View Full Version : Barrowmaze (5e) IC Team 2

2017-03-14, 08:35 AM
You have come to the Duchy of Aerik in search of wealth and fame for within the Duchy lies the famed Barrowmaze, a labyrinthine burial crypt with all manner of fortunes and creatures fowl. To this end, you find yourself on the road to a small town known as Helix.

The village of Helix is located between the northern edge of the Barrowmoor and south of the Blackened Forest. Humans established the village centuries ago atop the ruins of a much older settlement. The location affords access to water, the protection of the forest, and fuel supply in the form of harvested peat moss from the bog.

The people of Helix are a mixed group. The remote location of the village, on the western edge of the known world and far removed from civilized society, means the townspeople are either hardy frontiersmen who make the village their home or scoundrels and knaves seeking refuge in the distant corners of the realm.

The time of year also influences the village population. Helix appears relatively quiet during the rainy season in the fall and winter months. During this time, only the foolish would attempt to cross the marsh (even highly skilled rangers and druids would think twice). The water level rises during the rainy season and it makes traversing the ground a perilous undertaking. Instead, most wait until the late spring or early summer to navigate the Barrowmoor.

Helix falls under the feudal protection of Lord Viscount Kell Ironguard. Lord Ironguard has designated his son and heir, Krothos Ironguard, as ruler of the village (even though the young Krothos spends the majority of his time shirking his duties). Lord Ironguard knows his son is too immature for the position, but hopes the responsibilities of leadership will help him grow and develop into the future ruler of Ironguard Motte. In truth, the people of Helix have great admiration for Lord Ironguard but despise his son Krothos who cares little for the well-being of the land and its people. Krothos is rarely seen without his personal advisor and councilor—a weasel-looking fellow in black robes by the name of Ollis Blackfell.

Many folk tales and legends are told in Helix. Of these stories the undead are the most persistent. Village elders agree that the sightings of strange human-like figures shuffling through the fog are a growing threat to their communities. Some locals in Helix blame adventurers for these disturbances and say the barrow mounds must be left alone and that the dead must not be disturbed.

Each fall, the people of Helix celebrate the harvest by constructing a large effigy of Green Man or Herne in the village square made of dried peat, reeds, and hay. The villagers, wearing masks symbolizing the animals of the swamp and forest, surround the effigy with sacrifices, conduct prayers, and then light it aflame on the night of the Autumnal Equinox. This is followed by a celebration of drinking, singing, and dancing. The church of St. Ygg discourages this longstanding practice.

Date: 21 Februarius, Year 7102
Time: 10:00 (Sunrise: 06:45, Sunset: 17:43)
Temp: 53F
Light Sources:
Known Spells in Effect:

2017-03-14, 11:59 AM
Walking into the village Kriv, a gold Dragonborn standing at 7'2"tall and weighing 350 lbs looks around his golden eyes taking in the sights. His chain mail looks pristine and seems to hint at a golden hue fits his form well. On his back his maul and Great Axe sits on his back in an 'x' form where the holy symbol of Bahamut is clearly seen.

I begin to look around and see if there are any that may need help or a prayer.

2017-03-14, 12:47 PM
Waywocket "Ashcloak" Folkor (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1136711) traced the winding path along the outskirts of the Blackened Forest, darting nimbly between the trees. She had turned off the main road some way back - it had been too busy for her liking, and in any case she preferred the solitude of the woodland. As the path turned slightly uphill the trees began to thin, until before long she had a commanding view of the village before her. She paused to take in the sight.

Helix, it seemed to her at first glance, was an unremarkable village like any other. A square, a few buildings of clear local importance, a scattering of shops and taverns, homes and hovels of all shapes and sizes. But yet... there was definitely something more going on. Wasn't it a little large for a settlement so remote? And it certainly seemed busy. Why, just now she thought she could make out the sight of-

Is that a Dragonborn? she half-whispered to herself. It was hard to tell from so far, and from such a brief glimpse, but it seemed likely. She had heard of the race, of course, but had never seen one before. What could have brought it to Helix? It must be the rumours of the Barrowmaze. Clearly, this place on the moor was attracting all sort of aventur-

The crack of a twig behind her snapped her out of a her train of thought. Somebody else was coming along the path! She quickly decided on a course of action. Whoever it was probably meant her no harm, but there was no sense taking any chances. The gnome dashed a few feet off the path while performing a quick hand gesture.

Casting minor illusion cantrip to give the appearance of a large, dense, and very spiky shrub filling the space where I'm standing, completely concealing me.

Green Leviathan
2017-03-14, 07:56 PM
Si'veil (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1137852) brushed aside a tree branch as he tried to follow the map he had won off a traveler a couple of nights back. The man claimed it would take a day off his travel and used it as collateral, so Si'veil had switched out to his "lucky" dice once the traveler's eyes had flickered to the barmaid, just to make sure he could take advantage of the opportunity. It seemed obviously that this map was a lie, he should have been at this Helix town by last night instead of trouncing around through the woods. Honestly, you couldn't trust people anymore.

Si'veil sighed and tucked the map into his pack, he was sure he could get a coin or two off some poor sod for this shortcut. A branch had made a loud crack as he stepped on it with his boot. He looked down, slightly offended to be betrayed by the branch, and kicked it aside. As he looked up he could see Helix in the distance, finally, his chance to really make a difference in his life. Si'veils face darkened momentarily as he reminded himself why he was here, to gain enough strength to go back and gain vengeance against his sisters killers. His face brightened once again. He was sure to find other people here who wanted to plunge the depths of this barrowmaze, he would just go into town and see who that would be.

2017-03-15, 07:33 AM
Ezra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1082321) 6/6 HP

"Ugh!" Ezra lets his frustration after stepping into a pile of mud. He turns to Wilem and glares at him, "That person we spoke to who gave us directions told us it would be warmed up out here and nice by now and yet," he lifts up his dark red rob and boots to show his now clearly muddy foot. "I knew I should have learned that cleaning spell" Ezra mumbles to himself before storming onward.

They had just reached the outskirts of the town, following a poorly kept path through the woods. It seems that during the winter months travel was far less which resulted in the roads being unused. Still aside from the minor annoyances it was nice to set eyes upon the town they sought. It had been a long travel to get here so it was a relief to see some comforts, Ezra didn't get out much....

2017-03-15, 08:06 AM
From her immaterial hiding-place Ashcloak surveyed the man who had followed along the path after her. She had hoped he would simply pass by, but it seemed that he too had stopped to take in his surroundings. He didn't seem the most reputable-looking person - but then, she reflected, after so many years in the wilderness she was doubtless in no position to judge others for their appearances. At any rate, he didn't look to be a threat to her. And she had no intention of spending all day disguised as a shrub, even if she could manage to keep casting the illusion afresh every minute without somebody noticing, which she highly doubted. Hearing other voices nearby in the woods, she decided to break from cover.

Dispelling the illusion while Si'veil's back was turned, Ashcloak took a few careful steps back on to the path and called out to the half-elf: "Silvanus' blessings upon you, stranger. Are you heading into the village?"

Green Leviathan
2017-03-15, 08:35 AM
"Gah!" Si'veil said startled. He put one hand to the crystal at his neck and the other pointed in the direction of the sound. He visibly relaxes upon seeing it wan't some bog man or owlbear. Putting his hands down he reply's, "Sorry, I didn't see you there. Blessings to you as well. And yes, I'm heading into the village. Going to the first tavern I see and take a long pull from a mug of ale. After that, well, we'll see. Do you hail from around here?"

2017-03-15, 08:55 AM
Evodine pulled her cloak tightly around her as the wind whipped up the hill she had just crested. Be an adventurer, Evodine, the red-haired woman silently mocked herself. It's all glory. The money falls in your lap. The only thing that has fallen in your lap lately was the mud-squirrel that fell out of the tree. She looks down the hill toward Helix. "Finally," she mutters aloud to herself. She looks down at her mud-caked boots. Let's see if we can find some way to get warm again...or if that's even possible."

2017-03-15, 10:23 AM
http://i.imgur.com/kMqSa6h.png (http://imgur.com/a/S1Fnm)

You enter the small village of Helix from the east (right part of the map). As you enter, the first thing that catches your eye (and has caught your eye for the last 5 or so minutes of your trip in) is a spire of stone capped with a dome and a telescope like fixture protruding from it (10 on the map). The stonework is mostly moss covered but the tower looks lived in, not abandoned. As you pass the hill upon which the spire is built you come along a small house with a sign above the door showing 2 longbows placed horizontally with 10 arrows behind them placed vertically (11 on the map). To the south lies a windmill with its blades slowly turning in the breeze (12 on the map). You pass a few more buildings and come to the square of the village (1 on the map). In the middle of the square is a small dias built from rock. Not far from the dias is a pillory to serve as a deterrent for criminals and thieves. Across the square sits a large building with a fenced in area behind it (5 on the map). It appears to be a merchant company. Next to it stands the shrine to St. Ygg (6 on the map), his symbol proudly displayed outside the shrine.

http://i.imgur.com/zD1oxl2.png?1 (http://imgur.com/zD1oxl2)

On the other side of the merchant company is a small building (4 on the map) with the picture of a sword and torch crossed in front of a shield. To the left of where you stand (3 on the map) is a smithy, easily distinguished by the sound of hammer on anvil as the smith toils away the morning. To the right of you (2 on the map) is what looks to be a common goods store. Alongside the trade store sits a large building (8 on the map). The sign above the door depicts a cheekily drawn wench. Between this building and the shrine, a slim 2 story building sits (7 on the map). The sign above the door of this building depicts a couple of coins.

Date: 21 Februarius, Year 7102
Time: 10:00 (Sunrise: 06:45, Sunset: 17:43)
Temp: 53F
Light Sources:
Known Spells in Effect:

Ashcloak and Si'veil will receive an update when they enter the village as they are coming in from a different direction. Once I know where Bree Yark is I will bring him in.

2017-03-15, 11:10 AM
"Ah, my apologies for startling you! It can be hard for those of your stature to always notice us smaller folk." Ashcloak neglected, funnily enough, to mention that she had been actively hiding from him. She was relieved to see that he was friendly, even if he had reacted strangely at first. Why had he grabbed that crystal like that? Had she ever seen or heard of anything like that before?

Intelligence (Arcana/Religion) on the crystal: [roll0]

"But no, to answer your question, I am not from these parts, merely passing through the area. The people of this region are known for their connections with the wild spaces, the swamp and the forest, and I am interested in finding out more about their customs and legends." No need to mention the Barrowmaze quite yet, she reasoned, as she resumed walking towards the village. "I'm guessing that you are also a stranger to these parts, if you asked whether I was local. Tell me, what brings you to Helix? And what name are you known by?"

Green Leviathan
2017-03-15, 11:31 AM
Si'veil walked in step with this gnome and replied with a grand flourish , "Why to seek fame and fortune among the barrowmaze!" He then stuck out his hand toward the gnome, My name is Si'veil, and might i assume from your pack and that scimitar of yours that you seek the same guessing few else would come as soon as the path opened armed as such. And what may I call you sir?"Si'veil hoped he had stumbled on his first companion, the sooner he could delve into the barrowmaze the better.

2017-03-15, 11:41 AM
[B][COLOR="darkolivegreen"]Why had he grabbed that crystal like that? Had she ever seen or heard of anything like that before?

Intelligence (Arcana/Religion) on the crystal: [roll0]

Without knowing more about this person, you don't know why he would have grabbed at the crystal. Religious significance, talisman, magical item, nervous reflex, etc. Too many possibilities without knowing more about the man.

2017-03-15, 11:41 AM

Wilem gives his grumpy companion a sidelong glance. Under his traveling clothes and cloak, he has worked up a sweat trekking to Helix. As far as Wilem is concerned, the man they had spoken to is correct; it is warm and nice.

The two make their way into the village, passing a tower observatory and heading into the square. Wilem takes a look around. People seem busy, and he can tell there are others there well suited to a life of travel and adventure, probably others on their way to the Barrowmaze. He turns to Relkin, We should ask around, see if anyone knows more about the Barrowmaze, and find out if anyone else is headed that way. From this point on, it'd be a good idea to travel in a group. I'm heading to the smithy to make sure my weapons are in order. Where will you be?

2017-03-15, 11:52 AM

Wilem gives his grumpy companion a sidelong glance. Under his traveling clothes and cloak, he has worked up a sweat trekking to Helix. As far as Wilem is concerned, the man they had spoken to is correct; it is warm and nice.

The two make their way into the village, passing a tower observatory and heading into the square. Wilem takes a look around. People seem busy, and he can tell there are others there well suited to a life of travel and adventure, probably others on their way to the Barrowmaze. He turns to Relkin, We should ask around, see if anyone knows more about the Barrowmaze, and find out if anyone else is headed that way. From this point on, it'd be a good idea to travel in a group. I'm heading to the smithy to make sure my weapons are in order. Where will you be?

Ezra - 6/6 HP

Ezra takes in his surrounds well. A small little haven for people to gather, seemingly a nice little town albeit a little grungy at times. He looks over at Wilem, "Sure, you head to the smithy and I think I'll go investigate that tower with the telescope. Surely someone knowledgeable may live there." He ponders for a moment, stroking his gray beard, before continuing, "How about we meet back up at the tavern in an hour or two?" With his staff he points over to the building hosting a wench clad sign. "We can compare findings then and perhaps meet some other travelers."

