View Full Version : Celticbear's Rogue Trader IC

2017-03-07, 06:30 PM
Far off in the dark corners of space, A Breath of the Saint is currently orbiting a forge world, finishing repairs from a previous mission. All seems well: you just got paid a hefty amount, the crew is celebrating due to their current victory, and the mission itself couldn't have gone more smoother given the circumstances. As you ponder this on the bridge of your ship, a hailing frequency is chirping on one of the comms. Who could it be?

2017-03-08, 02:51 AM
Lord Captain Traylis Farthing the 16th is currently longing on his command hair, dressed in a thin, golden robe of absurdly expensive cloth. His dynasty may lie in ruins, but he hasn't foregone the little pleasures of life, even now. In truth, that, and the grapes he was enjoying, offered by a retainer on a silver platter, gave him little pleasure.

Revenge will, but revenge takes time. His head raised at the chirping and he pushed the plate away, taking up a more proper sitting position and letting his silvery eyes rest on the comm in question. "Be so good as to answer that, and ascertain whether it's a waste of time?" He asked. "Either way, it'll give us something to see to, mm?"

Toxic Mind
2017-03-08, 09:55 AM
When the message came in, Taniel was standing where she always was, which if you were to ask the crew, was "right fethin' behind you". She was, at this moment however, leaning up against the back of the command throne. This position earned her regular glares from the crewmembers and staff on the deck, but these were somewhat less meaningful since it was incredibly difficult to discern if she was, in fact, actually there. Taniel had a nasty habit of becoming effectively invisible when not moving, a quirk of the Eldar armor she wore - or so she claimed. Upon settling into a position, her entire being would fade into a strange shimmer that only the sharpest of eyes could pick out as her form. And given the amount of ancient technology present aboard, quirks such as air shimmers were not entirely uncommon, leading to the (to Taniel hilarious) situation where a senior officer spent almost 15 minutes glaring at a shimmer behind the command throne only to have Taniel come up behind him and inquire as to what exactly he was staring at.

As the call came in, a keen observer would see a shimmer shift from the back of the throne to the side. She perked up her ears, but otherwise did not move. Such menial tasks were not her purvey, and were, frankly, beneath her, unless called upon specifically.

2017-03-08, 12:14 PM
"Vox station, recite vox-frequency to augur station," Tyrkias instructs, moving to the primary augur controls. He interfaces with the station and pauses, tasting the surrounding void through the augur's delicate sensorium, searching for the source of the vox signal.

2017-03-08, 06:42 PM
After a successful mission, the average Naval Officer's instinct is to open up the amasec and drink to the Captain's health. Arma Magnus however, brooks little time for celebration in his personal life, and so the Lord Commander is stalking the under-bridge, that area just below the Lord-Captain's extended dais, looking over the shoulders of the operations officers working to keep the great ship running. Now and then he growls an instruction to one of the bridge officers, or deals with a security concern over his comm-bead.

"Twenty lashes for drunkeness on duty for Voidsman Callud. Forty for Sub-Chief Lysandar for drug possession, and he is demoted to Voidsman. Lucky I don't kill him." Magnus growls into his internal vox. When the vox starts beeping, he moves swiftly to the Dais level, boots making shuddering thumps on the steel ground, and after waiting to see Tyrkias begin to track the signal, moves to the Communication's plinth and places his hand on it, opening the channel.

"This is Lord Commander Arma Magnus, of the A Breath of the Saint. State your business!" he bellows, loudly.

2017-03-08, 07:15 PM
Arma Magus, it is almost splendid to hear your voice again! says a laid back and familiar voice. This is Lord Captain Killeon Bluesteal, and I happened to notice your ship floating above the world that I'm lavishing in (no just bellow the small of my... there you go)

It seems like you just finished a job, and I'm happy to say that I have a few side projects that I never bothered to finish, some actually pay decently. What does our friend of high stature say to my proposal?

2017-03-09, 02:55 AM
The figure on the throne moved as their 'employer's' voice came through, a flash of anger over his perfect features at the reminder that they were both beholden to another, and that he seemed to be enjoying even greater luxuries.

