View Full Version : Rules Q&A Polymorph Any Object question

2017-03-09, 06:14 PM
Hi, I'm new here.
I have a few quick questions
So PAO is a very powerful spell, but I think don't understand what exactly I can do with it.
Could I change an enemy warrior into a snail or a sheet of paper? If yes, then could I:
a. damage him to death (how much health will he have?)
b. Save-or-die him (would this transfer to original form? If so, what's the most efficent way?)

In PAO entry there is no information about that the target must be willing, so I think changing enemies into peanutbutter sandwiches is an avaliable option.

2017-03-09, 06:18 PM
Hi, I'm new here.
I have a few quick questions
So PAO is a very powerful spell, but I think don't understand what exactly I can do with it.
Could I change an enemy warrior into a snail or a sheet of paper? If yes, then could I:
a. damage him to death (how much health will he have?)
b. Save-or-die him (would this transfer to original form? If so, what's the most efficent way?)

In PAO entry there is no information about that the target must be willing, so I think changing enemies into peanutbutter sandwiches is an avaliable option.

Yes, because you're only duplicating the effect of a lower level Polymorph spell... Baleful Polymorph.

a. He'd have hit points based on his new form, because you take on the physical characteristics of the new form.
b. Yes, he would have a terrible save chance and when he dies he would change back.

2017-03-09, 06:22 PM
Yes, because you're only duplicating the effect of a lower level Polymorph spell... Baleful Polymorph.

a. He'd have hit points based on his new form, because you take on the physical characteristics of the new form.
b. Yes, he would have a terrible save chance and when he dies he would change back.

Ah, so his HD would be lowered too?
If he would be, say, Fighter 20, if I PAO him into a frog, he'll have only ¼ HD, and basicly all his stats replaced with those of a frog?

2017-03-09, 06:26 PM
Ah, so his HD would be lowered too?
If he would be, say, Fighter 20, if I PAO him into a frog, he'll have only ¼ HD, and basicly all his stats replaced with those of a frog?

Read the text for Baleful Polymorph, because PAO specifically says it can duplicate that.

2017-03-09, 09:57 PM
b. Save-or-die him (would this transfer to original form? If so, what's the most efficent way?)

Yes, he'd definitely be dead. You could also turn him into something fragile and smash him. Note that, if he's failing the save against PAO, you could probably just skip PAO and go directly for a save-or-die targeting Fort, i.e. finger of death.

2017-03-09, 10:58 PM
Hi, I'm new here.
I have a few quick questions
So PAO is a very powerful spell, but I think don't understand what exactly I can do with it.
Could I change an enemy warrior into a snail or a sheet of paper? If yes, then could I:
a. damage him to death (how much health will he have?)
b. Save-or-die him (would this transfer to original form? If so, what's the most efficent way?)

In PAO entry there is no information about that the target must be willing, so I think changing enemies into peanutbutter sandwiches is an avaliable option.
a. yes. depends on the form
b. you could, but there isn't really a point when you could just turn him into an object and destroy it without wasting spells

Yes, he'd definitely be dead. You could also turn him into something fragile and smash him. Note that, if he's failing the save against PAO, you could probably just skip PAO and go directly for a save-or-die targeting Fort, i.e. finger of death.
one of pao's uses is avoiding enemy immunities, such as death effects

2017-03-09, 11:11 PM
Yes, he'd definitely be dead. You could also turn him into something fragile and smash him. Note that, if he's failing the save against PAO, you could probably just skip PAO and go directly for a save-or-die targeting Fort, i.e. finger of death.

another of PAO's many uses is "killing" your enemy without them end up as dead. Never give them an advantage you don't need to.

2017-03-09, 11:18 PM
Hi, I'm new here.
a. damage him to death (how much health will he have?)
Yes, you can damage him to death. If you turn him into a creature he will retain his hit dice, but his hit points will be modified by his new constitution modifier. Turning your victim into some kind of harmless object is much cleaner.

b. Save-or-die him (would this transfer to original form? If so, what's the most efficent way?)

Yes you can SoD the new form, and yes it will "transfer". Or more accurately whatever you transform him into is still him, so he dies when killed (http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/070/976/PEOPLE_DIE_IF_THEY_ARE_KILLED.jpg). The most efficient way is, as I think you've discovered:

In PAO entry there is no information about that the target must be willing, so I think changing enemies into peanutbutter sandwiches is an avaliable option.
Basically that. Statues for your throne room are fine too.

2017-03-10, 07:51 AM
another of PAO's many uses is "killing" your enemy without them end up as dead. Never give them an advantage you don't need to.

It's a classic technique we use all the time in one of the games I play in. There are lots of great options for it, although PAO is probably the most flexible. Baleful polymorph is our usual go-to, but I recently talked our mage into learning glass strike from Spell Compendium, which has also been fantastically successful. If you need to capture a whole platoon without killing them, check out frostfell from Frostburn.

one of pao's uses is avoiding enemy immunities, such as death effects

Very true. I like glass strike better for that though.

2017-03-10, 08:19 AM
Very true. I like glass strike better for that though.

But turning your enemies into common household furniture is so much more fun! If you want to be juvenile about it, you can even turn them into chamberpots.

2017-03-10, 08:52 AM
Please note that people return to their original form on death... so if you turn someone into a sandwich and eat it, it will return to normal in your stomache... promptly killing you (unless you are large enough to have a person in your stomache and not explode.)

2017-03-10, 08:53 AM
But would a sandwich be considered a single object? Or it one object for each slice of bread and each layer of filling? And, even if it is a single object, can an object truly die?

On a more serious note, would it be reasonable to allow PAO to duplicate glass strike and flesh to ice? It seems like it fits with the intent of the spell duplication.

2017-03-10, 09:55 AM
On a more serious note, would it be reasonable to allow PAO to duplicate glass strike and flesh to ice? It seems like it fits with the intent of the spell duplication.