2017-03-15, 12:19 PM
Without knowing more about this person, you don't know why he would have grabbed at the crystal. Religious significance, talisman, magical item, nervous reflex, etc. Too many possibilities without knowing more about the man.
Ashcloak shrugged - there was no way of telling what the crystal's importance might be. And she hardly felt she could ask. This man was a stranger, after all. A particularly charming stranger, it had to be said, but a stranger nonetheless.

At the mention of her pack and scimitar Ashcloak instinctively glanced downwards. She could hardly deny it, she certainly looked the part of an adventurer. "Well..." she said carefully, "I lived for many years out in the wilds. I learned the hard way that it pays well to be prepared. As for fame and fortune, they don't interest me all that much. But the Barrowmaze... well, let's just say that I have my own reasons for being interested in that particular legend." A shadow crossed her face as she spoke. She wasn't going to be telling anybody her motivations for seeking out that accursed place. She could barely even face the reasons herself...

The gnome lightened up as she shook the half-elf's hand and quickly moved the conversation on. "Si'veil is it? What a lovely name! How did you come by it? It sounds like it's almost two names, doesn't it?" she replied, letting her thoughts run away with her. "So fun to say as well. Si'veil... See-vel... Tsi-ville..." Like all gnomes, Ashcloak was fascinated by names, and had a good eight names herself (although three she had adopted as a young druid from the noises that the beasts of the wild made towards her, and one she wasn't confident she could even pronounce, so she was unsure if that really counted as a name). As such, she simply continued: "You can call me Ashcloak. Most people do."

2017-03-15, 12:46 PM
http://i.imgur.com/kMqSa6h.png (http://imgur.com/a/S1Fnm)

You enter the small village of Helix from the south-east, cutting across some fields used by the local farmers for their grazing animals. (right part of the map). As you enter, the first thing that catches your eye is a windmill with its blades slowly turning in the breeze (12 on the map). You walk past the mill which is situated on a small hill. Past that you spy a well work road and make your way towards it to abandon the field you are walking through. Across the road you see a small building (4 on the map) with the picture of a sword and torch crossed in front of a shield. On your side of the road (3 on the map) is a smithy, easily distinguished by the sound of hammer on anvil as the smith toils away the morning. Across from the smithy sits a large building with a fenced in area behind it (5 on the map). It appears to be a merchant company. Next to it stands the shrine to St. Ygg (6 on the map), his symbol proudly displayed outside the shrine.

http://i.imgur.com/zD1oxl2.png?1 (http://imgur.com/zD1oxl2)

In front of you is the square of the village (1 on the map). In the middle of the square is a small dias built from rock. Not far from the dias is a pillory to serve as a deterrent for criminals and thieves. Next to the shrine, a slim 2 story building sits (7 on the map). There is a sign above the door but it is too far away to properly discern. Next to that building is another large building (8 on the map). While it too bears a sign above the door which you can not see well enough, the trappings of the building indicate it is the local inn. The last building on the square (2 on the map) is what looks to be a common goods store. Above those last buildings you see a spire of stone capped with a dome and a telescope like fixture protruding from it (10 on the map). The stonework is mostly moss covered but the tower looks lived in, not abandoned.

Date: 21 Februarius, Year 7102
Time: 10:15 (Sunrise: 06:45, Sunset: 17:43)
Temp: 53F
Light Sources:
Known Spells in Effect:

Green Leviathan
2017-03-15, 12:49 PM
Si'veil nodded to Ashcloacks explanation, everyone was entitled to some secrets. He chuckled slightly as the gnome rolled his name around in his mouth. "Had it all my life, I've yet to tire of it, though that's not to say i haven't borrowed a couple others here and there you understand. I must say it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. What say you to going to going together to this barrow, plus i'm sure we can find others with similar motives in town. Oh, and I'm a warlock in case you were wondering my qualifications." Si'veil says with a smile, though watches for a reaction to his revelation. Normally he keeps information closer to the vest, but he supposed if he were to join this gnome in the barrow, he should know the extent of his abilities.

2017-03-15, 12:51 PM
Being 7'2" tall and large Kriv was used to the states and the wide berths people often gave him, it's usually not until they realize he's a Paladin that people start to come to him or speak to him. Taking in the sights Kriv noticed the temple with a symbol he wasn't completely aware of and decided to investigate.

On his way to the temple Kriv decides to stop at the blacksmith.

Might as well see if I can replace my missing throwing axes and hammers while I'm here. he said half to himself. As Kriv walks into the smithy he looks around and yells to get the blacksmith's attention.

Excuse me, smithy. I have a question for you. Do you have time to help me out?

2017-03-15, 01:07 PM
Kriv hollers for the smithy as he walks into the Axe and Anvil. "Excuse me, smithy. I have a question for you. Do you have time to help me out?" From the rear of the workshop comes a gruff voice, "All right, all right! Don't get yer britches in a bunch! I'm coming! Gern! Gern! Where is that blasted no good cous'n o' mine! Gern, blast it!" You hear the man sigh like a forge going out. From where the voice originated, a soot and grim covered dwarf walks out. His barrel chest is covered only by the top of his apron which fails to hide the burns on his hands and arms from working at the forge. He is bald on the top of his head, his brown beard tied by string to keep as much of is as possible out of the flames. "Soothe, you are a big one aren't ya?" he says taking in Kriv's 7' + frame. He covers his mouth with one dirty meaty hand before clasping his beard with it and stroking down. "What can I get ya?"

Date: 21 Februarius, Year 7102
Time: 10:05 (Sunrise: 06:45, Sunset: 17:43)
Temp: 53F
Light Sources:
Known Spells in Effect:

2017-03-15, 01:17 PM

Wilem nods and leaves Ezra at the square, making his way to the smithy.

Inside, he finds himself standing next to a towering dragonborn. At a little over six feet in height, Wilem isn't used to having people tower around him. But the dragonborn seemed to have at least a head in height over Wilem, probably more. Clad in armor and boasting an impressive build, the man was clearly a warrior. Wilem nods and waits patiently for the dragonborn's business with the smithy to be finished.

2017-03-15, 01:21 PM
Kriv chuckles at the man's observation his laugh sounding deep and full of bass.

I'm looking to purchase a couple of throwing axes and some throwing hammers as well, what can you offer?

2017-03-15, 01:47 PM
Si'veil's suggestion that they team up together took her by surprise. She had realised, of course, that if she was to investigate the Barrowmaze then she would have to recruit companions for the adventure. But she had never given much thought as to how she'd go about this. Get to Helix, the plan had been. Survey the situation then. And now, this stranger whom she had known for just fifteen minutes was already proposing they join forces. Which would certainly make a good deal of sense, she told herself. But at the same time, her instincts urged caution. There was no rush, surely-

So intense was Ashcloak's train of thought that when Si'veil casually mentioned that he was a warlock she tripped and nearly collided with one of the grazing sheep.

It wasn't that she had anything against warlocks as such. But with such forces at work... the nature of their pacts... one did hear stories...

After getting back on to her feet, and taking a moment to compose her thoughts, she replied to Si'veil's revelation. When she spoke, she gazed back at the forest behind her, and her voice seemed oddly distant somehow. "I am a druid, a defender of the wilderness and the sacred beauty of nature. I know what it is like to channel magical forces into this world around us. I had many mentors during my training, but one lesson was always the same: that it is not the nature of magic, but what you do with it, that truly matters." Turning back towards Si'veil, she gave a slight smile and the warmth returned to her voice. "I will not ask you who your patron is, nor the nature of your pact. You seem a good man - and I am sure you don't need anyone telling you about the life you live. Just make sure that whatever it was that motivated you to make this pact - make sure that you never let yourself forget it."

"Now then!" she said cheerfully, as she continued towards the road. "I think working together to explore the Barrowmaze could be an excellent idea. We'd have to talk about details of course, and think about who else we'd want to recruit for this task. I think I can see an inn ahead - should we head there and discuss this further?"

Green Leviathan
2017-03-15, 02:01 PM
Si'veil smiled broadly, "Excellent, I had a feeling you were an accepting sort of chap. First round is one me." A druid, a great complement to his own abilities, how fortunate. Now, to see what this town had to offer.

2017-03-15, 03:44 PM
Evodine walked through Helix wide-eyed. Since her rescue, she hadn't been outside the temple much. This trip would surely show her so many things she could write about. The Barrowmaze. There had to be some serious adventures waiting. And money. How much did she owe the apothecary now? Don't think about it. A quick trip in and out and you'll be rich.

As she wanders through town, she contemplates the woman on the sign of the inn for a few moments before entering. She approaches the bar and talks to the bartender, speaking somewhat softly...using her inside temple voice. Hi. Could I just get some sausage and some bread? Maybe water to drink?" Evodine looks around the inn to see what type of people frequented it this time of day.

2017-03-15, 06:28 PM
Si'veil's good spirits put Ashcloak at ease. It was certainly nice to have a travelling companion to explore Helix with. The village, she was beginning to realise, had more to it than she had first thought, and she was glad not to be entirely alone.

As they entered the square, Ashcloak paused to take in the scene. The smithy seemed rather busy, but there was little she needed doing there. Now, the goods store could be more useful - she still had her old hunting trap with her, and somebody would surely pay good gold for it. Unless she'd be more likely to find a hunter at the Inn who'd be interested in buying it? The store was worth examining in any case.

"Whose symbol is that?" she wondered aloud, as she turned to look at the shrine. It wasn't that she expected to recognise it - druids tended to focus on the gods of nature and ignore the others - but its very design somehow struck her as alien to these parts. She did not stop to investigate however, and instead continued towards the inn.

2017-03-16, 06:21 AM
Ezra - 6/6 HP

Ezra leaves Wilem to his trading and such and puts his backpack on. The very idea of it strained him and putting the weight on his back and shoulders was painful to say the least. After a few steps in the direction of the tower he already begins breathing hard, "To hell with this!" Ezra grumbles to himself before mentally calling forth a magical hand to help alleviate some of the weight. "Well even if I don't want to call attention to myself... doesn't mean I need to make it any harder on myself though." A small smirk creeps upon his face as he continues down, looking for a path to take him to this tower area with a telescope.

2017-03-16, 11:00 AM
Evodine grabs her food and finds a table where she can sit and still see the majority of the common room. She eats her meal while watching the people come and go. Who looks like they know where the Barrowmaze is? she wonders to herself.

Perception: [roll0]. Anyone, based on sitting and watching, who looks like they might be adventurous or know the area around?

As she watches the crowd, Evodine pulls out her dulcimer. She sit and quietly plucks out a tune she's been working on. Oh, that's it! That's the tune I was looking for, she thinks excitedly to herself. She starts working on the tune to the exclusion of everything else, forgetting she was here for something else altogether.

2017-03-16, 11:19 AM
As Kriv waits to see the throwing axes and hammers, Kriv noticed the man standing patiently beside him.

Well met, are you from around here?

Kriv's voice is kind of deep but warm. Kriv absent mindedly pulls out a worn letter from a pocket and holds it a moment then replaces it. Kriv thinks about his sister and wonders why she sent him this letter telling him about the Barrowmaze, he doubts that he would find what he is looking for here but he'll look anyways.

2017-03-16, 06:55 PM

Kriv notices the man standing patiently beside him, Well met, are you from around here?

No, Wilem says, my companion and I just arrived moments ago. I'm looking to have the smith ready my weapons, and for some information.

He regards the dragonborn warrior for a moment before continuing, We're heading into the marshes, to a place known as the Barrowmaze. As far as we can tell this is the final stop for travelers headed there before it is all wilderness.

You wouldn't happen to be headed that way, would you? Wilem asks. We would all benefit, traveling together.

2017-03-16, 07:08 PM
Kriv regards the human a moment.

Bahamut leads me to the Barrowmaze, I'm in search of an important relic, I would be honored to travel with you.

My name is Kriv Myastan The Runt, you may call me Kriv.

Kriv sticks his hand out to shake the man's hand.

What is your name?

2017-03-16, 07:22 PM

Wilem grabs Kriv's arm in a warrior's handshake, Well met Kriv. I am Wilem. It will be good to have another swordarm. Are you traveling alone?

2017-03-16, 11:35 PM
Kriv gives Woken a toothy smile at the question.

Bahamut travels with me, but no, I arrived here alone. How about you, did you come alone?

Kriv thinks about what this adventure may bring and the prospect of meeting new people always made him happy and if there was a chance to make friends then even better.

2017-03-17, 09:40 AM
"Aye, I've got a few." The dwarf once again disappears in the back of the store, grumbling about his no-good cousin who never appears to be around when he's needed. A couple of minutes pass while the two of you converse before the dwarf returns, a couple of throwing hammers and an axe in hand. "Throwing axes I have not much to choose from," he chuckles placing the one on the counter. "But I do have a couple of hammers."

Evodine approaches the bar and talks to the bartender, speaking somewhat softly...using her inside temple voice. Hi. Could I just get some sausage and some bread? Maybe water to drink?" The barkeep looks her up and down and then laughs from his decent-sized belly. "Aren't you a timid one?! I've never seen you here before and by your garb I take it you want to go looking in the moors for something? Well missy you will be needing some more on your frame for that. Go ahead and grab a seat, I'll bring you something from the kitchen that will help fill out that armor you pretend to wear." The big man retreats into the kitchen letting you see a shield and large warhammer hanging on the wall behind where he stood. You grab a table and wait for your food while surveying the room. The room is mostly empty, only a couple of people enjoying the warmth of the fireplace to drive the chill out.

