was much gossiping about the Aes Sedai, but no one yet knew anything concrete.

Hala and Nicaene

Those names, they were not uncommon, but as she was weighing them up with Hala the same woman from before chimed in: "Jerold, oh I know the man. Used to work in the White Tower itself, in the library I heard. But well, the new Amyrlin, Light illumine her, didn't want no men in the Tower, even those that worked, so he was sent packing with not even a thank you. Haven't heard much more lately, but there you go." This chimes with what you recall of the Amyrlin Seat's decree, and you do vaguely recall there being a male librarian that was forced to leave.

Still, you have gleaned a great deal of information already: you've identified at least some of the perpetrators of the group, a location you know they frequent, as well as their plans. Caster Gaidin would want to hear of this. Not to mention the lead you still had to follow up the next day: it would not be good to act before you had learned more of the situation.

Returning to the Tower, Caster listens to your report with his usual terseness, but he does seem mildly impressed by your work. "The Kandori Merchants' Guildhall? Interesting, they'll only let nobles in there so I don't think you'll have much luck getting in no matter how pretty your faces. And where did you learn about this? I've heard nothing of the issues with the Fish Market, which troubles me."

"Still, you should find away to stop those men prophesying tomorrow: we can't have them causing such a disruption, and not if they're going to draw crowds on Springfest."

You are quickly dismissed and return to your barracks where you are left to come up with a plan. It seems like such a daunting task for two individuals.


Ella finds her way to the Red Ajah quarters where she finds Ellinar unpacked and alone in her rooms, drinking tea from the most expensive set of cups Ella has ever seen. The Aes Sedai welcomes her in and then offers her a cup of her own.

"Now what is it that you wished to speak to me about girl?" She asked curiously.

(Feel free to role play this at the same time as the events of the next day)


For her part, the Seafolk novice finds her way to the Yellow quarters with some nervousness. Was she to be chastised for Healing Lilleah?

Ryla is found in a very homely set of rooms, along with two other sisters of the Yellow, Romanda an elderly woman with a stern face and Samitsu, an Arafellin with small silver bells in her hair that chimed musically as she turned to greet the new arrival.

"Hello Nesta," Ryla began warmly. "We want to talk about what you did earlier. Healing Miss Darshawn, Lilleah."

(Feel free to role play this at the same time as the events of the next day)


Springfest! A day of freedom for both Novices and Trainees, or it was supposed to be, but there was a job to be done at least for Nicaene and Hala. But how would the others spend their day?

Hi all! I'm back. Sorry for the somewhat railroad-y post, but I wanted to get things moving again properly! Obviously there is the option for the whole group to try and disrupt the prophets with Nicaene and Hala,
but if you want to pursue other things or split up that's also fine.

2017-04-30, 09:42 PM
The previous evening

Cirelyn watches in silence as Ella and Lilleah discuss what to do. She considers offering to open the door, but... she's spent a long time trying to keep her head down, to be the model of a perfect novice, to avoid drawing either opprobrium or attention from the sisters. Nesta stays quiet as well, perhaps for the same reason. But opening the door is clearly the right course, and even though Cirelyn knows why she's standing back, she is a little angry at herself for letting a younger woman take on the risk.

She only notices the shining weave out of the corner of her eye, her attention going immediately to Lornelle Sedai and the beautiful black-haired sister weeping in her arms. She nods hurriedly, without speaking a word, at the Aes Sedai's instructions, and leads the ensuing rush to the library.

The afternoon is occupied with work she'd usually enjoy, reading about the history of nations she's never visited, countries that border on no sea. But her mind keeps flickering back to the unfamiliar Aes Sedai, and to the thefts the previous day. What will Springfest itself hold?

That evening after dinner she approaches Lilleah, with a tentative, quiet-voiced offer: "If you'd like, we could try to work on your focus together? We may not have a boat but I'm sure we can come up with some other distractions." (From another woman that might sound like teasing, or the start of a joke, but Cirelyn's expression and tone seem completely serious.)



Arriving in the dining hall for breakfast early on the bright Springfest morning, Cirelyn spots the other Sea Folk novice, and makes her way over to Nesta. She smiles tentatively at the other novice as she sits down and begins eating. "So, any plans for the day?"

This assumes Nesta did have a meeting the previous evening; if not, Cirelyn would try to invite her to practice with her and Lilleah as well.

An Amy
2017-05-01, 08:29 AM
Lilleah, with Cirelyn

The whole thing with Lornelle Sedai ended without a satisfying climax. Well, yes, that's a good way to put it. It ended with them in the library, which was something Lilleah had previously thought she'd loathe. The part about the Browns that she didn't like: sitting holed up with some old text. But she found it so very interesting that she was surely the first one of the novices done with the assigned reading and wanting to discuss one of the treaties that seemed utterly inane. A clear political move to save face, as it were.

It is after dinner that Cirelyn approaches Lilleah with the offer. The young girl's eyes brighten and she nearly spouts out her half-day's worth of thoughts on the matter. "Oh, yes! Yes! I would love to, and I've been thinking, since we were both wilders... or are wilders still in many eyes... Um, sorry," she says moving to pull Cirelyn to the side with hushed tones. "I've been thinking about practicing on my own a little. You know, how we once did? Well, what I mean is, we're both wilders. Or were. But we learned on our own at one point. I... kind of don't want to stop that."

2017-05-01, 11:30 AM

For her part, the Seafolk novice finds her way to the Yellow quarters with some nervousness. Was she to be chastised for Healing Lilleah?

Ryla is found in a very homely set of rooms, along with two other sisters of the Yellow, Romanda an elderly woman with a stern face and Samitsu, an Arafellin with small silver bells in her hair that chimed musically as she turned to greet the new arrival.

"Hello Nesta," Ryla began warmly. "We want to talk about what you did earlier. Healing Miss Darshawn, Lilleah."


Springfest! A day of freedom for both Novices and Trainees, or it was supposed to be, but there was a job to be done at least for Nicaene and Hala. But how would the others spend their day?

Hi all! I'm back. Sorry for the somewhat railroad-y post, but I wanted to get things moving again properly! Obviously there is the option for the whole group to try and disrupt the prophets with Nicaene and Hala,
but if you want to pursue other things or split up that's also fine.



It would be so easy to just say "no". It wouldn't even be a lie. Not really. (And, inexperienced as she was, Nesta did already notice the technique of "not really lying" that the Sisters were so fond of)

But it woudn't be fair to Ella, so Nesta replies without thinking... OK, after some thinking, to word her phrase better, "I'm afraid you're wrong, Ryla-sedai, in details if not in principle - I did weave the weave of healing yesterday, yes, but to heal Trainee Locke, not Lilleah... and yes, Ryla-sedai, i know we are not supposed to weave unless instructed by a full Sister."

