View Full Version : [3.X] Officially Endorsed Products

2017-03-15, 03:49 PM
So, besides official 3.X releases from WotC (including Dragon Compendium and Dragonlance campaign setting book), what other officially licensed products are 9were) out there?

Kingdoms of Kalamar
Diablo d20 (?)

Looking to compile a list.

Cheers - T

2017-03-15, 03:55 PM
Pretty sure BoEF is liscenced although im not completely sure

2017-03-15, 04:13 PM
Pretty sure BoEF is liscenced although im not completely sure

it's OGL compliant, but it's not officially endorsed

2017-03-16, 03:08 AM
So, besides official 3.X releases from WotC (including Dragon Compendium and Dragonlance campaign setting book), what other officially licensed products are 9were) out there?

Kingdoms of Kalamar
Diablo d20 (?)

Looking to compile a list.

Cheers - T

there's 2 diablo books for 3.0 and 1 for 2nd edition all published by WOTC

http://www.spelljammer.org/ is licensed
http://www.athas.org/ is licensed
http://planewalker.com/ is licensed

http://www.candlekeep.com/index.html is not licensed but a lot WOTC authors have posted stuff that was developed but not officially published or expanded on their own official work and the material there is really good

2017-03-16, 03:16 AM
it's OGL compliant, but it's not officially endorsed

I understand that they rewrote the ogl in response to that book in order to prevent more books like it being produced.

2017-03-16, 03:39 AM
I understand that they rewrote the ogl in response to that book in order to prevent more books like it being produced.
I guess they caught them with their pants down...

Was Ptolus ever officially Licensed? I'm not sure?

2017-03-16, 03:46 AM
Dragon Magazine has a big "100% Official Content" thing above the Dungeons & Dragons logo, at least in some issues - note also how the last Living Greyhawk Campaign Sourcebook lists Dr#315 and #319 as available sources!

The same goes for Dungeon Magazine, I guess.

2017-03-16, 06:07 AM
At least some of the 3.5 Warcraft RPG books bear the "Official Wizard's Licensed Product" seal. There are two books for a Wheel of Time RPG that I believe were published by Wizards themselves. There's the 3.5 Oriental Adventures/Rokugan/L5R stuff, although I'm not sure if you're already counting that as just another campaign setting like Eberron and Forgotten Realms.

Was Ptolus ever officially Licensed? I'm not sure?

The Ptolus book I have access to does not seem to have an "Official Wizard's Licensed Product" seal anywhere. That may not be definitive, but it seems to suggest that it wasn't.

2017-03-16, 09:53 PM
Cool, thanks for the feedabck all.

Keep 'em coming!

2017-03-17, 01:03 AM
I think you've mentioned before that the Shackled City hardcover was 1pp, though I don't have any evidence of that myself.

The 3e Birthright Campaign Setting (http://webpages.charter.net/sdpbem/brcs-playtest.pdf) release was granted use of the IP/ license, so that sounds licensed to me. Sorry I can't link to the actual forum (birthright.net), but it's just timing out for me right now. In any case, it's freely available from the official site as well, so I think I'm in the clear when linking a PDF.

rgrekejin, could you look over the copyright section of that Ptolus book you have? It should state how/ if the company that made it was granted use of the license.

Edit: The folks mentioning Diablo remind me. Isn't there a Neverwinter guidebook, too?

2017-03-17, 05:24 AM
Isn't there a Neverwinter guidebook, too?

Neverwinter campaign book is 4th edition, there isn't a 3rd edition one that I know of

At least some of the 3.5 Warcraft RPG books bear the "Official Wizard's Licensed Product" seal. There are two books for a Wheel of Time RPG that I believe were published by Wizards themselves. There's the 3.5 Oriental Adventures/Rokugan/L5R stuff, although I'm not sure if you're already counting that as just another campaign setting like Eberron and Forgotten Realms.

the main Warcraft book has the D&D logo right on the cover, the rest are sword and sorcery, considering Blizzard owns Warcraft, the sword and sorcery ones would be considered 3rd party as far as whats considered official and only the main book being consider first party where dungeons and dragons is concerned at least

same goes for the Rokugan books, only the Oriental Adventures book has the D&D logo where as the others don't, but use what you want at your own table, I draw from a lot of 3rd party material so its all fair game to me, lol

2017-03-17, 07:02 AM
the main Warcraft book has the D&D logo right on the cover, the rest are sword and sorcery, considering Blizzard owns Warcraft, the sword and sorcery ones would be considered 3rd party as far as whats considered official and only the main book being consider first party where dungeons and dragons is concerned at least

same goes for the Rokugan books, only the Oriental Adventures book has the D&D logo where as the others don't, but use what you want at your own table, I draw from a lot of 3rd party material so its all fair game to me, lol

Looking for the D&D logo on the cover is not really a reliable way of telling if something has actually been officially licensed by Wizards or not. Look at the Ravenloft books - they're all published as Swords and Sorcery books, but if you turn to the title page, they all have the "Official Wizards Licensed Product" seal on them. Some (but not all) of the Kingdoms of Kalamar books also lack the D&D imprint, and are just published with "Kingdoms of Kalamar" as the banner at the top of the book. It's true that most of the Warcraft books don't have the "Official Wizards Licensed Product" seal - the main book is the only one I could find that did have the "Official Wizards" seal. I didn't check them all, so I can't guarantee there aren't others. Both Wheels of Time books have the seal.