As she watches the crowd, Evodine pulls out her dulcimer. She sit and quietly plucks out a tune she's been working on. Oh, that's it! That's the tune I was looking for, she thinks excitedly to herself. She starts working on the tune to the exclusion of everything else, forgetting she was here for something else altogether.[/QUOTE]

Si'veil and Ashcloak enter the Inn as a barrel-chested barkeep brings a plate of sausage, gravy, and bread out to a human woman sitting alone at a table. She has a dulcimer out and is plucking out a tune. The barkeep places the plate down in front of her and says he will be right back with some water. He turns and spots Si'veil and Ashcloak. "Welcome friends, welcome. Is there anything I can get for you?"

You head towards the spire and soon realize that while the observatory on the top is stupendous, the remainder of the tower does not live up to it. The walls are in a state of disrepair and covered in green moss. On the door is a sign that states in no uncertain terms: "Do not disturb!"

2017-03-17, 09:51 AM
Bree Yark (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1140616)

The comely female half-orc smiles to herself as she sees the town when she reaches the crest of the hill. She makes sure her battle axe is secured to her back with its handle at easy reach. Her shield is currently on her arm and Bree has no other armor. She smiles a toothy grin at the townfolk that stare at her. As she enters the tavern, she sizes up those inside and says, "What does a woman gotta do to get a drink around here?"

2017-03-17, 09:53 AM

Wilem shakes his head, No, I travel with another, says to be a wizard. The man shrugs, He knows a lot. Not about ranging. He's weak of body. But here, Wilem puts a finger to his temple, he's sharp. I told him I'd guard him through the Barrowmaze. His spells and insight should be helpful.

When the smithy returns, Wilem places his weapons on the counter, I'm heading into the Barrowmaze. Looking to have my weapons in good condition, and for any information you might have, he says to the dwarf.

Green Leviathan
2017-03-17, 10:00 AM
Si'veil smiles at the barkeep, "A mug of ale for me and my friend here. And if you're willing, the goings on of the town and ..." Si'veil leans on the counter and lowers his voice dramatically," the Barrowmoor.". Si'veil the straightens back up and smiles. Most innkeepers he's met usually where pudgy little men. Never trust a skinny innkeeper his sister told him once, they were the worst of cheats and sometimes worse. However, the ones built like a brick wall tended to be retired warrior of some merit. Hopefully this man could provide some insight that would help him. Them, help them, he corrected himself. He was going to have to get used to working with others again.

2017-03-17, 10:59 AM
Kriv's face lightens up and the liquid like golden orbs that makes up his eyes churn faster as he gets excited at the fact that he could help protect someone.

By Bahamut's blessings, I'd be honored to go with you. I would consider it my duty as a Paladin to come and help protect your wizard friend.

When the Dwarf returns and shows him the hammers and axe he picks them up and tests the heft and balance inspecting the weapons.

Excellent craftsmanship, I'll take all three and would like to place an order for two more axes and one more hammer. How much do I owe you?

Kriv looks at Wilem

where are you meeting your friend after you leave here?

2017-03-17, 11:45 AM
Evodine Sunechild (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1139553)

Evodine's eyes turn to the plate of food as the innkeeper arrives with it. She dips her head toward him and softly thanks the man. "This smells amazing. Thank you." My armor fits just fine, thank you, she thinks to herself as she looks down at it self-consciously. The portions on the plate amaze the young bard, and she thinks she'll have her next two days of food here, surely.

She places her dulcimer back in its case and is just leaning in to start her meal when she notices an odd pair walk in. Well, if those two don't have 'adventure' written all over them...I don't know who does. I wonder how much more I could get out of the barrow if I had help. She considers the pair as they enter and talk to the innkeeper. How do I convince them to help me? she wonders as she absently gnaws on her bread.

2017-03-17, 07:21 PM
Bree Yark (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1140616)

Bree looks around the room and spies Evodine and her food and drink. The half-orc smiles and sidles up to the smaller 'mark' and pulls out the seat next to Evodine at the table. The plops herself down and says, "Thanks," and grabs a sausage and starts gnawing on it. With her mouth full she turns to her new 'friend' and says, "What are you gonna have?" She smiles at Evodine with a twinkle in her eye as if to say, try me. It is obvious to Evodine that the half-orc's scarred and bulging arms scream violence.

2017-03-17, 08:51 PM
Evodine Sunechild (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1139553)

Evodine had been so intent on watching the other pair enter the inn that she hadn't noticed the half-orc at her table until her plate was pulled away from her. She looks up at the half-orc, puzzlement lining her face followed by a glimmer of understanding. She looks silently at the chewing half-orc for almost six full seconds, then bursts out laughing.

She grips her spoon a little tighter as she finishes her laughter and reverts to her soft-spoken voice. "I was raised in a room where you didn't eat if you weren't willing to fight for it." She pauses just a moment for dramatic effect...a side effect of her bardic personality. "I ate well."

Without moving, Evodine looks directly into Bree's eyes. Her voice remains soft and steady. "You can push the plate back over here or...well...your eye wouldn't be the first that I've removed with a spoon. I'll tell you what. If the problem is that you're not skilled enough to put food in your mouth, I'll happily give you the charity of Sune and purchase your meal." She nods slightly toward her plate sitting in front of the intruder. "That one, however, is mine." Evodine sits very still, continuing to challenge the half-orc by staring directly into her eyes. We'll see how she handles this, Evodine thinks to herself. She reminds me of Jenara. We could be good friends...or I may have to buy her an eyepatch.

2017-03-17, 09:31 PM
Bree Yark (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1140616)

Bree smiles, grease dripping down her chin. "Spicy, like these sausages, you are," Bree says to her tablemate, "I like that. The plate is yours," Bree says and dumps its contents on the table in front of her - pushing the plate to Evodine as requested.

Before Evodine responds, Bree turns and stands, shouting towards the bar, "Oi - what kinda business you runnin' 'ere?!? You dump a plate of food on the table? You better bring a replacement with two ales free of charge to make up for it or there'll be more than sausages spilled on the table." She sits back down.

Bree then begins to eat from the mound of food on the table. "Greetings, Spooner. Name's Bree." ::Munch, munch:: "If'n you keep running your mouth like that 'round those who aren't as nice as I am, you're gonna need someone watchin' your back." ::Munch, smack:: "I do like your style, though, so I'ma gonna offer up my services. Plus, I got me a little news of a possible business opportunity that I overheard on my last job. Interested, Spooner?"

ooc: I figure this is what constitutes Dread Pirate's "Bad Reputation" status, correct, ybn?

2017-03-18, 12:29 AM
Evodine Sunechild (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1139553)

Evodine's eyes flicker momentarily to the pair she had been watching, then back to the half-orc. Neither of the other two look like they'll take an arrow and survive, she thinks to herself. I wonder if I can domesticate this one.

"If you think these sausages are spicy, you're not as tough as you think. I run my mouth as I please; it's how I make a living. The innkeep here seems nice enough. You don't need to show off. I'm...conflicted about your offer. Tell me more about it. A shady deal, I presume? I'm on business of my own in the area."

Maybe yours will pay more.

2017-03-18, 04:57 AM
Ashcloak couldn't help but chuckle as Si'veil spoke with the innkeeper - her new companion certainly had a flair for the dramatic. Which was no bad thing, she considered - if Helix had been attracting many adventurers of late, then a direct approach to gathering information would likely work best.

Out of the corner of her eye she had been keeping a close watch on the half-orc ever since the latter's arrival. Everything about her seemed to spell trouble, and as the scene at the table unfolded she braced for a confrontation. Yet to her surprise the young woman with the dulcimer seemed more than capable of handling herself. "I wonder..." Ashcloak murmured, as an idea sprang to mind...

"I'll grab us a table" she said pointedly, giving Si'veil a meaningful look. Then, turning away from the counter Ashcloak walked quickly across the room. Sitting at the next table along from Bree & Evodine so that they had their backs to her, she unstrapped the hunting trap from her backpack, threw it on the table and ostensibly began tinkering with it. However, it would be obvious to anybody observing her that Ashcloak's real attention was on the conversation at the next table.

2017-03-18, 07:45 AM

Wilem nods at Kriv, We agreed to meet at Helix's tavern. I haven't been there yet, but we're meeting in an hour's time. He'll likely be the only person reading something that isn't a map. He has a graying beard, though he isn't old. You will recognize him if you see him there. His name is Ezra.

2017-03-18, 08:33 AM
Kriv smiles widely Great, let us conclude our business here and head for the inn, in my experience there is no other place to gather information than at the inn.

Kriv pulls out his coin purse and pays for the axe and hammer.

I will be back to pick up my order and here is for the work you do on this fellow's weapons, and an extra gold piece for your troubles if you can have them ready in short order kind smithy.

Come Wilem, let us go and leave this smithy to his work I have one more stop before I head to the inn, I'm curious about the temple with the new deity. Will you come along?

Kriv was excited to get to know his new companion, to learn where he and Ezra has come from and what they have seen in their travels. He turns towards the door and starts out. He speaks over his shoulder, Thanks smithy and may you recieve Bahamut's blessings.

2017-03-18, 12:03 PM
Bree Yark (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1140616)

"Hah! Spooner, you make Bree laugh. I'll be sure you die last." Brees eyes track the two moving to a table near them like a predator. Satisfied they pose no threat she continues speaking to Evodine, "If you just make yer livin' flappin' yer lips and waggin' yer tongue, perhaps I picked th' wrong one ta offer you to be part o' me crew."

Bree gestures with another sausage towards the shortsword, "I figured a mousy one like you with only a little pig sticker like that mighta known there way 'round a trap or two. You won't be able to talk yer way outta a pit or make friends wit' the likes of the walkin' dead that is for sure."

Bree hears the trap slap on the table and turns to see what caused the racket. Her eyes scan the deft fingers working the contraption, and the half-orc smiles. "You!" She points with the sausage at Ashcloak. "You know your way around boobytraps?"

2017-03-18, 09:26 PM
"I'm plenty sneaky when the need arises, and these fingers have tended to more than a few wounds, and that's not worth nothing. Especially considering that collection of scars you got there.

While Bree is distracted, Evodine takes her food back, wrapping most of it to go and stuffing it in her pouch. Evi, she thinks to herself, this one is nothing but trouble. You should stick with her.

She wasn't one who lived a logical lifestyle, clearly.

2017-03-19, 06:54 PM
Ignoring the sausage, Ashcloak continued work on the hunting trap, priming it to trigger. "I know enough about them not to get caught in them. You don't tend to last long in the wilderness if you can't spot a hidden trap."

"Take this one here," she continued, gesturing at the now armed trap. "Now, a hunter might be able to tell you how exactly the trigger works. A tinker might be able to identify the weak points where a strong blow might break the mechanism. A thief might even be able to do something clever with those tools of theirs to disable it entirely. But if you can't see it...

Casting Minor Illusion cantrip to create a bed of leaves on the table, concealing the trap.
"...then none of that's going to do you any good."

Keeping a safe distance back, she quickly raps at the table with the end of her quarterstaff, nimbly withdrawing it as the jaws spring up out of the "leaves". The trap makes a nasty metallic noise as it snaps shut.

Dismissing the illusion, she looks directly at Bree, waiting for the half-orc's response.

2017-03-19, 10:04 PM

A bit uncertain at the dragonborn's generosity, Wilem leaves his weapons on the counter, nods at the smithy, and accompanies Kriv to the temple.

2017-03-20, 02:10 AM
Bree Yark (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1140616)

After Ashcloak finishes her demonstration, Bree looks perplexed for a moment then bursts out laughing. "Well, thanks to whatever that was, I'm gonna think twice about how I make water or skat in the woods after seeing that." Bree turns to her table mate, "Hey, Spooner, did you see what happened there? Pretty good trick that was." She stuffs the sausage in her mouth and says between bites, "Name's Bree." Bree points at Evodine and says, "This 'ere is Spooner. What are you called, Trixsy?"

Green Leviathan
2017-03-20, 07:49 AM
Si'veil's smile falters for a moment after watching the half-orc's vulgarities out of the corner of his eyes. He watched to see what kind of trouble she was going to start and whether he was going to have to jump in to aid Ashcloak. His smile returned after the display with the trap though. It seemed the barrowmoore brought in all types, and if this half-orc was half as good a fighter as she was boisterous then she might be useful as well. Si'veil thought he would let this play out a bit before getting involved himself, sometimes it was all about timing.

2017-03-20, 07:57 AM
Ezra inspects the sign intently and laughs to himself, "Ha, well this should be interesting." He steps closer to the door and allows his bag to set be on the ground using the magical invisible hand that he conjures with as little effort as it is for him to breath, granted that's more effort for him than it is for most others.. He then calls forth the spectral hand to knock on the door, hoping that whoever within may have the same experience with the arcane as he does and may recognize the difference.

2017-03-20, 08:56 AM
Ashcloak raised one eyebrow at Bree's reaction. Trixsy? Now that was a new one... she mulled over the name for a few seconds before mentally filing it away under 'maybe'.