It wasn't an attempt at excuse, just a statement of fact. If Ryla-sedai would find it worthy of punishment... so be it.

Springfest, assuming Nesta isn't busy cleaning the whole Tower by hand :-)

"Not really, no..." Nesta shakes her head, "How did your lessons with Lilleah went yesterday? I really wanted to join you, but, well, it's not like I could tell "no' to Ryla-sedai..."

2017-05-02, 05:29 AM
weavesight : [roll0]

-Private meeting-
"Thank you for receiving me Ellinar Sedai". Ella takes a small bow. First to hide her shock at the cost of the porcelain, second to show the most deference possible.

She accepts the tea and starts her tale "When we were saving your things from the thiefs, I noticed a pair of earrings. A pair of simple earrings with a silver fish leaping over a river." she stops and breaths.

"Do you know the ones I am talking about? Can you tell me where you got them please?"

- Springfest-
Still feeling sleepy from the night before, Ella goes to the group and asks "Are we going to the city ?"

2017-05-02, 12:40 PM
The Evening Before - Cirelyn and Lilleah

Lilleah and Cirelyn find themselves being ushered back to the Novice quarters, but they are still keen to practice and experiment. Do they stay in their quarters where channeling is mostly prohibited, or find a more clandestine place to practice?

The Evening Before - Nesta

"Oh," Ryla appears surprised. "I had presumed that we would not have so many Talented Healers amongst our Novices. As I said to you earlier, it did seem that you were rather skilled at Healing, a weave which it is forbidden to Novices to learn."

"Did you learn that weave when you were with the SeaFolk?" The elderly Romanda asked.

The Evening Before - Ella

Ellinar pauses, her face inscrutable. "I assume you have a reason for asking beyond curiosity child? Those are important to me and it is not the place of a Novice to ask personal questions of a sister."

An Amy
2017-05-02, 12:55 PM
Lilleah, previous evening
Eager to learn, she attempts to try and both overcome a block and embrace the source almost all evening but cannot muster even a grasp of the one power. She can feel it, in a way, just she gets a headache when she tries too much. She resorts to just trying to focus. Later that night, when alone in her own room, she grows very nervous not being able to channel. For as long as she was able, she would put up a dream saver. A weave that she's not even heard of inside the tower just yet. It guards her dreams and protects them. From what? She doesn't know... but sometimes she senses her dreams are quite frightening. Now, common nightmares aren't prevented, but she has the distinct feeling that, on occasion, there is something else in her dreams. Or something else watching. The dream saver seems to prevent it from happening. But now she cannot channel at all...

The next day
A day off from class and a chance to go to the festival are great! She begins by running by Cirelyn's room to discuss maybe moving lessons elsewhere if possible. One of the basement rooms perhaps or even out in the city. After the briefest of conversations on the topic she tells anyone else nearby that she knows, of the other novices she's close to that is, that she'll be heading to the festival out in the city after she stops by to see Nicaene and maybe that Aiel trainee, Hala. Then she does just that with the occasional skip to her step.

2017-05-02, 06:16 PM
Nicaene was glad that her and Hala's efforts proved acceptable. Being (sort of) praised by Caster was a welcome change. Still, part of her wondered whether she'd done enough. What if she'd missed a vital clue? Warders should always strive to improve themselves. Nicaene couldn't be allowed to rest on her laurels. And of course, there was still much work left to be done. She discussed tomorrow's pending tasks with Hala; Until they both fell asleep.

The next day

Nicaene woke and dressed early. No relaxing for her today! She needed to think up a plan. So when Lilleah stopped by to visit, her company was even more welcome than usual.

"Lilleah! Just the girl I wanted to see. Hala and I have a bit of a problem. Would you mind lending us your Aes Sedai brain for a while?"

She proceeded to summarise yesterday's events; And the job entrusted to her for today.

"...Anyway, that's the long and short of it. We need a way to stop those rabble-rousers from rousing any more rabble today; And a way to get our common selves inside that snobby merchants' guild. any ideas?"

Nicaene gave her friend a hopeful look. Lilleah was very intelligent. Her mind could reach places that Nicaene's couldn't. And besides, it'd been fun to tell her the story. Nicaene enjoyed sharing things with Lilleah and (to a lesser extent) the other novices. Perhaps some day, she'd get the chance to share her soul with one of them.

2017-05-03, 12:41 AM
The Evening Before - Nesta

"Oh," Ryla appears surprised. "I had presumed that we would not have so many Talented Healers amongst our Novices. As I said to you earlier, it did seem that you were rather skilled at Healing, a weave which it is forbidden to Novices to learn."

"Did you learn that weave when you were with the SeaFolk?" The elderly Romanda asked.

Nesta's heart skips a beat as she frantically tries to think of a good answer - actually, any answer - to that question... and, for now, decides to stall for time. "Forbidden? But, Ryla-sedai, could you tell me why is it? I mean, I understand there are similar weaves, like Rend..." I'm digging myself deeper, ain't i? "that can't be trusted to someone who hasn't sworn Third Oath... but what harm can come from learning to Heal?"~

2017-05-03, 02:22 AM
Cirelyn, previous evening

Cirelyn considers the Cairhienin girl's suggestion as they walk back toward the novice quarters. "You know it would be dangerous," she says - but her tone is neutral, not disapproving. "Trying to learn on our own - the sisters say we can't get the channeling sickness that kills three out of four wilders anymore, but we could still injure ourselves, or even burn ourselves out." She grimaces at the last phrase - no one likes to think of that possibility, but it's always there. "Are you sure it's something you want to attempt?"

Springfest, at breakfast

Cirelyn bites into a roll and shakes her head slightly at Nesta, with a brief smile. "You didn't miss much. Lilleah was still tired from her weave going wrong, so we just practiced focus and concentration. Keeping track of a mental list or count while the other person tries to distract you, that sort of thing..."

She waves to Ella, who has just entered the dining hall, and nods at her question. "Lilleah mentioned heading to the festival after visiting Nicaene and Hala. Maybe we should try to find those three, if we want to join Lilleah."

"Anyway, enough about my evening, Nesta - how was your meeting with Ryla Sedai? And yours, Ella?"

2017-05-03, 03:44 AM
-Private meeting-

Ella doesn't answer and hesitates a bit. She would prefer to have the upper hand on information. Be the owner of it. But here, with a full sister, she wouldn't be able to do it.

