View Full Version : The Tomb of Abysthor [IC]

2017-03-12, 11:24 AM
Scarcely an hour after breaking camp for the morning, you come across the first sign of civilization you've seen in a long while - a pair of weathered marble obelisks, half-concealed in the bushes, marking the beginning of a narrow path winding its way into the hills beyond.

Although the white marble is weathered and chipped, there still rests an aura of calm and contemplation over the area.

You've been on the raiders' track for five days now, following them north and east and north again, ever deeper into the hills that sit at the base of the Stoneheart Mountains.

Keral's skilled eye has easily kept up with the trail, and for a while, there was even hope that you might catch up to the raiding party while they where still on the trail in the open hills. There was no shortage of evidence of their passing, them leaving behind tracks, used campfires, and even a badly mutilated corpse on one occasion.

Map! (http://oi63.tinypic.com/55jh1z.jpg)

Obelisks in pairs like these mark the ancient pilgrimage route from Bard's Gate to the Valley of Shrines, once a holy site dedicated to the twin deities Thyr and Muir.

Beyond the shrines, the valley is supposed to be dotted with ancient burial halls.

The pilgrimage route fell out of favor as worship of the deities who sponsor the site declined. There should be little more than ruins left by now.

You know that the Valley of Shrines lies ahead. Sitting amidst the foothills of the vast range of the Stoneheart Mountains, this is not a place with more than one exit suitable for a party like the one you're hunting.

Not unless one means to delve into the reaches of the Underdark, but that is not a place for good folk to tread.

Most likely, they will have to stand and fight in this valley.

You didn't use this entrance to the Valley of Shrines - instead, you remember following a murky river through the valley, eventually delving underground and through a set of trecherous, dark and slippery steps hewn from stone.

The only obelisks you recall seeing where immediately outside the cave you first fled from.

If you had to guess, the tunnel you used follows a river that lies further north-east of here.

Great Velocity
2017-03-12, 12:25 PM
In case we get into combat, I'll declare my prepared spells: 0th level: create water, detect magic, 2x cure minor wounds 1st level: entangle, 2x produce flame

2017-03-12, 01:54 PM
"So, think this is the right way? By Wee Jas hand, I shall take these bandits to justice or revenge, eithers good for me."

AC: 18, FF 16, Touch 12.
Saves: 5/2/2 (+2 vs poison and spells)
Spot: +2/Listen +2/Search +1

Know Religon check [roll0]

Great Velocity
2017-03-12, 02:46 PM
Aye, did the priests teach you anything about this area? I too wish to bring these fiends to justice.

Tracking by scent check for my dog: 1d20+5
For goodness sake, how does this infernal dice roller work!

2017-03-12, 05:55 PM
"Well, I believe those paired pillars mark a pilgrimage route. They would pass to the Valley of Shrines dedicated to the twin deities Thyr and Muir. The valley is supposed to be dotted with ancient burial halls. Doesn't seem to be much pilgrimaging now."

Great Velocity
2017-03-12, 06:11 PM
No, I suppose the bandits would have scared them off- that is, if any still follow the old customs.
Keral, how is the trail looking? When do you think we'll catch up to them?
Right, I'll just use the D20 SRD dice roller for now. My dog rolled an 8 for tracking by scent.

2017-03-12, 06:13 PM
The dog whines in confusion - whatever scent was here must have long since abated.

The group have left more permanent marks of their passage behind though, and Keral has no trouble pointing to the path behind the obelisks as the likely way to go.

Great Velocity
2017-03-12, 06:41 PM
Right, if no one has any objections, we'll go thataway.

2017-03-13, 12:00 AM
Brandis swivels the small unlit smoking pipe from one side of his mouth to the other as he contemplates the obelisks.

"Well, if it's the former site of a pilgrimage, maybe the raiders are using it a base. A bit more caution and a bit less haste from now on, methinks."

He stows his pipe and hefts his longbow, testing the pull of the string.

"I might go have a wee look over yonder."

The halfling slips off into the bushes, heading in the direction of the obelisks.

Knowledge Local: [roll0]

Hide: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]

Spot: [roll3]
Listen: [roll4]

2017-03-13, 12:02 PM
Keral moves along with the others as they talk. The brawny woodsman, more concerned about an ambush by the raiders, or some wild creature, than he care to banter back and forth with the others. His head throbs a bit from what other might call 'a bit too much drinking', but, 5 days out, his flasks ran dry last night so, unless they come upon another village or someone to barter with, he looks well out of luck.
"Aye, it's the right way. Tracks be here and here." he says as he squats on his haunches as he points at the ground. The others continue to chat a bit as he stands and shades his eyes. As the halfling speaks, he holds his own bow close to his ear has he plucks it like some bard on his lyre.
"Well, that is good advice. If we can search it out, we will know soon enough. Maybe they'll hear the sweet music of our bowstrings, eh?" he says as he lets out a muffled, barking laugh.

Kn:Geography vs DC14



2017-03-13, 12:44 PM
The halfling sneaks forward through the underbush, getting a closer look at the landmark obelisks.

Alarmingly, he spots a trio of men hiding in the shrubbery, stock still, evidently waiting for your party to pass through between the obelisks before falling upon you. They're just barely 20ft. away from the rest of the party, dressed in rough-spun black robes over armor, and hefting wicked-looking metal clubs.

Brandis has caught an unexpected opportunity, getting the drop on the would-be ambushers, or possibly alerting his party to their prescence.

2017-03-13, 08:24 PM
Brandis almost drops his bow in his surprise as he almost literally stumbles over men lurking within the same he is hiding in.

"Ambush!" He yells in alarm, hastily stepping back and loosing a shot at the closest one.

5' step back (south) and shoot at A2.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] possibly plus sneak attack: [roll2]

2017-03-14, 07:53 AM
Brandis' arrow goes *clang* as it collides with armor.

The rest of you can't tell what he's shooting at, but you nevertheless spring into action.

We won't stand too much on initiative order.

Korthli, Keral, Alphonse, Brandis and William all beat the enemy initiative, so you can act now.

Brogan has to wait until the bandits have taken their turn.

Updated Map. (http://oi64.tinypic.com/ipmhok.jpg)

You can see the bandits as soon as you've gotten within 10ft. of one of them (or have LoS unobstructed by bushes). Attacking through the dark green stuff (bushes) gives 20% concealment.

2017-03-14, 08:48 AM
As Brandis calls out, Keral's instincts kick and and he moves to flank whatever is out there.
Circling to his left as he brings his bow up, he fires as soon as he sees whoever is ambushing them.

AC = 16 ; Current = 16
HP = 15 ; Current = 15

Move Action
Keral is going to move to the edge of the map, two down directly from the red "P" on the map.