Rokugan is a bit different - it's true that only the Oriental Adventures book itself has the D&D logo on the cover (although they all have the "Oriental Adventures" logo on the cover, which was the D&D-ized version of L5R), but at that time, L5R was owned by Wizards, so any L5R book published had to be explicitly licensed by Wizards. Turn to the title page of any Rokugan book with 3.5 mechanics in it, and you'll see this: "LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS is produced by AEG under license from Wizards of the Coast, Inc." So it's effectively in the same boat as Ravenloft, with respect to its official status.

2017-03-17, 02:58 PM
So, besides official 3.X releases from WotC (including Dragon Compendium and Dragonlance campaign setting book), what other officially licensed products are 9were) out there?

Kingdoms of Kalamar
Diablo d20 (?)

Looking to compile a list.

Cheers - T

Are you looking for everything with the 3e logo and Officially Licensed on title page? Will either suffice or must it be both?

I understand that they rewrote the ogl in response to that book in order to prevent more books like it being produced.

It believe they altered the d20 STL in response to the BoEF. It was released as an OGL product, but it lacked the d20 STL logo.

d20 System Trademark License FAQ (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=d20/srdfaq/20040123b)

2017-03-17, 03:12 PM
Are you looking for everything with the 3e logo and Officially Licensed on title page? Will either suffice or must it be both?

Happy for either at this stage.

2017-03-22, 01:10 AM
Okay, I pulled and sorted through some stuff.

Kenzer and Company: Kingdoms of Kalamar
All of these have the 3e D&D logo on the front cover and 'Official Licensed Product WotC' seal on the title page and back cover. None of these products are OGL.

Hardcovers- 3.0
-KoK Player's Guide
-Villain Design Handbook (DM Sourcebook)
-KoK Atlas (SB)

HC's- 3.5
-Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene (Monster SB)
-Friend & Foe: The Elves and Bugbears of Tellene ( Race SB)
-Friend & Foe: The Gnomes and Kobolds of Tellene ( Race SB)

Perfect Bound- 3.0
-Geanavue: The Stones of Peace (City SB)
-Fury in the Wastelands: The Orcs of Tellene (Race SB)
-Living KoK: Pekal Gazetteer ( Location SB)
-The Lost Tomb of Kruk-Ma-Kali (Adventure)
-Lands of Mystery (Ad)
-Deathright (Ad)
-Midnight's Terror (Ad)
-Stealth and Style (Class SB)

PB- 3.5
-Villain Design Handbook (DM SB)
-Salt and Sea Dogs: The Pirates of Tellene (Nautical SB) One of my personal favorites.
-Strength and Honor: The Mighty Hobgoblins of Tellene (Race SB)
-Blood and Shadow: The Dark Elves of Tellene (Race SB)
-Loona: Port of Intrigue (City SB)
-Secrets of the Alubelok Coast ( Location SB)
-Garden of the Plantmaster (Ad)
-Perils of Pekal (Ad)
-KoK Player's Primer (Player SB)

Saddle Stapled- 3.0
-The Root of All Evil (Ad)
-Forging Darkness (Ad)
-Coin's End (Ad)
-Aldriv's Revenge (Ad)
-The Invasion of Arun'Kid (Ad)
-Siren's Prize (Ad)
-KoK Dungeon Master's Shield (Not Ad) It does have a group pizza matrix for ordering pizza however.
-Player Character Record Book (Player Aid)

SS- 3.5
-Stand and Deliver (Ad)

Sword & Sorcery/Arthaus: Ravenloft
All of these have the S&S logo on the front cover. All of these products have the Official WotC Product license seal on the title page and back cover. All of them have the AH logo on the back cover. None of them have the 3e logo. The HC's have 'Dungeons and Dragons® Campaign Setting' on the cover. The PB's have A Ravenloft® Campaign Setting Supplement on the cover. None of these products are OGL.

HC- 3.0
-Core Rulebook (CS)
-Denizens of Darkness (Monster SB)

PB- 3.0
-Gazetteer Volume II (Location SB)
-Heroes of Light (SB)
-Champions of Darkness (SB)

AEG: Legend of the Five Rings
This is a licensed campaign setting for the Oriental Adventures book by WotC. All of these have the Lot5R logo on the cover and AEG logo on the back cover. All of these have on the title page 'Lot5R is produced by AEG under license from WotC, Inc.' All of these products are OGL.

HC- 3.0
-Rokugan™: Oriental Adventures™ Campaign Setting. This has the OA logo from the WotC Product on the front cover.