He leaned forward, wings ruffling behind his back as he shot an annoyed glance at where he believed Taniel was skulking. When he address their contact though, his voice became soft, almost musical in tone.

"Lord Captain. A pleasure, I'm sure. A side project, you say, mm? I hope it provides a significant challenge and an endeavour of worth. After all, you have all our skills at your disposal."

2017-03-09, 06:45 AM
Splendid to hear that ANGELIC voice of yours, captain. I'm sending you my coordinates, and will be ready to receive you in a let's say two hours.

There appear to be moaning sounds from a voice that isn't Killeon's

Make that three.

2017-03-09, 11:40 AM
Katyinna is resting in her sanctum, idling over a small archotech cube made of smaller cubes.

Toxic Mind
2017-03-09, 01:26 PM
The shimmer behind the command throne shifted, and like the tide receding from the shore, a slim figure coalesced on the bridge. The armor it wore was form-fitting, accentuating rather than obscuring the full feminine figure of its wearer.

Some of the more cocksure voidsmen would remark that she must have been poured into it, for there was no other way to make such a set that managed to armor, but not hide, her figure. Those voidsmen that made such claims too openly often found themselves at the end of a lash, or worse, however, as such comments were not taken lightly, to prevent them from reaching the ears of Taniel, who would be far less merciful than death.

The armor in question was a deep purple, in places so dark as to seem black. Its composition was a strange alloy of metal that seemed to defy and absorb light, rather than reflect or shimmer. The ornamentation was simplistic and savage, with a line of bladed spikes running along the arm guards and up the shins, a practical ostentation. Various xeno symbols and runes adorn the armor, glowing faintly.

She removed her helm, pressing it to a hip, where it stayed as she ran her fingers through auburn hair, allowing it to cascade down from where it had been wrapped to fall to below her shoulder blades. To other eldar, her face would have been described as a work of art, sensuous lips seemingly pressed in an eternal pout, and eyes a brilliant, and decidedly inhuman, violet. She steps to the side of the wings, one hand moving with lithe motion almost as though she were going to stroke it, then falling to her side as though she thought better. "We could kill him." She says softly, in a tone of voice far better suited for a bedchamber than the bridge of a starship. "It would be easy. Men like him who allow themselves to be consumed by lust for the flesh are so easy to manipulate with that desire." She has circled around to the front of the captain now, her gait more like to a large hunting cat than any human walk. "I could do it myself" she purred.

2017-03-09, 01:48 PM
Traylis' lips pursed. He was about to tender a response to the request to wait for three hours while Killeon slaked his own pleasure, when Taniel revealed herself. His attention shifted to the Dark Eldar, her gestures, appearance and voice causing his eyes to glint and showing not for the first time, that Killeon was likely not the only one with such weaknesses.

"Does he annoy you, my dear? I can assure you, the feeling is more then mutual.. and I would enjoy hearing him beg." He tapped the side of his throne, before shaking his head. "We need him, I need him, or everything is dust." He rose to step forward, nodding to the command crew as he did before staring into the void before them. "There are pleasures greater then simple lust out there. To guide, shape, entire worlds. Nothing compares.

I'll endure a touch of humiliation if I must, to be in that place again." His gaze went to Arma. "Inform him that we'll be more then happy to host him, should he wish, after three hours. I'll take thoughts and suggestions on his proposals then, but I want them given on this ship. I heed him now, but I am not a pet to come at his call."

Toxic Mind
2017-03-09, 01:57 PM
Her lips pull upward at the corners at his gaze, but she makes no comment on it, the cause of the knowing almost-smile an easily solved mystery. "The offer is always on the table, Lord Captain. Anticipation can make the finale all the more enjoyable. I can wait." She sashays away and takes a lounging seat at the edge of the command throne's dias, facing towards the viewport filled with the forge world.

2017-03-09, 02:06 PM
Killeon acknowledges your terms and accepts them.

If anyone wants to do anything before the three hours time, now is the time.

2017-03-09, 05:20 PM
Magnus rounds on the Dark Eldar, eyes narrowed and a snarl on his lips.

