View Full Version : Reuleaux Academy (IC)

2017-03-11, 07:57 AM
Episode One Scene One

"Wasn't even my fault..." Nicole quickly made her way away from the administrator's office, past the cafeteria, and headed towards the class hallways. She brushed her long dark bangs out of her eyes before digging around in her backpack to find her stupid schedule amidst the assortment of schoolbooks and supplies. Finally unearthing it, a quick check revealed her homeroom and first class period to be 1414...General Physical Education, her favorite. "Ugh, what a waste of time..." she muttered, brushing her bangs back again anxiously. She knew she couldn't just skip it, though; it was her first class at a new school, and she would need to be able to get along with the other people in that class, since they would end up sharing most of their core classes together. Maybe she could use the period to get ahead on homework or something...especially once Coach whoever it was saw what she could bring to the team.

Nicole decided that, since she had time to spare, she'd be a bit proactive and find out where all her classrooms are now, rather than wait until she was heading to her first period in that class to find out she had no clue where it was located. Just a couple minutes later, she was regretting this decision: it seemed that wherever she went, eyes turned to watch her and conversations were hushed to a whisper. Her expression hardened whenever she noticed the stares, but she focused on her schedule to keep from doing something drastic. She angrily brushed her bangs back again, but this time her temporarily impeded vision resulted in her nearly tripping over some big dude's backpack that he'd dropped in the middle of the hall while he talked with his friends. She just barely managed to avoid falling by grabbing at his shoulder (nearly bringing him down with her), but by the time he'd turned around to yell at her for being so clumsy, she was long gone. He grabbed his pack and set down the hall after where he thought she'd gone.

Time to make your first impression, people! Only restriction is that it has to happen before class starts; everything else about your scene is up to you. Set up whatever scenario you wanna lead into, and I'll have Nicole play off of it.


You can choose to limit the Attribute to one of your choice; this makes it harder to apply bonuses and penalties that apply to that stat, compared to an Unlimited roll.

2017-03-11, 09:47 AM
"...So, are you lost?"

Morgan somehow managed to sneak up on Nicole while she was not looking.

"...Perhaps it would be easier to use some sort of map instead of just wandering blindly around the halls? Here, let me pull something up..."

Morgan pulled out a tablet like device out of what seemed to be hammerspace. She then pressed a button on the bottom left corner, bringing up a holographic map of the school.

"...So, what do you think? Don't thank me for this, by the way. I could just empathize with being stared at everywhere you go..." She then coughs, pointing at a guy in the halls who was staring at her right now. The guy quickly looked away.

Strong Skill+Tech Expert+Genius Intellect=+5 Unlimited/Skill. Going for the D8, since the D11 is pushing it. Unless we're not choosing the difficulty, in which case, yay.

2017-03-11, 10:29 AM
Similarly, there is barely even a whisper of servos as Kisat appears out of practically nowhere, thanks to her own relatively recent refurbishing/maintenance.
Then nekomiroid corrects the girl with her own brand of talent for quick thinking "I believe that she's in home room with us, that map strikes me as unnecessary. She can get where she needs merely accompanying us there." Thankful for the lazy programming that put several databases in the school's site's robot.txt, so she could easy see some matters. Like the fact a 'Nicole Xavier' had been added to several classes at certain times. Sure, they don't outright release student schedules as public record, but a good crawler could get you similar results. Like the one Kisat had been working on with some spare cycles.
"Please, do excuse the abruptness. For these purposes, I may be known as Kisat. Plasure to make your acquaintance, Nicole."

Mental/Skill. +3 Strong Mental, +3 Strong Skill, +1 Everybody Loves Catgirls=+7

2017-03-11, 11:14 AM
Meanwhile Corona "The Knight of the Flower", was making his daily patrol of the school to which her reasons were "To protect my place of learning from demons , giants and other disfavoured beings , and also to protect the weak and give justice to all those that deserve it" , obviously such follyness wasn't really welcome by the personel at school and even less by those students that Corona consider as enemies and there are many of them, who are defeated almost every single week by Corona in what she calls "Fair Duel".

While in her many thoughts, about knights, princesses, queens and kings, Corona was able to notice a grave danger to one of her fellow mates in school , although , she wasn't sure if she had seen her before or ever. Anyways, it happened that a certain big guy who had his backpacked fall to the ground because of a unnexpect bump , had decided to do payback to the girl that gave him such small hassle that was still a hassle anyways.

Corona could notice how he prepared to give that girl , a bad time. But the worked senses and agility of Corona was faster and with a cry of "You damned person of damnation , hear me out because I Corona of the Flower will put a stop to your attempt to cause trouble to a damsel while in my watch, prepare yourself as I declare a duel between me and you right at this instant" , and with all said(and really nothing more to add) , Corona charged at his declared enemy while drawing her so called "Sword of the Rose" , which looked more like a well decorated stick than a proper sword, but that would have anyways served the purpose of defeating her enemy as it had done in the past, as many of her enemies can give testimony of .

Physical/Conflict roll , +2 From Strong rolls (Physical and Conflict), +1 because Better At Everything . +2 Rule Of Cool and I invoke Rule Of Drama

Sgt. Cookie
2017-03-11, 11:25 AM
It's her again. The one from before. Nicole... what a name. What a glorious name. Thank you Intel-Chan. Yanako hoped to meet her first, but that prissy bitch and the robot got to her first. No... how DARE they! But nothing to be done now... facing them, deep in conversation... perfect moment. One shot at a first impression... Yanako grabs the small penknife on her keys and opens up the blade.

Yanako walks up behind Nicole, drags the blunt side of the knife across her neck, places her head on her left shoulder, Yanako's long, dark hair cascading down Nicole's chest.

"So... this is the new girl..." Yanako says, voice icy, but not monotonous.

Gonna make this a Physical/Allure roll, using Murderous Love to turn that into a Conflict roll.

Stong physical/conflict +2, crazy dangerous +2. +4 total.
Assuming that this still "counts" as an allure roll, then an extra +2 from Detached for a +6 in total.

2017-03-11, 04:19 PM
Hazel had seen the cute girl, rushing down the hall. Huh. She's cute, isn't she Jane? Hazel replied to her friend that she had an arm around as the much taller girl had rushed passed. She new here, I've never seen her before. She added.

That was when the man had stalked down the hall in what Hazel could only assume was an attempt to grab Nicole for some reason.

Halt! Hazel called out calling on her succubus magic as her eyes glowed with a pink energy at the man, who now could do no more then stare at Hazel.

Apologize to her. Hazel replied.

Going for the d11 conflict check, and using black magic to auto succeed.

2017-03-11, 04:49 PM
Megan was positively excited, her favorite subject being first in the schedule; she was, as usual, the first to arrive in the changing room and, by the time Nicole found her way there, finished pulling off shirt and skirt of her uniform and stood in front of her locker in panties alone, folding her clothes and reaching inside for the gym kit. "Oh, hi!" she turns around, hearing the door open, "you're the new girl, aren't you? Nicole, right? Come in, come in - let's pick you a locker..." she smiles cheerfully, beckoning the transfer student inside.

Going for Physical/Allure. Double Strong roll +2, Giving it 110% +1, Boundless Energy (Uni/Allure) +2, All Natural (Phys/Allure) +2 = +7

7th son of sons
2017-03-11, 05:36 PM
A'roight, gather round m'adoring fans, came the sing-songy, telltale lilt of a natural born celt. I know ya've all been askin' fer it, and I always deliver on m'promises, now don't I?

As usual, she had the small crowd eating out of her hand with just those words alone. It wasn't just that there was a strikingly, supernaturally attractive redhead standing upon a literal soapbox. It wasn't just that to her right was a student literally referred to as "Animal" even among some of the staff. It wasn't just that her very words dripped with enchanting magic. It was that the woman speaking was Idelise Melvina, and when Idelise drew attention to herself, it was because she had something planned.

As 'm sure y'r all aware, the newest member of the Melvina brand 'f combat enthusiasts, The Local Animal Shin Harada, 's gonna step into th' arena with Kyo'o sensation Tetsuya Satoshi 'n this weeks featured match-up in th' Arena. So ta'e a gander at wha' we're...

Idelise paused, her attention caught by another figure. A woman she had been keeping her eye out for for as long as she'd known the meeting were possible. Another blood sport enthusiast, a talent worthy of being signed to the Melvina brand. But no had mentioned how... cute, she was. A few fellow students had already been drawn to her, it seemed, but that was of no consequence. Waving her small entourage of fans (and her talent) aside, Idelise smiled as she walked towards the woman in question.

My my my, if m'eyes don't deceive me, she spoke out dramatically, brushing her hair over her shoulder and flashing a practiced winning smile. Arena star Nicole Xavier! All'w me to be the fi'st to formally greet you t' our... 'umble academy. She offered the woman a more-than-polite bow, exposing her chest more than one would think possible given the sweater she now wore. Idelise Melvina, a' your service~~

Charm and Grace +1, Strong Roll (Both) +2, Supernaturally Attractive +2, Classy Lady +2 = +7 (I Think?)

2017-03-12, 07:51 AM
"...So, are you lost?"

Morgan somehow managed to sneak up on Nicole while she was not looking.

"...Perhaps it would be easier to use some sort of map instead of just wandering blindly around the halls? Here, let me pull something up..."

Morgan pulled out a tablet like device out of what seemed to be hammerspace. She then pressed a button on the bottom left corner, bringing up a holographic map of the school.

"...So, what do you think? Don't thank me for this, by the way. I could just empathize with being stared at everywhere you go..." She then coughs, pointing at a guy in the halls who was staring at her right now. The guy quickly looked away.

Nicole jumps at the sudden arrival and grabs your shoulder hard, but stops short of actually trying to flip you or whatever it was she planned to do. Flushing a bit at her reaction, she lets go. "Uh...thanks," she said, scanning the map you brought up. "It's not all that difficult to find out what hallway you're in, since all the classrooms are numbered pretty well, but figuring out where certain hallways are in relation to each other is a pain. I'm Nicole, by the way. What's your name, helpful stranger?" she asks with a weak grin.

Similarly, there is barely even a whisper of servos as Kisat appears out of practically nowhere, thanks to her own relatively recent refurbishing/maintenance.
Then nekomiroid corrects the girl with her own brand of talent for quick thinking "I believe that she's in home room with us, that map strikes me as unnecessary. She can get where she needs merely accompanying us there." Thankful for the lazy programming that put several databases in the school's site's robot.txt, so she could easy see some matters. Like the fact a 'Nicole Xavier' had been added to several classes at certain times. Sure, they don't outright release student schedules as public record, but a good crawler could get you similar results. Like the one Kisat had been working on with some spare cycles.
"Please, do excuse the abruptness. For these purposes, I may be known as Kisat. Plasure to make your acquaintance, Nicole."

Nicole jumps again, but manages to restrain herself. She gives a quiet, nervous giggle at her own behavior as her eyes sweep over your body a tad innappropriately. "What is this, Walk Like A Ninja day? I mean, I appreciate the help, but finding homeroom wasn't really the goal at the moment, was more just looking to find my other classes so I'm not running around like a chicken with its head cut off later. Anyway, nice to meet you, Kisat. My name's...uh..." she trails off as her brain finally catches up to her ears and she realizes you addressed her by name. "I guess you already know my name. Eavesdropping earlier, or do I have to worry about having a stalker?" she joked

Meanwhile Corona "The Knight of the Flower", was making his daily patrol of the school to which her reasons were "To protect my place of learning from demons , giants and other disfavoured beings , and also to protect the weak and give justice to all those that deserve it" , obviously such follyness wasn't really welcome by the personel at school and even less by those students that Corona consider as enemies and there are many of them, who are defeated almost every single week by Corona in what she calls "Fair Duel".

While in her many thoughts, about knights, princesses, queens and kings, Corona was able to notice a grave danger to one of her fellow mates in school , although , she wasn't sure if she had seen her before or ever. Anyways, it happened that a certain big guy who had his backpacked fall to the ground because of a unnexpect bump , had decided to do payback to the girl that gave him such small hassle that was still a hassle anyways.

Corona could notice how he prepared to give that girl , a bad time. But the worked senses and agility of Corona was faster and with a cry of "You damned person of damnation , hear me out because I Corona of the Flower will put a stop to your attempt to cause trouble to a damsel while in my watch, prepare yourself as I declare a duel between me and you right at this instant" , and with all said(and really nothing more to add) , Corona charged at his declared enemy while drawing her so called "Sword of the Rose" , which looked more like a well decorated stick than a proper sword, but that would have anyways served the purpose of defeating her enemy as it had done in the past, as many of her enemies can give testimony to.

Unfortunately, some hellspawn witch seems to have dealt with the problem by ensnaring the young man's mind; neither your would-be dueling opponent, nor the damsel in distress, nor even the enchantress who stole the show from you, seems to even notice your challenge. Their charm hasn't stopped his advance towards the damsel, though; perhaps there's still time to be a hero, and to get the fair lady's attention...and perhaps even her name.

It's her again. The one from before. Nicole... what a name. What a glorious name. Thank you Intel-Chan. Yanako hoped to meet her first, but that prissy bitch and the robot got to her first. No... how DARE they! But nothing to be done now... facing them, deep in conversation... perfect moment. One shot at a first impression... Yanako grabs the small penknife on her keys and opens up the blade.

Yanako walks up behind Nicole, drags the blunt side of the knife across her neck, places her head on her left shoulder, Yanako's long, dark hair cascading down Nicole's chest.

"So... this is the new girl..." Yanako says, voice icy, but not monotonous.

This time, the sight of a weapon does nothing to deter the girl from reacting; she spins around, keeping the knife away from her skin as best she can while attempting to disarm you. Her attempt fails though when she spots you and seems to lose focus on what she's doing. She glances at the knife the two of you are holding with a critical eye. "Huh...simple and practical, but still aesthetically pleasing. You've got good taste in blades...although not too much good sense. Running knives against people's skin is rarely a great way to introduce yourself." She releases her grip on your hands sheepishly. "Sorry for freaking out like that...uh...I'm Nicole. What's your name, ninja cutie?" she asks with a small smile.

Hazel had seen the cute girl, rushing down the hall. Huh. She's cute, isn't she Jane? Hazel replied to her friend that she had an arm around as the much taller girl had rushed passed. She new here, I've never seen her before. She added.

That was when the man had stalked down the hall in what Hazel could only assume was an attempt to grab Nicole for some reason.

Halt! Hazel called out calling on her succubus magic as her eyes glowed with a pink energy at the man, who now could do no more then stare at Hazel.

Apologize to her. Hazel replied.

The hulking lycan lumbers towards Nicole, who freezes at the sight of him. "Oh come on..."

"I would like to apologize for tripping you earlier," he said, with only a touch of an earnest inflection behind his words. "It was my fault, I should be more careful with my things."

Nicole stares at him, more than a touch flabbergasted. Hardening a bit, her eyes sweep over his body analytically as they begin faintly glowing, and she mutters a bit under her breath. She reaches out with a finger and touches his forehead, and a flash of light sweeps over both of their bodies, leaving Nicole looking exhausted and the lycan boy looking frightened. He bolts down the hall like a bat out of hell.

Nicole pants from the exertion, and gazes around. Her eyes settle on you, and she waves you over. "That was an impressive bit of spellwork there, it's been a while since I've had to push things that hard to break them. You got a name to go with that lovely face and brain?"

Megan was positively excited, her favorite subject being first in the schedule; she was, as usual, the first to arrive in the changing room and, by the time Nicole found her way there, finished pulling off shirt and skirt of her uniform and stood in front of her locker in panties alone, folding her clothes and reaching inside for the gym kit. "Oh, hi!" she turns around, hearing the door open, "you're the new girl, aren't you? Nicole, right? Come in, come in - let's pick you a locker..." she smiles cheerfully, beckoning the transfer student inside.

Nicole doesn't verbally respond to your words, her brain seemingly busy memorizing the curves in your body. "Uh...hi..." her mouth finally catches up to her. "Yeah, I'm Nicole, pleasure to meet you. What your name?" she asks, finally tearing her eyes upwards enough to meet your gaze.

A'roight, gather round m'adoring fans, came the sing-songy, telltale lilt of a natural born celt. I know ya've all been askin' fer it, and I always deliver on m'promises, now don't I?

As usual, she had the small crowd eating out of her hand with just those words alone. It wasn't just that there was a strikingly, supernaturally attractive redhead standing upon a literal soapbox. It wasn't just that to her right was a student literally referred to as "Animal" even among some of the staff. It wasn't just that her very words dripped with enchanting magic. It was that the woman speaking was Idelise Melvina, and when Idelise drew attention to herself, it was because she had something planned.