Standard Action
Fire at A1
Miss Chance


Critical 20/x3

Effects ~

2017-03-14, 08:50 AM
First moves slowly diagonally left, Alphonse draws a scroll of bless and uses it, "By Wee Jas's hand, may it guide us to hit better." , as a burst of energy waves to all allies.

Status: Blessed
AC: 18, FF 16, Touch 12.
Saves: 5/2/2 (+2 vs poison and spells)
Spot: +2/Listen +2/Search +1

Moving diagonally with 5 ft step.
Bless: 50 ft burst so hits everyone in party, +1 morale hit and saves vs fear.

2017-03-14, 09:24 AM
Dropping his longbow, Brandis draws both swords as he circles the bushes towards his foe. As quick as he can, the halfling thrusts his blade at the ruffian's middle before they react.

Move to directly west of A2, drawing both swords.
Attack A2 with one short sword.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak attack: [roll2]

2017-03-14, 10:29 AM
Brandis makes a shallow cut through a gap in the armor, and is rewarded with a grunt of pain from the man.

Keral's arrow misses entirely.


Halfelf ninja
2017-03-15, 04:17 PM
Edit.: korthli run toward the peoples until he stands between them but a little back, so they create a triangle, and then he wave his hands, and a brust of silver enrgy is miving toward thsm in an incredible speed, and blow up in a flash of light.

move to the square between them, but one back, and cast color spray.

2017-03-15, 05:36 PM
The sorcerer tosses his silvery color spray through the bushes, and one of the men falls to the ground, unconscious.

A1 is unconscious for 3 rounds, then further screwed after that.



2017-03-17, 01:31 PM
"Orcus smite these heathens!" comes a roar from the bushes, and Keral feels as if a gigantic weight clamps down on him, preventing him from moving. The warrior throws off his bondage easily, though.

The caster draws a shield, and rushes to aid his companion, who's battling Brandis, the fierce halfling.

His companion is struggling to put his shield between his legs and Brandis' knives, and swings his flanged mace at the halfling's head.

Keral Willpower: [roll0] - Resisted.
A2 Heavy Mace vs. Brandis, PA & Flank: [roll1], [roll2] - Hit.

Now it's Brogan's turn!

Keral just got hit with Hold Person.


2017-03-17, 06:51 PM
Brogan is surprised by the ambush and the quick skirling melee that follows. He tries to decide where to jump in, but when the cultist casts a spell and gangs up on poor Brandis, who gets maced in the head by another cultist, the choice becomes easy. He dashes towards the far side of the caster, diving into a roll at the last stretch and coming up to his feet with a spin, and slams his stiffened gauntleted hand hard into a pressure point.

Moves to square opposite P from Brandis, tumbling into that last square.
Tumble: [roll0], vs. DC 15 (unless it wouldn't be for some reason)

Then he makes a gauntlet attack with a stunning fist
Gauntlet: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
if crit:
Gauntlet: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

DC 14 fort save vs stun

2017-03-17, 08:08 PM
Brogan hits the priest hard on the side of his head with a clank of gauntlet hitting chain. He glares daggers at the martial artist.

Saves: [roll0] - passed.

Alphonse, Brandis, Keral, Korthli & William, your turns are up!


2017-03-17, 08:43 PM
His vision still spinning slightly from the blow to the head, Brandis turns to face the second assailant.

"Smite this," he mutters, simultaneously thrusting his blades high and low before circling to the right.

TWF attack on P.

Attack primary: [roll0] (including +1 Bless & +2 flank)
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak attack: [roll2]

Attack off-hand: [roll3] (including +1 Bless & +2 flank)
Damage: [roll4]
Sneak attack: [roll5]

5' step to the south north of P, if possible.

2017-03-17, 09:02 PM
Alphonse moves diagonally 5 ft then 1 ft up then one left flanking A2 and smacks him with his weapon, "For Justice!"

Status: Blessed
AC: 18, FF 16, Touch 12.
Saves: 5/2/2 (+2 vs poison and spells)
Spot: +2/Listen +2/Search +1

That complicated movement was to avoid AoO.


Edit: please add +2 hit due to flanking. I forgot to add it.

2017-03-18, 12:29 PM
"Not so fast, dog!" Keral says as he lunges forward, dropping his bow and pull out his guisarme as he moves.

AC = 16 ; Current = 16
HP = 15 ; Current = 15

Free Action
Speak and drop bow

Move Action
Pull out Guisarme as move 20ft to the diagonal between the two pillars.

Standard Action
Attack P, trip attack
[roll0] vs touch AC, includes +1 Bless and +2 flanking

Opposed Strength check
[roll1] includes +4 from Improved Trip

If he wins opposed strength check, extra attack from Improved Trip
[roll2] includes +1 Bless and +2 flanking +4 for prone


Critical 20/x2

Effects ~
Bless =+1 morale hit and saves vs fear.

Halfelf ninja
2017-03-18, 01:34 PM
Korthli run toward the man who is lying down, lay down and smile as he bow down near him, and wave his hand. Silver hand apears in the air, lift a near stone, and bring it above the men's head, 3 meters in the air, and smile "you know what is the first thing i learn from the caves you came from? The weakest die first. And just your luck, you are the weakest here" and dismiss the hand, as it fall down on the mans head
free actions- talk
Move actions-move until adajcent to the helpless enemy
Normal action-create the hand, lift the stone and dismiss the hand above the mans head. I have no idea how muxh damage it does. So...

2017-03-19, 08:32 PM
Brandis cuts into the priest with quick slashes of his daggers.

Alphonse muscles his way through the bushes. He swings a solid blow, but the cover of leaves prove deceitful, and he misjudges the distance to the acolyte and misses.

Keral lunges, putting the priest flat on his back with a heavy thunk, but his followup slash is foiled by the monk standing in his way, and caught on the priest's shield.

Korthli is rewarded with a sickening crunch as his rock comes down on the man's head. He's probably dead.

Flat on his back and heavily wounded, the leader drops his mace and gropes desperately for Brogan's leg, wisps of white fog draining from the monk where the cultist's hand draws near the martial artist. Quick on his feet, Brogan avoids the hand, and the glowing effect fades.

Meanwhile, the remaining acolyte seems perfectly content to face the rival cleric who just joined the battle, although his own swing is equally ineffective.

A1: Fort DC 14 or die: [roll0]

P: Death Touch vs Brogan [roll1], -4 for prone incorporated. Death roll: [roll2]

A2: Heavy Mace PA vs Alphonse: [roll3], [roll4], automiss on a 1: [roll5]

Brogan is up. Map comes real soon.