So she just did what she had learned to do while channeling - let herself go , and by it, trying to gain a modicum of control.

She puts her hand on her pocket and shows Ellinar sedai her own pair of matching earrings.

"From my father I think."

- Springfest -

"A lot to think about" answers Ella to Cirelynn. "Go with a question, leave with one hundred."

"Joining Nicaene and Lilleah seems great. Never saw if they recovered fully"

An Amy
2017-05-03, 07:31 AM
Lilleah to Cirelyn
Burning themselves out. Yes, she knows well the dangers. At least now. But she feels she might be able to recognize it better. Sticking with something that is safe for the time being, though. Not pushing so much as... "Yes, it is something I want to do. When I first got here, as a wilder, there was some interest from some of the sisters, but most disregarded me until they saw my 'strength' as they called it. Then I was a topic of conversation. That's finally died out, but... anyway, I've never felt like I've received any attention for overcoming my block beyond telling me I have it and that it will go away or it won't and will be the reason I'll 'never be a real Aes Sedai'," Lilleah says in an exasperated mocking tone, "Something you and I probably took for granted, the others here see as a detriment. After the other day in the inn with the thieves, I can see how it would be. If taken by surprise, would we be able to even embrace the source? So, think of this self-monitored practice as, well, an effort to overcome our blocks. That, and we can work on focusing like we just did."

2017-05-03, 05:23 PM
Lilleah - The Night Before

Lilleah is assailed by fitful dreams, but there is one she can't forget. Three fish in a barrel, illuminated by the moon, and each dodging the frantic spears of an unknown figure. Suddenly one of the fish blackens and turns upon its kin, and Lilleah wakes remembering those blank, dead eyes.

Nesta - The Evening Before

"For the dangers it can cause!" Ryla replied shocked. "Yet it is bad enough you know how to hurt with this Talent. That is a dark path indeed!" Both Ryla and Samitsu seem shocked by Nesta's revelation, but Romanda continues to watch with hawk like eyes.

"Child, Healing is a difficult thing at the best of times, the body fragile. If you were to weave it even slightly wrong you could cause irreparable harm rather than recovery. Do you understand? It is rare indeed that you would learn this Weave safely without a tutor. But we welcome such talent."

"I must ask, how did you learn to twist it to cause harm? To Rend, as you say? That is considered an ill route by my sisters."

Ella - The Evening Before

Ellinar waits for a long time after Ella reveals herself. Thinking? Plotting? "A long time ago,
I was responsible for the death of a woman who did not deserve to die. I carry these earrings as a reminder.
I did not know that such others existed, nor how your father came by them, for I thought them unique."

"I hope it is an unhappy coincidence, for your sake."

2017-05-04, 02:36 AM
Cirelyn, the evening before

Cirelyn nods thoughtfully, but it is a while before she speaks. "I'd be happy to work on that with you, as well as concentration. Maybe by comparing our blocks, and our experiences in getting past them, we can learn something." She smiles a little ruefully. "Actually practicing weaves... I know that's a rule almost everyone breaks, but I've generally tried not to. It's part of why I push myself in classes; if that's the only place they'll let you practice..." She shrugs one shoulder. "But I suppose that would be safer, as well, with a partner - someone to tell you when you're pushing too hard."

She shakes her head, as if tossing the thought of the dangers away. "And anyway, we don't need to cross that current yet. How are you feeling? Do you think you could channel again yet, if you tried?"

Cirelyn, Springfest

Of course, healers will want to check on their patients. Cirelyn's gaze goes involuntarily to Nesta's arm, where the thief cut her. No marks there now, not even a faint scar marring her dark skin.

"Let's go find them, then," she says, rising to her feet, "... at least, when you're done eating."

2017-05-04, 02:42 AM
Nesta - The Evening Before

"For the dangers it can cause!" Ryla replied shocked. "Yet it is bad enough you know how to hurt with this Talent. That is a dark path indeed!" Both Ryla and Samitsu seem shocked by Nesta's revelation, but Romanda continues to watch with hawk like eyes.

"Child, Healing is a difficult thing at the best of times, the body fragile. If you were to weave it even slightly wrong you could cause irreparable harm rather than recovery. Do you understand? It is rare indeed that you would learn this Weave safely without a tutor. But we welcome such talent."

"I must ask, how did you learn to twist it to cause harm? To Rend, as you say? That is considered an ill route by my sisters."

"I never said I know how to weave it, Ryla-sedai... I do have talent for Healing, it seems, that is true; but I only heard about using it for harm yesterday... from Ella, I think? I'm not even sure... I hardly remember half of what happened that time... but I know that if we couldn't Heal... not everyone who was there would be alive right now." She looks the Sister straight in the eyes, as if daring to argue.

Bluff: [roll0]

Springfest, at breakfast

Cirelyn bites into a roll and shakes her head slightly at Nesta, with a brief smile. "You didn't miss much. Lilleah was still tired from her weave going wrong, so we just practiced focus and concentration. Keeping track of a mental list or count while the other person tries to distract you, that sort of thing..."

She waves to Ella, who has just entered the dining hall, and nods at her question. "Lilleah mentioned heading to the festival after visiting Nicaene and Hala. Maybe we should try to find those three, if we want to join Lilleah."

"Anyway, enough about my evening, Nesta - how was your meeting with Ryla Sedai? And yours, Ella?"

"Bad enough... they wanted to know where I learned to Heal", Nesta shakes her head, "And, for that matter, where I learned to Rend. Sorry, Ella... I... mentioned your name. I had to name someone, and I thought you would have the answer ready anyway... and I only said you told me about it, not showed it to us. I'd much rather join you at your practice..."

2017-05-04, 07:00 AM
-Day before-

Ella processes the information quickly. Should she press for information? Should she quit while she's not cleaning a stove? The wanting wins over the fear.

"Ellinar Sedai. What else can you tell me about that woman? Please..." Ella pleads with a tear running down her cheek "I've never even saw my father..."

- Now -

"Why did you tell them about it? You know how the yellow are about proper use of weaves, and especially those connected to healing..." Ella bursts.

Then recollecting herself, visibly calmer she adds "In the big picture it's of no importance. Don't worry about it Nesta, I'll tell them the truth. If they want to chastise me for it, I'll take it."