As 'm sure y'r all aware, the newest member of the Melvina brand 'f combat enthusiasts, The Local Animal Shin Harada, 's gonna step into th' arena with Kyo'o sensation Tetsuya Satoshi 'n this weeks featured match-up in th' Arena. So ta'e a gander at wha' we're...

Idelise paused, her attention caught by another figure. A woman she had been keeping her eye out for for as long as she'd known the meeting were possible. Another blood sport enthusiast, a talent worthy of being signed to the Melvina brand. But no had mentioned how... cute, she was. A few fellow students had already been drawn to her, it seemed, but that was of no consequence. Waving her small entourage of fans (and her talent) aside, Idelise smiled as she walked towards the woman in question.

My my my, if m'eyes don't deceive me, she spoke out dramatically, brushing her hair over her shoulder and flashing a practiced winning smile. Arena star Nicole Xavier! All'w me to be the fi'st to formally greet you t' our... 'umble academy. She offered the woman a more-than-polite bow, exposing her chest more than one would think possible given the sweater she now wore. Idelise Melvina, a' your service~~

Nicole grins at you, sizing you up and checking you out. "Always amazing that so many people know my name before we meet. I suppose my reputation precedes me...as does yours, Miss Melvina. You spend much time in the arena yourself?"

Sgt. Cookie
2017-03-12, 09:31 AM
With a practiced grace, Yanako flicks away the knife and twirls it into her pocket. "Yanako... as for the knife I've found that... some people find danger... thrilling." Though her face displayed no emotion, the subtle inflection indicated that Yanako noticed Nicole certainly did.

2017-03-12, 09:56 AM
Nicole jumps again, but manages to restrain herself. She gives a quiet, nervous giggle at her own behavior as her eyes sweep over your body a tad innappropriately. "What is this, Walk Like A Ninja day? I mean, I appreciate the help, but finding homeroom wasn't really the goal at the moment, was more just looking to find my other classes so I'm not running around like a chicken with its head cut off later. Anyway, nice to meet you, Kisat. My name's...uh..." she trails off as her brain finally catches up to her ears and she realizes you addressed her by name. "I guess you already know my name. Eavesdropping earlier, or do I have to worry about having a stalker?" she joked

There's a noticeable lag as the 'roid takes a moment to update it's own heuristics with this situation possibility. She didn't expect this kind of actual planning from someone her own chronological age. "I believed my own introduction would be more suitably memorable if You had not seen me as an unknown before. Thus, my haste to introduce myself as well. As per my knowledge: I try and keep track of things that go on in my school to be informed. That would include knowing some basic facts about new students. Got enough zetta's that it's not much to hold."

2017-03-12, 10:13 AM
...Morgan seemed upset.

"Well, ****, it's not like my map wouldn't help you with that anyhow..."

Morgan grimaced as more and more people seemed to jump on the girl. She was not distracted by Megan, for whatever reason.

"Right, so one of you tried to stab her... another one hypnotized someone... Plus one of you is half naked. What the ****?"

Sighing, she quickly "humphed" and looked away.

"...I thought you would be better than this, Nicole... I'm keeping an eye on you, you hear me?"

2017-03-12, 10:37 AM
Nicole doesn't verbally respond to your words, her brain seemingly busy memorizing the curves in your body. "Uh...hi..." her mouth finally catches up to her. "Yeah, I'm Nicole, pleasure to meet you. What your name?" she asks, finally tearing her eyes upwards enough to meet your gaze.

Megan either doesn't notice the direction of Nicole's sight, or doesn't care in the slightest. "Megan", she replies as she, after making sure Nicole get her own locker, finally pulls her own shorts and top - which cover slightly less than some particularly conservative bikinis. She obviously isn't afraid of putting her body on display... and has a body to get away with that, too. "Megan Pines. I'm on gymnastics team, and part-time on cheer squad, and gym's my favorite lesson. What about you? You're in grat shape yourself. It doesn't sound like flirting, either - girl's just blabbing out whatever's on her mind.~

2017-03-12, 11:12 AM
With a practiced grace, Yanako flicks away the knife and twirls it into her pocket. "Yanako... as for the knife I've found that... some people find danger... thrilling." Though her face displayed no emotion, the subtle inflection indicated that Yanako noticed Nicole certainly did.

Nicole nods, any innuendo flying over her head. "I like a good scrap now and then...formal or otherwise. Really gets the blood pumping~"

There's a noticeable lag as the 'roid takes a moment to update it's own heuristics with this situation possibility. She didn't expect this kind of actual planning from someone her own chronological age. "I believed my own introduction would be more suitably memorable if You had not seen me as an unknown before. Thus, my haste to introduce myself as well. As per my knowledge: I try and keep track of things that go on in my school to be informed. That would include knowing some basic facts about new students. Got enough zetta's that it's not much to hold."

Nicole nods, less on-guard than before. "Makes sense, I guess. Kinda nice knowingSo uh...bell's coming soon. We could all go to class together?"

...Morgan seemed upset.

"Well, ****, it's not like my map wouldn't help you with that anyhow..."

Morgan grimaced as more and more people seemed to jump on the girl. She was not distracted by Megan, for whatever reason.

"Right, so one of you tried to stab her... another one hypnotized someone... Plus one of you is half naked. What the ****?"

Sighing, she quickly "humphed" and looked away.

"...I thought you would be better than this, Nicole... I'm keeping an eye on you, you hear me?"

"The map's really helpful, don't worry," Nicole replied, offering a hopefully-comforting smile. Your later harumphing gets a much less positive response: "I don't really see how any of that's my fault," she says, giving you a weird look.

Megan either doesn't notice the direction of Nicole's sight, or doesn't care in the slightest. "Megan", she replies as she, after making sure Nicole get her own locker, finally pulls her own shorts and top - which cover slightly less than some particularly conservative bikinis. She obviously isn't afraid of putting her body on display... and has a body to get away with that, too. "Megan Pines. I'm on gymnastics team, and part-time on cheer squad, and gym's my favorite lesson. What about you? You're in grat shape yourself. It doesn't sound like flirting, either - girl's just blabbing out whatever's on her mind.~

Nicole grins, and replies "I've done a bit of everything, but only sport I ever got really involved in was the Arena. I mostly like running the maze, but more standard gladiator combat or dueling is a fun challenge too. You ever competed there?"

2017-03-12, 11:19 AM
"The map's really helpful, don't worry," Nicole replied, offering a hopefully-comforting smile. Your later harumphing gets a much less positive response: "I don't really see how any of that's my fault," she says, giving you a weird look.[/COLOR][/B]

"It's almost as if you APPROVE of it... I can't just accept that." She sighs. At least the map helped...

2017-03-12, 11:34 AM
Nicole grins, and replies "I've done a bit of everything, but only sport I ever got really involved in was the Arena. I mostly like running the maze, but more standard gladiator combat or dueling is a fun challenge too. You ever competed there?"
"Not, really, I don't really like fighting", Megan shakes her head, "So I never really got into the Arena thing... I only thought of it as a combaat sport, you know? But the maze - how does it work? Sounds interesting!"~

2017-03-12, 11:48 AM
"It's almost as if you APPROVE of it... I can't just accept that." She sighs. At least the map helped...

"Approval is a stretch, but I don't really mind. Seeing bare breasts in the locker room is one of those things I've gotten used to over time...as is getting stabbed, although for completely different reasons. Given how often fate seems to try and screw with things to make me wind up tripping face-first into some poor woman's chest, I could almost say that I'm resigned to it...but that carries an implication that I don't like it, which I have to admit isn't true." She bites her lip, before adding "Sorry, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable..."

"Not, really, I don't really like fighting", Megan shakes her head, "So I never really got into the Arena thing... I only thought of it as a combaat sport, you know? But the maze - how does it work? Sounds interesting!"~

"Given how much the blood sport aspect of the Arena is played up at the professional level, I'm not surprised; the maze variants still happen, but they're not as popular. I guess the most basic description is that the Maze Arena is designed to test creative thinking and problem-solving skills rather than pure fighting skill or magical power. Navigating through the maze, dealing with traps, setting traps for the other players, figuring out how to get past foes that can't be overwhelmed with pure force, piecing together riddles...all in all, it's a much more involved set-up, and most of the combat that takes place involves either setting traps, or figuring out the trick to cheating your way through a fight you couldn't normally win. A simple gladiator tourney, skirmish match, or spell duel is much easier to set-up, and shows off the talents of the combatants in a much more direct manner."

7th son of sons
2017-03-12, 11:50 AM
Nicole grins at you, sizing you up and checking you out. "Always amazing that so many people know my name before we meet. I suppose my reputation precedes me...as does yours, Miss Melvina. You spend much time in the arena yourself?"

Oh no, I woul'n't dream of steppin' 'nto that pla'e. 'Specially not when there's as many "high profile" figh'ers as there are. Bu' we can talk buisness later. Lizz finished, taking a quick scan of Nicole's newfound entourage. Seem's y'r already startin' to get y'r own fanclub than aren't ya? she teased with a grin, familiar with most of the students Nicole had found herself attracting. be'er to meet them 'ere than in there a' least.

2017-03-12, 12:26 PM
Hazel pulls Nicole into a hug, before placing her hands on Nicole's hips.

The name's Hazel, cutie. She replied, before taking one hand off her hip and gesturing to Jane. And this is my friend Jane. She replies gesturing to her.

And yeah, I've always been a natural charmer. Not that with most men I need that. She chuckles. You new here? She asks cocking her head.

2017-03-12, 12:27 PM
"Approval is a stretch, but I don't really mind. Seeing bare breasts in the locker room is one of those things I've gotten used to over time...as is getting stabbed, although for completely different reasons. Given how often fate seems to try and screw with things to make me wind up tripping face-first into some poor woman's chest, I could almost say that I'm resigned to it...but that carries an implication that I don't like it, which I have to admit isn't true." She bites her lip, before adding "Sorry, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable..."

"...Hmph. Fine then." These words were spoken much less condescendingly.

"...Honestly, I can totally understand where you're coming from. I felt the same way. Then I learned to fight back. Suffice to say, most people don't like to mess with me anymore. Occasionally you'll see a straggler, but that's very rare... at least when it involves me." The grin that Morgan made right now could melt glass.

"...I'll let you all off the hook for now. Don't feel like becoming a snitch."

2017-03-12, 12:47 PM
"...Hmph. Fine then." These words were spoken much less condescendingly.

"...Honestly, I can totally understand where you're coming from. I felt the same way. Then I learned to fight back. Suffice to say, most people don't like to mess with me anymore. Occasionally you'll see a straggler, but that's very rare... at least when it involves me." The grin that Morgan made right now could melt glass.

"...I'll let you all off the hook for now. Don't feel like becoming a snitch."

Plus! The succubus chirps up, It was either charm the lycan or let him beat the **** out of Nicole, and that didn't really seem fair to her, right?

2017-03-12, 12:50 PM
"Given how much the blood sport aspect of the Arena is played up at the professional level, I'm not surprised; the maze variants still happen, but they're not as popular. I guess the most basic description is that the Maze Arena is designed to test creative thinking and problem-solving skills rather than pure fighting skill or magical power. Navigating through the maze, dealing with traps, setting traps for the other players, figuring out how to get past foes that can't be overwhelmed with pure force, piecing together riddles...all in all, it's a much more involved set-up, and most of the combat that takes place involves either setting traps, or figuring out the trick to cheating your way through a fight you couldn't normally win. A simple gladiator tourney, skirmish match, or spell duel is much easier to set-up, and shows off the talents of the combatants in a much more direct manner."
"OK, that does sound fun", Megan nods enthusiastically, "I should at least try it sometimes, I guess!"

7th son of sons
2017-03-12, 12:59 PM
Plus! The succubus chirps up, It was either charm the lycan or let him beat the **** out of Nicole, and that didn't really seem fair to her, right?

Ther's not much 'd like to see more than f'r him to try, Lizz quipped with a knowing smile. Sh' might not look it, but Nicole 'ere's somethin' of a fighter.

2017-03-12, 01:00 PM
Oh no, I woul'n't dream of steppin' 'nto that pla'e. 'Specially not when there's as many "high profile" figh'ers as there are. Bu' we can talk buisness later. Lizz finished, taking a quick scan of Nicole's newfound entourage. Seem's y'r already startin' to get y'r own fanclub than aren't ya? she teased with a grin, familiar with most of the students Nicole had found herself attracting. be'er to meet them 'ere than in there a' least.

"Don't like fighting much yourself? I guess I can understand that; I tend towards the maze 'cause of how bogged down the more direct competitions get in having a sword-measuring contest."

Hazel pulls Nicole into a hug, before placing her hands on Nicole's hips.

The name's Hazel, cutie. She replied, before taking one hand off her hip and gesturing to Jane. And this is my friend Jane. She replies gesturing to her.

And yeah, I've always been a natural charmer. Not that with most men I need that. She chuckles. You new here? She asks cocking her head.

"Nice to meet the two of you," she replies, stepping to the side a bitto make holding her hips a bit too awkward to continue. "You move fast," she replied jokingly, her eyes flitting down to your chest briefly, "But I really should be behaving myself. New transfer, my old school...isn't a good fit for me. Oh, I don't suppose you've got 1414 as homeroom too?"

"Nice to meet you, Nicole," Jane replies. "And Hazel's not super-forward, she just gets really cold easily, and tends to try and leech warmth from people to stay toasty."

"Leeching body heat, huh?" Nicole responds dryly. "Sure, okay."

"...Hmph. Fine then." These words were spoken much less condescendingly.

"...Honestly, I can totally understand where you're coming from. I felt the same way. Then I learned to fight back. Suffice to say, most people don't like to mess with me anymore. Occasionally you'll see a straggler, but that's very rare... at least when it involves me." The grin that Morgan made right now could melt glass.

"...I'll let you all off the hook for now. Don't feel like becoming a snitch."

"You've certainly got a way of getting people to back down," Nicole replied, offering her a smile. "You 1414 as well, by the way?"

Plus! The succubus chirps up, It was either charm the lycan or let him beat the **** out of Nicole, and that didn't really seem fair to her, right?

Nicole manages to suppress a weak snicker, turning it into a cough.

Ther's not much 'd like to see more than f'r him to try, Lizz quipped with a knowing smile. Sh' might not look it, but Nicole 'ere's somethin' of a fighter.

"Probably giving me too much credit there. I'm alright at stuff."

"OK, that does sound fun", Megan nods enthusiastically, "I should at least try it sometimes, I guess!"

"Don't get me wrong, it's still Arena combat with other players, it just tends to involve less direct methods. If it's not your thing, no need to push yourself into it."

7th son of sons
2017-03-12, 01:04 PM
"Right, so one of you tried to stab her... another one hypnotized someone... Plus one of you is half naked. What the ****?"[/COLOR]

Glad to 'ear I meet your 'igh stand'rds for once, Morgan, Lizz replied with a roll of her eyes.

"Don't like fighting much yourself? I guess I can understand that; I tend towards the maze 'cause of how bogged down the more direct competitions get in having a sword-measuring contest."

'Ve seen your work. 's good stuff, I can't deny. Jus' my good fortune tha' I'm 1414 'swell. 'f even half this crew's gon' be joinin' us, this year jus' go' a lot more interestin.

2017-03-12, 01:22 PM
"Nice to meet the two of you," she replies, stepping to the side a bitto make holding her hips a bit too awkward to continue. "You move fast," she replied jokingly, her eyes flitting down to your chest briefly, "But I really should be behaving myself. New transfer, my old school...isn't a good fit for me. Oh, I don't suppose you've got 1414 as homeroom too?"

"Nice to meet you, Nicole," Jane replies. "And Hazel's not super-forward, she just gets really cold easily, and tends to try and leech warmth from people to stay toasty."

"Leeching body heat, huh?" Nicole responds dryly. "Sure, okay."

At Nicole's glance, Hazel who had lost her grip on Nicole's hips stretches her arms back casually presenting her chest.

Yeah 1414 too. For both of us. You'll want to actually be doing the exercises, or at least trying them. She's fine if you give it your all, but she's scary if you don't. Hazel warned leaning back to Jane's side her head under Jane's shoulder as a blush creeps onto her cheeks.

If you want to make a contribution to the keep Hazel warm fund... Hazel replied with a grin.

Glad to 'ear I meet your 'igh stand'rds for once, Morgan, Lizz replied with a roll of her eyes.