"Well I'm glad the demonstration was helpful then," Ashcloak replied, as she cleared the trap off the table and began re-attaching it to her backpack. "Although... something tells me that it's not traps in the woods that you're interested in, is it? You can call me Ashcloak by the way, most tall folk do. Good to make your acquaintance Bree - interesting name that, a bit on the short side maybe but it certainly suits you - and... er..."

She gives the red-haired woman a puzzled look. "...Spooner?"

2017-03-20, 10:26 AM
As Kriv and Wilem steps out of the smithy and walks towards the shrine Kriv studies the symbol of the deity taking in as much detail as possible. He begins to look for some sort of care taker or priest of this deity.
Kriv looks back at Wilem

Tell me, have you seen such symbol in your travels?

2017-03-20, 03:10 PM
Evodine Sunechild (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1139553)

Evodine frowns a bit and rolls her eyes. "Spooner. Oh gods, no. That's merely this stranger's name for me." Evodine stands and moves over to the next table, the much contested plate of food in tow. She addresses Ashcloak as she slides into one of the empty chairs, "May I join you? My name is Evi. Evodine...whatever works."

She takes a bite of potato, and looks back toward the table she just vacated and the orc sitting there. She reaches down to her belt and puts her offhand on the hilt of her dagger.

2017-03-20, 10:16 PM
Bree Yark

Bree smiles at Ashcloak and is about to speak when she watches the snubbing by Evodine. When the term, "Stranger" is said, it is like a blow strikes Bree as her normal mask of strength falters for a moment. Her eyes trail to the bard's fingers as they drift to her dagger's pommel. An uncharacteristic frown crosses her normal smiling face.

Bree gets up and mumbles, "Yeah...It was nice to make your acquaintance...I see there's no more room 'ere, and I need to stretch my legs anyways."

With that, Bree leaves the inn in search of adventure on her own once again it seems.

2017-03-20, 11:54 PM
Evodine Sunechild (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1139553)

Evodine sits for a few moments as the half-orc gets up and walks out. Great job, Evi. You've run her off the same way you ran Jenara off. She finally comes to a decision and stands and runs outside right on Bree's heels.

"Bree! I'm sorry. Come back in, we can finish our meal. I just...it's been...it's been a rough week getting here. Last night was miserable, and I wasn't expecting...." Evodine looks around helplessly. "Please. I'm really no good at this...Please come back. Let's talk about your 'business opportunity'."

2017-03-21, 08:38 AM

Wilem makes little use of the gods. He paid homage to them when he was young, but eventually decided that Herne and Silvanus mostly left the world to itself. Still, he recognizes the red cross on a white field, as the order has been aggressive to convert followers in the rural parts of the duchy. The Saint, Wilem says to Kriv, one of the new gods.

2017-03-21, 02:23 PM
A new God huh? Well then, let us go to the inn and see what information we can gather from the locals about the Barrowmaze.

Kriv turns towards the inn and heads in the direction.

Tell me Wilem, do you come from a large family or a small one? I myself am the youngest of seven and was the smallest to hatch.

Kriv continues to walk as he talks to his new found friend and ponders what Daar was at that moment doing.

2017-03-22, 09:16 AM

The inn sounds good, Wilem says. He keeps his eyes forward as he talks with Kriv, Seven, that's incredible. Do Dragonborn typically have many children?

2017-03-22, 09:53 AM
No, Dragonborn typically only have two to four eggs. My family was just blessed by Bahamut.

Kriv continues to walk as they talk.

Dragonborns tend to live in rather small Clans, once our clan gets to be too big we'll have an exodus and a small number of us will create another clan. My brother and sisters where called on by Bahamut to hunt down some relics that will allow us to prevent Tiamat from returning anytime soon.

Kriv smiles at the thought of being part of something big that would honor his clan. As they get to the inn Kriv ackwardly walks through the door, his huge frame and how he wears the great axe and mual makes it difficult for him to just walk in.

I wonder if the smithy could build something or knows a leather worker I can speak to about building something special to carry my weapons.

Kriv looks around and sees a small gathering of adventures sitting at a table and looks for the bar keep.

I'll take the biggest dish you have and a mug of milk, and what ever my companion wants. Can you tell me anything about the Barrowmaze?

2017-03-22, 01:39 PM
When the smithy returns, Wilem places his weapons on the counter, I'm heading into the Barrowmaze. Looking to have my weapons in good condition, and for any information you might have, he says to the dwarf.
The dwarf makes a cursory look over your weapons. "I've not much for information 'bout that place. Want nothin' to do wit' it." He holds your weapons in the air in front of him. "These I know."

When the Dwarf returns and shows him the hammers and axe he picks them up and tests the heft and balance inspecting the weapons.
Excellent craftsmanship, I'll take all three and would like to place an order for two more axes and one more hammer. How much do I owe you?
"9 gold for these and 12 gold for the rest."

Kriv pulls out his coin purse and pays for the axe and hammer.
I will be back to pick up my order and here is for the work you do on this fellow's weapons, and an extra gold piece for your troubles if you can have them ready in short order kind smithy.
Thanks smithy and may you recieve Bahamut's blessings.
The smith nods his thanks and takes the weapons in the back for proper inspection, muttering to himself about the missing Gern.

As if trying to make fun of Si'veal, the barkeep spreads his arms wide (which makes for a large expanse from one side to the others) and says loudly so all those in the inn can hear, The barrowmoor? You want to know about the BarrowMaze do ya?" he lets out a hardy laugh. "It appears your friend has found a table. Have a seat. I will bring you some drinks and enlighten you as best I can."

All is silent as the sound of the knocking echoes as if retreating into the distance. As the sound of the final knock becomes faint and finally fades, you hear a crotchety old voice call out, "Oh for gods' sake, what do you want now?"

2017-03-22, 04:22 PM
Evodine sits for a few moments as the half-orc gets up and walks out. She finally comes to a decision and stands and runs outside right on Bree's heels.

"Bree! I'm sorry. Come back in, we can finish our meal. I just...it's been...it's been a rough week getting here. Last night was miserable, and I wasn't expecting...." Evodine looks around helplessly. "Please. I'm really no good at this...Please come back. Let's talk about your 'business opportunity'."

Bree Yark (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1140616)

The half-orc looks down at Evodine from her 6' height. It is obvious to an observant individual like the bard to realize that the orc is not happy. "You were right, you know," Bree says as a statement instead of question. "You run your mouth as you please," the half-orc's eyes get softer as she says, "but it ain't much of a living." Bree then sees the other members of Team 2 enter the tavern. "We best be going inside, for the bartender will most likely fill them in and they'll get a head start on us and get all the riches. There be strength in numbers, or else I'da done this thing myself."

Bree returns to the table, but stays away from Evodine's area. Instead, she sits across by the others at the table, arms crossed with an angry look on her face. Her sullen demeanor brightens at the sound of drinks care of the bartender.

Green Leviathan
2017-03-22, 05:14 PM
Si'veil laughs back with the bartender, "As long as there are riches and glory to be had, it can be called a wheelbarrow for all I care." Picking up his pack he sits down next to Ashcloak and nodes toward the door the half-orc exited and says with a touch of a smirk, "Well now, that seemed rather dramatic" Just then he sees the pair re-enter along with two more armed individuals. "Ah, welcome back, and with more potential teammates. Welcome, welcome. Come over here and take a seat. The barman was just going to bring some food and drink and bestow us with some news of the barrowmaze. You may call me Si'veil and I would be delighted to make your acquaintances and discuss a mutually beneficial arrangement." He then grins broadly at them all and even goes so far as to pull out a chair for the half-orc, "For you, my lady."

2017-03-22, 08:41 PM
Kriv smiles grandly at Si'Viel's invitation, and makes his way as the other patrons makes a wide path to allow kiss 7'2" tall 350lb frame through once he and Wilem gets to the table he looks at the small group spiting the Gnome and remembering his friend Jynx' love for names he introduces himself.

My name is Kriv Mehen The Runt Myastan The hard Headed. But you may call me Kriv, this is Wilem, but I'll let him properly introduce himself. It is true I'm here for the Barrowmaze and I think it will be beneficial for us all to join forces.

Kriv grabs a chair and sits where there is room for his frame.

2017-03-22, 10:46 PM
Evodine says nothing as Bree talks to her. You deserve that, Evi. You push everyone away. You always say you'll change...that it'll be different...but it never is, is it? She stands outside for a few minutes collecting her thoughts before walking back in. As she enters, she notices the handsome half-elf holding out the chair for Bree.

She sits and pushes what's left of her dinner around on her plate, but doesn't eat any of it. "Evodine Sunechild," she says softly, reverting to her more timid mannerisms.

2017-03-23, 06:27 AM
Ezra pondered for a moment as to the best way to answer. He decided to throw caution to the wind and come out with it, "I'm a mage from out of town traveling with a strong warrior. We are looking for information on Barrowmaze. I figured this would be the best place to start."

2017-03-23, 11:38 AM
Ezra pondered for a moment as to the best way to answer. He decided to throw caution to the wind and come out with it, "I'm a mage from out of town traveling with a strong warrior. We are looking for information on Barrowmaze. I figured this would be the best place to start."

You start to hear the sound of someone walking towards the door then, "What! Another one of you? Have the seasons turned already? Have the moors begun to dry enough for the trek?" Moments pass and there is the sound of someone unbarring and unlocking the door. It slowly opens and before you stands a very disheveled man, his robes decorated in charms and knick-knacks that jingle as he walks. His wizards' conical hat bent near the middle and pointing off in an odd angle. The man himself is not much better in appearance, his left eye slightly larger than the right giving him a bug-eyed look. "Who sent you? What do you want? What makes you think I know anything about that place?" he says in rapid succession.

2017-03-24, 09:36 AM

Wilem isn't much for words. He mostly keeps to himself, and so far on their journey Ezra has had his nose in a book. His new companion Kriv seems rather talkative, and now entering the Tavern, Wilem is introduced to a larger animated group. He nods to the others at the table, Wilem, he says. He turns to Kriv, Do you know these people?

2017-03-24, 04:51 PM
Ashcloak's eyes widen in astonishment as Kriv introduces himself. How could someone more than twice her height be considered a runt? And Myastan... would that be a clan name? She refrains from asking out loud however - the dramatic turn in Bree and Evodine's conversation had caught her by surprise, and her natural caution among strangers had reasserted itself.

"The blessings of Silvanus upon you Kriv, Wilem," she says politely, with a nod to each of the newcomers. "My name is Ashcloak."

She gives Evodine a slight smile as she returns to the table, then continues slowly, as if trying to gauge people's reactions to what she has to say: "It would appear that our journeys are all leading us towards the Barrowmaze... assuming Bree that was why you were asking after boobytraps? It would certainly make sense to combine our strength. Does anybody know what we might expect to find there, or indeed upon the moor? It would not do well to advance unprepared."

2017-03-24, 04:59 PM
"What we expect to find? Well....fortune and power if the stories are to be believed." She smiles at the absurdity of the idea before continuing. "I'm guessing that it fills up with lots of creatures during the fall and winter. We'll probably be fighting against the woodland animals that have taken shelter. If we can find it at all..."

2017-03-24, 06:15 PM
I am task to search for a relic that will help my clan to prolong Tiamat's banishment. My other six brothers and sisters are on similar quests in fact, it was my oldest sister who sent word to me of the rumors that a relic may lie within the Barrowmaze.

Kriv lets the information out in hopes of hearing word on anything they may know about the relic before he continues.

As for what to expect, well that's why we came here, to see what we can learn, but one thing is certain. It will most likely be filled with danger.

2017-03-25, 08:18 AM

The half-orc nods at Ashcloak and says, "Aye - that is what I was asking about. Give me a foe to face head on, and I am happy. Trixy and trapsy is not the way of the warrior." Not much for planning and specifics, Bree listens to the others.

2017-03-26, 07:26 AM
Looking at the group Kriv can see that Bahamut has led him to a group of adventurers that reminds him a little of his family. But the person that seems to have really caught his attention was the woman with red hair and carrying the Dulcimer, the one who quietly introduced herself as Evodine. Quickly looking away so that he doesn't look as though he was staring he says quietly, in his deep draconic voice.

T'lu soca ne'ubla famdii.

He then looks at Evodine.

Might I presume that you play? And if so, I'd be interested in hearing your music.

Ooc: Don't know how to do the spoiler button but for those of you who knows draconic , Kriv says "This group is my new family."

2017-03-26, 12:03 PM

Wilem nods, Well met Ashcloak, Evodine, Bree. He takes a seat with the new group, but pulls his hood over his head and closes his eyes, seemingly getting a nap in after the journey on the road and before their travels to come.

2017-03-27, 01:22 AM
Evodine listens to the introductions quietly. As the others are talking, she fiddles quietly with her dulcimer, making sure it is staying in tune in the damp air. When the talk calms down, she plays her new-found tune. It's a slow tune she sings in a low, haunting voice.

"In the marsh, in country places,
The innkeep welcomes friendly faces,
And to Helix come a group
By chance;
With metal, spells, and divine blesses,
Set out to delve the moor-recesses
Will they find gold or gems,
Or love, perchance?

O to mount again where erst I searched;
Where the old red hills the birds are perched,
And the low green meadows
covered with haze;
And when we find what once was hinted,
And the night has come, and stars have glinted,
Lo, the valley below it surely holds:

When she is done, she quietly puts her dulcimer back in its case.

