View Full Version : More crossover ideas.

2017-03-09, 05:56 AM
This is a thread for any weird crossover ideas that aren't already covered in recent threads. Any madcap idea is welcome. That includes your own takes on preexisting crossovers.

Sidney Prescott is making a stop in her old hometown of Woodsboro on a book tour promoting her memoir Out of Darkness. Before reaching the small California town she takes a call from a cousin of hers, saying that they're heading to Woodsboro for a little family reunion with Sid, aunt Kate and cousin Jill. So Sidney arrives at the Woodsboro airport terminal waiting for her cousin's flight to land, with her friends and confidants, Sheriff Dwight "Dewey" Riley and his wife reporter Gale Riley, at her side.

As the plane disembarks Gale turns to Sidney and asks, "Okay Sidney, I've never met this cousin of yours from New Jersey before, so can you point him or her out to me?"

"Him," Sid says, correcting Gale, "and yeah I can do that. He's pretty tall, a bit over 6' with dark-brown hair, including well-groomed facial hair, and medium brown eyes. Kind of on the lean to athletic side of medium."

"I think I can spot him too, Gale", Dewey added, "It's been a few years since I've seen John last, but I think I have a good chance of recognizing him. Wait, I think that's him Sid."

Sidney Prescott turned to where Dewey indicated, and began crying tears of joy as she saw her cousin John and his wife Helen briskly walking towards them, then reached out and tightly embraced her cousin and then his wife. After the joyful reunion was concluded Gale finally asked, "So you're John, Sidney's mysterious cousin, would you tell us a little about yourself, like what you do for a living? Just as a little icebreaker, the better to know you."

"Sure thing," John said with a disarming and open smile, "my name's John Wick and I'm retired."

I really like some of the ideas behind Kingdom Hearts, especially the multiversal and intercontinuity crossover aspects. I love the idea of traveling from world to world, righting wrongs, battling and vanquishing evil foes, solving mysteries and recovering lost and missing lore. I even like the idea of a Final Fantasy/Square-Enix and Disney crossover. I may not exactly be on board with how that crossover was handled, but I'm okay with it by and large. For instance, I think they should have retained some of mainstream Aerith's magical nature for KH's Aerith, but alter her methodology a bit. In comics terms I'd say less Doctor Strange, more of a friendlier, much better adjusted and more morally centered John Constantine (http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/John_Constantine_(Vertigo_Universe)). More ritualist than spellslinnger, but with just a little spellslinnger on the side as a minor backup. Her biggest advantage being that she knows people, who know other people. But that's just me.

I'd also like to toss in some of Square-Enix's non-FF works like Fullmetal Alchemist (yes they have a manga division). I'd likely handle it the same way KH handled Auron and the events of FF X. I'd start after the events of the Fullmetal Alchemist manga/Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Father has been defeated, so have his homonculi, brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric have been fully restored at the cost of the latter's alchemy and life goes on. Then the Heartless, or some other of Kingdom Hearts unholy creatures begin to attack Ed's and Al's world, drawing Sora and friends in.

I also have some ideas about Disney/Disney affiliate/former Disney affiliate worlds for Kingdom Hearts. However most of them are too dark and or adult for Kingdom Hearts outside of fanfiction. I don't really think that Disney or Square-Enix would want a Down and Out in Beverly Hills (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_and_Out_in_Beverly_Hills) world for Kingdom Hearts, or a Criminal Minds one either, by the way.

Now this one below would be to R/M rated for official Kingdom Hearts, but it would make for great fanfiction fodder.

"Her heart is filled with light--not the slightest touch of darkness.”
~ Maleficent
“There are no shadows in the dark. Shadows are the servants of the light, the children of fire. The brightest flame casts the darkest shadows.”
~ Melisandre of Asshai
Link here (http://thasiloron.deviantart.com/art/ASOIAF-KH-Logo-466918636).

A crossover of The West Wing and The Thick of It would be great. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Lord Raziere
2017-03-09, 07:43 AM
Harry Dresden Meets Bleach:
Harry is hired by someone to go investigate supernatural occurrences in Japan for some reason, this leads him to Karakura Town, find Ichigo as a Soul Reaper at the beginning of the series and from there it turns into Harry defeating one enemy after another using smarts, tricks and his own brand of magic. Which given that everyone who isn't Aizen or Kisuke Urahara are not all bright about using their powers, will make some interesting interactions. Particularly with Ichigo who while would relate to Dresden in the "experiencing multiple forms of powers" thing, would at the same time would probably get taught by Harry to use his head more often.

Undertale, Steven Universe and MLP: FiM
Just all the idealism, all combining at once. The results would be explosive. I'm pretty sure it would turn into a world of exploding rainbows forever.

Undertale Meets Dark Souls:
your a protagonist who starts with next to nothing who has to fight through various monstrous threats in a limited environment, as well as having an in-universe method of coming back from the dead and redoing everything all over again, whose souls have special powers, and every fight is figuring out how to best dodge the enemy so that you don't die instantly to save the world from something with no mercy or remorse, until you reach godlike levels and defeat the final king-like boss. which one am I talking about?

But really, think about an Unkindled falling into the Underground and finding various monsters that are completely the opposite of what he has faced on the surface, a hardened veteran of many undead creatures and monsters killing them over and over again and facing death around every corner, meeting the comparatively nice and caring undertale monsters, traps that are relatively easy to get past, and all the wacky situations that result aside from Flowey. It'd be hilarious, assuming that the Unkindled gives them a chance and isn't screwed over by the all the trauma they've doubtlessly accrued from the monsters they face. And how would the respawn mechanic of Dark Souls interact with the Underground?

Or the monsters and Frisk going to the surface....and finding the world of Dark Souls waiting for them. much darker yes, and more dramatic, and you get a great dilemma for Frisk: should they gain LOVE to save the monsters from all the undead threats rising up so that they can save and protect them, by killing the ungodly amount of undead that doubtlessly results from Dark Souls gameplay? Or can they pull off the impossible again and make Dark Souls bosses actually peaceable and harmless?

Elder Scrolls Meets Anything
In Elder Scrolls, there is the concept of Chim, where a person within Tamriel somehow realizes that the world is a dream and that they are character in a videogame. What if a person Chim'd, realized that they were in a videogame....but then realized that other worlds existed as well? and then started doing whatever they want with this realization, stealing weapons from other places, having adventures wherever they want, jumping between Elder Scrolls games to affect the timeline, and causing general chaos and mayhem that makes Sheogorath laugh.

Call of Cthulhu Meets Dragon Ball Z
Witness as an ordinary investigator attempts to figure out why cities are being blown up, why the entire planet shakes and trembles at times, why the sky becomes dark without an eclipse, whether or not Hercule is telling the truth, going deeper and deeper until he finds the eldritch abominations at the center: Goku and Vegeta. Then watches them battle, and goes insane from the knowledge that he and his entire planet, perhaps the universe could be wiped out at any moment by battle-happy ki-based gods in an uncaring universe of planet destroying monsters.....and none of the Z-Fighters even notice him. He ends up in the insanity asylum, no one the wiser.