H.. h... hey Lizz. Hazel called waving Lizz over as her cheeks turned beat red.

2017-03-12, 01:32 PM
'Ve seen your work. 's good stuff, I can't deny. Jus' my good fortune tha' I'm 1414 'swell. 'f even half this crew's gon' be joinin' us, this year jus' go' a lot more interestin.

"Definitely interesting. I'm looking forward to it~" Nicole replied, a wide grin on her face as she glanced around at the friends she'd made so quickly.

Yeah 1414 too. For both of us. You'll want to actually be doing the exercises, or at least trying them. She's fine if you give it your all, but she's scary if you don't. Hazel warned leaning back to Jane's side her head under Jane's shoulder as a blush creeps onto her cheeks.

"Coach Marjorie? Yeah, I met her a few days ago, she's seems...intense," Nicole replied, searching for the right word. "Definitely knows what she's doing,though."

If you want to make a contribution to the keep Hazel warm fund... Hazel replied with a grin.[/QUOTE]

Nicole giggled a bit. "Any rewards for high-level donations?"

7th son of sons
2017-03-12, 01:39 PM
"Definitely interesting. I'm looking forward to it~" Nicole replied, a wide grin on her face as she glanced around at the friends she'd made so quickly.

Nicole giggled a bit. "Any rewards for high-level donations?"

H.. h... hey Lizz. Hazel called waving Lizz over as her cheeks turned beat red.

Lizz wrapped her friend up in her arms. Don' mind 'f I make a donation of m'own, do ya? She quipped, resting her head on the smaller girls shoulder.

2017-03-12, 01:45 PM
Who could have been the one to take the glory of a duel from Corona? , it may have been a wizard, a witch or a devil god, looking to interfere with her knightly duties. Corona made a quick glance and using her abilities was able to notice, the green light that for a moment covered both the damsel and the would-be perpetrator, then Corona quickly realized that it had to be a witch, as most of the wizard's spells tend to have a blue light while the witches a green light, and there was only one and Corona knew exactly who she was.

Yes, it was Hazel "The Witch of the Darkmoon" as Corona often called her, but Corona had very few encounters with her in the past and most of them were now in the distant past, Corona could remember how she tried to convince the teachers that she was a danger to the whole school by saying "Sires, it is now that we must put a stop to the devilish acts of the demon of the Darkmoon, who goes by the name Hazel before its too late" the teachers tried to calm her down saying some things without much compromise with the intention of just making her go and leave them in peace, but for Corona that was a green card for whatever she wanted to do as long as it was against that Witch.

Of course the battle between witch and knight, never happened as the next day Corona was back in Spain with her family for some family reasons that involved a large inheritance and a golden duck with some diamonds.

Corona forgot about what she said when the next month came but now it was time to show the demonic witch what she deserved, but first she needed to keep the damsel out of the fight and what better way that to show her, the true colors of the witch.

She quickly made her way to the damsel and made a quick bow and started to speak with a tone of voice and accent that clearly differentiated her from a normal girl, with the intention of sounding like a Knight.

"Buenos Días milady, I am Corona Escarrá the knight of the flower, natural of Spain, as you may have noticed the guy that just run away had been charmed by the witch that you have next to you, who calls herself Hazel, I must note that I am grateful that nothing happened to you as a person of such beauty should not be disturbed by lowlings like the one you saw, but I cannot accept that this witch took from me the honor and glory of the duel that would have happened should have her not interfered. I must tell you that I have traveled far and wide, but I have never seen such a demon that interferes not only with the honor of knights but also with innocent people and many others, I would highly suggest that you don't relate to someone like her and allow me to fight her for my lost glory and if you desire it I would fight in your name and for your glory and honor , as I would not be less than honoured if I fought for a person such as yourself"

2017-03-12, 02:18 PM
[COLOR="#800000"]"Coach Marjorie? Yeah, I met her a few days ago, she's seems...intense," Nicole replied, searching for the right word. "Definitely knows what she's doing,though."

Nicole giggled a bit. "Any rewards for high-level donations?"

Oh yeah she's certainly a good teacher, just no nonsense. Hazel replied.

Why don't you try it and find out? She asked with a smirk and eyebrow waggle.

Lizz wrapped her friend up in her arms. Don' mind 'f I make a donation of m'own, do ya? She quipped, resting her head on the smaller girls shoulder.

~Not at all..... Hazel replied a large grin on her face as Lizz wrapped her up in a hug.

Who could have been the one to take the glory of a duel from Corona? , it may have been a wizard, a witch or a devil god, looking to interfere with her knightly duties. Corona made a quick glance and using her abilities was able to notice, the green light that for a moment covered both the damsel and the would-be perpetrator, then Corona quickly realized that it had to be a witch, as most of the wizard's spells tend to have a blue light while the witches a green light, and there was only one and Corona knew exactly who she was.

Yes, it was Hazel "The Witch of the Darkmoon" as Corona often called her, but Corona had very few encounters with her in the past and most of them were now in the distant past, Corona could remember how she tried to convince the teachers that she was a danger to the whole school by saying "Sires, it is now that we must put a stop to the devilish acts of the demon of the Darkmoon, who goes by the name Hazel before its too late" the teachers tried to calm her down saying some things without much compromise with the intention of just making her go and leave them in peace, but for Corona that was a green card for whatever she wanted to do as long as it was against that Witch.

Of course the battle between witch and knight, never happened as the next day Corona was back in Spain with her family for some family reasons that involved a large inheritance and a golden duck with some diamonds.

Corona forgot about what she said when the next month came but now it was time to show the demonic witch what she deserved, but first she needed to keep the damsel out of the fight and what better way that to show her, the true colors of the witch.

She quickly made her way to the damsel and made a quick bow and started to speak with a tone of voice and accent that clearly differentiated her from a normal girl, with the intention of sounding like a Knight.

"Buenos Días milady, I am Corona Escarrá the knight of the flower, natural of Spain, as you may have noticed the guy that just run away had been charmed by the witch that you have next to you, who calls herself Hazel, I must note that I am grateful that nothing happened to you as a person of such beauty should not be disturbed by lowlings like the one you saw, but I cannot accept that this witch took from me the honor and glory of the duel that would have happened should have her not interfered. I must tell you that I have traveled far and wide, but I have never seen such a demon that interferes not only with the honor of knights but also with innocent people and many others, I would highly suggest that you don't relate to someone like her and allow me to fight her for my lost glory and if you desire it I would fight in your name and for your glory and honor , as I would not be less than honoured if I fought for a person such as yourself"

Hazel chirped from the two girls currently hugging her.

I believe you mean to say. Thank you Hazel for preventing a fight in which Nicole may have gotten harmed.

I mean if a duel's that important, next time be faster? Maybe you'll meet in the arena?

7th son of sons
2017-03-12, 03:10 PM
"Buenos Días milady, I am Corona Escarrá the knight of the flower, natural of Spain, as you may have noticed the guy that just run away had been charmed by the witch that you have next to you, who calls herself Hazel, I must note that I am grateful that nothing happened to you as a person of such beauty should not be disturbed by lowlings like the one you saw, but I cannot accept that this witch took from me the honor and glory of the duel that would have happened should have her not interfered. I must tell you that I have traveled far and wide, but I have never seen such a demon that interferes not only with the honor of knights but also with innocent people and many others, I would highly suggest that you don't relate to someone like her and allow me to fight her for my lost glory and if you desire it I would fight in your name and for your glory and honor , as I would not be less than honoured if I fought for a person such as yourself"

Lizz sighed at the dramatic emergence of That knight. Corona, was it? She began, taking an arm from her friend to rub the spot between her eyebrows. firstly, Hazel's status 's witch an' demon 'ave nothin' to do w'th the honour of a knight. No ones tryin' to interfere with y'r honor, no one cares 'nough to. an' second, If your lookin' to fight to regain y'r honor, ya do realize 'm right 'ere? I can arrange a duel wit' whoever ya nee' to impress the pretty lady.

2017-03-12, 03:12 PM
[COLOR="#800000"]"You've certainly got a way of getting people to back down," Nicole replied, offering her a smile. "You 1414 as well, by the way?"

"Yes, I'm 1414."

Glad to 'ear I meet your 'igh stand'rds for once, Morgan, Lizz replied with a roll of her eyes.

"Hey, no need to apologize." Morgan coughs. "True, you couldn't have walked away, but honestly? I would have preferred you beat the snot out of him. I hate mind control."

2017-03-12, 04:00 PM
Just after Corona had finished listening to what that demon had to say, one of her friends intervened, it was the Celtic one or mostly known as the barbaric one, Corona had given her a nickname that for being too improper to Corona's manners, she never says but it is related to her very thick accent that is not at all elegant even if her ways are. Finishing her response on her head, She gave a clear and decisive response.

"Oh you are right" Corona said with irony "Of course, I will not draw my blade against such a lowly being as it doesn't fit my status as a knight, a well-done apology to my honor and a pledge to not injure my honor would be more than enough, nevertheless, I don't trust that a being like her will keep her promises so if the damsel would be a witness to this pledge , I would be very pleased and this affair would be resolved, otherwise I will have to go through the route that characterizes knights like me and punish her act as it fits her kind "

Corona finished by giving both of the witch and the self-called lady, a quite notable expression of aversion. Although, she maintained her temper to avoid stereotypes from being true as to keep the honor of her homeland intact.

Sgt. Cookie
2017-03-12, 04:07 PM
Nicole nods, any innuendo flying over her head. "I like a good scrap now and then...formal or otherwise. Really gets the blood pumping~"

"I must admit to not being one for fighting. But in this school... well, you quickly learn where sharp objects go. One way or another." Yanako says, before pausing then turning to Morgan, "If I wanted to stab Nicole, the neck is a terrible place. Death doesn't occur for quite some time and, contrary to the media, is also loud and far too messy. Shearing a tendon in her dominant arm and then strangulation would be far faster and less bloody." The cold, clinical tone of Yanako's voice making it just that little bit more unsettling.

"1414 homeroom as well. Yes. P.E is the first lesson for today. I believe it's higher mathematics after? Be warned about Miss Galavan, she has a habit of springing unanounced quizzes on her students," Yanako smirks for a split second, and is also her first display of emotion in this conversation, "well, at least they're unannounced for most of her students."

7th son of sons
2017-03-12, 04:17 PM
"Hey, no need to apologize." Morgan coughs. "True, you couldn't have walked away, but honestly? I would have preferred you beat the snot out of him. I hate mind control."

'll keep i' in mind, Lizz replied offhandedly.

"Oh you are right" Corona said with irony "Of course, I will not draw my blade against such a lowly being as it doesn't fit my status as a knight, a well-done apology to my honor and a pledge to not injure my honor would be more than enough, nevertheless, I don't trust that a being like her will keep her promises so if the damsel would be a witness to this pledge , I would be very pleased and this affair would be resolved, otherwise I will have to go through the route that characterizes knights like me and punish her act as it fits her kind ".

At the mention of "punishment", Lizz's temperment notably soured, her eyes narrowing as she looked over Corona. 'M goin' t' try an' be perfectly clear, self-proclaimin' knight. Ya' put a finger on my friend, an' you're goin' back to Spain's gonna be f'r medical treatment. I gotta couple'a demon clients who'd love t'hear what you 'ave to say about 'em.

2017-03-12, 04:24 PM
"Oh, don't remind me of math quizzes..." Megan quickly shakes her head, dismissing the thought, "Anyway, it won't happen until it happens, and we can still have some fun before that... oh, and yes, I'm in 1414, too!"

2017-03-12, 04:58 PM
"Yes, I'm 1414."

"Awesome, more friends in homeroom is nice," Nicole said approvingly.

She quickly made her way to the damsel and made a quick bow and started to speak with a tone of voice and accent that clearly differentiated her from a normal girl, with the intention of sounding like a Knight.

"Buenos Días milady, I am Corona Escarrá the knight of the flower, natural of Spain, as you may have noticed the guy that just run away had been charmed by the witch that you have next to you, who calls herself Hazel, I must note that I am grateful that nothing happened to you as a person of such beauty should not be disturbed by lowlings like the one you saw, but I cannot accept that this witch took from me the honor and glory of the duel that would have happened should have her not interfered. I must tell you that I have traveled far and wide, but I have never seen such a demon that interferes not only with the honor of knights but also with innocent people and many others, I would highly suggest that you don't relate to someone like her and allow me to fight her for my lost glory and if you desire it I would fight in your name and for your glory and honor , as I would not be less than honoured if I fought for a person such as yourself"

Hazel chirped from the two girls currently hugging her.

I believe you mean to say. Thank you Hazel for preventing a fight in which Nicole may have gotten harmed. I mean if a duel's that important, next time be faster? Maybe you'll meet in the arena?

Lizz sighed at the dramatic emergence of That knight. Corona, was it? She began, taking an arm from her friend to rub the spot between her eyebrows. firstly, Hazel's status 's witch an' demon 'ave nothin' to do w'th the honour of a knight. No ones tryin' to interfere with y'r honor, no one cares 'nough to. an' second, If your lookin' to fight to regain y'r honor, ya do realize 'm right 'ere? I can arrange a duel wit' whoever ya nee' to impress the pretty lady.

Just after Corona had finished listening to what that demon had to say, one of her friends intervened, it was the Celtic one or mostly known as the barbaric one, Corona had given her a nickname that for being too improper to Corona's manners, she never says but it is related to her very thick accent that is not at all elegant even if her ways are. Finishing her response on her head, She gave a clear and decisive response.

"Oh you are right" Corona said with irony "Of course, I will not draw my blade against such a lowly being as it doesn't fit my status as a knight, a well-done apology to my honor and a pledge to not injure my honor would be more than enough, nevertheless, I don't trust that a being like her will keep her promises so if the damsel would be a witness to this pledge , I would be very pleased and this affair would be resolved, otherwise I will have to go through the route that characterizes knights like me and punish her act as it fits her kind "

Corona finished by giving both of the witch and the self-called lady, a quite notable expression of aversion. Although, she maintained her temper to avoid stereotypes from being true as to keep the honor of her homeland intact.

"Lowly being?" Nicole echoed quietly, finally finding her voice since this whole debacle began. Her voice wavered as she fought to keep it even. "What, exactly, do you mean by that, lady Knight? Because I'm struggling to think of an acceptable explanation for such a complete lack tact and decorum. Fair warning, I'm going to have to insist on you apologizing for the insult you've dealt if your explanation is lacking."

2017-03-12, 05:04 PM
"I must admit to not being one for fighting. But in this school... well, you quickly learn where sharp objects go. One way or another." Yanako says, before pausing then turning to Morgan, "If I wanted to stab Nicole, the neck is a terrible place. Death doesn't occur for quite some time and, contrary to the media, is also loud and far too messy. Shearing a tendon in her dominant arm and then strangulation would be far faster and less bloody." The cold, clinical tone of Yanako's voice making it just that little bit more unsettling.

"1414 homeroom as well. Yes. P.E is the first lesson for today. I believe it's higher mathematics after? Be warned about Miss Galavan, she has a habit of springing unanounced quizzes on her students," Yanako smirks for a split second, and is also her first display of emotion in this conversation, "well, at least they're unannounced for most of her students."

Nicole nodded. "'sides, it's not like she actually stabbed me. Granted, a knife isn't a great way to greet somebody in a friendly manner regardless, but no harm no foul." She looks decidedly more interested in the math class discussion. "Oh, what kind of mathematics is that class? The book list had a bunch of subjects bundled together, and the class description didn't specify. Trig, calculus, statistics? I assume it's going to stick to math theory, rather than delving into applied math with the sciences."

"Oh, don't remind me of math quizzes..." Megan quickly shakes her head, dismissing the thought, "Anyway, it won't happen until it happens, and we can still have some fun before that... oh, and yes, I'm in 1414, too!"

Nicole blushed. "Sorry for jumping on that, it's kinda one of my favorite subjects. I mean, I'm not great at it, but it's fun finding weird ways to apply the lesson sometimes..."

2017-03-12, 05:18 PM
"Lowly being?" Nicole echoed quietly, finally finding her voice since this whole debacle began. Her voice wavered as she fought to keep it even. "What, exactly, do you mean by that, lady Knight? Because I'm struggling to think of an acceptable explanation for such a complete lack tact and decorum. Fair warning, I'm going to have to insist on you apologizing for the insult you've dealt if your explanation is lacking."

Hazel reaches over and tugs Nicole's shirt gently.