An Amy
2017-05-04, 09:45 AM
Lileah, with Nicaene

"Hmm..." she considers as she goes over the information. Someone talking about the last battle and spouting lines from prophecy. She knows, as part of her training as a noble, some of the prophecy is known to those that want to seek it out though she never got that far as to know some herself. Or really even the old tongue, though she can recognize it when she sees it for the most part despite not being able to know what it means. Still, the Core... ini...thian cycle? Something like that maybe. A sister might know. A sister would know, rather. And a Kandori Merchant's meeting?

The fish blight part though... flashes of her dream return to her and she loses her composure for a moment. Not that she was serene or cool as Aes Sedai, but her usual smile and posture lax for a moment until she blinks her eyes and returns to standing properly again. She sees those eyes. The darkness behind them in that one fish. Three fish. One turning against the others. Someone trying to spear them? Barrels... She shakes her head this time.

"Sorry... distracted myself for a moment," she says to thwart any of her companion's comments of curious concern. "Well, I take it you want into this Kandori meeting and they'll only accept nobles. Well, while I... technically qualify as a noble, I don't know if any Kandori know the name Darshawn. Kandor is far from Caemlyn and Cairhien. And even so... I'm a child in the eyes of, well, everyone."

She bubbles with a smile for a moment and knocks her head from side to side.

"While I could represent my father, a metalware's merchant with numerous smithies and shops and trade routes well-established between Tar Valon, Cairhien and Caemlyn, I'm not sure I'd get admitted. Perhaps. What do you seek to gain when you get there?"

2017-05-04, 02:18 PM
"Seek to gain? The backer's identity, I suppose. But wait a second, Lilleah. You're not thinking of going with me, are you? I was just asking for some advice!"

Nicaene realised her mistake far too late. She should never have mentioned the job to Lilleah. The probable path of this conversation was all too clear. Still, Nicaene made at least a token attempt at resistance.

"Look, this task was entrusted to Hala and me. I'm not supposed to drag my betters into it. And however well you might choose to treat me, you are my better. I exist to ease your burdens; Not the other way round!"

This was the difficult part of their relationship. Nicaene wasn't supposed to be so familiar with a novice. At first, she'd resisted Lilleah's attempts to bring them closer together. But over time, the trainee's formality had weakened. She'd learnt to relax around this girl: And now she was paying the price for that.

An Amy
2017-05-04, 03:31 PM
Lilleah, to Nicaene

"Well, how else were you going to get in and find out then?" she begins with a slight tilt to her head and a raised brow. She meant to be implying that her thoughts on the matter were well thought out. In truth, she was excited to have a reason to put her dress back on. Oh, but would it be ready? It probably needed to be adjusted as she came to the tower at the age of 14 afterall. Would she still even fit the thing? And what condition would it be in having been stored for two years? That and she didn't have any of her old pains or colors and her hair! By the light, no she couldn't present herself before noble company without at least a day or more getting ready. Still, she was so excited to want to at least try and this was the only day off she'd have a chance to do this. Well, until fall's Da Reed maybe.

"Very well, I understand," she says as she seems to deflate a little but also not appear too disappointed. More humbled by her thoughts. Excitement or not, this behavior was the exact reason why Nicaene almost died the other day. Why she'd lost the ability to channel for a whole day... which hadn't returned just yet either, she noted. "After these recent... events, I best not get so excited over something and go running off."

She begins to pace a little as she plays with her fingers and glances upward into nothing as rattles off her thoughts. "Well, you... you could claim to be me then. My older sister was... well, I have an older sister so you could claim to be her. Darshawn is probably unknown to Kandori so faces are definitely unknown. I'm not sure you can pull that off, but if you could, you're welcome to try and I could teach you little on how. We'd have until tonight. Otherwise... well... some channeling might help. I know some weaves that might help... listen in. Again, I know, involvement. Isn't Hala good at sneaking around? I hear that's what Aiel were really good at. That and killing. You could sneak in and listen in. She can, rather. If this person is receiving some backing from merchants then there's... how many merchants are there? Do you know? Three of them? Are there three of anyone?"

2017-05-04, 03:35 PM
Nesta - The Evening Before

Though none question her on it, between three Aes Sedai could her lie have gone unnoticed?

"Be that as it may, I do hope you do not pursue that path. You have quite a Talent, and not one we would see wasted."

"We called you here today to ask if you had considered where you might apply yourself. Should you pass the test for Accepted you will have the opportunity to seek out a path, and teachers if they are willing to instruct you. From that path you would then choose an Ajah should you become a full sister. I am curious as to whether you might seek the path of Healing?"

Ella - The Evening Before

Ellinar takes a long breath examining you, something about what you've said giving her pause for thought. "It couldn't be..."

"Her name was Malia, she was from Baerlon and she was a good woman. We Aes Sedai are not meant to admit to mistakes and yet I find myself confessing to two within the space of two days. We drove her to her death in our pursuit. I cannot think that she has anything to do with your father, whomever he is, though perhaps it is more than a coincedence. The Wheel weaves as it will."

"We put our mission before our compassion and that was costly, take this as a lesson child, never be so single minded that you forget compassion, remember that."

"I cannot tell you more I fear, some secrets must stay buried."

2017-05-04, 05:20 PM
Nicaene relaxed again. Crisis averted! It seems their little brush with danger had left an impression on Lilleah. Maybe she'd be a bit more cautious from now on; Though hopefully not too cautious. Lilleah's mischief and curiosity made her a wonderful friend. Nicaene wouldn't dream of extinguishing them.

Right, back to planning. Lilleah's suggestion of disguise provoked a wry chuckle. Nicaene had no confidence in her ability to pull off that particular plan.

"Me as a noble? Ha! I can just picture it: Lady Nicaene swanning into the hall, wearing...Actually, I can show you. You'll get a smile out of this."

Nicaene rummaged beneath her bed, and extracted something. She then disappeared behind a hanging curtain that the guardswomen used when they needed some privacy. The sound of shifting fabric could be heard for a minute. Then Nicaene emerged again: Wearing a very nice green dress. The newly 'ennobled' girl walked slowly forward; With the awkward movements of someone trying not to trip over their own garments. The curtsey she gave upon reaching Lilleah was just as bad. And when she spoke, her voice vaguely resembled a noble's accent (if you heard it from two rooms away while nearly deaf).

"How do you do? The Lady Nicaene at your service. Pleased to make your acquai...acquai...*giggle*...Ha, see what I mean? I can't even keep up the voice for three sentences. No amount of fine clothes or accessories will change me into someone else. One of the Sisters ordered me to buy this thing when I first arrived: And it looks just as ridiculous on me as I told her it would."