2017-03-27, 10:23 AM
Beautiful, just wonderful. Where did you learn how to play so beautifully?

Kriv continues to look at the others starting with Ashcloak.

Ashcloak, is it? Tell me something about yourself, I befriended a most wonderful Gnome... I can't remember his full name but his nickname was most appropriate, he was known as Jynx because of her ability to jynx her foes. She was a Druid and a very warm companion to have along. She always had a smile on her face and tried to get others to at least smile.

Kriv couldn't help but look at Evodine but tried to hide it to look like he wasn't staring at her. Kriv finally looks at the half orc.

Bree, I can't agree more with the idea about a good old fashioned toe to toe battle, but tricksy and trapsy does have a spot in battle as well.

2017-03-27, 11:52 AM
Ezra sizes up the man before answering his questions. [color=saddlebrown]"My name is Ezra, I come from out of town to find this barrowmaze for any magical or mystical devices it may hold. I came to your spire assuming that you were the most knowledgeable person in town. I'm not really one for taverns and socializing...."

2017-03-27, 01:05 PM
Ezra sizes up the man before answering his questions. [color=saddlebrown]"My name is Ezra, I come from out of town to find this barrowmaze for any magical or mystical devices it may hold. I came to your spire assuming that you were the most knowledgeable person in town. I'm not really one for taverns and socializing...."

The man stares at you for a disquieting minute before pointing at you. Hah! Flattery will get you everywhere. Tales told in the tavern are for the buffoons who want to inflate their own importance or to sway the cowardly from ending their lives prematurely. I do not know much about that place having never had the interest of piercing its mysteries personally but I have heard the tale or two that is easy to verify. Is there something I can answer directly? If not stop darkening my doorstep."

2017-03-27, 01:14 PM

Waywocket "Ashcloak" Folkor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1136711)

Evodine Sildacin (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1139553)

Bree Yark (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1140616)

Dr. Samurai
Wilem the Bold (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1142528)

Green Leviathan
Si'vEil (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1137852)

Ezra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1082321)

Akanah (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1103189)

The barkeep returns with a tray of ales and walks around the two tables allowing each to grab a tankard off the tray. Once the tray is empty, he places it on a nearby table (the taproom is predominately empty and there is plenty of space.) "So another group of treasure seekers interested in pressing their luck in the realm of the dead. You think you have what it takes to enter that foul place and walk away with your sanity and your riches?"

2017-03-27, 01:27 PM
Ezra smiles to himself at his achievement. If he wasn't slightly crotchety himself he probably would not have been able to get through to the man. "Two things then and I'll be on my way and out of your life. One, do you know of the most direct route to this tomb that I seek, and two, what should I expect within?" Finding the place is Ezra's main priority, if he can just get that part out of the way then everything else can fall into place.

Green Leviathan
2017-03-27, 02:18 PM
Sa'veils smile never falters when Bree doesn't take the chair and listens as the others takes up conversation, as well as an impromptu song by Evodine which he found himself slightly bobbing his head to the tune. My what an interesting group this was turning out to be. Sa'veil grabs an ale when the barkeep passes by and when the he speaks up Sa'veil replies, "We will let the barrowmaze be the final judge of that, but I've got a good feeling about this group here. Please, tell us what you know, and maybe a few more might return than if you had kept silent."

2017-03-27, 02:26 PM
Ashcloak chuckles slightly at Evodine's response. "Well if it's just woodland animals we're facing then we shouldn't have much to fear. I have a certain way with the creatures of the forest."

She listens intently to the others' thoughts on the maze, but is soon distracted by Evodine's haunting song. The words are pleasant enough, no different to Si'veil's adventurous boasting really, but the tune seemed to Ashcloak somehow sadder...

At Kriv's question she snaps back to attention: "Well, there's not much to say really. I lived for many years in the wilderness, which makes for many experiences but few stories, if you get my drift. I only came to Aerik fairly recently." No need to mention what drove me here, she thinks to herself. Quickly changing the subject, she continues, "Jynx, did you say your friend was called? That's a lovely-sounding name, though one with plenty of mischief in it. It's funny that you should mention their being a druid - I happen to be one myself. But then, it's perhaps no great coincidence - our people have always had a certain connection to nature. Tell me though, how is it that you and your companion have parted ways?"

Ashcloak smiles as the innkeeper returns with their drinks - although she is surprised by the size of the tankards. She hoped Si'veil wouldn't take it as a slight if she drank hers slowly. As the barman starts to speak of the Barrowmaze however her smile evaporates: "Sanity? Why should we not walk away with our sanity?"

2017-03-27, 02:31 PM
Evodine acknowledges the praise of the dragonborn. "Its...obviously...still a work in process. It'll get longer as we have adventures." She looks around at the group. She had planned to enter the Barrowmaze just as far as she needed to in order to get some money to pay off her debt. This group looked like maybe...just maybe...she could end up with a little more. Maybe enough to do something good with. "So...what's our plan? Do we even know how to get there? The whole undead and losing of sanity doesn't sound great."

She looks to the innkeeper. "Where is the entrance, good sir? I'm sorry...I didn't get your name."

2017-03-27, 04:54 PM
Kriv smiles warmly as Evodine answers him.
Then surely we will have plenty for you to sing about.

At the question of the parting ways with his mischievous friend Kriv smiles.
My travels had me coming here to search for a relic while she was needed elsewhere, I'm sure our paths will cross again, and when it does it'll be fun to assure you.

Kriv grabs the tankard that had milk in it and begins to drink while listening to the innkeeper. His eyes swirling slowly as he listens to what he had to say, at the mention of undead and coming out with their sanity his interest becomes peeked and his eyes swirl faster. Kriv leans forward a little his huge frame shifting slightly. He listens to questions as everyone asks the innkeeper.

2017-03-27, 07:59 PM
Bree Yark

The half-orc listens to the dragonborn and says, "Perhaps you may need to use tricks to best your foes, but not Bree Yark." She smiles at her own boast until Evodine begins to sing.

When the bard is done, Bree's thoughtful look stays on her face until the barkeep brings the drinks. Bree then takes one and drinks heartily and stares in the tankard as if it has wisdom in its contents.

At the barkeep's query, Bree answers, "Tell us what you know, and when we return we will undoubtedly make this place even more famous. Our sacks will be laden with treasure and Bree Yark will personally commission a party here if your information proves sound. If not, and what you told us proves false, Bree will return in body or spirit to pay you a visit instead."

2017-03-28, 01:15 PM
Evodine looks to the innkeeper. "Where is the entrance, good sir? I'm sorry...I didn't get your name."

Ashcloak smiles as the innkeeper returns with their drinks - although she is surprised by the size of the tankards. She hoped Si'veil wouldn't take it as a slight if she drank hers slowly. As the barman starts to speak of the Barrowmaze however her smile evaporates: "Sanity? Why should we not walk away with our sanity?"

Bree YarkAt the barkeep's query, Bree answers, "Tell us what you know, and when we return we will undoubtedly make this place even more famous. Our sacks will be laden with treasure and Bree Yark will personally commission a party here if your information proves sound. If not, and what you told us proves false, Bree will return in body or spirit to pay you a visit instead."

"Bollo, my good miss," he says to Evodine before turning to Bree Yark. "And I am fully acquainted with your kind miss. Your pomp and bravado do little to concern me. I was like you once upon a time. Though I have never stepped in the Barrowmaze I have been in a couple places myself. May still be if I hadn't taken a hob's arrow to the knee. Our cleric was taken out by a run-in with some other hobgoblins so my knee healed somewhat skewed." He pauses long enough to turn and point at Ashcloak, "Because some of the horrors in there are enough to rip the ever lovin' sanity from you. Take Alastar out there for example," he nods towards the door outside. "He went out there with a group of mercenaries many seasons your elders. No one knows what happened to them but Alastar was the only one to return and that was after a couple of nights out there. The gods only know what he saw 'cause no one understands what he's saying anymore. Now to get into the 'maze itself ya need to find one of the barrows that has a way in. From what I've heard there are a couple but there is a main one with a tripod and winch to let yourself down into it. The problem is finding that one. There may be close to 100 barrows out there in that field, all of them lookin' like each other. But of course each one of those barrows has its own dangers and rewards."

2017-03-28, 10:27 PM
Evodine looks around at the group, shock probably registering on her face. "A hundred?" She thinks for a few more moments. "Has...has anyone come back claiming they found it? I had no idea..."

What now, Evi? What's your backup plan?

2017-03-28, 10:30 PM

The brief lull in the background noise as the innkeep pauses distracts Wilem's attempts at a nap. He sits up, just catching the tail end of the man's remarks. Strange that the barrow with the winch is difficult to find, he thinks aloud.

2017-03-28, 11:53 PM
Looking outside the door Kriv sees the guy the innkeeper mentions and ponders what to do.

Surely there is someone who has mapped the Barrows.

Kriv continues to look at the one named Alastar, Kriv continues to think of a possible option.

Tell me more about Alastar.

2017-03-29, 02:03 AM
Ashcloak gasps at the innkeeper's response. Only one maddened survivor out of a whole band of mercenaries? They had to find out what had happened to Alastar - if only so they knew what to be prepared for themselves.

"Yes, tell us more about this man Alastar. You say that you can get no sense out of him - what do you mean exactly? Is his mind gone altogether? And surely you must have your own suspicions about what he may have encountered?

2017-03-29, 01:54 PM
Evodine looks around at the group, shock probably registering on her face. "A hundred?" She thinks for a few more moments. "Has...has anyone come back claiming they found it? I had no idea..."


The brief lull in the background noise as the innkeep pauses distracts Wilem's attempts at a nap. He sits up, just catching the tail end of the man's remarks. Strange that the barrow with the winch is difficult to find, he thinks aloud.

Looking outside the door Kriv sees the guy the innkeeper mentions and ponders what to do.

Surely there is someone who has mapped the Barrows.

Kriv continues to look at the one named Alastar, Kriv continues to think of a possible option.

Tell me more about Alastar.

Ashcloak gasps at the innkeeper's response. Only one maddened survivor out of a whole band of mercenaries? They had to find out what had happened to Alastar - if only so they knew what to be prepared for themselves.

"Yes, tell us more about this man Alastar. You say that you can get no sense out of him - what do you mean exactly? Is his mind gone altogether? And surely you must have your own suspicions about what he may have encountered?

"Plenty have found the main barrow. From the tales I've heard its not that difficult. But the denizens of the maze know it too and they just wait sometimes for a foolish band to enter. Ya see, not all the monsters are mindless undead. There are plenty of the walking dead in there that can think for themselves as well. I think thats what got Alastar and his band. Valeron the Elf found him out on the moors a couple of days after his band left. He was the only one and was so in shock. I'm afraid the poor man's mind is simply closed."

2017-03-29, 04:08 PM
Where can we find Valeron? I'd like him to show me on the map where he found Alastar.

Kriv continues to study Alastar, to see just how closed off his mind was. I wonder if there is a way I could reach him and get him to open up

[roll0] To see just how closed Alastar's mind is.

2017-03-29, 10:23 PM

The half-orc scoffs at the tale. It is not evident if her actions are bravado or if she is actually unimpressed. "Innkeep - give us rooms and prepare meals, for we shall leave on the morrow."

Green Leviathan
2017-03-30, 09:14 AM
Si'veil takes the warning in stride and nodes in agreement with Bree. "I heartily agree Bree! If it were easy then the barrowmaze would have been pillaged long ago. I'll not let some undead creatures stand between me and what I seek. Let us make what plans we may and leave at first light." Si'vel then looks down at his travel stained attire and with an audible incantation cleans his garments and adds, "And as my good friend Ashcloak already knows, I am a warlock, so I'll be able to carry my own weight."

2017-03-30, 01:02 PM
Ezra smiles to himself at his achievement. If he wasn't slightly crotchety himself he probably would not have been able to get through to the man. "Two things then and I'll be on my way and out of your life. One, do you know of the most direct route to this tomb that I seek, and two, what should I expect within?" Finding the place is Ezra's main priority, if he can just get that part out of the way then everything else can fall into place.

My post may have been missed so just posting again.

2017-03-30, 01:18 PM
Where can we find Valeron? I'd like him to show me on the map where he found Alastar.

Kriv continues to study Alastar, to see just how closed off his mind was. I wonder if there is a way I could reach him and get him to open up

[roll0] To see just how closed Alastar's mind is.

Just to clarify, Alastar is not IN the tavern, he is outside. He was not there when you first walked up but he is out there now.

2017-03-30, 01:42 PM
My post may have been missed so just posting again.

No, I didn't miss your post but thank you for posting again. I originally responded to it as a separate post. I have no idea though what happened to my response.

"The most direct route is through the moors of course! What a stupid question.... But a guide would get you there quicker. Valeron the Elf knows the way but I doubt he would be willing to accompany you into the barrows themselves. You may also engage the skills of Hendon the Miller's boys. But don't let Hendon know. As for what you will find, well it is a burial ground. With that he abruptly turns and closes the door.

2017-03-30, 01:58 PM
Evodine glances warily at Si'vel as he introduces himself as a warlock. Every warlock she had known chose not to advertise the fact. So many negative stories of people selling parts of their souls or making deals with otherworldly beings tended to put people off. But to announce it with no fear like that...well, stranger things had happened.