It's fine, nothing I haven't dealt with before. Hazel

Nicole nodded. "'sides, it's not like she actually stabbed me. Granted, a knife isn't a great way to greet somebody in a friendly manner regardless, but no harm no foul." She looks decidedly more interested in the math class discussion. "Oh, what kind of mathematics is that class? The book list had a bunch of subjects bundled together, and the class description didn't specify. Trig, calculus, statistics? I assume it's going to stick to math theory, rather than delving into applied math with the sciences."

Nicole blushed. "Sorry for jumping on that, it's kinda one of my favorite subjects. I mean, I'm not great at it, but it's fun finding weird ways to apply the lesson sometimes..."

Hazel looks much more animated with math as well. Oh her class is fine. The unannounced quizzes are never on material we shouldn't know if we were paying attention. She protests.

2017-03-12, 05:20 PM
"Awesome, more friends in homeroom is nice," Nicole said approvingly.

"Lowly being?" Nicole echoed quietly, finally finding her voice since this whole debacle began. Her voice wavered as she fought to keep it even. "What, exactly, do you mean by that, lady Knight? Because I'm struggling to think of an acceptable explanation for such a complete lack tact and decorum. Fair warning, I'm going to have to insist on you apologizing for the insult you've dealt if your explanation is lacking."

Corona clearly lost it, she had never been faced with such eventuality in her adventures, but she was nevertheless going to respond, because not doing it would meant another injury to his honor and this was one that would burden her more than the other.

"Well..someone..that is not a knight and interferes...." She struggled a bit to struggle the words out but regained composture in a couple seconds "Anyways, the code is too long to bother you all with it , I will apology since she didn't notice my arrival and my declaration, so sorry for that Hezel"

With that she bowed to Nicole and quickly left to continue her daily patrols.Thoughts about the code of knights flooded her mind to the point that she gave little attention to what happened around her and with the issue was left in the past.

2017-03-12, 05:43 PM
Hazel reaches over and tugs Nicole's shirt gently.

It's fine, nothing I haven't dealt with before. Hazel

Corona clearly lost it, she had never been faced with such eventuality in her adventures, but she was nevertheless going to respond, because not doing it would meant another injury to his honor and this was one that would burden her more than the other.

"Well..someone..that is not a knight and interferes...." She struggled a bit to struggle the words out but regained composture in a couple seconds "Anyways, the code is too long to bother you all with it , I will apology since she didn't notice my arrival and my declaration, so sorry for that Hezel"

With that she bowed to Nicole and quickly left to continue her daily patrols.Thoughts about the code of knights flooded her mind to the point that she gave little attention to what happened around her and with the issue was left in the past.

Hazel stared at the retreating figure, conflicting emotions playing across her face. "That doesn't make it any better., she finally says.

Hazel looks much more animated with math as well. Oh her class is fine. The unannounced quizzes are never on material we shouldn't know if we were paying attention. She protests.

The return to more friendly discussions visibly relieves the young woman. "That's usually the case when it comes to pop quizzes, at least in my experience," Nicole adds.

7th son of sons
2017-03-12, 05:52 PM
The return to more friendly discussions visibly relieves the young woman. "That's usually the case when it comes to pop quizzes, at least in my experience," Nicole adds.

Th' only tough par' is the bi' abou' payin' attention, Lizz replied with a sigh. Never was much f'r numbers.

2017-03-12, 05:53 PM
You do get used to it though. Hazel says sadly.

But yeah, Ms.Galavan's class is fine, right Jane? Hazel said retreating into Jane's frame.

I..I could help you if you want... Hazel replies to Lizz happily.

2017-03-12, 05:59 PM
Th' only tough par' is the bi' abou' payin' attention, Lizz replied with a sigh. Never was much f'r numbers.

"It's definitely not for everybody," Nicole agrees, "But that's true of a lot of things. I mean, I'm not really a huge fan of history."

You do get used to it though. Hazel says sadly.

But yeah, Ms.Galavan's class is fine, right Jane? Hazel said retreating into Jane's frame.

Nicole gives Hazel a sad smile, but drops the mini-argument, not wanting to push her new friend further on the matter.

Jane was still staring after the retreating knight with a scowl on her face. "You'd think they'd have the manners to treat a lady better than that," she muttered.

Nicole sighed. "Regardless, they apologized. Let's just leave it behind us for now...just my luck, two fights in nearly 15 minutes..."

Sgt. Cookie
2017-03-12, 06:05 PM
"'She' is always available you know... Yanako adds, her... prices might be a little unusual but she always delivers... You need only ask to be put in contact..." . "She" of course being the mysterious Intel-Chan, for whom Yanako is known to be... a go-between.

2017-03-12, 06:08 PM
"It's definitely not for everybody," Nicole agrees, "But that's true of a lot of things. I mean, I'm not really a huge fan of history."

Nicole gives Hazel a sad smile, but drops the mini-argument, not wanting to push her new friend further on the matter.

Jane was still staring after the retreating knight with a scowl on her face. "You'd think they'd have the manners to treat a lady better than that," she muttered.

Nicole sighed. "Regardless, they apologized. Let's just leave it behind us for now...just my luck, two fights in nearly 15 minutes..."

Not a fan of history? How could you not be a fan of history! Hazel protests. I mean just imagine the people who lived through the black death, or the industrial revolution, and how they must have thought and felt!

Before relaxing in Jane's side grasp.

Well that's just how I feel... Hazel admits.

7th son of sons
2017-03-12, 06:13 PM
I..I could help you if you want... Hazel replies to Lizz happily.

Thanks swee'ie, Lizz answered with a smile, petting her friends head. Knew I c'ld count on ya.

Nicole sighed. "Regardless, they apologized. Let's just leave it behind us for now...just my luck, two fights in nearly 15 minutes..."

Ya, they're pre'y common, 'fraid to say. Try t' keep m'own in line bu' e'rryone else is somethin' of a loon. No offense t'the rest o' ya.

2017-03-12, 06:29 PM
"'She' is always available you know... Yanako adds, her... prices might be a little unusual but she always delivers... You need only ask to be put in contact..." . "She" of course being the mysterious Intel-Chan, for whom Yanako is known to be... a go-between.

"Who are you talking about?" Nicole asked. "Is she a tutor?"

Not a fan of history? How could you not be a fan of history! Hazel protests. I mean just imagine the people who lived through the black death, or the industrial revolution, and how they must have thought and felt!

Before relaxing in Jane's side grasp.

Well that's just how I feel... Hazel admits.

"Well, I mean, history's important for understanding how things are and stuff, but I imagine it's a lot more interesting to people who lived through it - er, sort of lived through it, anyway."

Thanks swee'ie, Lizz answered with a smile, petting her friends head. Knew I c'ld count on ya.

Ya, they're pre'y common, 'fraid to say. Try t' keep m'own in line bu' e'rryone else is somethin' of a loon. No offense t'the rest o' ya.

Sgt. Cookie
2017-03-12, 06:43 PM
"Who are you talking about?" Nicole asked. "Is she a tutor?"

"'She' goes by Intel-Chan. There's very little she doesn't know about the goings on in this school. Some things students shouldn't know. But she doesn't do things for free. Favour for a favour. You know?" she pitches, idly adjusting her blouse.

2017-03-12, 06:59 PM
"'She' goes by Intel-Chan. There's very little she doesn't know about the goings on in this school. Some things students shouldn't know. But she doesn't do things for free. Favour for a favour. You know?" she pitches, idly adjusting her blouse.

"Ah, I see," Nicole replied, nodding. "Less formal, but...definitely an interesting opportunity. If I need help with my classes, she'd be able to help, then? That's great!"

2017-03-12, 07:32 PM
"Well, I mean, history's important for understanding how things are and stuff, but I imagine it's a lot more interesting to people who lived through it - er, sort of lived through it, anyway."

Okay, okay. That's fair I have a bit of an advantage there. Hazel admits.

2017-03-14, 11:59 PM
Episode 1 Scene 2

The bell rings just moments after the lot of you arrive at class, fully changed and ready for your physical education. The statuesque giantess Coach Marjorie enters the room, crouching to get through the door before straightening up to her full ~10 ft height. A quick shriek from her whistle causes the class to shut up and listen: "ALRIGHT CHILDREN, TODAY WE'RE RUNNING LAPS ON THE TRACK AFTER OUR WARMUP. AFTER YOU'VE GIVEN ME THREE MILES, YOU CAN PLAY WHATEVER LITTLE GAMES YOU WANT TO WITH THE TIME LEFT. GET MOVING!"

She leads the class out of the gym, out of the school, and down towards the Arena. The massive stadium seating surrounding the main battleground has a track running around the outside. Another quick blast of the whistle and rebuke from the coach sends the various students soaring down the track - with Nicole noticeably ahead of most everybody. "GET THE LEAD OUT!" Coach Marjorie roars at the stragglers.

Physical/Allure: You might not be the most physically fit, but you look so good in shorts it should be a crime. Spend the period showing off your body. D8, 2 VP.

Social/Conflict: Exercise is for suckers and tools, especially running laps. Refuse to participate in a way that makes Coach Marjorie not want to bother forcing you, and find some other way to spend your period. D10, 3 VP.

Physical/Skill: Three miles is basically nothing for you. Keep up with Nicole without getting winded, and spend the period playing intense sports! D8, 2 VP.

2017-03-15, 05:44 AM
...God damn it, PE! My only weakness! Morgan spent too much time working on transcendental equations in order to build wonder machines and figure out how fast Superman flies in order to truly be good at PE, although she wasn't that much worse at it than anything else... In fact, she could probably manage keeping up with Nicole, although she'd have to expend a bit more energy than normal.

At least she wouldn't get too tired afterwards... She had a plan. In her pocket was a device that could detect heat energy in the air and signal out where it came from. She would then use the device to make sure that she was expending EXACTLY how much energy she needed to keep up with Nicole, and then (consistently) use that much energy.

Strong Skill-Weak Physical+Genius Intellect+Tech Expert=+4 Skill

2017-03-15, 06:01 AM
As almost always is the case, the thought flickers across Kisat's processor that such excercise is pointless for her. A body of plastic and metal isn't built up by excercize, it's worn down by it. Especially with something as repetitive as just running. At least something novel gets her to work on her pathfinding or movement algorithms. Of course, this thought is quickly squished by realizing that trying to actually argue such would be unlikely to go anywhere. Thus, she dejectedly gets to her running, getting her 24 minutes of work in so she can get on to more interesting things.
Physical/Skill:+6 strong, -2 Weak and Sickly, +1 Everybody Loves Catgirls, +2 Feral Feline

2017-03-15, 06:14 AM
Megan sighs. Much as PE is her favorite subject, running is her least favorite part of it; it's not that she can't run, it's just boring. So, she keeps to her pace, enough to actually warm up properly, not enough to get tired, not aiming for the top, but keeping well ahead of the majority of the class.

Finishing the distance, her muscles in just the right tonus, she sits down on the ground aside the track and spreads her legs. "Hey, can someone help me with stretches?" she asks, looking around for students who finished already and aren't looking too tired to bother, "Nicole, you mind?"

2xStrong Physical/Skill, +2 All Natural (Phys/Skill), +2 Athletic (Unlim/Skill), +1 110% = +7

Sgt. Cookie
2017-03-15, 08:10 AM
A run. Super. Well, at least I can spend time with Nicole... Yanako thinks before setting off.

+1 Strong physical, +2 Crazy Dangerous. +3 total. :smallannoyed:

2017-03-15, 02:55 PM
Unfortunately for Megan perhaps Hazel takes Megan's offer as a general one.

I've got it Megan! Hazel called out a huge grin on her face.

Unfortunately, Hazel as much as she understood the human body, seemed to be using Megan as much of a tool to show off her own body, and ogling Megan herself then she spent actually helping her.

Oh well what was the worst that could happen?

Strong Physical. Strong Allure. Shameless, and burning a use of temptation. +7

Also using Faustian pact, and teamwork on Megan.

If my roll is messed with in any way, or Megan's is messed with or changed, cancel my roll.

2017-03-15, 05:17 PM
"What, THIS again?" Corona was sure that doing it for a time to satisfy the teachers was enough, but now she was tired of it, as Corona had her own physical training to do , which involved doing strange "knightly" posses ,carrying heavy weight backpacks and practicing her fighting style , things that she considered quite important and for that she had planned to use this hour for that purpose, but now she had to run many times over and over without much real benefit to her already worked body and physique.

So she quickly approached the teacher with no sign of fear and told her why she had to do her training and how important it was to her, what benefits it gave her and how she would be an example for the rest of the class if she was allowed to do her own thing.

Going for the Social/Conflict
+2 Foreign Charm +1 Strong Conflict +1 Better At Everything = +4 , and I invoke the rule of Drama (High Stakes like always)

7th son of sons
2017-03-15, 05:22 PM
Fin'lly, a chance t' stretch m' legs, Idelisa thought as she put on her workout gear, a tight fitting "Lass Kicker" T-Shirt and the shortest of short shorts. She didn't mind changing in front of the other girls, her body something of a symbol of pride for the half-fae. Once they were out and among the trees and the grass, she couldn't help but smile. And when the eyes of a few passing lads fell on her.. assets, her smile only widened. And with her usual stretching partner occupied with Megan, Idelisa had to go through it on her own... or would she?

Bending over far more than was neccessary, Idelisa cast her smile to the new student. Nicole, could y' be a dear 'n' help a lass ou'? No' exactly athletically inclinded on th's end. She called out, shaking her chest for added effect.

Both Strong Rolls +2, Charm and Grace +1, Supernaturally Attractive +2 = +5

2017-03-15, 06:49 PM
"What, THIS again?" Corona was sure that doing it for a time to satisfy the teachers was enough, but now she was tired of it, as Corona had her own physical training to do , which involved doing strange "knightly" posses ,carrying heavy weight backpacks and practicing her fighting style , things that she considered quite important and for that she had planned to use this hour for that purpose, but now she had to run many times over and over without much real benefit to her already worked body and physique.

So she quickly approached the teacher with no sign of fear and told her why she had to do her training and how important it was to her, what benefits it gave her and how she would be an example for the rest of the class if she was allowed to do her own thing.

Coach Marjorie eyes you shrewdly, seemingly impressed by your eloquent speech arguing that you would be better off skipping the laps. "Miss Escarrà, I appreciate your dedication to your workout routine, and I'll even act as sparring partner should you need one after you run your laps, but I've got a curriculum to meet, and a daily exercise to assign, to make sure all of you kids are in shape. It might not always make sense, but for now it's the rules, so unless you've got a written exception from a doctor or school official, I wanna see some HUSTLE!" Suddenly, the coach is looking past you...and then moving past you, likely to deal with some other problem. You see a couple students taking this as their opportunity to slip out of the Arena back towards the main school. You could follow them, report them to the Coach, or just consider it not your problem and run your laps so you can get to your real exercise...there's even some kids you could run alongside with who are just making it back around, like Morgan, Nicole, Yanako, and...Abraham, you think his name is.

...God damn it, PE! My only weakness! Morgan spent too much time working on transcendental equations in order to build wonder machines and figure out how fast Superman flies in order to truly be good at PE, although she wasn't that much worse at it than anything else... In fact, she could probably manage keeping up with Nicole, although she'd have to expend a bit more energy than normal.

At least she wouldn't get too tired afterwards... She had a plan. In her pocket was a device that could detect heat energy in the air and signal out where it came from. She would then use the device to make sure that she was expending EXACTLY how much energy she needed to keep up with Nicole, and then (consistently) use that much energy.

Your first couple laps around the quarter-mile track went pretty well; once Nicole finished stretching or whatever, she caught up to you pretty easily. "Lovely day for a run, isn't it?" she asked happily. "I like going for longer jogs sometimes - helps build stamina, you know?"

As almost always is the case, the thought flickers across Kisat's processor that such excercise is pointless for her. A body of plastic and metal isn't built up by excercize, it's worn down by it. Especially with something as repetitive as just running. At least something novel gets her to work on her pathfinding or movement algorithms. Of course, this thought is quickly squished by realizing that trying to actually argue such would be unlikely to go anywhere. Thus, she dejectedly gets to her running, getting her 24 minutes of work in so she can get on to more interesting things.
Physical/Skill:+6 strong, -2 Weak and Sickly, +1 Everybody Loves Catgirls, +2 Feral Feline

Nicole approaches on the inside, but rather than gradually making her way past you, she slows down to talk a bit. "I don't mean to sound - uh, like, bigoted, or anything - but does running laps actually - do anything for you?" she asked in between breaths; it appears she's fit, but not so fit as to be as indomitable as you are at this.

