View Full Version : Alternative to E6/P6 (dumb idea maybe) for pathfinder

2017-03-15, 12:29 PM
Hello, I identify the "problems" of high level play as too much iterative attacks, too big numbers, HP, perception.. and too "world changing" spells.
These things are only problems if you want to play a "low-magic" game.
And yes, I know about D&D5 :)

So, E6/P6 is nice but I had a stupid idea, tell me if it's completely broken of if maybe it'll need some work and could be playable.

Let's say levels go from 1 to 20 BUT numerical values stop at 6th level. So, after 6th level, BAB, saves, HP, Skill points dont increment anymore.
Spells slots are gained but not spells higher than 3rd level, the slot could be used for metamagic.

In fact, it's the same as P6, but instead of gaining a feat each level, you gain "all class abilities of Xth level".

CR will be wrong, a party of APL 20 won't be the same as a "real" party of 20th levels with fighters with a lot of iteratives and wizards with 9th level spells.

Is there something else broken doing this (ie, except completely imbalancing between 10 HD monsters and 10 level characters) ?

2017-03-15, 12:53 PM
The problem here is that there are a Lot of class features that are pure number inflation. You'll stop getting skill points and hp, but keep getting added Sneak Attack damage and Trapfinding bonus.