2017-03-19, 08:45 PM
Brogan's dodge of the wispy hand becomes a hopping step, as he comes around the fallen man's side to stand opposite Brandis. Landing on one foot, the other raises high in the air before dropping down with great force. Reversing his momentum, Brogan leans forward, raising the same leg, knee bent, and stomps on the man's head.

Okay, so adjust to flank with Brandis, then flurry of blows against the prone cleric.

Gonna add the flank and prone bonus to my attacks, plus the penalty from flurry.

Unarmed Strike: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
if crit:
Unarmed Strike: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Unarmed Strike: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
if crit:
Unarmed Strike: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

edit: sheesh

2017-03-19, 08:59 PM
He wards the monk off with his shield.

Alphonse, Brandis, Keral, Korthli & William's turn.

2017-03-20, 04:07 AM
Brandis attempts to finish the fight with the priest as quickly as possible, before they can call upon any more dark magic. With a practiced twirl of the wrists, the halfling reverses his grip on both short swords and stabs downward.

Full round TWF.

Primary Attack: [roll0] (includes +1 Bless, +2 flank, +4 prone)
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak attack: [roll2]

Off-hand Attack: [roll3] (includes +1 Bless, +2 flank, +4 prone)
Damage: [roll4]
Sneak attack: [roll5]

2017-03-20, 07:54 AM
Only one of the blades hit home, and the priest is still kicking.

2017-03-20, 08:49 AM
"Die already, dog!" Keral calls out as he swings at the wounded priest.

AC = 16 ; Current = 16
HP = 15 ; Current = 15

Free Action

Standard Action
Attack P

[roll0] includes +4 for prone


Critical 20/x2

Effects ~
Bless =+1 morale hit and saves vs fear.

2017-03-20, 11:44 AM
Alphonse doubles his efforts and strikes at A2 a second time. Hoping the bushes don't interfere a second time.

Status: Blessed
AC: 18, FF 16, Touch 12.
Saves: 5/2/2 (+2 vs poison and spells)
Spot: +2/Listen +2/Search +1


Halfelf ninja
2017-03-21, 09:11 AM
Korthli turn around and stand up as he take out his crossbow, that look like the spiders that drawn on it are alive. He loads,.aim and shoot the priest "go back to your tunnel, murderer"


2017-03-22, 01:31 PM
The priest shouts prayers to Orcus, but whatever effect he was hoping for completely fails to materialize.

His acolyte steps up to the plate, swinging his mace at Brandis, the percieved most dangerous and vulnerable target.

Heavy Mace [roll0], [roll1]

Brogan's turn!


2017-03-22, 09:41 PM
Brogan continues his flurry of kicks and stomps at the fallen priest.

Straight repeat of last round.

Unarmed Strike: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
if crit:
Unarmed Strike: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Unarmed Strike: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
if crit:
Unarmed Strike: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

2017-03-23, 10:54 AM
The martial artist's savage display leaves the priest's skull deformed, and his boots covered in blood and bits of broken bone.

Alphonse, Brandis, Keral & Korthli are up. The priest is dead, only the acolyte remains.


2017-03-23, 11:57 AM
"Here's your big chance, boyo. You can live or die. Make your decision." Keral says as he pre

AC = 16 ; Current = 16
HP = 15 ; Current = 15

Free Action
Speak and 5 foot step forward.

Standard Action
Ready action to trip acolyte if he makes a move other than to surrender
Attack A2, trip attack
[roll0]vs touch AC, includes +1 Bless

Opposed Strength check
[roll1] includes +4 from Improved Trip

If he wins opposed strength check, extra attack from Improved Trip
[roll2] includes +1 Bless and +4 for prone


Critical 20/x2

Effects ~
Bless =+1 morale hit and saves vs fear.

2017-03-23, 10:00 PM
"Drop your weapons and live," Brandis calls out. "We have you surrounded!"

The halfling attempts to tumble past the robed figure, and holds his sword the ready preventing any attempt at escape.

Move: Tumble 10' east of current position into flanking with Brogan.
Tumble check: [roll0]

Action: ready attack if the acolyte doesn't surrender.

Attack: [roll]1d20+10[roll] (includes +1 Bless and +2 flanking ) Edit: fixed roll in this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21843192&postcount=56)
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak attack: [roll2]

2017-03-24, 09:43 AM
Alphonse moves forward striking alcolyte hoping it goes down with this last strike.

Status: Blessed
AC: 18, FF 16, Touch 12.
Saves: 5/2/2 (+2 vs poison and spells)
Spot: +2/Listen +2/Search +1

I'll heal after, if we can kill this thing, I'll have the free time.

2017-03-27, 11:47 AM
He seems half-minded to give in, but when Alphonse swings his mace at him, he rallies the last of his courage and swings at the other priest.

Keral pulls his feet out from under him, and from there, it's a very one-sided fight. The acolyte is soon dead.

2017-03-27, 11:35 PM
Brandis makes a vexed sound as he cleans his swords and then sheathes them.

"It's a shame that he didn't surrender - we might have been able to get some useful information out of him. Like, does anyone know who this Orcus is that this one mentioned?" He prods the body of the dark robed priest with the toe of his boot.

"Right, let's see if they're carrying anything useful." The halfling leans over the body to search it, but is overwhelmed by a wave of dizziness from his head injury and finds himself sprawled upon the grass.

"... on second thoughts, maybe I'll have a wee lie down for a mite. Ow!"

Current HP: 4/15
Medic! :smalltongue:

2017-03-28, 03:51 PM
As he trips the acolyte and the group finishes him off, Keral flinches slightly at the overkill.
"Yes, Brandis, but some would rather fall than face their friends it would seem. Perhaps, if we run into more of these skulkers, we can endeavor to keep on pinned to extract information in the future?" he says as he looks around at everyone else.

2017-03-28, 10:35 PM
I heard of Orcus. He is an evil demon or devil god-like being. I can't remember which though. Deity of death, but a poor substitute to the greatness that is Wee Jas. He is not worthy to tie her shoes.
Alphonse says as he cast CLW on Brandis.


2017-03-28, 11:24 PM
"Well, that's just great - the followers of some death-demon have kidnapped the villagers. Wonderful."

Brandis shivers as Alphonse's healing magic flows into him, and gently prods the wound on his scalp. "Thanks, that feels much better." The halfling climbs to feet and dusts himself off, then resumes the job of searching the bodies of their fallen foes. "Now, lets see what we can find..."

Take 20 on Search for 26.

2017-03-29, 09:13 AM
You don't find much in the way of personal belongings - they're clearly dressed in uniform.

There's three roughspun black robes, each emblazoned with a red, vertical line topped by a humanoid red skull. The robes are loose enough to be worn above armor, and have hoods that can be drawn. The red symbols sit on the chest, in front of where your heart would be.

