View Full Version : The Dresden Files (Fate system) IC

2017-03-10, 10:03 AM
Today is a slow day in business. Only a few customers have come, none of them magical, and even then they only came for cheap fake stuff, barely enough to call it a good day. This all changed by about noon, from a phone call from the nearby Houston Public Library. A feminine voice tells you to come before closing time, and that a well paying job waits for your group.

Reality Glitch
2017-03-10, 01:07 PM
"Hey Frankie! Who was that." I say, walking into his shop just in time to see put down the phone.

((O.o.C.: Frankie's the one who owns the shop, right?))

2017-03-10, 11:06 PM
"It wasn't nobody, dunno what you're talking about, and I'll never talk for less than fifty bucks! Oh, hi Argee. Sally said she has money for us. Library, later, after I get bored waiting for another tourist to sell schlock.". Frankie's "Im a f****** professional" mug was still pretty full. Must be his third or fourth cup. (OOC, yep)

Reality Glitch
2017-03-11, 12:07 AM
"Is that offer for all of us? 'Cause, last time we went to the library alon--"

"No needs to know of that!"

2017-03-11, 03:19 AM
Tessa walked in and headed straight from Frankie and Company, halting a few feet away at a convenient desk to lean up against. "Well... i take it You also got that phonecall as well?" She sorta just asked the others in a wide-sweep, rather than more directed towards just one person.

Reality Glitch
2017-03-11, 06:49 AM
"Not at all, I was just coming in to say "Hi." and to see if that dragon statuette came in."

2017-03-11, 09:44 AM
John Blackhall, failed businessman by day and Don Quixote impersonator by night, peers out from around the shelf he had been browsing. "We got a job offer, Frankie? Did they say who they were?"

2017-03-12, 02:51 PM
All the fake and knockoff dragon talismans are by the front door. Real, then which one? Refresh my memory. And actually, she didn't say. Now, the caller ID said Library, it sounded like Miss Sally, and she works at the library, but my deductive skills could be failing me. Or maybe Dumbledorf kidnapped her and brewed a polyjuice potion.

Sarcastic, snippy, pacing the length of the counter as he talks. Fourth cup, definitely.

Reality Glitch
2017-03-12, 04:41 PM
"Never stop drinking coffee; Frankie. You're so much more fun to be around that way."

"That aside. I meant the real one. Info, said it was central African in origin."

"Wouldn't that make it a Wyvern, not a Dragon?"

"Wyverns are a kind of dragon."

"Are you sure? Last time you said it was "a kind of dragon" it gave me indigestion."

I trow my hands up at the accusation. "So Quetzalcoatl isn't a dragon! Sue me!"

"Would if I could."

I turn back to Frankie. "Anyway, should we go now? I'm still a little iffy since I'm not as familiar with the Houston as the rest of you."

2017-03-16, 01:35 PM
You decide to head to the library (At least that's what I've gathered) and all hole up in the car. A decent twenty minute drive awaits you (no need for a driving skill test, it isn't needed) and you finally make it to the front doors of busy downtown Houston. The help desk at the front recognizes who you are, and directs you to the elevator with directions to Salem Winfred's office on the tenth floor, or Sally as she prefers to be called.

The elevator ride is hopefully uneventful (kinda awkward with all of you crowded in there) and you end up on the tenth floor after another three minutes. Magic does slow things down when it comes to technology.

Sally is waiting for you, and greets you with a wide smile. She is wearing a velvet dress and smells of pineapple perfume.

It's great to see you all again! I hope this could be under better circumstances. Follow me. says Sally as she leads you down a hall into her office.

Her office is standard of a librarians: Kevin Smith posters, Firefly figures, and the customary stacks of great black books.

Now, as you all know the Houston areas have encountered a serial killer who the public has come to call "Father Time". He, or she, has earned the nickname by killing men and women in their early or late twenties but having the corpses look as if old age had killed them. These killings have been explained by chemical use on the bodies or a wrong reading of DNA, but these killings are obviously supernatural in nature. The Cult of Ghouls in the sewers has been our lead suspects, but we don't know where they are. Now, the Venotori Umbororum has become very busy in the last few years with the war against the red court, so we would consider it a tremendous service if you would bring this ghoul cult to justice.

Now, does anyone have any questions?

Reality Glitch
2017-03-16, 02:08 PM
The elevator ride is hopefully uneventful (kinda awkward with all of you crowded in there) and you end up on the tenth floor after another three minutes. Magic does slow things down when it comes to technology.((O.o.C.: Not me! :) I get my "magic" from a sponsor who, as a supernatural creature, has no free will to mess with his magic. He can't hex anything.))

Yggy's spectral face turns towards the camera (no, not the security camera; yes, that camera). "Hey! I find that hurtful."

"Who are you talking two?"

"Uh, you? Also you used the wrong kind of "to"."

"I didn't say anything. And how do you know which spelling I was using? It could've been a typographical error."
Sally is waiting for you, and greets you with a wide smile. She is wearing a velvet dress and smells of pineapple perfume.

It's great to see you all again! I hope this could be under better circumstances. Follow me. says Sally as she leads you down a hall into her office."Heh. Her speech's got a very similar text color to your's. Wonder if it's foreshadowing anything."

My palm plants itself firmly on my face at that remark. "That's not real life works."

Yggy chuckles, his laughter like that someone would expect a mundane lizard to sound like. "Well, look who's talkin'. Wait, LIZARD! How dare you!"

And my other palm slaps atop of the first.
Her office is standard of a librarians: Kevin Smith posters, Firefly figures, and the customary stacks of great black books.

Now, as you all know the Houston areas have encountered a serial killer who the public has come to call "Father Time". He, or she, has earned the nickname by killing men and women in their early or late twenties but having the corpses look as if old age had killed them. These killings have been explained by chemical use on the bodies or a wrong reading of DNA, but these killings are obviously supernatural in nature. The Cult of Ghouls in the sewers has been our lead suspects, but we don't know where they are. Now, the Venotori Umbororum has become very busy in the last few years with the war against the red court, so we would consider it a tremendous service if you would bring this ghoul cult to justice.

Now, does anyone have any questions?"Can you see me? 'Cause that would be really awkward for the kid here otherwise?"

Pulling my hands from my face with some effort, I respond to the briefing, "I agree that we should investigate the ghouls, but suspicion alone is not grounds for arrest."

2017-03-16, 03:19 PM
Tessa looked at Sally with a half-raised eyebrow. "Seriously? That sounds like the plot of the next season of Doctor Who. And why us? I'm.... well, I'm a lawyer, not a super-wizard of a damn Knight of the Cross. I dunno about the rest of you, but... well, this sounds a bit out of our league, just from the get-go." Tessa voiced out, clearly sceptical about this sudden meet-up and request to go hunt ghuls. I mean, come on, ghuls, as far as Tessa knew where crypt-haunting cannibalistic horrors. It wasn't more than a few years ago she was told about her own, um, 'heiritage', and since then she'd felt that shadowy creature clinging to her soul stirr from time to time. Especially at moments of high-tensions of emotion (often when it's a mix of fear, adrenaline, and physical desire of needs).

2017-03-16, 07:27 PM
Wade-a-minit! Ghouls eat meat. You know that stuff you pick up in the grocery store, or that nice bit of ass we saw on the way over.

Frankie blinks and stops his mouth for a second. Hard to tell if he blushed under the tan.

Uh, scuse me, forget I said that. Anyway, they don't touch you and suck your life out! Ain't that vampires? That one kung fu flick with the vampire ninjas, what was the name? I'm with Tessa, something isn't lining up.

At a later break in the conversation, he chimes in again. "So, how many zeroes are in this "tremendous service". Good coffee ain't cheap" Not that he would know anything about good coffee, but he's seen the price boards at Starbucks.