A run. Super. Well, at least I can spend time with Nicole... Yanako thinks before setting off.

Your skill in running is more tuned to sprinting than long-distance, and you find your stamina quickly fading until you're left jogging slowly along the track. A lot of kids have finished running, but Nicole is still going around - you're pretty sure she's finished, actually, weird...

She makes her way around to where you are, and slows down to strike up a conversation; you idly note that she doesn't even really seem winded that much. "You doing alright - Yanako?" she asks, concern leaking into her words in between breaks to breathe.

Megan sighs. Much as PE is her favorite subject, running is her least favorite part of it; it's not that she can't run, it's just boring. So, she keeps to her pace, enough to actually warm up properly, not enough to get tired, not aiming for the top, but keeping well ahead of the majority of the class.

Finishing the distance, her muscles in just the right tonus, she sits down on the ground aside the track and spreads her legs. "Hey, can someone help me with stretches?" she asks, looking around for students who finished already and aren't looking too tired to bother, "Nicole, you mind?"
Unfortunately for Megan perhaps Hazel takes Megan's offer as a general one.

I've got it Megan! Hazel called out a huge grin on her face.

Unfortunately, Hazel as much as she understood the human body, seemed to be using Megan as much of a tool to show off her own body, and ogling Megan herself then she spent actually helping her.

Oh well what was the worst that could happen?

The two of you...'stretching' attracts some catcalls and wolf-whistles from some of the students still running out their laps, as well as those who are hanging out in the stands after finishing. Nicole makes her way over to Lizz, but has more than enough attention span to spare a glance or two for you two beauties as well. "I don't think that's quite how you're supposed to go about stretching, Hazel," she teased. Turning her attention to Megan, she added "You were amazing out there, Megan! You practically flew around the track, and I think you actually managed to lap me at some point!"

Fin'lly, a chance t' stretch m' legs, Idelisa thought as she put on her workout gear, a tight fitting "Lass Kicker" T-Shirt and the shortest of short shorts. She didn't mind changing in front of the other girls, her body something of a symbol of pride for the half-fae. Once they were out and among the trees and the grass, she couldn't help but smile. And when the eyes of a few passing lads fell on her.. assets, her smile only widened. And with her usual stretching partner occupied with Megan, Idelisa had to go through it on her own... or would she?

Bending over far more than was neccessary, Idelisa cast her smile to the new student. Nicole, could y' be a dear 'n' help a lass ou'? No' exactly athletically inclinded on th's end. She called out, shaking her chest for added effect.

As Nicole and Yanako approach, Nicole's eyes locked on your chest. "Uh...s-sure, Lizz," she replied, making her way over while most of the class passed up where she would be. She starts her own stretches as well, making sure to keep her breathing even and steady. "You, uh...I saw you running out on the track. You looked really good." She blushes scarlet, realizing the dual meaning her words could carry. "I mean, you have a good running technique for avoiding fatigue, is what I meant," she says, her words nearly tripping over each other.

2017-03-15, 07:06 PM
Hazel who had been blowing kisses to particularly wolf whistlers, guy and girl, and who had been just as distracted by Lizz's stretching as Nicole was, turns to Nicole.

Huh?... She starts a faint blush on her cheeks.

Oh, it's uh really advanced stretching. Hazel jokes. I learned it in my advanced PE class. She continues, wondering how her friends in the polisci club were doing.

7th son of sons
2017-03-15, 07:17 PM
As Nicole and Yanako approach, Nicole's eyes locked on your chest. "Uh...s-sure, Lizz," she replied, making her way over while most of the class passed up where she would be. She starts her own stretches as well, making sure to keep her breathing even and steady. "You, uh...I saw you running out on the track. You looked really good." She blushes scarlet, realizing the dual meaning her words could carry. "I mean, you have a good running technique for avoiding fatigue, is what I meant," she says, her words nearly tripping over each other.

I always look g'd, the fae girl teased. 'may not be a combat athlete, bu' a girls go'a keep herself in shape, yeah?

2017-03-15, 07:22 PM
Nicole approaches on the inside, but rather than gradually making her way past you, she slows down to talk a bit. "I don't mean to sound - uh, like, bigoted, or anything - but does running laps actually - do anything for you?" she asked in between breaths; it appears she's fit, but not so fit as to be as indomitable as you are at this.

"Do not bother worrying. Questions pertaining to my workings are a good sign of healthy intellectual appetite! But no. Thus, why I don't run faster. That would only wear my servos down to no benefit." The automaton responds without breaking a stride in it's progression.

2017-03-16, 12:32 AM
Unfortunately for Megan perhaps Hazel takes Megan's offer as a general one.

I've got it Megan! Hazel called out a huge grin on her face.

Unfortunately, Hazel as much as she understood the human body, seemed to be using Megan as much of a tool to show off her own body, and ogling Megan herself then she spent actually helping her.

Oh well what was the worst that could happen?

The two of you...'stretching' attracts some catcalls and wolf-whistles from some of the students still running out their laps, as well as those who are hanging out in the stands after finishing. Nicole makes her way over to Lizz, but has more than enough attention span to spare a glance or two for you two beauties as well. "I don't think that's quite how you're supposed to go about stretching, Hazel," she teased. Turning her attention to Megan, she added "You were amazing out there, Megan! You practically flew around the track, and I think you actually managed to lap me at some point!"

Hazel who had been blowing kisses to particularly wolf whistlers, guy and girl, and who had been just as distracted by Lizz's stretching as Nicole was, turns to Nicole.

Huh?... She starts a faint blush on her cheeks.

Oh, it's uh really advanced stretching. Hazel jokes. I learned it in my advanced PE class. She continues, wondering how her friends in the polisci club were doing.
"And, it's, awesome!" Megan, looking at this point much like a pretzel with limbs randomly sticking out, squeaks, gassping for breath, "It's been... years... since anyone stretched me... so... thoroughly! People are... always... afraid to hurt me, I think... even when I... specifically... ask them to push harder!"~

2017-03-16, 05:10 AM
Morgan blushes upon seeing the girls stretching their legs and the others making cat calls.

"...Please stop "stretching": it's indecent." This always seems to happen...

You might hear a tinge of jealousy in Morgan's voice, if you were paying close attention.

After all was said and done, Morgan quickly responded to Nicole.

"Uh, sure. I understand that feeling." Her voice is not insincere, but it's not quite sincere, either.

2017-03-16, 06:01 AM
Morgan blushes upon seeing the girls stretching their legs and the others making cat calls.

"...Please stop "stretching": it's indecent." This always seems to happen...

You might hear a tinge of jealousy in Morgan's voice, if you were paying close attention.

"It's not indecent, it's excersizing!" Megan replies cheerfully, unfolding herself, "And you have to stretch after running as well - want me to help? Don't worry, I'll go easy on you!"

7th son of sons
2017-03-16, 07:42 AM
Morgan blushes upon seeing the girls stretching their legs and the others making cat calls.

"...Please stop "stretching": it's indecent." This always seems to happen...

You might hear a tinge of jealousy in Morgan's voice, if you were paying close attention.

After all was said and done, Morgan quickly responded to Nicole.

"Uh, sure. I understand that feeling." Her voice is not insincere, but it's not quite sincere, either.

Y'gotta stretch, love, Idelise commented, keeping up with the activity in question. Woul'n't want t'get hurt, w'ld ya?

2017-03-16, 08:11 AM
"It's not indecent, it's excersizing!" Megan replies cheerfully, unfolding herself, "And you have to stretch after running as well - want me to help? Don't worry, I'll go easy on you!"

"You're fine. The others, on the other hand... I could swear to god they're doing it intentionally." Morgan sighs.

"...And I forgot about stretching." Morgan begins to stretch herself.

Sgt. Cookie
2017-03-16, 08:32 AM
Your skill in running is more tuned to sprinting than long-distance, and you find your stamina quickly fading until you're left jogging slowly along the track. A lot of kids have finished running, but Nicole is still going around - you're pretty sure she's finished, actually, weird...

She makes her way around to where you are, and slows down to strike up a conversation; you idly note that she doesn't even really seem winded that much. "You doing alright - Yanako?" she asks, concern leaking into her words in between breaks to breathe.

"Yes... more... or... less..." Yanako says, through grasped breaths, "More of... a sprinter... than... long distance." Yanako slows a moment, takes a couple of deep breaths and gets back to jogging. "And even then, never really been one for raw athleticism. Cloak-and-dagger is more my speed."

2017-03-16, 09:56 AM
"Do not bother worrying. Questions pertaining to my workings are a good sign of healthy intellectual appetite! But no. Thus, why I don't run faster. That would only wear my servos down to no benefit." The automaton responds without breaking a stride in it's progression.

Nicole nodded thoughtfully. "Where them down...you could probably get a written exemption - if it's actually vaguely dangerous to you - well, for a certain value - of dangerous."

"Yes... more... or... less..." Yanako says, through grasped breaths, "More of... a sprinter... than... long distance." Yanako slows a moment, takes a couple of deep breaths and gets back to jogging. "And even then, never really been one for raw athleticism. Cloak-and-dagger is more my speed."

Nicole keeps pace with you patiently. "No worries, it's understandable. Still, always good to push your limits when you can - it's how you grow beyond yourself, and all that junk." She lapsed into silence briefly, before asking "Uh...out of curiosity, what do you mean by cloak-and-dagger?"

I always look g'd, the fae girl teased. 'may not be a combat athlete, bu' a girls go'a keep herself in shape, yeah?

Nicole admires your body for a moment. "You do a good job of it, that's for sure," she replied absentmindedly. "And you certainly know how to dress for attention, what size are these clothes girl?

Hazel who had been blowing kisses to particularly wolf whistlers, guy and girl, and who had been just as distracted by Lizz's stretching as Nicole was, turns to Nicole.

Huh?... She starts a faint blush on her cheeks.

Oh, it's uh really advanced stretching. Hazel jokes. I learned it in my advanced PE class. She continues, wondering how her friends in the polisci club were doing.

"And, it's, awesome!" Megan, looking at this point much like a pretzel with limbs randomly sticking out, squeaks, gassping for breath, "It's been... years... since anyone stretched me... so... thoroughly! People are... always... afraid to hurt me, I think... even when I... specifically... ask them to push harder!"~

Nicole giggled as she helped Lizz stretch a bit more normally. "Advanced stretching, huh? Can't say I'm familiar with those techniques, you'll have to give me a primer sometime."

Morgan blushes upon seeing the girls stretching their legs and the others making cat calls.

"...Please stop "stretching": it's indecent." This always seems to happen...

You might hear a tinge of jealousy in Morgan's voice, if you were paying close attention.
"You're fine. The others, on the other hand... I could swear to god they're doing it intentionally." Morgan sighs.

"...And I forgot about stretching." Morgan begins to stretch herself.

Nicole (and Lizz, to a lesser extent) help you out with stretching properly post-run. You notice Nicole eyeing your body at times, but Nicole pipes up with a question: "So, it's Literature next? What's that class like? And the teacher too, I guess."

Will respond to your response to Nicole once you come back online and see the comment on chronology, so we can both be on the same page on when it's happening.

Sgt. Cookie
2017-03-16, 11:23 AM
Nicole keeps pace with you patiently. "No worries, it's understandable. Still, always good to push your limits when you can - it's how you grow beyond yourself, and all that junk." She lapsed into silence briefly, before asking "Uh...out of curiosity, what do you mean by cloak-and-dagger?"

"Discretion in abundance rarely requires a hasty retreat." Yanako says, focusing more on finishing her three miles than anything else.

2017-03-16, 11:48 AM
Nicole giggled as she helped Lizz stretch a bit more normally. "Advanced stretching, huh? Can't say I'm familiar with those techniques, you'll have to give me a primer sometime."
"Oh, I'll be happy to", Megan grins, "Don't suppose I could rope you into gymnastics, though, can I? That with you're being busy with the arena..."~

2017-03-16, 12:19 PM
Nicole nodded thoughtfully. "Where them down...you could probably get a written exemption - if it's actually vaguely dangerous to you - well, for a certain value - of dangerous."

"Considered. Change of success multiplied by effort saved on success less than likely effort used. Not like I have any standard condition that a doctor could write a note for.Besides, a little wear is good, helps me practice my maintenance."

2017-03-16, 12:55 PM
"Discretion in abundance rarely requires a hasty retreat." Yanako says, focusing more on finishing her three miles than anything else.

Nicole nods, not quite sure how to respond to that. "I guess...uh..." She lapses into silence momentarily. "What are your favorite classes? I dunno, stupid question...I'm not great at small talk, or...friendship in general, I guess..."

"Oh, I'll be happy to", Megan grins, "Don't suppose I could rope you into gymnastics, though, can I? That with you're being busy with the arena..."~

Nicole shrugged noncommittally. "It's not yet so full that I couldn't, but I thought gymnastics - at least, competitive gymnastics - was much more of a long-term commitment. If it's not really for the competition, though, it could be a fun way to exercise."

"Considered. Change of success multiplied by effort saved on success less than likely effort used. Not like I have any standard condition that a doctor could write a note for.Besides, a little wear is good, helps me practice my maintenance."

"I suppose that makes sense," Nicole replied. "Although the more often stuff like this happens, the more effort that would be saved getting it dealt with now, right? I mean, I guess that would take away the opportunity for maintenance practice, but that seems more like a silver lining rather than a face-value motivation for 'exercising' with everybody."

After all was said and done, Morgan quickly responded to Nicole.

"Uh, sure. I understand that feeling." Her voice is not insincere, but it's not quite sincere, either.

Nicole shrugged sheepishly. "You don't sound quite as excited as I do, but I guess I'm a bit of a nut about this stuff." She notices your device, and asks "Oh, that looks neat! Does it help you run, or...something else?"

2017-03-16, 01:19 PM
I learned it in my advanced PE class. She continues, wondering how her friends in the polisci club were doing.

As you look around the track, you notice a couple of your friends from Political Science are already done...but far more are still on the track, huffing and puffing their way towards the 3 mile mark. Jane is doing about as well as you'd expect: her tendency towards thicker body-concealing clothing doesn't do her well in PE, and tends to sap her energy when extended physical activity is required.

2017-03-16, 02:06 PM
She tries that with everyone. Hazel says with a grin, about Megan. She even tried that with me, but I'm not exactly aerodynamic. Hazel adds.

You can do it! She calls out to her straggler friends.

2017-03-16, 02:57 PM
Nicole shrugged noncommittally. "It's not yet so full that I couldn't, but I thought gymnastics - at least, competitive gymnastics - was much more of a long-term commitment. If it's not really for the competition, though, it could be a fun way to exercise."

She tries that with everyone. Hazel says with a grin, about Megan. She even tried that with me, but I'm not exactly aerodynamic. Hazel adds.

"But you'll rock the leotard", Megan mentions... without specifying which of the girls she's talking about.~

2017-03-16, 03:05 PM
She tries that with everyone. Hazel says with a grin, about Megan. She even tried that with me, but I'm not exactly aerodynamic. Hazel adds.

You can do it! She calls out to her straggler friends.

Jane gives you a rather annoyed look as she passes near you on the track, before setting off on her next lap around. Nicole notices, and giggles at the byplay.

"But you'll rock the leotard", Megan mentions... without specifying which of the girls she's talking about.~

"She would, wouldn't she?" Nicole agreed, eyeing Hazel's body - and apparently not realizing that Megan was possible talking to Hazel about her.

2017-03-16, 03:16 PM
I know I would. Hazel said flaunting her curves. But I'd drag down the team and that's not fair to the rest of them.

2017-03-16, 03:25 PM
"I suppose that makes sense," Nicole replied. "Although the more often stuff like this happens, the more effort that would be saved getting it dealt with now, right? I mean, I guess that would take away the opportunity for maintenance practice, but that seems more like a silver lining rather than a face-value motivation for 'exercising' with everybody."

"Like I said, my solution to the effort is to just not go full-out, so it's not too big a deal. And yes, it is just silver lining, but isn't that what you should be looking for in any annoyance? Besides, if I got a waiver vs. this, I might have to sit out some of the more interesting things we do get to slash have to do."

7th son of sons
2017-03-16, 03:47 PM
Nicole admires your body for a moment. "You do a good job of it, that's for sure," she replied absentmindedly. "And you certainly know how to dress for attention, what size are these clothes girl?

No' ashamed of ta' say 'm a size two, She replied candidly, putting her her hands to her hips and arching her back till she heard a satisfying *pop*. 'less y'r asking for more... exact measurements, she finished with a teasing smile.