All three of them carry similar painted wooden miniatures on silver chains around their necks. (the chains are worth 5gp each, while the wooden unholy symbols nominally sell for ½ a gp each - if you can find a buyer)

They carry between them 7 vials of unholy water.

2 small steel shields and 1 large steel shield.

2 suits of scale mail, and 1 suit of chainmail

2 flanged heavy maces and one +1 heavy mace (also flanged).

The leader also has 1 half empty waterskin.

Under their armor, they're wearing simple, roughspun clothing, and each of them has a pair of metal-capped boots.

2017-03-29, 09:00 PM
Brandis looks over the spoils of combat.

"Not much here that's all that useful, except for the mace," Brandis rubs his chin thoughtfully, then eyes Keral and Brogan, sizing them up. "Although, the robes and amulets could make for some useful disguises. Maybe we should take those with us in case we decide that we want to sneak into their base; and we stash the rest somewhere hidden off the trail."

Halfelf ninja
2017-03-30, 03:35 AM
"I will not dress as a cave murderer like them, thank you very much. I lived under they boot, and ill not pretend to be one. Especially now that we know they worship demons, just like the drow." He look in disgust at the bodys, not from the blood but from the man they were before they took their life.

2017-03-30, 08:43 AM
"Its a great idea, Brandis. Korthli, though you may not choose to, I will take the robes and pack them. It is wise to use any advantage we can. These dogs have no honor, so gaining what we can when we can is a smart decision." Keral says as he starts packing the robes and symbols, careful to dampen what blood on the clothes worn under them on the dead.

2017-03-30, 09:11 AM
By luck or design, the bloody patches on the robes don't show much - there'll be stiff patches though, and you'll need to wash them if you want to get rid of the obvious smell.

2017-03-30, 09:35 AM
"Unless we want to smell like our foes, we better wash them before we even try that disguise. So shall we keep going or make camp?"
Alphonse said rubbing his beard with one hand.

2017-03-30, 10:30 AM
Brandis looks at Korthli, who is only a few inches taller than the slender halfling.

"I don't think that the robes would be much of a fit for you anyway - let the big folk wear 'em," he says with a grin.

Brandis finishes stashing the remaining gear in the bushes, then sets about likewise hiding the bodies from casual discovery. That job done, he gathers up his longbow and looks down the trail.

"Welp, I'm good to press on for a bit - the sooner we find where these demon-worshipers are camped, the sooner we can figure out how to rescue the villagers."

2017-03-30, 11:36 AM
"Yes, let us press on a bit and find somewhere we can set a secure camp, maybe near a water so we can wash the stench out?"

2017-03-30, 11:45 AM
It's still fairly early in the morning - you broke camp not much more than an hour ago.

You follow the trail into the rocky hills, and it soon becomes much more narrow, with grey rock rising on either side of the trail. The sides of the valley are fairly steep, and little sun makes it down to you - it's almost chilly down here, despite the blue sky above.

After a few minutes of walking, you come across a small stream, running down one side of the valley and into a small rock basin, before disappearing into some unseen underground drain.

The basin sits on your right side, on a rock ledge just above human shoulder height. Vibrant green moss grows on the rocks in the immediate area, alongside the bushes that dot the trail.

2017-03-30, 01:04 PM
Brogan will definitely take at least one set of cultist garb. Does anybody have a shovel? If so, let's say we buried the rest of the gear we found on them. If not, I have a mule, and we'll pack them on it.

Also, from now on, he will always be carrying his ransuer in hand.

Brogan looks around with an almost suspicious eye, "This will do. Seems almost disrespectful to wash these garments in such a nice place, though." He carefully takes the robes up to the basin, just enough to get his arms in, and slowly washes them, trying to be as peaceful about it as possible.

2017-03-30, 01:14 PM
In the proccess of clambering up to the basin, Brogan spots something lying on a larger ledge on the other side of the trail - it looks like a stash of furs and blankets and packs of stuff.

2017-03-30, 01:52 PM
Brogan motions for everyone to fall quiet and points it out.

2017-03-31, 09:04 AM
As Keral is setting up camp, he nods at Brogan's comment but keeps mute.
Later, as he is preparing to wash the robes, he notices Brogan motioning and drops the robes as he reaches for his Guisarme. Cautiously, he moves forward to Brogan's position as he waits for the others to advance.
"What did you see?" he asks quietly.

2017-03-31, 09:31 AM
"(Whispering) There on that ledge." He points, "There may be someone nearby."

2017-03-31, 09:39 AM
Alphonse was washing his boots as he notices everyone else acting weird. He whispers, "Did you see someone, there?".

2017-03-31, 10:20 PM
When Brogan motions, Brandis stows his unlit pipe and pulls an arrow from his quiver. Nocking it to his bowstring, he steps behind a rocky outcrop and scans the area.

Rolls if needed:
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2017-04-01, 10:44 AM
Brandis sneaks up to find... not much. Three backpacks, a barrel, and a stack of sleeping furs all tucked against the wall, with an outcrop of stone above the whole thing protecting it from potential rain.

2017-04-02, 02:52 AM
The halfling waves an "all clear" gesture and puts away his bow and arrow.

"Looks like we've found the campsite of our welcoming committee," Brandis says. "Some backpacks, some blankets, and a barrel." He begins searching through the backpacks.

Taking 20 on a Search again for 26.

2017-04-02, 09:54 AM
Alphonse slowly walks forward with weapon at ready in case this was a ambush.
"Anything good?"

Halfelf ninja
2017-04-02, 01:24 PM
Korthli approche to the camsite slowly, measuring evry step "we should be careful. Ive seen to many creatures fall for the drow traps that way. They bring food and fire, and when he comes..." korthli do not end the sentence, but it is clear what he was going to say next.

2017-04-02, 01:49 PM
There's a small barrel of water, three bedrolls, and three backpacks. The backpacks contain 69gp total in various coinage, along with 50ft. of rope, flint and tinder, and 21 days worth of trail rations; mostly dried meats of indeterminate origin and dried mushrooms.

2017-04-02, 04:01 PM
Brogan rubs his chin, "I do not want to steal from anyone, but these could be the supplies of some of our enemies. If these belong to someone else, those people are likely dead or captured. I can store this on my mule, and if we come across the owners, we can decide to give it back then." He then stores it on his mule.

I'll list it all in one of the boxes on the bottom of my character sheet.

Let's head out unless one of you has a reason not to.

2017-04-02, 07:29 PM
"My guess is it was those bushwhackers we ran across." he sniffs the rations, turning his nose up at the meat. "Don't know what that is, could be halfling, dwarf or gnome for all we know" he says smiling to the demihumans in the group " or maybe even human or drow. Best leave it here." as the others collect the belongings, he moves out to where they hadn't trodden yet and searches the grounds for clues.