Reality Glitch
2017-03-16, 07:39 PM
Wade-a-minit! Ghouls eat meat. You know that stuff you pick up in the grocery store, or that nice bit of ass we saw on the way over."I Agree. Argee?"


"Suit yourself."
Uh, scuse me, forget I said that. Anyway, they don't touch you and suck your life out! Ain't that vampires? That one kung fu flick with the vampire ninjas, what was the name? I'm with Tessa, something isn't lining up.Yggy and I both chime in, "Ditto."

2017-03-16, 10:00 PM
These ghouls worship... old gods. They are said to practice small, but strange magics. That's why we think it's them.

As for why I thought of you, you're the only ones who can get involved.a
We're busy holding back the Red Court, the Summer Court won't touch this case, and all of the decent mercenaries are headed to Chicago for some reason. You are the last group that can look into this. And there will be a large amount of zeros for you... relatively speaking. Three thousand each.

Reality Glitch
2017-03-16, 10:26 PM
Three thousand each."$3,000 or three thousand zeros in the figure? You're not being clear about that."

"A I thought I was the jokester."

"I'm being completely serious."

"Common sense; Argee."

"Shut up; Yggy."

2017-03-17, 06:52 AM
On any other day I wouldn't bother you with this but you are out last hope. That and you're more cheaper than buying out a mercenary. Oh and to answer your question, Argee, that's three thousand with three zeros. 3000.

2017-03-17, 06:55 AM
"I see no real reason to refuse, even if you weren't offering us money for this," Jack says. "If people are getting killed, we need to put a stop to it."

2017-03-17, 10:17 AM
Michael McClung - Houston Library

Looking between the adults as they debate, the offer of cash lights a fire in his eyes. Student loans, all gone, one job. He'd have done it anyway, but that's a hell of a bonus. "Count me in. Fighting the good fight, that's what I signed up for. How can we help? And, do we know where in the tunnels to ghouls likely are?"

2017-03-17, 11:26 AM
Tessa had slowly inched a little closer to John, her eyes a steely dark-grey. Oh dear, yes she remembered the last time she'd seen him, and it had gotten... awkward. In more ways than just nearly sucking him dry of life-energy.
She knew it was a bad idea to inch closer like this... but hell, those feelings had sorta stuck with her. Not the 'I wanna eat your soul' feelings. More the 'I find you interesting' sort of feelings.

At the mention of money, Tessa just rolled her eyes. "3 grand? I got a big family line and im not really all that strapped for cash. I'm not a saint so just going to the frontline of ghoul-fighting doesn't sound all that healthy. I'm not a fighter, so what in the emptiest of nights am i here for? Legal counsling? conncetion-oriented reason? A Zombie Dinosaur would need to walk the earth before I'll put myself into the firing-line of a ghoul. A pack of ghouls, oh boy, im not even gonna mull it over. So what, besides the role of cannonfodder would I personally be expected to carry?" She asked, now only a couple of feet away from John, and having halted there, the odd sideglance thrown in his direction.
She was kinda wondering if he still remembered their.... encounter. She was sure he remembered the emotional exitement, cuz she had sorta lost control and was raising the sex-appeal to 11 back then on pure uncontrolled reflexive need to feed for the first time (luckily it had been interrupted prior to it starting).

Reality Glitch
2017-03-17, 12:37 PM
more cheaper"That bothers you doesn't?"

"Yes, but say so would be rude." I'm talking under my breath at this point; so only Yggy can hear me.

"Still bothers you, though."

"Shut up; Yggy!"
"I see no real reason to refuse, even if you weren't offering us money for this," Jack says. "If people are getting killed, we need to put a stop to it.""Ditto. Less money would still pay for my living expenses."
A Zombie Dinosaur would need to walk the earth before I'll put myself into the firing-line of a ghoul."Sue."


"Sue, the reanimated T-rex."

"Don't tell her."

"Would she even hear me?"

"She has before, no reason she wouldn't now."

2017-03-17, 01:07 PM
John very discretely places his hands in front of him as Tessa inches closer. "You are the only one with any positive connections to the law enforcement out of all of us," he points out. "So you and Michael are our best bets for finding out what really happened."

"And I will say," he adds, "We don't actually know if it's the ghouls. They're not the only group in the city willing to resort to violence to get what they want."

2017-03-17, 09:05 PM
In order to find the ghouls, which we don't even know where they are at this point, we need a connection. That's why I called Tressa here. She knows both the mundane and the supernatural sources that could help.

Some new members of the order at calling this "The Shadow's" work, but it's all hogwash. The Shadow are just some sort of bogeyman that has no factual evidence of existing. The ghouls, a couple of necromantic cults, and maybe a vengeful ghost are the only things with the magic and the superflousness to pull this kind of stunt off.

Reality Glitch
2017-03-17, 09:21 PM
Some new members of the order at calling this "The Shadow's" work, but it's all hogwash. The Shadow are just some sort of bogeyman that has no factual evidence of existing."HA! Shows what you know!"

"Excuse me. Sally, was it? Are you aware of spirit that's been spouting snark from over my shoulder this whole time?"

2017-03-18, 10:33 AM
What are you talking about After? Are we being watched? Who's watching us!?

Reality Glitch
2017-03-18, 12:24 PM
Yig'd Ra-Sol finally remembers he can manifest visually. The sudden appearance of a white-scaled reptile, almost as big as me, clinging to my back, probabbly caught most of them off guard; though, they'd all seen Yggy before. His eye were orbs of blood, though not one solid color, rather the iris was a darker shade while the pupil darker still, the color of scabs. His bat-like wings were not easily visible from the front as they were tucked up aganst his back.

"And no one got to hear my comic genius."

2017-03-19, 01:38 PM
Frankie sighs dramatically. All right, count me in. But one of you hero types is taking point!

He thinks for a few minutes, then breaks back into the conversation. Are we able to access their bodies, or what they were wearing? Never done it before, but I should be able to get a lead on the killer. Then I can call Alexander and see if he has anything that will protect against "aged to death" magic.

Talking to himself, I wonder if anyone sells ghoul bait.

Reality Glitch
2017-03-19, 02:20 PM
Talking to himself, I wonder if anyone sells ghoul bait."Do you realize that you are ghoul bait."

"YGGY! That's crossing a line!" since everyone could now see and hear him, I feel safe yelling at him.

"You were thinking the same thing."

"But I didn't say anything."


I was hanging my head in defeat, so much for keeping calm during the meeting.

2017-03-19, 03:03 PM
Tessa finally smirked in honest. "Oh, legal stuff? I can do that easily." She said with a smile worthy of dental-commercials (and yes, she's this attractive now, just you wait for when/if she ends up a full White Court Vampire).
She did jump a bit at the sudden appearance of the spooky ghosty-dragon, but quickly composes herself into a more neutral outwards showing. She is still a Raith and there's a certain image to keep up with after all.

2017-03-19, 03:24 PM
Nah, I'm too scrawny and dusty. I was thinking more like a big chimera or a half a cow. Really. Yep. Not people.

Reality Glitch
2017-03-19, 05:01 PM
"Sounds more like me when I get the munchies."

"There's your snarky side."

I let out a small "huff" of laughter before continuing, "My point being, that I was sure that ghouls only eat human meat."

2017-03-19, 05:15 PM
"I will point out, again, that we don't know that the ghouls are guilty," John interjects. "If they are the primary suspect, we should absolutely start out talking to them, but if it turns out that they aren't guilty, going in with the assumption they are will only hurt the investigation. Judge not, that ye be not judged, and all that."