"That's a great idea, Kriv. Locating that on the map will at least give us a point to start our search. We can work out a logical pattern from there."

2017-03-30, 02:12 PM
Kriv smiles at Evodine as she agreed with him not sure if he should wait on the innkeeper to answer his question on Valeron's whereabouts before implementing his idea, he asks his question one more time this time just slightly louder so he knows he was heard above the others as they try talking to the innkeeper.

Can you tell me where I can find Valeron, I'd like to ask him to mark my map on the location where he found Alastar.

Kriv looks at Evodine and leans in just close enough to whisper, I have an idea, but I may need your help with Alastar.

Take Alastar out there for example," he nods towards the door outside.
Based on this I just assumed one of two things either 1) Alastar walked in or 2) the door was left propped open to allow us to see Alastar. If neither is true then ignore everything I said in regards to Alastar.

2017-03-30, 03:59 PM

The half-orc sniffs derisively, "Point out on the map? Why not have this Valeron lead us there? That way if there be a trap, we would have a hostage."

2017-03-30, 04:59 PM
Kriv smiling his huge smile simply looked at Bree.

Because we don't know where exactly valeron found Alastar, if by chance he does know where the mood with the winch is then we can ask him to guide us. As for taking hostages, well, if we did that then why should he or anyone here ever trust us?

Kriv continues to wait for the innkeeper to answer his question.

2017-03-31, 06:53 AM

The half-orc looks at Kris and shakes her head and laughs. "No, fool, this could be a classic gambit. A town totes a maze filled with all sorts of treasure - the legend brings greedy types far and wide. They come here asking about the maze. Townspeople like the innkeeper here size up the new 'adventurers' to gage their strength. If they are weak enough, someone points them in the location of an entrance which really is the location of an ambush."

2017-03-31, 07:15 AM
Kriv thinks a moment as he turns and looks at Bree.

I don't believe that many of these people have seen my kind before. We Dragonborns​ are rather rare and solitary only because most believe we are like our bigger brethren. Just looking around this table I can say that I'm the largest one in this group, I carry my great axe and mual like a badge of honor. By looking at you, and listening to you, I can say that you are pretty handy in a fight too. These people would be smart to not try to ambush us. Then we have a warlock with us, I have met one or two, while they rely on magic to fight they are very powerful. Look at these people. They don't care about us or what we're capable of doing, they want our good gold.

Kriv never stops smiling but then looks at the inn keeper.

Now I have just vouched for you, but she makes an interesting point. We are more than capable of taking care of ourselves I want to know where to find Valeron soon, for I have a few things to do before we leave.

2017-03-31, 07:41 AM
Ezra smiles at the closed door, staring back at it but reflecting on himself, "Gosh I hope I don't get like that.... Although if I don't find a cure I guess I wont need to worry..." With that he turns around and heads off towards the inn hoping to catch up with Wilem.

He arrives to find a multitude of different patrons inside the bar and scans the room. Seeing Wilem with a few others puts a scowl on Ezra's face. He isn't really the friendliest of persons but I guess others will have to do. He walks over to Wilem, grumbling a bit to himself on the way over, and asks, "I see you've met some folks... Fun. Anyways I found some info on barrowmaze, not much but a bit."

Ezra lowers his voice to a hush and explains to Wilim what he learned of the place.

"The most direct route is through the moors of course! What a stupid question.... But a guide would get you there quicker. Valeron the Elf knows the way but I doubt he would be willing to accompany you into the barrows themselves. You may also engage the skills of Hendon the Miller's boys. But don't let Hendon know. As for what you will find, well it is a burial ground. With that he abruptly turns and closes the door.

2017-03-31, 08:05 AM

"Agreed. Let us rest here tonight and then set out at first light tomorrow - preferably without taking anybody hostage in the meantime," she adds under her breath.

Returning to her thoughts, Ashcloak turned over the innkeeper's words in her mind. She knew little about the undead... but it was clear from the innkeeper's tone that their presence in the Barrowmaze was no great secret. Perhaps somebody in the village could tell them more about what they might face?

"We should certainly seek out this Valeron and see what he has to say. But we should find out what we can from others in the village also. If the Barrowmaze is truly as dangerous as our landlord here says then we would be foolish to trust the word of just one person.

"Besides, he might get suspicious if all six of us approached him at once. Perhaps some of us should explore other avenues? I believe that I spotted a shrine of some sort in the village - maybe somebody there could tell us more about these thinking undead, and how we might prepare-"

She cuts off the end of her sentence suddenly as the stranger enters the inn and walks towards their table. She pays close attention as the man whispers into Wilem's ear, but can make out none of the words.

2017-03-31, 08:40 AM

Wilem raises an eyebrow as he spots Ezra walk in and make his way over to them grumbling. He listens intently as Ezra whispers in his ears, mildly annoyed at the man's rudeness. He clears his throat when Ezra is finished and stands to introduce the man, This is Ezra. Ezra, this is Kriv, Ashcloak, Bree, and Evodine. We will have greater success in the barrows with their help.

It seems Valeron may be convinced to guide us to the barrows, but will likely go no further. He looks to Ezra, The miller's boys are out of the question. I won't risk children, even young men, to those... things.

2017-03-31, 08:58 AM
Ezra looks over the bunch introduced by Wilem, "Hmm I guess they will do" He thinks to himself. "Well then, it's uh... a pleasure to meet you all." He kind of stumbles over his words, in a half interested half just getting it out of the way kind of speech. He turns to Wilem then, "So we will be staying her for the night?"

Ezra isn't really the most social person. He is in a way socially awkward but if he was honesty it would be that he just has no interest in being social. Unfortunate to him he needs to be in order to navigate this maze so he'll do his best in that sense.

Green Leviathan
2017-03-31, 09:34 AM
Si'veil's eye twitches slightly at being excluded from the introduction but doesn't let his composure slip. He walks over to Ezra and sticks out his hand and says, "Hi, Its been a busy couple of minutes so i'm sure I just slipped William introduction. I'm Si'veil, nice to meet you. We plan to leave in the morning but have yet to acquire lodgings, but I'm pretty sure we're in the right place for that."

2017-03-31, 09:46 AM
Ezra glances down at Si'veil's hand and back at his face. He forces a smile and accepts the hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well. My apologies if I seem off putting, it's been a long travel for me and I'm not exactly in the friendliest of moods.... Especially after getting a door shut in my face." Ezra's face turns to a scowl at the memory but softens after a few moments.

"Staying here is fine with me. Who will be reaching out to Valeron?"

2017-03-31, 09:54 AM
After hearing the news about Valeron guiding them to the Barrowmaze Kriv smiles.

Well met Ezra, Wilem mentioned you to me and I want you to know that I will lend you Bahamut's strength to you by my Great-Axe and Mual.

Kriv looks at Ezra closer his fluidic eyes constantly churning as he studies the frail looking man.

By the looks of it I'd say you're a spell caster. One of my siblings is a wizard and I have great respect for you.

Kriv looks at Bree waiting for her to say something about spell caster. But looks back at Wilem

I will get our Weapons from the smithy.

2017-03-31, 06:07 PM

The half-orc scoffs. "Warlocks...wizards...what is next?" She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms across her chest.

2017-04-02, 04:00 AM
Ashcloak raises her eyebrow at Wilem's failure to introduce Si'veil, but is glad to see the half-elf's diplomacy triumph over any obvious irritation.

"It is good to meet you, Ezra - we were just discussing who should speak with Valeron. Given that Helix attracts so many adventurers he will doubtless have been pestered for this information before - we should put someone forward who can quickly gain his confidence, if anyone is skilled in that area?"

I will get our Weapons from the smithy."Are you planning to head there now? I will walk with you, if you do not object to quickly visiting the shrine on the way. There may be somebody there who can tell us more about the Barrowmaze," - and whatever evil lurks inside it, she adds in her mind - "and possibly they may know something about this relic you seek also."

2017-04-02, 11:05 AM
"I can talk to Valeron. I don't know that I'm...skilled...in it, but I have a way of getting what I want in the end." She packs her stuff up and turns to Bollo, "Where could I find this Valeron?"

2017-04-02, 11:44 AM
Kriv looks at Ashcloak and his smile grows bigger.

Yes, I was, and the shrine is on the way. We can stop by there on the way to the Smithy.

Kriv then turns to Evodine.
Come with us, we can go to Valeron and speak to him together, the three of us. We can go after I stop at the Smithy.

2017-04-03, 11:05 AM
Kriv smiles at Evodine as she agreed with him not sure if he should wait on the innkeeper to answer his question on Valeron's whereabouts before implementing his idea, he asks his question one more time this time just slightly louder so he knows he was heard above the others as they try talking to the innkeeper.

Can you tell me where I can find Valeron, I'd like to ask him to mark my map on the location where he found Alastar.

Kriv looks at Evodine and leans in just close enough to whisper, I have an idea, but I may need your help with Alastar.

Based on this I just assumed one of two things either 1) Alastar walked in or 2) the door was left propped open to allow us to see Alastar. If neither is true then ignore everything I said in regards to Alastar.

The innkeeper once again points outside, indicating the eastern side of the village. "Valeron is our local fletcher. Or at least he is when he's here. Time to time he slips away and is not seen nor heard from in awhile. But so far he's come back."

Alastar is outside the door to the inn and can be seen through a window when he stands up.

2017-04-03, 11:27 AM

Wilem stands and turns to Ezra, I left my weapons for the smith to check over. I'll be back soon. To Kriv he says, I can grab out weapons while you and the others stop at the shrine.

2017-04-03, 10:46 PM

Bree will announce, "I will be sleeping in the common room by the fire. Innkeep, plan on feeding us a breakfast eggs and toasted bread with a cider. Oh, and have biscuits and bacon for road rations. We will fill our skins with water from the well."

She then will go closer to the fire and stand over someone who is in "her spot" until they get uncomfortable and move. There she will put her blanket out and hang her cloak to dry. She will then proceed to whittle - casting the shavings into the fire.

2017-04-03, 11:16 PM
As the group walks out, Evodine turns to Kriv. "What's your plan for Alastar?"

2017-04-04, 06:35 AM
As Ashcloak, Evodine and Kriv walks towards the door he tells them his plan.

I plan to talk to him in a calming way, I was hoping you're music might help, I would like to see just how bad his mind is. Who knows maybe between Bahamut's blessings and your abilities with your Dulcimer, we could get some information. We will not pry too hard we will speak to him as he were two.

Kriv's smile is infectious as he goes to Alastar and squats down so that he wasn't as imposing, and with a voice that's both so calm and reassuring that it didn't sound natural, Kriv speaks to Alastar.

Alastar, can you tell me where you are? Can you tell me who you are?

Green Leviathan
2017-04-04, 08:41 AM
Si'veil notices everyone seems to taken to there own thing and shrugs, He had nothing else he needed doing he says he takes out his dice set and says, "Anyone up for some dice before the morning?"

2017-04-04, 08:54 AM
While Kriv speaks to the madman, Evodine lightly strums on the dulcimer, attempting to sooth Alastar.

Performance: [roll0]

2017-04-04, 09:20 AM
"My thanks for the ale, Si'veil", Ashcloak calls out as she gets up to follow the others out. "We shan't be too long I'm sure, and when we return we can discuss our plans for tomorrow."

Hurrying after Kriv and Evodine, she sees that they have already approached Alastar. A sudden doubt washes over her - suppose that Bree's concerns were well-founded, and that there was more to this story than it seemed? Even if their host had told the truth, marching straight out to speak with Alastar might have attracted unwanted attention. Walking slowly over to the others, she glances around to see if anyone has taken notice of them.

Wisdom (Perception) to see if anybody is paying them undue attention: [roll0]

2017-04-04, 01:58 PM
Ashcloak does not perceive that any others are paying undue attention to you. In fact it seems as though villagers are used to strangers speaking with Alastar.

As Kriv sits down next to Alastar and talks to him, Alastar turns to look at the dragonborn and a look of complete terror crosses his face followed by a repulsive stench.

2017-04-04, 02:10 PM
Evodine's face breaks into a compassionate smile, understanding in her eyes for Alastar. "Maybe the face of a dragonborn wasn't the best start to someone traumatized by monsters, huh? she says to her companions. She moves slowly, still plucking at her dulcimer as she approaches Alastar.

"Hi, Alastar," she begins. "My name is Evodine. My friends call me Evi. How are you doing?"

2017-04-04, 02:16 PM
Being used to the look due to most people never seeing a Dragonborn, Kriv softens his voice and begins to speak in rhythm to Evodine's playing, he first starts with a prayer.

Great Bahamut, I ask that you set this man's mind right and allow him full functionality of his mind. I ask that you grant me the words to ask in order to learn what it is I need to learn.

Kriv continues to speak unnaturally soft, he places a hand into Alastar's own hand and releases a Divine healing energy.

I want to use Lay On Hands a little out of context by using it to heal the man's mind if possible.

2017-04-05, 09:18 PM

The half-orc continues to whittle while she waits...and waits...and waits.

2017-04-06, 01:31 PM
As the two of you continue to approach him, Alastar quickly stands up and runs off.

2017-04-06, 01:36 PM
Kriv stands up to his full height and watches Alastar run off. Kriv understands the need to talk to Alastar but he also knows that at this moment his presence is not helping.