Search for tracks

2017-04-02, 07:48 PM
From the downtrodden grass, it's fairly obvious that this valley trail has seen a lot of use starting fairly recently. You can't make out any particular tracks, but it's clear that the grass was just recently trodden down.

You'd guess that a large party passed through here days ago.

As for the meat, it actually doesn't seem much like human(oid) meat. This is more like chicken meat in texture, if you had a very big chicken, except it smells faintly like dried fish.

2017-04-03, 09:08 PM
"Eh, I never turn down meat. Or a good drink. We should keep it. Even if we don't eat it, maybe we can feed some dangerous beast."
Alphonse says cheerfully making sure the meat is taken.

2017-04-03, 10:47 PM
Keral gives an amused look as he sketches a small, mocking bow. "As you wish. I'm going to make another quick looks around." he says he circles the spot they choose to make a camp, making sure there aren't any other surprises to be had.

2017-04-04, 02:34 PM
The spot is a rock ledge above the path on the bottom of the valley. They could probably fit three folded out sleeping furs on there, but they'd have to sleep close.

There's nothing else that looks particularly interesting.

2017-04-04, 03:11 PM
After circling around and looking for any traps or potentially dangerous wildlife, Keral comes back.
"Alright, looks safe enough. If no one else has any other things to do right now, I'm going to sleep until sundown and then I'll help whoever else is up keep watch." with that, he climbs and the ledge and sleeps.

2017-04-04, 05:26 PM
After circling around and looking for any traps or potentially dangerous wildlife, Keral comes back.
"Alright, looks safe enough. If no one else has any other things to do right now, I'm going to sleep until sundown and then I'll help whoever else is up keep watch." with that, he climbs and the ledge and sleeps.

"Let me use the another of my orisons healing Brandis. But maybe we mark this spot and come back, it is still early.

Cure Minor Wound on Brandis: 1 hp restored.
Next morning, changing Bane to another Cure. Sure, weakening enemy useful, but we need the healing.

2017-04-05, 12:48 AM
The small figure of the gnome Nebewann Earthcloak, sitting atop Dinetikk, his riding dog, steers his mount towards Keral. As Skorel looks with his large owl eyes upon the resting figure of Keral from Nebewann's shoulder, the gnome wizard did for a moment. As Dinetikk sniffles near Keral with his wet nose, Nebewann speaks up in a loud and annoyed voice: "It's too early to rest, Keral! We have people to save!"

"I do not wish to think of what may have become of the family of my dear chess mate Anthony Blake while we idle. He already lost his life and I wish not to see the same fate befall his wife Emily, or his children Milla and Rich. And let us not forget the other villagers! It has been a journey here, but we simply must continue now!" And with that said, Nebewann guides Dinetikk next to Brogan and his mule, who also seem ready to move on. He nods politly to the human monk. Meanwhile, Skorel looks observingly at the mule and what he carries.

2017-04-05, 09:27 AM
"My thanks again, Alphonse," Brandis says cheerfully, as the dwarf delivers his spell.

"Right, let's press on then," the halfling says, hefting his longbow. "As Nebewann says, these villagers won't rescue themselves... well, they might, but that would be far less exciting for us." He examines the trampled grass Keral looked at earlier. "Even my great-grandmother could follow this mess - and she's half blind in one eye. Either they were moving too quickly to cover their passing, or they just don't care."

2017-04-05, 01:04 PM
Keral opens a squinty eye at Nebewann.
"People should learn how to protect themselves. Can't rely on heroes how never show or mercenaries they can't afford." he grumbles as he sits and lowers himself from the ledge once Brandis joins in the conversation.
"Well, then you two can take watch tonight while I trudge along this path when I could be sleeping." he makes some other noises as he puts his pack back on and equips his weapons.
"Alright, lets go save some villagers, I guess. Hopefully they have a pretty daughter or two to give ole Keral a kiss or three to say thanks when all is said and done."

2017-04-05, 08:18 PM
You follow the valley through the hills. At roughly three in the afternoon, the landscape opens up, and you pass through another pair of white obelisks, marking the end of the valley path.

In the distance all around you, you see the hills rising, and proper mountains to the north and west. The valley floor is covered in grass, making tracks fairly easy to spot. This must be the Valley of Shrines proper.

To the north, you can see a lake, and a pair of what looks like marble temples sit on the shore.

The tracks lead plainly in that direction, so you follow them.

As you make the shores of the lake, it's clear that the waters are still and brackish, despite the river flowing into it from the northwest. The air above the black mirror of the lake is filled with buzzing flies, the only sign of life around.

The twin roman temples on the shore have been touched by fire, the white marble chipped and blackened. The pillars forming the outer walls have all been defaced with blood and fesces, covered in foul symbols and scribbles.

You see the remnants of a large bonfire in the open space between the two temples.

You've travelled for 6 hours now. You have two hours of travel left before you either have to start making con checks to do a forced march, or stop to rest for the night.

You can see the map here. (https://ibb.co/nuN4iv)

2017-04-05, 10:33 PM
"I say, we check one of those shrines, maybe a clue or missed treasure will turn up then we take a rest," Alphonse said.

2017-04-06, 04:12 AM
Nodding to Brandis, Nebewann then gives a short shrug at Keral's reply. Moving on, the day passes until they arrive at a different kind of view and Nebewann lets his eyes gaze across the lake's shores and the two shrines located there. "Foreboding sight. I agree, let's investigate. There does not seem anybody left here. I would hate to think what happened there, however.." He grimaces as he looks at the material the symbols are made out of and the damage done upon the structures. "Can't say I would like to take a long rest near such a desecrated place, though."

2017-04-06, 07:37 AM
"We should definitely go have a gander," says Brandis. "Who knows what clues these demon-worshipers might have left behind." He pauses, considering. "We'd best be careful, though; they might have more of their followers - or some other nasty surprise - waiting for us."

2017-04-06, 09:04 AM
As they come into sight of the lake, it is readily apparent to Keral that something is amiss. Even though he can't smell it, he turns a nose to it in anticipation. As the trudge along, he nods as the others mention going to the temples. "Alright, lets do that. Let's take the stealthy approach, eh? I'm probably not as quiet as Master Nimbletoes, but I can do in a pinch." he says as he gives Brandis a wink. 'What you all say, circle around and make sure no one is sneaking about before going in?
I gut doesn't like the set up down there, not one bit. To easy to walk into an ambush, so lets make sure we don't,

2017-04-06, 04:00 PM
Brogan nods at Keral, "What he said. I agree we should investigate, but if we find no indication of prisoners being there, we move on. We have no time to waste."