2017-05-05, 10:07 AM
- Yesterday -
Malia, Baerlon, earrings - the words flashed as she listened to the Aes Sedai tale. Amidst the older woman distress and shame, Ella was trying to scavenge information, leads so she could reach her goal. The words hammered her thoughts and ideas seemed to sprout from every word.

-the wheel weaves as the wheel needs -

"I am sure you did your best... I don't want to pry on your secrets Ma'am but..." says Ella still shaken and lost in her thoughts. In a second her questions pour "What was her last name? What skill did she had to help an Aes Sedai? Was she of a Noble family?"

2017-05-05, 10:04 PM
"It is not very practical," Hala agrees, having materialized noiselessly at some point during Nicaene's bit of self-mockery. "If you are going to wear skirts you should make sure they are shorter and looser than that, in case you need to fight someone. You look like you're about to fall over, and you aren't even moving quickly yet. At least the cloth is light, that's something."

She raises an eyebrow challengingly at Lileah, leaning one shoulder against the doorframe. "Oh, I'm sorry; am I interrupting something?"

2017-05-05, 10:33 PM

Nicaene jumped like a startled rabbit. Well, there went her budding aura of authority. Hala would never take her seriously now. Awash with embarrassment, Nicaene stared daggers at the interloper. This was supposed to be a private moment between her and Lilleah! How dare Hala just waltz into this...communal room...where she lived...and had every right to enter...

...Okay, so maybe Hala hadn't done anything wrong. Now Nicaene felt even sillier. She started edging towards the curtain (and her normal clothes), with what little dignity she could muster.

"Erm, y-yes. But it's my fault for doing this in the wrong place. Just give me a minute to change..."

An Amy
2017-05-06, 12:16 AM
Lilleah with Nicaene in the female trainee's quarters

The young novice does indeed put on a smile and an joyous laugh as her friend 'swans' out from her panels in a green dress that could use some ironing and numerous adjustments. It almost looks as if she was trying to wear it over something. The green suites her though. Though, seeing her friend attempt even just a smattering of noble airs, even if done so in jest to compensate for the lack of graces, Lilleah finds herself straightening her posture and even smoothing out the whites of her novice attire. She bows from where she sits in the room, nodding her head.

"It need some alterations," the girl says giving the dress a contemplative look though she's well-past judged it.

Hala spoke from the opening of the room as if she'd been there the entire time. Lilleah nearly jumps out of her seat and scrambles to grasp at the one power knowing full and well that it would be in the next country over as good as her arms could reach it from where she sits. Eyes wide, she brings a hand to her chest after realizing the Aiel woman was merely standing. She closes her eyes to gather composure before speaking again and is thankful Nicaene speaks first.

"Oh, keep it on," Lilleah says as she still holds to Hala's eye for a calm breath longer before turning back to her friend. "It's spring fest. I'll go fetch my old gown and we can waltz through streets together with ill-fitting clothing. I'm sure my own, after two years, needs some alterations as well. Sadly, I spent more time with my watching merchant and smithy things than I did needlework."

2017-05-06, 10:45 AM
"Keep it on?! I can't go out in public like this! People will stare!"

That was untrue. Nicaene's normal outfit attracted more attention than a dress would. And besides, she'd spent her life flouting public opinion. She was actually just trying to avoid wearing this clumsy thing for the day. The embarrassed trainee cast about for a plausible excuse. Ah, that was it!

"A-and besides, Hala and I have a job to do. We're supposed to stop the orators from causing a scene. I can't exactly do that dressed like this, right?"

2017-05-06, 11:18 PM
Cirelyn, arriving at the female trainees' quarters:

"What's wrong with how you're dressed?" Cirelyn peers through the open door; she has to peer, as she's keeping a careful yard or so of air between herself and the Aiel warrior leaning on the doorframe. The green dress looks like perfectly ordinary wetlander women's garb to her - not that she has a great deal of expertise in that regard, to be fair, except for watching the Aes Sedai.

"Oh, hello, Lilleah," she adds, noticing the younger novice. "We were looking for you - I'm glad we caught you before you left the Tower."

"... orators?" Her tone turns enquiring.

An Amy
2017-05-07, 01:17 AM

She is about to open her mouth and comment on walking around with an Aiel being the worst way not to draw attention. If anything, the dress will keep attention away from the armor and weapon, from the fact that Nicaene is a warder in training. A female warder in training. But another voice surprises her.

"There's nothing wrong with the way she's dressed," Lilleah comments in. "I mean... nothing wrong with wearing a dress. I've worn plenty with far more lace and... well... Looking for me? I just left. Did I? Nice, keep the dress and I'll put on mine. Hala, Cirelyn... do either of you... uh"

The young novice is about to ask if either of them have dresses as well but... the fact that everyone was a bit out of their element except Lilleah, she doesn't continue. Hala is Aiel... and Cirelyn is seafolk.

"...have dresses?" she twists her words at the end with a little embarrassment for continuing her question."

2017-05-07, 01:59 AM
Nicaene's shoulders slumped. She reluctantly moved away from the curtain again.

"...All right. I suppose my armour might have been more hindrance than help."

She had to admit that Lilleah was right: This outfit was perfectly normal. Even the guardswomen often wore skirts when off duty. But despite that, Nicaene still felt ridiculous. Whoever heard of a Warder who looked like this? Well, no use arguing the point. Lilleah really seemed to want this. And Nicaene could put up with a great deal for the sake of putting a smile on that girl's face. Mustering what little dignity she had left, she steered the conversation back towards more important matters.

"So, erm, does anyone know a good way to stop some determined rabble rousers from disrupting a festival? Because that's the job I've been given. I need to persuade them not to do their usual 'the end is nigh' act today: Preferably without giving them any new scars."

2017-05-07, 04:41 AM
Ella - The Evening Before

"I have told you most of what I can child, I am afraid. I wish you all the best in finding your father, whoever he is. But there is one last thing: you were mistaken, this woman was not our asset, but one we pursued."

With that Ellinar rises and turns away from Ella, so that the Novice can't see her face.

"You should run along now girl, you do not want to miss dinner. Please do not discuss this with others, for as I said, these events are meant to be secret."

2017-05-07, 05:05 AM
Hala maintains eye contact with Lilleah for longer than is comfortable. It's probably just as well Nicaene beats her to mentioning that they have work to do, no time to flounce about town doing... whatever it is that wetlander girls do out on the town.

"Of course I own a dress," she scoffs. "I cannot walk the streets here wearing cadin'sor, and I did not know until some time after I arrived that women here can wear trousers." She glances briefly at Cirelyn. "That looks like a dress to me. Aren't you supposed to wear those at all times? I was told that novices wear only white."

