View Full Version : DM Help Lord of the Iron Fortress: BBEG succeeds in reforging the Blade of Fiery Might

2017-03-15, 09:16 PM
I've been running my party through the original 3.0 "Adventure Path" modules for the last several years (Sunless Citadel, etc), and I've been running them through Lord of the Iron Fortress for the last few months.

Speaking of which, I know several of them do lurk on the Reddit DnD sub, and for all I know they may read these forums, too. If you guys stumble upon this, I expect you to read no further... or "Frank" the Pit Fiend will eat your souls...

TL;DR at the bottom

Well, due to the PC's getting side-tracked with the adventure's red herrings, and the monsters in the adventure location using good tactics, in conjunction with a few ill-timed bad save rolls for the PC's, the BBEG has succeeded in fending the heroes off long enough to complete his goal, reforging an artifact sword, the Blade of Fiery Might.

This intelligent evil sword wants to conquer worlds, and that is the purpose to which the BBEG intends to wield it. Where we left off, the BBEG had completed the sword 27 hours prior, and the PC's know he has completed it. They were ready to take the fight to the rest of the fortress, then half the party got incapacitated with a Symbol of Insanity, so they had to retreat, and wait until the next morning to prep a couple Heals to cure their partymates.

We've basically reached the end of the published module by this point. Although the PC's failed to prevent the sword's reforging, the Conclusion portion of the adventure offers a few words for each of three possible outcomes. The one relevant to my group's situation is this:

If the PCs fail in their mission and Imperagon completes the Blade of Fiery Might, all is not lost. The DM must determine the warlord’s next steps—how close is he to forming his army, what alliances prove successful, and so forth—but the PCs should have another chance to fight (and perhaps defeat) the half-dragon conqueror. Of course, with the blade in his hand he proves even more dangerous than before, but perhaps [assistance can come from other powerful planar forces]. ... You might even allow the PCs to raise an army of their own to battle the legions assembled by Imperagon and his allies. A climactic battle between the PCs and Imperagon while his army lays siege to their home city could be a terrific finale to the heroes’ careers!

I am planning to eventually run the last module in the series, Bastion of Broken Souls, but it is pegged for an 18th level party, and due to my party's chosen plans of attack, they have failed to defeat A LOT of the foes in the module. Three of the PC's are 16th level, and due to multiple deaths, one of them is only just getting back to 15th level (the starting level for Lord of the Iron Fortress...) So, they need to gain a bunch of XP anyways. If everyone each gained 21,000 xp, I'd have two PC's at 18th level, one at 17th level (but only ~6k away from 18th), and one at the mid-point of 16th level. Of course, the lower two would end up getting a bit more XP along the way; just running the numbers, the lowest one should hit 17th the same time the top two hit 18th level.

Regardless, expanding the BBEG's remaining forces into a growing army (alliances solidifying) could bring the BBEG's goals to the forefront (his exact goals haven't been made clear to the PC's), and change the dynamic that has been giving my players such problems the last few months. I have experience playing and running war campaigns, having played Red Hand of Doom in 2006-2007, and I ran an adaptation of RHoD in a Viking-themed gestalt game, from levels 6 - 12 in the years since then. I could adapt one or two of the scenarios from RHoD (or heck, even draw a bit upon Bloodstone Pass, from 1e AD&D) to flesh out the next two levels of adventure, dealing with the aftermath of their failure.

And the aftermath is where I'm debating how to proceed, and how "mean" to be with the BBEG's tactics. See, one of the abilities of the Blade of Fiery Might is the ability to Rebuke/Command [Fire] creatures as a 20th level Cleric. The BBEG also has a means of accessing the Elemental Plane of Fire... Efreet only have 10 HD... which means he can Command them. He can command two of them (total HD limit equal to effective cleric level, 20, so two 10-HD Efreet)... which means he can (and probably will) have access to six Wishes per day.

Six wishes per day, each of which can bring 12 allies to his ranks, "regardless of local conditions" (likely how the BBEG gets control of a second Efreet, once he has the first one). Or create 25,000 gp gems to use in payment for the next Wish, duplicating a Planar Ally spell to Call some 12 HD fiends to aid their army. Creating magic items to outfit their troops; Helms of Teleportation and Cubic Gates to move them about.

With a day to kill (already happened) the BBEG has almost assuredly found an Efreet and Commanded him (in fact, I rolled for random encounters on the Elemental Plane of Fire, using the DMG table [p. 156], and he encountered some...) He'll likely have another whole day before the PC's come back to his fortress (DM estimation, based on them dealing with the Symbol of Insanity). Before the last session (when they were on their way to deal with the BBEG when the Symbol paralyzed their advance) I had planned to give them this one last day in game to deal with the remaining foes of the fortress before allied forces started showing up and amassing. So the first wave of foes will show up by the time they get back into action. But there's also the effects of the Commanded Efreeti to consider.

The BBEG isn't dumb (Int 13), and his Pit Fiend right hand ally is absolutely not dumb (as my PC's have experienced, time and time again... Intelligence 26, after all). The BBEG's goal at the fortress (where the Blade of Fiery Might was reforged) is complete, and the PC's have repeatedly invaded (four or five times) in their attempts to sabotage the reforging. Any intelligent commander would relocate, and send word to his pending allies that they had moved to a new staging area. I'm tempted to have the fortress completely empty when the PC's return... at which point the PC's will either give up and go home to the paladin's keep in Celestia, and do some character down time stuff (scribing, crafting, etc) until they hear of the army's advances and destruction, or they'll try to hunt down the BBEG's new staging point right away (but that will take a bit of time to get the right spells, and figure out exactly where they are.)

I've got a level and a half of encounters to build this into (which works out to 17 encounters of an EL equal to the two highest-level PC's).