Do you think you could learn something from him or maybe follow him from a distance? I don't believe that my presence will help. I will go with Ashcloak and talk to someone at the Shrine.

Kriv watches as Alastar continues to run.

2017-04-06, 02:53 PM
Evodine watches the poor man run away. "At least he took that smell with him," she quietly says as she looks around. She nods her head at Kriv's suggestion but then says, "I think I'll look for the fletcher first. See what he has to add."

Evodine walks off to find Valeron's place of business.

2017-04-06, 05:07 PM
Ashcloak sighed - that could have gone far better. Perhaps they should have taken the others with them? At least if Bree were with them Alastar might have been too afraid to run away...

"I agree Kriv, we don't seem to be helping here. Hopefully you'll have better luck with Valeron, Evodine - although maybe you should take one of the others with you, just in case?"

Leaving the suggestion in the air, she walks with Kriv towards the shrine.

2017-04-06, 08:46 PM
Bree continues to whittle and wait.

2017-04-07, 08:49 AM

Wilem arrives at the smithy and calls for the blacksmith.

2017-04-10, 01:23 PM
Omg, you all are not making this easy for me. lol. I'm going to try and speed things up as I am worried we are becoming mired in the town at the moment.


Waywocket "Ashcloak" Folkor (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1136711)

Evodine Sildacin (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1139553)

Bree Yark (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1140616)

Dr. Samurai
Wilem the Bold (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1142528)

Green Leviathan
Si'vEil (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1137852)

Ezra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1082321)

Akanah (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1103189)

Wilhem arrives at the smithy and spots the dwarf immediately, standing at the front of his store polishing Kriv's weapons. "Ah! Perfect timing! I suspect you be wanting your blades now?"

Down the eastern ride not far from what passes as a square Evodine finds a simple home with the sign above the door. 2 longbows are placed horizontally with 10 arrows behind them placed vertically.

Ashcloak and Kriv approach the only divine structure in the village, a shrine dedicated to St. Ygg. The doors are closed but it is doubtful that they are barred.

2017-04-10, 02:30 PM
Evodine knocks on the door and asks to speak with Valeron. Once Valeron appears, she asks for the story of finding Alastar near the Barrowmaze and exactly where they were.

2017-04-10, 04:30 PM
Ashcloak approaches the shrine, still puzzled by the strange-looking symbol outside. Checking first to make sure that Kriv is close by, she tries the closed door. If it is unbarred, she opens it just enough to get a look inside.

2017-04-10, 05:15 PM
Kriv follows Ashcloak looking around wary of any suspicious people, as Ashcloak walks in Kriv looks into the door, he had decided that he would look out for these people as if they were his siblings. His curiosity for this new religion has him wanting to walk in, but he knows that his first priority is in the Barrowmaze.

Let us do what we need to as quickly as possible so we can better ready ourselves for tomorrow.

2017-04-10, 10:39 PM
Bree continues to wait and whittle.

2017-04-11, 08:26 AM

Wilem thanks the smithy for his efforts and gathers his weapons and Kriv's gear as well. He returns to the Inn and tells the others, Let Kriv know I have his equipment from the smith. I'm retiring for the night. We should all get a good night's rest before the trek tomorrow. He nods at Ezra, See you in the morning.

I've been trying to minimize action in town so we can get started!! Wilem's ready to rock and roll!

Green Leviathan
2017-04-11, 12:13 PM
Si'veil gets board and he is tired from the long trek as well says, " I think I will do the same, G'night Bree."

not much to add, but i'm still here.

2017-04-11, 06:15 PM

The half-orc nods a good-night to Si'Veil. Once the other patrons begin their exit, she unfurls her bedroll and uses her pack as a pillow. Her axe is close at hand as she reminds the innkeep about the breakfast and road ration request. She then lays down and soon is asleep by the fire.

2017-04-12, 01:47 PM
Sorry everyone. I was hoping to post something today but the time so far has gotten away from me. I hope to have something posted before the end of the night.

2017-04-13, 01:36 PM
Evodine knocks on the door and asks to speak with Valeron. Once Valeron appears, she asks for the story of finding Alastar near the Barrowmaze and exactly where they were.

The door opens and a handsome, lithe elf with sharp features and long black hair greets you. He looks you up and down with a disapproving air. "There is not much of a story to tell about poor addled Alastar. I found him on the moor among the barrows, completely unable to discern a direction in which to stumble. Having no intention of leaving him there any longer than he had already endured, I brought him back here to Helix."

Ashcloak approaches the shrine, still puzzled by the strange-looking symbol outside. Checking first to make sure that Kriv is close by, she tries the closed door. If it is unbarred, she opens it just enough to get a look inside.

Kriv follows Ashcloak looking around wary of any suspicious people, as Ashcloak walks in Kriv looks into the door, he had decided that he would look out for these people as if they were his siblings. His curiosity for this new religion has him wanting to walk in, but he knows that his first priority is in the Barrowmaze.

Let us do what we need to as quickly as possible so we can better ready ourselves for tomorrow.

The door opens on well greased hinges. Inside is the sanctuary from which parishioners offers their prayers and sit to hear the word of their god. At the front of the room is an alter above which is the same symbol as the one you saw outside. Behind the alter, the wall is covered with shelves of candles, most already lit. Making his way around the shelves is a man lighting the candles from a candle lighter.

2017-04-13, 02:20 PM
Ashcloak enters the shrine, and walks up to the man lighting candles.

"Excuse me good sir, might we trouble you for a moment of your time? We have some questions about the Barrowmaze that we would value the opinion of a holy man on."

If the man is receptive to their questions, Ashcloak asks him about the "thinking" undead of the Barrowmaze, how they might be defeated, and whether there were any other dangers they should know about.

2017-04-13, 08:00 PM
Evodine smiles at the elf. "Truly, Alastar was fortunate you came across him when you did.
Could you point on the map where it was you found him? I plan to go out that way with a group of friends. Check it out a bit." She offers him the map to make a mark on.

Persuasion: [roll0]

2017-04-13, 10:46 PM

The half-orc begins to snore loudly.

2017-04-14, 10:11 AM
Ashcloak enters the shrine, and walks up to the man lighting candles.

"Excuse me good sir, might we trouble you for a moment of your time? We have some questions about the Barrowmaze that we would value the opinion of a holy man on."

If the man is receptive to their questions, Ashcloak asks him about the "thinking" undead of the Barrowmaze, how they might be defeated, and whether there were any other dangers they should know about.

The man turns and Ashcloak is surprised by his appearance. Aside from being tall, he has a very "rough" appearance. His face is slightly longer than normal, his eyes more sunken than typical, and two small tusks jut out from his bottom jaw. "And what questions do you have?"

Evodine smiles at the elf. "Truly, Alastar was fortunate you came across him when you did.
Could you point on the map where it was you found him? I plan to go out that way with a group of friends. Check it out a bit." She offers him the map to make a mark on.

Persuasion: [roll0]

(OOC: Where did you get a map from? I have looked back and noticed Kriv mentioning a map as well but nowhere in the thread was a map obtained that I can remember.)

2017-04-14, 11:46 AM
Ashcloak is startled by the candle-lighter's appearance, but rallies quickly.

"I gather that there are walking dead in the Barrowmaze that can think for themselves and that are capable of reducing men to madness. I have also heard... stories of powerful evil associated with the place. We plan to set out into the moors at dawn - if there is anything that you can tell us about what we might expect to find in the barrows, then we would be most grateful."

Is the candle-lighter's appearance surprising simply because he doesn't look like a typical holy man, or is his race unfamiliar to Ashcloak?

2017-04-17, 01:01 PM

After a restful sleep, Bree checks to make sure she still has all of her belongings and then will check on her breakfast order and remind the innkeep of the 'road rations'.

2017-04-19, 06:21 PM
OOC: Is the thread dead? Sorry I am checking here (and for double post), but I am guessing this is a bust.

2017-04-26, 12:44 PM
OOC: Is the thread dead? Sorry I am checking here (and for double post), but I am guessing this is a bust.

Dead or bust, I hope not. I have been on vacation that was supposed to be relaxing and stress free but turned out to be nothing of the kind. I am now back to work and caught up on all the games I participate in. Hopefully, we will be able to get this ship moving again.

Ashcloak is startled by the candle-lighter's appearance, but rallies quickly.

"I gather that there are walking dead in the Barrowmaze that can think for themselves and that are capable of reducing men to madness. I have also heard... stories of powerful evil associated with the place. We plan to set out into the moors at dawn - if there is anything that you can tell us about what we might expect to find in the barrows, then we would be most grateful."

Is the candle-lighter's appearance surprising simply because he doesn't look like a typical holy man, or is his race unfamiliar to Ashcloak?

The man smirks at your request and you realize that he has orcish blood mixed in with his human ancestry. "I have never been to the barrows myself, my calling keeps me here caring for those who seek the blessings of St. Ygg. But I can tell you that not everything can be overcome. St. Ygg tells us that no matter how strong we are, be prepared to face one who is stronger. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor."

2017-04-26, 12:51 PM
Kriv smiles at such wise Counsel, he turns to Ashcloak.

Tis wise counsel he gives us, I suggest we practice it, we should head back and prepare for our journey.

Kriv looks at the man.

Thank you for the advice, Bahamut also teaches this. Please forgive us for our intrusiveness.

Kriv softly places a hand on Ashcloak's shoulder and guides him out before anymore questions could be asked. Something in the way the half orc smiled and responded had Kriv feeling uneasy.

2017-04-26, 05:06 PM
The intensity of the man's dedication to his god unnerves Ashcloak a little, but she consider his advice sound.

"Thank you for your words of wisdom, holy man. I shall remember them when our hour is darkest."

Following Kriv out of the shrine, she returns to the inn and rests ahead of the next day's journey.

2017-04-28, 09:21 AM
The next morning arrives quickly with anticipation. You are all greeted by the barkeep as you walk into the main room, the smell of breakfast tantalizing as it whaffs in from the kitchen. You quickly eat breakfast, eager to be on your way to the fields where the barrow(s) is/are located. From what you have learned, you know the barrow fields lie to the south, south-west of the village and it is in that direction you make your way.

You travel for close to 4 hours in a leisurely southern route first through the wooded areas that border the village on the south before coming to the marsh where the barrows are know to be located. The trip through the marsh takes the most of the 4 hours but by the time the sun has risen sufficiently you come to the moors where the barrows are found. The field before you is partially marshy, most of the barrows are on level solid ground but a few of the barrows stick out of the marshes surrounding the field.

From where you stand, there is a barrow directly to your left, about 100 feet which was hidden by the marsh till you got close enough. As you look about, the field is filled with them. How many you can not tell do to the fog that fills the area.


2017-04-28, 10:28 AM
Kriv looks at the field of Barrows and chuckles softly. After a moment though he begins to survey the field for other things, wary of his surroundings​ and what or who it could hide. Kriv grew up with his six other siblings and this was the kind of environment they would use to play find the kobold. His brother Ja'Foas the black Dragonborn was always the best at hiding, but Kriv always found even him.

We should keep on our toes, this fog can hide many things other than barrows. he whisperedWe should try to stay together as a group, we should also look for the Barrowmaze that has a rope.

With the warning, Kriv pulls out his great axe, says a quick prayer to Bahamut ending with a light kiss to the holy symbol on the axe and waits for the others.


2017-04-28, 10:37 AM
Before leaving the inn, Evodine packs all the leftover breakfast into her pack then is ready to set out with the others.

Once reaching the Barrow her heart sinks a bit. She had been hoping that the townsfolk had been overstating the immensity of the field. She nods her head in agreement with Kriv's statement. "I'm right behind you," she says quietly.

Green Leviathan
2017-04-28, 11:28 AM
Si'veil lets out a soft whistle when he see just how many barrows they have to choose from. There was bound to be treasure here. Danger too, but what was life without a gamble. Plus, he had shored up his bets by finding these people who would go in with him, so he was sure everything would be fine.

He takes out a piece of chalk and marks the direction they had come from, knowing that when they left they would most likely be exhausted or injured, and a solid reference point might be of help. He then puts the chalk away and steps in besides Evodine. With a sly grin Si'veil says, "Well i guess I'll follow too since she is" and finishes with a wink in her direction.

2017-05-01, 05:01 PM
Ashcloak found the experience of travelling with companions unusual. On their way through the marshes, it had been a struggle not to follow her instincts and strike out her own route through the wild landscape. But she would have to grow used to this new arrangement.

Without saying a word, she falls in behind Kriv, Evodine & Si'veil. Glancing around her, Ashcloak looks carefully at their surroundings. Every now and again, she pauses to closely inspect the vegetation growing around them, gaze at the tiny creatures swimming in the stagnant marshwater, and sniff the strange smells in the air. Perhaps something might give a clue as to which barrows might be significant?

Intelligence (Investigation/Nature) check to see whether any subtleties in the natural landscape might point towards an important barrow, or give any other useful hints: [roll0]

2017-05-02, 12:46 PM
Kriv does not see anything out of the ordinary, but then again, what is ordinary in a large field filled with barrows and haunted by all manner of creature.

Ashcloak seems to think based on the size of the field, the amount of barrows, and the lack of any visible entry ways into said barrows that this may be the newest section (if one could say that about something this old.) It is after-all a hunch with nothing to prove this belief.