An Amy
2017-05-07, 08:40 AM
Lilleah, in trainee's quarters

"With the mention of a fish blight," the young novice begins, "I'd be looking at who might benefit or seeing if it's really a blight as the doomsayer, er, say. Are the fish bad out of the water or are they good fish then suddenly bad fish? Also, with the mention of merchants who might be backing the doomayers, who would benefit? Where are the good fish coming from? Who's selling those? You also mentioned some names, Nice. Maybe let's find out who they are. And that woman in the other part of town... I wonder how she fits into this. And if those other women from the other day in the alley are somehow involved."

She starts seeing complex relationships in her mind of people conspiring for cornering a market. Someone who might benefit from a frightened populace? That someone might be selling a solution. Either for coin or support, they'd be offering a service or product.

That is if these rabblers are being deceptive, deceived or delusional. What if they were, well, right?

2017-05-07, 04:58 PM
"We're thinking along the same lines. Yes, investigating the fish seemed like a good move to me as well. I just didn't know where to start. As for names, 'Jerold' apparently used to be a librarian here at the Tower. That would explain why he's so familiar with the Prophecies. Anyway, at first I planned to expose this group's plans to their followers. The trouble is that there's no time for that. We've been ordered to stop them today. So unless we can unravel this conspiracy (assuming there is one) in the next few hours, I'm going to need another plan. Augh, I have no idea what to do!"

Nicaene was getting increasingly desperate. She sounded like a student whose final exam had arrived too early. In order to stop this group, she first needed to stall them. But how?

2017-05-07, 05:10 PM
"Fish blight?" Cirelyn edges forward, curiosity sufficiently provoked to make her risk stepping closer to Hala. "Sorry - can you explain a little more? What plans?" She folds her arms. "As for dresses, they made me burn the clothes I wore to the Tower, so I only have my novice whites."

"To stop rabble-rousers..." She taps her fingers together. "If they're just planning to put on a show, preempt or upstage them? If they're planning to hurt people... figure out where and alert the Tower guard, I suppose? How did you end up with this job?"

2017-05-07, 05:26 PM
"I'd like to think that I was given this job as a test of my abilities; But it's probably just because the other trainees are busy. Anyway, here's what we know..."

Nicaene proceeded to explain the situation (again).

"...and that's about it. Anyway, I'm very wary about trying to upstage these people. They seem to have the crowds on their side. A random stranger who tries to denounce them would probably just get used as a prop for their act. In order to win, we'd need an edge of some kind."

2017-05-07, 05:39 PM
"If an Aes Sedai contradicted them, the crowd might listen to her," Hala says thoughtfully. "But this lot would keep trying to spread their message, I think - they already mistrust Aes Sedai, it would only make them suspicious. And of course, Caster Gaidin told us to do this, not to beg the sisters to do it for us." She wrinkles her nose at that.

An Amy
2017-05-07, 11:03 PM

"I don't think you'd be 'begging' a sister to deal with it entirely," Lilleah says standing up. Her posture still straight as if she wants to be in her dress as well. It's been two years... stones, it probably doesn't fit anymore. And, as Cirelyn pointed out, it still exists. She didn't burn it. Back when she joined, she knew about the burning clothes thing and switching it out for something else before going to the tower properly. "Caster Gaidin asked you to make sure the rabble rousers resign their rabble rousing resolution. I'd say the outcome could be the same. If they're talking about prophecy, a full sister, a brown even, may be needed in order to counter their arguments. I don't know the prophecies well enough to argue them. You?

"The conspiracy can be- we can continue with that. But later. Let's, as Niceaene says, deal with what they've been tasked with doing. For upstaging, there is this rather... uncouth merchant's trick. When a competitor is advertising something big and loud, you advertise something else bigger and louder right on top of them. They work to gather the crowd, and you simply steal the attention. I'm not sure we can hire a troupe of jugglers... or break a stool leg, release some chickens. Or a foul smell."

2017-05-08, 05:19 AM
- Yesterday-
"She was the one pursued?" Ella thinks on reasons for Aes Sedai to pursue a woman... She tries to keep her cool in the midst of the emotion assailing her, and the one assaulting the calm of the Aes Sedai. Whatever it happened it was something that changed Ellinar.
There was one final piece that she needed. If not the whole truth at least this piece - "When did it happen Ellinar Sedai?"

One thing she knew... The earrings seemed more than simple trinkets, as she tought before. They might have a meening or be a symbol of something. And Tar Valon was the right place to try to find information...

2017-05-08, 05:49 AM
Hala makes a skeptical noise in the back of her throat. "They have practice playing to a crowd, and they're offering free food. I'm not sure how you expect us to one-up that in the space of a few hours." She pauses, and corrects herself. "Not without causing more trouble than we stop, anyway. I do not think Caster Gaidin would appreciate us starting a riot to divert attention."

2017-05-08, 08:21 AM
Nesta - The Evening Before

Though none question her on it, between three Aes Sedai could her lie have gone unnoticed?

"Be that as it may, I do hope you do not pursue that path. You have quite a Talent, and not one we would see wasted."

"We called you here today to ask if you had considered where you might apply yourself. Should you pass the test for Accepted you will have the opportunity to seek out a path, and teachers if they are willing to instruct you. From that path you would then choose an Ajah should you become a full sister. I am curious as to whether you might seek the path of Healing?"

"Ryla-sedai", Nesta replied, "I don't think I'm quite ready to think about choosing my path - I'm afraid that, shuld I make a choice now, it would be driven by fear, and not proper consideration..."

- Now -

"Why did you tell them about it? You know how the yellow are about proper use of weaves, and especially those connected to healing..." Ella bursts.

Then recollecting herself, visibly calmer she adds "In the big picture it's of no importance. Don't worry about it Nesta, I'll tell them the truth. If they want to chastise me for it, I'll take it."

"Yes... sorry, I didn't think things through..." Nesta shakes her head, "if they do punish you, feel free to push the blame on me; would only be fair. It didn't seem like they were that angry, though... Ryla-sedai asked whether I considered Yellow when I get my shawl..."

2017-05-08, 12:28 PM
Ella - The Evening Before

"A long time ago, child, nearly 19 years I would think. But you best be running along now!" And with that Ellinar ends their audience, politely, but firmly, guiding Ella out of her rooms.

Ella recalled that she still had an appointment with Ryla Sedai, after she had Healed Lilleah in their class.

Nesta - The Evening Before

"A sensible cause child. Make time to consider it though, child, and do not wait too long. The future has a habit of creeping up on you." The Aes Sedai chat to her for a short time longer, asking after her studies, but it is clear that their true purpose has been dealt with. Nesta was soon released to go to dinner and trotted away happily.