Given the info and motivations above, what suggestions would you guys give?

TL;DR: My PC's failed the module, and the BBEG reforged an artifact evil sword, which he will use to Rebuke/Command Efreeti, forcing them to grant him and his army six Wishes per day. I have to expand the short "Conclusion" paragraph at the end of the module (quoted section, above) into a mini campaign for 16th level PC's, as the BBEG warlord builds his army in a new staging area, and begins assaulting the Material Plane.

2017-04-21, 12:40 PM
Do you have one or how easily could you create a new staging area for the BBEG new rally point? I think that would be the most sensible thing for him to do if not just waiting for the party to get into a clash with some of his stronger minions and he can choose where and when to hit them

2017-04-21, 10:51 PM
Well there are many power increasing loops in the system. Remember you are the DM, if by using these loops you and the players find it fun then go ahead. You are the DM you have control, regardless of what 'random tables' say.

Obstensibly the PCs can also utilize optimization if that is what they want.

Everyone has their own style of story and play. I would run things differently but we're here to suggest what works in your game.

So what are you looking for exactly? A side adventure? There are plenty. A new storyline to level up the PCs before Bastion?
The BBEG could be an ally / pawn of the BBEG in Bastion. It is all how you spin it.

If you just want an adventure least amount of work is adapting an existing L15 module. Even the final levels of Return to Temple of EE would work with a few adjustments.

2017-04-21, 11:14 PM
Although, it would be some work:
Return to Sunless Citadel or Forge of Fury, reworked with his new allies, traps, etc.

2017-04-22, 09:32 AM
Do you have one or how easily could you create a new staging area for the BBEG new rally point? I think that would be the most sensible thing for him to do if not just waiting for the party to get into a clash with some of his stronger minions and he can choose where and when to hit them

We've had four game sessions since I posted this thread, so I had to brainstorm a bunch on my own. Earlier in this campaign we adventured through Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, for which I ran a bit of a prologue, running the PC's through a revamped version of G1 - The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief (using Skullcrusher Ogres), as they were a level behind where I had anticipated them being (and it harkened back to GDQ, which was a nice touch, given that EttDwP is a revisiting of Q1 - Queen of the Demonweb Pits).

Well, with the PC's failing Lord of the Iron Fortress, they need to gain another level or so, and I just built upon what had happened in the campaign. A bunch of those Drow still wanted to go to war with the surface (despite them taking out Lolth's plans in EttDwP), and a whole lot of giants still wanted to as well. Since the BBEG had some hired Fire Giant allies on his cube in Acheron, it led me toward continuing my "Against the Giants" insertions into the campaign. He used a couple Wishes to move his remaining allies to the Hellfurnaces of Greyhawk, right outside the Hall of the Fire Giant King (aka, G3).

All the modules of Against the Giants have difficulties porting over to Third Edition, due to the vast increase in Hit Dice/power level that Giants experienced between 1st edition and 2nd (which 3rd inherited). But with a 16th level party, it should work out just fine using Fire Giants, as the adventure's moniker would suggest you do. Sprinkle in the surviving bad guys from the failed module, and a few choice foes from the army massed outside King Snurre's Hall (later wishes were used to set up teleportive means of moving vast numbers of troops fairly quickly), and it should be a nice little revisiting of G3.

The PC's have already found the location of Snurre's Hall and the massing army (Lord of the Iron Fortress kindly stuck a scroll containing a Discern Location spell in a book in the fortress' library; forgotten in the BBEG's evacuation of the fortress). After a skirmish with some new and old foes as they tried scrying the army camp with Arcane Eye (the BBEG brought along one of the CR 16 Blue Dragons from Acheron, and he noticed the PC's flying high over the camp, casting Arcane Eye), the PC's have pulled back, and are now gathering new and old allies (Archons the paladin has been friends with since early in EttDwP; Djinni, given the history of the Blade of Fiery Might), planning to assemble their own army to assault the camp and keep the evil army outside Snurre's Hall busy, while the PC's go into the hall, intent on killing the BBEG's right-hand gal, the Pit Fiend, which the party has come to hate (having fought her 6 or so times, now pretty much at a stalemate, as both sides adapt to each others' tactics), as well as finding the BBEG and the sword.

All in all, it's working out pretty well so far.

The Wishes of the commanded Efreeti have largely been used toward four purposes:
1) Moving forces across the globe/across planes
2) Resurrecting the fallen Trumpet Archon the PC's killed
3) Setting up Permanent Rary's Telepathic Bonds between the bigwigs (Imperagon, the Pit Fiend, the dragons, King Snurre, etc)
4) Getting some magical defenses based upon the PC's previous attack attempts (Rings of Counterspelling loaded against Dimensional Anchor, etc.)

Where we left off, the party bard was nailing his Diplomacy checks to enlist the help of the Djinn, so the PC's will likely end up with a single Noble Djinn on their side, and they now know why the Sultan of the Efreet was so powerful with that blade... (ie - they know about the BBEG's Wish potential). It will be interesting to see what they do with their assembling Forces of GoodTM.

Although, it would be some work:
Return to Sunless Citadel or Forge of Fury, reworked with his new allies, traps, etc.A nice suggestion, but I already did this 8 levels ago. A new player that hadn't played D&D since the 90's joined us right before the foray into The Steading of the Hill Giant Chief and Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, and I ran a side quest for him and a few of the other players, meant entirely as a tutorial, but tying into the campaign at large. They battled through The Sunless Citadel as 8th level characters, though it had been occupied by Drow of a sufficiently challenging level (tying into the Drow surface raids hook of EttDwP).

Due to happenings surrounding the plot of Lord of the Iron Fortress, the location of Forge of Fury is established as reinhabited by dwarves; the PC's visited the place a mere month or so ago, in game.