Being not too stealthy, he will remain with the casters as a guard.

2017-04-07, 01:33 AM
"Sounds good to me to circle around and move on if we find no clues." Nebewann will follow when instructed, staying in the back as the sneaking folk move to circle, as he is not skilled in that area.

2017-04-07, 04:13 PM
As everyone seems to be in agreement, Keral nods at Brandis before continuing.
"What say you about taking the closer one? I'll take the right and you take the left, let the others come behind us about, oh... say, 40 feet or so? Close enough to rush in if we need some quick reinforcements but far enough away as to not make such a big ruckus as to give away our positions?"

If in agreement, Keral will move up as planned, sneaking and scouting.
Move Silently

2017-04-07, 09:34 PM
"Sounds good to me - just as long as we don't mistake each other for potential ambushers!" Brandis says with a grin.

Hide: [roll0]

Move Silently: [roll1]

Spot: [roll2]

Listen: [roll3]

2017-04-07, 11:08 PM
"I'm not so stealthy, so you two have fun sneaking while we do the frontal thingy I guess."

AC: 18, FF 16, Touch 12.
Saves: 5/2/2 (+2 vs poison and spells)
Spot: +2/Listen +2/Search +1
Alphonse tries the plan, moving slowly up and waiting till signal.

2017-04-07, 11:58 PM
About at the same time, Keral and Brandis both pass by one of the scribbles on the temples, and a rune lights up with a red glow, followed by a roar of flame. Both the man and the halfling are drenched with gouts of red fire.

From inside the temples, you hear clanks of metal, and what sounds like claws clicking on stone.

Keral and Brandis take 6 fire damage each from their individual traps, reflex DC 15 halves.

Keral & Nebewann won initiative & will start the combat.


2017-04-08, 12:16 AM
As he sneaks forward, Keral keeps his weapon up, trying to use the building for cover... just as the flames erupt.
Cursing in pain, he moves to the edge of the building and sets himself up.

AC = 16 ; Current = 16
HP = 15 ; Current = 12

Free Action - Curse, b and moan.

Move Action
Move 10 feet 'up', to just past the edge of the building.

Standard Action
Ready action to trip whatever comes through the doorway.
Attack , trip attack
[roll0] vs touch AC

Opposed Strength check
[roll1] includes +4 from Improved Trip

If he wins opposed strength check, extra attack from Improved Trip
[roll2] includes +4 for prone


Critical 20/x2
[roll4] includes +4 for prone

Effects ~

2017-04-08, 03:27 PM
"This spell should help." Nebewann mentions to Brogan. The air fills with magic as Nebewann chants and deftly moves his hands along the predefined paths of the arcane spell he is casting. With a pinch of powdered iron from his spell component pouch, Nebewann draws forth mystical energy and the symbols drawn in the air focus on Brogan as Nebewann speaks the mystical words. But as of yet, the words do not take full effect, as they are not completed.

When the words finish six seconds later, Brogan's human form starts to slowly change, growing wider and taller, while his perspective shoots ever higher. Within moments, what once was a man standing 6 feet and 2 inches, is then a man standing 12 feet and 4 inches!

Full-Round Action: Casting Enlarge Person (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/enlargePerson.htm) on Brogan. Lasts 2 minutes.

Brogan becomes Large at the start of Nebewann's next round.

Spellcraft to identify trap's magical effect: [roll0]

HP: 13/13
AC: 13

2017-04-09, 03:48 AM
Nebewann didn't quite catch enough of a look at the glowing runes to be able to tell what sort of magic they were.

Blackened skeletons come spilling out of the two temples, swarming around Brandis and Keral.

Keral is quick to put the first one on its back, and swings at it as it gets up again, but misses.

The skeletons are eerily silent, the only sound they produce being the clicks of their bones against the stone of the temple floor.

Each of them carry a crude sword, along with a shield.

Skelly actions:
1: Move+stand up(move).
2: Move+attack keral(std)
3: Move+attack keral(std)
4: Move+attack brandis w. cover(std)
5: Move+attack keral(std)
6: Move+move
7: Move+move

2vKeral: [roll0], [roll1] - Hit?
Crit: [roll2], [roll3] - crit fails.

3vKeral: [roll4], [roll5] - Hit?
Crit: [roll6], [roll7]

4vBrandis(includes cover): [roll8], [roll9]
Crit: [roll10], [roll11]

5vBrandis: [roll12], [roll13]
Crit: [roll14], [roll15]

Turn passes to Alphonse, Brandis, Brogan & Korthli


2017-04-09, 09:58 AM
"Foul creatures, serve your new god, serve Wee Jas!", Alphonse moves 4 below the skeleton labeled 6 then attempts to channel the power of his divinity.

AC: 18, FF 16, Touch 12.
Saves: 5/2/2 (+2 vs poison and spells)
Spot: +2/Listen +2/Search +1

Now sure how many I can hit, but a few.
Turn Attempt for highest: [roll1], Means I can affect my level +3 or 5 HD is highest.
Turn Damage: [roll2]

If I succeed, they are cower (similar to stunned, everyone gets +2 hit vs them), unlike turning I can smack them too.
If I have double HD, then they are mine to control as Dominate.

2017-04-09, 11:30 AM
Brogan charges up to the nearest skeleton and smashes into it with his gauntleted fist.

Charges skeleton 7 for 9 damage max.

Brogan is large and has a space of 4 squares and a reach of 10ft.

He charges skeleton 5, coming right up against the temple (one square between skeleton and Brogan).

Gauntlet Charge: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Dex is 14, so 2 AoO's per round, using gauntlet. Ignoring all ransuer attacks.

AC is 14.

2017-04-10, 03:50 AM
As the runes glow and burst into magical flame, Brandis ducks behind one of the columns. Avoiding the worst of the blast, he's still somewhat singed.

When the skeletons attack, the halfling scout drops his longbow. Drawing two small hammers from loops in his weapon belt, he swings at the kneecap of one of the undead creatures.

AC: 18
HP: 9/15

Free: drop longbow.

Move: draw light hammers.

Standard: attack skeleton 5
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Halfelf ninja
2017-04-11, 03:29 PM
Korthli create the silvery glowing hand almost instantly, and look around to see if there is anything to throw at the skeletons.

2017-04-12, 06:58 PM
The hand does pick up a small piece of rock, but it's throw is ineffective.

Mage hand is weaker than Korthli himself - far too weak to throw stuff and have it deal damage.