2017-03-19, 05:26 PM
Michael McClung - Houston Library

Michael looks around the library. Books upon books upon books. "Would any of these have any reliable information on the tunnels, or have they been so changed that the original blueprints that they'd no longer be helpful?"

Reality Glitch
2017-03-19, 05:44 PM
"I will point out, again, that we don't know that the ghouls are guilty," John interjects. "If they are the primary suspect, we should absolutely start out talking to them, but if it turns out that they aren't guilty, going in with the assumption they are will only hurt the investigation. Judge not, that ye be not judged, and all that.""Ditto, but discussing what we know and don't know about them beforehand will help investigations."

2017-03-19, 06:05 PM
"And does that include joking about feeding them people?"

2017-03-19, 06:16 PM
Tessa and I can go and talk the authorities into getting the clothing while you try and find out where the ghouls are. I suggest that you speak with the the Summer representative at the Celtic warehouse in the edge of town. They would at least know where to point you if they didn't know and that would probably be your best lead other than Frankie's senses of course.

Reality Glitch
2017-03-19, 06:40 PM
"And does that include joking about feeding them people?""I wasn't trying to .... mmmm!"

"O.K., that one was my fault."

"That you, Yggy." I let out a sigh of relief.

2017-03-19, 10:55 PM
Michael McClung - Houston Library

"Once we have some intel, I'll hit the streets. Normally I don't patrol down there, that's just begging for trouble. But if we are going to make a strike, I'm happy to take point. Better I get hit than any of you lot." Michael looks at Tessa briefly, before quickly looking away. From what he knew, that kind of beauty had a danger to it, and if he wasn't very careful, he knew all too well just where that could lead him.

Reality Glitch
2017-03-19, 11:10 PM
"Once we have some intel, I'll hit the streets. Normally I don't patrol down there, that's just begging for trouble. But if we are going to make a strike, I'm happy to take point. Better I get hit than any of you lot."":smallbiggrin: Guess you haven't seen me take a lickin' and and keep on kickin'. :smallbiggrin:"

":smallsigh: Nor have I. :smallsigh:"

":smallmad: Seriously! :smallmad:"

":smallannoyed: Yes, actually, I am trying to be serious for once. :smallannoyed:"

"Well, can't you give something like .... dragon scales? :smallconfused: I've got some left over favors on you."

"Not in front of the mortals. Unfortunate enough they heard us talking about it."

2017-03-20, 06:00 AM
"I'll happily go along with you, Michael. If things get bad, a bullet is probably going to look less suspicious to the police than cones of fire or claw marks."

2017-03-20, 12:22 PM
Swamp gas ignited. The explanation is always swamp gas. I need to get back to the shop and do some prep, make some calls. Might even have to make this month's pot of coffee. So Michael, Argee, John and I meet up at the Warehouse, then head back to the shop to get my hands on Tessa's clothes? He almost gets his head ahead of his mouth, but not quite. Uhhh

2017-03-20, 02:05 PM
Michael McClung - Houston Library

"It's settled then. I'm gonna get something to eat, mediate, get ready for the job. Need anything, just call my cell."

Reality Glitch
2017-03-20, 02:38 PM
"In that case, Yig'd Ra-Sol and I will head out. I'm getting hungry."

"Your not gonna take another live cow again, are you?"

Having already turned to leave, I'm passing through the office door as I continue, still in ear shot, "We can just make it look like another spinal tap. People will blame it on aliens."

":smallsmile: Yeah, it's fun watching the news stories about it."

2017-03-20, 08:23 PM
"I'll probably head back to my apartment to pick up the rest of my kit and tell my bosses."

2017-03-21, 12:26 PM
Tessa made a mild sniff-noise and nodded at Sally. "I am more than happy to. So long as I'm not gonna end up sacrificed to Satanw-worshipping Necromaners or something like that, then I'm game~" She said in reply, clearly trying to casually joke about this job... possibly to calm her own nerves just a tiny bit.

2017-03-21, 01:04 PM
I did not expect you to split the party this early, but if the scooby gang can do it why can't you. The following spoilers are to the two separate groups. I'm trusting that you won't look in the one that isn't marked for you. Player knowledge and character knowledge and whatnot.

After you all accomplish your tasks, you meet back at the magic shop and pile into Frankie's (or whoever is driving) car. Its another thirty minute drive to go to the celtic warehouse, traffic has picked up now, but once you go inside the warehouse its obvious that it was worth the wait. The interior of the rectangular building is covered in glowing yellow runes, and different Fae creatures are all working and moving about. One pixie in a small blue tuxedo flutters over to you and asks your business in the celtic warehouse.

You and Sally get into Sally's car and go down the ten minute drive, traffic has picked up, to the downtown police station. Sally gets you through most of the troubling paperwork, but a young police officer with a blonde goatee asks, What's your business trying to get into the evidence lockers?

Sally replies with, Tessa and I are private investigators trying to figure out who "Father Time" is. we need to get into the evidence lockers to inspect the clothing of the victims.

Sally doesn't seem to convince the police officer. Care to add anything in?

2017-03-22, 09:30 AM
Tessa smiled a sweet smile at the young officer. "Sir, my name is Tessa Raith, I work for Silverton & White, I am an associate of theirs. Sally here is just doing her job as a PI. She need help and I owe her one personally, so I am helping her with the legal work. Is there any chance you could just let us look? On the honour of my family name, I promise that we will not remove anything, add anything or change anything within the evidence. We merely just need a look. I do understand your cauciousness, Hence why we are going through the correct channels to obtain a look." Tessa said and leaned in a tiny bit closer, making sure ot use all the womanly charms she could muster without overdoing it.
It is even technically true that Sally is a PI, she is Privately Investigating after all ;3 Oh btw how do i roll for fudge-dice here on the forums? i keep forgetting the right format for it. oh and please reply to that in the OOC if that's easier.

2017-03-22, 03:11 PM
The pixie flies over to the far end of the warehouse, and comes back with a man with white hair and a blue jacket.
Hello, my name is Fix. I heard you were trying to stop the "Father Time" killings? If you are, and succeed, the Summer Fae would be partially indebted to you. We would normally deal with these brutal killings ourselves, but with the war with the reds as it is...
Anyway, I'd be happy to answer whatever questions I can. Just keep the conversation brief, I have other work to do.

After the young police officer drools for a bit, he leads you to the morgue, in the basement of the station.
Figured you would want to see the bodies, newspaper doesn't do em enough credit.
He goes to a blue curtain with a strange lump underneath. He unfolds it to reveal what appears to be a naked man in his late nineties, or even early hundreds.
This is Ronald Joyce. He just turned eighteen last year according to his birth certificate. His body was clean of any foreign material. No drugs, no alcohol, nothing. Anyway, this getting depressing. You wanted this guy's shirt?
He leads the two of you into a room full of boxes, he tells you to wait here, and about a minute later he returns with an air sealed bag with a blue shirt with a deep black stain on it.
Before you ask, the stain isn't blood. I showed you the body just so you would know there were no cuts or puncture wounds. You had to see it to believe it. Now, I would let you take a fiber of this shirt due to my endless generosity, on one condition. I want you to never mention that I toke either of you down here to anyone. If I end up in the slammer I through crooks into due to this little escapade of trying to see your pretty little face more clearly, then I'm dragging both of you in with me, understood?
If you say yes to his demand, then he gets you a little zip-lock bag with a fiber of the shirt in it. If not, then he tells you to get out.

2017-03-23, 11:28 AM
Tessa nodded to that request, finding it quite fair indeed. "Well of course. If anyone asks, I'll say 'what corpse?'. Agreed, Sally?" Tessa said and looked sideways at Sally to make gauge her own stance and response to the offer and request from the young Police Officer.