"But you'll rock the leotard", Megan mentions... without specifying which of the girls she's talking about.~

Aye, that she would, Ivelise acknowledged.

2017-03-16, 04:21 PM
No' ashamed of ta' say 'm a size two, She replied candidly, putting her her hands to her hips and arching her back till she heard a satisfying *pop*. 'less y'r asking for more... exact measurements, she finished with a teasing smile.

I know I am! Hazel calls out.

2017-03-16, 04:24 PM
I know I would. Hazel said flaunting her curves. But I'd drag down the team and that's not fair to the rest of them.

"Well maybe the two of us could join up and just use it as an opportunity for exercise and socializing, rather than going for the competition aspects? I'm sure it'd be a lot of fun."

"Like I said, my solution to the effort is to just not go full-out, so it's not too big a deal. And yes, it is just silver lining, but isn't that what you should be looking for in any annoyance? Besides, if I got a waiver vs. this, I might have to sit out some of the more interesting things we do get to slash have to do."

She chuckles a bit. "I guess that makes sense. I know I'm definitely looking forward to playing Bombardment again~"

No' ashamed of ta' say 'm a size two, She replied candidly, putting her her hands to her hips and arching her back till she heard a satisfying *pop*. 'less y'r asking for more... exact measurements, she finished with a teasing smile.

Nicole blushes, returning to her stretching. "No, no, that's fine. Not necessary," she stammers, trying and failing to keep her eyes from watching you pop your back.

I know I am! Hazel calls out.

Hazel's comment just makes Nicole's blush even worse.

7th son of sons
2017-03-16, 04:45 PM
Nicole blushes, returning to her stretching. "No, no, that's fine. Not necessary," she stammers, trying and failing to keep her eyes from watching you pop your back.

Hazel's comment just makes Nicole's blush even worse.

I know I am! Hazel calls out.

Ivelisse smiles at this development. 87 Bust, 58 Waist, 88 Hips, she recited proudly, not caring who heart the detailments of her body. It might even be good for business.

2017-03-16, 04:48 PM
"Well maybe the two of us could join up and just use it as an opportunity for exercise and socializing, rather than going for the competition aspects? I'm sure it'd be a lot of fun."

Does that actually happen Megan? Hazel asks cocking her head.

2017-03-16, 05:31 PM
Coach Marjorie eyes you shrewdly, seemingly impressed by your eloquent speech arguing that you would be better off skipping the laps. "Miss Escarrà, I appreciate your dedication to your workout routine, and I'll even act as sparring partner should you need one after you run your laps, but I've got a curriculum to meet, and a daily exercise to assign, to make sure all of you kids are in shape. It might not always make sense, but for now it's the rules, so unless you've got a written exception from a doctor or school official, I wanna see some HUSTLE!" Suddenly, the coach is looking past you...and then moving past you, likely to deal with some other problem. You see a couple students taking this as their opportunity to slip out of the Arena back towards the main school. You could follow them, report them to the Coach, or just consider it not your problem and run your laps so you can get to your real exercise...there's even some kids you could run alongside with who are just making it back around, like Morgan, Nicole, Yanako, and...Abraham, you think his name is.

Corona was many things for the people that knew her and even if she always tried to bend the rules to fit her world , she was a follower of rules and authority , much like every knight that she had read about. It was just when she would start running that she noticed the bandits that wanted to leave the Arena as such impulsed by a sense of duty Corona silently but quickly followed them , so see in what kind of bad deeds they were involved.

Her intentions were to stop them and tell the couch , but for that she first needed to judge to her best of abilities what kind of situations was that.

Sgt. Cookie
2017-03-16, 05:51 PM
Nicole nods, not quite sure how to respond to that. "I guess...uh..." She lapses into silence momentarily. "What are your favorite classes? I dunno, stupid question...I'm not great at small talk, or...friendship in general, I guess..."

Yanako slows her pace further, so as to talk and run. "That's quite alright. To tell the truth I much prefer sitting in silence with someone I care about. Maybe when I get through these laps, you'd care to sit in silence with me?"

2017-03-16, 06:21 PM
Ivelisse smiles at this development. 87 Bust, 58 Waist, 88 Hips, she recited proudly, not caring who heart the detailments of her body. It might even be good for business.

Nicole, despite how she's pretending not to be listening, is visibly repeating the numbers under her breath over and over, presumably to memorize them. :smalltongue:

Corona was many things for the people that knew her and even if she always tried to bend the rules to fit her world , she was a follower of rules and authority , much like every knight that she had read about. It was just when she would start running that she noticed the bandits that wanted to leave the Arena as such impulsed by a sense of duty Corona silently but quickly followed them , so see in what kind of bad deeds they were involved.

Her intentions were to stop them and tell the couch , but for that she first needed to judge to her best of abilities what kind of situations was that.

The three kids don't notice you following them. They head back to the gym, but go around back rather than heading inside. Peeking around the corner, they appear to be trading things back and forth, but their bodies are blocking your view of what exactly those things are. Do you confront them, go back to tell the coach, observe them for a while longer, just go back and run your laps, or something more unexpected?

Yanako slows her pace further, so as to talk and run. "That's quite alright. To tell the truth I much prefer sitting in silence with someone I care about. Maybe when I get through these laps, you'd care to sit in silence with me?"

Nicole nods. "I'll need to get stretching and stuff out of the way, but...that sounds nice and relaxing, yeah."

2017-03-16, 06:39 PM
The three kids don't notice you following them. They head back to the gym, but go around back rather than heading inside. Peeking around the corner, they appear to be trading things back and forth, but their bodies are blocking your view of what exactly those things are. Do you confront them, go back to tell the coach, observe them for a while longer, just go back and run your laps, or something more unexpected?

But what a strange thing, Corona thought , she obviously could not see well from her position and as such decided to climb the wall of the gym into the roof , which was indeed no easy task but she was prepared for it and had indeed done it once already.

Oh she could remember how the poor vandal tried to escape from her after he had tried to steal her meal , going as far as the roof of the gym and then in a quite desesperate manouver attempt to jump into another section , obviously this would have failed and the guy would had very serious wounds , but Corona saved him in the last second from failling into certain pain, the guy was grateful but received his punishment nonetheless and not by the hand of Corona but of his teachers , the poor guy ended up grounded for over a month .

But once those thoughts were over , she started to escalate the gym and try to see what those guys were doing.

2017-03-16, 07:57 PM
Nicole, despite how she's pretending not to be listening, is visibly repeating the numbers under her breath over and over, presumably to memorize them. :smalltongue:

Wanna hear mine? Hazel asks leaning in and pressing her body into Nicole.

Sgt. Cookie
2017-03-17, 08:02 PM
Nicole nods. "I'll need to get stretching and stuff out of the way, but...that sounds nice and relaxing, yeah."

Yanako stops for a moment to readjust the red-lined black ribbon holding her back length hair back. Damn thing had slipped out of place during the run. Taking both ends, she places the middle of the ribbon near the top of her hair and wraps it around both sides, making a vertical line of Xs down the middle. She then gets back to the run. "I'd like that too." she says.

2017-03-17, 08:04 PM
But what a strange thing, Corona thought , she obviously could not see well from her position and as such decided to climb the wall of the gym into the roof , which was indeed no easy task but she was prepared for it and had indeed done it once already.

Oh she could remember how the poor vandal tried to escape from her after he had tried to steal her meal , going as far as the roof of the gym and then in a quite desesperate manouver attempt to jump into another section , obviously this would have failed and the guy would had very serious wounds , but Corona saved him in the last second from failling into certain pain, the guy was grateful but received his punishment nonetheless and not by the hand of Corona but of his teachers , the poor guy ended up grounded for over a month .

But once those thoughts were over , she started to escalate the gym and try to see what those guys were doing.

Scaling walls looks much easier on TV than it actually is, but you manage to make it onto the gym to spy on them. Peering over the edge of the roof, you can see that they're trading...RobosaurTM cards!

Wanna hear mine? Hazel asks leaning in and pressing her body into Nicole.

"Th-that's not necessary, Hazel," Nicole replied. "Although it might be appreciated..." :smalltongue:

Yanako stops for a moment to readjust the red-lined black ribbon holding her back length hair back. Damn thing had slipped out of place during the run. Taking both ends, she places the middle of the ribbon near the top of her hair and wraps it around both sides, making a vertical line of Xs down the middle. She then gets back to the run. "I'd like that too." she says.

Nicole smiled at her, content to run in silence for a bit.

2017-03-17, 09:17 PM
As she would put it. Hazel said taking a moment to perform the calculations. 96, 78, 100 She recites.

7th son of sons
2017-03-17, 09:47 PM
As she would put it. Hazel said taking a moment to perform the calculations. 96, 78, 100 She recites.

'Sat right? Ivelisse questioned, walking behind her friend and wrapping her arms around her waist. Feels 'bout right. she teased.

2017-03-18, 06:41 AM
Nicole shrugged sheepishly. "You don't sound quite as excited as I do, but I guess I'm a bit of a nut about this stuff." She notices your device, and asks "Oh, that looks neat! Does it help you run, or...something else?"

"...Yes, it helps me run." Morgan says quietly. "Honestly, it's not that you're a nut about this stuff... just the opposite in fact. This is my least favorite class."

2017-03-18, 11:19 AM
Scaling walls looks much easier on TV than it actually is, but you manage to make it onto the gym to spy on them. Peering over the edge of the roof, you can see that they're trading...RobosaurTM cards!

Oh really! , thought Corona , in the past she had played with those same cards but now as a knight didn't bother which such unglorious games anymore, she instead collected Black KnightsTM cards which were , in her perspective, a lot more cooler that those of RobosaurTM, and she always carried her deck and with it her favorite knights who were the Knight of Black Moon , Knight of the Black Flower , etc.

She could, of course, decide to report them but it would be better if she teached them the better ways , which for her were the knights that fought dragons , saved princesses and protected the commonfolk, instead of robot dinosaurs that did little in the aspect of chilvary.

So she descended from her position back to where she was at the start of this small venture and with confidence talked to them, while trying to take out her deck which was somewhat stuck in her short. Thankfully and for the sake of her honor she was able to take it out without trouble.

And so the next minutes were spent convincing them guys to switch to the wonderful system of Black KnightsTM

2017-03-19, 07:49 PM
'Sat right? Ivelisse questioned, walking behind her friend and wrapping her arms around her waist. Feels 'bout right. she teased.

You can squeeze tighter.... Hazel said with a blush. Really make sure it's right.

2017-03-21, 10:25 PM
As she would put it. Hazel said taking a moment to perform the calculations. 96, 78, 100 She recites.

Nicole chuckles, glancing down. "I could believe it. Uhm..." she looks a bit flustered. "74, 60, 72," she mutters for the both of you to hear. All three numbers seem...off, for some reason, she definitely looks bigger than they seem to imply.

"...Yes, it helps me run." Morgan says quietly. "Honestly, it's not that you're a nut about this stuff... just the opposite in fact. This is my least favorite class."

Nicole sympathizes, and seems about to respond when a thundering voice interrupts. MORGAN!!! WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT USING YOUR FANCY GADGETS IN MY CLASS??!!!" An arm sized better for a gorilla than a person grabs you and plucks the device away. "YOU'LL GET THIS BACK AT THE END OF CLASS!! NOW FINISH YOUR LAPS!!!

For what it's worth, timelinewise, this is what distracted the coach from continuing to argue with Corona originally; Corona's scenes started now, as far as your perspective goes.

Oh really! , thought Corona , in the past she had played with those same cards but now as a knight didn't bother which such unglorious games anymore, she instead collected Black KnightsTM cards which were , in her perspective, a lot more cooler that those of RobosaurTM, and she always carried her deck and with it her favorite knights who were the Knight of Black Moon , Knight of the Black Flower , etc.

She could, of course, decide to report them but it would be better if she teached them the better ways , which for her were the knights that fought dragons , saved princesses and protected the commonfolk, instead of robot dinosaurs that did little in the aspect of chilvary.

So she descended from her position back to where she was at the start of this small venture and with confidence talked to them, while trying to take out her deck which was somewhat stuck in her short. Thankfully and for the sake of her honor she was able to take it out without trouble.

And so the next minutes were spent convincing them guys to switch to the wonderful system of Black KnightsTM

It seems a couple of them aren't familiar (and are vaguely interested at best) in Black KnightsTM, although their buddy seems to be pretty into it as well. All of them are interested in trading with you for Robosaurs, and the one dude is talking up his home deck, even offering to trade you some cards he doesn't use much himself for some cards in your deck. "I've got an Honorable Ambush and a couple Magitech Blades at home that I don't use much, and...well, I've been looking for a Lancelot's Charge for awhile, and it looks like you've got a couple of them. Interested in a trade?"

2017-03-21, 10:43 PM
You sure that's right? Hazel asks.

Why not just say it in inches? She asks.

2017-03-22, 01:13 AM
You sure that's right? Hazel asks.

Why not just say it in inches? She asks.

She frowns. "29, 23, 28? Wait..." she looks deep in thought, before facepalming. "No, sorry, 32, 25, 31. Those were my old measurements..." she says, blushing at the mistake.

2017-03-22, 01:18 AM
You are not exactly underendowed. Hazel remarks her gaze set to awandering.

2017-03-22, 08:39 AM
"I should tell you the same thing! All it does is tell me how much energy I'm using: it's not an issue, really!" Morgan pouts indignantly. "It's just a really fancy pedometer!"

Morgan continues running, clearly quite irritated that her toy had been taken away.

7th son of sons
2017-03-22, 02:47 PM
Lizz hugged her friend tighter, pressing her chest to the small girls back and wrapping her arms around her waist. Aye, feels like a righ' proper estimation, if I was any authority~

2017-03-24, 08:08 PM
You are not exactly underendowed. Hazel remarks her gaze set to awandering.

Lizz hugged her friend tighter, pressing her chest to the small girls back and wrapping her arms around her waist. Aye, feels like a righ' proper estimation, if I was any authority~

Nicole blushes. "Stupid old measurements confusing me...sooooo, what kinda sports you two like? I mean, like, stuff you do for fun?"

"I should tell you the same thing! All it does is tell me how much energy I'm using: it's not an issue, really!" Morgan pouts indignantly. "It's just a really fancy pedometer!"

Morgan continues running, clearly quite irritated that her toy had been taken away.

Nicole keeps pace with you. "That kind of thing happen often?" she asks. "Getting stuff taken away, I mean."

2017-03-24, 08:14 PM
Nicole keeps pace with you. "That kind of thing happen often?" she asks. "Getting stuff taken away, I mean."

"...More than I would like."

2017-03-24, 08:19 PM
Nicole blushes. "Stupid old measurements confusing me...sooooo, what kinda sports you two like? I mean, like, stuff you do for fun?"

I prefer running my mind, actually. Not one for sports.... Except for wrestling. Hazel replies.

2017-03-24, 10:27 PM
"...More than I would like."

"Teachers are pretty strict about that kinda stuff, I guess. You make those things yourself?"

I prefer running my mind, actually. Not one for sports.... Except for wrestling. Hazel replies.

Nicole snorts. "Why am I not surprised? I suppose you're pretty good at pinning people, then?" she asks jokingly.

2017-03-24, 10:31 PM
Nicole snorts. "Why am I not surprised? I suppose you're pretty good at pinning people, then?" she asks jokingly.

Or getting pinned, either or. Hazel replies with a shrug.

2017-03-25, 08:24 AM
"Teachers are pretty strict about that kinda stuff, I guess. You make those things yourself?"

"Yup." Morgan smiles out of pride and runs along.

7th son of sons
2017-03-25, 10:04 AM
I prefer running my mind, actually. Not one for sports.... Except for wrestling. Hazel replies.

Wrestlin's a good time, ya, Izzy agreed, nodding her head. More 'f a gymnast then anythin', s'long as we're talkin' sports.

2017-03-25, 08:09 PM
Or getting pinned, either or. Hazel replies with a shrug.

Nicole rolls her eyes good-naturally. "Shall I assume that you spectate when not practicing or competing, then?"

Wrestlin's a good time, ya, Izzy agreed, nodding her head. More 'f a gymnast then anythin', s'long as we're talkin' sports.

Nicole ***** her head at you. "And if we're not talking just sports? What else you get up to?"

"Yup." Morgan smiles out of pride and runs along.

"Pretty impressive for - someone our age. - What other things - do you tinker with?"

7th son of sons
2017-03-25, 08:25 PM
Nicole ***** her head at you. "And if we're not talking just sports? What else you get up to?"