2017-04-13, 03:13 AM
Looking at the situation, Nebewann squints his eyes for a moment. While Brogan is increasing in size, the gnome wizard spurs his riding dog into moving. The faithful Dinetikk moves closer to the temple where Keral is fighting, close enough to bring Nebewann in range to cast another spell. While he guides Dinetikk with one hand, Nebewann uses the other to pick out a bit of butter from his spell component pouch and weave symbols in the air while he chants an arcane incantation. As the butter evaporates, he summons forth a slippery grease beneath the feet of the skeletons standing before Keral. A dark and oily puddle bubbles up in their midst and soon covers their bony feet, weakening their balance.

Move to the right as far as needed (up to 30ft max), but not further than needed, to get in range to cast Grease (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/grease.htm) with a range of 30ft on the 3 skeletons in front of Keral. The greasy 10ft square is centered amidst the three skeletons, so all are effected.

Grease effect: Reflex DC 15 or fall. This save is repeated on your turn each round that the creature remains within the area. A creature can walk within or through the area of grease at half normal speed with a DC 10 Balance check. Failure means it can’t move that round (and must then make a Reflex save or fall), while failure by 5 or more means it falls (see the Balance skill for details). Lasts 2 rounds.

Concentration DC 10 to cast while on a moving mount: [roll0]

Halfelf ninja
2017-04-13, 07:43 AM
did not ment throwing. Is there a verb that describe making stones fall from above on peoples heads?

2017-04-13, 11:24 PM
Keral grins as the magician provides him some relief. Turning to the skeleton who keeps its feet, he swings, trying to hook it's feet and pull it to the ground.

AC = 16 ; Current = 16
HP = 15 ; Current = 5

Standard Action
Attack S2, trip attack
[roll0]vs touch AC

Opposed Strength check
[roll1]includes +4 from Improved Trip

If he wins opposed strength check, extra attack from Improved Trip
[roll2] includes +4 for prone


Critical 20/x2
[roll4] includes +4 for prone

Move Action
Move 5 feet back.
Effects ~

2017-04-14, 02:56 PM
Keral's attempt to trip up one skeleton is fouled, but the thing flops over on its own shortly afterwards.

The other sprawling skeletons get up, and close in with Keral - his responsive swing leaves much to be desired, a pillar getting in the way of him attacking properly. One of them swings its sword at him.

Two skeletons cower before Alphonse's unholy might, even as Brogan punches them to bits, while a the remaining two continue hacking at Brandis.

S1: Stand(move)+Move10ft.(Provokes AoO, misses)
S2: Move(falls in grease due to failed balance and reflex)
S3: Stand(move)+5ft. step(free)+attack Keral
S4: Attack Brandis
S5: Attack Brandis(Cover)
S6: Cowers
S7: Cowers

S3 vs Keral: [roll0], [roll1]
S4 vs Brandis: [roll2], [roll3]
S3 vs Brandis(cover gives +4 AC): [roll4], [roll5]

Now it is the party. From this point on, we will disregard the barrier between the top and bottom of the round;
all of you can act now, Neb and Keral don't have to wait.


2017-04-14, 06:35 PM
Brogan assesses the battlefield for an instant before acting. Seeing that he is needed most with Keral, he dashes past the cowering skeletons to stand just north of the magical grease, his heavy feet thundering on the ground.

Double move to put his 4 squares flush atop the grease squares, so that he is flanking S1 with Keral.
With combat reflexes and a dex of 14, he gets 2 AoO's. One if the prone skelly stands up, another if one of the others closes with him.

Gauntlet +5, 1d8+4
AC 14

2017-04-14, 10:52 PM
"I'm coming Brandis, "says as he moves up (where top of O square in BO is on map) and tries to turn the undead near him. "Feel Wee Jas love!"

AC: 18, FF 16, Touch 12.
Saves: 5/2/2 (+2 vs poison and spells)
Spot: +2/Listen +2/Search +1

Turn Damage: [roll1]

Hoping to catch both 4 and 5. Once we have half the team immobilized, I figure we can bash the rest.

2017-04-15, 08:31 AM
Keral looks stunned as the creatures stand amidst the grease and keep coming.
Taking a step back, he swings at the nearest as he dodges it's blow, sweat dripping down his face.
"Come on, you bloody bag of bones."

AC = 16 ; Current = 16
HP = 15 ; Current = 5

Free Action
5 foot step back

Standard Action
Attack S3, trip attack
[roll0]vs touch AC

Opposed Strength check
[roll1] includes +4 from Improved Trip

If he wins opposed strength check, extra attack from Improved Trip
[roll2]includes +4 for prone


Critical 20/x2
[roll4] includes +4 for prone

Effects ~

2017-04-15, 02:46 PM
Nebewann hesitates for a moment, his thumbs moving slowly to stroke Dinetikk. Then, he lifts both thumbs from Dinetikk, trying to guide his mount with his knees. "Onward, Dinetikk!" He states, as Dinetikk moves to the temple, but to the far right. Meanwhile, Nebewann takes out his crossbow and tries to maintain his balance as he loads it.

Move on riding dog to the lowest square still inside the temple area, between the pillars, and south of Skeleton 3.
Draw crossbow.
Load crossbow.

Ride DC 5 to guide with knees. If fail, no loading of crossbow is done. [roll0]

2017-04-17, 01:50 AM
Seeing the skeletons bow down before the cleric of Wee Jas, Brandis moves past them and heads towards those still actively fighting.

"Thanks Alphonse!" Brandis salutes the cleric with one of his little hammers as heads past.

I'm assuming that Alphonse's Rebuke Undead check was successful, and both S4 and S5 are cowering.

Double move towards 1, 2, & 3 - which should put Brandis 10' / 2 squares east of S6.

2017-04-17, 03:46 PM
Nebewann guides his mount south - but as the dog scampers onto the marble, a rune concealed among the scribles in the southwestern corner of the temple flares red, and a burst of flame floods from it, washing over the gnome and his dog and raking their skin.

From his new position, Brogan can see inside the easternmost temple. The desecration of the outer walls continue inside; he can make out a broken, headless statue standing beyond a low alter. The statue holds aloft a sword, shattered at the hilt, while its shield is covered in scorch marks and scribbles in red and brown.

Brogan takes the opportunity to hammer his gauntlet at the skeleton in front of him as it makes to get up, and start swinging at him with its sword. Despite the heavy blow, it keeps coming at him.

Meanwhile, the two unengaged skeletons continue to follow Keral, swinging their swords.

Nebewann and dog each take [roll0] fire damage, Ref DC 15 will reduce to half (edit: minimum 1, so it doesn't matter what you roll in this case.).

You recognize this as a Glyph of Warding, (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/glyphOfWarding.htm) although judging from the amount of fire produced, the caster level is unusually low.