2017-03-23, 07:35 PM
Frankie is rocking on his heels a bit, he'd be pacing instead if he was back at the shop. He winces a bit at the mention of indebted. When he's not talking, Frankie also looks around the warehouse, trying to eyeball if anything would be "at home" in his shop. To the extent that he can identify anything, at least. (crate, crate, pixie, grass, tree, sandy beach)
Thanks Fix. All I really know about the murders is the name, and death by old age. So any information Summer has learned would be useful. Personally, I'm looking for details on this aging magic, see if I can put together any kind of defense. I'm mortal, not even a wizard, so that kind of, ... spell?, would really ruin my day.

2017-03-23, 09:14 PM
I find this arrangement quite agreeable. I think we have what we need. says Sally as she gathers whatever belongings she carried in.You have reclaimed enough material for Frankie to do a reading. It won't be enough for him to see years back, but all you need are the last moments so you're good. You can go back to the library now. No more need for spoilers... for now.
Fix rushes off and brings back a detailed map of the Houston sewer system with a large section circled in red. He then nods and dashes off, obviously trying to do the most he can as fast as he can. He has no time for goodbyes.You have found the location of tithe cult of Ghul. You can go back to the library now. No more need for spoilers... for now.

2017-03-23, 09:29 PM
Michael McClung - Summer Warehouse

Standing beside Frankie, Michael can sense his nervous energy spilling over. From what experience he had, being nervous around Fae was both a solid sign of self awareness, and a very dangerous thing to do. They often had a way of pouncing on weakness. "Mr. Fix, sir, it sounds like you don't believe that the "Father Time" killings are as they have been explained. Could you tell us you're opinion on what's happened?"

2017-03-24, 05:38 AM
Fix turns around right before he leaves, a look of almost what you think of fear on his face.
My instincts say that the Fae are unsure what this threat is, and due to circumstances we are forced to sit on the sidelines while this threat slowly crumbles the society that the Fae helped develop.
A look of thought crosses his face, replacing the "fear".
The winter Fae have a cautionary phrase. beware The Shadows I think it says. I believe it applies here. Be careful.
Fix rushes off again and comes back with a section of a tree branch, a twig really.
I almost forgot you wanted protection against the killer's magic. Break this, and any mortal within a few meters will become immune to magical aging.

2017-03-24, 09:44 AM
(Everyone hates me ;3;.... just kidding. just spoilered off from all the interesting stuff XD)

Tessa headed straight back to the Library with Sally, Baggie-with-the-goods safely folded together into an inner pocket of her business-girl clothes (shirt and skirt) to make sure it wasn't within easy pickpocket reach or anything. Sure, call her paranoid, but she'd once learned the hard way that outer pockets tends to be easier to steal from. Better safe than sorry after all.

2017-03-27, 07:34 PM
After you gather whatever materials you need for a fight, and those that aren't going are stay with Sally, you find a manhole close to the location marked on the map that Frankie and co., and go into it. The place is dark and damp, but you surely brought a light source.

Something is feeling off though. Alertness roles anybody?

2017-03-27, 07:47 PM
Michael grabs the ladder, and does the cool slide down with the heels of his boots along the outer rail. Splashing into the sewer, Michael cracks his neck, and by the time the sound finishes echoing, a large horned lion is in his place. Wading several steps forward, Michael fights his normal urge to take a depth breath after transforming, this sewer and his large nostrils would not be a pleasant combination.


Reality Glitch
2017-03-27, 09:11 PM
Alertness [roll0]

"Hey, wanna see a trick?" I say, then quickly breathe out of a small flame, no brighter than a strong candle. Keeping it going means I have to keep it just under my eyes, rendering me blind beyond it's limits. But 60/65 feet isn't a terribly short distance. Fortunately, Yggy can scout ahead for me anyway.

"Fine, fine. I'll go up and look."

Odd. :smallconfused: I hadn't actually asked him to do that yet.

"You don't need to; being able to break the fourth wall means I can hear your thoughts at times."

Oh. :smallannoyed: Right.

"And I know you originally typed "told" then changed it to "asked" to be more polite."

"Me? But I did think ask." I try to say, my voice muffled by the continued exhaling. Unlike actually breathing, I can keep this pilot-light version of m--

"Not you you, the one writing for you. Then again, there's not much difference is there? Kind of cheesy if you ask me. :smallamused:"

AS I WAS INTERNALLY MONOLOGING ABOUT, the breath weapon can be kept up indefinitely at this level, without actually breathing. Because magic. Though my normal breathing does affect it much like it does talking (Fluctuation in, but not loss of, function).

2017-03-31, 01:58 AM
The horned lion looks over it's shoulder, wiggling it's eyebrows as if you say "And?"

2017-04-03, 12:56 AM
Frankie is in the rear trying to juggle his flashlight, his shotgun, and Fix's stick. While not slipping or getting mucky. A little too distracted to pay attention to anything beyond the next couple of steps. Eventually he gets the gun onto his back and the stick & light in his good hand.

[Alertness: can't even get up to a 3, so no big reason to roll. He'll be surprised unless someone else warns him.]

2017-04-03, 08:24 AM
You see a red "V" shaped slit glistening with energy staring at you. Staring is the best description you can come up with, since the creature's body seems to be made up of nothing but darkness.
Didn't expect this did you? Wait, the same person controls both you and the puny meatsack, so there isn't really a reason to put these in a separate spoiler. Ah, whatever, this is more fun. Anywho, the reason you got your spoiler is because you recognize this creature as a Lesser Shade,
a servitor of the plane of Shadow (yes the plane of shadow exists). They are usually sent if there is a powerful artifact that shadow wants.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-03, 10:52 AM
I am startled by the appearance of the creature, but I keep thr pilot-light going. Yggy, on the other hand, is fraking out for some reason. Fully visible, he hops onto my shoulder and calls out to the group behind us, "We've got shadow creature in our path, and I'm pretty sure this is what's been killin' people."

At that, I take a couple steps back and take the action to tap into dragon-side.

((O.o.C.: Activating Beast Shift and droping my Human Guise.))

I my not be a full dragon yet, but I look like one in miniature: scales, wings, tail, claws, I even have to get on all fours, but I still the same height at the shoulder plus the long powerful neck.

I've still got the pilot light going, and in this state it should be right enough to illuminate the shade for the others.

2017-04-03, 02:50 PM
A creature made of darkness comes forward. The light from Yiggy's fire and from Frankie's flashlight both seem to absorb into the creature. The only feature the creature contains is a red "V" shaped slit that seems to perceive you.

Harm not intended. Peace, speak now. No harm, speak. We have question. We talk. comes a voice originating from the darkness.

2017-04-03, 03:01 PM
Frankie twitches. That thing's the killer!"

After a sec, with two monsters between him and the shadow, and no instant attacks, he does stuff. He gets a really solid grip on the twig so he can snap it at a moments notice, and starts playing his light behind and along the walls, looking for other darknesses.

And i dunno which book you want, but i have the latest Superman comic back at the shop.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-03, 03:08 PM
The light from Yiggy's fire((O.o.C.: That's my fire actually.))
Harm not intended. Peace, speak now. No harm, speak. We have question. We talk. comes a voice originating from the darkness."I fine with talking, but we have reason to believe you're still hostile, so don't be surprised if we seem a little paranoid."

2017-04-03, 03:51 PM
Hostility not intended. Forgive, your language is not first known. You know of book? How? You must show us. Our need is great.
We can give great rewards, heart's desire. Must have book first. Show? Says the darkness, now standing still after witnessing your preparation for battle.