PB- 3.0
-Creatures of Rokugan™ (Monster SB)
-Magic of Rokugan™ (SB)
-Fortune & Winds™ (SB)

All of these have Oriental Adventures on the front cover but the logo runs horizontally and not vertically as it does on the WotC and AEG CS. Also of note is the use of ™ on these and ® on the Ravenloft books.

Sovereign Press: Dragonlance
These have the Dragonlance logo on the front cover and the WotC Official Licensed Product seal on the title page and back cover. None of these products are OGL.

HC- 3.5
-Bestiary of Krynn (Monster SB)
-Age of Mortals (Age SB)

I forgot to mention that every single product I listed has the d20 STL logo on the back cover too.

ETA: Sorry for the poor formatting, I do it by hand on my phone. Please feel free to ask for any further clarifications or information regarding these products.

2017-03-22, 02:26 AM
Great, thanks for the lists, that's good stuff!

2017-03-22, 02:59 AM
Your welcome. One glaring omission is that I neglected to ID which products are OGL and have an OGC declaration. I'll amend the list when I finish sorting through that element.

ETA: The only products with the OGL and an OGC declaration are the 4 Rokugan books. I noted the OGL bits and some other things in the list.

2017-03-22, 04:08 AM
I've never more than flipped through any ravenloft stuff more than briefly in 3.0, though I ran the 3.5 expedition to castle ravenloft before. Is there anything notable from them, or are they worth getting for something more setting agnostic? I am running a undead heavy campaign right now and am looking for more options. Atropus needs more stuff.

Races of Ansalon has the Dragonlance logo on the front, d20 system and WotC officially licensed on the back cover, but nothing official on 3.0/3.5 as far as I can see at a cursory inspection, though the first page says "This d20 system (trademark r) game accessory utilizes mechanics developed for the new DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS (trademark r) game by..." It goes on to mention that this has no open game content.

More of the dragonlance supplements might have something similar but its the only one I have.

Are you looking for adventure path stuff and whatnot as well? The entirety of the sunless citadel adventure path all have the Dungeons and Dragons banner logo, d20 system, wizards of the coast liscense, but I do not see anything specifically about 3.X unless you mean the big Dungeons and Dragons banner at the top like the PHB has, but nothing indicating 3.X.

2017-03-22, 11:19 AM
I've never more than flipped through any ravenloft stuff more than briefly in 3.0, though I ran the 3.5 expedition to castle ravenloft before. Is there anything notable from them, or are they worth getting for something more setting agnostic? I am running a undead heavy campaign right now and am looking for more options. Atropus needs more stuff...

In general these books are very White Wolf like, heavy on flavor and setting. I think the most generically useful book is Denizens of Darkness. It's all crunch and updates 'classic' RL monsters as well as new additions too. The Gazetteer, CoD and HoL have a bit of crunch each.

HoL and CoL have a handful of new PrC's and maybe a dozen new feats each. The Gazetteer has less crunch, a few templates and new creatures. The Core book doesn't really have much crunch, Vistani as a new race stand out I guess. There are some new mechanics introduced as well, a few pages on curses, Powers checks, Horror checks and other setting specific changes.

ETA: I'm not speaking at all to the quality of the crunchy bits, I didn't look very closely at them.

2017-03-22, 12:49 PM
Do note for the purposes of this thread the Wheel of Time books are not strictly 3.x but are a related d20 system.
They are closer to the Star Wars Saga Edition system than 3.x.
The Wheel of Time is close enough to migrate stuff from it to 3.x but like using Pathfinder content you would probably need to adjust or rewrite something when things they do differently come up.

2017-03-22, 07:02 PM
Can anyone tell me what Dragon and Dungeon issues cover 3.0 and 3.5 respectively?

2017-03-23, 01:57 AM
Can anyone tell me what Dragon and Dungeon issues cover 3.0 and 3.5 respectively?

dragon 274-307 are 3.0
dragon 308-359 are 3.5
dragon 360-363 are 3.5 online only, and were scrubbed from their archives, copies can still be found in cyberspace tho

aslo call of cathulu D20 was published with by WOTC and has rules for incorporating into DND games

and wouldn't the modern D20 books be considered official as well? basically just a new subset of rules for a different world akin to FR or eberron?

2017-03-23, 04:19 AM
D20 Modern has a number of articles and stuff regarding how to integrate bits of it with D&D (notably Urban Arcana and... I think the DMG has a note on using it for modern firearms?)

It's worth noticing that it's a bit different in how the system works, though, and class design is extremely different. You can port stuff to and from D&D easily enough, but you do need to tweak stuff.

2017-03-23, 05:29 AM
D20 Modern has a number of articles and stuff regarding how to integrate bits of it with D&D (notably Urban Arcana and... I think the DMG has a note on using it for modern firearms?)

It's worth noticing that it's a bit different in how the system works, though, and class design is extremely different. You can port stuff to and from D&D easily enough, but you do need to tweak stuff.

did a campaign once starting out with modern classes, then the group got transported to the realms, eventually picking up DnD classes and used retraining rules to retool their characters as they went along, worked out well, if I remember right, basically used the Dnd rules, ignored the action points and ran with what we where used to, just used it as a starting point