Maybe 'll ge' a chance to show ya, the celtic lass teased, raising her eyebrows.

2017-03-25, 09:15 PM
Nicole rolls her eyes good-naturally. "Shall I assume that you spectate when not practicing or competing, then?"

When I can, but that certainly has to come after schoolwork. Hazel replies.

2017-03-26, 02:16 AM
Maybe 'll ge' a chance to show ya, the celtic lass teased, raising her eyebrows.

Nicole averted her gaze skywards, stretching her arms way back to give her an excuse to look somewhere other than the cute lady.

When I can, but that certainly has to come after schoolwork. Hazel replies.

"More the scholarly type, then? What subjects you like...and maybe not like?"

2017-03-26, 02:36 AM
"More the scholarly type, then? What subjects you like...and maybe not like?"

I actually like all my subjects. Not all of the teachers, but I can't think of a topic that's uninteresting. Hazel replies.

2017-03-26, 07:29 AM
"Pretty impressive for - someone our age. - What other things - do you tinker with?"

"...Pretty much everything you could imagine." Morgan sighs. "The only reason I'm even still going to school is because my parents want me to."

2017-03-27, 06:16 AM
Wrestlin's a good time, ya, Izzy agreed, nodding her head. More 'f a gymnast then anythin', s'long as we're talkin' sports.

Nicole ***** her head at you. "And if we're not talking just sports? What else you get up to?"

Maybe 'll ge' a chance to show ya, the celtic lass teased, raising her eyebrows.

Nicole averted her gaze skywards, stretching her arms way back to give her an excuse to look somewhere other than the cute lady.
"And if we are taking about sports?" Megan inserted herself into the conversation, drawn by thwe sound of her favorite word as a certain cartoon mouse by a smell of cheese, "If you like gymnastics, why not drop by the club someday?"
...not that she expected Izzy to take her offer, but she could at least ask, after all.~

7th son of sons
2017-03-27, 06:21 PM
"And if we are taking about sports?" Megan inserted herself into the conversation, drawn by thwe sound of her favorite word as a certain cartoon mouse by a smell of cheese, "If you like gymnastics, why not drop by the club someday?"
...not that she expected Izzy to take her offer, but she could at least ask, after all.~

Hmm... 'Ow of'en d'ya meet? 'slong as it doe'n't in'erupt my fights, I could do wiff the distracction

2017-03-28, 10:24 PM
I actually like all my subjects. Not all of the teachers, but I can't think of a topic that's uninteresting. Hazel replies.

Nicole snickers a bit. "Ah, gotcha."

"...Pretty much everything you could imagine." Morgan sighs. "The only reason I'm even still going to school is because my parents want me to."

Nicole lets out an appreciative whistle, and slows down to keep better pace. "If I could do stuff like that, I'd spend all day coming up with things, or maybe selling useful gizmos to people with more money than sense."

"And if we are taking about sports?" Megan inserted herself into the conversation, drawn by thwe sound of her favorite word as a certain cartoon mouse by a smell of cheese, "If you like gymnastics, why not drop by the club someday?"
...not that she expected Izzy to take her offer, but she could at least ask, after all.~

"I definitely plan on it," Nicole replied. "Oh, what about you? What kind of stuff do you like to do? Other than gymnastics, of course."

2017-03-29, 02:01 AM
"I definitely plan on it," Nicole replied. "Oh, what about you? What kind of stuff do you like to do? Other than gymnastics, of course."
"Well, it's not that I have that much free time", Megan shrugs, "Besides, if after practice I still have energy left to do anything, it means I didn't really give it all... but on my days off - well, honestly, anything as long as it sounds fun. Hiking, swimming, shopping..."~

2017-03-29, 07:54 AM
Nicole lets out an appreciative whistle, and slows down to keep better pace. "If I could do stuff like that, I'd spend all day coming up with things, or maybe selling useful gizmos to people with more money than sense."

Morgan smirks. "Oh, so you're jealous."

2017-03-29, 02:35 PM
Morgan smirks. "Oh, so you're jealous."

Nicole shrugged. "Jealousy doesn't feel like quite the right word. It definitely sounds like a cool talent to have, though."

2017-03-29, 04:00 PM
Nicole shrugged. "Jealousy doesn't feel like quite the right word. It definitely sounds like a cool talent to have, though."

Morgan continues smiling. It's actually quite uncomfortable.

2017-03-29, 04:19 PM
Morgan continues smiling. It's actually quite uncomfortable.

"Best be careful, or your face will freeze that way~" Nicole jokingly warns you, her own small smile not diminishing in the slightest.

2017-04-03, 07:41 PM
Her stretches finished, Nicole joined Yanako for a comfortable silent sit. It was rather nice.

Episode 1 Scene 3

With PE behind them, the group made their way through the twisting halls towards Dr. Sillands' World Literature class. The whole way, Nicole kept asking questions about the class - what you've been reading and studying, how strict the teacher is, whether it's more lecture or group interpretation, and so on. Apparently, she becomes a bit of a chatterbox when she's anxious, although thankfully it's not too annoying, and will likely be less of a problem after she's had a few days to adjust to things.

Arriving in class just before the bell, the teacher calls attendance, gives a brief introduction of the classes new student, and then launches directly into a brief discussion on some of the more intricate bits of Shakespeare's work. This leads off on several tangents touching on more esoteric poets of the same era from around the globe, all touching on similar themes of the experiences and dreams that are both gained and lost on the path to adulthood.

"Alright students, now I want you to spend the next 15 minutes or so putting together a poem of your own based on these themes, and drawn from your own life experiences; no particular poetic style is required, feel free to express yourself as you see fit. It doesn't have to be prizeworthy, I'm not expecting masterpieces in this kind of time frame, just give me what you can. Once you're done, you'll be taking turns reading yours aloud to the class."

Mental/Allure: Show off to Nicole what a cunning linguist you are with some less child-friendly poetry. Be careful, though: the line between mature and immature for such topics can be thin at times.

Physical/Luck: It seems the universe just doesn't want you to get through reading your poetry. Something's going wrong, but hopefully it garners you some sympathy from your new friend.

Mental/Skill: Impress the teacher with your grasp of these themes, your poetry skills, your public speaking skills, or all three!

2017-04-03, 08:05 PM
Hazel had a sudden burst of black energy. A skilled diviner might have noticed the negative feedback mana lick between her and Megan. Not that Hazel had noticed her energy being attached to the cute energy. She was far more focused on other attributes of the athlete.

That and her early slow seduction of Nicole, always put a fire in the succubus.

Easily the first to complete her poem, Hazel immediately stood up when finished. However, Jane seeing her jump up without the poem, intended to put a hand on Hazel's shoulder to stop her.

Jane ended up accidentally slipping her hand on Hazel shoulder fingers in Hazel's outfit, and Hazel's startled leap at the sudden contact.

Hazel's shirts or other clothing was never made of the sturdiest materials and as Hazel jumped back, Jane ended up tearing large portions of Haze's shirt.

The well endowed succubus stood over Jane with a hungry look in her eyes.

Strong Physical, Shameless, Faustian pact call in, Positive temptation work. +9 total.

2017-04-03, 09:21 PM
It's a common trope for AI to be creatively sterile in fiction. To let a lack of emotions mean they can't truly comprehend what gives a piece emotion, and thus unable to write a truly stirring sonnet, music, or similar. Unfortunately for humanity's artist's, this was more fantasy than reality. By using existing creative pieces as data points, one can produce some surprisingly touching artwork from a machine. While Kisat has the current problem of being stuck with this drone's resources, instead of her proper housing, and being more general purpose than any of those conductor AI, it certainly doesn't mean she can't work out something at least halfway decent.

Mental Skill: +6 Strong, +1 Everybody Loves Catgirls

2017-04-04, 02:40 AM
For some reason, Megan is feeling rather sore; is it that her, eh, stretching session with Hazel was a bit too much? (Lacking magical talents of her own, the girl is oblivious of the energy drain she's currently subjected to...)

Still, it's not like it gives her an excuse to not try her best, and, fourteen and a half minutes later, she's ready... more or less. True, her poem might not have the strictest rhymes, or the most perfect rhythm... and, perhaps, it contain a bit excessive mentions of 'sky', 'fly', 'wings' and similar concepts... and, Megan gesturing a bit to much - though on par with her usual self - while reading, a sudden burst of wind tears the piece of paper from her hand and lands it straight in front of Nicole.

Physical/Luck: Strong Physical +1, Boundless Energy +2, Giving it 110% +1, Faustian Pact -3: +1 total

2017-04-04, 05:40 AM
Morgan pulled up a variety of articles, resources, and papers. She was remarkably fast while doing this. In fact, her typing speed combined with her intelligence meant that she could finish this poem remarkably fast. The poem didn't suffer too much in terms of quality, either.

Strong Roll+2 Tech Expert+2 Genius Intellect+2=+6 Mental/Skill

7th son of sons
2017-04-04, 01:13 PM
Idellise smiled thoughtfully as she scrawled out her poem onto the paper before her. She was, of course, a patron of the dead art that writing had become. And with a more... liberal pronunciation ability than much the rest of the class, Idelise found herself free to express herself more openly than she otherwise would. Looking up at the rest of the class at a sudden sound, as well as an influx of sudden dark energy, Idelise was surprised to see a nice, open view of Hazel's upper body. The fabric evidently wasn't the strongest of materials, but the (admittedly very nice) view wasn't what sparked Idelise's creativity.

Unbuttoning much of her shirt, Idelise began transcribing the poem from the notebook on her desk to her body. Starting between her breasts, Idelise carefully (and through a few giggles), wrote out the poem there, giving it the shape of an inverted heart. Perhaps it was the lewdness of the situation, or playing up her sexuality, more than usual anyway. But however you slice it, the words not imprinted on Idelise's body were certainly pushing the PG-13 rating. But so long as the work was good, or the class was distracted with other parts of her presentation, that shouldn't really matter, right?

Strong Allure +1, Charm and Grace +1, Enchanting +3, Supernaturally Attractive +2 = +7

2017-04-04, 06:16 PM
So a poem, Corona thought, she had read a lot of them in her life, from those made by the greeks to those of the Italian renaissance, from the start of the knights life to the end of it , she was quite versed in those indeed , but as she had soo many options , it was quite difficult to decide for one in particular , after all , all of those were beautiful art in one way or the other, but after some long tinkering she remember very good particular poem that was a bit strange to the say the least, but which beautiful verses and words had cauptivated her one and three times.

This poem, in particular, was for some lady in distress from the 1300's when the era of knights was still breathing, this lady was extremely beautiful and charming, but she had decided to not give her beauty to anyone that didn't fullfill certain conditions that were, for many, impossible to meet, one of the failed knights composed a poem for her in which he let his imagination go totally free, he would talk about her hair, her body, her lips , everything of hers. Although, his fate unknown , for Corona it was a beautiful reminder that the knights not always got what they wanted and such was the path of the knight, the path she had decided to take.

(+2 From Strong Allure, Strong Mental and +1 Better at everything)

Sgt. Cookie
2017-04-05, 05:27 PM
Poetry... damn... Maybe Intel-Chan knows anything about this stuff? ... Worth a shot at least.

Yanako fumbles about in her pocket for a moment and pulls out her phone under her desk and sends a quick text to Intel-Chan:

Shakespearean-esque poem needed quick.
Gimme a few minutes. I'll run a program. See what I can come up with for ya.

Going for the Mental/Skill roll. Just a flat D6 roll here.

2017-04-06, 09:23 PM
Hazel had a sudden burst of black energy. A skilled diviner might have noticed the negative feedback mana lick between her and Megan. Not that Hazel had noticed her energy being attached to the cute energy. She was far more focused on other attributes of the athlete.

That and her early slow seduction of Nicole, always put a fire in the succubus.

Easily the first to complete her poem, Hazel immediately stood up when finished. However, Jane seeing her jump up without the poem, intended to put a hand on Hazel's shoulder to stop her.

Jane ended up accidentally slipping her hand on Hazel shoulder fingers in Hazel's outfit, and Hazel's startled leap at the sudden contact.

Hazel's shirts or other clothing was never made of the sturdiest materials and as Hazel jumped back, Jane ended up tearing large portions of Haze's shirt.

The well endowed succubus stood over Jane with a hungry look in her eyes.

Nicole's eyes went wide at the sight of the fairly exposed succubus, and her small smile got a bit goofy. She was so busy ogling her friend, she barely even noticed the other shenanigans going on in class: virtually everybody had stopped what they were doing to stare, giggle, whistle, gossip, and everything in between. The teacher seemed to be torn between attempting to completely avert his gaze, attempting to get the class under control, and sputtering incoherently.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Hazel!" Jane gushed timidly, misinterpreting Hazel's stare. "I-I think I've got a spare shirt in my bag, or maybe my l-locker that I could lend you! Please don't be mad?" she pleaded, digging through her bag looking for the shirt.

It's a common trope for AI to be creatively sterile in fiction. To let a lack of emotions mean they can't truly comprehend what gives a piece emotion, and thus unable to write a truly stirring sonnet, music, or similar. Unfortunately for humanity's artist's, this was more fantasy than reality. By using existing creative pieces as data points, one can produce some surprisingly touching artwork from a machine. While Kisat has the current problem of being stuck with this drone's resources, instead of her proper housing, and being more general purpose than any of those conductor AI, it certainly doesn't mean she can't work out something at least halfway decent.

Your poem comes out rather well, in your estimation, although the reading is unlikely to take place: the teacher, and indeed almost every student in the class seems to have been distracted by Hazel's wardrobe malfunction. Next to you, Ricky (unapologetic pervert that he is) is trying to subtly snap a few pictures.

For some reason, Megan is feeling rather sore; is it that her, eh, stretching session with Hazel was a bit too much? (Lacking magical talents of her own, the girl is oblivious of the energy drain she's currently subjected to...)

Still, it's not like it gives her an excuse to not try her best, and, fourteen and a half minutes later, she's ready... more or less. True, her poem might not have the strictest rhymes, or the most perfect rhythm... and, perhaps, it contain a bit excessive mentions of 'sky', 'fly', 'wings' and similar concepts... and, Megan gesturing a bit to much - though on par with her usual self - while reading, a sudden burst of wind tears the piece of paper from her hand and lands it straight in front of Nicole.

Unfortunately for you, Nicole doesn't even notice the paper landing in front of her, her eyes glued to Hazel's exposed assets. Most of the girls around you are giggling and gossiping:

"Serves her right, always dressing like such a slut. That's just what happens when you go threadbare."

"Smith probably did this on purpose, the bitch. Can't stand anybody else doing well...my grades aren't gonna get better if she keeps distracting the teachers to avoid them picking up work."

"Maybe that's how she's passing all her classes? Wouldn't surprise me..."

"You think Jane did it on purpose? I knew they were roomies, but I figured she was more innocent than that. But exposing her in public...maybe she's just as bad?"

A feeling in the pit of your stomach tells you these rumors is gonna spread fast.

Morgan pulled up a variety of articles, resources, and papers. She was remarkably fast while doing this. In fact, her typing speed combined with her intelligence meant that she could finish this poem remarkably fast. The poem didn't suffer too much in terms of quality, either.

Your efforts and results are admirable, but it looks like the teacher might be a bit too busy to pick up papers today; Hazel's torn clothing, and the chaos it's causing, take precedent, it seems. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice one of the other honor students leave the room in a huff, no doubt rightfully thinking that the rest of the lesson will be a giant waste of time.

Idellise smiled thoughtfully as she scrawled out her poem onto the paper before her. She was, of course, a patron of the dead art that writing had become. And with a more... liberal pronunciation ability than much the rest of the class, Idelise found herself free to express herself more openly than she otherwise would. Looking up at the rest of the class at a sudden sound, as well as an influx of sudden dark energy, Idelise was surprised to see a nice, open view of Hazel's upper body. The fabric evidently wasn't the strongest of materials, but the (admittedly very nice) view wasn't what sparked Idelise's creativity.

Unbuttoning much of her shirt, Idelise began transcribing the poem from the notebook on her desk to her body. Starting between her breasts, Idelise carefully (and through a few giggles), wrote out the poem there, giving it the shape of an inverted heart. Perhaps it was the lewdness of the situation, or playing up her sexuality, more than usual anyway. But however you slice it, the words not imprinted on Idelise's body were certainly pushing the PG-13 rating. But so long as the work was good, or the class was distracted with other parts of her presentation, that shouldn't really matter, right?

Unfortunately, it seems the entire class (teacher included) have been thrown into disarray by Hazel's sudden exposure; you doubt there's going to be a reading, and maybe not even a collection of the written poems. Still, you've put so much work into transcribing it, would be a waste not to finish...