2017-05-08, 02:15 PM
Nicaene was conflicted. Lilleah's suggestion had the potential to work. However, Hala made a good point too. What action could disrupt the doomsayers, without also disrupting the festival? The group's strongest asset for that was unfortunately forbidden.

"It's a shame that you're not allowed to demonstrate the One Power. That'd definitely draw a crowd. So, let's sum up our options so far: We can cast about for some sort of incriminating evidence; We can ask a Sister to debate the finer points of prophecy with them; Or we can cause a scene that breaks their hold on the crowd. If I had to choose, I suppose my vote would be for...calling a Sister. I'd prefer to handle this without bothering the Aes Sedai; But I'd rather admit weakness than fail in silence."

2017-05-14, 11:44 PM
"If we needed a short-term way to interfere with their planned pitch," Cirelyn says reluctantly after a moment, "I have a talent for weather-working - I could make it very windy in the area where they're planning to talk, for example, or call up a fog, and if I was careful then people might not even realize the Power was at work. But we're not supposed to channel without permission, and it would only be a short-term solution at best."

"I agree it could be a good idea to seek a sister's aid. Although I suppose they might not want to dignify this sort of thing with a response."

She runs a hand through her short black hair. "Honestly, I'm most curious about this fish blight you mentioned. Maybe that's where I can be most helpful; I know a bit about fishing, and about currents. More than I do about nobles' games, that's for sure. If someone's poisoning the waters -" She frowns balefully. "And you said your friend mentioned a tavern called the Laughing Vixen, Nicaene? Has anyone visited there yet?"

Sorry if the answer to the last question is "yes" - I could only find the one mention of the place, but might have been reading too fast.

2017-05-15, 12:47 AM
Nicaene marvelled at Cirelyn's talk of controlling weather. The One Power truly was wondrous. It would have made this task so much easier. Of course, the Novices were forbidden from using it for good reason. They were supposed to be learning restraint and good judgement. Nicaene certainly appreciated the wisdom in that.

"I'd be grateful for your help. You'll be far more likely to make sense of that blight than me or the merchants. As for the tavern, I'm not sure. Hala followed the doomsayers to a tavern. But I suppose they might visit more than one. How about it, Hala? Did you happen to notice the name of that place?"

2017-05-15, 02:02 AM
Hala shakes her head. "The sign was too faded to make out. I am not sure it was a tavern at all; the room I saw was filled with books. More than I have ever seen outside the Tower library. Whoever owns that place must be very wealthy, especially if he is also supplying the food."

She pauses, seemingly trying to decide whether to share something, and finally admits, "If need be, I could ask one of the Brown sisters for a favor. Some of them are very intent on hearing about Aiel traditions, they would at least hear me out."

2017-05-16, 02:59 AM
"I'm hoping that we won't need to actually bribe a Sister. Plenty of Browns live to fight the forces of ignorance, whether they're rewarded for it or not. But the offer is appreciated, Hala. So, should we try to find someone? If we're quick about it, we might have time to visit that tavern too."

Nicaene instinctively deferred to the novices here. Even though she was technically in charge of this mission, she couldn't bring herself to just declare a course of action. These girls would be her bosses some day. Since they'd generously offered their help, the final decision should be theirs.

2017-05-16, 06:59 AM
- Yesterday -

Tons of ideas come crashing down as she is ushered out of the room. What ifs, possibilities, wild imagination.
She adds a quick "Thanks Ellinar Sedai. For everything. For the trust..." and walks out of the room.

Her stomach is churning and she gives thanks that this happened before dinner. Or else she could be highly indisposed right now... More than she was already.

The night would be a long one, especially if she ended up going to the library today. But first Ryla Sedai. Probably to get chastised.

To get her mind of these things, and especially her father, she looks and focus on things around her, as if it as the first time in the tower grounds. The Ogier walls, the paintings, the people she crossed. Everything was better than just thinking on what Ellinar had told her. And especially on what she hadn't. The obscure possibilities underneath it.

She ends up in the yellow quarter of the tower and knocks at the door "Ryla Sedai?"

- Today -

"I was called to Ryla Sedai after the happening with Lileah in the Classroom. More or less the same." she answers Nesta, trying not to disclose most of what happened, at least now.

Especially because I donīt know what happened still.

As she goes from the red to the yellow rooms Ella will take 10 on spot and listen checks to spot anything out of the Normal/usual

I have another question but will pose in the OoC thread

2017-05-16, 08:33 AM

"Well, I'm glad you didn't get into much trouble; that would be really unfair..." Nesta nods, then bites her lip, "So, what's the plan for day? Search for a Sister who would agree to talk to the doomsayers, visit that tavern, help Lilleah and Nicaene get into that noble party? Did I miss anything?"

2017-05-16, 12:49 PM
Ella - The Evening Before

Ryla is found in a very homely set of rooms, along with two other sisters of the Yellow, Romanda an elderly woman with a stern face and Samitsu, an Arafellin with small silver bells in her hair that chimed musically as she turned to greet the new arrival.

Despite the prestigious group before her, she almost doesn't notice them as her eyes are drawn to a tray piled with meat buns, and beside it, small dishes of steaming vegetables.

"I apologise for the lateness of our meeting, child, but do feel free to eat whilst we talk." Ryla suited her words and nibbled at a meat bun, whilst Samitsu also ate sparingly. Romanda did not partake, and instead fixed Ella with a hawk like stare.

"I wished to talk to you about the Healing you did this morning. Where did you learn to do that?"

2017-05-17, 08:36 AM

"Thank you Ryla Sedai" says Ella picking some of the food and nibling it. First softly. But as conversation started to pick up, and the meeting with Ellinar also in the past, she starts enjoying the food.

To the question she answers softly "Healing weaves make sense to me. As if they follow a known path, a puzzle that you did in the past, and now remember where the pieces go. Not that I am shying from a real answer with pretty words. I am just trying to explain it as I feel it. A more concrete answer would be from seeing sisters performing it. But it doesn't encompass all that it was." she pauses looking at each of the sisters seeing if someone would challenge her claim.


"I don't know if the others need our help. If not we might try another task if you're up to it. Maybe it's better to join them and ask." she answers "By the way, have you tought about that questions Ryla posed you? What Ajah to follow?"

2017-05-17, 11:51 AM
Ella - The Evening before

"Truly, you have a Talent for it then," Ryla mused.