2017-04-03, 04:39 PM
Michael recoils slightly at the standing shadow, his mane ruffled, ready for combat. Then the shadow speaks. And the dragonling speaks. And the human speaks. And the guy with a lion throat remains silent, but ready. Talking is often even more dangerous than action, whether it's to lull one side into a false sense of security, or causing a betrayal. Michael kept his eyes on the "V," waiting for it to move. With the rest of the body poorly defined in the dark sewer, the "eyes" were the only thing to watch for a surprise attack.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-03, 04:58 PM
Hostility not intended. Forgive, your language is not first known. You know of book? How? You must show us. Our need is great.
We can give great rewards, heart's desire. Must have book first. Show? Says the darkness, now standing still after witnessing your preparation for battle."I know this may be difficult, but there are many books in this world. If you could tell us what kind of book, maybe what it looks like, that would help greatly."

2017-04-03, 06:12 PM
The book is dark. Darker than night, darker than the souls of evil, and darker than the shadow's of men's hearts. It draws the light in-ward, creating a pure absence. Now that we have seen you, we sense its presence. You have been near it. Our master could give you great reward for its location. says the creature. Its ability with the English language seems to be improving as the conversation continues.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-03, 06:22 PM
I turn to look over my shoulder. "Yggyyyy...."

"Hey! For once it's actually not me!"

"Them who has it? 'Cause I sure don't have a book bound in vantablack."

2017-04-03, 07:07 PM
We have been in many places of this population, yet no individual has had the presence. You do. We are not mistaken.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-03, 07:55 PM
"You mean me specifically, or someone in this group?" Please don't be me! Please don't be me! Please don't be me! Please don't be me!

"I highly doubt it's you, though, I've been wrong before."

"You pony up to your mistakes NOW of all times!"

2017-04-03, 08:53 PM
All of you have the presence. You each have the darkness in you. We see it. says the creature. Its "eye" looks down for a moment, and then flashes brighter.
The time for talk is over. This conversation is becoming irrelevant. Where is the book?

Reality Glitch
2017-04-03, 08:59 PM
"How should I know? I had no idea it's essence rubbed off in me. Are you sure we haven't developed a dark presence because of interacting with you."

2017-04-03, 09:53 PM
Michael maintains his readied stance, ready to pounce should the shadow attack. Talk of darkness was not going to rile him. Michael had too good an idea of what he was, at his core, and no shadow thing could shake that.


2017-04-04, 12:54 PM
Enough. You are not needed for the plan to continue. Resistance is futile. Lay down your arms and your deaths will be quick! yells the shadow creature as its "eye" broadens, and two spirals of dark energy separate to create "arms".

Alertness [roll0]
EDIT your original Alertness rolls will act as initiative, so:
And Frankie (Since I'm counting your Alertness roll as zero for not rolling it. Gm asks, gm receives, capiche.

2017-04-04, 01:01 PM
The shadow creature charges at Argee, sending his arms forth to envelop him in darkness.
As the arms envelope Argee, his skin starts to shrivel.
Fists: [roll0]
Damage is weapon:2, so just add two to the roll if your block doesn't shrug it off.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-04, 01:32 PM
I make a quick side hop to avoid the oncoming attack....

Athletics [roll0]

....and fail miserably; marking off my 6-shift stress-box.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-05, 07:48 AM
After touching back down, I take a couple steps back and ready myself for a pounce.

((Create an Advantage with Endurance placing the aspect Winding Up for Attack on myself. I hope you don't mind me using Fate Core/Accelerated rules for this. [roll0]. Assuming, a a difficulty of Fair (+2) passive opposition, that gives me the aspect with one free invocation/tag.))

2017-04-05, 08:16 AM
((Create an Advantage with Endurance placing the aspect Winding Up for Attack on myself. I hope you don't mind me using Fate Core/Accelerated rules for this. [roll0]. Assuming, a a difficulty of Fair (+2) passive opposition, that gives me the aspect with one free invocation/tag.))

That's golden, but put OOC actions in OOC spoilers. Helps me when I'm just skimming through posts

2017-04-05, 10:59 PM
Michael leaps at the Shadow, roaring a deep throaty bellow in the echoey tunnel, before latching with his powerful jaw around the shadowy arm, and attempting to use his claws and weight to get a solid grasp on the creature, and pull it's focus from Argee.

Maneuver to place Grappled by a Monster onto the Shadow [roll0]. If this hits, Michael will inflict 3 points of stress as a supplemental action.

2017-04-06, 06:04 AM
Fists to try and block you, or punch you off of the arm.
EDIT: and I messed up the roll. Check out the OOC thread.

2017-04-07, 02:49 PM
As Frankie breaks the stick, yellow light bursts forth, and completely heals Argee.

The shadow creature yells in anger, and tries to break the grapple.
fists: [roll0]

2017-04-07, 03:17 PM
Michael bites down, attempting to maintain his grip. Lions are known to be excellent grapplers, as are serpents.

[roll0], tagging the aspect I put on it.

2017-04-07, 03:28 PM
Michael bites down, attempting to maintain his grip. Lions are known to be excellent grapplers, as are serpents.

[roll0], tagging the aspect I put on it.

Huh, learn something every day. Also, are you dealing three damage again?

Reality Glitch
2017-04-09, 02:03 PM
I lung at the shadow figure, trying to see if my claws and/or jaws can find purchase.

((Fists Attack [roll0].))

2017-04-09, 02:24 PM
Using fists to block at a -4 since grappled.
fists: [roll0]

EDIT: going to put a MILD: "MAJOR BACK SCRATCH" aspect/injury on him. He is close to dead.

2017-04-09, 05:53 PM
Michael sees the wound, and the predatory parts of his mind knows what to do. Holding his arms around the Shadow, he digs his massive jaws down onto the ethereal creature's back.

[roll0], will invoke the MAJOR BACK SCRATCH if need be, or since he didn't need to invoke his Grappled by a Monster aspect from earlier he can do that to finish things off. In addition to this, that roll gets a Weapon 1 from Claws, and can add 3 Stress as a supplemental action from the grapple.

2017-04-09, 05:57 PM
Dudes, it had two stress boxes and no more injury aspects left. If you sneezed in his general direction I'd say he died. Oh, and Agree is back at full health, no treatment needed.

The Shadow creature dissipates along with the wrinkled skin of Argee's flesh. His flesh isn't gone, just the wrinkles.

2017-04-09, 06:11 PM
Michael rolls his shoulders, and a second later, a human once again appears before them. He spits, apparently biting an evil shadow can leave a bad taste in one's mouth. "Ok, monster dead. My job done. What the hell was it going on about a book, and which of us has the taint it sensed. If I need to be on guard duty, I need to know." Michael seems a bit pissed that he wasn't able to talk during that interlude, but understanding his place on the team.

2017-04-10, 03:05 PM
Ew. I don't think i want to know what sewer shadows taste like. I'll have to check my books, a light-eating book probably has legends. And it said we all are dark, but not Houston in general. Any of you have an enemy summoning assassins?

Frankie pokes Argee's arm where wrinkles used to be with one half of the stick, as if trying to divine what just happened.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-10, 03:15 PM
Ew. I don't think i want to know what sewer shadows taste like. I'll have to check my books, a light-eating book probably has legends. And it said we all are dark, but not Houston in general. Any of you have an enemy summoning assassins? "None that I know of. Yggy on the other hand...."

"I said it wasn't me."
Frankie pokes Argee's arm where wrinkles used to be with one half of the stick, as if trying to divine what just happened."Please don't touch me. Anyway, are we heading back to the surface or what?"

"What's that GM? Now? Cool. Hey, meat sack! I know what the shade was talking about! Tessa's in big trouble! We need to get OUT OF HERE. I'll explain later!"