"Xenos scum. You were not given permission to open your filthy mouth." His cannon emits a soft hum as internal mechanisms activate, though he doesn't raise it. "However, Bluesteal is a disgusting man. It is your decision Lord Captain, but I am sure we can find more worthy clients. But... by your command, Lord-Captain." Magnus says, turning and stalking out from the bridge.

"Lieutenant Astra!" he bellows for his own right-hand woman. "Organize an honor guard for our guest. Use the bayonetted lasguns and the best we have. We want to make our guest feel entirely inadequate compared to the finest men and women of the Imperium!"

Toxic Mind
2017-03-09, 06:42 PM
Taniel endures the outburst and then lazily yawns, showing teeth. "Lord Captain, I'll be in my quarters preparing for our guest if you have need of anything. Would you prefer I dress for intimidation, or distraction?"

2017-03-11, 03:07 PM
Aware that any hostilities that may break out would be aboard their own ship, Tyrkias double-checks that his boltgun is attached to his armature rather than his grenade launcher. He then patrols the enginarium, ensuring the machine spirits are well appeased and the mech-wright teams are on standby for emergencies. Finally, he passes through the medicae, his fingers lingering almost longingly on the bank of gene-samples and growing clone-tanks.

"Unfortunate," he murmurs. Then he turns and departs, his duties as a member of the senior staff taking precedence over his research.

2017-03-11, 03:23 PM
If everyone is content for the three hours, I'm continuing, if not just post what you want to do as normal.

Killeon arrives on a mediocre looking shuttle, docking almost perfectly with the extravagance of a master pilot. This landing is of course credited to Gourn, not Kileon, the pilot.

Killeon walks in the ship, hands extended to show he is not carrying any weapons, but he does say this as he's being searched.

As much as I'd like to live the "hilarity" that was our last meeting, I'd appreciate having my bodyguard with me to ensure that Taniel doesn't do anything rash... again.

Toxic Mind
2017-03-11, 04:56 PM
Taniel, in full armor, though still with her helmet at her side, shrugged. "Your human hairbrushes look very similar to Sslythian Venom-Knives."

2017-03-11, 05:28 PM
Traylis, having shown only sardonic delight at the earlier conflict between Taniel and Magnus, waited at the other end of the landing bay from Killeon before moving his way, resplendent in his artificer armour and with a red cloak billowing behind him. In deference to this being a 'friendly' meeting however, he'd left his thunder hammer in his quarters.

"Now, I'm sure we can avoid any issues, this time." He flashed a wide smile. "Taniel is simply very good at what she does. I'm sure you would steal her from me, if you were able." He chuckled, indicating a joke as he moved through the armsmen Magnus had assembled.

"We should discuss your proposal over drinks, perhaps?"

2017-03-11, 05:32 PM
Arma Magnus falls into step behind the two Lord-Captains, his naval coat fluttering behind him as he glares at, basically, everybody in the room. Killeon is the embodiment of all that the Lord Commander despises - self-assured, arrogant nobility without the stones to back it up. Alas, while deference was not the most available commodity out here in the Expanse, power was even less available. Killeon offered a way to power for his Lord Captain, and the man would go along.. for now.

2017-03-11, 07:25 PM
As much as much as I would like a drink on any other day, I had a couple back on my suite. That and Taniel is looking a little too mischievous today.

Killeon laughs.

Any who, down to business. I currently have two jobs without a time limit that pay moderately well. You can take one or both, it doesn't matter to me. You get 80% of the funds and I claim any interesting tech you happen to find. Sound good?

2017-03-11, 07:32 PM
"Children of the Omnissiah belong with His priesthood," Tyrkias interjects. "Our arrangements with you are superfluous beside the Quest for Knowledge. You live upon one of the blessed forge worlds and yet offend the machine spirits with such disrespect? Unwise. Bordering on foolhardy even."

2017-03-11, 10:07 PM
Thanks for the preach, pasture, but I don't live here. Just a stop.

2017-03-11, 10:33 PM
"Semantics. This will become far more than a simple stop should the Mechanicus choose to take offense with your attitude. What type of servitor would you like to become when they catch you for your tech heresy?" Tyrkias shrugs. "While they are at times short-sighted, they also strive for efficiency in all of their endeavors."
He subsides for the time being, his duty to the Quest for Knowledge acknowledged.