Brogan AoO(vs S2 prone): [roll1], for [roll2]

S2 attacks Brogan: [roll3], [roll4]

S1 attacks Keral: [roll5], [roll6]
S3 attacks Keral: [roll7], [roll8] - Edit: I believe this is a hit?
They use 5ft. steps to follow him, so no AoOs on that account.

Note: r marks the location of the glyph that just exploded on Nebewann.

2017-04-17, 04:57 PM
Brogan promptly grabs the impertinent skeleton by it's sword arm and draws it into a crushing bear hug.

Grapples s2.

Melee Touch: [roll0]
Grapple: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2017-04-18, 08:00 AM
Seeing Keral under assault, Brandis rushes to his aid, swinging his tiny hammer as hard as he can at the nearest skeleton.

Move 20' to the square north of Keral.

Attack S1 with light hammer: [roll0] Edit: Oh, come on! :smallmad:
Damage: [roll1]

2017-04-18, 05:53 PM
Nebewann loudly grumbles because of his miscalculation. His action brought him only in danger and his crossbow is far from lined up well. Still, he lets go of the crossbow bolt, aiming for the nearest skeleton, after which he loads a new bolt on his crossbow. Still, he keenly looks at the glyph in the mean time.

Spellcraft: [roll0]

Standard action: Attack S3 with crossbow. To Hit: [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
Move action: Reload.

2017-04-18, 07:15 PM
It's a perfect shot - the bolt flies true across the battlefield, and embeds itself in a cleanpicked skull.

Had it been alive, Nebewann is sure that a bolt to the brain would have killed it. As it is, it means little more than the skeleton having an arrow sticking out of its head.

They're undead, so they're immune to criticals. They also have damage reduction from slashing and piercing attacks.

2017-04-18, 10:52 PM
Alphonse moves 20 ft toward Brogan as he draws a scroll of bless and casts it. "Let Wee Jas guide out hands".

AC: 18, FF 16, Touch 12.
Saves: 5/2/2 (+2 vs poison and spells)
Spot: +2/Listen +2/Search +1
Status Bless

2017-04-19, 01:54 PM
Brogan grabs the skeleton, and is faced with it clawing at his face.

Meanwhile Brandis takes over Keral's one-on-two fight.

S2 attacks at Brogan, -4 for being grappled: [roll0], [roll1]

S1 attacks Brandis: [roll2], [roll3]
S3 attacks Brandis: [roll4], [roll5]


2017-04-19, 10:32 PM
Brogan ignores the flesh wound and continues to crush the unlife out of the skeleton.

Continues to grapple.

Grapple: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If this is enough to destroy it, he will move to the left to stand in the spaces between alphonse and brandis.

2017-04-19, 11:54 PM
Feeling encouraged by Alphonse's blessing, Brandis hammers at the skeleton standing over Keral's fallen form.

5' step to be directly west of Skeleton 3.

Full round TWF with light hammers on Skeleton 3:
Primary Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Off-hand Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-04-20, 02:02 PM
Nebewann's facial expression lights up as his crossbow bolt unexpectedly hits its mark full on. The happy expression vanishes almost instantly when the realisation dawns that the skeleton did not notice much, if anything at all, of it. Now grimacing, Nebewann tucks away his crossbow. He then weaves a hand in the air once more, speaking a magical word of power, trying to keep focus as Dinetikk moves. Should his focus prove able, a small orb of green material winks in existence and flies to the closest skeleton.

Move 10 feet left, 15 feet up on Dinetikk while sheathing crossbow. This brings Nebewann within 30ft casting range of S3.

Standard action: Cast Acid Splash (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/acidSplash.htm) on S3.
Concentration to cast while mounted DC 10: [roll0].
Ranged touch attack, firing in melee: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Halfelf ninja
2017-04-20, 02:10 PM
Korthli take his crossbow carefuly, aim, and shoot one of the skeletons

Damage if hit

2017-04-20, 10:34 PM
Alphonse moves beside the Skeleton 3 and slams them with his mace.

AC: 18, FF 16, Touch 12.
Saves: 5/2/2 (+2 vs poison and spells)
Spot: +2/Listen +2/Search +1
Status Bless
I guess I'll help kill Skeleton 3 then heal Keral.


2017-04-21, 10:46 AM
Brogan krushes the skeleton between his mighty thews, and whatever force animated it gives in, scattering the bones all over Brogan and the grease.

In the meantime, the rest of the party gangs up on the skeleton standing over Keral's body. Although it is both battered, scorched by acid and two crossbow bolts stick from its skull, it keeps going.

Crossbows don't have bonus damage - I'm not sure why you added +2 to the roll?
Either way, here it is rolled for real: [roll0](-4 added for shooting into melee), [roll1]damage.

Skeleton1 attacks Brandis: [roll2], [roll3]
Skeleton3 attacks Brandis: [roll4], [roll5]


2017-04-21, 06:37 PM
"Just lie down, you bags of bones!" Brandis growls, smashing at the skeleton again.

TWF hammers on Skeleton 3 again.

Primary Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Off-hand Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-04-21, 07:48 PM
It does indeed lie down, a rattle of disorganised bones collapsing on top of Keral.

2017-04-21, 10:35 PM
Alphonse brings forth scroll of healing magic to restore Keral to life, "By Wee Jas lips!"

AC: 18, FF 16, Touch 12.
Saves: 5/2/2 (+2 vs poison and spells)
Spot: +2/Listen +2/Search +1
Status Bless

Cure: [roll0]

2017-04-22, 02:35 AM
The magic Nebewann wielded earlier has faded from the field of battle as the puddle of grease evaporated.

Swallowing, the small gnome riding atop the dog closes his eyes for a brief moment as he gathers courage. Then, he guides Dinetikk forward and takes out his dagger. Taking position just south of Keral, close to the others, he swipes his dagger forward towards the skeleton. Not to hit or cause damage, but to disrupt the skeleton in hopes that his next assault on Brandis will be less effective. He also briefly motions to Brogan, than to the position opposite of him across the skeleton, to indicate he enabled a flanking position. Yet as he motions, his arm trembles. Nebewann's face betrays fear as melee is just about the place in combat he wishes he could avoid. Seeing his crossbow being nigh useless and without further magic, he has however chosen this course of action.

Move 1 square south of Keral/Skeleton 3.
Aid another to provide Brandis with +2 AC versus Skeleton 1, DC 10: [roll0]

HP: 12/13
AC: 13

2017-04-22, 01:10 PM
With one remaining hostile skeleton and no room for wrestling, Brogan throws a strong punch over Brandis's head.

Brogan adjusts one square up in the hopes of avoiding a soft cover penalty when attacking the last remaining skeleton, as he is large and Brandis is small, so reaching over should be trivial. Also, enlarge person lasts for minutes per level, right? Assuming he's still large:

Gauntlet: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]