"That answer's that." I reestablish my human guise as I chase after Yig'd Ra-Sol as he blots back that way we came.

2017-04-10, 09:46 PM
Michael sighs deeply, then makes his way for the ladder. "Then let's get back there, and quickly."

2017-04-14, 10:20 AM
To the bat-suv! Er, dragon-suv? Dragonmobile?

2017-04-14, 12:25 PM
You make it back to the library from the sewers, but the front desk is hesitant to let you in based on the fact that you all literally smell like s**t.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-14, 07:34 PM
"Yggy; now would be a good time to be a spooky ghost and ignore the walls of the building to find Tess."

"Fine by me! I need a little break from you anyway."

Yggy then proceeds to go find Tessa.

2017-04-15, 06:56 PM
Yiggy sees Sally and Tessa talking in Sally's office, positioned around a black book that appears to suck the light strait from the room.
Code SHADOW IS A GO, repeat CODE SHADOW IS A GO! This book is an extremely powerful artifact, so powerful it might be able to give Yiggy a physical form of its own, and more. The bond with the human host however has given Yiggy a different idea. The power of a dragon mixed with the free will of a human could equal a demi-god. You could rival the mothers of Fae themselves if you figure out how this book works. Either way works out as a bonus for the fourth wall breaking spirit.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-15, 07:25 PM
Popping in to view, Yggy pomps an accusatory finger at the two of them as he shouts, "Do you have any idea! the kind of trouble we just went through because of that book!?!? That .... thing is wanted by Father Time! A figure how we just got attacked by nonetheless because apparently just being in the same room as the ****y thing touched us with it's darkness! A bit of forewarning next time before you thrust a case of mistaken identity on us! Is that too much to ask for?!?!"

2017-04-15, 07:33 PM
Sally draws a silenced pistol, and points it at Tessa.
One more word above an octave of three, and Tessa here becomes one more corpse that this book has claimed.

We can talk without spoilers now, but book voice says, This is your last chance! Open me, while her concentration is on the dragon! OPEN US!

Reality Glitch
2017-04-15, 08:04 PM
Sally draws a silenced pistol, and points it at Sally.((Why is she pointing it at herself. (: ))

"Whoawhoawhoa. Let's not be hasty." Yggy threw his arms up in surrender. Got to think of something Fast. Or,
you know, make use of the difference between i.C. and O.o.C. time. THINK!

((Given that Yggy would be better at coming up with a good solution for this then I, the player, would, may I have you tell me what idea Yggy comes up with?))

2017-04-15, 10:34 PM
Michael takes a step forward, trying to get a look at which book it is that's apparently killing people. Michael had some experience dealing with things that could hide a darker nature beneath the surface. But, stepping forward was for more than just a better perspective. "Ok, look, Sally. I don't know what is going on here, but how about you point that thing at me, ok? You're the one that's in control here, alright. Just, tell us what it is you want, and we will see if we can help, ok Sally?" Michael holds his hands up in as non-threatening a way as he could, and to make sure that no one was behind him, in case a bullet was fired, and missed him. It showed how messed up his perspective was, that he hoped that he would be the one to be shot, and that it wouldn't be a through and through.

Investigate: [roll0] to identify the correct book. Prepared to Invoke I'm a Monster Hunter if need be.
Rapport: [roll1] to create the Aspect Michael makes a better target. Prepared to Invoke I Sure Do Look Like a Helpless Bystander Don't I? if need be.

Unclear what was going on, and who was set where. Shame, those were good roles. Glitch, it would be a HUGE help if you kept OOC things in the OOC thread, or at the very least spoiled stuff.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-15, 11:02 PM
((Tegu, remember: everyone besides Yggy are in still in the lobby. You'll need to rewrite your narration to account for that.))

2017-04-16, 02:31 PM
Tessa looks a bit conflicted now.... Damn but that offer did sound appealing... but... It still cost something to gain it. Hell, could be really any worse than having a parasitic daemonic creature attached to the fringes of her soul (since it's yet to fully take her over and made her kill with a feeding, hence why it's not a solid part of her soul... yet.)
Finally, Tessa just threw caution to the wind and at least pacify the gun-totin' Sally.... and get the book away from her. Just to keep it safe.


I'll just start out with this. Might end up inciting a bit of emotion later if need be.

2017-04-16, 04:02 PM
You make the athletics roll, the next roll will have no effect on your success you did catch Sally off-guard, but real quick make me a discipline roll with a difficulty of [roll0]

Tessa leaps over the table, grabbing the book in her left hand, disarming Sally with her right, and lands directly on top of Sally, causing Sally 1 box of physical stress.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-16, 08:09 PM
"That works."

2017-04-17, 01:40 AM
Tessa just sits there, basically straddling Sally in order to pin her to the floor.... and now got both the gun AND the book... the SILENT book she might add. "Huh... That...
Went better than I had hoped." She said in a rather stunned voice. As if she hadn't really expected that hairbrained maneuver to actually work. With a quick fiddling of the gun, she ejected the magazine, the chambered round and tossed it all in different directions. "So... Miss Sally. Tell me again WHY you felt the need to threaten my life with that gun again?
Maybe i should... do something to you as payback?" She said out in a sort of morbidly teasing and alluring voice. She wasn't even close to snapping and do her first kill-feeding... But hey, Sally didn't know that. And the B**CH had waved a gun at Tessa's face as well, so hey, fair's fair.

2017-04-17, 06:40 AM
I thought you you were going to use it for evil intentions. The dragon's definitely going to use it for selfish ones.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-17, 02:46 PM
"I'm wounded hta you think so lowly of me. Don't you realize that shadow energy and dragon energy are incompatible."

2017-04-17, 03:31 PM
"I'm wounded hta you think so lowly of me. Don't you realize that shadow energy and dragon energy are incompatible."

They're not. They make the user like ten times power. Don't believe me?
(Excerpt from the pathfinder wiki): Torn between the Material Plane and the Plane of Shadows, umbral dragons do not truly belong to either. As fearsome as any dragon, they posses a breath that scours the very life force of their opponents, and can also devour incorporeal undead by tearing at the essence of their undead souls.


Reality Glitch
2017-04-17, 06:18 PM
((Yggy knows that. He's just being snarky.))

2017-04-18, 08:33 AM
Tessa looked over at Argee for a second and then back down at Sally. "I can't for the lord of all begin to understand what you two are talking about. But this book... well, it's not gonna stay with any of you. Ain't gonna happen. You pulled a gun at me, and Agree... um, well he's got a Dragon Spirit leeched onto his soul... or some such if i understand correctly. Right now im the closest to the most trustworthy person around here. Being a Lawyer not withstanding." She said and cast a glance at Agree and.. eh, Yggy. "No offense to you two." She added in.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-18, 08:49 AM
((I'm not in the room with Tessa. Only Yggy is.))

2017-04-18, 08:51 AM
Actually, anyone can be in the room at this point. It's been long enough.

And if the most trustworthy person is a soon to be white court vampire, then something's got to be a little bit wrong:smallbiggrin:

2017-04-19, 12:18 PM
(I'm assuming some variation of "here to see the boss" and quick-walking out of the public area. More 'somebody else's problem' than 'fast talk') Apparently Frankie stopped at the employee coffeepot on the way up. He's holding an 'I Heart Books' mug with the usual sludge. Since Sally is otherwise occupied, he'll flop into her chair.

My first thought is seeing how little black books like dragon fire. On second thought, I wonder if there are any suckers up north who would want a cursed book. He glances at Sally, if you're going to threaten your employees, shouldn't you close the door first?

