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View Full Version : Optimization Marshal//Bard Optimization

2017-03-15, 11:05 PM
I've been toying with the idea of a Marshal//Bard gestalt and I'm curious what the denizens of the Playground think. Marshal Auras and Bardic Music DO stack; the combination covers all saves, (matches?) BAB and is CHA SAD. I can't think of a good argument for Marshal//TOB class that isn't MAD, but respecting the one side gestalt multiclass rule I'd totes dip marshal into TOB once for White Raven Song. Draconic Heritage, Draconic Aura, and Double Draconic Aura are givens, although the 30ft range sucks. Does anyone know a way to extend Aura's? I feel like Extend Aura should be a feat: +30ft to all active Aura's. I'm homebrewing that; copyright now unless someone can find it in errata.

Either that or an super-awesome passive-aggressive aura bard multiclass. Something like two-dip Marshal > Draconic Heritage > Draconic Aura > Double Draconic Aura > Bard > Something-Something-White Raven Song... Maybe dip for stances/maneuvers?

Let's make Marshal (or Bard) great again. We have the best optimizers. No one optimizes like the Playground. Thoughts?

The Viscount
2017-03-16, 05:40 PM
In terms of expanding auras, the only feat is Dilate aura which doubles auras for Cha rounds, and can be used once per encounter. It doesn't mention what type of action, so I guess the same as the aura you're using? There are other things to boost auras. If your DM is down with heraldic crests, the Inspiration crest from Forge of War doubles auras.

You must be a sorcerer to take draconic heritage. Instead you can take dragontouched, or just choose one of the dragonblooded races from Dragon Magic.

What type of role are you planning on fulfilling? If you're just party support this seems an effective path to pursue, and I'll toss in mention of dragonfire inspiration. If you'd like to puruse a more active role I'll mention snowflake wardance, and toss on mention of one of my favorite items for a marshal, the gauntlets of heartfelt blows.

In terms of initiator, crusader still had some Cha dependence if you'd like to preserve things.

2017-03-19, 11:09 PM
Thank you for that! I knew about Snowflake Wardance but Crests opened up a whole new avenue for me. I like Gauntlet of Heartfelt Blows too. In the end though, I just got frustrated with Marshal's untapped potential and rewrote the whole class.

2017-03-19, 11:52 PM
We need to know what books are open like Settings, Completes, drag mags? Yes to prestige class? stuff like that. Theres a few in drag mag that despite being prestige class continue bard abilities fully like memory smith.