You make your way to the south side of the barrow and see two columns of six white marble pillars, some standing, and some in ruins, lining the entrance to a white stone mausoleum. In addition, six beautiful stone statues of exquisite detail and craftsmanship can be found in the immediate vicinity of the mausoleum (a dwarf, elf, centaur, two humans, and a halfling). Several have been pierced by arrows.

Green Leviathan
2017-05-03, 08:08 AM
Si'veil looks at the statues and says, "Well now, isn't that strange. I've never seen an arrow pierce rock before..." with an shurg of his sholders he grasps the crystal at his neck and points at the nearest statue with an arrow in it and fires off an Eldritch Blast at it to see what happens.


2017-05-03, 09:27 AM
Evodine takes a step back as Si'Veil launches an attack against the statue. She looks at him with a puzzled expression on her face for a few moments, then back to the statue to assess the damage.

2017-05-03, 01:25 PM
The blast lands squarely on the statue and bits of rock fly off in several directions.

Green Leviathan
2017-05-03, 01:31 PM
Si'veil shruges again and thinks to himself "I guess its harmless, can't be to careful though." he turns to Kriv and says, "after you."

2017-05-03, 08:14 PM
Bree had set off ahead of the others and waits for them to pass. She follows them and remains out of sight in the event that the group was followed. When she hears the blast, she comes charging forward, axe at the ready. When she realizes that the party is not in danger, the half-orc relaxes.

"You weren't followed," is all that she says.

2017-05-05, 10:45 AM
Evodine approaches the statues for a closer look, and inspects the arrows.

Looking at the detail level of the statues. What are the arrows made of?

Inspection if needed: [roll0]

2017-05-05, 11:02 AM
Kriv continues to watch the barrows, looking for anything suspicious. Curiosity is getting him so he whispers to Evodine.

Quickly inspect the statues, see what you can find, but we really need to make it quick. I've never seen arrows in a statue like that.

[roll0] for perception
[roll1] For insight on anything I may have encountered on my trip to the village that might resemble this.

2017-05-08, 01:49 PM
Evodine approaches the statues for a closer look, and inspects the arrows.

Looking at the detail level of the statues. What are the arrows made of?

Inspection if needed: [roll0]

The arrows are made from the same stone as the statues.

Kriv continues to watch the barrows, looking for anything suspicious. Curiosity is getting him so he whispers to Evodine.

Quickly inspect the statues, see what you can find, but we really need to make it quick. I've never seen arrows in a statue like that.

[roll0] for perception
[roll1] For insight on anything I may have encountered on my trip to the village that might resemble this.

Kriv has never seen the likes of this before, however the craftsmanship is excellent. You can see the puncture wounds from the arrows on the main body of the statue.

2017-05-08, 02:00 PM
Evodine stands a little ways away as she finishes examining the statues. She looks around to the group as a shiver runs down her spine. "We should move along. These things kind of creep me out. They're so...realistic. Like they were people encased in stone."

2017-05-08, 03:21 PM
Kriv grips his great axe tighter he continues to scanned the fog. There was something about these statues that seemed a bit unnatural.

Come, let us search for the Barrow we need to find.Kriv whispered,These statues seem unnatural to me, we should remain vigilant.

Kriv slowly moves away from the statues.

[roll0]. Perception Check

2017-05-08, 04:37 PM
Ashcloak jumps as Bree charges out from the undergrowth. Not for the first time, she reflects that they're lucky to have her as a friend rather than a foe.

Turning back to the unnerving statues, she joins the others in their inspection.

"Yes, we would do well not to linger here... although, perhaps we should quickly check..."

Darting nimbly forward, Ashcloak draws close to the entrance of the mausoleum. Is there anything they might have missed?

Rolling Intelligence (Investigation) [roll0] to examine the entrance to the mausoleum - is there anything notable about the structure (patterns, strange markings etc), and do the doors (if there are any) look like they could be opened?

2017-05-08, 10:11 PM
Bree continues to keep watch as the others investigate. "I've heard of strange creatures that can turn one to stone with their gaze. Sailors said there was even an isle with a woman-like creature with the body of a serpent and hair consisting of asps who wielded a bow. Staring at her eyes would turn a man to rock. It's a good thing I'm not a man."

2017-05-14, 06:26 PM
Evodine shivers at Bree's story. "Let's hope we don't meet one of those. Which way now, guys?"

Green Leviathan
2017-05-15, 02:11 PM
Si'veil says, " I guess the mausoleum there is as good place to start as any. Who would like the honers?" clearly not wanting to go first he looks around for other volunteers.

2017-05-16, 02:41 AM
Having heard such stories in his travels Kriv decided that Si'Viel was right, after a quick prayer and takes the lead towards the mausoleum.

Come, let us get going, Bahamut will surely grant us strength.

2017-05-16, 08:21 AM
Evodine nervously grips the hilt of her dagger as she glances around the area. This is so much more terrifying than I thought it would be, she thinks to herself. Sune smiled on you when she sent you to the tavern to meet the others. She follows the golden dragonborn closely, feeling a little safer against such a large companion.

2017-05-16, 09:19 PM

The half-orc slides her arm through the shield straps and grabs the haft of her axe and smiles as she envisions her chance to commit violence is soon to come. "C'mon, do you want to live forever?" She then laughs aloud and marches with a spring in her step towards the entrance.

Green Leviathan
2017-05-17, 07:23 AM
Si'veil smiles and responds to Bree, "I still have things left undone, I need to kiss a fair amount more ladies mind you, but I didn't come all this way to stop at the threshold." and with that he follows, taking up a position near the rear.

2017-05-17, 07:41 AM
Rolling Intelligence (Investigation) [roll0] to examine the entrance to the mausoleum - is there anything notable about the structure (patterns, strange markings etc), and do the doors (if there are any) look like they could be opened?

The door to this mausoleum is locked, made of bronze with verdigris. The door appears to have a scarab-shaped lock-like mechanism.

2017-05-17, 08:17 AM
Evodine approaches the mausoleum door slowly, looking around in every direction as she does so. She grabs the door handle and attempts to open it, but it just rattles slightly as she pulls. She looks at the scarab-like lock mechanism on the door. "I really should have invested in a set of lock picks. It's been a while since that skill has been useful, but I'll bet I could have figured it out." She looks around at the others. "Anyone else able to get us through here, or should we move on?"

Green Leviathan
2017-05-17, 08:47 AM
Si'veil looks at the statues for anything that looks like it could fit in the scarab shaped lock. He also rummages around the base of the statues in case anything fell off of them.

If investigation

if perception

Green Leviathan
2017-05-17, 08:48 AM
perception, this time without typos

2017-05-17, 08:50 AM
Si'veil looks around the statues and the door but is unable to find anything that matches the scarab design in the locking mechanism.

Green Leviathan
2017-05-18, 10:54 AM
Si'veil addresses the party, "Well, we have 4 options that i can see. One, Force the door. Two, Pick the door. Three, try some other burrow. Four, go home. I'm personally against number 4, and i can't do a thing about number 2. Thoughts?

2017-05-18, 11:01 AM
Evodine listens to Si'Veil's options and agrees with most of them. She could do something about picking the locks....if she only had thought to acquire picks. Some adventurer she was turning out to be. That leaves her with forcing the door. She looks at the door, then suddenly throws herself against it in an effort to force it open.

Strength check: [roll0]

Evodine bounces off the door and falls flat on her butt. She looks around, a little embarrassed, and makes her way back to her feet. "Ummm...anyone else?"

2017-05-18, 12:37 PM
Kriv watches Evodine as she looks at the lock, then listens to her suggestions. He thinks about the options and puts his Great Axe up and pulls his Maul. Kriv steps forward and looks at the door.

Stand back, let me try. Prepare yourselves for any visitors we may get.

Kriv swings his Maul at the door aiming for the lock.


2017-05-18, 12:42 PM
Evodine moves clear of Kriv's swing, covering her ears as contact is made against the door. "That's...ummm...that's more than I managed, that's for sure."

2017-05-18, 01:48 PM
Kriv's swing is dead on and connects with the scarab shaped lock. However instead of cracking or breaking the lock, a loud ringing sound heralds the development of minor cracks in Kriv's maul.

2017-05-18, 02:41 PM
Kriv frowns at the cracks in his maul, this was his first weapon and it hadn't failed him yet. He takes a few practice swings to see how it feels, satisfied it wasn't lost yet he put it back.

By Bahamut's tears...we need to locate the key otherwise, we should move on.

Kriv looks at Evodine and smiles warmly.

Come, let's see what we can find, shall we?

Kriv pulls out his Great Axe still on the look out for anything the fog can hide he begins searching for anything that might hide or hold a Scarab shaped key.

[roll0] to find the key [roll1] for perception of any danger.

2017-05-18, 02:56 PM
Evodine keeps on the alert, looking out for anything attempting to sneak up on them. "I doubt the key will be close-by. There have been too many others here in the past. Maybe we should move along to the next barrow?"

2017-05-18, 05:17 PM
Ashcloak joins in the search for the key, but doesn't hold up much hope of finding anything.

"It's frustrating to have to move on... but I can't see what else we can do right now. The key is probably in another barrow. We must remember where this place was though so that we can come back to it."

I just realised I never actually wrote it on my character sheet, but I'm assuming I get the outlander background's wanderer feature? If so, I'm using it to try to remember how to get back here. (if not I'll do a survival check)

Green Leviathan
2017-05-19, 07:31 AM
Si'veil watched as the maul failed to make a dent in the mausolium door. Yea, I say we move on. This place looks promising, but can't do anything about it now.

2017-05-22, 09:03 PM
Bree nods her head, "Nothing in - nothing out. Let's find a different way."

2017-05-23, 12:20 PM
Ashcloak is fairly certain that should the scarab key be found, he will have no trouble retracing your steps and returning to this barrow. Deciding to move on, you see a barrow to the southeast and directly south. Both are approximately 300 feet away. There is also a barrow to the southwest which is around 250 feet away. There are plenty more clumped in the vicinity of these three.

2017-05-23, 12:25 PM
Kriv hands his map making material to Ashcloak.

Would you be so kind as to help me keep this map updated by placing the barrows we visited and note any importance such as this one needing a Scarab shaped key for me? This will help me keep track of where I've been and further help my clutch mates and I in our search for the artifacts we seek.

2017-05-23, 01:11 PM
Evodine points toward the barrow to the southwest. "Shall we start with the closest one?"

2017-05-24, 10:28 PM

The half-orc looks towards the next barrow. "Sounds good to me. I'll go check it out." She heads over to the next cairn with shield and axe at the ready.

2017-05-24, 10:59 PM
Looking around, Kriv watches as Bree walks towards the next Barrow, keeping an eye on both the fog and on Evodine, Kriv follows Bree his great axe ready.

Let us stay together, we're likely to meet some in welcomed guests.

2017-05-25, 09:59 AM
This barrow mound is a little over 30 feet in radius. Looking around at first glance, there does not appear to be an opening into the mound.

Green Leviathan
2017-05-25, 10:26 AM
Si'veil looks around and says, "Well, i don't know what else i expected to find but i was hoping to find some sort of entrance." He taps on the shovel strapped to the side of his pack,"But we can make our own if we can't find any."

2017-05-29, 04:50 PM
Kriv hands his map making material to Ashcloak.

Would you be so kind as to help me keep this map updated by placing the barrows we visited and note any importance such as this one needing a Scarab shaped key for me? This will help me keep track of where I've been and further help my clutch mates and I in our search for the artifacts we seek.
Ashcloak looks briefly puzzled at the map-making materials - having lived so long in the wilderness she had long ceased to rely on such extensive note-taking - but then quickly smiles and nods her assent. This artefact was clearly of great importance to Kriv, and if a map would be of use to him then she was more than happy to help.

Following the others to the second barrow, she again looks for any clues nature might provide as to the barrow's secrets.

Si'veil looks around and says, "Well, i don't know what else i expected to find but i was hoping to find some sort of entrance." He taps on the shovel strapped to the side of his pack,"But we can make our own if we can't find any."

"That's a very good idea Si'veil - the chambers can't be buried too deep, and if we find the right spot we might well break through very quickly."

Investigation roll on the current barrow, looking out in particular for any suggestions of secret entrances (changes in vegetation, disturbed ground etc), or any suggestion of where the barrow chamber might be close to the surface: [roll0]

2017-06-07, 01:28 PM
Wondering around the barrow noting the vegetation and ground, Ashcloak is able to find a deformity in the lay of the ground where nature has concealed the location of the door.

Green Leviathan
2017-06-12, 10:21 AM
"Ya find anything that looks promising yet? " Si'veil says

2017-06-14, 05:17 PM
Many apologies, completely missed ybn's post

"I wonder... could it possibly be... hmmm"

Lost in thought, Ashcloak completely fails to notice Si'veil approach and is slightly startled by his question.

"Oh! Yes, yes I think I may have. You see how these mosses over here are darker than those surrounding them? And the thorn-bushes more straggly? I think... I think there might once have been a door here."

2017-06-14, 05:18 PM
Evodine inspects the ground pointed out by Ashcloak and pulls away the brush. Finding some form of access, she pulls on the door.

2017-06-15, 04:55 PM
Kriv divides his attention between stealing looks at Evodine as she works and the fog. He smiles slightly as she finds what is possibly a door to a Barrow.