2017-04-19, 12:53 PM
You can't let this book fall into the wrong hands! The Venotori Umbororum is the most qualified to hold it! Above all else, don't destroy it! The knowledge held within is invaluable.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-19, 12:53 PM
Having gotten up to wear Yggy went I find the dhampir straddling our client and Yggy white as a ghost.

"Not funny, kid."

"Seriously? Anyway, Sally, didn't you send us to retrieve the book to the V.U. anyway? Why would you do that if you already head the book."

2017-04-19, 01:16 PM
While using the book I may have... accidentally unleashed creatures known as shades into the world. I barely fought them off myself, and barely got away with the book. They've been searching and killing in Houston for about three months now, with the press giving them the name of "Father Time". I sent you to clean up the mess while I found a reasonable excuse to leave Houston, go somewhere rural, and study the book for... educational reasons.

Seeing nobody beleive the educational reasons part, Sally continues: I was going to make myself a god. Do you know how the war with the reds is going? With the power of shadow, and possibly more, at my side I could wipe the reds off the face of this planet.

Sally seems to go into a craze at this next part: But I won't stop there! The voice, it tells me I could destroy everything in my path. Vampires? Gone. Fae? Obliterated. The White Council? Gone. I can become the ruler of this world. I could abolish all evil, all of it! I will make you all rich beyond your wildest dreams if you just give me that book!

Need you to make me another discipline roll.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-19, 01:36 PM
While using the book I may have... accidentally unleashed creatures known as shades into the world. I barely fought them off myself, and barely got away with the book. They've been searching and killing in Houston for about three months now, with the press giving them the name of "Father Time". I sent you to clean up the mess while I found a reasonable excuse to leave Houston, go somewhere rural, and study the book for... educational reasons."Well, why didn't you just tell us that in the first place?"

"Keep Reading."
Seeing nobody beleive the educational reasons part, Sally continues: I was going to make myself a god. Do you know how the war with the reds is going? With the power of shadow, and possibly more, at my side I could wipe the reds off the face of this planet."Nah; Dresden's gonna beat y' to it."

"Shh.... Spoilers much?"

"Why should you you care? You don't follow his case files."
Sally seems to go into a craze at this next part: But I won't stop there! The voice, it tells me I could destroy everything in my path. Vampires? Gone. Fae? Obliterated. The White Council? Gone. I can become the ruler of this world. I could abolish all evil, all of it! I will make you all rich beyond your wildest dreams if you just give me that book!"Aaaand you've just lost your book of shadow privileges."

2017-04-20, 12:08 PM
After Sally's long speech, Tessa seems to break. The look in her eye changes slightly, and with it the air around her. It's almost as if the room got a little bit darker. Suddenly Tessa's hands pull the book open, and an eerie screech fills the room. Tendrils of shadowy energy course from the book and wrap around Sally. The tendrils then pull her into the book's pages, making her disappear. The room is quiet again, and Tessa's normal state returns.

Sorry for godmodding, but I did beat you on the roll to see if I got to godmod or not.

Anywho, some rolls!

EDIT: Okay, time to start the tally! On the very first post of the OOC thread you will notice a spoiler labeled "Tally". You shouldn't let that tally get too high. Just a suggestion.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-20, 02:14 PM
After Sally's long speech, Tessa seems to break. The look in her eye changes slightly, and with it the air around her. It's almost as if the room got a little bit darker. Suddenly Tessa's hands pull the book open, and an eerie screech fills the room. Tendrils of shadowy energy course from the book and wrap around Sally. The tendrils then pull her into the book's pages, making her disappear. The room is quiet again, and Tessa's normal state returns."What in blue blazes ust happened??"

Interesting. I think that's the only time we've ever had the same opinion about anything other than our pact.

2017-04-20, 02:35 PM
Book eats Sally...........

Huh. Well.
I nominate Tessa to tell the backup librarian and the Venas. I've heard of this bad mamma jamma, by the way.
Good: Phenomenal cosmic powers! Bad: Itty bitty living space! Also get free hunters coming after you, Fix sounded doubtful he could beat'em in an unfair fight

Frankie might be a little paler than usual. Definitely quieter.

2017-04-21, 03:11 AM
Tessa yelped and dropped that scary as fudge book, got to her feet and in an almost lizard-brain way, scurried away and up against the furthest away wall from that book. "Alright that's it! that damn book is freaking evil!" She says in a sort-of ranting voice, clearly rather shaken up by the whole experience.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-21, 10:07 AM
"Well, I won't say truly evil, b--"


"I was going to say "--ut still absolutely freakin' scary." Yeash; give me some credit."

"Sorry. Though, you have a tendancy to take things too far."

Yggy rolls his eyes at that.

2017-04-23, 09:23 PM
Somebody have some big tweezers or something? I think this is better in the shop, but I'm not touching it.

Frankie looks around for something suitable. If nothing else, he'll pull out the drawer the book was in and kinda push it in with other books, a pencil, whatever.

Somewhere on the trip back, Frankie muses out loud Too bad I don't trust Faeries. Would be nice to just drop this problem in their lap.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-23, 10:22 PM
"I can take it off your hands if you want."


"I'm kidding."

2017-04-24, 03:11 AM
Tessa sighed and, after a small shake of her head to psych herself up a bit, took on a pair of lady-gloves and slowly approached that book and extended a finger towards it and touch it lightly. She looked like she was trying to touch a shark and ready to pull her hand away should it try to eat it.

2017-04-24, 06:44 AM
After a few days with the book in the coffee creamer circle, and making connections with possible people who can deal with this, you get a call on the work phone. Whoever answers gets this response. The man's voice has a British accent.

Hello, my name is Phil, and I am an associate of a now growing business. I found your little shop quite by accident, but you do have a specific product that I need to acquire in order for my boss to accomplish some actions not normally done by a normal. I would like to place an order on... well now that I think about it you probably don't even know its name. I'd like to place an order on a little black book that you recently acquired. My employer is willing to pay your organization a sum of two million U.S.D. to be paid up front upon the acquisition of the book.

2017-04-26, 01:00 PM
Mmmkay. If you mean that black book, give me your contact info and I'll get back to you in a day or two with the details of the auction. There are some other interested parties, have to stay painstakingly polite to everyone, you know how it goes. How would you want to do the handoff if you do win the bid?
If you mean the Fonz's black book, don't have it but I'm sure I could track it down.

He'll also start scribbling down some notes so he can talk this over with the team when they arrive. No batsignal unfortunately.

2017-04-26, 01:10 PM
Since you have the Shadow Tome then you already have my boss's contact info. We are the original owners of the book. It also comes to mind that the presence of the volume may caused the area a bit of distress, and for that I apologize and my employer takes personal responsibility for any irreparable damage that has been inflicted. If the "presence" as some of our non-orthodox cultists have come to call it as rubbed off on you or anyone you know, we can take measures to remove it. As for the hand-off, that is up to you. As you are the wounded party for holding the tome, my employer or I believe we should have no say in where the deal takes place, and if our price is too low we can increase it. One more question however, does your business take PayPal as a viable means of transaction? My employer does not wish to sum up the money in paper, you understand.

2017-04-28, 02:32 PM
Where do you wish to meet, Mr. Franklin?

2017-04-29, 11:44 PM
Paypal? Sure. Scribble scribble. Location depends on how careful you want to be. If we're likely to have other parties trying to steal at the handoff, then a good spot would be (insert mall with huge parking lot, plenty of open and visible space). Otherwise, we can be more genteel, and you can meet me at my shop.

A bit of boring discussion of time and space (while not making any foolish promises), the call ends, and Frankie calls up the team. Meet up over here ASAP. We got someone's attention. Bigwig or murderous monster.

2017-04-29, 11:57 PM
Michael hurries over to the shop, doing his best to avoid any tails that may try to follow him. Being able to turn into an extra quick quadruped that can do a great deal to discourage a mortal surveillance team.