A boy sitting next to you (Quenton) notices what you're doing, and is torn between ogling Hazel, ogling you, or looking out the window to avoid being a total perv

So a poem, Corona thought, she had read a lot of them in her life, from those made by the greeks to those of the Italian renaissance, from the start of the knights life to the end of it , she was quite versed in those indeed , but as she had soo many options , it was quite difficult to decide for one in particular , after all , all of those were beautiful art in one way or the other, but after some long tinkering she remember very good particular poem that was a bit strange to the say the least, but which beautiful verses and words had cauptivated her one and three times.

This poem, in particular, was for some lady in distress from the 1300's when the era of knights was still breathing, this lady was extremely beautiful and charming, but she had decided to not give her beauty to anyone that didn't fullfill certain conditions that were, for many, impossible to meet, one of the failed knights composed a poem for her in which he let his imagination go totally free, he would talk about her hair, her body, her lips , everything of hers. Although, his fate unknown , for Corona it was a beautiful reminder that the knights not always got what they wanted and such was the path of the knight, the path she had decided to take.

Surprise surprise, the succubus had a wardrobe malfunction. The classes productivity has ground to a halt, the teacher seems helpless to do anything, and it seems even Nicole is too entranced to speak out against this lewd behavior. What do you do?

Poetry... damn... Maybe Intel-Chan knows anything about this stuff? ... Worth a shot at least.

Yanako fumbles about in her pocket for a moment and pulls out her phone under her desk and sends a quick text to Intel-Chan:

Shakespearean-esque poem needed quick.
Gimme a few minutes. I'll run a program. See what I can come up with for ya.

By the time the poem comes through (a rather nice one too) the class has devolved into more or less complete anarchy. You doubt the teacher will get a grip on the situation soon enough to pick up papers, much less have people read them. You notice one of the smarter students leaving the classroom, and debate joining her.

2017-04-06, 09:34 PM
Hazel lets out a breathy gaze to steady herself, not really caring how that could be misinterpreted. Her fingers flexing with energy as she does so.

You are significantly taller then me, and... Hazel replied closing her eyes.

It's fine Jane. Hazel said leaning down to hug her, giving Nicole who sat opposite of Hazel and Jane a wonderful view. What was so important you had to get my attention? She asks Jane as she looks over to Nicole and flashes her a smile.

2017-04-06, 09:51 PM
Your poem comes out rather well, in your estimation, although the reading is unlikely to take place: the teacher, and indeed almost every student in the class seems to have been distracted by Hazel's wardrobe malfunction. Next to you, Ricky (unapologetic pervert that he is) is trying to subtly snap a few pictures.

Kisat leans back in her chair, taking in both the improbable event itself, as well as the ensuing chaos. "If you want something a better resolution, I could always e-mail you." She taps the side of her head meaningfully to indicate her eyes. "Digital memories can be so convenient sometimes."

7th son of sons
2017-04-06, 10:06 PM
Unfortunately, it seems the entire class (teacher included) have been thrown into disarray by Hazel's sudden exposure; you doubt there's going to be a reading, and maybe not even a collection of the written poems. Still, you've put so much work into transcribing it, would be a waste not to finish...

A boy sitting next to you (Quenton) notices what you're doing, and is torn between ogling Hazel, ogling you, or looking out the window to avoid being a total perv

Idelisse sighed happily, glad her old friend was finally getting some of that scandalous attention that so often followed around Lizz herself. Ah doon't mind ya starin', Quenton. Ah di'n't get them out jus' to le' the girls breath~, the half-fae commented as she worked her way through the last few stanzas. She'd come to Hazel's rescue shortly. She always did!

2017-04-06, 10:40 PM
Hazel lets out a breathy gaze to steady herself, not really caring how that could be misinterpreted. Her fingers flexing with energy as she does so.

You are significantly taller then me, and... Hazel replied closing her eyes.

It's fine Jane. Hazel said leaning down to hug her, giving Nicole who sat opposite of Hazel and Jane a wonderful view. What was so important you had to get my attention? She asks Jane as she looks over to Nicole and flashes her a smile.

"You were going up to read without your - actually, it doesn't matter," Jane replies, holding you close to try and shield your exposed body from lewd eyes. "Let's get you some more intact clothes, hmm?"

Kisat leans back in her chair, taking in both the improbable event itself, as well as the ensuing chaos. "If you want something a better resolution, I could always e-mail you." She taps the side of her head meaningfully to indicate her eyes. "Digital memories can be so convenient sometimes."

The dude stutters out a denial, as if he could get un-caught if he spews out enough words. His furiously whispered denial tapers off when it becomes obvious you're not buying it, and he sheepishly puts away his phone. "Uh, I guess that'd be nice...what do you want for them?"

Idelisse sighed happily, glad her old friend was finally getting some of that scandalous attention that so often followed around Lizz herself. Ah doon't mind ya starin', Quenton. Ah di'n't get them out jus' to le' the girls breath~, the half-fae commented as she worked her way through the last few stanzas. She'd come to Hazel's rescue shortly. She always did!

"That's not the point," he says, turning to face you (and unintentionally sneaking a look). "It's not polite to stare, especially at, uh..."

7th son of sons
2017-04-06, 10:44 PM
"That's not the point," he says, turning to face you (and unintentionally sneaking a look). "It's not polite to stare, especially at, uh..."

Th're's nothin' wrong with m' body, ya know, she continued, casting her eyes back down to her stomach as she finished off her poem. 'snot like 'm ashamed of ya seeing. I know I'm g'd lookin'

2017-04-06, 10:51 PM
"You were going up to read without your - actually, it doesn't matter," Jane replies, holding you close to try and shield your exposed body from lewd eyes. "Let's get you some more intact clothes, hmm?"

Yeah, that makes sense. Hazel replies, she turns to the teacher unintentionally strutting out her hip.

I assume I'm free to leave? Hazel questions to the teacher, her hand showing off the rips in her clothing.

2017-04-07, 03:51 AM
Th're's nothin' wrong with m' body, ya know, she continued, casting her eyes back down to her stomach as she finished off her poem. 'snot like 'm ashamed of ya seeing. I know I'm g'd lookin'

"I know," he insisted hastily. "Still...doesn't make it exactly gentlemanly to look, you know?" he asks rhetorically, averting his eyes every time they start shifting back to your body.

Yeah, that makes sense. Hazel replies, she turns to the teacher unintentionally strutting out her hip.

I assume I'm free to leave? Hazel questions to the teacher, her hand showing off the rips in her clothing.

The teacher stammers out something that vaguely sounds like a yes. You can't totally tell, it's not exactly coherent, but it's probably fine, right?

2017-04-07, 04:21 AM
Hazel takes that as free to leave, seeing if Jane and Nicole wanted to follow her.

2017-04-07, 05:27 AM

So it's been hours and I apparently never realized that GiantITP had lowercased my post.

Hopefully Morgan's anger will be more apparent now. :)

2017-04-07, 07:52 AM
The dude stutters out a denial, as if he could get un-caught if he spews out enough words. His furiously whispered denial tapers off when it becomes obvious you're not buying it, and he sheepishly puts away his phone. "Uh, I guess that'd be nice...what do you want for them?"

"Why'd I charge? It costs me nothing to provide, so it would be unfair of me to ask anything in return."

Sgt. Cookie
2017-04-07, 05:31 PM
Snapping a few pictures of Hazel's wardrobe malfunction, more for Intel-Chan's benefit rather than Yanako's, she quickly jots down her provided poem, gets up, places it on the teacher's desk and leaves the room. Deciding that, in the absence of anything better to do, she follows the smarter student she saw leaving earlier.

2017-04-09, 06:53 AM
Hazel takes that as free to leave, seeing if Jane and Nicole wanted to follow her.

Both girls practically leap up to escort you - for their own reasons. :smallwink: They follow you out of the room, Nicole's eyes straying downward more often than not.


A couple people around you roll their eyes at your rather loud question, particularly since the answer (to them) seems obvious: Hazel got accidentally (or "accidentally") stripped, bringing the class grinding to a halt.

"Why'd I charge? It costs me nothing to provide, so it would be unfair of me to ask anything in return."

The guy looks at you strangely, but eventually replies "...alright then. Yeah, I'd really appreciate having some copies, digital or otherwise." He writes down an email for you quickly.

Snapping a few pictures of Hazel's wardrobe malfunction, more for Intel-Chan's benefit rather than Yanako's, she quickly jots down her provided poem, gets up, places it on the teacher's desk and leaves the room. Deciding that, in the absence of anything better to do, she follows the smarter student she saw leaving earlier.

The teacher barely responds, solidifying your decision to leave. Following the other student, you find out they're heading towards the principal's office, probably to report the incident or something.

2017-04-09, 08:35 AM
A couple people around you roll their eyes at your rather loud question, particularly since the answer (to them) seems obvious: Hazel got accidentally (or "accidentally") stripped, bringing the class grinding to a halt.

"**** YOU ALL!" Morgan raises her middle finger.

2017-04-09, 09:47 AM
The guy looks at you strangely, but eventually replies "...alright then. Yeah, I'd really appreciate having some copies, digital or otherwise." He writes down an email for you quickly.

Kisat eyes the address, before appearing to simply stare off for a moment as she sets a daemon to properly split and copy the images while she focuses on browsing to get her own e-mail running. Once she gets a few more choice frames ready, she sends the message with them attached. "Here you go. Happy hunting."

2017-04-09, 03:38 PM
Both girls practically leap up to escort you - for their own reasons. :smallwink: They follow you out of the room, Nicole's eyes straying downward more often than not.

See anything you like? Hazel teased with a wink, as she clung to Jane for "warmth"

2017-04-13, 01:48 AM
"**** YOU ALL!" Morgan raises her middle finger.

More eye-rolling, but somebody finally responds. "It's just Hazel being slutty like normal, figured you'd be as jaded to that as the rest us by now."

Kisat eyes the address, before appearing to simply stare off for a moment as she sets a daemon to properly split and copy the images while she focuses on browsing to get her own e-mail running. Once she gets a few more choice frames ready, she sends the message with them attached. "Here you go. Happy hunting."

The dude peeks at his phone, and almost instantly passes out cold, a trail of blood hanging in the air for a split second before following him to the ground.

See anything you like? Hazel teased with a wink, as she clung to Jane for "warmth"

Nicole barely hears you question, murmuring a vague "Mhm~" to your question.

"That's not a very appropriate question to ask, Hazel," Jane chides, "And that's not a very appropriate answer, Nicole! Eyes up top, don't be rude!"

2017-04-13, 02:19 AM
Don't I decide if she's being rude though? Hazel pipes up raising a hand with a single finger in a one second gesture.

2017-04-13, 02:46 AM
Don't I decide if she's being rude though? Hazel pipes up raising a hand with a single finger in a one second gesture.

"Regardless of whether you approve of her behavior or not, it's still improper," Jane says. "I'd have much preferred to borrow somebody's coat so you'd at least having something protecting your body from wandering eyes, but for some reason nobody else is bundling up despite how late in autumn it is."

2017-04-13, 03:01 AM
"Regardless of whether you approve of her behavior or not, it's still improper," Jane says. "I'd have much preferred to borrow somebody's coat so you'd at least having something protecting your body from wandering eyes, but for some reason nobody else is bundling up despite how late in autumn it is."

Well all the confident people like showing off their bodies. Hazel replies. Any ice or water, or wind nymphs resist the cold. Angels and Demons as well. Catfolk have the lair of fur... Hazel muses rising her finger to her lip in thought. Really. How many people would need to cover up since the school's heated just fine.

2017-04-13, 04:30 AM
Well all the confident people like showing off their bodies. Hazel replies. Any ice or water, or wind nymphs resist the cold. Angels and Demons as well. Catfolk have the lair of fur... Hazel muses rising her finger to her lip in thought. Really. How many people would need to cover up since the school's heated just fine.

"You'd think they'd at least have their jackets for crossing campus or something, though," Jane pouted.

"How often do they do that during the school day, though?" Nicole asked. "I mean, sure, some of the dorms aren't in the same building, but students can just keep their jackets in their lockers when they're in class. About the only time during the school day you'd want your jacket is when you're outside for PE or something, and I imagine that the coaches hardcore enough to have us training outside this late into the winter probably either don't notice the cold, or think it builds character or something."

2017-04-13, 04:34 AM
"You'd think they'd at least have their jackets for crossing campus or something, though," Jane pouted.

"How often do they do that during the school day, though?" Nicole asked. "I mean, sure, some of the dorms aren't in the same building, but students can just keep their jackets in their lockers when they're in class. About the only time during the school day you'd want your jacket is when you're outside for PE or something, and I imagine that the coaches hardcore enough to have us training outside this late into the winter probably either don't notice the cold, or think it builds character or something."

Plus even then they might not be allowed to. Parents might sue if their precious children get frostbite. Or suddenly care that their new meal ticket got frostbite. Hazel added.

2017-04-13, 04:39 AM
Plus even then they might not be allowed to. Parents might sue if their precious children get frostbite. Or suddenly care that their new meal ticket got frostbite. Hazel added.

Nicole nods, and Jane just pouts some more. "I'd still be a lot more comfortable if we could get your clothes fixed and/or replaced quickly and get back to class. If we take too long, we might well be late for lunch!" The concept seems to horrify Nicole a bit, who does her part to accelerate the trip.

2017-04-13, 05:17 AM
More eye-rolling, but somebody finally responds. "It's just Hazel being slutty like normal, figured you'd be as jaded to that as the rest us by now."


2017-04-13, 05:45 AM

"Your disapproval is noted...and loud," comes the response from a rather snobby girl who doesn't look like she should even be judging anybody else on how revealing their clothing is. "You can stop yelling, you know, she's left to get clothes anyway."

2017-04-13, 09:22 AM
"Your disapproval is noted...and loud," comes the response from a rather snobby girl who doesn't look like she should even be judging anybody else on how revealing their clothing is. "You can stop yelling, you know, she's left to get clothes anyway."

"...Fine." Morgan goes "hmmph" and glares at the girl. "I was 5 seconds from beating you senseless, you know."

And there's a difference between "revealing clothing" and "being naked"... for one could get you arrested for sexual harrassment. She pouts. Of course, it wasn't Hazel I had a problem with... She sighs. Everyone else was so easily distracted...

2017-04-13, 03:23 PM
Nicole nods, and Jane just pouts some more. "I'd still be a lot more comfortable if we could get your clothes fixed and/or replaced quickly and get back to class. If we take too long, we might well be late for lunch!" The concept seems to horrify Nicole a bit, who does her part to accelerate the trip.

Do you know anyone who can sew though. Hazel asked.

Sgt. Cookie
2017-04-14, 07:06 AM
Yanako shrugs. Someone going off to tell the principle isn't her problem. The class though? Damn... kinda needed the marks... ah well. Nothing much to do now. Class isn't gonna get back together so... early lunch, I guess. Better text Intel-Chan. She's usually hungry this time of day.

Hey. Class was a completely screw-up. Gonna grab an early lunch. You in?
Sure, I guess. Anything in particular?
Thinking the sweet-and-sour chicken, soft noodles.
Sounds good.

2017-04-29, 11:51 PM
"...Fine." Morgan goes "hmmph" and glares at the girl. "I was 5 seconds from beating you senseless, you know."

And there's a difference between "revealing clothing" and "being naked"... for one could get you arrested for sexual harrassment. She pouts. Of course, it wasn't Hazel I had a problem with... She sighs. Everyone else was so easily distracted...

"I didn't really see anybody else doing anything wrong.," the girl says flippantly, before turning away with a huff.

Do you know anyone who can sew though. Hazel asked.

"I can sew...a bit..." Jane replied hesitantly. "I'm sure we could find someone better suited for the task easily enough though." Nicole nods in agreement.

Yanako shrugs. Someone going off to tell the principle isn't her problem. The class though? Damn... kinda needed the marks... ah well. Nothing much to do now. Class isn't gonna get back together so... early lunch, I guess. Better text Intel-Chan. She's usually hungry this time of day.

Hey. Class was a completely screw-up. Gonna grab an early lunch. You in?
Sure, I guess. Anything in particular?
Thinking the sweet-and-sour chicken, soft noodles.
Sounds good.

The next scene is, in fact, lunch. I'm not sure whether to end this part of the scene here, or continue on a bit, what would you prefer?

2017-04-30, 12:02 AM
Do you know anyone off the top of your head though? Hazel points out.