Whilst her sisters pondered Romanda turned her direct gaze on Ella: "What of the prohibition on Novices channelling without permission, and more importantly, using Healing weaves without the proper training. Do these rules mean nothing to you?" Though the words are harsh, and the tone unyielding, there is no anger here.

2017-05-17, 01:06 PM

"I don't know if the others need our help. If not we might try another task if you're up to it. Maybe it's better to join them and ask." she answers "By the way, have you tought about that questions Ryla posed you? What Ajah to follow?"

"Well, as I am now, I won't have much choice besides Yellow", Nesta shrugs matter-of-factly, "That if, I even earn my shawl in the first place. But if could choose... Green, maybe? I know I just don't have a mind for Grey or Brown... Yellow is nice, too... yes, I suppose it will be one of those two."

2017-05-18, 10:36 AM
- Yesterday-

"I do believe in the importance of rules in a society, even more in ours, where the one power can be self destructive. At that time it seemed the emotional and also the logical choice, despite that not being on my mind at the time. One of my friends had fallen, and could be hurt or worse. I had to do something. Thinking it now, It's true that there were people in the room more qualified and more knowledgeable. But at the time only Lilleah was on my mind." she exhales, not speaking of the tendency gained from her youth, to bend and skip rules.

Trying to remain calm and continues "I said it was the logical time because I did tryed it with an Aes Sedai present instead of all alone somewhere."


"Of course you'll earn the shawl. You just have to want it. Skill you got."

2017-05-18, 11:33 AM
Ella - The Evening Before

Romanda nods. If it was some sort of test, it seems Ella has passed. "As Romanda has said,
Healing is not something that should be done lightly, and certainly not by a Novice without training. But you have shown Talent for it, and we wish to train that." Ryla's tone is motherly as usual, and a sharp contrast to Romanda's. Unfortunately, it is the elderly sister who continues: "You will report to my rooms every other day at first bell. I will speak with the Mistress of Novices so that she knows you will be excused from those classes you have missed, but you will be expected to make them up." It doesn't sound like Ella has any choice in the matter!

2017-05-18, 01:43 PM
- yesterday -

Ella blinks as she looks abashed from Ryla to Romanda. "Of course Romanda Sedai."

Somehow, by this exchange Ella suspected Romanda was higher in the hierarchy of the yellow than Ryla. Foolish girl she thinks. With Aes Sedai it was hard to discern those things.

She looks at her meat bun and nibbles a bit more, waiting to be excused or to continue to answer questions in the yellows gaze.

2017-05-25, 08:56 AM
Ella - The Evening Before

Romanda nods and then dismisses Ella, who finds it is even later than she thought! She'll have to run to get to the Novice quarters before last bell, and even then she hopes Amira doesn't catch her cutting it so close.

Everyone together, now that we're all caught up

The group agrees that the only way to beat this orator is with another figure of authority. And who better to match wits with this librarian than a Brown sister.

Since they had visited the Brown quarters the previous day, it was easy for the Novices to find their way back, Hala and Nicaene in tow. Deciding on a Brown sister to approach was a more difficult part, but they did at least know Lornelle Sedai, and she was their teacher of history, so she would likely know how to challenge the prophet.

Luckily, the Brown sister was in her quarters, alone this time and no warding indicated she did not want to be disturbed, so the group was able to enter.

For those who had not met her before, Lornelle is short but tough looking for a Brown sister and as the girls enter, puts aside a well thumbed journal to regard them properly.

"Welcome back girls. What brings you to my door on Springfest? Surely you would rather be outside enjoying yourselves." Her gaze takes in their companions but she doesn't comment.

2017-05-25, 11:03 AM
Nicaene bowed respectfully to Lornelle Sedai. She resisted the urge to speak first. A mere trainee doing so would be most impolite. This was especially true for Nicaene. Her presence in the tower was already controversial. Some of the Sisters already thought of her as a rebel. It was important to show them that she valued the rule of law: Well, reasonable laws anyway. Baseless ones (like 'no female Warders') would receive the challenge they deserved. But the rule about speaking out of turn made perfect sense. Nicaene dutifully waited for one of her betters to state their case. Hopefully Lornelle was in a public-spirited mood today.

2017-05-25, 12:49 PM
"Lornelle-sedai", Nesta bows as well, "We would, but... trainee Nicaene here heard something worrying, that we decided Tower should know..."

2017-05-25, 01:08 PM
Nicaene stepped forward. Now that Nesta had given her the floor, it should be okay to speak. Her words reflexively took on a much more formal tone than usual.

"Greetings, Lornelle Sedai. Yesterday, Caster Gaidin entrusted Hala and myself with a task. Recently, there have been a group of..."

Nicaene proceeded to give a quick summary of the relevant facts. She left out a lot more details than when she'd been chatting with the Novices. An Aes Sedai's time was valuable. She confined herself to the problem faced, what they knew about the troublemakers, and the plan to stall their efforts. She made sure to mention Jerold's name and former occupation. A Brown Sister might well have met him before.

"...So you see, Lornelle Sedai, your expertise would be of great help in this matter. I apologise for bothering you with such a request. But given the short time remaining, and the threat to the festival, such measures seemed necessary."

2017-05-26, 04:31 AM
Ella keeps with the group, yawning. Last night it was too close, and maybe she's not free of it still. Amira has her eyes around and might chastise her just to set an example.
She turns the yawn into a smile and wats for the opportunity to speak with the brown sister alone about heraldry.

2017-05-26, 04:44 PM
"Intriguing, girls. I do know the man. Yet that he could have become so misguided saddens me. I shall speak with him personally. Caster will hardly forgive me if I meet these men alone, so I will have to ask the two of you to accompany me, and I'm certain the novices will find this instructive."

Pausing only to pocket the blue ledger, she rose and led the group to the Tower gates, whilst she waited for them to collect any belongings (or arms), Lornelle asked: "Where do you think we will find these prophets? In their lair or within the city? I would prefer to avoid an open confrontation with this man if you can engineer that."

2017-05-26, 06:42 PM
"I can take you to where I found them yesterday, Aes Sedai," Hala puts in. As usual when speaking to the sisters, her tone is milder than normal, containing actual deference rather than just the bare minimum of respect needed to avoid sounding rude.

She hesitates a little before continuing - it seems presumptuous to advise a sister - but in the end she is effectively the group's scout, and it would be foolish to withhold information just because it's awkward. "You should know that Jerold's companions do not like Aes Sedai. When I overheard them yesterday, he was trying to convince them that they should ask the Tower to help spread their message. They would not listen, even though they deferred to him in other things."