2017-04-30, 02:58 AM
Tessa had been working her usual job the last few days, although ready at her cellphone in case an urgent call would reach her.

Reality Glitch
2017-04-30, 04:12 PM
Frankie calls up the team. [COLOR=#FFA500]Meet up over here ASAP. We got someone's attention. Bigwig or murderous monster.As soon as you hang up with Argee, he walks through the front door. "What a coincidence; after what happened, I thought I'd come over just to check up on y'."

2017-04-30, 06:29 PM
So you guys are all there, Frankie can give you the description of the conversation. Are we ready to head to our undisturbed mall parking lot? I'll just give it the aspect of Slightly Dark and just say it doesn't have a face.

2017-05-03, 10:04 AM
((Just wanting to move us along, so here we go))

The parking lot is dark, but not too dark that you can't see. You wait a while, and just before you depart, a shadow materializes on the far side of the lot. Footsteps sound the once quiet lot, and a man who looks like this comes before you-->

Greetings. My name is Phil. I'm here to purchase the afore mentioned book on our agreed upon amount. Please, no tricks. I can just sense the hostility in the room towards my employer, so let me just have a quick explanation. What was her name... Sally! What Sally did with the book was not our fault. We are in no way affiliated with what terrible evil she wrought n the mortal world, and we actually seek the opposite. We wish to ensure the book doesn't fall into mortal hands ever again. They're just too untrustworthy to wield the power. says the man from the phone who I will now refer to as Phil.

2017-05-03, 12:17 PM
So, who do you represent? I've heard of Tim the enchanter, but not Phil the employee.

2017-05-03, 12:48 PM
I represent a powerful supernatural figure who has lied dormant for a long time due to an alliance of factions against his most hated enemy. Look, I hate talking like a lawyer, so I'm just going to tell you casual. Nimnarath, my boss, is hiding from the unseelie because they believe in specific actions that Nimnarath never did. With the book back into his possession, he can rise up, crush the Fae people, and herald a new age in his domain. In this metaphorical world, you'll be rich and hailed as heroes.

2017-05-04, 08:57 AM
Tessa leant in close to Argee and whispered. "Is it just me, or does this guy look like some sort of more-insane rip-off version of a young Mel Gibson?" Her voice was low but clear to Argee, and no one else (unless super hearing was employed).

2017-05-04, 09:05 AM
Tessa leant in close to Argee and whispered. "Is it just me, or does this guy look like some sort of more-insane rip-off version of a young Mel Gibson?" Her voice was low but clear to Argee, and no one else (unless super hearing was employed).

The picture is of Randall Flagg from The Stand miniseries. I always figured that was what this guy would look like.

2017-05-05, 09:33 AM
Michael takes a step back, crouching causally behind a car, and shimmering, and the chimera stands where he leaned. He makes eyes at the mortals of his team, then nods to his back. If anything goes down, he is prepared to carry them to safety with great haste.

Using Alertness to create an aspect Ready to Run on himself. [roll0]

2017-05-05, 11:15 AM
You are ready to run.

Reality Glitch
2017-05-14, 09:43 PM
Tessa leant in close to Argee and whispered. "Is it just me, or does this guy look like some sort of more-insane rip-off version of a young Mel Gibson?" Her voice was low but clear to Argee, and no one else (unless super hearing was employed)."Don't touch me!" I recoil from her proximity. "Besides, who am I to judge an alien entity on it's choice of human likenesses?"
I represent a powerful supernatural figure who has lied dormant for a long time due to an alliance of factions against his most hated enemy. Look, I hate talking like a lawyer, so I'm just going to tell you casual. Nimnarath, my boss, is hiding from the unseelie because they believe in specific actions that Nimnarath never did. With the book back into his possession, he can rise up, crush the Fae people, and herald a new age in his domain. In this metaphorical world, you'll be rich and hailed as heroes."While I sympathize with being falsely accused, making good on the actions they think you've committed won't clear up the issue, only exacerbate it. That's not to mention the horrific consequences of creating such an unbalance between the fae courts."

2017-05-20, 10:07 AM
Michael, while certain that disrupting the Fae courts is the last place he wants to be, also is confused by Agree's kindness. Regardless, Michael has heard enough. This was a fact finding mission, and the facts have been found. Now, time for a tactical advancement in the opposite direction. Bowing his head, Michael will attempt to get as many of his allies that desire onto his back, and run away.

Might to pick up anyone that want's out. [roll0] Prepared to tag Ready to Run for a reroll or +2. If we are above ground, he'll pop his wings and get the team onto a nearby rooftop, otherwise, try to get above ground and into a nearby ally.

Edit: Gonna use the +2 for a total of 6. If any non-fighter wants to stick around, Michael will go back to act as hero support.

2017-05-20, 12:02 PM
I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't let you leave without the book in my hands. I did not want to fight, but I'll do it anyway! says Harold as he goes into a martial stance.

I thought this thread died... but I'll run it anyway! Making the aspect of Ready for a Fight on myself.

Reality Glitch
2017-05-20, 08:19 PM
"WHOA! WHOA! STOP! STOP!" I interpose myself between the two parties. "I'm sure we came come to a mutually satisfactory agreement, or at least a compromise. No need to blow up over this." I then turn to the shadow representative. "Now, I suggest we start with what you will in return for us returning the book, because right now, money is not what we are interested considering the consequences of such a trade. If there is some way we can both ensure the interests of all involved parties, I am certain we can discover it."

Yggy, still behind with the rest of my group softly exclaims "He's got enthusiasm, I'll give him that."

((Rapport to Overcome the ShadowRep's aggression: =4d3-4.))

2017-05-20, 08:50 PM
If it isn't money you want, then what are willing to obatian in exchange for that book?

Reality Glitch
2017-05-20, 09:20 PM
If it isn't money you want, then what are willing to obatian in exchange for that book?"Someway to ensure your employer won't go power-crazy and lash out at anyone."

2017-05-20, 09:28 PM
Nimnarath is the very pink of courtesy.

Reality Glitch
2017-05-20, 10:39 PM
Nimnarath is the very pink of courtesy.I blink a couple times. "I think you mean Peak, and if that were true, you won't being saying that they'll destroy an entire fae court if they get this book back."

"No; he means peak."

"That's what I--" my palm slams in to my face, before I immediately peel it off and scold Yggy, "Now is not the time."

"Can't help it, it's in my nature."

2017-05-21, 02:23 AM
Tessa was slowly inching back and away from the giant meltdown that this was showing great signs to become.
She hadn't signed up to this to gamble with her life after all.

2017-05-21, 08:17 AM
You don't know your Shakespeare? "I am the very pink of courtesy" is my favorite Mercutio line! But it is the way of things. You think if my boss stole something from the fae, you think they wouldn't stop at anything to repay him in kind? You've been around the book long enough that you should know how powerful it is. It has the souls of some of the greatest wizards bound to it. It is the greatest collection of knowledge that this world or any other have ever seen.

Reality Glitch
2017-05-21, 01:07 PM
You don't know your Shakespeare? "I am the very pink of courtesy" is my favorite Mercutio line! But it is the way of things. You think if my boss stole something from the fae, you think they wouldn't stop at anything to repay him in kind? You've been around the book long enough that you should know how powerful it is. It has the souls of some of the greatest wizards bound to it. It is the greatest collection of knowledge that this world or any other have ever seen."Which is why I'd rather lock it in a chest, six feet under the bottom of the Marianas Trench than give it to someone who claims they will you it to the detriment of others. That kind of power is dangerous in any hands, wrong or otherwise. How can we trust you and your employer to not only not use it, but make sure no one else does?"