2017-03-12, 12:00 AM
Having come down to be present when the gust arrived Katyinna returns to her sanctum. Arma Magnus thinks so loudly its distracting.

2017-03-13, 01:39 PM
"I must defer to my Explorator." The Captain mused. "Such objects belong with the Machine Cult and its envoys. I will, however endeavour to persuade the good man to consider allowing tech priests from your own vessel access to any samples."

2017-03-13, 10:37 PM
Agreeable, I expected as much when I saw the red cloak. Anywho, the two jobs I got on standby are a little bit of a mystery. The first one came to my attention from another noble, said that a planet he had business on had exterminatis enacted upon it close to a hundred years ago. The thing that's bugging him though is that a power source is starting to ping on there from out of no where. Not to big that the Imperium is gonna check it out, but it's not too small that it doesn't warrant some level of curiosity. He'll pay you a decent amount of crowns for finding out what the source is.

The other job is a delivery. Man on a hive world ordered some cargo a few years back, but the guys who were supposed to ship it couldn't get it him. The person who brings that rich bastard his precious box will get decent amount of crowns and a good word with the hive world leaders. Again neither of these jobs has a time limit, and you can accept one, both or neither. What'a you say, any of these jobs calling you?

2017-03-14, 01:40 AM
Arma stays quiet during these discussions - deciding on the ship's course was a job for the Lord-Captain, not for him. Even so, he continually scans the area with narrowed eyes, the very picture of vigilant militancy.

Toxic Mind
2017-03-14, 02:04 PM
From behind the Techpriest's watchful gaze, Taniel raises a slender finger in the human gesture for "1". She wiggles it around to get the Captain's attention, quickly lowering it before Arma's gaze can sweep back to her. As the ornery gaze settles on her, she gives him a cheerful finger wave.

2017-03-15, 03:05 PM
The Captain's eye snagged on Taniel briefly, hiding a slightly mused expression.



The Dark Eldar wanted to explore a world borne into a lifeless nuclear winter by the will of the Inquisition in order to locate a power source that should not exist.


He beamed at Killeon. "We'll explore your mysterious planet then."

2017-03-15, 04:35 PM
Excellent! I'll give the coordinates to your navigator, and you'll know what to do. The customer wants to know what the power source is and wants it if its tappable. says Kellion.

Are you sure the other job isn't calling you? Again neither of them have a time limit. Get double your money for just double the time!

2017-03-16, 06:58 PM
"If I may, Lord-Captain Killsteal, do you know the approximate distance separating the two planets?"

2017-03-16, 10:03 PM
They arn't too far apart. A couple of months in the warp is all that's stopping you.

2017-03-16, 10:21 PM
"May I suggest, then, lord-captain," Tyrkias turns to Farthing. "That we allow the Omnissiah's grace of Efficiency to guide our choice and accept both tasks? It would waste resources better spent elsewhere to do different. Assuming the 'box' is of sufficiently portable size?"

The last sentence holds the note of a question as Tyrkias again faces their patron.

2017-03-17, 09:11 PM
The box is about the size of a closet in length and is cubicle in nature. Team of four goons could pull it into the hold easy. Two would be straining the people, but it would make a good punishment.

2017-03-18, 06:34 AM
The Captain nodded. "We'll see to both your tasks then, Captain.. Scribe!"

A hassled looking man scurried forward, holding a contract he'd been hurriedly writing out as a summary of the agreed conditions. A signature later, and it was offered to Killeon for him to add his own name to their agreement.

2017-03-18, 05:48 PM
Excellent, I'll have Gord feed the directions to your navigator. It has been a moderate pleasure to do business here again. Now there was something about a Proof, an Ork warband, and some dark age tech I was supposed to be working on. I'll tell you about the job later. It's been a dosy I'll tell you that much. laughs Kellion as he walks back to his shuttle.Which mission in doing first.

2017-03-21, 06:58 AM
"I must continue to vouch for efficiency in our efforts and a power source on a nominally destroyed planet will likely advance the Quest for Knowledge."

I think Taniel and Farthing were both leaning that way before so I think that's your answer, GM. I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes, I'm just trying to keep the momentum of the game rolling.

