View Full Version : Books His Dark Materials/Dæmon AUs

2017-03-15, 06:00 PM
Anyone here a fan? I never read the books but I know the ries and have dæmon AUs as a permanent special interest re being autistic. I'd personally be a grey wagtail. Is anyone else looking forward to the Book of Dust?

2017-03-15, 06:43 PM
I read the series, I honestly only remember bits of it but I can tell you this, while I finished the series and dont regret having read it, I only read it once. It wasnt really my "type" of book, and iirc, the allegory got pretty heavy towards the end of the series. Not a bad story overall though.

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2017-03-15, 08:36 PM
Dark Materials? That's Golden Compass, the Subtle Knife, and the Amber Spyglass correct?

I hate those books. The first two were quite good, but the Amber Spyglass was so awful (or more accurately it's ending was so awful) that it retroactively ruined the entire series.

2017-03-16, 01:15 PM
Yeah, I really enjoyed Golden Compass & Subtle Knife as well... but Amber Spyglass was completely forgettable.

I actually found the theological underpinnings amusing, because they were completely the opposite of the church's backlash about the books.

I was really hoping that the movie of GC would respark interest in the series, but it was so poorly done. It was actually decent on a scene by scene basis, but they didn't cut ANYTHING from the books complex plot, so it turned out feeling like a 100 minute trailer to the upcoming Golden Compass movie (that would presumably have to be at least 7 hours long. )