View Full Version : DM Help Demonic tower decoration

2017-03-08, 06:17 AM
Hello fellow GMs and players, I would like some help from your imagination.

The party I am currently DMing is travelling across a demonic plane and they are investigating a tower that once belonged to a devil baron and is now cursed. So, as the post title suggests, how would you decorate the interior of that tower? Besides the obvious skulls of course. What kind of rooms would it have?

To help with some context, this baron was medium humanoid shaped but the tower is stationed inside some barracks, so the floors, doors, stairs etc are made for huge sized creatures too.

Darth Ultron
2017-03-08, 07:34 AM
*Gargolyles and other scary, misshapen heads/hands/faces/other body parts as part of the structure or items. A chair shaped like a giant hand, for example. Or even more creepy, a chair shaped like a giant hand with an open eye ball in the palm.

*Blood, ooze, slime, mud, goo and such covering an area and dripping and sloshing about.

*Smoke, even more so ''odd' smoke that is not act normal...like it falls downward.

*Fire, things like burring braziers, cups, bowls, and so forth

*Sharp edges, even spikes on the walls and floors and such

*Statues of demons and demonic creatures

*Tapestries of fire, the underworld, demons and such

*Broken 'good' things like a room of broken toys

2017-03-08, 07:39 AM
An entire wing devoted to torture, rooms that literally scream at the party ( would make for a nice stealth ambush..party would be at a listen penalty)

2017-03-08, 04:25 PM
Rusted torture implements scattered about in piles, blood or slime inches deep on the floor that occasionally drip up, walls that periodically protrude like a claws palm or face being pushed, make the building materials to be something other than normal stone, possibly pulsing with demonic energies like veins, scalding hot iron walls, or even stacks of skulls and bones mortared together with congealed blood. The long dead corpses of celestials pinned to the walls and hanging by chains from the ceilings, pathways between piles of rusted and vicious looking unwieldy blades. Most demons have the ability to fly, so what need have they of floors? Make rooms that merely have perches at points of interest. The floorless drop leads to flames, slime or something even worse.

2017-03-08, 05:05 PM
all of the above. Plus A finely furnished nursery.

2017-03-08, 06:11 PM
Attachment points for chains all over the place. A few of them still have exotic skeletons chained to them.

Floors with permanently installed caltrops for the servants.

2017-03-08, 06:59 PM
Lots of obsidian, body parts, spikes, paintings/frescoes of demons triumphing over mortal armies and celestials, evil runes etc.

2017-03-08, 07:20 PM

Speakers blaring the complete works of Yoko Ono.

Buildings with perfectly smooth white walls onto which Adam Sandler movies are projected.


2017-03-09, 12:25 AM
A painting in a central area that the players can pass multiple times showing the former baron becoming more decayed over time.

Or if you want it to be actively antagonistic, a painting of the baron and the players at a dinner table, and each time through one of the players is distinctly worse. Roll a die to figure out how, and have something horrible happen to that player later.

Also: candelabras. Just go crazy on the candelabras. Not necessarily the candles, those are secondary. Demons love candelabras, not everybody knows that. Bonus points if they're somehow suggestive of demonic presence (like a tall standing one that holds three candles at different heights to be subtly suggestive of a pitchfork) or to something about the location itself (five or seven candles held so that they're taller in the center and lower at the outer edge might be suggestive of a fortification or prison bar, for instance.)

2017-03-09, 01:25 AM
The Silent Hill games aught to be a good place to start. They've got fantastic art direction. You could also take some more direct influence and have the demons and monsters that the players encounter be psychological references to their personalities and sins. Though, that would, admittedly, take some extra work.