2017-03-21, 08:36 AM
The coordinates that Kellion gave you take nearly three months to travel to, but the Gellar field holds and nothing eventful happens in the warp.

You arrive at the dead gray planet, once teaming with life but now stands empty, or it should. It becomes apparent that something is amiss as you see this ominous green light shine from the surface, almost like it is waiting for you to land.

If any of you have forbidden lore (xenos), now would be the time to use it.

2017-03-21, 05:54 PM
Three months is a bare blip in the course of most naval travels, but Arma is not the man who allows weakness or sloth to infect his people. The Security Force continues to patrol the gargantuan corridors, a watchful eye for any hint of incursion or rebellion. It does well, and over the course of three months only [roll0] crewmen are executed for serious infractions.

When they translate back, looking down at the planet below however, Arma spends a moment in quietude, looking down at the pocked landscape with narrowed eyes.

"Scan the planet below." he orders in sharp tones. "Lord Captain, I suggest an initial exploratory force of five arms-men to accompany us. I shall pilot the shuttle, as we do not know the conditions down there." Despite what you might expect, the man does not suggest that the Lord-Captain stay behind. Such a suggestion would be an insult not only to Traylis, but to Arma's own sensibilities - commanders should lead from the front.

As he speaks, he racks his own memory for any hint about what this might be.

TN 44 [roll1]

Toxic Mind
2017-03-21, 07:14 PM
During the warp journey, Taniel is not often seen, save when called upon. To the superstitious crew, she's hiding around blind corners and in air ducts, waiting to catch the disloyal or foolhardy and drag them away for horrible tortures. The truth is far less grandiose, unfortunately. Taniel's bloodlust and need for pain must be sated, and save for a few of the more adventurous crew who manage to catch her eye and accept her advances (for whom pain and pleasure will intertwine forevermore), there is little outlet for such needs. Her oath, and sensibility, prevent her from kidnapping or otherwise harming the crew outside the willing, and so she spends most of the 3 months in the bilges, hunting down the various mutants and ending their existence in ways most painful. By Dark Eldar standards it was severely "slumming it", but necessity is the mother of invention, as the humans say. It worked, that was what mattered.

Taniel finally meets the others on the bridge, armor immaculately cleaned with no sign of grime or blood, shimmering in the lights of the bridge. Her pistol is locked to her thigh, and her two razorflails are wrapped around her torso, ready for easy drawing. She eyes the light, but says nothing otherwise.

2017-03-22, 05:48 AM
The greenish light bellow reminds you of Necron technology

The scans are made without delay, and the reading is unsurprisingly an "unknown power source upon the planet's surface.

The scans also say that the air bellow is breathable, due to hundreds of years of time for the planet to recuperate.

2017-03-22, 03:45 PM
Tyrkias stands in thought, pouring over the auspex data.
55(Int)+10(Skill modifier)=65(Target)

2017-03-22, 08:40 PM
In his mind, Arma imagines his more reasonable, sensible self completely freaking out at this point, and ordering the ship to turn around and leave, broadcasting "Nope! Nope Nope Nope!" on all frequencies.


"Lord Captain, we need to conference, high officers only. Now. I recognize that glow."

Toxic Mind
2017-03-22, 11:05 PM
In his mind, Arma imagines his more reasonable, sensible self completely freaking out at this point, and ordering the ship to turn around and leave, broadcasting "Nope! Nope Nope Nope!" on all frequencies.


"Lord Captain, we need to conference, high officers only. Now. I recognize that glow."

There is a brief moment of emotion across Taniel's face, something almost akin to worry, before the mask falls back into place, the shadow of that emotion banished as though it had never been, replaced once again by the enigmatic smirk.

Her mind is racing. For all his faults, the mon'keigh Arma Magnus was not an easy man to shake - she should know, she tried often enough. He was shaken now, and that was a worrisome sign indeed. Not for the first time, she lamented her lack of studying, her sheltered childhood, that kept her isolated from learning much of the larger galaxy outside the Nexus.

2017-03-27, 09:59 AM
Ominous Green glow you say

2017-03-28, 10:49 AM
"You have pertinent information?" Tyrkias prompts Arma, his gaze unblinking.